Questions tagged [amazon-ecs]

Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) is a highly scalable, high performance container management service that supports Docker containers and allows you to easily run applications on a managed cluster of Amazon EC2 instances.

227 questions
1 answer

How to route to Cloudfront+s3 and rest to ALB in Route53?

The project has a domain name pointing to a legacy system, hosting and serving mainly static files. The project got more complex over time and in AWS ALB certain /routes are pointed to particularly isolated micro-applications (for…
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AWS ECS Cluster Autoscaling

I am trying to setup a scaling policy in ECS Cluster, so that EC2 instance that make up ECS cluster and task runnning in ECS Service could scale up and down based on the scalling policy i specified. I had created 2 cloud watch alarm for that, which…
1 answer

What is the right way to put Nginx in front of a Node.js Docker app for AWS ECS deployment?

We have a Node.js/Express application that is deployed as Docker containers into AWS ECS. This app has a few static resources (CSS, JS), and I would like requests for these assets to bypass Node.js and be served directly by Nginx for performance…
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Unable to set up an Envoy Front Proxy on Amazon ECS

I am trying to set up an envoy front proxy using envoy sidecar containers on Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) referring to this link. The envoy sidecar configuration is : #service-envoy.yaml static_resources: listeners: - address: …
Ashish Sharma
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AWS ECS service time period for checking and placing task in a container instance?

I scaled down my EC2 instance count to zero in ECS Container for testing purpose and task count mentioned in the ECS service is still 3 unchanged. Now i can see events happening in event tab, the service will try to place 3 task in containers and…
Sreeraju V
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2 answers

Network Load Balancer to Fargate/ECS Cluster - how to map multiple ports/target groups to one service?

Here is my setup: Route53 Alias Record -> Network Load Balancer -> Fargate/ECS Cluster The containers in the cluster have their own TLS certificates and have ports 80 and 443 open. The http server in the container sends a 302 redirect to port 443 if…
1 answer

Docker labels for ECS containers

I'm new to using labels with Docker containers, but I noticed that the labels I add to my images during build are ignored by ECS when I deploy a task definition. I can see that I can add the labels to the container as part of the task definition,…
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Is persisting data in Fargate containers recommended?

My application - a Postgres/Nginx/Django application powered by docker-compose. 3 separate containers. My production setup - Nginx/Django containers hosted on Amazon ECR. Deployment to a single cluster/service on AWS Fargate. My confusion - should…
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Error creating new cluster in AWS with ecs-cli

I'm running this command ecs-cli up --keypair aws-keypair-brickpile --capability-iam --size 1 --instance-type t3.medium --spot-price 0.02 with my default region eu-north-1 but it exits with this error. I can't figure out what the problem…
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Can we make AWS ALB forward request from a single user to the same target always?

I'm new to AWS ALB and I have set up an AWS Application Load Balancer along with ECS cluster with 2 EC2 instances. The entire architecture works fine. But later I find that the API calls from a single user are going to different targets (EC2…
Neron Joseph
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Gerrit ssh users on EC2/ECS

I'm trying to deploy gerrit code review to AWS and am running into problems with trying to ssh in once it's deployed. When I've created a new user, what does work is SSH tunneling in like ssh -fNL 29418::29418 ec2-user@ then…
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Why do I get an "empty reply from server" from AWS ECS?

I have a web service in a Docker image to which I am trying to upload two files: a 6MB file and an 18MB file. When running in my local Docker service, both files upload fine. With the same image in ECS, only the 6MB file successfully…
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Routing HTTP traffic to user specific Docker containers dynamically

I am attempting to architect a service which would run user specific java processes within Docker containers in AWS (ECS most likely). One java process per container per user. The only exception to this might be when spinning up a replacement…
1 answer

How do AWS ECS Task Definition updates work?

I have an ECS Service running a task definition. Whenever I push a new task definition out, I know there is some blue-green logic to drain the previous task before rerouting to the new task. What happens if you push a new task definition but your…
1 answer

AWS ECS: Service + autoscaling vs User Data launching Task

Trying to wrap my head around ECS using EC2 launch (not Fargate, at least for now). Assume a single long-running task that I want to launch with every container instance. The intended mechanism for this appears to be a Service, which will launch as…
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