Harper Scout (3.5e Class)

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Harper Scout

The Harpers are a secret society. Members are dedicated to holding back evil, preserving knowledge and maintaining the balance between civilization and the wild. The Harper scout performs many duties including espionage, stealth and reporting information.

Making a Harper Scout

Many Harpers are bards, but by no means all. Ranger, rogue, sorcerer, and wizard are common vocations for Harpers, as these classes tend to have versatility and mobility. All have some skill at manipulating others, a resistance to outside mental influences, acute abilities of perception, and a talent for solving problems.

Abilities: For Harper Scouts who wish to magically buff their ranged attacks, Wisdom is the driving force that boosts his overall Armor Class and influences certain skills and abilities. Dexterity is the key ability for accuracy with a bow and increases a Harper Scout's defense, empowers many of his skills, and is especially useful when applying magical abilities to ranged attacks while maintaining dexterous combat styles. Charisma may be useful to those that want to learn how to nullify their opponents ability to deflect weapons.

Races: Cibola, Hissi, Human, Yzmeri, Kyrii, Nyanya, and Synpyre

Alignment: Any Non-Chaotic, Good-aligned.

Starting Gold: Starting gold is 3d8x10 (240 gold.); Harper Scouts who take the profession "Bounty Hunter" or "Mercenary" gain an additional 3d6 x 10 (180 gold) to their income total.

Starting Age: As Moderate

Table: The Harper Scout

Hit Die: d8

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special Spells per Day
FortRefWill 01st2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8th9th
1st+1+2+2+2 Bonus Feat, Harper Domain, Trapfinding, Harper Knowledge, Deneir's Eye, Skill Focus, Tymora's Smile, Lliirra's Heart, Craft Harper Item, Restraints, Dirty-Fighting, Favored Enemy, Leap of the Clouds, Parry 31+1
2nd+2+3+3+3 Quarry, Combat Style, Tuck and Roll, 42+1
3rd+3+3+3+3 Bonus Feat, Dirty-Fighting 42+11+1
4th+4+4+4+4 53+12+1
5th+5+4+4+4 Bonus Feat, Instincts, Acrobatic Attack 53+12+11+1
6th+6/+1+5+5+5 Improved Combat Style, Improved Restraints 53+13+12+1
7th+6/+1+5+5+5 Bonus Feat 64+13+12+11+1
8th+7/+2+6+6+6 64+13+13+12+1
9th+8/+3+6+6+6 Bonus Feat, Shield Ally 64+14+13+12+11+1
10th+9/+4+7+7+7 Dirty-Fighting, Justicar 64+14+13+13+12+11+1
11th+9/+4+7+7+7 Bonus Feat, Combat Style Mastery 65+14+14+13+12+12+1
12th+10/+5+8+8+8 Imbued Arrows, Domain 65+14+14+13+13+12+1
13th+11/+6/+1+8+8+8 Bonus Feat 65+15+14+14+13+13+11+1
14th+12/+7/+2+9+9+9 Domain 65+15+14+14+13+13+12+1
15th+12/+7/+2+9+9+9 Bonus Feat 65+15+15+14+14+13+12+11+1
16th+13/+8/+3+10+10+10 Domain 65+15+15+14+14+14+13+12+1
17th+14/+9/+4+10+10+10 Bonus Feat 65+15+15+15+14+14+13+12+11+1
18th+15/+10/+5+11+11+11 Improved Shield Ally, Domain 65+15+15+15+14+14+13+13+12+1
19th+16/+11/+6/+1+11+11+11 Bonus Feat 65+15+15+15+15+14+14+13+13+1
20th+17/+12/+7/+2+12+12+12 Dirty-Fighting, Fearless, Domain 65+15+15+15+15+14+14+14+14+1

Class Skills (8 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Acrobatics (Dex), Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Diplomacy (Int), Disable Device (Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge [Geography] (INT), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Mercenary), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of hand (Dex), Stealth (Dex), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str).

Harper Scout Class Features

All the following are class features of the Harper Scout class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Harper Scouts are proficient with any type of bow, including crossbows (All); blades versatile enough for a Harper Scout's needs are Dagger, Punching Dagger, Barbed Dagger, Triple Dagger, Throwing Axe (Mouse Tomahawk), Handaxe (Lumberjack), Kukri, Flutter Blade, Garrote Cord, Locking Garrote, Iuak, Kama, Stump Knife, Nekode, Nunchaku, Sai, War Fan, Eagle's Claw, Scorpion Claws, Chakram, Chatkcha, and Macuahuitl.

Harper Scouts are not proficient with any Heavy Armor or Shields (Including Tower).

Ranged Bonus Feats: At 1st level, The Harper Scout gets a bonus combat-oriented feat in addition to the feat that any 1st-level character gets and the bonus feat granted to a human character. The Harper Scout gains an additional bonus feat at 3d level and every odd level thereafter (5,7,9,11,13). The feats are selected from the following specialized list:

Called Shot, Combat Archery, Distant Shot, Far Shot, Fell Shot, Firearm Sniper, Greater Manyshot, Improved Arrow of Death, Improved Bow Sniper, Improved Crossbow Sniper, Improved Manyshot, Improved Firearm Sniper, Improved Far Shot 2, Instant Reload, Improved Precise Shot, Improved Point Blank Shot, Manyshot, Mounted Archery, Pinpoint Shot, Opportunity Shot, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Ranged Sniper, Rapid Reload, Rapid Shot, Reach Spell, Sharp Shooting, Shot on the Run, Stone Thrower, Reload on the Run, Ranged Shield Pin, Overpull, One Handed Reloader, One Handed Crossbow Shot, Intercept Shot, Expert Aim, Empty Quiver, Ducking Shot, and Clever Ricochet.

Harper Domain: The Harper Scout gains a Domain that determines the ammunition that will be summoned for his chosen ranged weapon at the current time. All ammunition is made from Soil which is a compound made of the souls of those who were destroyed by unjust methods that linger on as life force crystallized into ammunition to be used to smite evil as a form to being released with purpose fulfilled. The caster can choose for the ammunition to being lethal or nonlethal damage types, but must state so prior to use, as its power can be seen when unleashed in a spiraled movement which fires from the ranged weapon. All ammunition that is not used up by the end of combat or the instance will disappear and cannot be cast with permanency. How many times the ammunition can be summoned as a normal spell would is determined by the Spells Per Day; the following is a list of all the soils ammunition and their description:

Granted Powers

Seize the Initiative (Su): Whenever you and your allies roll for initiative, you can grant one ally within 30 feet the ability to roll twice and take either result. This decision is made before results are revealed. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.

Lathander (1st-Level Spell) The origin of all things, Mother Black! A heat that will scorch all creation, Fire Red! The critical point of everything, Burning Gold! Burn up! I summon you! Lathander!

This grants x18 ammunition appropriate to the weapon currently used by the caster that is bestowed by the spell Sanctuary

Istishia (1st-Level Spell) An infinity that surpasses the heavens, Sky Blue! A completeness that goes through solid ground, Earth Brown! The deception to hollow out a dimension, Magic Violet! Come out! I summon you, Istishia!

This grants x18 ammunition appropriate to the weapon currently used by the caster that is bestowed by the spell Ventriloquism

Auril (2nd-Level Spell) The cry of a soul without light, Forest Green! The soil that forbids the birth of life, Maiden White! To freeze all things, Ice Blue! Shine! I summon you! Auril!

This grants x15 ammunition appropriate to the weapon currently used by the caster that is bestowed by the spell Glitterdust

Mielikki (2nd-Level Spell) The sleep that engulfs death, Steel Gray! Bubbling and boiling blood, Heat Crimson! The light that penetrates darkness, Lightning Yellow! Howl! I summon you! Mielikki!

This grants x15 ammunition appropriate to the weapon currently used by the caster that is bestowed by the spell Gust of Wind

Sekolah (3rd-Level Spell) Grinding and devouring rocks, Shark Gray! The soil that drinks thirst, Water Blue! That which can even feed on empty space, Crusher White! Roar! I summon you! Sekolah!

This grants x13 ammunition appropriate to the weapon currently used by the caster that is bestowed by the spell Snare

Kossuth (3rd-Level Spell) The flaming hot fang, Cardinal Red! The deep blood of the hurricane, Dark Crimson! The strength of steel, Burnt Sienna! Scorch! I summon you! Kossuth!

This grants x13 ammunition appropriate to the weapon currently used by the caster that is bestowed by the spell Fireball

Kord (4th-Level Spell) The light that dictates the time of eternity, Luminous Silver! The darkness that dictates the time of destruction, Demolition Black! The moment that dictates the time of extinction, Steel Gray! Penetrate! I summon you! Kord!

This grants x11 ammunition appropriate to the weapon currently used by the caster that is bestowed by the spell Restoration

Tharizdun (4th-Level Spell) The fury that levels everything to the ground, Storm Blue! The essence that erases all color, Ash Gray! The spirit that drops into infinite darkness, Silent Black! Emerge! I summon you! Tharizdun!

This grants x11 ammunition appropriate to the weapon currently used by the caster that is bestowed by the spell Mass, Reduce Person

Annam All-Father (5th-Level Spell) The solid earth that protects, Gaia Brown! The hidden silence of passion, Deep Vermillion! From the eternal vitality of life, Evergreen! Smash! I summon you! Annam All-Father!

This grants x9 ammunition appropriate to the weapon currently used by the caster that is bestowed by the spell Stoneskin

Asmodeus (5th-Level Spell) The roar of the sky engulfed in flames, Horizon Gold! The daggers of an angry rain, Arrow Black! The light that drives a wedge into eternity, Photon Silver! Destroy! I summon you! Asmodeus!

This grants x9 ammunition appropriate to the weapon currently used by the caster that is bestowed by the spell Greater Command

Asgorath (6th-Level Spell) The light that fills up your eyes, Tears of the Rainbow! The ultimate spirit, Soul Gun Metal! And finally, the soul charge triad to use on you has been decided! The helix of my life, Asgorath!

This grants x7 ammunition appropriate to the weapon currently used by the caster that is bestowed by the spell Greater Dispel Magic

Talos (6th-Level Spell) A heat that will scorch all creation, Fire Red! To freeze all things, Ice Blue! The light that penetrates darkness, Lightning Yellow! Howl! I summon you, Talos!

This grants x7 ammunition appropriate to the weapon currently used by the caster that is bestowed by the spell Chain Lightning

The Triad (7th-Level Spell) A bladestorm of bonds, Sword Torm! The squall of fortitude, Ilmater! And finally, a prideful gale, Tyr! Slaughter! I summon you, The Triad!

This grants x5 ammunition appropriate to the weapon currently used by the caster that is bestowed by the spell Repulsion

Dendar (7th-Level Spell) A cry of the cursed darkness, Curse White! The eye of lightless darkness, Shadow Purple! And finally, venom of the darkest sin, Poison Black! Judgment! I summon you, Dendar!

This grants x5 ammunition appropriate to the weapon currently used by the caster that is bestowed by the spell Creeping Doom

Red Knight (8th-Level Spell) A bladestorm of bonds, Sword Viridian! Facing the road of extinction in a flash of an instant, Steel Gray! And finally, a wave of fresh rage, Gladius Red! Annihilate! I summon you, Red Knight!

This grants x3 ammunition appropriate to the weapon currently used by the caster that is bestowed by the spell Maze

Kelemvor (8th-Level Spell) More infinite than the open sky, Sky Blue! The one to fill out the devilish darkness, Holy Black! The light after trial, Judgment White! Shine! I summon you, Kelemvor!

This grants x3 ammunition appropriate to the weapon currently used by the caster that is bestowed by the spell Mass, Cure Critical Wounds

Pale Night (9th-Level Spell) That which falls into infinite darkness, Silent Black! One that hates the pain of lament, Pain Blue! And finally, to restrain all things, Chain Gold! Resonate! I summon you, Pale Night!

This grants x1 ammunition appropriate to the weapon currently used by the caster that is bestowed by the spell Weird.

Trapfinding: (Ex): Harper Scouts can use the search skill to locate traps when the the task has a Difficulty Class higher than 20. Finding a non-magical trap has a DC of at least 20, or higher if it is well hidden. Finding a magical trap has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create it. Harper Scouts can use the Disable Device skill to disarm magic traps. A magic trap generally has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create it. A Harper Scout who beats the trap's DC by 10 or more with a Disable Device check can study a trap, figure out how it works, and bypass it (with her party) without disarming it.

Harper Knowledge: Like a bard, a Harper Scout has a knack for picking up odds and ends of knowledge. This ability works exactly like the bardic knowledge ability of the bard class. If a Harper Scout has bard levels, her Harper Scout levels and bard levels stack for the purpose of using bardic knowledge.

Deneir's Eye (Su): A Harper Scout gains a +2 holy bonus on saving throws against glyphs, runes, and symbols.

Skill Focus: A Harper Scout gains the Skill Focus feat for her Perform skill and any one other Harper Scout class skill.

Tymora's Smile (Su): Once per day, a Harper Scout can add a +2 luck bonus on a single saving throw. This bonus can be added after the die is rolled and after success or failure of the unmodified roll is determined.

Lliirra's Heart (Su): A Harper Scout gains a +2 holy bonus on saving throws against compulsion and fear effects.

Craft Harper Item: A specialized form of the Craft Wondrous Item feat, this allows a Harper scout to create magic musical instruments, Harper pins, and certain potions (Charisma, detect thoughts, glibness, tongues, and truth). This ability replaces the need for any other item creation feat for the item. The Harper scout's casting level for these items is her Harper scout level plus all other caster levels from her other spellcasting classes. All the normal requirements for an item (such as race or spells) remain the same. All other rules for creating wondrous items or potions apply.

Restraints: (Ex): A Harper Scout is constantly having to engage his quarry in grapples in order to subdue a target and bring them in. At 2nd level, a Harper Scout gains Improved Grapple as a bonus feat, and gains an additional +4 insight bonus on all grapple checks. When a Harper Scout pins an opponent while grappling, he can attempt to hog-tie the opponent (in addition to his other options; see If You're Pinning An Opponent on page 156 of the Players Handbook). A Harper Scout must have a rope, chain, or manacle in one hand to use this ability.

A Harper Scout can use this ability on an opponent that is up to one size category larger than he is (for example, a gnome Harper Scout can attempt to hog-tie a medium or smaller opponent). He can use this ability only against humanoid shaped creatures (thus any quarry would qualify). The Harper Scout adds 1/2 of his Harper Scout level rounded down (to a minimum of +1) to the DC of all Escape Artist, Open Lock, Strength, or Use Rope checks made to escape from any bonds that the Harper Scout has created or used on the target.

An attempt to hog-tie is resolved with an opposed check. The Harper Scout can choose to make a Use Rope or grapple check, while the opponent must make an opposed Escape Artist or grapple check depending on what check the Harper Scout made. If the Harper Scout succeeds, the opponent is hog-tied. If the opponent succeeds, the hog-tie attempt fails and the grapple continues.

If a Harper Scout successfully hog-ties an opponent, that person is considered bound and helpless. A bound person can attempt to escape by making an Escape Artist check opposed by the Harper Scout's Use Rope check (including his +10 bonus; see Bind a Character on page 86 of the Players Handbook) or a Strength check (DC 23 for rope, DC 26 for manacles or chains, and DC 28 for masterwork manacles or chains + the Harper Scout's class bonus) to break free.

Dirty-Fighting: (Ex): Harper Scouts are resourceful people and due to this have several tricks up their sleeves at all times.

At Level 1, on a successful parry, kick opponent for 1d6 nonlethal damage driving them back 5ft. Damage goes up 1 die size every 4 levels. If target can't move back, takes additional damage equal to Harper Scout levels, damage dealt is also nonlethal.

At Level 5, Harper Scouts may make their own attacks after a successful Parry.

At Level 10, Harper Scouts are able to throw any loose debris such as sand or dirt into an opponent's eyes, Reflex Save of 10 + Harper Scout Level + Dexterity Modifier or is blinded for 1d4 rounds.

At Level 15, Harper Scouts' Parry counter attacks treat enemy as they would if they failed the combat presence requirements (Harper Scout will treat opponent as flat footed on their next attack and deal bonus damage equal to their class level.)

At Level 20, When Harper Scouts use Light or Finesse weapons, and critically hit, does not need to confirm critical.

Favored Enemy (Ex): At 1st level, a Harper Scout may select a type of creature from among those given on Table: Ranger Favored Enemies. The Harper Scout gains a +2 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival checks when using these skills against creatures of this type. Likewise, he gets a +2 bonus on weapon damage rolls against such creatures.

At 5th level and every five levels thereafter (10th, 15th, and 20th level), the Harper Scout may select an additional favored enemy from those given on the table. In addition, at each such interval, the bonus against any one favored enemy (including the one just selected, if so desired) increases by 2.

If the Harper Scout chooses humanoids or outsiders as a favored enemy, he must also choose an associated subtype, as indicated on the table. If a specific creature falls into more than one category of favored enemy, the Harper Scout’s bonuses do not stack; he simply uses whichever bonus is higher.

Leap of the Clouds (Su): At 1st level, a Harper Scout's jumping distance (vertical or horizontal) is not limited according to his height.

Parry (Ex): When using proficiency weapons or weapons affected by the Weapon Finesse feat, allows the Harper Scout to roll their own attack roll when being attacked once per round. If their attack roll is higher than the enemies, then they take no damage. Does not work in Heavy armor.

Quarry (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, a Harper Scout can target, or mark, any individual humanoid, monstrous humanoid, giant, outsider (native), or any other creature who is partially or mostly humanoid in shape for this to work, such as; Aasimar, Tiefling, Rakshasa, Nymphs, Satyrs, Mephits, Half dragons, Dragonkin, Mind flayers, Night hags, Nightwalkers, Zombies, Skeletons, Vampires, including the vast majority of devils and angels are acceptable as well so long as they are predominantly humanoid in shape. To quarry an individual of the aforementioned creature types, a Harper Scout must focus on a foe who is present and visible, the depiction or description of one who isn't, or ask general questions of someone who is knowledgeable about his quarry for 10 minutes. Any interruption ruins the attempt and forces the Harper Scout to start the process again. Once the study is complete, that target is now called a quarry, and a Harper Scout gains several bonuses and advantages against a quarry.

A Harper Scout may add a new quarry as many times per day as he likes so long as he has an available quarry spot, and may have a maximum number of quarries equal to his Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1) at any given time. The Harper Scout does not need to study all of his quarries at the same time, but if he chooses to take a new quarry when he is already at his maximum number of quarries, he must choose one of his existing quarries to unmark. When he unmarks a quarry, a Harper Scout loses an amount of experience equal to what he would have earned from defeating the unmarked creature in one-on-one combat. If a Harper Scout gives up on hunting any of his quarries, the creature becomes unmarked and the Harper Scout loses all bonus described below. To remark an unmarked quarry, the Harper Scout must go through the same process detailed above to remark them.

A Harper Scout is anticipating deception from his quarries at all times. Against a quarry, a Harper Scout can ready an action, even outside the initiative sequence. If the quarry triggers the Harper Scout's readied action at any point within the next 10 minutes, if the Bounty Hunter is not in combat with the quarry, he can still carry out his readied action as though the two were in combat (as long as the Harper Scout is physically capable of carrying out that action), granting the Harper Scout the only action in a surprise round with the quarry being treated as flat-footed for the round. If the Harper Scout is incapable of carrying out the action, for instance, if he is too far away to strike the quarry with a melee attack, the readied action is lost.

A Harper Scout also adds 1/2 his Harper Scout level (minimum of +1) as an insight bonus on all Bluff, Gather Information, Listen, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival checks made against a quarry, or any skill or ability checks made to determine the whereabouts of a quarry, as well as a bonus equal to his class level on attack and damage rolls against his quarry. The extra damage may also be added into a Nonlethal Strike. As a Harper Scout gains levels, he gains additional abilities that can only be used against a quarry.

Combat Style (Ex): At 2nd level, a Harper Scout must select one of two combat styles to pursue: archery or two-weapon combat. This choice affects the character’s class features but does not restrict his selection of feats or special abilities in any way.

If the Harper Scout selects archery, he is treated as having the Rapid Shot feat, even if he does not have the normal prerequisites for that feat.

If the Harper Scout selects two-weapon combat, he is treated as having the Two-Weapon Fighting feat, even if he does not have the normal prerequisites for that feat.

The benefits of the Harper Scout’s chosen style apply only when he wears light or medium armor. He loses all benefits of his combat style when wearing heavy armor.

Tuck and Roll (Ex): Harper Scouts roll a tumble check of 10 + Enemy Level, then they can move through threatened squares at ½ movement speed without provoking Attacks of Opportunity. Unable to use wearing Heavy armor.

Instincts (Su): A Harper Scout has superb instincts, almost bordering on the supernatural. A 5th level Harper Scout can make a special survival check to determine in which direction a quarry might be found if the quarry is within 1 mile of the Harper Scout (DC 15 + target's HD). This ability only works against quarries. The DM should roll this check secretly for the Harper Scout, since the player should not know if he failed the check because of the die roll, or because the target is too far away. A Harper Scout may only try to use his Instincts in this manner a number of times per day equal to his wisdom modifier (a minimum of 1).

In addition, if the Harper Scout is able to deal damage to his quarry during a battle, and the quarry escapes, for the next 48 hours, the Harper Scout automatically knows which direction the quarry is in, and the approximate distance (within 10% of the total distance) between himself and his quarry. If the Quarry is within 60 feet, the Harper Scout knows the quarry's exact location regardless of cover, concealment, or even magical effects. Only Mind Blank, Limited Wish, Wish, Miracle, or divine intervention can hide the quarry's location once the Harper Scout is within 60 feet during this 48 hour period. This ability only works if the Harper Scout and his quarry are on the same plane of existence, and the Harper Scout automatically knows when he loses the quarry's trail because they are not on the same plane of existence anymore. This ability can be active on multiple quarries at the same time, regardless of the distance between each quarry.

Acrobatic Attack (Ex): At 5th level, if the Harper Scout attacks by jumping at least 5 feet toward his opponent, jumping down at least 5 feet onto his opponent or swinging on a rope or similar object into his opponent, he gains a +2 bonus on attack and damage rolls. The Harper Scout must make a Jump check; if the result is less than 5 feet, he cannot use this ability on that attack. If the result is greater than the distance between the Harper Scout and the opponent, the Harper Scout can limit the distance to that between himself and the opponent as a free action.

Improved Combat Style (Ex): At 6th level, a Harper Scout’s aptitude in his chosen combat style (archery or two-weapon combat) improves. If he selected archery at 2nd level, he is treated as having the Manyshot feat, even if he does not have the normal prerequisites for that feat.

If the Harper Scout selected two-weapon combat at 2nd level, he is treated as having the Improved Two-Weapon Fighting feat, even if he does not have the normal prerequisites for that feat.

As before, the benefits of the Harper Scout’s chosen style apply only when he wears light or medium armor. He loses all benefits of his combat style when wearing heavy armor.

Improved Restraints (Ex): A Harper Scout of 6th level or higher can make a hog-tie attempt without first pinning his opponent. Whenever a grapple is established, the Harper Scout can use an attack action to make a hog-tie attempt. Also, if the Harper Scout has the Quick Draw feat, he does not need to be holding the rope, chain, or manacles in his hand before making the attempt.

Shield Ally (Ex): Starting at 9th level, Harper Scouts can choose to absorb half of the damage dealt to an adjacent ally as an immediate action. The remaining half of the damage is dealt to the target as usual. Harper Scouts can only absorb damage from physical melee attacks and ranged attacks, such as arrows and sword slashes, not from spells and other effects.

Justicar (Sp): A Harper Scout rarely trusts others, and never trusts a quarry any further than an old gnome wizard could throw them. That being the case, a Harper Scout sometimes needs an "insurance policy" to ensure that others will act according to their word. At 10th level, at a number of times per day equal to his wisdom modifier (a minimum of 1), a Harper Scout of 10th level or higher can produce an effect similar to the Mark of Justice spell, with a caster level equal to his Harper Scout class level. Most Harper Scouts use this spell to state that if the quarry goes X feet away from the Harper Scout or attempts to flee, that they either have their movement speed permanently reduced to 5 feet per round, or become permanently blind and deafened, or the like. A Harper Scout can remove the effects of his Justicar ability at any time, as a free action.

Combat Style Mastery (Ex): At 11th level, a Harper Scout’s aptitude in his chosen combat style (archery or two-weapon combat) improves again. If he selected archery at 2nd level, he is treated as having the Improved Precise Shot feat, even if he does not have the normal prerequisites for that feat.

If the Harper Scout selected two-weapon combat at 2nd level, he is treated as having the Greater Two-Weapon Fighting feat, even if he does not have the normal prerequisites for that feat.

As before, the benefits of the Harper Scout’s chosen style apply only when he wears light or medium armor. He loses all benefits of his combat style when wearing heavy armor.

Imbued Arrows: At 12th level, the Harper Scout gains a Domain from the following list that they can use to imbue their arrows in addition to what has already be cast to the arrow; the Harper Scout gains a Domain at every even level thereafter while this ability counts as Quicken Spell for the purpose of casting on the arrows and negating provokes of opportunity on the caster: Air Domain, Earth Domain, Fire Domain, Water Domain; alternate Domain options include Song Domain, Trickery Domain, Luck Domain, and Travel Domain.

Improved Shield Ally (Ex): At 18th level, the Harper Scout's ability to protect allies improves. Once per round, the Harper Scout can absorb all damage from a single attack against an adjacent ally. In addition, the Harper Scout can still absorb half the damage from other physical attacks on adjacent allies, if he chooses. The Harper Scout must choose to use this ability after the attack has succeeded, but before the attacker rolls damage.

Fearless (Ex): At 20th level, the Harper Scout becomes immune to fear effects.

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gollark: I need hexagons for my website's new status panel, see.
gollark: CSS:- making hexagons: easy- making hexagons with nice borders: incredibly hard
gollark: Good idea.
gollark: I'm going to stick a status page on my website containing only useless blinky lights.
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