Cibola (3.5e Race)

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Cibola are lizardtaurs born from the union of the deities Ubtao and Sune; the union gave birth to a race that were passionate of life, finding that it should be protected but not controlled. Each Cibola is taught from youth that strength is not in just wielding a weapon, but fighting in personal beliefs, and relying on individual strengths. They are raised with the mentality that Cibola should be wanderers of Toril, learning every aspect of nature to improve the culture of their own race's longevity, and to serve as an instrument in which nature reclaims it's birthright upon the hearts and minds of the races dwelling within the prime material plane. Cibola are therefore methodical in all that they do, having very strong morals and choose to fight with words before resulting to aggression, but with that they perfect their art of combat to explicitly subdue their foes without the need to kill. Killing to Cibola is the last course of action, and to kill without considering all options is considered a vile taboo that will result in a member of the Cibola being exiled from their culture entirely.

Physical Description

Cibola stand 8ft tall and weigh up to 600 lbs, having the total length of 25ft which made them masculine enough where they weren't the most acrobatic, but slim enough that Cibola could be flexible combat. The scales of their reptilian torso range in hues from emerald green to dark forest, and bright lime while the upper humanoid half ranged from a light beige to a warm tan. The eyes were always a near-black green with soft streaks of turquoise giving an entrancing allure, while hair ranged from soft lavender to deep ocean blue.

Diet: Cibola are omnivorous, but very particular in the matter that meat is largely consumed, preferably raw, while the plants would generally be fruit and rarely vegetables, unless cooked in a saute pleasant to their palette. Most Cibola are discouraged from drinking alcohol, and instead substitute for more homely drinks such as ciders, tea, and milk. If adventuring, it is not uncommon for a Cibola to resort to scavenging for things such as berries, but they'll never eat already dead animals, meat must always be fresh.

Quirk: When a Cibola loses their tail, they eat extensively to gain as much nutrients as possible, within a two week time frame in which a new brightly colored tail will grow from the stump that was either cut off or bitten off.

Quirk: A Cibola can stretch their tongues out to five feet, where the tip is coated in a sticky saliva that acts as super-adhesive glue, capable of grabbing hold of even rooted plants and yanking them out towards the maw of a Cibola.


Often times people of Toril are mistrusting of the older reptilian races due to The Time of Troubles and further past, but the Cibola are patient advocates of peace and freewill, dedicating their time to earn trust amongst respectable cultures and never hesitating to help individuals in need. Many simple folk have come to trust and befriend Cibola, as they understand this reptilian race is very friendly and can be helpful protectorates of settlements lacking security.


Most Cibola follow the spectrum of Neutrality, but its not unheard of through the moral teaching of their elders, that members will grow up having stronger personalities such as Chaotic Good or Lawful Good. It is unheard of for a Cibola being known as Evil.


Deep in the heart of Chult the Cibola claimed the home of Mezro. Mezro was built along the River Olung, which served as its southern and western borders. Thick jungle was found on the east and north. The city was circular and divided into four quarters by wide avenues stemming from the Temple of Ubtao at the center.

Agricultural Quarter This quarter was located in the southeast. It was divided up into farms, fields, and groves for growing bananas, berries, cassavas, nuts, papayas, plantains, sorghum, yams, and various medicinal plants. Honey was also produced here. The land was magically enhanced to ensure fertile crops. Small dinosaurs were common in this area of the city.

Residential Quarter This quarter was located in the southwest. It was a literal maze of simple, one-story, adobe-style houses. Most Mezroans lived here. The byways were of sand with rushes.

Market Quarter This quarter was located in the northwest. Here were found craftsmen, hostels, inns, and various smiths. Also located here was the famous amphitheater built by Ubtao himself.

Scholars' Quarter This quarter was located in the northeast. It contained the Library of Mezro, the College of Wizards, and the Warriors' Training Ground. It was full of other schools as well, as the city educated every child in math, history, and literacy, and guilds were not present there to teach crafts.

Amphitheater of Mezro The center of Mezroan cultural life, this stadium was decorated with gem-studded dinosaur statues and was the site of recitals of Chultan lore, plays, and dinosaur races.

College of Wizards This active school of magic was highly guarded to non-students.

Library of Mezro This three-story-tall building housed parchment books detailing over fifteen hundred years of Mezroan culture. It also included a museum of statues, paintings, and musical instruments.

Temple of Ubtao Created by Ubtao, this ancient, magical, nine-story, golden-domed temple was found at the center of Mezro. It contains a Hall of Champions and the King's audience hall, from which the bara Osaw ruled.


Due to their heritage in being the product of Ubtao and Sune's past companionship, while Ubtao is the primary fatherhead deity of the Cibola, they also embrace Sune as a motherly teacher and do in fact encourage open practice and the building of shrines dedicated to her.


Cibola speak draconic and Chultan as their starting languages. Their bonus languages include Tabaxi, Terran, Elven and Sylvan.


Names amongst Cibola are meant to be exotic but earthy, having strong similarities to traditional Chinese culture.

Masculine Names: Tadakatsu, Hanzō, Masamune, Keiji.

Feminine Names: Daqiao, Lianshi, Chunhua‎‎, Nuwa

Racial Traits

  • +2 Strength, +1 Dexterity, +1 Wisdom
  • Aberration (Reptilian)
  • Size: Large; Average Length 20–22 ft (their tails making up about half their length). +4 Grapple, -1 penalty to Armor Class, +1 penalty on Attack Rolls, -4 on Hide checks, lifting and carrying limits double those of Medium characters.
  • Cibola base land speed is feet: 30 feet, Climb 30.
  • Gecko Feet: Cibola have four-toed feet with sticky pads that allow them to cling to surfaces such as walls and ceilings like the supernatural ability Spider Climb.
  • Vision: Infravision (160 ft), Lowlight Vision (60 ft); susceptible to blindness in bright light.
  • Tremorsense (Su): They can detect walking, running, the dropping of objects, or any other thing that vibrates the ground even slightly in a 60 foot radius.
  • Natural Armor: A Cibola's scaly skin provides it with a +2 natural armor bonus to its Armor Class.
  • Natural Attack: Cibola can bite (1d6), kick with their hind legs (4d8), and jump up to 50 feet horizontally and 30 feet upwards.
  • Versatile Tail: A Cibola's tail has been trained to be an extension of their body, a weapon that can not just grab and grapple, but constrict targets as well, dealing bludgeoning damage after making a successful grapple check. If the creature also has the improved grab ability it deals constriction damage in addition to damage dealt by the weapon used to grab. A Cibola's tail gives it exceptional balance, and gain a +4 racial bonus on all Balance and Jump checks. They may also choose to take Jump checks on Dex rather than Str.
  • Improved Grapple (Su): You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when you make a touch attack to start a grapple. You also gain a +4 bonus on all grapple checks, regardless of whether you started the grapple.
  • Chameleon Camouflage: A Cibola's coloring, varying from bright green to mottled forest, provide them with a +5 to Hide checks in forest and jungle environments. Cibola have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to Hide.
  • Awkward Build: Due to their tails and posture, Cibolas must have armor custom made at an increased cost of 50% (including the cost of masterwork armor.)
  • Skills: Cibola have a +6 racial bonus on Hide and Move Silently checks due to their coloration, but only in Forests, Jungles, and overgrown vegetation. Cibola have a +4 racial bonus on Listen and Spot checks.

Cibola use their Dexterity modifier instead of their Strength modifier for Climb and Jump checks.

Cibola have a +8 racial bonus on Climb checks and can always choose to take 10 on a Climb check, even if rushed or threatened.

Cibola have a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. It can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.

  • Reptilian Resistance: Cibola are immune to all natural and magical poisons/diseases.
  • Poisonous Affection: Cibola have a specialized toxin carried in a sac gland amidst the middle part of their throat that they can stimulate in a ranged spit attack.

Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 10/30 ft., one target. Hit: 2d8 acid damage; Will Save DC 10 + Cibola's Wisdom Modifier + Spell Level otherwise fall under the Sleep effects for 1d6 rounds. Upon waking up, the target suffers from Nauseated for 1d4 turns.

  • Stickitung: Cibola have a foot long tongue that is covered in a thick clear mucus that acts as an adhesive to latch onto targets. Unlike humans, Cibola tongues are connected at the front of the lower jaw, rather than at the back of the throat. The Cibola tongue projects out of the mouth using an inertial projection mechanism: the jaw rapidly opens, the tongue rotates and inertia of the tissue causes the tongue to project toward the target. A Cibola's tongue can pick up and grapple targets 1.4 times its own body weight.
  • Automatic Languages: Chultan and Draconic Bonus Languages: Tabaxi, Terran, Common and Sylvan.
  • Favored Class: Ranger, Monk, Zen Archer
  • Level Adjustment: +3

Vital Statistics

Table: Random Starting Ages
50 yrs+1d10 yrs+1d20 yrs+4d10 yrs
Table: Aging Effects
Middle Age1Old2Venerable3Maximum Age
200 yrs400 yrs -- 600 yrs800 yrs+ 1000 yrs
  1. At middle age, 1 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  2. At old age, 2 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  3. At venerable age, 3 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
Table: Random Height and Weight
GenderBase HeightHeight ModifierBase WeightWeight Modifier
Male10' 5"+2d61000 lb.× (4d10) lb.
Female8' 5"+1d6500 lb.× (4d10) lb.

Cibola Half-Breed (Subrace)

This subspecies is the product of Humans and Cibola becoming a mated pair to produce offspring with less monstrous humanoid characteristics to better settle in the urban life of civilized nations.

Strength +1, Dexterity +2, Wisdom +1

Monstrous Humanoid (Reptilian)

Size: Medium

Cibola base land speed is feet: 30 feet, Climb 30.

Gecko Feet: Cibola have four-toed feet with sticky pads that allow them to cling to surfaces such as walls and ceilings like the supernatural ability Spider Climb.

Vision: Infravision (30 ft), Lowlight Vision (30 ft); susceptible to blindness in bright light.

Tremorsense (Su): They can detect walking, running, the dropping of objects, or any other thing that vibrates the ground even slightly in a 60 foot radius.

Natural Armor: A Cibola's scaly skin provides it with a +2 natural armor bonus to its Armor Class.

Natural Attack: Cibola can bite (1d6), kick with their hind legs (2d6), and jump up to 30 feet horizontally and 30 feet upwards.

Versatile Tail: A Cibola's tail gives it exceptional balance, and gain a +4 racial bonus on all Balance and Jump checks. They may also choose to take Jump checks on Dex rather than Str.

Chameleon Camouflage: A Cibola's coloring, varying from bright green to mottled forest, provide them with a +6 to Hide checks in forest and jungle environments. Cibola have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to Hide.

Skills: Cibola have a +6 racial bonus on Hide and Move Silently checks due to their coloration, but only in Forests, Jungles, and overgrown vegetation. Cibola have a +4 racial bonus on Listen and Spot checks.

Cibola use their Dexterity modifier instead of their Strength modifier for Climb and Jump checks.

Cibola have a +8 racial bonus on Climb checks and can always choose to take 10 on Climb checks, even if rushed or threatened.

Cibola have a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on Swim checks, even if distracted or endangered. It can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.

Stickitung: Cibola have a foot long tongue that is covered in a thick clear mucus that acts as an adhesive to latch onto targets. Unlike humans, Cibola tongues are connected at the front of the lower jaw, rather than at the back of the throat. The Cibola tongue projects out of the mouth using an inertial projection mechanism: the jaw rapidly opens, the tongue rotates and inertia of the tissue causes the tongue to project toward the target. A Cibola's tongue can pick up and grapple targets 1.4 times its own body weight.

Automatic Languages: Common, Chultan and Draconic

Bonus Languages: Tabaxi, Terran, and Sylvan.

Favored Class: Ranger, Monk, Zen Archer

Level Adjustment: +2

Cibola 5e Race

The dungeons and dragons Cibola character has the following racial traits. Check the traits of this race from the below lines.

1) Ability Score Increase: Your Strength increases by "1", Dexterity increases by "1", and Wisdom increases by "1".

2) Natural Armor: The scales of the Cibola's reptilian torso range in hues from emerald green to dark forest, and bright lime while the upper humanoid half ranged from a light beige to a warm tan; a Cibola's scale-covered lower half is surprisingly soft and flexible, but as hard as strong as dragon hide. Cibola are unable to wear armor without penalty; naturally Cibola receive an armor bonus of 12+ their dexterity modifier as their AC. Cibola who attempt in wearing armor are reduced to using their Dexterity modifier as their base AC, speed is reduced by 10, and take disadvantage on all combat and strength-based rolls.

3) Alignment: Most Cibola follow the spectrum of Neutrality, but its not unheard of through the moral teaching of their elders, that members will grow up having stronger personalities such as Chaotic Good or Lawful Good. It is unheard of for a Cibola being known as Evil. Cibola culture envelopes characteristics of Buddhism and Shintoism while living as the Pueblo Indians do.

4) Age: Cibola reach maturity at the age of 50 years and have an average lifespan from 600 to 800 years, with very rare exceptions reaching 900 to 1000 years maximum.

5) Size: Cibola stand up to 8ft tall and with a maximum weight up to 600 lbs, having the total length of 16ft which made them masculine enough where they weren't the most acrobatic, but slim enough that Cibola could be flexible combat. Cibola are taller than most humanoids but are clearly smaller than the prehistoric creatures they walk amongst in their jungle homelands. Cibola are considered Medium-sized for their race.

6) Speed: Cibola have a base speed of 30 feet; their Climb speed is 30 feet while their swim speed is 35 feet.

7) Automatic Languages: Chultan and Draconic Bonus Languages: Common and Sylvan.

8) Ultravision Sight: Cibola retain Ultravision Sight up to 60 ft but are susceptible to blindness in bright light. Ultravision is the ability to see radiation above violet in the normal visible spectrum, as it enables Cibola to see through Darkness (even Magical Darkness) as if they were in twilight. In order for Cibola to maintain Ultravision, they must daily consume their weight in highly nutritious food sources that offer large quantities of proteins and vitamins otherwise their vision will devolve to a normal human's sight and will suffer from Fatigue.

  • Sunlight Sensitivity: You have disadvantage on attack rolls and Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight when you, the target of the attack, or whatever you are trying to perceive is in direct sunlight.

9) Gecko Feet: Cibola have four-toed feet with sticky pads that allow them to cling to surfaces such as walls and ceilings like the supernatural ability Spider Climb.

10) Versatile Tail: A Cibola's tail has been trained to be an extension of their body, giving exceptional balance that grants advantage on all Balance and Jump checks. They may also choose to take Jump checks on Dex rather than Str.

  • Versatility Quirk: If a Cibola takes the feat Improved Grapple, their tail can grab and grapple targets 1.4 times their own body weight.
  • Desert Origins: If a Cibola character chooses the Desert Origins racial feat, they lose the normal benefits of Versatile Tail, being unable to take the Improved Grapple feat and instead gain the following: Cibola gain the ability Constrict, which allows their tail to act as a weapon only upon a successful grapple check made with their tail (which follows normal penalties as one would if using an offhand weapon); Constrict lasts so long as the target remains grappled, requiring an opposed roll check during the target and Cibola's turn, in which a failed attempt by the target will prompt a Fortitude Saving Roll (DC 10 + Strength modifier) that deals 1d6 Bludgeoning damage upon failure.

11) Stickitung: Cibola have a foot long tongue that is covered in a thick clear mucus that acts as an adhesive to latch onto targets. Unlike humans, Cibola tongues are connected at the front of the lower jaw, rather than at the back of the throat. The Cibola tongue projects out of the mouth using an inertial projection mechanism: the jaw rapidly opens, the tongue rotates and inertia of the tissue causes the tongue to project toward the target. A Cibola's tongue can pick up and grapple targets 1.4 times its own body weight.

12) Natural Attack: Cibola can bite (1d6), kick with their hind legs (2d6), and jump up to 50 feet horizontally and 30 feet upwards.

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gollark: Sorry, happen.
gollark: Have you seen my code? Such things definitely happens.
gollark: I think you overestimate people.
gollark: See, most code in the wild is actually awful and bad.
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