Woof Woof Power/Characters
Main Characters
Otachi Okage Ookami-Shirogane
- Accidental Pervert: Otachi walks in on Mint while she's changing into her ballet outfit.
- Angst? What Angst?: He doesn't have angst about anything for long.
- Author Avatar: The author draws himself looking the same as Otachi.
- Backstory: Has a chapter devoted to it, but... it isn't really a backstory anyway.
- Big Damn Heroes: He jumps at the call to help anyone.
- Chronic Hero Syndrome
- Clueless Chick Magnet: Everyone thinks he's hot, and he's clearly not exploiting his luck for some reason.
- Fantastically Indifferent: Sometimes he's just too accepting.
- Humble Hero
- Kaleidoscope Eyes: Otachi's eyes are dark red, but will become red like blood when he's angry.
- Mr. Exposition
- Oblivious Younger Sibling: Well, he doesn't seem to notice or care all the wierd things Ryou does...
- Perky Goth: Not too sure on him being gothic, but he at least dresses like a scene kid.
- Relationship Sue
- Third Option Love Interest: Mint doesn't get Haku or Big D, so she goes for Otachi.
- Understanding Boyfriend
- What an Idiot!: Otachi clearly seeing a demon transform into his dead cat, and then believing it's his dead cat reborn.
Ichigo Momomiya (Mew Ichigo)
The first to join the Mew Mews and date Otachi, she has the genes of a cat.
- Break the Cutie: Kish turns her into an evil alien queen after the death of Masaya.
- Catgirl
- Chickification: Somehow, she's even more girly than she used to be.
- Dub Name Change: Aside from all of the obvious typos, she also has been called Zoey (Hanson) a couple times.
- Elegant Gothic Lolita: When she's Queen of the Animas.
- Expressive Hair: Her hair changes color when she transforms, though this is true to the original story.
- Girlish Pigtails
- Involuntary Shapeshifting: True to the original, her cat ears and tail will sometimes pop out, and as of chapter 41, she can also turn into a cat.
- Mismatched Eyes: When she's evil her eyes are "fire red and ice blue".
- The Ditz: And boy is she ever.
Mint Aizawa (Mew Mint)
The second to join the Mew Mews, she has a crush on Otachi and is a blue bird.
- Anguished Declaration of Love: For Big D as he's dying.
- Backstory: Has an extremely long chapter devoted to her backstory.
- Break the Cutie: Her backstory.
- Character Development
- Dark and Troubled Past: Boy does she ever have one. She was born in Vietnam in 1957 under the name Nhu, during the Vietnam War. Her entire village (including her family) was slaughtered one day, leaving only her, her younger brother Tieu, and a dog they nicknamed Salt as the sole survivors. They fled to a new city where Nhu worked at a noodle shop to support her and her brother. She gains a close friendship with a girl named Ling, but another man named Lord Con buys Nhu as his own worker and takes her and Tieu away. Nhu works hard there, and seems to have a crush on Lord Con's nephew Haku. While working there, Tieu becomes very weak and sick, and another man named Lord Uzumaki takes an interest in Nhu. He buys her and kills Lord Con, then tries to make Nhu marry him. He almost succeeds, but is arrested for murdering Lord Con before he succeeds. Nhu, Tieu, and Salt all flee the city, living in a field as Tieu gets so sick that he can't move. Nhu can only feed him mints she found, but he eventually dies. Nhu and Salt then stowaway on a ship, and it ends up taking them to America. She meets a drug dealer named Big D, and they decide to live together and become romantically involved. However, one day Big D's heart fails because he had a heart condition, and he proposes to Nhu before he dies. She accepts and he dies in her arms. After grieving on his grave for days, Salt also dies, leaving Mint with Salt's puppy, who she named Micky. Mint sneaks onto an airplane and falls asleep, and when she wakes up, she's in Japan, where she begins working again. One day, she's called into a fortune teller's hut, and she gives her a jewel that she can make a wish on. Nhu wishes to be in a time without war, and is sent to 2011, where she ends up getting adopted and starting a new life.
- Dub Name Change: Is called Corina once or twice, but more importantly was once named Nhu.
- Earn Your Happy Ending
- Happily Adopted
- Lethal Chef: She is a French chef, and will use her bagettes to attack.
- Lonely Rich Kid
- Odango Hair
- Second Love: Otachi gets with Mint after breaking up with Ichigo.
- Student Council President
- The Archer
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Lettuce Midorikawa (Mew Lettuce)
The third to join the Mew Mews, she also has a crush on Otachi. Her animal DNA is never mentioned, but it is safe to assume that she's still infused with a sea creature of some sort.
- Afraid of Blood
- Backstory: Has a chapter explaining how she was once in the girlscouts and why her hair is cut the way it is.
- Beware the Nice Ones: She can fight if someone's in danger.
- Character Development
- Cute Clumsy Girl
- Dark Magical Girl: When she first meets the Mew Mews, she tries to attack them, as well as (apparently) killing some random girl outside their school.
- Dojikko
- Dub Name Change: Sometimes called Bridget.
- I Just Want to Be Normal: At first, until Otachi gives her a friendship speech.
- Meganekko
- Performance Anxiety: Chapter 6.
- Not So Weak
- Shrinking Violet
- Took a Level In Badass: When she saved Pudding from Ciel.
Pudding/Kiki Fong (Mew Pudding)
Due to author confusion, both the fourth and fifth Mew Mew to join the team. She is a monkey.
- Arranged Marriage: Almost with Ciel.
- Chinese Girl
- Dub Name Change: Very often called Kiki.
- Genki Girl
- Horrible Judge of Character: After Ciel kidnapped her and Lettuce, tied Pudding up and locked her away with him to force her into marriage, and almost killed Lettuce, Pudding thinks he's an okay guy and is just lonely.
- Jumped At the Call
- Kid Appeal Character
- Parental Abandonment
- Verbal Tic: "Desu" instead of "na no da".
Zakuro Fujiwara (Mew Zakuro)
Both the 4th and 5th member to join the team as well, she is infused with either wolf or dog DNA.
- Bad Dreams: She had a dream where the other Mews were killed by Pokemon, and she decided she had to join the team because of it.
- Big Bad: Zakuro is Deep Blue.
- Big Badass Wolf
- Dub Name Change: Renee, occassionally.
- Onee-Sama: Sometimes others refer to her this way.
Ciel Bloodhaven
A 400-something year old vampire who gets himself tangled up in this mess.
- And Now You Must Marry Me: He kidnaps Lettuce and Pudding, and then tries to force Pudding into marriage.
- Audience Surrogate: May or may not be intentional.
- Awesome McCoolname
- Backstory: Has his own chapter explaining how he came to be the prince of all the vampires.
- Berserk Button: Most things.
- Can't Hold His Liquor
- Dark and Troubled Past: His father abandoned him and his mother, and when he came back, he killed Ciel's mother, told him he was a vampire, and brought him back to the Vampire Kingdom. Ciel sought revenge by killing every vampire beside himself and Sebastian, and spent the next 400 years living in the Vampire Kingdom with Sebastian as his only company.
- Dark Is Not Evil
- Defeat Means Friendship
- Embarrassing Nickname: "Vampirate".
- Entitled Bastard
- Forgotten First Meeting: It is implied he was friends with Tony and Sarah (Winthorpe) when he was younger, but he doesn't seem to remember anything about it.
- From Nobody to Nightmare: Was a normal kid until his father awakened his vampire powers.
- Functional Addict: He's clearly an alchoholic.
- Hates Being Touched
- Human Mom, Nonhuman Dad
- Human Pack Mule: Chapter 41.
- I Hate You, Vampire Dad
- Immaginary Love Triangle: Winthorpe seems to think he's competing for Ciel's affections with Tony. Ciel seems annoyed with both of them.
- Immortal Immaturity
- Ineffectual Loner
- Mood Swinger
- Motive Decay: "I will kill all the werewolves!"
- No Sense of Humor
- Only Sane Man: Sometimes he seems to be the most sane character (by comparison to the other characters), even seeming to (unintentionally?) agree with the audience, but he's also really crazy by normal standards.
- Stopped Caring
- Wall of Text
- Vampires Are Rich
- Tsundere
The main instigator of attack, he's one of the aliens trying to defeat the Mew Mews.
- Aliens Speaking English
- Made of Iron: He's been stabbed in the chest, bled from his face twice for whatever reason, stabbed in the head... And shot in the head. And it never seems to affect him.
- Space Elves
- Stalker with a Crush
Deep Blue
William Bloodhaven
Ciel's father, the old king of the vampires.
- Backstory: Has a backstory explaining how he became the vampire king, met Sakura, and had Ciel.
- Berserk Button: If things aren't going exactly his way, he gets violent.
- Chaotic Evil: And how.
- Entitled Bastard
- From Nobody to Nightmare: Went from being a pirate to king of the vampires.
- Ghost Pirate: Technically.
- Jerkass
- Motive Decay: He falls in love with and knocks up a woman named Sakura and wants to marry her, but when she calmly says she doesn't want to be a vampire and kill people, he changes his tune and tells her how vile she is and that he wants to kill her. So much for love.
- Troll
Sir Pouncealot
Otachi's old deceased cat. An illusion demon takes on his form and tricks Otachi into thinking that he's Sir Pouncealot for no discernable reason.
- Aliens Speaking English
- Animal Talk: Not only could the demon Sir Pouncealot talk, but the actual Sir Pouncealot could talk too.
- Cats Are Mean
- Motive Decay: Not so much decay, but more like "what was his motive?"
Other Mew Mews
America's Mew Mews
Which consists of Mew Waterfall, Mew Pumpkin Pie, Mew Banana Cake/Pie/Pudding/???, Mew Carrot Cake, Mew Orange, & Mew Orange Sherbert.
- Big Damn Heroes: They randomly burst into the story to tell Otachi that Sir Pouncealot is a demon, and then they all defeat him.
- Odd Name Out: Mew Waterfall.
- Plucky Girl: Mew Waterfall, especially if something involves Ciel.
- Tag-Team Twins: Mew Orange and Mew Orange Sherbert.
Mew Danri
A temporary Mew Mew while the others were in the past, she is based on the author's girlfriend Dantey (a.k.a. Danri).
Mew Jade
A temporary Mew Mew while the others were in the past, she is based on the author's friend Jade.
Mew Berry
Other Supporting Characters
- Curtains Match the Window
- Determinator: Mostly applies to being Ciel's friend.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Honda.
- Innocent Bystander: He started this way, but it's no longer the case.
- Ordinary High School Student
- Our Werewolves Are Different: In the sense that he doesn't do anything at all to imply he actually is a werewolf...
- Nice Guy
- The Mole: He's not a bad guy, but he is trying to get pictures of the Mew Mews to expose information on them.
- Badass
- The Comically Serious: He says ":(". How do you even pronounce that?
- The Voiceless: He has not had any dialogue as of yet, except for ":(".
- The Quiet One: As of the final battle with Deep Blue, it is shown he actually can speak. ("Bullseye.")
- Determinator: In getting Ciel's affection.
- Grumpy Bear
Aoyama Masaya
Shirogane Ryou
Otachi's older brother. He created the Mew Mew project.
- Eccentric Millionaire
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Keiichirou.
- Incest Subtext: Not sure if intentional...
- Jerkass
- Mission Control
- Screw the Rules, I Have Money
- Teen Genius
Akasaka Keiichiro
Ryou's partner in both the cafe and the Mew Mew project.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Ryou.
- Mission Control
Lettuce's pet hamster.
- Animal Talk: Could possibly be explained by the fact that he's given super powers, but it's unlikely considering all of the other talking animals.
- Non-Human Sidekick
Pudding's younger sister Heicha, who is secretly disguised as the genius monkey Coco.
- Animal Talk: We're led to believe she's a talking monkey at first, but she's revealed to be Heicha.
- Everything's Better with Monkeys
- Great Detective
- Kid Sidekick
Ciel's trusted half-vampire, half-mooncrab butler.
- Human Aliens: Excluding the fact that he's a vampire and has a crab claw.
- Kindly Housekeeper
- My Master, Right or Wrong: Considering he just lets Ciel kill all of the vampires (innocent or not) and continues to serve him, this one applies. It doesn't help that he only knew Ciel for a few minutes before Ciel announced his plans.
Mint's Past Characters
Mint's younger brother who died at the age of 5 due to starvation and asphyxiation when he and Mint couldn't find money, food, or help. His death is also the catalyst for Nhu leaving Vietnam, ending up in America, and eventually resulting in her time travelling. He is a sweet and caring kid who spends most of the story being ill.
Later on in the story, his spirit returns to Mint to comfort her. He tells her that she doesn't need to feel sad and that she has friends who love her now, and that his death wasn't her fault.
- Children Are Innocent
- Dead Little Brother
- The Woobie
- You Are Not Alone
- You Did Everything You Could: He basically tells Mint that what happened to him isn't her fault.
Big D
A drug dealer Nhu meets when she ends up in america. He is kind to her and takes her in, and eventually their relationship grows into a romantic one. He eventually reveals to her that he needs to save up money for surgery, due to him having an unspecified heart condition. However, his heart condition kills him before he can do this. He proposes to Mint before he dies. His real name is revealed to be Micky, and he is the one Mint names her dog after.
Later on in the main story, he comes back as a replacement for the Blue Knight, helping Mint out as opposed to Ichigo. It isn't revealed where he comes from or if he's dead or alive.
- Dying Declaration of Love: Big D proposes to Mint as he's dying.
- I Will Protect Her
- Mysterious Past
A girl who Nhu meets while working at Mr. Manager's tea shop. The two quickly hit it off and become close friends, but are seperated when Nhu is sold. Not much is known about her, though she is kind and caring towards Nhu. Friendship Moment: With Nhu. They make friendship bracelets, do the dishes together, and then go out and look at the koi fish in the moonlight.
Lady Mystery
A woman who stays at the Golden Palace during a party. Not much is known about her. She is also the one who discovers that Lord Uzumaki killed Lord Con.
Throughout the main story, her role seems to be more important. She is very involved in Mint's life, and is actually the fortune teller who gave Mint the power to time travel. Aside from that, she remains a fortune teller in the future, enabling Zakuro and Ichigo to temporarily time travel to retrieve the rest of the group that was sent to the past. She's very mysterious and seems to take joy in both helping others and stirring up trouble that will lead to character growth in others.
Lord Con (Mr. Mustache)
A man who buys Nhu to work in his hotel not too long after she begins working for Mr. Manager. He is eventually murdered by Lord Uzumaki.
- Embarrassing Nickname: I'd say "Mr. Mustache" is one.
Lord Con's nephew, who seems to have a crush on Nhu. Nhu also seems to return his feelings, but nothing much comes out of it. He is generally caring towards Nhu and her situation.
- Cloudcuckoolander: He doesn't seem to be attached to anything... at all. Nothing seems to phase him.
- Did Not Get the Girl
- Fantastically Indifferent: "Ok."
Lord Uzumaki
A man who meets Nhu in the Golden Palace hotel and instantly takes a liking to her, much to her dismay. He murders Nhu's employer and buys her in order to make her marry him. Unfortunately for him, however fortunately for Nhu, he gets arrested before the wedding can be completed.
He is an egotistical Jerkass who only wants things to go his way.
- And Now You Must Marry Me: He tries to make Nhu marry him.
- Crazy Jealous Guy
- Jerkass
- Love Makes You Crazy: He doesn't seem to be in love per se, but he murders Lord Con to get Nhu's affection/hand in marriage.
A dog that followed Nhu and Tieu out of the wreckage, and later gave birth to Mint's dog Micky. She dies of starvation days after Big D dies.
- Longest Pregnancy Ever: Salt was pregnant for an incredibly long time before giving birth.