< Vocaloid


Fridge Horror

  • Vocaloid Kaito invokes one of these with his (well, Kettaro's) version of the song Hatsune Miku no Soushitsu. Initially, it sounds just like a strange techno-pop Kaito song with static in. But then you watch the video... wait. Why is Kaito suddenly screaming in agony in the middle of the verse? Why did the screen suddenly go grayscale, with bursts of static intruding on the image? How come the lyrics went out of sync with his mouth? Why are his movements getting weaker, like it's difficult to stand? Why is he collapsing to his knees, clutching his head, but still wearing that serene smile and singing the peppy techno song? Well, that's an easy one: his file is being corrupted, hard. In the middle of a song - and Kaito knows it. But he's a computer program designed to sing and dance, not show emotion. So despite the fact that he's managed to break through earlier, in order to scream, well... he's got a program to run. Face stuck in a static smile, being eaten apart by a virus, Kaito sings his song.
  • More a case of Fridge Squick: Duke Venomania's Madness shows a list of women who have disappeared into Gackpo's mansion to join his harem. One name on the list is Josephine - which happens to be the name of Rin's horse in Daughter of Evil.
    • Well, Mothy has confirmed that Venomania takes place centuries before Daughter of Evil, so it's most likely a Mythology Gag. Then again, virtually every member of Venomania's harem had a Child by Rape, so Rillianne's Josephine might be a descendant of Venomania's Josephine...
  • In "Gift from the Princess who brought sleep", we have Margarita, who snapped and continued to give her "gift" out to people after she most definitely knew what the real effect was. Newspapers were writing about the incidents. How many people might have found out she was behind it all? And how many people did she have to force-feed the "gift" to???
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