Questions tagged [amazon-ecs]

Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) is a highly scalable, high performance container management service that supports Docker containers and allows you to easily run applications on a managed cluster of Amazon EC2 instances.

227 questions
1 answer

Amazon ECS - add --shm-size to Docker run

I need to add the shm-size option to the docker run command for the containers run in my cluster on ECS. I cannot see any documented or obvious way to do that in ECS console. Is it possible?
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Can I create an AWS ECS cluster that uses a custom VPC?

So after much time trying to get an AWS ECS cluster to recognize my instances, I realized it was the because the cluster was in the default cluster for the account while the instances were in a custom VPC. I am able to get my instances registered…
0 answers

ELB Instances are removed on failed healthchecks

I'm running an ECS cluster with 4 ELB's. I have the annoying problem that my ELB's remove instances upon healtcheck failure. When my cluster rescale a task, it could be running on another instance so the instances need to be registered with the ELB,…
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In terraform, howto attach a backing ec2 instance to an ecs service

I’m using Terraform to upload a web to AWS. This ECS, with a docker image, that errors with 500 when I try to go to it’s assigned A-record DNS name. For this service, I’ve assigned a few AWS resources: AWS role AWS policy AWS elastic load balancer…
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amazon ecs freeing space on docker storage

I'm trying to cleanup space on docker EBS for Amazon ECS instance. On ECS docker is using separate partition to store all his FS layers: [ec2-user@]$ sudo lvs LV VG Attr LSize Pool Origin Data% Meta% Move Log Cpy%Sync…
1 answer

Docker controller/worker swarm architecture and cross-communication

I'm trying wrap my head around Docker to architect a simple swarm that will eventually be deployed to AWS EC2 Container service. My task is to take different kinds of jobs in an SQS queue and process them based on some JSON with { type =…
  • 101
3 answers

AWS Elastic Container Service - Run service in multiple availability zones

I am running long running tasks via ECS. The container instances are spread over multiple availability zones. Is it possible to define in ECS that when having more then 1 instance of a task, each task should run on another availability zone (if…
0 answers

terraform: Configuring load-balancer to use dynamic port of ECS task/service in AWS

This is sort-of a general question for how dynamic port assignments are supposed to work, though my specific context is trying to figure-out if there is a natural way for a target-group to know the dynamically-assigned port of the service without…
Dustin Oprea
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How to implement nightly ECS instances scale down and scale back up in the morning?

I've been given the task of reducing AWS costs by taking down ECS instances at night and starting them in the morning. Up until now, I found only two methods and I wonder if any of you have any experience with it. The first method is by having a…
Itai Ganot
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AWS ECS in private subnets with autoscaling not working without NAT gateway, why?

I have stack in cloudformation, containing ECS cluster with autoscaling EC2 instances, running in private subnets. ECS is covered by ALB (in public subnets). Container instances get images from AWS ECR. I created these VPC endpoints: s3 vpc gateway…
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ECS/Fargate CPU peaks only to 60%

We have created an ECS/Fargate container with 2 VCPU and 4 GB RAM, running a NodeJS server in it. When we do the load testing using JMeter the VCPU reaches a maximum of 60% and flats out with the memory utilization close to 10%. Even when we…
1 answer

ECS service is not starting tasks

Hello I am using aws ecs and terraform to deploy a few containers. I am trying to create an ecs cluster with ec2 instances and in each instance I want to run two nginx containers. I have a load balancer setup in my public subnets and I create an…
1 answer

How to assign stable/elastic IP to AWS ECS (EC2) service , which can be whitelisted by client at their firewall

I am running service on ECS, which calls third party API. How can I have stable/elastic IP which third party can add to their firewall? EC2 to should be able to scaleup and scaledown, ECS is free to scheduler service on any of the VMs inside the…
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ECS: Container parameters gets cleared when bumping the version of the task definition used in a scheduled task

After increasing the version, I expected to see this (the existing container parameters and version 11 of the task definition): However, I got (containers with only default parameters): I've encountered this maybe five times, but usually it's in…
Dustin Oprea
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0 answers

What instance type is well matched for Jenkins ECS worker cluster for java / docker builds?

We run java microservice builds using Jenkins ECS plugin to farm the work across and EC2 cluster. We use m4.2xlarge and see some issues with gradle + jib + artifactory when cluster gets busy. These show as memory problems and or Exception in…
Peter Kahn
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