< Vocaloid
Vocaloid/Fan Works
This is for tropes related to songs and other fan works. For tropes related to official material go here.
Provides Examples Of:
- Action Girl: First Virus Resistance_ Assault Chapter, Lience, Festival of Asylum, Mozaik Role, The Cursed Glasses - stray girl in her lenses, Paradise of Light and Shadow and Holography.
- Afterlife Express: One possible interpretation of Rinne is as about a girl stuck on one of these.
- The New Millenium plays the trope in elevator form, though it turns very Gainax, very quickly.
- The Sand Scraper train could also be seen as one.
- Alice Allusion: Alice Human Sacrifice by Miku, Kaito, Meiko and Kagamine, Alice in Dreamland by Kaito, Persona Alice by Miku, Boku to Alice no Wonderland by Len, Alice by Hatsune Miku. A lot of songs have Alice in Wonderland theming.
- ALiCE iN BLACK MARKET by Miku's DARK Append, if only for the title.
- All Just a Dream: Mrs. Pumpkin's Ridiculous Dream.
- All There in the Manual: Anything related to the Story of Evil series, going as far as the characters' names, as well some very important facts about characterization and plot, especially including how the twins got separated in the first place and the fact that Rin's character does not remember that Len's character is her brother. Information has been released on Akuno-P's blog along with really really fast flashes of text on the velvet mix versions - and a novel series.
- Arc Symbol: The grass circlet in one of the PVs for Servant of Evil. Two other PVs replace it with a yellow flower petal and a golden locket.
- From Synchronicity, we have Rin and Len's treble and bass clef necklaces.
- Arc Words: Common in song series:
- Mothy has many listed on his page. For a narrow example, Story of Evil has "if we could be reborn...", "I will always protect you, so please always be smiling", and "little glass bottle".
- Synchronicity has "keep singing"/"please sing" and "paradise".
- Bad End Night has "you are the star of this crazy night!"
- HELLO*PLANET has "ohayo" ("good morning").
- As Long as It Sounds Foreign - Kaito's breakthrough song Pane dhiria is written in Japanese and an Arabic-sounding language called Hanamogera, a completely made-up language by the creator.
- Attractive Bent Gender: Kagamine Len, in the video for Imitation Black. This song became way more popular (not to mention much faster) than any of Natsu-P's other songs on Nico Nico Douga.
- Also for Fate: Rebirth.
- He stays this way in Natsu-P's other Visual Kei videos involving VanaN'Ice.
- Basically Len in general: Most Servant of Evil PVs feature Len in Rins dress.
- Ax Crazy: Fear Garden.
- Badass Labcoat: Interpretations and fanart of Honne Dell have him in one.
- Badass Long Hair: Gackpoid. The perceived contrast is intensified with the fact that his hair is purple.
- And Kasane Ted, if you count his ponytail.
- Badass Teacher: Several fan depictions of Kiyoteru Hiyama make him one of those, as well as they make him a Cool Teacher.
- Batman Gambit: A particularly strange one is perpetrated by Len in Kokoro. Also noteworthy for being a non-sibling, non-"mirror image" relationship between Len and Rin.
- Based on a True Story: When I Get Home My Wife Pretends to be Dead was based upon a question asked on Yahoo! Answers Japan.
- Better as Friends: The plot of the song Just Be Friends
- Bifauxnen/Sweet Polly Oliver: Rin in Skeleton Life.
- Bilingual Bonus: Matryoshka has quite a lot of Cyrillic in it. The Nico Nico version even has the lyrics in Russian!
- Between My Legs: Len is framed between Miku's at about 0:52 into SPICE!.
- Bittersweet Ending:
- Hello, Planet, though it's more of a "sweet ending with a little bit of bitterness". Bitter part: Miku dies in front of her master 's grave, not only from damage to her body (from the rain), but sadness, as well. Sweet part: Miku's tears cause the plant to sprout, she reunites with her master in the afterlife, and it's implied that her little plant actually reseeds the whole planet.
- The game based on the song actually has two endings: in the alternate ending Miku's singing revives her dead master, and after a tearful reunion the two work together to revive the world with their potted plants.
- Boy Band: There is one producer who is rather fond of making Kaito, Len, Gakupo and Kiyoteru this. Just a few of her works.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: In the Putin-P series, there's a whole song about Rin and Len commenting about the illustrations in their previous PVs.
- Broken Record: Wide Knowledge of the Late, Madness; Watashi...watashi...watashi...watashi... watashi...watashi...watashi...watashi... watashi...watashi...watashi...watashi... watashi...watashi...watashi...watashi... watashi...watashi...watashi...watashi... watashi...watashi...watashi...watashi... watashi...watashi...watashi...watashi...
- Kokoro by Rin. Arigatou, arigatou, arigatou, arigatou, arigatou...
- I Like You, I Love You, also by Rin. Ano ne, jitsu wa, ata, atashi, ata, atashi, ano, ano, ano ne, anata ga, aa, atashi, gomen, matte, ata, atashi, ata, atashi, ano, ano ne... sususususususus-su su su su su su su su su su
- The demo song of V3's Akikoloid has a serious case of this. A-ki-ko-ro-i-do-a-ki-ko-ro-i-do, Akiko desu. Roido desu. Akiko desu. Roido desu. Akiko desu. Roido desu.
- But Not Too Black: Subverted with Lola: considering that the English Vocaloids' character models are subject to the viewer, her skin color varies from black to white (it's usually one or the other). Played straight with Sweet Ann.
- Butt Monkey: Leon. His most common incarnations are an extremely hairy man and a Nightmare Fuel render of a man that commonly appears in the magazine Leon. Most of his videos are parodies.
- Kaito can also be seen as this. Half his songs are just parodies of others (though his originals are quite good), and in things like Chibi Mikusan is made fun of all the time.
- Cannot Spit It Out: The whole point of Rin's "I like you, I love you." Subverted in that she does spit it out at the end, but it took a long time to get there.
- Cassandra Truth: The focus of the Sonika song Cassandra.
- Chronically-Killed Actor: If we go with the interpretation of Vocaloids as Animated Actors, Len is definitely an example of this.
- Circus of Fear: Dark Woods Circus.
- Circus Monster probably counts as well.
- Conjoined Twins: Rin and Len in Dark Woods Circus, who were sewn together.
- The Cover Changes the Gender: This is averted with surprising frequency -- several male Vocaloids have covered Love is War and Romeo + Cinderella, for example, with the very feminine lyrics left untouched. Covers that do bother to change the gender usually dramatically alter the lyrics, often for a Perspective Flip from the point of view of the implied male love interest. This is also the typical practice in fanmade covers.
- Covert Pervert: Some fans seem to have a lot of fun portraying Gakupo as such. Kaito as well (Lord Of Darkness, a parody of Daughter Of Evil, is a good example of this). Also Luka, who is a bi/lesbian pervert in Japanese Ninja No.1 (although she may just have been hired by Kaito).
- Creepy Child: Whenever the Kagamines are depicted as Creepy Twins.
- Cybernetics Eat Your Soul: Risoukyou Utopia.
- Cyberspace: Nebula
- Darker and Edgier: The Hagane Vocaloids, heavy metal versions of the main Japanese Vocaloids.
- Deal with the Devil: In Joker, Alluring Secret~Black Vow and "Duke of Venomania" (some of the images in that are NSFW).
- Delinquents : Miku in Kutabare PTA. (Explicit).
- Department of Redundancy Department: In Miku's 39's Giving Day concert, she and the other singers (most notably Megurine Luka) are sometimes singing into handheld mics while clearly wearing headset mics.
- Dirty Coward: Urotander.
"Yes, by every means possible, we go for the victory."
- Driven to Suicide: The presumed endings of Telepsychola Theatric, Saigo no Revolver, and many others.
- Note that in Saigo no Revolver, the bullet hole of the second gunshot landed neatly over Gumi's name in the credits. That same bullet is shot right when another bullet that was already shot when Gumi shot her lover was over the ??? name. ??? was the one who Gumi killed.
- (It's Not) World's End, however, is fairly explicit about it.
- Tower is all about suicide.
- The PV for Alice Human Sacrifice suggests that the Second Alice (Kaito) shot himself.
- Drowning My Sorrows: Haku does this because she believes she can never become as good a singer as Miku.
- The End of the World as We Know It: The girl in Headphone Actor goes through this.
- Every Girl Is Cuter With Hair Decs: Rin has a bow and quite a few hair clips as some distinguishing features.
- Everyone Is Bi: The Vocaloids' sexuality varies from song to song.
- Everything's Better with Chocolate: Yuki's Disco Chocolat. Un chocolat, deux chocolat~
- Everything's Better with Spinning: Double Lariat is a whole song about spinning as far as possible.
- Rolling Girl subverts this.
- Miku's leek spin.
- Everything's Squishier with Cephalopods: Takoluka
- Everything's Worse with Bears: Moonlit Bear. And wait until you get a good look at the bear.
- Expressive Hair: In some fan depictions, Miki's ahoge changes shape according to her emotions. Teto's drills can become real drills when she's in berserker mode, too.
- Expy: Within its own fandom, there are all kinds of counterparts of the original Vocaloids. Kaito and Miku have the most. Miku even has several that are officially recognized by the original creators.
- Fan of Underdog: Any person who likes any of the UK-loids or Voyakiloids tend to be one of these, some out of pure spite for people who dislike them.
- Fan Vids: Any sufficiently popular song will inevitably receive at least one of these.
- Fantastic Racism: A surprisingly common topic. The Evil series includes racism based on hair colour, with Haku being shunned for her naturally white hair and all green-haired people being murdered by the princess. The ogre in Ogre and Maiden is threatened with a Torches and Pitchforks mob just for hanging around near the village, and is only able to befriend a blind woman who doesn't know that he's an ogre. (The same "oni" metaphor crops up in The Person who Loves a Demon.)
- Witch, by Luka, focuses on her persecution because she's a witch.
- Femme Fatale: Perfect Liar and Megurihime Buyoukyoku
- Luka in Bullet for Prisoner
- Five-Man Band: Various instances:
- In the Synchronicity series:
- The Hero - Len
- The Lancer - Gakupo
- The Smart Guy - Kaito
- The Big Guy - Meiko
- MacGuffin Girl - Rin
- The Cryptonloids are portrayed as this in fanon:
- The Hero - Miku (due to being the most popular)
- The Lancer - Rin and Len (the second most popular and Miku's closest friends in fanon)
- The Smart Guy - Luka (as she's usually the most rational of the group)
- The Big Guy/Team Mom - Meiko (often portrayed as rather violent)
- The Chick/Team Dad - Kaito (due to being the Butt Monkey)
- Rin and Len could switch places with Kaito and vice-versa at times, but for the most part this is a pretty steady fanon depiction.
- An alternate arrangement of the above:
- The Hero - Miku (same reason)
- The Lancer - Meiko (due to the minor fan war between Kaito/Miku and Kaito/Meiko fans. Meiko can also double as the Token Evil Teammate or Team Mom, depending on how much the fanfic writer likes her)
- The Smart Guy - Len (who is also usually portrayed as being more rational than the others)
- The Big Guy - Rin (as most fans believe that she's the toughest of the group)
- The Chick/Team Dad - Kaito (same reason)
- Sixth Ranger - Luka (the last Cryptonloid to join)
- Luka and Meiko can also switch places.
- In the Synchronicity series:
- Foe Yay: "Rondo of Sun and Moon". Miku and Luka obviously have some sort of love-hate relationship going on, with a splash of Together in Death and Reincarnation Romance.
"From when our gazes met, we were attracted to each other / I want to leave a scar on your back that will never disappear."
- Garden of Evil: Fear Garden.
- Gay Aesop: Possibly the original version of Magnet. The original version is not clear as to why Miku and Luka's love is forbidden, but the fact that they're both women implies that this is the case.
- Gender Bender: Each official Vocaloid has a genderbend.
- Miku (Mikuo), Kaito (Kaiko), Meiko (Meito), Gakupo (Gakuko), Luka (Luki/Luke), Gumi (Gumiya/Gumo), Sonika (Akinos/Kaniso), Sweet Ann (Spicy Andy/Sweet Ani), Len (Lenka/Lenko and Rui), Rin (Rinto/Rinta and Rei), Kiyoteru (Kiyomi), Yuki (Yuuki/Yukito), Miki (Mikio), Lily (Li/Lio), Leon (Leona), Lola (Loyal/Lan Allison), Miriam (Wiriam), Prima (Primo/Primano) and Big Al (Little Ally/Big Alice).
- One is Played for Drama in Alluring Secret Black Vow - Via a Deal with the Devil, Rin turns herself into Len in order to get together with Miku.
- Genre Busting: There are many that fit this somewhere on the internet, but Hayabusa deserves to be mentioned.
- Glasses Do Something Unusual: Very much with Rin and Gakupo's "Noroi No Megane"
- Although the moral behind it might be about how we should treasure the way reality looks.
- Gratuitous English: "Gugurekasu" has the correct-but-oddly-inflected "Please do not ask me why" and the just odd "All of you wants to know me, I think". Don't forget Miku's |"Brack Rock Shoota" and Luka's Crimson Camellia which is full of Engrish. "I CAN'T FRY...I CAN WALK"
- "Gugurekasu" also has the final lyric, which most people can't even understand because of its obscurity: "Please search it with this Google."
- Gakupo and Gumi's same-tune (different key) cover, "Aniimo." While "Please understand my feelings" and "I worry about you, always" at the beginning are grammatically correct (albeit strangely inflected, like "Gugurekasu"), the final "You are only one for me" would be perfect, if not for the missing "the."
- It is excusable, however, by the fact that English sounds that do not exist in the Japanese language nor are inflected in the English way are nigh impossible for a Vocaloid to use, Depending on the Writer. This is possibly one of the reasons for Crypton's decision to produce more English-native Vocaloids, starting with a new bank of English phonics for Miku.
- In "ALICE iN BLACK MARKET": "I am seeing you till die forever."
- In "Russian Roulette": "You should be die, shoot head with gun."
- Luka's DYE seems to be nothing but Engrish.
- Gratuitous Russian: "Matryoshka", sung by Hatsune Miku and Gumi.
- Groundhog Day Loop: "Heat Haze Days" features one of these. Two of them, even.
- Hair Color Dissonance: Miku's hair. Officially its teal, but numerous fan arts, PVs, and songs depict it ranging from a bright turquoise to green, and in some of Toyota's commercials where she appeared, it has a shade of blue.
- Hanging Judge: Kaito as Gallerian Marlon is one of these in "Judgement of Corruption".
- Heroic Sacrifice: The fate of Len/Rin in Alluring Secret Black Vow to save Miku's life after Kaito shoots her, out of jealousy.
- He Who Must Not Be Seen: Some Vocaloids have no official art, while others have official art, but no voice (such as Goyaloid).
- Generally, in any song in which the Vocaloid addresses his/her master, the master either isn't shown or is one of The Faceless.
- How Do You Like Them Apples?: The 3D PV for Romeo and Cinderella prominently features Miku holding a red apple, possibly for a "Snow White" reference or Forbidden Fruit motif.
- Alluring Secret Black Vow feats this. Also a Forbidden Fruit moment.
- Human Sacrifice: Alice Human Sacrifice.
- Humiliation Conga: "Owata"
- Idiosyncratic Episode Naming: samfree's "Night Fever" series, which will always have the Vocaloid's name (or some variant of it) repeated twice in the name of the song (and it will always have two syllables), followed by a star and some variation of "fever", "night", or "burning/fire".
- If You Kill Him You Will Be Just Like Him: Meiko realises in the Evil fan-song Daughter of Revenge that if she kills Len, she will be taking away the only one who loves Rin, doing effectively the same thing Rin did to her. She kills him anyway, deciding that she's able to live with the burden of being evil if that's what it takes to get her revenge.
- I'm a Humanitarian: Meiko in Conchita, the Epicurian Daughter of Evil. And in some versions of Trick and Treat, Rin and Len.
- Kaito in Dark Woods Circus.
- Miku in 'The Full Course for Candy Addicts'.
- Immortality Immorality: The medicine in Kakome Kakome.
- Utopia and A Ray of Hope. Humans transferred into Androids may have souls, but not morals (or Logic. Because natural humans tend to wage war, the United Nations decided to transfer all humans into androids. Those refused to do so are eliminated to preserve peace. Killing for peace's sake). Eventually deteriorating into eliminate all humans.
- Improbable Age: According to this site, the main character in Judgement of Corruption is a talented judge, despite his young age.
- Fundamentally Female Cast: There are currently over twice as many female Vocaloids as male ones; and of the dozen or so males, at least one is close to being Ambiguous Gender.
- The unfortunate reality is that a man Vocaloid is always a big risk. Kaito flat-out bombed in his initial release, Kiyoteru is easily the least popular of all of AH's products, Tonio barely gets the time of day, and Big Al (by far the best-received of the English Vocaloids) has gotten at best mixed reviews. On top of that, any man who wants to break into the market now will have to compete against Kaito, Gakupo, Kiyoteru, Big Al, and VY2. A few new male ones are in the works, but more and more of the new characters (especially the Japanese ones) have been female.
- The sole exception to this is Len Kagamine, but this is justified by being partnered with Rin Kagamine in the same product. To make it stranger, Len's voice bank comes from the same voice actress that Rin's voice bank originates (Asami Shimoda).
- If I Can't Have You: Gumi in Sunset Love Suicide.
- In Love with the Mark: The plot of Bullet for Prisoner and The Last Revolver. Coincidentally, they both end in suicide
- Insane Troll Logic: With extra information from the songwriter, it is revealed that Meiko in Alice Human Sacrifice was trying to kill everything because she believed it would bring her out of Wonderland.
- Instant Awesome, Just Add Ninja: Japanese Ninja No.1.
- Intercourse with You: Sweet's Beast, Afterschool Secret, Iroha Uta, Romeo and Cinderella, Lollipop Homeroom, Look This Way Baby, SPICE!, Tsukeru Yo (I'm putting it on), innocent girl and Eh? Ah, Sou.
- There's a lot of debate about whether Two-Faced Lovers (also known as Ura-Omote Lovers) falls into this, or if the translators are just trying to Spice Up the Subtitles.
- Blackjack may be this, or it could just be Luka cranking up her Femme Fatale side Up to Eleven.
- Intoxication Ensues: Sweet Float Flats
- I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: Luka's rendition of The Little Mermaid and Servant of Evil.
- Meiko even in her past life as the girl's teacher, at first is in love with her best friend in The Thought To Tell. She then attends her best friend's wedding...
- Love is War is a subversion. As the title suggests, the singer is willing to do most anything to prevent her beloved from being happy with anyone else.
- The ogre in Ogre and Maiden eventually cuts off ties with the blind woman and stops coming to visit her, afraid that her neighbours will blame her for bringing him to the village. He does it to keep her from being hurt, but she remains rooted to the spot, waiting for him to return to her, until the day she dies, so it's hard to say that it made her happy as such. The ogre does come back to the maiden much later, disguised as a storyteller, in which case she probably was very happy.
- Rin's goal in Paper Planes.
- "I Want" Song: World is Mine.
- Japanese Delinquents: The eponymous character of Rolling Girl. Then she falls in love and gets sort of better. The PV for Project DIVA extend however, turns her disaffection with society into full-blown reality break-down.
- Just for Pun: The "__ Renka" (lit. "__ Love Song") series, often romanized to "__ Lenka". If you wanna take it a step further, "ka" could also be taken to mean "Kagamine". Some of these become Lost in Translation, such as Yanderenka.
- Kangaroo Court: "Judgement of Corruption"
- Kiss Me, I'm Virtual: The tragic tale of Rainbow Girl.
- My Honey in the Tragic Dimension is another example.
- Of course, being virtual singers who can be programmed to sing whatever the user desires, Vocaloids end up with a lot of songs about this trope.
- If You Know What I Mean: Several lines of Romeo and Cinderella are suggestive.
- Lighter and Softer: One artist on Nico Nico is known for drawing cute, cheerful PVs for depressing or creepy songs, reinterpreting the stories to make them seem more positive. So far s/he has done this to the Evil series (it turns out the whole thing was a charade to teach the selfish princess a lesson), and Alice Human Sacrifice (Everyone Lives, the twins find and befriend the dream from the beginning of the song, and they all go on a journey to explore Wonderland together).
- Long Title: Paradichlorobenzene is a real chemical.
- The Snow White Princess is ~ The Story of the Girl and Her
- When I Get Home My Wife Always Pretends to be Dead
- Leave in Summer, Yet You're In My Fluffoughts.
- Hold and Release, the Rakshasas and the Carcasses.
- Ie no Ura de Manbou ga ShinderuP (often shortened to just ManbouP) is particularly fond of this trope, coming up with nuggets like A Clingy Boy Sticking for 15 Years, Time-warped After Chopping My Stag Beetle, A Classy, Tactful Fire Extinguisher, and his piece de resistance (and producer name) An Ocean Sunfish is Dead at the Back of My House.
- Love Chart: Here, but it's only one person's take on it and with only five of the characters.
- Love Dodecahedron: The Evil Series[1]. Rin is in love with Kaito, but Kaito is in love with Miku, as is Len; Haku is in a Romantic Two-Girl Friendship with Miku. According to a fan song, Miku apparently reciprocates Len's feelings before he kills her; however, this is proven incorrect by the additional information. Some fanon claims that Kaito and Meiko's cooperation is more than that, but this is generally disregarded.
- Love Martyr: Len and Rin are constantly playing this game. Notable examples include the Story of Evil series.
- Love Triangle: Acute, Imitation Black, and many others.
- Lyrical Dissonance: A common theme. Some more notable examples:
- I wish they'd just die.
- Just Be Friends
- * Hello, Planet, a chiptuney happy pop song about Miku waking up After the End and wandering through a deserted dystopian wasteland in search of her owner. Both videos to the song end with her dying in front of her creator's grave and meeting up with him in the afterlife. To happy closing music.
- Iwatte Yaru, a song that talks about how the singer is jealous of everybody with happy and meaningful lives, but instead of cursing them, she'll congratulate them since she knows it will all end anyway. The song sounds more like a Christmas tune. For those curious, both "curse" and "congratulate" translate into words pronounced "iwatte", making the song take on quite a sarcastic feel.
- Kaito ga Uninstall uses the melody of the depressing Bokurano OP, but changes the lyrics to say how Kaito hopes that he and his master will be with each other forever, and the steps he's willing to take to ensure that.
- Miku's Twinkle Capsule to a lesser extent. A peppy little song about drugs.
- Saihate - a bubbly pop song to Miku's last words to a person after their funeral.
- Luka's Love Disease, which is a jazzy, upbeat song about an Stalker with a Crush.
- (It's Not) World's End is an almost overwhelmingly cheerful, fast ska-ish song, but the lyrics are the thoughts of someone moments before committing suicide.
- Don't Look At Me sounds like a chipper song with toy sound effects and a cute and happy-looking video. The interpretation of the lyrics so far range from suicide to abortion to drug abuse.
- Another song from Kikuo-P, Let's Go to Heaven, also qualifies. This happy-sounding song heavily implies that the couple has died by the end of the song, but do apparently reunite in Heaven. Similarly to the *Hello Planet example above, exactly how sad the ending is may vary from person to person.
- The Saga of A Hero. The song has a rather epic feeling to it, but the hero described in the song actually is being revered for sneaking into the girl's bathroom and taking pictures.
- Man Child: Big Al is being turned into one in Little Toy Robot.
- Not really. The song accounts the robot's story of being a little boy's toy, being abandoned for many years, and then becoming the toy to the now grown man's son
- Mind Screw - Vocaloid songs tend to have a lot of these, but Tower of Sunz deserves a special mention. Eight minutes of black chickens, circus scenes, multiple Mikus and general what-the-fuckery.
- Francium, High Sense Nonsense, Crazy Clown and Bad End Night.
- Waribashi Onna. The whole thing is about an odd not-Miku girl having a crazy dream about trying to break apart chopsticks, doing something that is censored, then inexplicably goes into a brief talk about politics before she starts running in space with the other vocaloids getting hit by a meteor in the background, trying to hug an angelic Miku, then waking up to eat bad noodles before getting a nosebleed from angel-Miku sticking a chopstick in her nose. It ends with an image of the girl's head on a fish body.
- The Riddler series
- The Putin-P series. Rin works for Vladimir Putin, Len is a dog, and Miku is going out with Ronald McDonald. And that's just the beginning; the series consists of 4 parts with a total of 41 songs.
- Thoughtful Zombie is almost halfway comprehensible, but the backing track tends to detract from that, resulting in this again.
- Just about everything by Hachi, whose songs are about as dense as the classic literature your teachers made you study all through high school.
- Time-Warped After Chopping My Stag Beetle is about Gumi going 50 years into the future after karate chopping a stag beetle, and it just gets weirder from there. The song becomes surprisingly serious towards the end.
- In-song example, although the confusion does carry over to the listener: why is there A Sunfish Dead At The Back of My House?
- The way Mothy's songs are connected can be extremely confusing.
- Memetic Outfit: Len's dress from Imitation Black. Although just about any clothing of the Vocaloids in any popular song, really.
- Mismatched Eyes: The fanmade Amane Kuni (based off Sweet Ann).
- Motor Mouth - Disappearance of Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Len no Bousou, Ike Lenka, Two-Faced Lovers, Yomi-zakura, Nyanyanyanyanyanyanya! and Dejineko Pop Nuku MixNehanshika.
- A lot of songs by CosMo (Bousou-P) are like this.
- Mouthful of Pi: "1000 Digits Pi Challenge": Luka, Meiko and Miku (another).
- Murder the Hypotenuse - Kaito does this in Alluring Secret Black Vow but it's subverted when Rin/Len sacrifices his/herself to bring Miku back. Some interpretations of ACUTE feature this as well.
- Miku tries to do this to Luka in scissorsroid, for stealing her master. She is stopped by Luka's love and admiration for her. It's false. Luka takes the scissors and stabs Miku.
- The Musical: Kokoro and Alice in Musicland
- Nature Adores a Virgin: I Can Take Off My Panties!
- Nightmare Fetishist: If Animated Actors is true then the Vocaloids must really like doing creepy songs/videos.
- Producers who qualify include Machigerita-P, Hachi and Mothy.
- No Infantile Amnesia: Played with in Servant of Evil -- Len remembers that he and Rin were twins, but Rin doesn't (the two were separated when they were very young).
- Nostalgic Music Box: Fittingly, this is used in the first verse of Recollective Music Box.
- Not So Different: In Daughter of White, Haku finds that she's unable to kill Rin even after learning of her crimes, because Rin is just like "the old me, a tremendously lonely person".
- In the related fan song Daughter of Revenge, Meiko figures out the Twin Switch, and that Len is motivated by love just like she is, but doesn't stop the execution. Seeing Rin in the crowd, Meiko reflects that "you and I are the same" and that she is every bit as wrong as the Daughter of Evil was.
- Obligatory Bondage Song: The as-of-yet untranslated A Certain Masochist's Love (NSFW). Iroha Uta also has some such elements.
- Obsession Song: Plenty. See Yandere below for some of the more extreme examples.
- Orphanage of Fear: In Kakome Kakome.
- Otaku Surrogate: Gumi is this in Sorry For Being a Closet Otaku.
- Our Vampires Are Different: The Lord of Darkness is basically a perverted anemic whose strength might be less than a regular human's. He's even kind of stupid and actually forgets the few special powers that he does have.
- Planet of Hats: Maid no Hoshi Kara SOS involves a planet of maids.
- Personality Chip: In Kokoro, it's a full-fledged program.
- POV Sequel: The Evil Series. Servant of Evil tells the events of Daughter of Evil from Len's POV. And there's Daughter of White which tells the story from Haku's POV as the close friend of Miku. Miku herself also has a song telling the story from her POV, Maiden of Wood ~1000-Year Wiegenlied[2], and Handbeat Clocktower tells the story from the POV of both Kaito and Yuki.
- Pygmalion Plot: Pygmalion
- And Leia, where an artist falls in love with a painting.
- Revenge by Proxy: A common interpretation for Meiko's character in the Evil series is that she figured out the Twin Switch, but decided to go through with the execution anyway in order to get her revenge. There is one well-known fanmade song, Daughter of Vengeance, that runs with this theory; however, it has officially been proven incorrect by the additional information.
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Meiko in Daughter of Revenge begins a nationwide revolution after losing her family, farm, and lover.
- Robosexual: Any song associated with the Vocaloids' romantic love towards their master. Happens most frequently with Kaito.
- Kagamine Len no Bousou plays this just for laughs.
- Sad Clown: Pierrot
- Scary Musician, Harmless Music: Not quite "scary/harmless" but...Sasakure.UK's music tends to be of the "heartwrenching/emotional/philosophical" type. So you'd expect him to be the kind of wise person who broods on this sort of thing, right? Not so much...
- Schoolgirl Lesbians: Rin and Miku in "Doki Doki Yuri Gakuen".
- Screw Yourself: Rin and Len, when portrayed as mirror images. Also any Vocaloid and their Genderbend, to some extent.
- Seven Deadly Sins - Mothy/Akuno-P likes to focus on this, demonstrated by his "Heartbeat Clocktower", which outlines the roles he's given his songs -
- Evil Series (Rin, Len) - superbia (pride)
- The Tailor Shop at Enbizaka (Luka) - invidia (envy)
- Madness of Duke Venomania (Gakupo) - luxuria (lust/luxury)
- Conchita, the Epicurean Daughter of Evil (Meiko) - gula (gluttony)
- TBA (Gumi) - ira (wrath)
- Sleep, the Gift from the Princess (Miku) - acedia (discouragement/sloth)
- Judgement of Corruption (Kaito) - avaritia (greed)
- All seven are mentioned in Chrono Story.
- Shaggy Dog Story: Owata is essentially a song about a Gakupo (or Miku) missing a meeting with a friend and couldn't tell him because his phone was dead. In the end the friend had cancelled.
- Noroi no Megane is about a mysterious stranger (Gakupo) giving Rin a pair of ridiculous-looking glasses. With her eyesight already being 20/20 and the fact that the glasses only makes her surroundings look MORE distorted, she goes looking for a way to remove them. She also enlists the help of a doctor and a priest (played by Gakupo) who only adds to the load. When she finally learned that the way to take them off is hidden in a library at a secret island, she finds out that she can't read the map even though she has already prepared the boat. At the end of the song, the stranger visits her again and reveals that the glasses actually give her REFRACTION instead.
- She Cleans Up Nicely- Kaiko's Snow Girl, Lady of the End and Your Kotodama Curse. For a girl who sounds like a chipmunk most of the time, Kaiko sounds beautiful in the right hands.
- She sounds pretty good singing "You" from Higurashi, too.
- Also in this version of Cantarella.
- Shout-Out: To Yahoo in Gugure kasu (Go Google It). As for the other Shout-Out in that song, well... You should be able to figure it out.
- Wonderland and Sheep's Song is essentially a giant Shout-Out to Studio Ghibli.
- 1925 makes references to classic 1925 silent films. By 1:10, Charlie Chaplin in The Gold Rush can be seen. Following up is Miku dressed as a sailor in front of what is unmistakably the poster to Battleship Potemkin. This troper didn't recognize the part that came after but has a suspicion of it also being a movie reference of some sort.
- Shrinking Violet: Luka, in the song Toeto.
- Silly Love Songs: Cupmen (song for cup ramen) is a sweet, bouncy ditty about a Lethal Chef who desperately wants to cook delicious food for the person she likes, but always ends up making instant ramen "with water heated by the power of love". He's less than pleased but eats it anyway to make her happy.
- Slasher Smile: Both Miku and Gumi in Matryoshka.
- It's also visible in the preview version of Judgement of Corruption.
- Something Else Also Rises: Used considerably in Ura Omote Lovers
- Somebody Else's Problem: Miku literally tells you to not give a damn about anything in Whatever. Also, in I Refuse
- A portion of "Hold and Release, the Rakshasas and the Carcasses" features Miku singing back and forth to herself about how the problems of strangers don't matter.
- People Are Dying Somewhere laments this.
- Soprano and Gravel: Most of Utsu-P's works.
- Soundtrack Dissonance - Sasakure-P and his The End of the World as We Know It series, especially The (Week) End is Coming! and * Hello, Planet, describing an After the End / Right Before The End world with bright and shiny melodies and drawings.
- There's also the numerous Disappearance of Hatsune Miku editions, among them the Kaito video.
- Stealth Pun: Rin has a song called Clockwork. Anyone else notice that this makes her A Clockwork Orange?
- Street Urchins: Rin and Len in Orphan.
- Star-Crossed Lovers: The whole point of the song magnet. Other examples include: Gumi and the guy she's singing about in The Last Revolver, Rin and Len in Prisoner/Paper Plane, Rin and Len (again) in Yume Sakura, Luka and Len in Ryuuren Kagetsu (Floating Love, Shining Moon)... I could go on. Needless to say, this trope happens a lot, especially to Rin and Len, who are really angst-happy.
- Stockholm Syndrome: Averted in Stockholm Syndrome.
- Take That: You say you didn't like the ending of Servant of Evil? Watch this.
- The Red Shoe Parade, which is most likely a Take That to extremist religious institutions and such groups who believe that even the most monstrous of crimes are acceptable as long as it's in the name of grand justice.
- Tastes Like Diabetes: Kasane Territory and Nekomimi Switch.
- Theme Tune Rap: Like the old "Pokemon Ieru Ka Na" song that was a rap with the names of all the original Japanese Pokémon, a Vocaloid collab song appeared called Isshu no pokemon ieru no ka! for the new Isshu (Unova) region Pokemon, complete with a few nifty Shout-Outs to other Pokémon songs such as the original "Ieru Ka Na" and the Lavender Town theme. Most of the Vocaloids (plus Teto) get to rap their own parts of the song; although sprites were created for Len and Luka for the video, they are notably absent.
- Tights Under Shorts: The main character's girlfriend in Two Breaths Walking has something very similar (leggings under shorts).
- Time Abyss: Time Forgotten One. It takes a bit of thinking to realize he's just a statue
- Through the Eyes of Madness: Wide Knowledge of the Late, Madness and Alice Human Sacrific
- Together in Death: Rin and Len in Proof of Life/Soundless Voice.
- Took a Level in Badass - In Festival of Asylum, in which everyone ends up in a group of demon exorcists (or "The Anti-Masked") against a mysterious Masked Devil, wielding guns. Gets even more badass when Miku gets possessed by the Masked Devil, and ends up using a sword against Rin's gun. (To be fair, Miku loses.)
- Gumi in Saigo no Revolver in which she's a badass agent with a gun assigned to kill a man... until she falls in love with him. She still shoots him, even though she goes into depression later and implies she might commit suicide (whether that gunshot at the end was a thematic gun sound a la Noir or her actually committing suicide is up to interpretation; some maintain she never even killed him).
- DECO*27's "Mozaik Role," which involves Gumi facing off against a shadow of herself. Complete with, at one point, getting speared in the gut and nearly killed by her alter ego. With a freakin' pair of scissors.
- Pretty much everyone in the Synchronicity series, a bit in Looking for you in the sky and oh so much in Paradise of Light and Shadow.
- Kaiko in Snow Girl is not the sweet girl she's usually portrayed as, but a Blood Knight.
- Kaito in Sayang and The Madness of Duke Venomania
- Judgement of Corruption. Not only does Kaito take bribes to hand down innocent verdicts, but he refuses to surrender his fortune for salvation and willingly falls into the deep pits of hell and he takes his daughter with him, resolving to once again gather fragments of the original sins and make hell into a utopia for him and his daughter.
- Rin in the First Virus Resistance Series.
- Sf-A2 Miki gets her own in Lience.
- The PV for BLAZE makes Miku and Neru into sword-wielding schoolgirls and has them fight each other, along with all the other Vocaloids and even some UTAUloids.
- The Secret Police, re_Cycle, Karakuri Burst andDisurare
- Trademark Favorite Food: Kaito has his ice cream (Vanilla Haagen-Dazs), Meiko her sake (One Cup Ozeki), Miku and leeks, Len and bananas, Rin and oranges, Gakupo and eggplants, Luka with her octopus (Takoyaki) and tuna, Gumi with carrots, Miki with cherries, Kiyoteru with chocolate, and Yuki with apples. Some fans base their habits and sexual orientations on this, as Len is a girly boy who likes to eat bananas. The idea of a "character item" carries over to UTAU too (Teto with her french bread) as well as the fanmades and the Engloids (although the latter two rarely use food).
- Troll: Some fanmades and UTAUloids are made for this exact purpose; the most famous being the VIPPERloids Kasane Teto, Yokune Ruko and Namine Ritsu, who are April's Fools jokes from 2ch. One who's less of an April's Fools and more of a Take That to some fans who make Mary Sue fancharacters is Kawaiine Kagami, the Annoyloid, who surprisingly uses Gackpoid's voice.
- Akita Neru was derived from a troll.
- Tei Sukone, also from 2ch, is another example. Her unoriginal design is a Take That at everyone whose UTAUloid's outfit is a Palette Swap of Miku's, her personality is a Take That at fan characters who love Len and hate Miku, and her sharingan is a Take That to Naruto fan characters who have it. Unlike Teto and the other VIPPERloids, however, she is immensely hated by the Fan Dumb who don't realize that she was made for trolling.
- True Companions
- Tsundere: Go Google It, Tsunderenka, World Is Mine and Kocchi Muite Baby.
- Every Vocaloid has a chance of being tsundere at some point, due to the nature of the program.
- Twin Switch: Rin and Len do this in the Daughter of Evil series and in Monochrome Ward.
- Unlucky Childhood Friend: Dawning Light, Your Song. is about a girl crying all night after realising that her longtime crush only sees her as an old friend and is dating another girl. She tries to keep both her feelings for him and her pain secret, so that he won't worry about her.
- Gumi in Madness of Duke Venomania.
- Unreliable Narrator: Wondering why the bear in Moonlit Bear want the apples that badly? Well...
- Vocaloid Cruelty Potential: Lampshaded in Kagamine Len no Bousou. "Stop making me sing those perverted lines..."
- Villainous Crossdresser: Assuming the Duke is the hero of The Madness of Duke Venomania, Kaito is one of these to him.
- Villainous Glutton: Meiko in Conchita, The Epicurean Daughter of Evil where she literally eats anything and everything, whether they are edible or not. She even goes as far as eating her two servants, Rin and Len and eventually eats herself
- Villain with Good Publicity: Meiko in the Evil series fansong Daughter Of Revenge, from a certain point of view. Sure, she did depose the evil princess who executed anyone who dared speak against her...but she also killed a comparative innocent simply because he cared about the princess, and Meiko wanted Rin to feel the pain of losing absolutely everything that one loves. In the last verse she explicitly compares herself to Rin, saying that "even if I am called a heroine, I, too, am a Daughter of Evil".
- Visual Kei: VanaN'Ice, project by natsu-P which comprises of Kaito, Gakupo, and Len; with Len always wearing a dress in every video.
- Visual Novel: "All the Songs With You in the Future," a worksafe story about Hatsune Miku, was created and sold through DLSite, and translated by fans into Chinese, Russian, and English. The same creators made a story about Rin Kagamine called "Rin ga Utau, Mirai no Neiro," and it also has on-going fan translations.
- What Do You Mean Its Not Symbolic: Miku's What's Up? constantly has symbols flying around amongst kanji commenting on human nature. The symbols are labelled at the end, but still seem to be organized in any particular way.
- What Measure Is a Non-Human?: In Division -> Destruction of Hatsune Miku, the creators actively try to delete Miku's humanity because they want to control her. Not to mention the countless songs that make you feel guilty for uninstalling a computer program...
- Wholesome Crossdresser: Whenever VanaN'Ice has a music video, Len is in a dress. He also does this when he pulls a Twin Switch with Rin in Servant of Evil.
- And Kaito may actually be this in Venomania, if the Duke is the villain.
- Wife Husbandry: Possibly, in akka's PV for Two Breaths Walking, since the boy meets the girl way back then when he was still a child (and fell in love with her too) and upon meeting again when he was all grown up, she still looked the same.
- Word Salad Lyrics: Some songs tend to fall into this trope. One example being the song "AHS Funky" in which "AHS"(as in AHS Software) stands for Asian Hong Kong Shocking.
- Yandere: The Yanderoids--Kiku, Ikou, Taito, Rei, and Rui; some songs, such as Kaito ga UNINSTALL, RIP=RELEASE ("I'll tear your throat right now and make you only mine"), Rotten Girl, Grotesque Romance, Eternal, Yanderenka, and The Tailor Shop at Enbizaka have the original Vocaloids act as yanderes as well.
- Story About a Poor Rabbit, There Is No God,oFFENCe, Clockwork Swallotail, eternal, Miku and Luka in Scissorsloid, "Saw and Pendulum", "Onii Yuukai", "Alluring Secret", Chloe, Marie-Luise, Scarlet Rose, Lience, Koi-Uta, Monopolized Romance, Twilight Homicide Song, You Are Mine, Virgin Suicides, Ref-Rain and Sunset Love Suicide.
- Luka's Love Disease. Starts off with what seems like Luka striking up a happy relationship with someone, but then it turns out to be just daydreaming...then she finds out her crush is dating someone else and she's not pleased about it at all.
- Rin in much of Putin-P's songs, especially noted at the end of I'll Give You Chocolate! although that side of her seems to have calmed down, or at least hidden in the more recent songs
- Your Cheating Heart: Gift From the Princess Who Brought Sleep has Kaito cheating on his wife Miku and going after other girls. Miku corrects this by poisoning him to death/eternal sleep, everyone else in the town and eventually herself.
- In The Tailor Shop on Enibzaka, the tailor is unhappy that her lover has been unfaithful and doesn't return home to her. On three separate occasions, she sees him with different girls who all die mysteriously throughout the story. Finally, she confronts her lover Only for him to not recognize her and she murders him. It turns out he had never met her and her "lover" was already married and had two daughters, who were all murdered by the tailor.
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