Human, Yzmeri (3.5e Race)

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"Great Light, Mover of all that is moving and at rest, be my Journey and my far Destination, be my Want and my Fulfilling, be my Sowing and my Reaping, be my glad Song and my stark Silence. Be my Sword and my strong Shield, be my Lantern and my dark Night, be my everlasting Strength and my piteous Weakness. Be my Greeting and my parting Prayer, be my bright Vision and my Blindness, be my Joy and my sharp Grief, be my sad Death and my sure Resurrection."

-Merlin's Prayer, The Pendragon Cycle


Yzmeri Thinking

Yzmeri are more likely to have subjective perceptions.

To protect loss of face, an Yzmeri will rarely admit to a mistake.

Fatalism based on religious beliefs is common.

Honor is more important than facts.

Yzmeri believe in persons, not in institutions.

Emotions connote a sincere concern for the outcome of the decision.

Greetings and Gestures

Handshakes are common greetings and farewells.

Long handshakes, grasped elbows, and walking hand in hand by two males is common place in the Yzmeri world.

Hugging only occurs between close friends.

Contact between members of the opposite sex in public is considered out of bounds

Only use the right hand to eat, touch and present gifts.

Eye contact during discussions is often long and direct. Long eye contact at women is considered rude.

It is offensive to ask a man about his wife or female family member.

Yzmeri don’t have rigid schedules. Appearing to be in a hurry while meeting with an Yzmeri is considered offensive.

Never point at a person.

Yzmeri have a lot less body space than Mainlanders.

Hospitality and Visits

Hospitality, friendliness, and generosity to strangers is an expression of sacred duties.

When sitting, avoid stretching legs in front of or sitting up higher than others.

Don’t lean against walls, slouch in chairs or put hands in your pockets.

Double meanings are common in conversations.

Do not talk loudly.

The meal is usually at the conclusion to an event.

Yzmeri consider it impolite to eat everything on one’s plate, you are to savor the flavors of food and save them for later, rather then show signs of gluttony.

Take off your shoes at the entrance and leave them there before going in.

Physical Description

There is a kind of elevation which does not depend on fortune; it is a certain air which distinguishes us, and seems to destine us for great things; it is a price which we imperceptibly set upon ourselves. Francois de La Rochefoucauld

The Yzmeri are not monstrous like the mythology circling around Harpies would depict them—they are simply creatures who represent the condition of the heart; endurance through all windy or stormy weather, the will to fight and live, and hope to see life fulfilled. The Yzmeri are depicted as beautiful young women with lavender skin, dark purple wings and hair, with glowing lime green eyes that were slit like a reptiles.

The Yzmeri walked in two forms; the first was their humanoid form which often stood between five to eight feet tall in height and would by all means be considered human were it not for the glowing slitted green eyes and the purplish hair and skin. Their alternate form was seen only during acts of retribution, whenever an evil act was committed as the Yzmeri are beings of justice and vengeance eternal; their winged form is much like a harpy though they are stunningly beautiful and crave not the blood and flesh of mortals. Though their talons be mercilessly piercing to the bodies of their prey like an eagle, the Yzmeri will not attack unless provoked with righteous fury.

Normally if left untamed, the soft downy feathers of the Yzmeri's bestial form would eventually cover their entire body in a massive mound of fluff, so its not uncommon for the Yzmeri to become obsessed with grooming etiquette, styling their feathers to cover certain areas of their body, having certain lengths proportioned around specific areas of the body, even trimming feathers back to make patterns or shapes to enhance their beauty.

When in humanoid form, male Yzmeri wear Beige (or Burnt Umber, or Cocoa Brown) one-piece cotton garments called "Disdasha" with a head cowl known as a "Ghutra" supported by a black ring. A Bisht is a long over coat worn over the Disdasha on special occasions like weddings.

The female Yzmeri wear an "Abaya", a simple long black maxi-like dress with a headscarf called the "Hijab" and sometimes even a face cover called a "Burkha". Most women like to dress up in bright colors with a lot of gold jewelry and Henna art on their bodies. Females of higher status wear "Badlah" which is a matching suit comprised of an embroidered silk skirt, bangled bra, face veil, ornate headband, jeweled sash-like belt, and a large veil of many colors used as a sash and for dancing.


Besides their faith, family is the second most important element to Yzmeri. Family loyalty and obligations take precedence over loyalty and obligations to friends or a job and over one’s personal needs.

Children are considered as “jewels” and that men and women, as well as male and female children have different and distinct roles.

The family structure is tight-knit and is one of the major determining factors of personal status, followed by individual character and achievement. A person’s honor and dignity come from their family.

The Yzmeri have lived amongst the Nyanya since the ending of the first Great War amongst the races of old on Aum, and since then the tribal people have only sought to live a quaint life filled with tranquil stability and propriety amongst the standards of Adriatic Island diverse culture, while also with the hopes of serving as a pious ethnic group who can slowly through the Nyanya show other civilizations that The Old Way is the truest form of eternal serenity and enlightenment.

Everyday Yzmeri Traditions

It is not polite to say “No”. The term “As the Gods will it” is a nicer way to say “No.”

It is always best to say “Yes.” Keep in mind that a “Yes” can also mean “Maybe.”

Never openly refuse a request from a friend.

If someone does a favor for you, return the favor in some way.

Yzmeri are generally very socially-oriented people.

People who are relaxed and personable enough to establish relationships tend to be more successful.


Yzmeri generally follow the Lawful Neutral or Lawful Good paths, as this race believes that the only way to ensuring that their home is protected, their culture is preserved, and their allies are not compromised by the unscrupulous political agendas of other nations, is by resting all faith and devotion into the will of the Overdeities, particularly The Lurker Queen. Some Yzmeri feel more passionately then others about their goals and the needs of their race, thus can be found to lean on the chaotic side, being more open to making extreme choices for the betterment of Adriatic Island then most are comfortable with. Evil is not tolerated on Adriatic Island, and any found with such tendencies are excommunicated from the homeland forever into a lifetime of exile.


The Yzmeri dwell on Adriatic Island, which is 224,533 square miles large with 3,000 miles of coastline. Adriatic Island is a tropical land filled with vast dense rainforests whose canopies are multilayered and continuous, allowing little light penetration. Most of Adriatic Island experiences a sunny and warm climate throughout the year as very few places experience high temperatures above 100°F (38°C) given daily high temps average near 80°F (27°C), while in the far-southern part of Adriatic Island the mid to high 80's are common. Adriatic Island is the most prosperous in agriculture, as 100 acres of land is farmland cultivated on rich black soil containing a high percentage of humus, phosphoric acids, phosphorus, and ammonia while also being mixed with Silt (fine sand, clay, or other material carried by running water and deposited as a sediment, especially in a channel or harbor.) which is sustained by a canal made to link from the coastline to the farmland itself. The ruling kingdom at the central focus of the island is Mali'Teke Kingdom.


Yzmeri culture and the Aum faiths are deeply intertwined. While Polytheism is the predominant religion, other religious groups are accepted and treated with respect.

Most Yzmeri believe that most of life’s events are controlled and orchestrated by one particular overdeity known as "The Lurker Queen", which was a Titan-sized Lurker much like Dendar on Toril. Man is dependent on the fate as determined by the Overdeities and is powerless in controlling many of life’s events. As a result, religious affiliation is essential to everyone in Yzmeri society.

Most Yzmeri believe there should be no separation between religion and politics and that religion should be taught to children in school.

While there are multiple sects of Polytheism on Aum, The Old Way, the worship and reverencing of the original Overdeities and their dictations is as important as any other type of law.

According to The Old Way, piety is the most admirable characteristic someone can have, but can only be seen by following the edicts laid out long ago in ancient scriptures passed down to all the races on Aum.

Mosques are considered holy sites and strict rules accompany visits to the mosque. Some of these include: never walking in front of someone praying, the prohibition of making pictures or talking to people in the mosque, and the prohibition of men and women wearing revealing garments.


Auma (Semitic language very close to Arabic) is the first language learned amongst the races of Aum, but it is by now considered almost dead considering many of the races adapted to creating their own languages in time and putting aside their past altogether, never bothering to teach much in schools. The Yzmeri hold onto their past, thus their knowledge and ability to speak Auma never diminished.

Yzmeri can and will learn other languages native to Adriatic Island, but prefer to keep Auma as their primary, while their written form of Auma is cursive scripts that are notoriously difficult to decipher even amongst their own people due to the amount of detail going into such intricate symbology in writing.

Auma Script is written from right to left in a cursive style. In most cases, the letters transcribe consonants or consonants and a few vowels, so most Auma alphabets are abjads.


Yzmeri Male Names:

Abu-Tur, Arham, Aryan, Ayaan, Zayan, Azlan, Ayan, Zain, Rohaan, Ali, Anas, Rehan, Huzaifa, Hamza, Aayan, Rayan, Arish, Saad, Imran, Taimoor, Sufian, Hamdan, Zeeshan, Aaron, Kumar, Sarim, Shayan, Haris, Arsalan, Ahil, Umair, Fahad, Faizan, Abaan, Husnain, Azhaan, Adnan, Asad, Usman, Maaz, Irfan, Ahad, Owais, Afan, Ayaz, Kashif, Hashir, Moiz, Asif, Abdulla, Junaid.

Yzmeri Female Names:

Anabia, Ayesha, Inaya, Aiza, Aaira, Fatima, Sana, Haniya, Abeeha, Eshaal, Zoya, Hareem, Laiba, Aiman, Aqsa, Maira, Anam, Amyra, Muntaha, Mahira, Zara, Zonaira, Rumaisa, Zainab, Hafsa, Areesha, Manahil, Umaima, Aania, Isha, Ayat, Kashaf, Hoorain, Mahnoor, Naira, Aaima, Areeba, Ayra, Maria, Iqra, Rimsha, Maheen, Hiba, Alina, Maryam, Sadia, Rida, Aleeza, Rabia, Minahil, Maham.

Yzmeri Racial Traits

  • -2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom; The Yzmeri are were raised amongst the paragons of nature, the Nyanya, but are weakened against other elements as their race has been confined to one tropical location for centuries in Aum which made them susceptible to ailments and not having the strength like Harpies normally would on Toril. The Yzmeri make up for this with their spiritual connections to The Weave which magically connections them to all nature throughout Aum, a symbiotic link instilled from birth that grants them abilities that make them greatly desirable.
  • Monstrous Humanoid (Fey)
  • Medium
  • Yzmeri base land speed is 30 feet: Flight speed is 50 feet.
  • Low-Light Vision: Yzmeri can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. She retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
  • Racial Hit Dice: Yzmeri begin with 1 level in Monstrous Humanoid, which gives it a d8 HD, a Base Attack Bonus of +1, a +2 to Reflex and Will saves, one feat, and skill points equal to 2 + Int modifier (usually x4 for the Yzmeri's 1st level). A Yzmeri's class skills are Balance (Dex), Escape Artist (Dex), Hide (Dex), Jump Str/Dex, Knowledge (Geography) (Int), Knowledge (Nature) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Perform (Singing) (Cha), Spot (Int), Survival (Wis), and Tumble (Dex).
  • Hollow Bones: The Yzmeri's bestial form takes an extra point of damage per damage die of bludgeoning damage dealt due to their lighter, more fragile skeletons. They also take a -4 penalty on opposed rolls against being bull-rushed as though they were one size smaller due to their light frames, and will take double damage from a successful bull-rush and overrun attack.
  • Striking Beauty: Armor made for Yzmeri's bestial form costs twice the normal amount, as a harpy cannot fly or glide in armor heavier than light armor. The Yzmeri's bestial form can wear magic rings on their toes and fit bracers around their lower legs. They can wear gloves/gauntlets or boots adapted for their clawed feet, but cannot wear both types of items at once. However, magic item enhancements usually restricted to either gloves or boots can be combined together into such items, and without the usual 1.5x enhancement cost increase.
  • Gliding (Ex): All Yzmeri in their bestial form can use their wings to glide and can stay aloft using thermal updrafts, but otherwise descend 1 foot for every 5 feet of horizontal distance traveled. If falling, a Yzmeri's bestial wings snap open reflexively, slowing their rate of descent enough to negate all damage from falling distance. A paralyzed or unconsciousness Yzmeri does not benefit from this reflex.
  • Flight (Ex): At 4HD the Yzmeri's bestial form gains a fly speed of 30 feet with a maneuverability of average. The Yzmeri's bestial form cannot fly while carrying a medium or heavy load, or while fatigued or exhausted. At 8 HD the Yzmeri's bestial form's fly speed increases by 10 feet, and her maneuverability improves to good. At 12 HD and every 4 HD beyond, her fly speed increases by another 10 feet. At 16 HD her maneuverability increases one more step to perfect maneuverability. A flying or gliding Yzmeri can make a diving attack, which functions like a charge except the harpy must move at least 30 feet and descend at least 10 feet before the attack. She can also use the run action while flying, providing she only flies in a straight line.
  • The Last Dirge: The Yzmeri can only attack in their bestial form, granting them two attacks: one with their Claw Attack and the other with their Whirlwind Attack. This ability behaves as Multiattack.
  • Crimson Fury: The Yzmeri's bestial Harpy form comes with a nasty set of talons that make vicious shredding and piercing claw-like attacks that deal a base damage of 2d6. Before declaring attacks, the Yzmeri's Crimson Fury comes with abilities gained at certain levels to choose from that are treated as a Combat Maneuver in the terms that they are not affected by spell resistance, and do not provoke attacks of opportunity when initiated. All of the following abilities stack so long as the character meets the proper level requirements:
  • [Level 1] Brass Talon: If the Yzmeri hits with one claw attack, it may take a swift action to attempt another claw attack at its highest Base Attack Bonus, attacking the creature’s eyes if it has any. If this second attack is also successful, the opponent takes double damage and must take a Fortitude save (DC 20) or be blinded for 1 round.
  • [Level 3] Whirling Kick: As a standard action, a bestial Yzmeri on the ground can make a hopping kick against an opponent they threaten in melee, striking with tremendous force. The kick deals double damage, as if making a dive attack. Unfortunately the power of the kick can leave the Yzmeri off balance for a moment: after a successful crane kick the Yzmeri must succeed on a balance check with a DC equal 5 + ½ damage dealt or be flat-footed until the start of her next turn, even if she normally could not be treated as such.
  • [Level 6] Song of Passion and Rage: Hitting with at least two claws allows the Yzmeri to initiate a grapple as a free action. The Yzmeri's bestial form can also carry any creature of Medium size or smaller, despite only being Medium size themself. The difficulty in abducting a creature larger than Medium size increases exponentially: two Yzmeri are required for a Large creature, 4 for Huge, 16 for Gargantuan, and 64 for Colossal.
  • [Level 9] Stormsinger: A Yzmeri in flight may move 15 feet as a swift action. When it chooses to do so, it gains a +4 bonus to attack rolls and adds an additional 1d6 points of damage per 2 CR it possesses (2d6 by default) to each successful melee attack it makes during the turn in which that movement was made.
  • [Level 12] Wind Howler: The Yzmeri's bestial form signal the hunt with a shrill cry that strikes fear into the hearts of enemies. Non-harpies within Close Range (35 feet by default) must make a Will save (DC 25) or be shaken for 1 round per 2 CR of the Yzmeri (2 rounds for the default creature). A creature that saves successfully cannot be affected by the keening of any harpy for 24 hours.
  • [Level 15] Gale's Whirlwind: The Yzmeri had mastered the art of channeling magic through the beating force of their wings, creating a medium-sized cyclone of powerful winds (taking a 10 ft space) that can be thrown at a range of 20 feet. Created cyclones act upon the will of the Yzmeri, having the ability to either pick up, move, or harm targets of the Yzmeri's choice. Damage dealt by one of the created cyclones deals 2d6 bludgeoning damage and targets must make a Fortitude (DC 20) saving throw or be buffeted 15 feet in a random direction. At 20th level, the Yzmeri can create two cyclones.
  • Nightingale's Song (Su): The Yzmeri can produce a hauntingly beautiful mixture of human singing and birdsong, producing an effect same as the spell Dominate Monster with the exception that there is no Spell Resistance granted. This ability can only be used once a day and will immediately demand the caster to enter a 1d8 restorative sleeping stasis as the ability drains them of all energy.
  • The Fountain of Youth: Whether the Yzmeri realize it or not, they are all innately born with powerful magical blood that the Weave itself grafted some of its essence into. The blood of the Yzmeri contains the pure essence of immortality though they themselves are not immortal and live a fraction of what most races can. Yzmeri who have mixed their bloodlines with other races will not carry this magical blood in their veins, for only pure Yzmeri bloodlines carry the Weave's gift within them. A single drop of pure Yzmeri blood can cure any curse, disease, ailment, or toxin. A cup of pure Yzmeri blood can restore back the dead as though casting True Resurrection, and the entire life of a pure Yzmeri will grant the consumer three wishes. The Yzmeri have unnatural magical spell-like properties that can be cast via touch-attacks or simply touching targets, spells such as Purify Food and Drink, Miracle (This can only be performed 1/per month under the most extreme of circumstances and every usage removes 1d10 years from the character's life), Hallow, Zone of Truth, and Cure Serious Wounds, Mass. Those who seek to gain the magical effects from Yzmeri blood must be alive (creatures of Undeath will perish in the attempt), must be a sentient creature with an intelligence score of 10, and must understand the cost: The consummation of a being so pure will curse that being forevermore down to the remaining member of their kin with the fate of living a half-life pursued by every unfortunate circumstance and ailment known throughout the Wheel of Time with nothing to bring them comfort or aid for long. They will be a tormented being seeking death but never grasping it, and when finally met by the cold embrace of the afterlife, they along with all their kin will serve as Wraiths of Torment till the ending of the world.
  • Automatic Languages: Auma, Nyan, Trill (Language of Birds) Bonus Languages: Sylvan, Common, and Squeak Speak.
  • Favored Class: Ranger, Cleric
  • Level Adjustment: +3

Vital Statistics

Table: Yzmeri Random Starting Ages
18 years+1d6+1d8+2d6
Table: Yzmeri Aging Effects
Middle Age1Old2Venerable3Maximum Age
36 years54 years72 years150 years
  1. At middle age, 1 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  2. At old age, 2 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  3. At venerable age, 3 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
Table: Yzmeri Random Height and Weight
GenderBase HeightHeight ModifierBase WeightWeight Modifier
Male5'8"+1d6140 lb.2× (4d6) lb.
Female5'4"+1d6110 lb.2× (2d6) lb.

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