< World Championship Wrestling < Characters
World Championship Wrestling/Characters/Female Talent
Lists the various female wrestlers and personalities throughout WCW. Please limit associated tropes to that wrestler's time in the WCW.
Female Wrestlers
Akira Hokuto (佐々木 寿子, Sasaki Hisako, 1995-1997)
- Action Girl
- Cool Mask
- Evil Foreigner: With Sonny Onoo.
- Signature Move: The Northern Lights Bomb, a move she created. Also her signature pin where she kneels across the opponent's body.
- Two First Names
- Ur Example: The first and only WCW Women's Champion.
Asya (Christine Marie "Christie" Wolf, 1999-2000)
- Action Girl
- Awesome McCoolname: Her real name Christie Wolf.
- Boobs of Steel
- Captain Ersatz: Of WWE's Chyna
- I Have Many Names: Wolf, Double D and Asya.
- Murderous Thighs
- Muscles Are Meaningful
- Wrestling Doesn't Pay: Initally, Ric Flair's wrestling nurse.
Bull Nakano (ブルなかの, Nakano Keiko, 1995-1996)
- Ax Crazy
- Brawn Hilda
- Evil Foreigner: With Sonny Onoo.
- Improbable Hairstyle
- Mighty Glacier
Daffney (Shannon Claire Spruill, 1999-2001)
- Ax Crazy
- Fetish Fuel Station Attendant
- Lightning Bruiser
- Mad Love: For David Flair.
- Murderous Thighs: Her Finishing Move for a long time was the Frankenscreamer.
- Perky Goth
- Screaming Warrior
Madusa (Debra Ann Miceli, 1991-1993, 1995-2001)
- Amazonian Beauty
- Dark Action Girl: Strangely mixed with All-American Face.
- Iconic Diva
- Statuesque Stunner
- Suplex Finisher
Miss Jacqueline (Jacqueline DeLois Moore, 1997-1998)
- Action Girl
- Amazonian Beauty
- Deep South
- Sassy Black Woman
- You Go, Girl!: She fought as many men as she did women.
Miss Madness / Mona (Nora Kristina Greenwald, 1999-2000)
- Beauty Contestant
- Cool Crown
- Does Not Like Shoes: At least when she wrestles.
- Dyeing for Your Art: She's a natual brunetter, but was blonde in WCW.
- I Have the High Ground
- Kicking Ass in All Her Finery
Rhonda Singh (Rhonda Ann Sing, 1999–2000)
- Canada, Eh?
- Cute Bruiser
- Plucky Comic Relief / Fan Disservice: As "Nitro Girl Beef".
- Stout Strength
- The Giant: She was not any taller than Medusa or Asya but was much heavier and very difficult to move.
Nitro Girls (1997-2001)
Group Tropes
- The Cheerleaders: Without the negative aspects, though some of them turn bad after they leave the group.
- Five-Token Band
- Form-Fitting Wardrobe
- Pit Girls
- Power Stable
- Team Fanservice
Chameleon / Ms. Jones (Carmel Macklin, 1999–2000)
- Action Girl
- Badass Teacher: What she is now for real.
- But Not Too Black
- Sassy Black Woman
- Sexy Secretary: As Ms. Jones for Ernest Miller.
Kimberly Page (Kimberly Lynn Bacon, 1991, 1994–2000)
- Action Girl
- Damsel in Distress
- The Leader: Type II of the Nitro Girls.
- Red Baron: The 'Diamond Doll', the 'Booty Babe' and the 'Booty Girl'.
- Wrestling Family: Ex-wife to 'Diamond' Dallas Page.
Skye / Miss Hancock / Stacy Kiebler (Stacy Ann-Marie Keibler, 1999-2001)
- Blondes Are Evil: As a Heel.
- Breakup Breakout: The second most successful former Nitro Girl from WCW (behind Kimberly) and by far the most famous.
- Dark Chick: As a Heel.
- I Have Many Names
- Sexy Secretary: As Miss Hancock for Standards and Practices.
- Show Some Leg: 42-inch-long ones, to be exact.
- Statuesque Stunner
Storm / Paisley (Sharmell Sullivan-Huffman, 1998-2001)
- Action Girl
- Finishing Move: DDT
- Odd Friendship: With Kwee Wee, a effeminate male wrestler.
- Sassy Black Woman
- Wrestling Family: Wife to Booker T and Sister-in-Law to Stevie Ray.
Tygress (Vanessa Sanchez, 1997-2001)
- Action Girl
- Animal Theme Naming
- Dark Chick: As a member of the Filthy Animals.
- Power Stable: The Filthy Animals.
- Spicy Latina
The Other Members - Spice (Melissa Bellin, 1997-2000), Chae (1997-2000), Fyre (Teri Byrne, 1997-2000), AC Jazz (Amy Crawford, 1997–1999), Whisper (Rebecca M. Hickenbottom, 1997-1999) Tayo (Tayo Reed, 1997-1998), Syren (Allison Pfau, 2000-2001), Chiquita (Chiquita Anderson, 2000-2001), Starr (Jennifer Bancalum, 2000-2001), Naughty-A (Jamie Cragwall, 2000-2001), Baby (Shannon McNeill, 2000), Gold & Silver (Diane Klimaszewski & Elaine Klimaszewski, 2000)
- Action Girl: Spice, Fyre and Syren.
- Always Identical Twins: Gold and Silver.
- Blonde, Brunette, Redhead
- Blonde: Spice, AC Jazz, Naughty-A, Baby, Gold & Silver
- Brunette: Chae, Whisper, Tayo, Chiquita, Starr
- Redhead: Fyre, Syren
- Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: Tayo.
- Non Action Girl: AC Jazz, who left WCW because she refused to wrestle.
- Wardrobe Malfunction: Chae, who had a nip slip during a performance.
- Wrestling Family: Whisper is the wife to former AWA and WWE wrestler, Shawn Michaels.
Alexandra York (Terri Lynne Boatright Runnels, 1990-1992)
- Dark Chick
- Dark-Skinned Blond: Due to tanning.
- Hot Mom
- Ms. Fanservice
- Non Action Girl
- Wrestling Family: Ex-wife to Dustin Runnels / Goldust.
Debra McMichael (Debra Gale Marshall, 1995-1997)
- Beauty Contestant
- Blondes Are Evil
- Breakup Breakout: To most of the wrestler's she has managed even her ex-husband, Mongo.
- Dark Chick
- Ms. Fanservice
- Non Action Girl
- Red Baron: 'The Queen of WCW'.
- Southern Belle
- Wrestling Family: Ex-wife to Steve "Mongo" McMichael and Steve Austin.
Gorgeous George (Stephanie Bellars, 1999)
Leia Meow (Kristina Laum, 1999-2000)
- The Cheerleader: For the Varsity Club.
- Dark Action Girl
- Dominatrix: As a member of the Jung Dragons.
- I Have the High Ground
- Ms. Fanservice
- Stripperiffic
- Whip It Good: Her riding crop as a member of the Jung Dragons.
Major Gunns (Tylene Buck, 1999-2001)
- Action Girl
- The Chick / Hair of Gold: With the Misfits in Action.
- The Dark Chick / Blondes Are Evil: With Team Canada.
- Double Entendre / Punny Name
- Ms. Fanservice
- Power Stable: With the nWo, the Misfits in Action and Team Canada.
- The Quisling: When she betrayed the Misfits in Action and joined Lance Storm and Team Canada.
Midajah (Melinda McCullum-O'Hearn, 1999-2001)
- Dark Action Girl
- Ms. Fanservice
- Power Stable: With the nWo and the Magnificent Seven.
- Red Baron: The 'Number One Queen Freak'
- Twofer Token Minority: Midajah is an American woman of Norwegian, Irish, Spanish, and French descent.
Miss Elizabeth Miss Elizabeth (Elizabeth Ann Hulette, 1996-1998, 1999)
Missy Hyatt (Melissa Ann Hiatt, 1987-1993)
- Corrupt the Cutie: Did this to Robin Green, making her Woman.
- Femme Fatale
- Ms. Fanservice
- Non Action Girl
- Really Gets Around
- Wrestling Family: Ex-wife to the late 'Hot Stuff' Eddie Gilbert.
Precious (Patti Williams, 1987-1988, 1992)
- All Love Is Unrequited: She's only had eye for Jimmy in her WCW run, but that doesn't stop Ric Flair and Kevin Sullivan from trying to court her.
- Hair of Gold
- Ms. Fanservice
- Non Action Girl
- Wrestling Family: Wife to Jimmy Garvin.
Sherri Martel (Sherri Schrull, born Sherri Russell, 1994-1997)
- Action Girl
- Alliterative Name
- Combat Stilettos
- Red Baron: 'Sensational' and 'Sistah' when she managed Harlem Heat.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
Samantha / Torrie Wilson (Torrie Anne Wilson, 1999-2000)
Tammy Lynn Sytch (Tamara Lynn Sytch, 2000)
- Blondes Are Evil
- Dark Action Girl
- Ms. Fanservice
- The Vamp
- Wrestling Family: Her late husband, Chris Candido.
Woman (Nancy Elizabeth Benoit, 1989-1993, 1996-1997)
- Corrupted Cutie: She was initially Robin Greene, a geeky fan with a crush on Rick Steiner. She eventually went to Missy Hyatt for advice on how to win him over, got a sultry new makeover... and shortly aftewards, realizing the power her looks gave her, ditched him for Doom, becoming Woman.
- Dark Chick
- Ms. Fanservice
- Power Stable: Managed Doom and was closely associated with the Four Horsemen.
- The Vamp
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