Xenoblade Chronicles/Characters
"The Monado... I hope I can figure out the secret of its power one day."
Voiced by: Adam Howden (English), Shintaro Asanuma (Japanese)
Shulk (シュルク) is the main protagonist of Xenoblade. He likes to think things through and is very methodical in his approach to most situations. Early details show that he is able to wield the Monado due to the fact that he was one of the only known survivors on a previous expedition to retrieve the sacred weapon. He first acquires the sword when his home, Colony 9, is attacked. His first act upon acquiring the "destined weapon" is to fight for an end to the war with the Mechons and avenge Fiora.
- A God I Am Not: As the chosen wielder of the third Monado. He chooses to be a mortal.
- Adorkable: Due to spending a lot of time in his lab, he tends to be pretty socially awkward at times.
- Back from the Dead: Twice, in fact.
- Badass Bookworm
- Heartbroken Badass: After losing Fiora.
- Berserk Button: Try to harm Fiora in front of Shulk and you will discover the true meaning of pain.
- Shulk's case is also a rare example of a Berserk Button getting unstuck as a plot point. Not long after it's revealed that Fiora isn't dead after all, he goes back to being The Messiah, to the point of offering mercy to Fiora's almost-killer while Dunban is about to finish him off.
- Beware the Nice Ones: And HOW!
- Blue Eyes
- Blue Oni: At first he serves as this to Reyn as his red counterpart, but as he gradually becomes more and more red as he lets his emotions do the talking. Despite this, he never stops being one of the team's many smart guys.
- Chick Magnet: Both Fiora and Melia have feelings for him. He's also rather popular with the girls in Colony 9.
- Childhood Friend Romance: With Fiora. Victorious Childhood Friend example; Everybody who knows Shulk and Fiora could tell they love each other and have for a long time, and they are pretty much a canon couple by the end.
- The Chosen One: Zigzagged. It's not clear whether he was explicitly chosen by the Monado or whether there was something else at work for a long time.
- It Sucks to Be the Chosen One: It turns out that he was chosen... because he happened to be near to the Monado. Not to mention the fact that the being who chose him was a colossal jackass.
- Combat Clairvoyance: From the Monado. Or so he thinks at first...
- Combat Pragmatist: Has special moves revolving around both Back Stabbing enemies and kicking them while they're down. Most characters have moves like this, but Shulk's are especially prominent since they can't be unequipped.
- Conveniently an Orphan: Although he still has mentor figures in Dickson and Dunban.
- Dead All Along: He died along with everyone else who went on the Monado expedition, only being kept alive by Zanza's influence. He returns to being dead when Dickson unleashes Zanza, but he gets better.
- Elemental Powers: Mostly from the Monado.
- The Engineer: Kinda. The fact that this is more prominent in sidequest just saves this from being an Informed Attribute.
- Expy: They look almost nothing alike, but his tragic past and status as The Chosen One, among other things, parallel Fei Fong Wong.
- Fragile Mario: He can heal, debuff enemies, dish out lots of damage and is also one of the faster party members on the whole. However, his health is rather lacking.
- Hair of Gold: A rare male example.
- Happily Adopted: Although his parents died when he was 4, he fits so well in Colony 9 and his Parental Substitute Dickson did such a good job with him that he's completely moved on.
- The Hero: Who doubles as The Smart Guy.
- Heroes Prefer Swords: And pretty huge ones. A plot justification in him using the Monado. Even before wielding it and after Zanza takes it, he still fancies big honkin' swords.
- Heroic BSOD: Justified. You don't discover everyday that you have spent the last 14 years being freaking DEAD!
- Heroic Spirit: Nothing stops Shulk in his quest. Not even death. Not even death TWICE.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Reyn.
- Hollywood Atheist: Subverted. He never openly rages against the heavens or acts like a douche. Instead, he very calmly and understandably tells Alvis that he doesn't believe in anything that he can't physically see.
- Skeptic No Longer: After it becomes clear to him that the battle between the Bionis and the Mechonis isn't just a myth and that the repercussions of that fight are what led to the current crisis, he realises that he can't ignore what he isn't aware of and becomes more of an Agent Mulder.
- I Let Fiora Die: Although thankfully his angst is kept to a minimum, when not outright substituted by Unstoppable Rage.
- Impossibly Cool Laser Bladed BFS Of Combat Clairvoyance And Plot Advancement: The Monado itself. Later, its replicas qualify.
- Instant Expert: The second he grabs the Monado ready for combat, he already wields it better than anyone before.
- Intimate Healing / Sacred First Kiss: With Fiora.
- Magic Feather: The Monado turns out to be something like this. While its mechon-killing powers are very real, Shulk's power to see the future turns out to be all his own, as he discovers in the late-game when he loses the Monado to Zanza.
- The Messiah: See "Sympathy for the Devil".
- Moral Dissonance / What Measure Is A Non-Homs?: His ultimate goal is effectively genocide against everything on Mechonis, because they're just unthinking machines. Once he realises just how wrong this is, he admits he's made a horrible mistake and dedicates himself to stopping all future fighting between the peoples of the two titans.
- Nerds Are Sexy: Especially with his swimming gear equipped...
- Nice Guy: He's an overall very pleasant person to be around, and even shows mercy to Mumkhar and Egil after defeating them!
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Subverted. He was supposed to kill Egil so Zanza could get away with his plan. However, Shulk refuses to kill him so they have a chance to work things out with him. Cue Dickson revealing that he's been Evil All Along to finish the job.
- Oblivious to Love: Subverted. Dunban notes that it's obvious that he and Fiora like each other, but they suffer from the Twice Shy problem.
- Although when it comes to Melia, Shulk fits the trope to a T.
- OOC Is Serious Business: Whenever Shulk swears revenge on someone, or demonstrates a willingness to kill his enemies, you know that something has gone horribly, horribly wrong.
- Unstoppable Rage: When he meets Metal Face for the second time, Shulk basically does a complete 180 on his personality... and the rest has a very good reason for being on the Crowners page.
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Against the Mechon for attacking Colony 9 and killing Fiora. It's lampshaded by everyone to be an Out of Character moment as he's usually The Messiah to a T. He eventually realises that they're right and he doesn't have the stomach for it.
- Robosexual / If It's Fiora It's Okay: Can you blame him?
- Screw Destiny: Both in story and the gameplay.
- Sensitive Guy: To Dunban and Reyn's Manly Men.
- Soul Jar: To Zanza.
- Sympathy for the Devil: He feels sympathetic towards every major antagonist he meets, or at least wishes he could have found a peaceful solution. It doesn't matter if they're a Well-Intentioned Extremist or a Complete Monster, he will deliberately and knowingly invoke this attitude towards them all.
- Worthy Opponent: Is eventually regarded as one by Xord and Egil. Dickson also comes to respect his strength, even if he doesn't show it or necessarily wants to admit it.
"I'm coming along as well. I'd feel better going with you boys than sitting at home worrying about you."
Voiced by: Carina Reeves (English), Eri Nakao (Japanese)
Fiora (フィオルン, Fiorung) is the childhood friend of Shulk and the younger sister of Dunban. Naturally she has a soft-spot for Shulk and often cooks for him as he is grateful for the thought. She has a theory that Shulk has no taste buds and therefore no sense of taste.
- Action Girl
- And I Must Scream: She says that during the time she was Egil's minion, she was fully aware of everything that was happening, yet couldn't do a thing to stop it.
- Angst? What Angst?: Lampshaded in-universe, as she isn't too eaten up about becoming a Mechon/Homs hybrid. Melia is envious of it.
- Back from the Dead: Although turned into a Mechon.
- Brainwashed and Crazy: Her personality was rewritten to be loyal to Egil after this, though The Power of Love allows her to remember who she is.
- Badass Adorable: Especially when she's Mechonified.
- Become a Real Boy: Thanks to High Entia technology in the form of the Regeneration Chamber, Fiora gets her human body back for the epilogue.
- Betty: At first. She turns into a Veronica after becoming part-machine.
- Beware the Nice Ones: After seeing her taking care of his brother and preparing lunch for Shulk, you wouldn't expect to see her driving a freaking tank and shooting its main cannon in a Mechon's face at point-blank range!! And that's BEFORE her transformation.
- Can't Have Sex Ever: A common fandom comment after her transformation.
- The Chick and The Lancer
- Eleventh-Hour Ranger: With traits of the Sixth Ranger in personality as, after becoming part-Mechon, she's noticeably a lot more serious and battle-ready. Despite this, she never loses her kind nature.
- Childhood Friend Romance: With Shulk. Victorious Childhood Friend example; Everybody who knows Shulk and Fiora could tell they love each other and have for a long time, and they are pretty much a canon couple by the end.
- Dangerously-Short Skirt
- Elemental Powers
- Dub Name Change - She's called "Fiorung" in the original Japanase ("フィオルン" written in katakana). Nintendo of Europe's localization team probably modified it because "-ung" is, in most European languages' phonetics, an exclusively male name ending.
- Expy: In her Mechon body, she's basically a blonde, short-haired KOS-MOS, complete with her own version of X-BUSTER to boot.
- Her initial Mechon frame also looks like Elly's Solaris outfit, and her Face Nemesis is practically a scaled-down Vierge.
- First Girl Wins: Goes hand and hand with her being Shulk's Childhood Friend Romance. She was the first female party member by a long shot.
- Fan Nickname: "7th," , for players who don't want to spoil her return to the party as a mechon. Which brings us to:
- First Episode Spoiler: Her temporary death. No wonder her trope list is so damn long while more than half of it is covered.
- Fragile Speedster: Faster than Shulk and even more squishy.
- Lightning Bruiser Magic Knight: After taking a considerable level in badass.
- Girl Next Door
- Green Eyes
- Hair of Gold / Power Blonde: She manages to be both at the same time. Although she leans more to the former when she's a Homs and more to the latter when she's a Mechon.
- Hollywood Cyborg
- Intimate Healing / Sacred First Kiss: With Shulk.
- Kiss Me, I'm Virtual: Quite literally.
- Interface Spoiler: Come on, did you REALLY think a character who has an entire class of weapons for herself would be permanently killed off in the first couple hours?
- Ironically, she uses an entirely new class of weapons after her transformation.
- Knife Nut
- Dual-Wielding: She eventually upgrades to wielding a pair of swords.
- Frickin' Laser Beams: She gains the ability to use them as a Talent Art depending on which Drones you equip her with.
- Macross Missile Massacre: Or this.
- Dual-Wielding: She eventually upgrades to wielding a pair of swords.
- Limit Break: Given that it requires her to be in very high Tension, Final Cross is about the closest the game has to a traditional version.
- Ms. Fanservice: Mostly after her transformation.
- Absolute Cleavage: Mostly while wearing the Speed-type Frames.
- Baby Got Back: Especially prominent when wearing a bikini or as usual, her Speed Frames.
- Sexy Backless Outfit: ... And just as many display this with pride.
- Bare Your Midriff: Her standard outfit. And she bares it good!
- She can also be equiped with a set of clawed digitigrade feet, if you're into that.
- Plucky Girl
- The Pollyana: Her reaction to having a machine body forced on her and realising that she's slowly dying after Lady Meyneth is killed? "It'll be fine....I think."
- Power Is Sexy: A popular theory to why she acts... wilder in her new form.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Red to Shulk, Blue to Reyn.
- Robotic Spouse: Averted. The Machina manage to prevent her from ending up like one of this to Shulk.
- Sacrificial Lion: Subverted! She dies early on in the game with her death being what motivates Shulk to go on his quest, but she comes back to life and rejoins the team mid-game, and Shulk no longer fights to avenge her, but to save the free peoples of Bionis.
- Spam Attack: Her Talent Art. Her Sword Drones in her Mechon form also allow her to do one for massive damage.
- Shallow Love Interest: As Badass as she may be, the main story path doesn't really do a good job of showing why she and Shulk like each other.
- Single Woman Seeks Good Man
- Stepford Smiler: The girl goes through a huge amount of crap, but she never openly angsts about it.
- Soul Jar: The same way Shulk is Zanza's, Fiora becomes Lady Meyneth's.
- Took a Level in Badass: After she gets the Mechon body. By far, the biggest example in the entire game.
- Tsundere: Type B.
- Unwilling Roboticisation: Though she takes it in stride later on, even discussing some of the advantages of being a mechon, like not needing food or sleep. And considering death was the alternative, it's not hard to imagine she would have picked this option willingly if she was in any condition to be asked.
- The biggest advantage Fiora sees in having the Mechon body is that it allows her to stand with and fight alongside Shulk against any enemy, and boy can she ever. Fiora still prefers her human body, though, and she gets it back in the epilogue, courtesy of the Regeneration Chamber.
- Walking Spoiler: Hoo boy. The real spoiler isn't that she dies, as that happens pretty early in the game. The true spoiler is that she comes back and rejoins the party as a Homs/Mechon hybrid.
- Weapon Twirling: She just loves to spin her weapons "cowboy with his revolver" style whenever she takes them out or puts them away. The latter takes around 5 seconds after every single battle or even if you flee a battle, leaving you wide open to get mauled by whatever you're running from. Needless to say, it gets kind of annoying.
- Zettai Ryouiki
"OK, I got it. I'll make you a promise. Shulk won't even get a scratch."—Voiced by: Jay Taylor (English), Eiji Miyashita (Japanese)
Reyn (ライン, Rein), one of Shulk's childhood friends, he is the second character introduced into the game. Although he is a member of Colony 9's Defense Force, he can often be seen at Shulk and Fiora's side. Reyn is the stereotypical fun-loving joker of the group. He uses an oversized shield-gunlance, which can switch from shield mode into gun or lance mode.
- Bash Brothers: with Shulk.
- The Big Guy and The Lancer
- Book Dumb: He's frequently shown to be the slowest member of the team...
- Dumb Is Good: ... And he's also one of its most loyal and dependable members... eventually.
- Hidden Depths: Reyn may be rather slow academically, but he's also one of the most empathic and insightful people on the team.
- Character Development: He goes from a rather boisterous and irresponsible young man into a strong and compassionate warrior who defends his friends to the best of his ability.
- Deadpan Snarker: He has his moments.
- Expy: While he himself doesn't really have a clear-cut counterpart in Gears or Saga, his weapons bear some resemblance to Shion's MWS.
- He also has more than a passing resemblance to Wakka from Final Fantasy X.
- Fiery Redhead
- Hot-Blooded
- Luckily, My Impossibly Cool Mix-and-Match Weapon Will Protect Me: Reyn's Weapon of Choice is just simultaneously ridiculous and awesome in terms of how much it combines.
- BFG: The weapon is officially deemed a "gunlance", although the first part is rarely seen.
- BFS Blade on a Stick: Most of Reyn's attacks involve using the massive blade to stab or slash things.
- Drop the Hammer: It has the weight to function as one, which is good as Reyn frequently uses it in such a manner in his Battle Arts.
- Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me: The weapon is frequently used as a shield due to his massive size.
- I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: His dialogue during the battle with Jade Face pretty much reeks of this.
- Although the ending implies that they may end up together after all.
- Not So Different: From Gadolt, which he often lampshades.
- Number Two: To Shulk.
- Overshadowed by Awesome: It forms part of his Character Development. He used to protect the weedy Shulk when they were young, but later in the game he realises that Shulk has become strong enough to protect himself. He then decides that even if that's the case, he can still watch his friend's back.
- Red Oni: Although this is later reversed as he begins to mature and become more level-headed.
- Replacement Goldfish: Mocked. When Sharla starts comparing him to her fiance, his response is "What am I, some kind of Gadolt substitute?"
- Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: Manly Man to Shulk, Sensitive Guy to Dunban; although that's more on account of Dunban being more mature than anything else.
- Ship Tease: With Sharla. Lots with Sharla.
- Shipper on Deck: Although, during the battle with Jade Face, he reveals that he's become something akin to this for her and Gadolt.
- Stone Wall: Given that he's the game's primary tank...
- Mighty Glacier: ... Although he also has the physical power required to be one of these.
- Undying Loyalty: It doesn't matter how dangerous the going gets, Reyn will never ever leave his friends' sides. Especially not Shulk's.
- Unknown Rival: He seems to consider Gadolt his rival for Sharla's affections on a subconscious level, despite having never met him. He eventually grows out of it, though.
- Worthy Opponent: Somewhat. They're not quite hostile, but his strength and determination are eventually respected by Gadolt.
- You Remind Me Of My Younger Days: Dunban compares him to how he used to be and he's spot-on. Watch how Dunban acts during the prologue cutscene and then watch any five minutes of Reyn in action. You could swap their character models around during this time and nobody'd be able to tell the difference.
"We may die if we take a stand here. But staying gives us the chance to change our destinies."
Voiced by: Rufus Jones (English), Ryo Horikawa (Japanese)
A high-ranking soldier of Colony 9, Dunban (ダンバン) was originally thought to be the only one capable of wielding the legendary Monado, and used the weapon to great effect against the invading Mechon at the Battle of Sword Valley, one year prior to the game's main story. During the battle, however, the Monado took a considerable toll on Dunban's health, so much so that his right arm is now almost completely paralyzed, and he is thus no longer able to wield the Monado, as any further exposure to the weapon could potentially kill him. However, he is still able to effectively wield a katana with his left arm to fight against enemies.
- Badass: Arguably the biggest one in the game. He competes with Yuri Lowell for the amount of Badass tropes he embodies.
- Almighty Janitor: Implied. Dunban probably wasn't particularly high-ranked in the Homs defence force, otherwise he wouldn't have been deployed as a soldier. Despite this, he was the reason why they survived the last war.
- Badass Abnormal: With the Monado.
- Badass Normal: Without it.
- Brought Down to Badass & Power Loss Makes You Strong
- Badass Boast: "Born in a world of strife! Against the odds, we choose to fight! BLOSSOM DANCE!"
- Badass Beard
- Badass Family: Has this with Fiora.
- Badass Long Hair
- Handicapped Badass
- Heartbroken Badass: Even if he doesn't show it, it's clear that Fiora's apparent death affects him.
- Memetic Badass: Considered to be one in-universe at first due to his use of the Monado and the fact that his doing so is entire reason why the Homs weren't wiped out a year ago. Gradually subverted as the group comes to understand that, for all Dunban's Badassery he's still a normal person and is not to be put on a pedestal.
- No Badass To His Sister
- One-Man Army
- Person of Mass Destruction: Take a guess what with.
- Retired Badass: Due to his arm injury, he can't serve in the defence force anymore.
- Submissive Badass: He might be the party's biggest Badass, but he defers to Shulk when it comes to leading them.
- Tranquil Fury: Every last one of his encounters with Metal Face... until he realises who he is.
- Berserk Button / Not So Stoic / Roaring Rampage of Revenge / Unstoppable Rage: After The Reveal.
- Batman Grabs a Gun: After learning the truth about Metal Face, Dunban attempts to kill him. It takes one hell of an If You Kill Him You Will Be Just Like Him speech from Shulk to stop him from doing so.
- Big Brother Mentor: To Shulk, Reyn and Fiora.
- Crazy Awesome: An in-universe deconstruction that shows what happens when somebody actually tries running on the Rule of Cool. During the Action Prologue, he's the only one who can wield the Monado and somehow manages to defeat the Mechon through the liberal application of Leeroy Jenkins tactics. He's so wild and unpredictable that Dickson ends up referring to him as a "Beast". He doesn't have any strategy, tactics or planning. Just a crapload of balls and a total disregard for the danger that his own life is in... and it works, but he loses the use of his right arm due to being overloaded with the Monado's power. Despite this, he still thinks he'll be able to use the sword. This turns out to be horribly wrong as when he tries to be Crazy Awesome again, he can't take the sword's power and nearly ends up getting himself killed. Cue Shulk picking the sword up...
- Took a Level in Badass: Dunban takes his level in badass by taking one in common sense. After he gives up the Monado, he becomes a lot calmer and much more responsible. This is most noticeable during his reunion with the party, where he tells Shulk to understand his limits after their second battle with Metal Face comes to an abrupt end. The Dunban of one year ago would have recklessly charged the Mechon without a second thought.
- Eyepatch of Power: He can wear one as a head gear. And he doesn't seem to loose any depth perception, for some reason.
- Decoy Protagonist
- Elemental Powers:
- Bloody Murder: Well, given that Gale Slash makes people Bleed...
- Blow You Away
- Light'Em Up / Pure Energy: When he had the Monado.
- Petal Power: BLOSSOM DANCE!
- Shock and Awe
- Emotional Bruiser: According to Fiora, however, he's a massive softie underneath the badass persona he presents to everybody. This eventually shines through as he connects more and more with the party on an emotional level and reveals his Shipper on Deck hopes for her and Shulk.
- Expy: Of Jin Uzuki, and by recursion, Citan Uzuki.
- Glass Cannon / Fragile Speedster: He's arguably the game's best damage-dealer, and he can dodge most anything if you spam agility gems on him, but when he does get hit, he gets hit hard.
- Katanas Are Just Better: Subverted in that while his fighting style clearly revolves around the use of one, quite a few of his weapons turn out to be hand axes or BFS'.
- Heroic RROD: Over-use of the Monado resulted in the loss of his right arm.
- Large Ham: Mostly in battle. His attack cries are undeniably, ridiculously over-the-top. Doubles up as Not So Above It All given his status as the sensible Team Dad outside of combat. Blossom Dance in particular is evidence that Rufus Jones could become the English answer to the likes of Jamieson Price.
- Manly Man: To Shulk and Reyn.
- McSamurai: He's the one with the katana-themed fighting style, yet he isn't from the local Wutai equivalent (on account of the game not having one) and, in the dub, has a very English accent.
- Mr. Exposition
- My Sister Is Off-Limits: Averted. See "Shipper on Deck".
- The Obi-Wan
- Revenge Before Reason: Against Mumkhar, once the truth comes out. It's notable in that this is the first time Dunban displays any of his characters flaws openly and Shulk has to help him back down because Dunban's Roaring Rampage of Revenge has the potential to even worse than his.
- Shipper on Deck: He ships Shulk and Fiora.
- The Smart Guy: On account of being Mr. Exposition, he is this precisely half of the time. He was The Hero during the war one year ago, however.
- Team Dad: And this during the other half.
- The Stoic: A kinder version. The man goes through things that would break most people, but he bottles it up to stay strong for everyone.
- The Southpaw: Subverted, as he's not actually left-handed. He's just forced to use it because his right arm has all but stopped working.
- The Unchosen One: He lacked Shulk's special affinity for the Monado and his gift of foresight, but he still wielded the blade because nobody else could until his injury.
- Unskilled but Strong: His Monado usage can best be summed up as this.
- Warrior Poet: Recites a badass Haiku about war when using Blossom Dance.
"I swear I won't stop until I've scrapped each and every one of you!"
Voiced by: Kellie Bright (English), Akeno Watanabe (Japanese)
Sharla (カルナ, Carna) is a medic of Colony 6's Defense Force. She uses an ether rifle to fight, and her specialty is healing.
- Abnormal Ammo: She has specialized medical bullets formed from ether.
- Awesome but Practical: Head Shot. It deals an insane amount of damage despite Sharla having relatively low attack power and also has a chance to One-Hit Kill Dazed enemies.
- Baby Got Back
- Badass: No, being a medic does not stop her from being an extreme arsekicker.
- Bare Your Midriff
- Big Sister Instinct / Mama Bear: Just try to hurt Juju in front of her. Even if it takes her a long and painful trek through an Ether Mine, she will find her brother and she will put a bullet between the eyes of whoever took him, even if that someone is an enormous hulking Mechon.
- BFG: She wields a rather large rifle as a weapon.
- Boobs of Steel: If we're going by a defensive physical power rather than an aggressive one, then sure.
- The Chick: A more mature and level-headed version, but she counts.
- Combat Medic: She's the primary healer, although she'll spend a lot of time fighting as well due to the insane cooldown times on her healing Arts.
- Cool Big Sis: Especially to Melia.
- Dub Name Change: In Japan she's known as "Carna" (written "カルナ" in katakana).
- Elemental Powers:
- Expy: Her skill with a gun marks her as the successor to Billy Lee Black and Junior.
- Face Palm: She usually does it when Reyn does something stupid..
- Gainaxing: Make her lead and start running.
- Goggles Do Nothing
- Liking A Shadow: Her friendship with Reyn seems to be based mostly off his similarities to Gadolt. Reyn eventually catches on to this, but realises that he can't compete with him, leading to a "I Want My Beloved to Be Happy" moment.
- The ending implies they may have gotten together for real after all, though.
- Jiggle Physics: She's the best stacked female in the game (and that's saying something), and it shows.
- Ms. Fanservice: Played very straight. The number of outfits she has that aren't Stripperific in some way can be counted on one hand.
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge / Unstoppable Rage: After the people of Colony 6 are revealed to have been eaten by Xord, she goes absolutely apeshit and swears to "scrap each and every one of (the Mechon)" in revenge. Fittingly, she's the one who gets the final blow on him by blowing him apart, leaving him a limbless torso.
- Sibling Yin-Yang: The yin to Juju's yang.
- Shiny Midnight Black
- Shipper on Deck: She supports Shulk x Melia.
- Ship Tease: With Reyn.
- Silent Snarker: Somewhat. Although she can speak, she very rarely vocalises her snark. Instead, she prefers to let her body language to the talking.
- Stone Wall: Especially with her heavy armour: she's not a big damage dealer (Though Headshot can be awesome in chain attacks) but she's the best healer on the team and is capable of dispelling debuffs as well.
- Team Mom
Melia Antiqua
"If you do not grasp the importance of loved ones until after they are gone... That is simply too late."
Voiced by: Jenna Louise Coleman (English), Shiori Katsuta (Japanese)
Melia (メリア) is a powerful mage who lives in the Royal City of Alcamoth prior to the games events. Her arts focus on summoning elemental spirits and ether magic. She becomes the leader of the High Entia after Sorean dies.
- All Love Is Unrequited: Double subverted. She clearly has feelings for Shulk and Sharla realises that he likes her back, but he ultimately chooses Fiora.
- Black Magician Girl
- British Accents: Noted by Reyn that she has a bit of a Posh accent.
- Brother-Sister Incest: Averted and mocked (because Evil Has a Bad Sense of Humour). There's nothing to say that the relationship between her and her brother is anything more than familial, but when Dickson is revealed to be a villain he states that "Maybe (Kallian) will be (her) boyfriend in the next life!"
- Dude He's Like in a Coma: Melia tries this on Shulk, but stops and berates herself for it. Awwwww...
- Costume Porn: Her standard outfit is very fancy.
- The Dutiful Daughter
- Elemental Powers:
- An Ice Person
- Blow You Away
- Casting a Shadow: Many of her debuffing spells certainly evoke this.
- Dishing Out Dirt
- Light'Em Up: Mind Blast.
- Making a Splash
- Playing with Fire
- Shock and Awe
- Envy: Repeatedly says she is jealous of Fiora.
- Every Girl Is Cuter With Hair Decs
- Expy: Of Marguerite Fatima (though she also looks a bit like a Gender Flipped Billy).
- Half-Human Hybrid
- Hopeless Suitor: When Fiora returns it's over for her.
- I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: She effectively gives up on Shulk so that he and Fiora can be happy, despite her being part-Mechon..
- Kuudere: She acts very formal around Shulk, even as she develops love for him.
- The Lancer: She provides a more practical counterpoint to Shulk's idealism in the beginning and eventually becomes one of his strongest supporters. Like many characters, she also has shades of being The Smart Girl, with her particular field being more ancient knowledge.
- The Chick: She eventually becomes a more traditional version of this after Fiora returns and cements herself as another Lancer, but this isn't a bad thing.
- Limit Break: Her Battle Arts that can only be used during Elemental Burst, especially Mind Blast, could qualify.
- Love Hurts
- Mini-Dress of Power
- Nice Hat
- Nice Shoes
- Opera Gloves
- Pimped-Out Cape
- Pimped-Out Dress
- Pink Means Feminine
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: 88 years old, specifically.
- Squishy Wizard: With shades of The Red Mage.
- Summon Magic: Her elemental spells are this in a fashion, as they call forth an elemental spirit that can be fired to inflict damage.
- Tranquil Fury: She doesn't lose her cool when Lorithea gives the "Take That!" Kiss to her brother, but it's clear to all that she's pissed.
- Even earlier than that, she's the only party member to not be fazed when Mumkhar takes mechon-Fiora hostage in exchange for the Monado. Instead, her response is to Mind Blast him and Metal Face in rapid succession, freeing Fiora in the process.
- Trauma Conga Line: Hot diggity DAMN. Let's recap: Her mother died when she was young; four of her brethren die within the first few moments of her appearance in order to protect her; her stepmother and -sister are out for her blood; her father dies on Prison Island; most High Entia become Telethia that she and the rest of the party need to face in combat; she needs to kill her brother as a result of the previous event; and to put the cherry on top, she doesn't get Shulk's affections. And through all that, she still keeps her chin up. *hugs Melly*
- True-Blue Femininity
- Veronica: Although she eventually turns out to be a Betty.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl
- The Woman Wearing the Queenly Mask: Literally. Melia has to act a certain way in public as the High Entia Princess, and even wears a mask to hide her Half-Homs face.
- The Woobie: Even with all of what the rest of the main cast has to endure, she gets hit hardest and most often. It begins even before Shulk's team meets her: Her best/closest/only friends and bodyguards are killed while on a mission to destroy a Telethia, her stepmother tries to have her assassinated, her father is killed before her eyes, one of her advisers turns traitor, and a good number of her people- including her brother and stepmother- are turned into Telethia.
- So to summarize, by the end of the game, her whole family is dead, only a tiny fraction of her people are still alive, and she knows that she's lost out to Fiora when it comes to winning Shulk's affections. She definitely got the rawest deal out of all the party members. And despite all this, she keeps her chin up and resolves to continue shouldering on.
"New Hom Hom friends! Meet this year's legendary Heropon, Riki! Riki live to serve!"
Voiced by: Wayne Forester (English), Yuki Kaida (Japanese)
Riki (リキ) is a member of the mercantile Nopon race. Although he looks like a child, he is actually 40 years old and has at least six children. A natural story-teller, he will go on at length about how he is actually the true legendary hero spoken of in the prophecies.
- Adult Child: Like every Nopon who isn't the Elder, he comes off as this due to his cutesy dialect.
- Badass Adorable - One of his battle quotes is:
"Riki can win by himself."
- And win by himself he does.
- Big Eater: He likes eating a lot and mentions that he's hungry quite often throughout the story. In fact, Sharla's surprised that he doesn't only think about food.
- Cat Smile: Like most Nopon.
- Cloudcuckoolander: "Power sound like sour. Sweets are better."
- Dude, Where's My Respect?: Even though, if played right, Riki is one of the most useful characters in the game combining elements of thief and tank with some very useful XP boosting passive skills that can be shared with the others, the rest of the party treat him as a joke. Even if you have him as the lead character in the fight against the Makna Forest Telethia Reyn will mock him when he tries to claim credit for the victory.
- Elemental Powers:
- Expy: Of, for some unfathomable reason, Chu-Chu.
- Fake Ultimate Hero: He'd have you believe that he's a legendary heropon. Nobody is really fooled, but they humour him. Funnily enough, he is more than capable of a battler unlike most examples he's just a wee bit too prideful.
- Gradual Grinder / Stone Wall: He has a rather pathetic damage output... but with his health and Battle Arts that focus on debuffing and slowly sapping the health of enemies allow him to outlast almost anything.
- Hidden Depths: He can come off as really insensitive and a tad arrogant at times, but he has a lot of moments where he shows just how empathetic he truly is towards others, a great example being his talk with Dunban about what being a father means. He also dotes on Melia a lot and wants to be best friends with her.
- Intergenerational Friendship: With Melia, as well as a great deal of the cast since he's around twice their age.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: An inversion. Although he's clearly a good guy at heart, his Pride still causes him to do some pretty dickish things. For example: After fighting the first Telethia, he pretty much takes all the credit... and most of the other Nopon seem to believe him. He's more of a gold-hearted guy with some dickish tendencies.
- Lethal Joke Character: Indeed. You'd expect him to be incredibly squishy and not that good of a damage dealer, but his starting health is higher than Reyn's, and he can make use of all sorts of useful abilities: he can boost random stats and share said boosts with the party, use Poison and Bleed abilities to inflict damage over time, and can even do a disgusting amount of damage with a certain attack the more debuffs are put onto an enemy. He may be a tad arrogant when it comes to being the Heropon, but he has every right to be cocky.
- Magic Knight: He has both good damaging arts (Sneaky, Bitey-Bitey, Say Sorry) and can use elemental ether (Burninate, Freezinate) in combat.
- Older Than They Look: He's forty years old, which takes everyone by complete surprise.
- The Pollyana: He's constantly cheerful, even when the going gets tough.
- Really 40 Years Old: Happily married with seven children!
- Henpecked Husband: How much happy is open for interpretation, especially since his wife is an abusive gold-digging bitch.
- Ridiculously Cute Critter: Much like all Nopon, he is ridiculously adorable!
- Sad Clown: A very possible interpretation of his character. Despite everything he does for his village, his wife and fourteen kids spend tons of money and leave him in a perpetual cycle of debt, causing him to risk his life on a daily basis by fighting dangerous monsters with Chief Dunga being more than happy to stack debt after debt after debt on him. And it's implied that his wife is a gold-digger and has been noted to slap him, meaning that he's in an abusive relationship.
- Small Annoying Creature: Well, Reyn thinks so. They get over it, eventually.
- Standard Status Effects: Half of his moveset is based around them.
- Tagalong Critter: Everybody else in the party has quite a big reason for wanting to fight the Mechon, be it avenging loved ones or trying to rescue them. Riki is pretty much roped into assisting them because Chief Dunga wants him away from the village and stacked more debt on him.
- Team Dad: Funnily enough, he actually fits as one. After all, he gives sound advice to Dunban about what it means to be a father (Or a daddypon if you prefer), and shares quite a bit of wisdom during some of his heart-to-hearts. It's fitting since he has 14 of his own littlepons waiting for him back at home.
- Third Person Person
- Verbal Tic: Adding "pon" to every second word in his vocabulary. In the Japanese dub, he ends every single sentence with "mo".
Characters from Bionis
"I like the look in your eye there, lad. It's time. This is war."
Voiced by: Anthony May (English)
Dickson Soss is a veteran of the battle of Sword Valley a year before the events of the game and a comrade of Dunban and Mumkhar. He is a resident of Colony 9 and looks over Shulk, Reyn and the other residents. He claims to have found Shulk in the Valak Mountain with the Monado and his parents dead. Dickson raised Shulk as his own. It is later revealed that Dickson is a disciple of Zanza (Dickson of the Trinity) and only took Shulk because Zanza was using him as a host. He's truly a Giant older than pretty much every living thing on Bionis and never cared for anyone but himself.
- Adam Smith Hates Your Guts: So, Dickson's rolled out some sweet new tech that can pierce Mechon armour. Hooray! Also, he expects you to pay for it. As Dunban would say, "You cheap old man..."
- The Ageless: He's well over thousands of years old, given the brief flashback that Egil has of him by Arglas/Zanza's side.
- Ambiguously Neutral: Dickson never does anything bad per se and he is always on hand to help Shulk, but a lot of what he says and the way he retreats from answering most of the questions presented to him presents the image of a man who is either helping out of an Enemy Mine situation or a knight in really sour armour.
- Pet the Dog: Despite this, it seems that he does have a genuine soft spot for Shulk and Fiora, the latter of whom is his adopted son.
- Until The Reveal, where he kills Shulk.
- Pet the Dog: Despite this, it seems that he does have a genuine soft spot for Shulk and Fiora, the latter of whom is his adopted son.
- Age Without Youth: It's ambiguous, but quite possible that his age is frozen at the moment in time when he became Zanza's Disciple as he's never shown in a "younger" body.
- Archnemesis Dad: Archnemesis Adopted Dad anyway, but he nonetheless becomes this for Shulk.
- Badass. He is stabbed through by Mechon, jumps into an impossible fight against things not even the Mechon-destroying sword can kill, Flies around in a fighter on his own shooting down the hideously strong things, and pokes fun at the Hero. And after being outed as a villain, he's still able to effortlessly smack the party around during every encounter until the final battle on Prison Island while insulting them.
- Badass Mustache
- Blond Guys Are Evil
- Blood Knight: It's revealed that this is why he follows Zanza's orders...
- A God Am I: ... Although his reason for doing so was to seize unlimited power.
- BFG: That gun of his is easily longer than his arm, yet he effortlessly wields it in one hand.
- BFS: It also doubles as a sword.
- Complete Monster: This is what he truly is: a self-serving bloodthirsty bastard who wants everyone dead and cozies up with a vicious, omnicidal god in order to obtain godlike power for himself.
- Cool Old Guy: At first...
- Dark Is Evil: Once he goes One-Winged Angel and reveals his true nature as a villain, most of his attacks become darkness-based.
- Dark-Skinned Blond
- Elemental Powers:
- Casting a Shadow: During the battles with him.
- Shock and Awe: Thunderbolt.
- Evil All Along
- Evil Mentor
- Omnicidal Maniac: Turns out that everything he did was to help Zanza destroy and recreate the world.
- Evil Former Friend: Turns out to be this for Dunban.
- Good Smoking, Evil Smoking: The morally grey cigar-smoking Badass variety. It becomes much more noticeable as the story approaches its climax and things get more difficult for everyone. Once Zanza returns he doesn't pick up another one until he dies.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He has his asshole moments, but very clearly cares about Shulk, Fiora, Dunban, and the others.
- Jerk with a Heart of Jerk: Or not. Turns out he really does live up to his name and is a straight up Jerkass.
- Knight in Sour Armour: Goes hand in hand with his ambiguous neutrality. He's always on hand to help the heroes, but at the same time he's frequently dismissive and cynical. When he discovers that the Face Mechon are Homs, his reaction is basically, "So what? I gave up trying to figure them out yonks ago."
- Meaningful Name: Probably why the localization team chose to write his name as Dickson instead of the more common spelling of "Dixon."
- Though the latter would also make sense, as "Dixons" is a hardware retailer in the UK.
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: He looks a lot like Hulk Hogan.
- One Last Smoke
- One-Winged Angel: During the showdown on Prison Island before entering Zanza's domain, he goes into his true Giant form for the fight.
- Parental Substitute: To Shulk.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old
- Screw This, I'm Outta Here: He just decides to quit fighting after Shulk and the gang prove to be stronger and tells them to get a move on. This is a cover though: he knows he's dying and wants to deny them the satisfaction of victory.
- The Smart Guy: A non-playable version. Despite not travelling with the heroes directly, he's still on hand to serve as a guide and provide tech support every now and then.
- It's also shown that he served as Dunban's Lancer during the war.
- The Dragon and The Brute: For Zanza.
"What're they trying to prove?! I'm not throwing my life away!No point dying in some godforsaken field."
Voiced by: Tim Watson (English) Norio Wakamoto (Japanese)
Mumkhar (ムムカ, Mumca) is is first introduced in the opening scene at the Battle of Sword Valley, alongside Dunban and Dickson. We quickly find out that Mumkhar is an honorless fighter and is willing to flee battle and abandon his comrades to save his life. We also learn that he desires the Monado for himself.
- Always Second Best: To Dunban.
- Beard of Evil: It's more of a goatee, but it still counts.
- Body Horror: His Mechon body shows just how much of the Homs' organic body is removed during the Face conversion. To clarify: if you look closely, you'll see that the lower part of his body is hollow and can see that his entire spinal column has been replaced with something mechanical.
- Complete Monster: Calling this guy an asshole would be an understatement.
- Dirty Coward: A possible contender for Most Triumphant Example. He deserts his war buddies to save his own skin barely five minutes after you first start playing the game, and goes as far as to laugh at them and yell how he'll make sure to plan their funerals.
- Disney Villain Death: One part of his death. It follows the Impaled with Extreme Prejudice example below.
- Elemental Powers:
- Casting a Shadow
- Playing with Fire
- Hellfire: The inevitable combination of the two.
- Evil is Petty: He could easily be the king of this trope thanks to his motivation for switching sides and attacking Colony 9 being to spite Dunban out of jealousy. Let's also not forget that he gleefully mocks them both about Fiora's death for little reason other than to get a rise out of them.
- Expy: Unpleasant former military man brought back to life as a main antagonist? Are we talking about this guy or Lt. Virgil?
- He also serves as an unintentional one to Pigma Dengar. Much like Pigma, he's a self-serving jackass who is a member of a three-man band of close friends, leaves those friends to die against the main villains, and taunts one of his victim's loved ones about their screams when they died. Add in the fact that he gets assimilated by a horde of terrifying monsters, and the resemblance is uncanny.
- Face Heel Turn: Although how much of a "Face" he once was is disputable.
- Gonk: Xenoblade's cast is not exactly made up of The Beautiful Elite, but they sure do look it when put next to this guy.
- Green-Eyed Monster: He hates and envies Dunban for being the Monado's master during the war.
- Guttural Growler
- Hollywood Cyborg
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: By a giant falling spire
- Jerkass: And so much more...
- The Lancer: The underhanded variety to Dunban during the first Homs-Mechon war.
- Manipulative Bastard: Although he clearly thinks he's a Magnificent one.
- Obviously Evil: Let's see here... Gravelly voice, hunched-over battle stance, bulging eyes, being a rude and self-serving little bastard from the moment of his appearance... Was Dunban seriously surprised by his betrayal?
- Primal Stance
- Sacrificial Lamb: Same as Fiora, ie he comes back.
- Smug Snake: And it gets worse when he comes back as Metal Face.
- Took a Level in Badass: After he becomes Metal Face.
- Transhuman Treachery: Justified. He was never a particularly loyal individual to begin with, which is why the Machina decided they didn't need to brainwash him, only offer him survival and power.
- Ungrateful Bastard: This is what gets him in the end: not even a second after Shulk and Dunban decide to show mercy and let him live, he tries to kill them anyway and refuses to listen when Shulk foresees his death and tries to warn him about it.
- Wolverine Claws
"Do you wish to change it? The future."
Voiced by: Blake Ritson (English)
Alvis (アルヴィース, Alviss) first meets Shulk when he is collecting some pure water crystals for Melia. They are attacked by a Telethia and Alvis teaches Shulk to use the Purge ability, while demonstrating he can use the Monado with great proficiency. Alvis is revealed to be the seer of the Emperor Sorean, and later one of Zanza's disciples.
More than that, at the end he reveals himself to be THE Monado, and a computer AI that may have created Xenoblade's world
- A.I. Is a Crapshoot: Averted. Well, for everyone who isn't Zanza.
- Anthropomorphic Personification He's one of the creators of the New Universe... and before that, he was a computer AI!
- Big Good: He's the true creator god, and puts Shulk on the path to defeating Zanza.
- Bishonen
- Cryptic Conversation: Not as bad as the character he's an Expy for, but he has quite a lot of moments.
- Curtains Match the Window
- God Was My Co-Pilot: To Shulk.
- Expy: Takahashi could have put chaos' model in some scenes and probably a lot of people wouldn't have noticed the difference. Even their personalities, voices (specially in Japanese) and even roles in the story are almost the same.
- God: He is this universe's one true god due to being the Monado and recreates it the way Shulk and friends want after Zanza's demise.
- Good All Along: While he was a member of Zanza's trinity, he was never truly on his side and helped Shulk acquire his own Monado after Zanza reclaimed his. It helps that unlike Lorithia and Dickson, he never engages in any real villainy.
- Meaningful Name the Monad in Gnosticism is the first God, who created those that followed, which makes Alvis' endgame revelation somewhat clearer.
- Mr. Exposition
- The Starscream: A benevolent one towards Zanza.
- Time Abyss
- The Unfought: The only member of the Trinity that is never fought... though it's probably for good reason.
- Walking Spoiler: EASILY the most spoileriffic character in this game, so it's certainly wise to NOT read any of the spoiler-tagged entries concerning him due to his completely and utterly spoiler-heavy nature.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy
"That sword... Could it be the...?"
Voiced by: Peter Dickson (English), Joji Nakata (Japanese)
Sorean (ソレアン) Antiqua is the Emperor of the High Entia and father to Kalian. He is eventually revealed to be Melia's parent as well.
- Cool Old Guy
- The Emperor: The benevolent version.
- Foregone Conclusion: Shulk has a vision of him dying very early in the game. Part of the High Entia episode is learning how to prevent it. It doesn't work.
- Screw Destiny: His opinion of this factoid is basically, "I'm going to do what's best for my people whether or not Fate does end up coming for me."
- Heroic Sacrifice
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old
- Reasonable Authority Figure: He is very quick to be on good terms with Shulk.
- Royals Who Actually Do Something
- Unwitting Pawn: It's shown that he's unaware of the fact that his First Consort is attempting to off his daughter, which leads to the attempts on her life. Later, he becomes one of the many disposable pawns in Zanza's resurrection plot.
- "Well Done, Daughter" Guy: For Melia. Turns out she didn't need to try and win his affection. He loved her all along.
- Winged Humanoid
"If that weapon is truly the Monado, we shall be forced to take action."
Voiced by: Rufus Wright[1] (English)
Kallian (カリアン) is a member of the High Entia imperial family. Noted for being both a wise, responsible and understanding young man, many believe that he has the qualities required to be the next emperor of his people and the fact that he has chosen not to follow this path, instead supporting Melia in her own bid for the throne, has come as a shock to many of them.
- Badass
- Big Brother Mentor: Comes off as one to many members of the party, but especially to Melia.
- Bishounen: Dickson even makes fun of it, stating that he looks "like a sissy".
- Baleful Polymorph
- Expy: Of Sigurd.
- Face Death with Dignity
- The Good Captain: Develops into this as the Bionis-Mechonis War begins.
- Heroic Sacrifice: Attempts it twice. The first time fails and he becomes a puppet of Lorithea. The second time he sacrifices himself as a Telethia to ensure Loritheas death.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old
- Royals Who Actually Do Something
- To Be Lawful or Good: He will not accept saving either his sister or father when they are in danger if it goes against orders or the rules of their people. He realizes after his fathers death that he should be good regardless of the rules.
- Winged Humanoid
Voiced by: Rachel Atkins (English)
Lorithea is the leader of the Research department.
- Christmas Cake: Clearly a lot older than the other female characters (and not just because she's a High Entia) but by no means less attractive because of it.
- Complete Monster: A downplayed one when compared to Dickson or her boss, but she nevertheless fits the bill.
- Evil Is Sexy
- Expy: Of Miang Hawwa.
- Immortality: It's revealed that she assisted Zanza because she was promised this. Which is a little confusing because, as his Disciple, it stands to reason that a) She knew about him beforehand and b) Already had it to begin with, like Dickson. Whether this meant an upgrade from the standard Undying type that the Disciples have to a Class I is unknown.
- Lady in Red
- Obviously Evil: Clad in red, sexy armor, speaks in a menacing and creepy tone, is first seen plotting to kill Melia with the First Consort... let's be honest, was anyone surprised when she was revealed to be a disciple of Zanza's?
- One-Winged Angel: By performing a Fusion Dance with Telethia!Kallian.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: Like all the High Entia.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Bizarrely averted. She's the only High Entia we see who wears Stripperiffic red and gold gear. Everybody else except for the Bionite Order that also wear red is clad in very modest blue-white attire. One would naturally expect this to be indicative of her personality, given that most of the High Entia we see have very similarly dutiful personalities but it isn't. The only thing it is indicative of, in hindsight, is that she was the evil one.
- Among Zanza's disciples, she and Dickson have this going in full force, albeit with opposite colors: Red-clad Lorithia is cold and cunning while the blue-clad Dickson is a lively Blood Knight who loves killing.
- Stripperiffic: If that's the official clothing of female High Entia ministers, they officially have the best Parliament ever.
- Summon Magic: In a similar vein to Melia.
- "Take That!" Kiss: After displaying Kallian in his Telethia form to Melia, she rubs it even more in her face by giving him a deep snog.
- The Vamp: Subverted. She looks the part, but she doesn't capitalise on it.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl
"This battle is for my people. If you can't handle it, drop that weapon and head home."
Voiced by: Lewis MacLeod (English)
Otharon is the leader of the Colony 6 defence force.
- Ambiguously Brown
- Badass Grandpa
- Badass Beard
- Badass Normal: Otharon can't use ether, from what we see, and he's not a crack-shot like Gadolt is. What he does have, however, are balls of steel and an incredible amount of Heroic Willpower.
- Bald of Awesome
- Cool Old Guy
- Determinator: Just try implying that he should give up on something. He simply will not rest until he's proven you wrong.
- Dying Moment of Awesome: Narrowly averted in-universe thanks to Shulk and his visions.
- Fingerless Gloves
- Heroic Sacrifice: Shulk has a vision of him pulling one early-on and spends much of the Colony 6 story arc thinking about how to avert his death. He succeeds.
- Grumpy Old Man: At first.
- Team Dad
"They're all cowards. I'll show them all."
Voiced by: Jordan Clarke (English)
Juju is Sharla's younger brother. He initially lives with his sister in the Refugee Camp, but he eventually tries to head for Colony 6, only to be captured by the Mechons and led to ether mines. After Shulk, Reyn and Sharia rescues him, he and Otharon go back to Colony 6 to try repair the town.
- Ambiguously Brown: Depending on the Artist. In-game, he looks tanned similar to Sharla. In his character art, though, he appears to have more of a Caucasian-esque tone compared to her.
- Annoying Younger Sibling & Bratty Half-Pint: Before Character Development.
- Dark-Skinned Redhead
- Dude in Distress: After Xord takes him down to the Ether Mines.
- Expy: Of Dan from Xenogears.
- Green Eyes
- Hero Worshipper: Towards Gadolt, and eventually Shulk and Reyn.
- Hot-Blooded
- I Just Want to Be Badass
- The Load: He thankfully improves over time, but there's no denying that he spends a good portion of the game as this.
- Sibling Yin-Yang: The yang to Sharla's yin.
- What an Idiot!: He makes a lot of really stupid decisions early on, which the party is quick to lampshade in-universe. Justified in that he's a child and doesn't understand the full consequences of them. He eventually matures beyond this.
Gadolt / Jade Face
"I'll be fine. I'll be able to keep my mind on the battle knowing you're safe."
Voiced by: Nick Boulton (English)
Gadolt is Sharla's fiance and a colonel in the Colony 6 Defence Force. A bold, fearless man whom Juju looked up to as a father-figure, he went missing during a battle with the Mechon; leaving behind only his ether rifle.
- Affably Evil: As Jade Face he's genuinely polite to Shulk and his crew, though that politeness vanishes the more they irritate him.
- Badass: Let's put it this way, Dunban, the resident in-universe Memetic Badass considers Gadolt to be a legendary sniper. When you fight him as Jade Face, he'll show you that he earned that reputation, Mechon body or not.
- Big Damn Heroes: See "Dying Moment of Awesome".
- Blonde Guys Are Evil: Subverted very, very hard. Despite looking like a thug, Gadolt is one of the most well-meaning and downright heroic characters in the game. And as a Faced Mechon, he's been completely brainwashed so he still didn't become truly evil.
- Brainwashed and Crazy: He is assimilated by the Mechon and gets his mind and memories completely wiped by Egil so they can't hold him back.
- Broken Ace: He's the best shot Colony 6 has, a hero to its people, fiance to a lovely lady and an all-round good guy. He's also wrecked with grief and guilt over not being able to protect more people, to the extent that Sharla only narrowly saves him from crossing the Despair Event Horizon.
- Bruiser With a Soft Centre
- Chekhov's Gunman: He's mentioned fairly early in the game but doesn't make an appearance until it nears its conclusion. It's totally worth the wait.
- Dark-Skinned Blond
- Despair Event Horizon: Only narrowly averted thanks to Sharla. His frustration at not being able to destroy the Mechon and having to watch his friends die on a regular basis caused him a considerable amount of rage and frustration.
- Dying Moment of Awesome: Becoming a human shield (with his giant mechon) to shield the party from the collapse of Agniratha.
- Face of a Thug: He looks like quite a brute, but he's actually a stand-up guy.
- Flunky Boss: As Jade Face, he'll summon lesser Mechon to serve as distractions.
- Friendly Sniper
- Cold Sniper: As Jade Face.
- Hollywood Cyborg: He suffers the same fate as Fiora.
- Humongous Mecha: Jade Face.
- "I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight: His last boss fight basically amounts to this.
- Not So Different: From Reyn due to the stubborn attitude that they share.
- Parental Substitute: For Juju.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: After his transformation.
- Shrouded in Myth: His marksmanship is so famed that even Dunban sings his praises. He doesn't quite have the same following, though.
- Sixth Ranger: For Egil's inner circle.
- Team Dad: Among the people of Colony 6.
- Unwilling Roboticisation
- Walking Spoiler: Thanks to his role once he finally shows up, it's hard to really discuss him without running into this.
- White Mask of Doom: As Jade Face, notable as it looks almost skull-like.
- Worthy Opponent: Similar to Reyn's case. Whereas Gadolt comes to admire Reyn's good heart and strong resolve, Reyn eventually comes to see the sniper as a good man who deserves Sharla.
Voiced by: Stephen Greif and Adam Howden (English)
Zanza (ザンザ, Xanthe) is a giant that Shulk beholds in a vision and learns the secrets of the Monado from. Although he is shrouded in mystery, his knowledge and eventual empowerment of the Monado prove extremely beneficial to the party.
... Until they realise that he's actually the real Big Bad. The giant is actually named Arglas and was Egil's closest friend before discovering the Bionis Monado and being possessed by the evil god within: Zanza. Considered to be the soul of the Bionis, Zanza is the being responsible for all life on it and its attack on the Mechonis. Since Zanza requires a physical body to maintain his existence, being unable to remain in his spirit form forever, he has locked all life on Bionis in an endless cycle of death and rebirth: wiping out everything and creating life anew once life on Bionis reaches a certain point. This is because, if his creations evolve too much and leave the world he has created behind, then he will be without a living host and ultimately die.
It is eventually revealed that he was once a human scientist named Klaus who destroyed the planet Earth in an experiment to create a new world and, together with Meyneth, became a god of the new one.
- A God Am I: Well, he was already a god... but getting Meyneth's Monado amped his pride Beyond the Impossible.
- Amazing Technicolor Population: He's some kind of purple shade... or, rather, Arglas' skin is.
- Badass Beard: While possessing Arglas.
- Bigger Bad: Thought Egil was the true enemy, did you? Not so fast, bucko!
- Bishounen: His true form.
- Blue and Orange Morality: It's implied that he isn't capable of understanding that the beings of Bionis are living beings with their own individual lives. To him, they're just food.
- Which still doesn't even begin to justify what he does. As the other God Meyneth understands that they are people and not food/bacteria.
- Body Surf
- Chekhov's Gunman: He's introduced as a One-Shot Character who's relevant for one plot point and is never heard from again... until much later in the game when it turns out that Zanza was one of the most influential people in the world.
- Complete Monster: He evokes this reaction in-universe. Absolutely every single character who knows of his existence regards him as completely and utterly evil and without a single redeeming quality. Not even his subjects try to defend him: they sidestep the issue altogether.
- The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard: You need to pass a reaction test to get your Visions during the fight, otherwise he'll shave off colossal amounts of health with each attack without any warning... He'll still cause ridiculous amounts of damage, but at least this way you're prepared for it.
- Cool Sword: Well, the Monado was his after all...
- It eventually gets upgraded into an even bigger one when he emerges from Shulk's body.
- Cosmic Horror: He has the mindset and immense power of one.
- Deity of Human Origin
- Demonic Possession: How he operates.
- Dual-Wielding: Both Monado's.
- Evil Is Petty
- Expy: Quite obviously inspired by Deus. Out of all the previous Xenocharacters to get a counterpart in 'Blade, this guy is probably the most similar to the original.
- For Science!: Which ended up turning him into a God.
- For the Evulz: Even though he wishes to maintain his existence, Zanza doesn't really have much of a reason to be such a colossal jackass. He's not a Well-Intentioned Extremist, he has no Freudian Excuse... He just crosses the Moral Event Horizon with each appearance like it's going out of fashion purely because he can.
- He even admits this to be his modus operandi when he explains that he gave the Telethia intelligence, creating the High Entia, on a random whim.
- Generic Doomsday Villain: He gets accused of being one in-universe when the party claims that nothing is gained from the destruction of the world and he's just doing it because he can. He doesn't put up much of a counter-argument.
- Genius Bruiser
- God Is Evil: Or, rather, one of the gods is evil.
- Jerkass God: Good magnificent fuck! This trope does not even begin to describe him! He's basically the living embodiment of every trope associated with evil and petty gods imaginable and then some!
- Humans Are the Real Monsters: One of only two true Humans left, and he kills the other one as soon as he awakens.
- Humongous Organic Titan: As the soul of the Bionis, it counts as his.
- I Just Want to Have Friends: Subverted. He tries to pull this on Shulk, but the reaction is a gigantic "Shut UP, Hannibal". Alvis also tries to explain this as the reason behind his actions but certain factors prevent it from taking.
- Immortality: A Parasitic-type, as it's stated that he cannot survive permanently in his spirit form and needs a physical body to inhabit every thousand years.
- It's All About Me: Taken Beyond the Impossible. He is utterly incapable of acknowledging the value of anything that isn't himself.
- Lack of Empathy: He's incapable of seeing the Homs as anything more than "bacteria, clinging to (his) body."
- Light Is Not Good: No...no it is not.
- Mad Scientist: Used to be one.
- Manipulative Bastard -> Smug Snake: He clearly fancies himself as a Magnificent Bastard, and to his credit actually does start out quite manipulative. Once he gets both Monado's, however, he just throws all planning out of the window and starts wallowing in his own pride.
- Mr. Exposition: He reveals the truth or, rather, some of it, about the Monado to Shulk and co.
- The Obi-Wan: To Shulk... for all of one cutscene, until The Reveal shows he was something very, very different.
- Obviously Evil: Subverted. Melia deduces minutes after meeting him that, despite how helpful his exposition and offer of powering-up the Monado without a catch are, the High Entia ancestors must have had a reason to seal him away. Despite this, Shulk agrees and he becomes one of the most important allies to the party... until he revives and reveals that she was right to be skeptical about him.
- Omnicidal Maniac: He's created a cycle of destruction and rebirth where, the moment life on Bionis looks like it's going to escape from it and abandon the old world, he possesses one of them to use as a vessel, devours everything else and creates life anew so he can live forever.
- It gets ramped Up to Eleven when he decides to kill everything that isn't himself before recreating the world.
- Our Giants Are Bigger: Although it turns out that Zanza was only possessing the giant Arglas.
- Physical God
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Subverted in that there's nothing to suggest that all giants aren't like this, but played straight when you realise what his true deal is.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old
- Sealed Badass in a Can
- Sealed Evil in a Can
- Sealed Inside a Person-Shaped Can: In this case, Shulk.
- Sealed Evil in a Can
- Sword of Plot Advancement: The Monado itself turns out to have been created by him. He also powers it up so that it can damage beings from Bionis as well.
- Technicolor Death
- Troperiffic: You are seeing how many tropes he covers, right?
- Unexpected Genre Change: Zanza becoming the Big Bad basically marks an end to the Man Versus Machine story that composed 95% of the game and the beginning of a Rage Against the Heavens plot.
- We Can Rule Together: He tries asking Shulk to be his new Disciple... It goes down about as well as you'd expect.
- Villainous Breakdown: Starts to have one midway through the final battle, centered around the fact that he can no longer see the party's future, but Shulk can still see his. By the time Shulk breaks out the True Monado, Zanza's breakdown goes into full-swing.
Characters From Mechonis
Voiced by: Peter Bramhill (English), Daisuke Kirii (Japanese)
Egil is the main antagonist of Xenoblade Chronicles A member of the Machina people, beings born from the Mechonis, he and his friend Arglas, the giant from Bionis, worked together to ensure a peaceful future between both the peoples of both titans. However, when Arglas was possessed by Zanza and laid waste to Mechonis, Egil swore revenge and, when both titans were put to sleep, began attacking Bionis with an army of Mechon: hoping to wipe out as much life as possible on the titan so that when Zanza returned he would have less ether energy to absorb and thus be more vulnerable to attack. Due to his thirst for vengeance, he has been abandoned by his people but continues to fight against the Bionis nonetheless.
- Amazing Technicolor Population: His skin is white-greyish, like all the Machina.
- Anti-Magic: His Apocrypha Generator, which negates the Monado's power by releasing counteracting ether-waves.
- Anti-Villain: Somewhere between a Type I and II. He makes it clear that he doesn't actually hate the people of Bionis. He's simply trying to destroy the Bionis itself.
- Bare-Fisted Monk: With or without his giant robot, he always fights with his bare hands.
- Cool Sword: Until he replaces Meyneth as the Mechonis' soul and wields a replica of its sword to control its movements.
- Big Bad & The Evil Genius: He's the primary antagonist until Zanza reveals himself and by far the most intelligent, being the creator of the Faced Mechon and the instigator of all the Homs-Mechon wars.
- Cain
- Defeat Means Friendship: For all of five minutes before Zanza goes and screws it up, but present.
- Fallen Hero: He once sought to create a peaceful unity between the peoples of Bionis and Mechonis, but Zanza crushed that dream when he possessed Arglas.
- Ironic Echo: "This world no longer has a need for Gods". His face when it's repeated by Meyneth before she dies says it all.
- Humongous Mecha: He has one that's bigger than all the other ones in the game put together. And it's golden.
- Large and In Charge: As a result.
- The Man Behind The Machines
- Not So Different: The hero swears vengeance against the man who slaughtered his people and shattered the peace between Mechonis and Bionis. Now who am I talking about? Shulk and Egil, or Egil and Zanza? In this case, it's a heroic inversion in that it's Shulk who points this out, not Egil.
- Rage Against the Heavens: He seeks to eliminate Zanza, the soul of the Bionis. When Lady Meyneth tries to make him stop, he declares her a traitor to her own people and declares that the world no longer has a need for gods like her.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: At least.
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: His ultimate goal is to avenge his fallen people by destroying Zanza.
- Summon Magic: He's capable of creating Mechon during the fight with him, presumably by pulling their components out of Hammerspace and piecing them together with what looks a heck of a lot like telekinesis. Or magnetism.
- Villainous Breakdown: It's subtle, but the you can definitely hear the sense of heartbreak in his voice after Meyneth makes it clear she's not on his side anymore. Him telling her that the world doesn't need gods comes off as him cursing her for betraying him while holding back tears. He regains his equilibrium for the final battle with him, though.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: Hoo boy. If genocide for the betterment of all (including the relatives of the people who were killed) doesn't count, nothing will.
- Wham! Episode: His Establishing Character Moment, which reveals a) that the Mechon are led by an intelligent being, b) that they are in fact Well Intentioned Extremists and c) that the Bionis is not the force of good that the Homs have believed up until now.
"This is the strongest Mechon ever built. I am Egil, leader of Mechonis! ... We fight to free this world from the tyranny of the Bionis!"
- White Mask of Doom: His Humongous Mecha has a very disturbing one that kinda looks like a melted skull.
Metal Face
Voiced by: Tim Watson (English)
Metal Face (黒いフェイス, Black Face) is the first primary antagonist and the first Faced Mechon introduced in Xenoblade Chronicles. He is the main reason Shulk begins the journey to the Bionis head after attacking Colony 9 and killing Fiora. Is eventually revealed to be Mumkhar.
- Arch Nemesis: For Shulk, Reyn and Dunban. Especially Dunban, once his true identity has been discovered.
- When you add in the death of the Emperor and possibly the one who captured Gadolt, both Sharla and Melia also have their reasons to hate him. So that's pretty much the entire party except for Riki. And maybe Fiora, but since she rejoins the party long after Mumkhar's death, it's hard to say.
- Complete Monster: He's one hell of a sick, twisted bastard, that's for sure.
- The Dragon: Subverted. He look to be this, but he's actually The Brute.
- Dub Name Change: Understandable, considering the Unfortunate Implications of his Japanese name.
- Finger Wag
- Flunky Boss: In his final battle, he attacks the gang alongside a small team of Mass-Produced Faces.
- Guttural Growler: Which may clue you in as to who his host is...
- Hopeless Boss Fight: Until you obtain the Monado II.
- Humongous Mecha
- Transforming Mecha: He and the rest of the Faces can fold up into an aircraft.
- Jerkass: Easily the biggest asshole in the game, bar none. After all, he merrily rubs in the fact that he killed Fiora to Shulk Every chance he gets.
- Karmic Death: He gets impaled by a fallen stone, and dies in a similar fashion to his many victims.
- Nigh Invulnerable: Like all Faced Mechon until the Monado is powered up.
- Recurring Boss: You fight him three times, four if you count Mumkhar on-foot.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Starter Villain: He's the first Faced Mechon Shulk fights, and killing him serves as Shulk's main motivation for a good chunk of the game.
- Token Evil Teammate: Okay, he's technically a member of the Five-Bad Band, but most of the others simply want to stop Zanza from destroying everything. Metal Face is simply driven by jealousy and spite.
- Troll: He loves pissing off Shulk, and oh boy is he good at it.
- So does that make him a Troll Face?
- White Mask of Doom
- Wolverine Claws: He loves skewering people with these and they hint at his true identity.
Voiced by: Jonathan Keeble (English)
Xord is the second Faced Mechon that Shulk meets and is the first Mechon to talk in the game. Xord features the ability to transform into a bulky jet, similar to Metal Face.
- Alas, Poor Villain: Sort of. While he is an incredibly loathsome guy and the main characters shed no tears at his demise, it's kind of sad to see him pitifully whimpering, gasping, and sobbing while all of his limbs have been blown off.
- Big Eater: He is giddy with the thought of devouring Shulk, Reyn, and Sharla, and admits that he ate all of the Colony 6 residents that he captured because he couldn't help himself.
- Blood Knight
- Boisterous Bruiser: Metal Face even lampshades it.
- The Brute: Subverted. He looks the part but , as a Mass-Produced Face, he turns out to just be an Elite Mook with backstory.
- Complete Monster: He's an unapologetic mass-murderer who gobbles up and slaughters Homs with glee, and shows a sick sense of joy at the prospect of killing Sharla's preteen brother. And of course, this asshole did wipe out most of Colony 6 and cackles with glee as he reflects back on it. And since he was converted into a Mechon before Egil started wiping out all of their memories of their previous life, this means that he willingly turned his back on his old life making him all the more hateable.
- Degraded Boss: Not Xord himself, but the poison-spear wielding Mass-Produced Mechon such as Temporal Gawain are clones of him.
- Drop the Hammer
- Faux Affably Evil: He's a downright jolly guy who introduces himself to the party in a similar manner to that of a dinner host introducing himself to his guests... and is a loathsome mass-murderer who is intent on eating said guests for dinner.
- Flunky Boss: The first time you fight him in the Ether Mines, he sics a bunch of lower-level Mechon on Shulk and friends,
- Foreshadowing: He drops many hints that Faced Mechon are actually Homs.
- Giggling Villain: He gets especially giddy during the confrontation with him in the Ether Mines.
- Graceful Loser: Despite his all-around unpleasant attitude, he takes his loss to Shulk relatively well.
- Humongous Mecha
- I Have Many Names: Hoo boy: for a starter baddie he has quite a few different names. You have his true Homs name (Xord), the name he's called during his first encounter (Mysterious Face), his canon Mechon designation (Brown Face), and the more recent canon name as of Smash Bros (Bronze Face). And if you want to count the Mass Produced Faces that are basically clones of him, you can add, well, Mass Produced Face to the list.
- I'm a Humanitarian: He loves to snack on Homs, as the residents of Colony 6 found out...
- It Can Think: The first Mechon who displays human-like behavior in front of our heroes, cluing them in to the fact that they're something more than mindless robots.
- Jerkass: Almost as bad as Metal Face in that regard, he laughs his ass off when revealing to Sharla that he killed all of the captured inhabitants from Colony 6.
- Large Ham: Good lord is he ever!
- Nigh Invulnerable: You can't hurt him at all without toppling him via chain attack even with the Monado, much like Metal Face beforehand.
- The Obi-Wan: In a very strange manner. His big mouth basically drops all of the hints that Shulk needs to seek the truth about Faced Mechon, even though he didn't mean to.
- Shout-Out: Probably unintentional on the Japanese side, but his big bruiser physique and bucket jaw call to mind the Orkz of Warhammer 40,000 fame, which his English VA (Who, funnily enough, has lent his voice to the Warhammer series) intentionally plays up. His main weapon is even a warhammer!
- Smug Snake: He loves to brag about how much more powerful he is than Shulk and his friends and is too overconfident for his own good... yet he's an odd example where he has every right to be smug since before some timely intervention from Otharon and a dip in an ether bath, there was no way they could really hurt him outside of toppling him during chain attacks which is easier said than done.
- Starter Villain: Shares this role with Metal Face. While he's the second Faced Mechon that Shulk and friends fight, he's the first that they truly defeat early in the game as well as the first to clue them in on their true nature.
- Vocal Dissonance: Let's be honest: would you expect a towering mechanical brute to have a voice that sounds like a cross between Barry Humphries and a London street thug?
- Was Once a Man: As a result of being a converted Hom, specifically a blacksmith.
- White Mask of Doom
- Would Hurt a Child: He wants to devour Juju (who can't be older than a preteen) after he's killed Shulk, Reyn, and Sharla.
Voiced by: Harriet Carmichael (English)
Vanea is Egil's sister and the daughter of the Machina chief. She does not like what Egil is doing and has asked many times to stop killing life on Bionis. She tells her brother that she only wants a world where everyone lives in peace including him. All atempts have failed however. She is also the person who implanted Meyneth into Fiora's body.
- Anti-Villain: With the subversion that she wasn't really a villain to begin with.
- Abel
- Absolute Cleavage
- Amazing Technicolor Population: Same deal as Egil.
- Dragon with an Agenda & The Dark Chick: She assists Egil, but only because she needs to revive Lady Meyneth to try and save Mechonis from his madness.
- High Heel Face Turn: Although how much of a "Heel" she ever was is disputable.
- Nipple-and-Dimed: Maybe...? Possibly...? It's more than a little hard to tell.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old
Voiced by: Richard Ridings (English)
- Amazing Technicolor Population: Just like his children.
- Big Fun: He's surprisingly jovial for a guy from Mechonis. Which just goes to prove that they're not all Mechon.
- Large and In Charge
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old
- Reasonable Authority Figure
Lady Meyneth
Voiced by: Jo Wyatt (English)
- Big Good
- Body Surf: Similar to Zanza.
- Demonic Possession: Subverted, as Meyneth ultimately turns out to be a force of good.
- Cool Big Sis / The Obi-Wan: To Fiora.
- Dark Is Not Evil: She looks the part, being a cyborg with predominantly dark colors, but she ultimately turns out to be a kindhearted and sagely scientist/goddess.
- Defector From Decadence: The reason why she turns on Egil is because she feels he's gone too far.
- The Dark Chick: A lot more emotional and mediating than any of the other Faced Mechon pilots.
- Turns out that's because she's really the Big Good.
- Deity of Human Origin
- Dual-Wielding: Her Monado turns out to take the form of a pair of swords.
- Establishing Character Moment: Subverted. It's not her being placed inside Face Nemesis, but Fiora.
- God Is Good: She's the god of Mechonis as well as its soul, but she's willing to let her creations live their own lives and not interfere in the running of them.
- Heroic Sacrifice: Tragically subverted, as her sacrifice just results in Zanza taking her Monado and becoming even more powerful as a result.
- Humongous Mecha: Face Nemesis and the Mechonis itself.
- Ms. Exposition
- Physical God
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old
- Reason You Suck Speech: She delivers a heroic version to Zanza:
"They (the Homs) are living beings! If you cannot understand this, you have no right to call yourself a god!"
- Sealed Good in a Can
- Sealed Inside a Person-Shaped Can: That'd be Fiora.
- Synchronization: With Fiora. After she is killed by Zanza, the former starts to slowly die.
- Team Mom: To the Mechonis characters.
- ↑ Adam Howden was mistakenly credited on the Nintendo of Europe site.