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World Championship Wrestling/Characters/Bischoff

Lists the various wrestlers active during the Bischoff Era, from 1993 through 1996. Please limit associated tropes to that wrestler's time in the WCW.

Alex Wright (Alexander Wright, 1994–2001)

Booker T (Booker Tio Huffman, 1993-2001)

The Boss / The Guardian Angel / Big Bubba Rogers (Raymond Walter "Ray" Traylor, Jr., 1985-1987, 1993-1998)

Chris Benoit (1995-2000)

Chris Kanyon (a.k.a Mortis, Chris "Champagne" Kanyon and "Positively" Kanyon) (Christopher Klucsarits, 1995-2001)

  • Catch Phrase: "Who's better than Kanyon?" Of course, the crowd would respond "Everybody!" rather than the "Nobody!" he was looking for.
  • Cool Mask: He wore one when he first debuted, under the name "Mortis."
  • Evil Knockoff: "Positively" Kanyon was this to DDP.
  • Joisey: During his stint as a Triad member, although he was actually from Queens.
  • Power Stable: He was a member of both The Flock and the Jersey Triad.
  • Red Baron: "The Innovator of Offence". He was also briefly known as Chris "Champagne" Kanyon and "Positively" Kanyon.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: Had this kind of relationship with both Raven and DDP, at different times.

Dean Malenko (Dean Simon, 1995-2000)

Disco Inferno (Glenn Gilbertti, 1995-2001)

Eddie Guerrero (1995-2000)

  • BadassLatino
  • Dirty Coward: As a heel.
  • Homage/FinishingMove: The Frogsplash became Eddie's signature move, but it was his partner Art Barr who originally used the move; when Barr died, Eddie started using the move in tribute to his partner.
  • Kick the Dog: His claiming to have been robbed by one of the masked wrestlers and forcing them all to unmask.
  • Power Stable: Eddie was the leader of the Latino World Order, and a member of The Filthy Animals.
  • Start My Own: The lWo.
  • Worked Shoot: The lWo angle was born out of legit problems between Eddie and Eric Bischoff.
  • Wrestling Family

"Fit" Finlay (David John Finlay, Jr.)

The Giant (Paul Wight, 1995-1999)

Glacier (Ray Lloyd, 1996-1999)

  • An Ice Person: Glacier had an impressive entrance centered around an ice-and-snow motif, as befits his name.
  • Awesome but Impractical: His incredible entrance cost nearly half a million dollars to put together, including $35,000 on the faux-armor he wore to the ring alone.
  • Captain Ersatz: Sub-Zero? Who's that?
  • Icy Blue Eyes: Subverted, they were contacts.
  • I Know Karate: The whole basis of his gimmick was that he was a martial artist who trained for years under the finest masters in Japan. Try to find a wrestler these days who doesn't integrate at least a little martial arts into their wrestling style.
    • Perry Saturn would call attention to that during a mini-feud in 1998, where he mocked the claim that Glacier invented his Finishing Move the Cryonic Kick (actually just a standard Standing Side Kick).
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: Glacier's feud with Mortis, Wrath and Vandenburg started when they stole the helmet that went with his elaborate entrance armor. Supposedly it was given to him by his late sensei and was his most treasured possession. Instead of triumphantly regaining it, he gradually forgot about it.

Hollywood Hulk Hogan (Terry Gene Bollea, 1994-2000)

Hugh Morrus / General Hugh G. Rection (William Charles "Bill" DeMott II, 1995-2001)

Jeff Jarrett (1996-1997, 1999-2001)

  • Alliterative Name
  • The Artifact: His guitar, a remnant of his 'Country Singer' gimmick from the WWF
  • Blond Guys Are Evil
  • Cheap Heat: In a promo during the 10/1/2000 edition of WCW Monday Nitro, held in Buffalo, New York, Jarrett wore a Tennessee Titans jersey and proclaimed: "I ain't no Buffalo Bill, and I ain't a damn LOSER!". He also went through a period where he'd come down to the ring with several attractive ladies, then send them to the back so the fans couldn't see them.
  • Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: He seemed to turn on almost everyone at one point or another.
  • Kick the Dog: He returned to WCW in 1999 by smashing a guitar over interviewer Mike Tenay's head.
  • Red Baron: "The Chosen One"
  • Weapon of Choice: The old Acoustic Equaliser.

Jim Duggan (James Edward Duggan, 1994-2001)

Jushin Liger (山田恵一 Yamada Keiichi, 1991-1999)

Konnan (Carlos Santiago Espada Moises, 1990, 1996-2001)

Meng (Tonga 'Uli'uli Fifita, 1994-2001)

The Nasty Boys - Jerry Sags (Jerome Saganovich 1990, 1993-1997), Brian Knobbs (Brian Yandrisovitz 1990, 1993-1997, 1999-2001)

Randy Savage (Randall Mario Poffo, 1994-2000)

Rey Mysterio, Jr.. (Oscar Gutierrez, 1996-2001)

"Rowdy" Roddy Piper (Roderick "Roddy" George Toombs, 1996-2000)

Steven Regal (Darren Kenneth Matthews, 1992-1998, 1999-2000)

Stevie Ray (Lane Huffman, 1993-2001)

Ultimo Dragon (浅井 嘉浩, Asai Yoshihiro, 1996-1998)

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