Woof Woof Power

Otachi Okage Ookami-Shirogane, the only known Woof Woof.
"this a story abbot if ichigo was dating my oc otachi and they both get turned into mew mews but he is a woof woof not a mew mew. He is a wolf fox (folf)"
The immortal opening words.

Woof Woof Power, by AgreeableDragon, is a Tokyo Mew Mew fanfiction, which aims to retell the first half or so of Tokyo Mew Mew with an extra character taking Masaya's place. This, of course, doesn't go well, but at least the result is hilarious.

Woof Woof Power has crossovers, vampires, moon crabs, hamsters, fashion competitions, and musical numbers....and that's just counting the first 40-odd pages.

It can be found here or here on FanFiction.net. Meanwhile, a Dramatic Reading can be found here, and a companion version with hilarious MS Paint drawings can be found here.

Many of the tropes that apply to Tokyo Mew Mew also apply to this story. IN SPACE! AND IN THE PAST! AND IN THE OCEAAANNN!~

Tropes used in Woof Woof Power include:
  • Accidental Pervert: Otachi walks in on Mint while she's changing into her ballet outfit.
  • A Day in the Limelight: Most characters get their own individual chapters to star in.
  • Alternate Universe Fic: "this a story abbot if ichigo was dating my oc otachi and they both get turned into mew mews but he is a woof woof not a mew mew."
  • Amusement Park: Chapter 4 takes place at the beach board walk.
    • Chapter 8 takes place at a zoo with a roller coaster.
  • Anachronism Stew: Mint/Nhu's story takes place in 1957, during the Vietnam War. The author then promptly describes things like cellphones, Family Guy, and Lady Gaga.
  • And Now You Must Marry Me: After Uzumaki kills Lord Con and buys Nhu, he wants her to marry him.
    • The Spider God also tries to make Mint marry him.
  • Animal Stereotypes
  • Animal Talk: Almost every animal (and alien/predisite/chimera anima) can talk... and no one finds it weird at all.
    • In one chapter, Pudding talks to a monkey, and the author explicitly states that the monkey doesn't reply "because it is a monkey". The monkey talks later in the chapter anyway.
  • Anime Theme Song: The author rewrote the original opening (badly), and it was actually sung for the Youtube parody.
  • Animorphism: Ichigo spends quite a few chapters as a cat, and Mew Cotton is somewhat different in that she was a cat and turned into a more anthropomorphic cat.. thing.
  • Arranged Marriage: Lord Uzumaki tries to force Nhu into one and almost succeeds.
  • Attention Deficit Creator Disorder: see What Happened To The Mouse, below
  • Author Avatar: Otachi looks awfully similar to the artist's drawings of himself...
  • Author Catchphrase: '....And it was true' (which has been used 6 times as of the Mint special, counting "So it was true!" from chapter 28.)
    • Also, both in and out of the story, “ok” (which has been uttered an untold amount of times by different characters throughout the fic).
    • "Get it?"
  • Awesome McCoolname: Let me introduce you to Ciel Bloodhaven.
    • Vladimir Darkness Disaster is a newcomer competing for the Awesome McCoolname crown.
    • Waterfall Jones, and her sisters, Bright Future and Crystal Clear.
    • Most of the Mew Mews have names that would be strange in their stated countries of origin.
      • A few particularly odd examples would be a prate girl named Ant Farmer, a "beach" girl named Staplers, an Australian girl named Didgerydoo, a country girl named Sandwitch, a moon crab named Moon Crab, and a robot girl named Gutter.
  • Back From the Dead: Masaya. First he's killed, then they find a version of him in the past and bring him back to the future..
    • William Bloodhaven... and the entire kingdom of vampires, apparently.
    • Ciel's mother.. sort of.
    • Ciel, when he appears to have been killed by Honda, revives with a kiss.
    • Zakuro, after they defeat Deep Blue, is revived as her own quickly-aging child.
    • Tony, Winthorpe, and the Dinkys.
    • Big D and Tieu.
  • Backstory: There are special backstory chapters for Otachi, Ciel, Lettuce, Mint, and William Bloodhaven so far, and many are mentioned throughout the story as well.
  • Beach Episode: Chapter 5.
  • Beige Prose: Randomly.
  • Bi the Way: Averted. While Mint originally liked Zakuro in Tokyo Mew Mew, she seems to have no feelings for her here, and instead opts for Otachi.
    • Winthorpe. He "falls in love" with Ciel when he thinks Ciel is a girl, and keeps true to his "love" when he finds out Ciel is a boy.
  • Big Badass Wolf: Otachi and Zakuro.
    • Tony is supposedly the prince of the werewolves, despite never displaying any werewolf powers or characteristics.
  • Big Damn Heroes: The Mew Mews somewhat, but Otachi to a major extent. Also America's Mew Mews.
  • Bishonen: Pretty much every guy but Tart.
  • Blood Bath: Ciel sits in pools of blood.
  • Blood-Splattered Innocents: Nhu/Mint gets covered in other people's blood a few times in her Backstory.
  • Break the Cutie: Ichigo after Masaya's death.
    • Nhu/Mint.
    • Mew Scarab, who starts as a shy and friendless girl, makes close friends with the rest of Egypt's Mew Mews. They then are torn away from her by a curse, and she hardens up, choosing to go on a solitary path for revenge.
  • Brick Joke: Hey, kids! Remember that crocodile in chapter 3? Well, guess who shows up again in the Ms Paint version of the Dramatic Reading (specifically, chapter 5)?
  • Call Back:
    • In the Space Saga arc of the story (specifically, chapter 19) Otachi throws a harpoon...into space. Zakuro is distraught, because "now she can't catch whales". Later, in chapter 35, Zakuro wishes that she had her harpoon.
    • The author also made a point to reference Lettuce's backstory when she went to the Vampire Kingdom to rescue Pudding/Kiki.
  • Call Forward:
    • Zakuro's alien rant in the joke chapter at the beginning of the story actually meant something. She's actually Deep Blue!
    • "Sarah needs our help" was probably an unintentional reference to a plot that would come way later in the story.
    • Otachi talking about Sir Pouncealot before he shows up in the story.
    • The name Sarah being mentioned well before anyone named Sarah comes up. The name Thomas is also mentioned.
  • Calling Your Attacks
  • Can't Hold His Liquor: Ciel.
  • Catgirl: Ichigo, and a few of America's Mew Mews. Amongst all of the 200+ Mew Mews he's made so far, the following are known to be cat girls:
    • Mew Pumpkin Pie
    • Mew Orange
    • Mew Orange Sherbert
    • Mew Skittles
    • Mew Cotton (quite literally a cat girl, in the scariest of ways)
    • Mew Meatball
    • Mew Caramel
    • Mew Poptart
    • Mew Fan
    • Mew Rice
    • Mew Samy (with only one cat ear)
    • Mew Pretty (may not count, as she may be a fox. It's never specified)
    • Mew Sakura
    • Mew Tiger (indirectly though, as a tiger)
    • Mew Doritos (also indirect, as a cheetah)
  • Chastity Couple: Nhu and Big D don't really do anything but hug, even though they seem to be together.
  • Cheerful Child: Pudding.
  • Clueless Chick Magnet: Otachi.
    • Ciel has the opposite problem...
  • Costume Porn: Many outfits are described in detail, many of which are ridiculous. Otachi's outfits are usually the most described, while Lettuce's are often the least.
    • "Otachi's outfit was black silk with red and gold trim and it had fire on it's sleeves and golden bridges up the front. It was fitting and showed off his muscled physique, he had on black combat boots and marshall art gloves. His pants were black and had chains on them. His eyes were brown and his hair was black and his eues were red."
    • "Ichigo had on a black cat suit and otachi had on a black wolf suit with chains and red lining and fingerless gloves."
    • "Ichigo was wearing a bright pink one piece bathing suit with watermelons on it and a cute white miniskirt and black and white sandals. Her hair was up in white ribbons. Mint was wearing a blue ballgown over her skimpy navi two piece. She had lots of frills and bows and her hair was down. Mikey was in her black purse and wearing a matching bow. Lettuce was wearing jeans and a tshirt. And a big sun hat with sunflowers on it."
    • "Otachi was wearing a black shirt with a black leather jacket with black fingerless gloves and chains on his belt and black combat boots. His eyes were not red today because he was in a good mood."
    • "Mint was wearing her hair in one bun and had on on a yellow dress and she wore glasses even though she didn't need them. They were cosmetic and she had on diamond earings. The boob part of her dress was white and she had white sandles and ribbon sleeves."
    • "Ichigo was look like herself. She had on a black dress trhat went to her knees and was one piece. She had long sleeves and white lace and a black version of her chat bell choker and her hair was down. she had on a mini black top har with a bow and blck lolita shoes and her eyes wree fire red and ice blue."
    • "Zakuro's was purple and showed her dog tail and was a dress. It had black sequins on it. It had black gloves and black high boots and a big glass helmet. And goggled that were red and a thing on her mouth that helpred her breathe and it was attached to a tank on her back that had air in it. She had a red belt with a wolf brooch. Ashe had black space boots and a turtleneck to keep her neck warm and face."
    • "Ichigoes was black and lazy and poofy. It had a huge ribbon on the back and her hair was up in pigtail ribbons and curl and she was strapless. She had lacy gloves and her cat bell choker and fancy blackj= shoes."
    • "Mint was wearing her bangs and hair in curls and buns and had a Lolita head band. Her dress was navy and light blue and red ribbons in her hair. Pigtail buns. She had white gloves ribbon around her neck with a bow in the back and white sandles."
    • "Lettuce was wear a long light blue dress and white gloves with ribbon go up the arms all the way to almost her shoulder, her hair was down and long and wavy and thick and green and had yellow flowers in it and opink rose choker."
    • "Pudding was in a prince otfit with poofy shorts and wavy hair and a crown and tall socks. It was blue and red andwhite. Zakuro was in a dark purple dress that was long and fancy and had a back that went way down to her lower back and a collar and ponytail."
    • "But where was otachi otachi came out dressed in an all black fancy suit with red undershirt trhat was collared and white shoes and chains on his pants to show his less fancy side."
  • Crazy Jealous Guy: Uzumaki and to an extent, Ciel.
  • Crossover: with Hamtaro, Pokemon, Megamind, and Black Butler, respectively. Sir-Pounce-A-Lot may be an example, as well.
  • Curtains Match the Window: Ciel "had long black hair and black eyes".
    • Tony's hair and eye color are very similar.
  • Cute Clumsy Girl: Lettuce.
  • Cute Little Fangs: Sometimes drawn in the parody.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Mint's past.
    • Mew Scarab's past as well.
    • Ciel's past is also this way.
  • Darker and Edgier: is trying, but failing miserably.
  • Dark Magical Girl: Lettuce at first, until Otachi told her she is an amazing superhero, to which the other Mews agreed with nodding.
    • Zakuro, as of her transformation into Deep Blue.
  • Dating Do-Si-Do: Otachi started out dating Ichigo, until they "went on a break", and he eventually got together with Mint. Eventually after they broke up, he started dating Lettuce, but they've also broken up.
  • Debut Queue: Chapters 1-8 (technically 1-6, but Pudding shows up without introduction in chapter 6, and is introduced in 8 as if she wasn't there).
  • Demonic Invaders: The aliens and chimera animas.
  • Derailing Love Interests: Mint's story has plenty. Otachi is also a prime example.
  • Did Not Do the Research: Everything. There is quite a bit of this in Nhu's past.
    • They're in the Vietnam War, but that doesn't seem to be portayed very accurately.
    • Everything seems to be portayed as an ancient Japanese land.
    • They have Chinese/Japanese/Korean names/foods.
    • Lord Uzumaki's name is Japanese.
    • Lord Con's name is... English?
    • The dog is named Salt, which is English, but Nhu/Tieu shouldn't know English, and Nhu also hates America.
    • Cocaine being in a little glass vile, which (the vile) then goes into you via needle.
    • "Ryou said "you need space suits to survive in space except mint because she is a bird and can survive in space".
    • "Earth today however there are around 2580 species of animals facing extinct on this planet." This is the fault of the original Tokyo Mew Mew in giving this statistic, but the known number is actually 1,556.
    • Winthorpe being a male banshee.
    • Ciel, a vampire, walking around in sunlight. This may be explained by him being half-human.
    • The status of whether or not regular animals can talk.
  • Did Not Get the Girl: It seems like Haku and Nhu will get together, but...
    • So far, Ciel's had no luck with Lettuce.
  • Disney Death: Masaya, technically.
  • Department of Redundancy Department: This happens a lot, especially in Mint's backstory special.
    • "...he smiled. He is good at school and smart and cute and very athletic and popular at school and has a great smile."
    • “sigh” ichigo sighed. “It’s so nice nice outside today so why am I stuck inside this endangered animal exhibit with Masaya. There is a new student going to school today and I want to see who it is so I must go from here to school to see who it is”
    • “yawn” ichigo yawned. “I’m exhausted and tired” ichigo said.
    • “wow I never noticed that building” ichigo said as she noticed a cool building.
    • Otachi went to the door an rang the doorbell on the door.
    • Ichigo and mint fought overwho sat next to otachi but in the end otachi sat next to lettuce because she was scared afraid of the roller coaster. “now hold on to me if you get scared afraid” said otachi. "ok I’ll hold on to you if I get scared” said lettuce.
    • “I think it maybe true we need to keep an eye on her”...So they agreed to keep an eye on her.
    • So they decided to go to the zoo because that’s where the mew mew was going to be at the zoo.
    • mint was was worried where was ichigo? she didn't know so she was worried.
    • It was written in blood. The letter said “I will kill all of you” and was writtenin blood
    • The stars glittered in the distance like glitter across a blanket that enveloped them.
    • Theres aliens always happened at the park. When they got to the park an alien happens.
    • “I am Ciel and I am friends of vampires. I am the prince of vampires. The prince of all vampires.”
    • What had happened was bob said to ryou that “heres how it went”
    • “coco the monkey” said micky and evetyone laughed and micky barked. Micky
    • “OH NO MICKY” said mint “OH NO MICKY” said otachi
    • Bob began trying to move the rocks but they could only slowly move them slowly
    • Pudding was scared. She was so scared her face looked scared AND she looked at him and ciek laughed and said “whats wrong are you scared?” “yews” said pudding “I am scared."
    • She snuck stealthily through the couch and eventually came to the tallest tower and the tallest tower
  • Derailed for Details: The story will often stop to add strange or even unrelated details, such as the classroom seating order or what the author is doing at the moment.
  • Don't Say Such Stupid Things: In chapter 4, Lettuce calls herself a freak, and Otachi disagrees.
  • Doomed Hometown: Nhu's home village was burned down, and the villagers were killed.
  • Dramatic Reading
  • Dub Name Change: They are occassionally called by their English dubbed names.
    • William Bloodhaven is sometimes called Isaac for no explained reason.
  • Dudley Do-Right Stops to Help: 4 Mews and Otachi all stop to help Lettuce in chapter one when some mean girls are bullying her.
  • Duet Bonding: Ling & Nhu, Haku & Nhu, and Big D & Nhu.
  • Dull Eyes of Unhappiness: Parody Otachi always.
  • During the War: Mint's past.
  • Dramatic Ellipsis: Just look at the opening sentence in chapter 1.

earth……….. a beautiful blue plant filled with millions of life forms. Earth today however there are around 2580 species of animals facing extinct on this planet. It is time to stand up against thus destruction…………………..now. for all living creatures…………………..and for ourselves!!!!!

  • Dying Declaration of Love: Big D proposes to Mint as he's dying.
  • Easy Evangelism: Otachi has a way with words... apparently.
  • Elegant Gothic Lolita: Ichigo, when she's evil. Also see Pimped-Out Dress.
  • Ending Theme: A badly rewritten version of the original ending theme.
  • Everything's Better with Monkeys: There's a monkey who drives, get this, a spaceship.
    • Pudding also has her pet monkey from the original story.
  • Fanfic
  • Fan Fic Chopsuey
  • Filler: Most of the chapters that are currently out are filler where nothing important to the plot happens.
  • First-Name Basis: Everyone is immediately called by their first names by everyone, to the point where it's possible that some of them might not have last names in this fic.
  • Fish Eyes: Happens a lot in the parody.
  • Freudian Slip: There are quite a few (unintentional?) examples of this, many being switched names.
    • Meanwhile" is constantly used instead of "later". Essentially, a character can be in two places at once with the way he uses it.
    • Ichigo and Otachi walk to school together, but when she's at school, she tells her friend "It is because I got a ride to school from the cool new guy."
    • “thank you for saving micky” micky said.
    • Otachi was disguised as a talent agent so he was judging everyboy.
    • "Otachi frowned and crossbred his arms."
    • "“oh no mint is dead!” SAID MINT"
    • "Otachi’s eyes grew red with blood when we became angry"
    • "“I fell bad for what has happened” said Ichigo." Said at Masaya's funeral after he fell from a roller coaster.
    • "carried a cot he found passed out."
    • "Otachi shat up and leaned in to tell secret."
    • "“but we need your help” said ryou and clenched his fist “otachi is right” said zakuro. “we do need your help lettuce”"
    • "“Im worried” said mint “ weve nbeen in space a long time. Are we lost?” “yes” said otachi “thats a relief” said mint “as long as we stay on course we will be fine” he said"
    • "The two of them nodded and otachi and mint went to explore the service of the moon."
    • "“well everyone is different mint” said mint."
    • "“micky!” said mint. “micky!” said micdy"
    • “mary is for politics”
    • "Outside of the cave ryou went off with bob to go get powder drills"
    • "She snuck stealthily through the couch"
  • Friendship Moment: Ling and Nhu share one where they make friendship bracelets/blankets/brakets, and then hug and fall asleep standing up, and because of this, the dog is pregnant.
    • Ciel and Tony have one in chapter 48.
  • Girlish Pigtails: Ichigo.
    • Mew Waterfall
    • Mew Banana Pudding/Cake/Pie
    • Mew Walnut
    • Mew Tiger
    • Mew Millenia
    • Mew Horace
    • Mew Doritos
    • Mew Samy
    • Mew Poland
    • Mew Black
    • Mew White
    • Mew Spaghetti
    • Mew Strawberry
    • Mew Caramel
    • Mew Icy
    • Mew Polar
    • Mew Black Rock Shooter
    • Mew Bot
    • Mew Helga
    • Mew Shinku
    • Mew Kishou
    • Mew Bara
    • Mew Canada
    • Mew Tortilla
    • Mew Solar
    • Mew Fajita (only one pigtail)
    • Mew Fan
    • Mew Jasmine
    • Mew Cotton
    • Mew Eiffel
    • Mew Fantasy
    • Mew Skittles (four pigtails)
    • Mew Sakura Hatsune (three pigtails)
    • Possibly Mew Rice & Mew Vanilla
    • Nhu, before she puts her hair in buns.
  • Gratuitous English: The entire story. There are too many examples to count, but here are a few of the worst (or best, YMMV):
    • Mint moved beautiful from her ballet did help.
    • Otachi frowned and crossbred his arms.
    • “pudding! Be mew with zakuro said”
    • but at the park, a CRASH happening "Oh mno it am" said Otachi! "ALIEN"
    • Otachi shat up and leaned in to tell secret.
    • It Was a kind of clody day and the rain fell like tears into on the roofpot.
    • The 3 lefted the atmosphere into the space in search of ichigos alien shipy.]
    • Meanwhile in he cockpit with akuro was driving.
    • To be endtinued
    • Chaptert 14: my heart will goon
    • Theres aliens always happened at the park. When they got to the park an alien happens.
    • What had happened was bob said to ryou that “heres how it went”
    • There were crystal sand castles and water falls and pormole.
    • “I for be protect con mint” shouted otachi
    • “mary is for politics”
    • Mint sighed and put hand on otachis shoulder and cried fragile tiaras.
    • "im glad its finally over " agreed mint, petting miki's back with her back
    • "She went back to the King of vampires but why" said Pudding, who frowned and rememberd what wa a hjerk the king was.
    • "Oklay" said the buttlet.
    • “now you are my hair” said the dad
    • "pudding" said lettuce "you are fish with gill cannot breathe poison go kill moth"
    • The name typos are sometimes even worse, which include such gems as Inchigo, Ichigoo, Ichiogp, Lettucea, Otsachui, Ptacho, Winpope, Miont, Mintyt, Keiichow, Zakuroi, Zakurt, Pussing, Ruto, Boob, Cirel, Corl, Sir Ouncealot, Megamon, Meganmind, Mew Bababa Pudding, Mew Waterfail, and many, many more.
  • Gratuitous Japanese: Words like "kawaii" get thrown in randomly.
  • Great Detective: Coco, for 5 seconds.
    • Lady Mystery.
  • Guilty Pleasures: You know you actually like it.
  • Harem Genre: Not outright, but with all the girls that love Otachi, it might as well be.
    • And all the boys that like Ciel...
  • Henshin Hero
  • Hollywood History
  • Hurricane of Puns: Mewtual, amewsing, moonquake...
    • All the dinosaur ones in chapter 41.
  • If I Can't Have You: Lord Uzumaki wants Nhu bad. He even kills Lord Con over it, for some reason.
    • William Bloodhaven towards Sakura.
  • I Hate You, Vampire Dad: Ciel's father kills his mother and then forces him to become a vampire. Ciel, of course, is not happy about this.
  • Incredibly Lame Pun: The author seems to run on these.
  • Informed Ability: Otachi can apparently sense Mew Mews, but in a later chapter, this ability was forgotten before he was even able to use said power.
    • It eventually was used again.
  • Informed Attractiveness: We are constantly told how girls fawn over Otachi.
    • We are later told over and over again how pretty/cute Ciel is... dressed as a girl.
  • Instant Illness: Big D suddenly has an open bleeding chest wound a few months after he was stabbed there. You would think it would have healed, but it just suddenly springs up and he dies.
  • In the Name of the Moon: America's Mew Mews pull this.
    • "“and we are here to defeat the demen!” yelled mew pumkin pie pointing to the cat sir pouncealot (or so they thought)…"
  • Involuntary Shapeshifting: Ichigo's ears and tail pop out when she's flustered.
  • I Will Protect Her: "Don't worry, I'll protect everything."
  • Jidai Geki: Ciel, Otachi, Lettuce, and Mint all get sent to feudal Japan for a few chapters.
  • Joshikousei: Some of the characters wear them.
  • Kaleidoscope Eyes: Otachi's eyes are dark red, but will become red like blood when he's angry.
    • Some of the other OC Mew Mews have crazy eye colors.
  • Kick the Dog: Nhu kicks Salt, but we're not supposed to feel ill will toward her for it.
  • Lap Pillow: Big D's dies on Mint's lap.
  • Late for School: Otachi warns Ichigo that they will be late when they're all inexplicably at the museum one morning.
  • Lolicon: Ciel tries to marry Pudding.
    • I'm not the only one who noticed that Nhu was still probably 8 or 9 when she was with Big D, am I..?
  • Long-Haired Pretty Boy: Ciel.
    • Winthorpe, Vlad, and "Keiichow" too.
  • Love Confession: Mint confesses to Otachi & Big D... not at the same time, of course.
  • Love Dodecahedron: Ichigo, Mint, and Lettuce all have crushes on Otachi, and he dates them all in that order (though broke up with all of them). Ciel loved Lettuce and possibly Pudding, but later gets over Lettuce and seems to start crushing on Tony. Winthorpe and Tony both like Ciel.
  • Love Hurts
  • Love Makes You Crazy: Ciel, though already crazy from his 400 years of solitude, kidnaps Pudding and Lettuce to force one to marry him. When Lettuce tries to stop him, he attempts to kill her.. because he loves her.
  • Love Redeems: Lettuce and Pudding convince Ciel not to kill them, and Lettuce later has him join their team.
  • Magical Girl
  • Magic From Technology: "It's genetic therapy, like cancer cells."
  • Marry for Love: Nhu doesn't want to marry Lord Uzumaki because she doesn't love him.
  • Meganekko: Lettuce
  • Mind Screw: If anything, Mint's backstory. Basically, Mint was a little girl during the Vietnam War, where her entire village (including her family) was killed. She and her brother had to move to a different part of Vietnam to get away from the fighting, where they live with some rich dude and then Mint.....well, it gets even more confusing from there, but it involves time travel and Backstory Confusion.
  • Misery Builds Character: Ciel, Mint, Mew Scarab, and some others.
  • Mismatched Eyes: Ichigo when she's evil.
    • Ciel.
    • A lot of the OCs.
  • Mission Control: Ryou and Keiichirou.
    • Later on, Mew Guardian.
  • Mix-and-Match Critters: Otachi is part wolf and part fox, or "folf".
  • Monster of the Week: Chimera Animas/Predisites/Aliens.
  • Mood Whiplash: chapter 30, which would have been dark and maybe even sad, was interjected with: "Ciel said "I cant explain now read my chapter special if you don't know lol" Lettuce said after ledduce read chapter and said "oh I see" and was sad for ciel. Then she said "the writer cant spell lol" (I know my writings really bad I never chexk my spellinf XD just making fun of myself)"
  • Most Fanfic Writers Are Girls: Subverted.
  • Motive Rant: "Listen you" Said zakuro "I know I have powers and I know I am special but I work by myself. And no one else can ever change my mind ever since I was born I was by myself and I had to learn to live by myself on the cold streets. And I used to spend everyday gathering food for my brothers and sisters. I've had a hard life and I don't need yoyu to tell me I need to work as a team when Ive been alone by hole life. Im on the top now model and I can support myself. And im not afraid of any aliens or pedisites or and as I came to this planet Ive been trying to get along and you people just keep making things harder for me and Im sick of it. You make me sick. So you're my answer is no."
    • For another example, see chapter 17. You think the above example is long? Ciel's rant is almost double the length (Zakuro's is only 150 words long, while Ciel's is 236).
    • Ciel has many more rants in the chapters following that as well.
  • Mr. Exposition: Otachi to the max.
  • Mundane Luxury: Nhu living with Big D.
  • Negative Continuity: chapter 37 probably constitutes as this, since the author even admitted that he had forgotten what had happened in the last chapter. And it shows.
  • Neutral Male: Masaya
    • Tony seems to be this, but he's apparently a werewolf. No werewolf qualities or super powers have been sen from him at all so far.
  • No Going Steady: Nobody seems to stay in a relationship for long.
  • No Punctuation Period: Sometimes the sentences just run on and on and on and on and on and on and...
  • Noble Demon: Ciel is the PRINCE OF ALL THE VAMPIRES, Tony is the werewolf prince, Winthorpe is the banshee "queen", and Vlad is seemingly the only Darkpire, but the leader.
  • Not So Stoic: Be very afraid if Otachi makes any happy expressions in the parody.
  • Old Man Marrying a Child: Lord Uzumaki is surely an adult, and Nhu should still be 9.
    • Big D might be older too when she's still not too old.
  • Parental Abandonment: No one's parents seem to show up or be involved in the children's lives.
    • Except for Lettuce's in her bonus chapter.
    • Ichigo's mom is briefly seen.
    • Otachi's parents are briefly seen in his special.
    • Ciel's dad is around, unfortunately for him.
  • Perky Goth: Otachi seems to wear somewhat goth clothing, and has black hair and red eyes, but is downright pleasant to almost everyone he meets.
  • Pitbull Dates Puppy: Big D, a drug dealer, gets with Mint, a... child.
  • Present Day: Mint time travels to 2011, when the story was started.
    • Her age doesn't make sense though if she's supposed to be Otachi's age (16 or so). She should've only been 10 or 11 at most by the time she time traveled, so... the story might take place in the future.
  • Purple Prose: attempts it at times, but ultimately fails.
  • Odango Hair: Mint. Also when she was known as Nhu. She wore it because it signified that she was a servant, supposedly.
  • Odd Friendship: Like Tokyo Mew Mew... Everyone, really.
  • Odd Name Out: There are a few instances here.. First of all, the Mew Mews are all named after food, but Otachi isn't.
    • America's Mew Mews. We have Mew Banana 'something', Mew Pumpkin, Mew Orange, Mew Orange Sherbert, Mew Carrot Cake, and... Mew Waterfall?
    • Quite a few of the OC Mew Mews:
      • In the Pirate Mew Mews, most names are odd but at least pirate/boat/sea/ship related. Then there's Mew Ant Farmer.
      • Mew Sandy of the Christmas Mew Mews.
      • None of the Beach Mew Mews' names make any sense except Bathingsuit.
      • Dodo of the Protector Mews. The rest are notes, but she's the only doubled note. To be fair, she looks completely different as well.
      • Rainbow Mew Mews are mostly just a single color word, like Red, Blue, and Yellow. Then you have Pink Star.
      • Nature Mew Mew's Mew Fortune, where the rest are named after natural elements and events.
      • Egypt Mew Mew Spontanadue.
      • Mew Tiger is the only non-food-related Country Mew Mew name.
      • Mew Rice. The other two are named after patterns or are from space.
      • Mew Horace's name in general. Mew Frank may also count, depending on the meaning.
      • Germany's Mew Mews are all ice cream toppings except for Mew Morning Glory.
      • Mew Icy both looks and is named differently in Iceland Mew Mew.
      • Mew Shooting Star of Rozen Mewden is the only one not based on a Rozen Maiden character.
  • Onee-Sama: Zakuro is still referred to as this by Mint, although rarely.
  • Original Character: Otachi Ookage Ookami-Shirogane, Ciel, Mew Pumpkin Pie, Mew Orange, Mew Orange Sherbert, Mew Carrot Cake, Mew Banana Pudding/Cake/Pie, Mew Waterfall, Coco, Sebastian, Sir Pouncealot... the list seems to keep going on.
    • Tieu, Lord Con, Lady Mystery, Lord Uzumaki, Mr. Manager, Ling, Haku, Salt, Big D...
      • Vlad,, Tony, Winthorpe, a million Mew Mew OCs...
  • Out of Character: Everyone, always.
  • Part-Time Hero
  • Power Dyes Your Hair: In the parody and the actual series.
  • Really Seven Hundred Years Old: Ciel is 401.
  • Recurring Extra: Micky goes where Mint goes. In the parody, the crocodile from chapter 3 constantly shows up.
    • Coco, Bob, Ragetty, Thomas, and a few others.
  • Recycled in Space: Tokyo Mew Mew....IN SPACE!
  • Refusal of the Call: Zakuro.
  • Replacement Goldfish: Ciel revived his mother Sakura, although she has no memories of her past life. Leads one to wonder if she's actually the same person...
    • Masaya's replaced by a copy of him from the past. He also conveniently gains all of the first Masaya's memories, and he acts the same, apparently.
    • Zakuro's baby... Zakuro. Who has her memories and possibly soul and is aging faster than usual.
  • Replacement Love Interest: Ichigo replaces Masaya with Otachi. Otachi replaces Ichigo with Mint, then Mint with Lettuce, and may now replace Lettuce with someone else.
    • Ciel originally replaced Lettuce with Pudding, but wasn't actually interested in Pudding. He now seems to be replacing Lettuce with Tony.
  • Rescue Arc: The space arc to save Ichigo.
    • The World Mew Mew Search-and-Rescue arc.
  • Retcon: Quite a few in Mint's backstory.
    • She hates America, and spends a lot of time establishing that. Then, when she gets to America, she seems to have absolutely no problem.
    • There's never a language barrier, going from Vietnam to America to Japan.
    • Nhu has to steal mints, but then it says they're free.
  • Rich Bitch: Subverted. Mint's character in Woof Woof Power is kind of nice.
  • Robot Buddy: Masha.
  • Rose-Haired Girl: Ichigo when transformed.
  • Rouge Angles of Satin: With all the typos, Freudian Slips, and Gratuitous English, this applies.
  • Sailor Fuku: Ichigo, Lettuce, and Mint in the parody.
    • Thomas and many others.
  • School Idol: Otachi might as well be one, with all the girls that like him.
  • Show Within a Show: Hamtaro.
  • Shojo
  • Shout-Out: Ciel and Sebastian. Ciel even has an eyepatch, and Sebastian's his butler.
  • Shrinking Violet: Lettuce.
  • Smitten Teenage Girl: Ichigo, Mint, Lettuce, and almost every background female.
  • So Happy Together: Mint and Big D.
  • Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace: The police and Lady Mystery interrupt the wedding of Uzumaki and Nhu to arrest Uzumaki for murder.
  • Spotlight-Stealing Squad
  • Spot of Tea: Mint enjoys tea.
  • Something We Forgot
  • Stages of Monster Grief: Ciel skips most of these.
  • Start of Darkness: Woof woof power special chapter: ~*story of ciel**
    • Technically Deep Blue (Zakuro), when Nhu was forced to leave Ling.
  • Stockholm Shnozzing: Lettuce and Ciel.
  • Strawberry Shorthand
  • Stroke the Beard: Mr. Mustache strokes his mustache menacingly.
  • Student Council President: Mint becomes the student body president the day she transfers to Ichigo's school.
  • Super-Hero Speciation
  • Switching POV: Occassionally switches from third person to first person for short spurts.
  • Tall, Dark and Bishoujo: Zakuro.
  • Talk Like a Pirate: Abused in the pirate arc, and failed horribly with Captain Jack Sparrow.
  • Team Spirit
  • Ten Ways to Rewrite a Show
  • The Alcoholic: Ciel.
  • The Archer: Mint and the Sherbert twins.
  • The Chosen One: Otachi is the only Woof Woof.
    • Mint is given the power to travel to a time where there's no war. Not really sure if there's a reason she's chosen for that or what...
  • The Ditz: “while the cats are gone the mice will play.” “what does hat mean? Im right here”
  • The Lancer: Mint is meant to be this, but kind of fails at it.
  • The Stoic: Otachi in the Youtube parody, to the extent that his eyes are always half-open with no shine.
  • The Vietnam War: Mint's past.
  • Tokyo Is the Center of the Universe
  • Transplanted Character Fic: So many characters are transplanted into Tokyo Mew Mew, but it's almost it's own story at this point.
  • Tsundere: Ciel is a textbook example of this in chapter 41..
    • Ciel said "I didn't do it to help you. Its not like were friends or anything"
    • Masaya said "why are you smiling" and he said "NOT BECAUSE OF YOU"
  • Undignified Death: Masaya fell off of a flippin' rollercoaster. Top that.
  • Unusual Ears
  • Vampire Bites Suck: Ichigo was bitten by Kish and turned into an alien. Try explaining that one.
  • Vampires Are Rich: Ciel lives in a castle in the Vampire Kingdom in an undisclosed area.
  • Verbal Tic: Unlike the real thing, Pudding's tic seems to be "desu".
  • Villainous Crush: Lord Uzumaki likes Nhu.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: Ichigo and Mint, to a lesser extent than the original series.
  • Wake Up, Go to School, Save the World: Oddly enough, they've only been shown going to school in the first few chapters. After that, it's off to go power up the Mew Mew Tank, into space, into the past, and a buttload of other things that are more important than school.
    • Eventually some of them go to school in England, but that's short lived and only to find the banshee queen.
  • Wall of Text: Ciel's monologues tend to be hilarious text walls.
  • Wanton Cruelty to the Common Comma
  • What The Hell, Author? In Chapter 30, the author said that Lettuce had to dress as a waitress, and was nervous because she had never waited on people before; though if anybody knows ANYTHING about Tokyo Mew Mew, they would know that the girls are, indeed, waitresses.
  • What Happened to the Mouse: Suprisingly, for the most apart, averted. Some plot elements seemed to just dissolve over time, the most jarring of which being Ichigo's disappearance, though time will tell if this is ever directly brought up and resolved.
  • Winged Humanoid: Mint is a bluebird....and she can survive in space because of this.
  • You Fail Math Forever: In Ciel's backstory special, he starts as a 14 year old. "400 years later he was almost 401." Technically, he should be 414. To add to that, in another chapter he tells Pudding that he's currently 401. At that point, Otachi is 16, and when Otachi's mom was pregnant with him, that's when the special says Ciel's 401.. so he really should be 430 by the time he tells Pudding his age.
    • Mint saying “I was born in 1957", when she was 9 in 1957. On that note, as mentioned earlier, the story either takes place in the future when she's 15-16, or the author failed math again by having it take place when she should be 10-11.
  • You Fail History Forever
  • You Keep Using That Word: "Hoslin". What the heck is hoslin?!
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