Kyrii (3.5e Race)


"Johnathan, your wife has come at last. Maybe now I can repay your kindness to me, yet Mrs. Brisby may serve the rats of NIMH more than we her. Jenner, I fear, could do her harm. He is consumed by a lust for power. Thus far the amulet has remained safely hidden, but if he ever finds it...Heaven help us."

"Johnathan, wherever you are, your thoughts must comfort her tonight. She will be waiting, and you will not return."

-Nicodemus, Secret of NIMH


Kyrii are all about social graces, and have an acute sense of charm and wit about them that makes a conversation easily delightful, though anyone in competition will realize quickly that Kyrii are unmatched artists in communication with a well-versed vocabulary and can naturally adjust their accents appropriately with ease in other cultures to fit in amongst the social networks. Amongst Kyrii, how proficient you were in etiquette and the ability to impress people determined how many career paths opened up to you, as Kyrii took colorful personalities with skillful tongues very seriously.

It is considered in their culture absolute taboo to use slang terms or to be without manners, a concept seen in cultures that is unthinkable to Kyrii. It is no surprise then to know that Kyrii do tend to have an ego, and can certainly come off as a bit eccentric in debates, especially those that are political are gossip concerning popular iconic figures. Having social connections amongst Kyrii also determined how successful you operated in a career, as Kyrii were constantly competing with each other, a trait that never seemed to leave the genetics passed down from mouselings and ratlings, thus a fight could ensue literally over anything if not careful while in a city of Kyrii.

Physical Description

The Kyrii are truly a wondrous race that has come so far in advancement and sophistication since the time of their more earthy ancestors who were divided between mouselings and ratlings. The Kyrii's ancestors learned through countless tests of trial and error which they passed on to their offspring, always hoping that the next generation would show advancement in their ability to adapt and learn quickly, which was fortunately the case in many parts of the world.

The Kyrii unified after the selective breeding between mouselings and ratlings became more finite; the environments around had proven to being more temperate as time progressed, with winters that were much warmer then accustomed to, thus fur was mostly shed and their species as a whole took on a more humanoid form that closely resembled humans were it not for the few still retaining elongated snouts with whiskers, round alert ears on the top of their heads, and long whip-like tails that now served as an extra support for balance then an extension for sensory.

A Kyrii's tail also was prehensile; as many of their ancestors had limited flexibility at the stump of their tails, Kyrii had now evolved to where their tails had full flexibility and could firmly grip objects just like a human hand can with minimal issue occurring. Their eyes were no longer as attuned to darkness as their ancestors had been due to the climate and terrain being cool forests with open canopies and wide fields; not to say they couldn't see better then humans, but were certainly no longer able to maneuver freely in the dark without requiring some sort of light to guide them as their eyes had adjusted to being more keen in the day.

Since Kyrii no long had fur, they instead had hair on their head which was as soft and dense as fur itself, coming in hues of natural warm tone colors similar to their ancestors, while having a wide array of eye colors that made their species exotic and helped with individuality. Perhaps the quirkiest aspect to the Kyrii, is that while for the most part they seemed humanoid, their hands and feet still retained the shape and claws of their ancestors in the wild, though now clearly more well groomed and even painted by the females to the point long claws were seen as unfavorable and many would be in the habit of gently trimming their claws down over time to a more nail-like length so as to avoid causing harm.


Despite this awkward setback in their culture, Kyrii are generally honest and very open about their beliefs as they see no point in "beating around the bush" in topics unless it is a Kyrii whose specifically chosen a career where their vernacular has to be tempered in a more covert approach. It is not unheard of that Kyrii have professions as hired assassins or detectives; many make excellent noble businessmen and politicians who leisurely spend the afternoon gossiping and arguing over new laws or previous ones that need to be altered. Kyrii love to dabble in foreign trade affairs as it gives them a chance to show of their skills in communication, while also having a penchant for stylish and comfortable clothing.

Kyrii love mottoes to live by, and have a habit of repeating quotes in the day from authors they are fond of, and honestly enjoy being an inspiration to others despite character flaws they may have. They are extremely intelligent and fully aware of it, taking pride in all their work and exploits to better their home and societies. Their government is based around a unique form of monarchy; they have an elected King and Queen known as "Imperatus" with ruling lords of smaller cities known as "Deshirs" who help bring important needs and changes before the Imperatus Court where decisions for the Kyrii is made.


Kyrii generally follow along the Neutral alignments; as while they can be passionate about life and their work, a Kyrii knows their limitations, therefore not being particularly fond of any form of culture, organization, group or ideal that exhibits or even hints some form of extreme idealistic belief. Kyrii prefer order to be simple and natural; so long as personal goals and achievements are not interfering with their own, a Kyrii can be quite tame, but pushing a docile creature such as the Kyrii does result in them adapting to more chaotic characteristics in time.


Kyrii establish civilizations that are in temperate woodland realms that are not too terribly dense, but provide a natural protection and maintain privacy as they are not a race that enjoys being bombarded with the traffic of others nations. They'll generally set up homes that are like humble cottages, but with very refined treated wood furnishings within along with furs from wild beasts used as rugs and blankets lain over sofas and chairs. Kyrii prefer to keep their civilizations extremely far from other nations, as a precaution to avoid invasions and due to limiting competition on resources, as Kyrii are not above expediting on high-priced goods that are limited in supply in other corners of the world.


Kyrii strongly believe in family, and are vehemently protective over their partner and offspring, doing all they can daily to provide a comfortable and thriving living where education is provided in excellent schools, wholesome meals can be made, and a clean home is always waiting to come back to. Kyrii love the comforts of life in its' simpler forms, taking joys in long nature walks with colleagues, smoking some fresh tobacco from finely crafted smoke pipes, and conversing in the markets to catch up with the locals.

While many Kyrii are not overly religious, it is not uncommon to find a prayer book in a Kyrii's home, or an offering made during key points of the year at a local temple of worship. A Kyrii will not normally be open about their faith to the extent of going into a deep philosophical debate over the meaning of life and the cosmic forces behind it, but they won't dissuade religious individuals from performing diligent routines of their faith so long as they're not bombarding the Kyrii with it.


Squeak Speak is the tongue of Kyrii as handed down from Mouseling and Ratling ancestors, while Common is essential for their transactions with other neighboring civilizations. In practice, a well-versed Kyrii will study other languages such as Draconic and Sylvan to become more familiar with the more closer-to-nature species that have language barriers commonly.


Kyrii are particular with the naming of their offspring as they wish for it to be uncommon in the terms that its exotic amongst other nations, but having it feel natural and representing of the level of sophistication the parents hope their offspring will have, thus they took after more human names with a slight twist. Males: Jenner, Justinius, Mortimer, Despereaux, Timothy-Q, Fievel, Gustav, Jaq, Bernard, Roquefort, Basil, Sullivan Females: Bianca, Cynthia, Teresa, Elizabeth, Neryssa, Juliette, Abigail, Clarissa, Josephine, Karla, Mortianna, Leylia

Racial Traits

  • -1 Constitution, +4 Intelligence, +1 Wisdom, +2 Charisma; Kyrii have adapted in their breeding to being moderate in strength and speed, but are no longer as hardy as their ancestors were in harsher climates now that they thrive and depend on more temperate regions. Kyrii are very adaptable to situations, and learn well from history, having a very keen and mindful insight that is above human standards, with a fiery personality to boast.
  • Monstrous Humanoid
  • Medium
  • Kyrii base land speed is 40 feet; Climb 40 feet, Jump 40 feet.
  • Animal Senses: A Kyrii has the Scent ability of 60 ft. Kyrii have a slightly better version of Low-Light Vision which grants a +2 to Spot, Search and Listen checks.
  • Disease Immunity, A Kyrii is immune to all non-magical diseases.
  • +8 Bonus to sense motive and gather information; Kyrii are insightful and inquisitive, which helps with most of their careers following as some kind of informant.
  • Tail: +6 racial bonus to Balance checks: Kyrii can use their tail to keep balance; the tail can also be used to make grapple checks and bludgeoning attacks that deal 1d6 damage.
  • Natural Claw Attack: 1d6 slashing damage; this is only if the Kyrii does not trim their claws down as part of their grooming ethics.
  • Natural Bite Attack: 1d6 piercing damage; Kyrii do not carry diseases as their ancestors were notorious for but instead cause 1d6 bleed damage in addition to normal damage dealt.
  • Evolved; Kyrii gain Multiattack, and Persuasive as Racial Feats.
  • Automatic Languages: Squeak Speak, Sylvan, Common. Bonus Languages: Draconic, Orc, Jotun (Language of Giants), and Terran.
  • Favored Class: Noble
  • Level Adjustment: +2

Vital Statistics

Table: Kyrii Random Starting Ages
15 years+1d4+1d6+1d8
Table: Aging Effects
Middle Age1Old2Venerable3Maximum Age
25 years40 years60 years+100 years
  1. At middle age, 1 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  2. At old age, 2 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  3. At venerable age, 3 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
Table: Kyrii Random Height and Weight
GenderBase HeightHeight ModifierBase WeightWeight Modifier
Male4' 2"+1d670 lb.× (1d6) lb.
Female4' 0"+1d660 lb.× (1d6) lb.

Kyrii Half-Breed (Subrace)

This subspecies is the product of Humans and Kyrii becoming a mated pair to produce offspring with less monstrous humanoid characteristics to better settle in the urban life of civilized nations.

-1 Constitution, +1 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, +1 Charisma

Monstrous Humanoid


Kyrii base land speed is: 40 feet

Animal Senses: A Kyrii Half-Breed has the Scent ability of 60 ft. Kyrii have a slightly better version of Low-Light Vision which grants a +2 to Spot, Search and Listen checks.

Kyrii Resistances: A Kyrii Half-Breed gains 10 Resistance vs poisons, toxins, and diseases.

Educated: +4 Bonus to sense motive and gather information; Kyrii are insightful and inquisitive, which helps with most of their careers following as some kind of informant.

Tail: +5 racial bonus to Balance checks: Kyrii-Breeds can use their tail to keep balance; the tail can also be used to make grapple checks and bludgeoning attacks that deal 1d6 damage.

Natural Claw Attack: 1d6 slashing damage; this is only if the Kyrii Half-Breed does not trim their claws down as part of their grooming ethics.

Natural Bite Attack: 1d6 piercing damage; Kyrii Half-Breeds do not carry diseases as their ancestors were notorious for but instead cause 1d6 bleed damage in addition to normal damage dealt.

Automatic Languages: Squeak Speak, Common.

Bonus Languages: Sylvan, Draconic, Orc, Jotun (Language of Giants), and Terran.

Favored Class: Noble

Level Adjustment: +1

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gollark: When I said limited to 187 chars, I meant the charset was limited to that, not the length, which caps out at 32.
gollark: No, it's 32, but limited to about 187 chars.
gollark: Labels would be *really* fast, though. Shame nobody caught onto those before modems.
gollark: Why ever not?
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