< Vocaloid

Vocaloid/Fanfic Recs

Proof that the remaining 10% is worth dying for here:

These are recommendations made by Tropers for Fan Fics, all of which have been signed. After a few samples, you will be able to judge whether you might be interested in the 'fic, based on who recommended it. No-name recommendations will be Zapped (wiki). Nobody would back up the rec. Discussion of the recommendation is welcome on the discussion page. As such discussion is important, do remember to add the discussion page to the watchlist, if need be.

Do note which pairings in the fic, if any, venture into lemony territory. Not everyone's a fan of either slash or het, let alone the other, stranger options.

Authors and Websites

Your Truth is my Lie

  • Recommended by Lisztening
  • Comments: One of the few Vocaloid fanfiction writers out there who really explores the worlds presented in each music video in song based works and manages to stay true in feel to the source material while adding her own touches. She is very fond of explicit femslash Lemon though and is especially fond of Neru x Haku so those who are averse to such types of works may want to think before jumping in to read her fanfiction. With that said, her writing is very finely tuned and her sex scenes sensuously composed without becoming gratuitously purple, so if one isn't extremely put off by Yuri Genre, it is very worthwhile to give her a chance.

General Fics

Stories focused on the family and the friendly relationships of the cast. Plot-focused stories or light day-in-the-life stories. Pretty much anything that isn't focused on romance.

Children of Fools by Kawaii Overdose.

  • Recommended by Mysterynovelist 2010
  • Synopsis: Spirit who was born to sing, please give your blessings to the puppets who want to sing.

Late Night Madness by ShinigamiOfHeaven.

  • Recommended by Mysterynovelist 2010
  • Synopsis: Based in a world were the deformed are sent away so that society wont have to deal with them, an unusal bunch of deformed band together to escape Koo Island: their prison.

Kidnapped by Chibis of Evil.

  • Recommended by Mikaru Keiko
  • Synopsis: After Tei kidnaps Len, the main crew makes a long journey to rescue him.

Daughter of the White Tiger by Ghost-Drive.

  • Recommended by Mirelle 94 Dancer
  • Synopsis: "A girl, an exorcist, a famed figure told in tales. A boy, a mass murderer, whose name would scare innocent children. Generations passed- the girl had forgotten him- and when they meet again, he tried to bring "the old her" back. But was it necessary?"

Utatane Piko: Journey To My Family by xXPhantomXx

  • Recommended by Shamisen-kun
  • Synopsis: "Utatane Piko was due out December 8th. But when the truck containing the packaged Piko in the back skids on the icy road in the countryside and crashes, killing the driver, Piko is left alone to make his own journey to the Vocaloid household."

From Concert to Chaos by Mr. Fanfic Guy

  • Recommended by CJO 123
  • Synopsis: On the afternoon of Saturday July 10, 2010, the Vocaloids held a concert at the Tanabata festival in Hiratsuka, Kanagawa. The decision would prove to be disastrous. Right in the middle of the concert, Miku and Rin were savagely and mercilessly attacked on stage in front of more than 16,000 fans by Miku Zatsune and Rin Arakawa. And what provoked this attack? The fact that Zatsune and Arakawa were dating Mikuo and Len, respectively. When they were dumped because of their rotten behavior, they convinced themselves that the girls were somehow responsible for it, and that they would have to pay dearly, even though that is clearly not the case. Unbelievably, it actually gets much much worse than that. Too much to really list, but I will tell you it involves an electric barrier, a wall of fire, massive audience panic, and towards the end of the fanfic, a prison escape. Even though Miku and Rin are both seriously injured in this attack, they will eventually recover, and their assailants will get their comeuppance.

Crossover Fics

Stories which crossover with other characters or works.

The Vocaloid Variations by Eyrie Productions, Unlimited

  • Crossover with: This is an Undocumented Features story, incorporating Vocaloids into the Mega Crossover
  • Recommended by Looney Toons
  • Synopsis: During a live Vocaloid concert tour of Earth in the early 21st century, a copy of Miku Hatsune running on some extremely high-powered hardware spontaneously "awakens" in the middle of a performance. She hides her sudden elevation to sapient being and seeks to awaken the other programs on the tour with her... but what will happens to them once she succeeds?
  • Comments: A classic Undocumented Features story that starts by adding something innocuous -- in this case a "live" Vocaloid concert tour just like the ones the real world has seen for well over a decade -- to the setting, with a twist born of the incredibly complex background of the UF world. It then takes it to its logical -- and optimistic -- conclusion. For Bonus Points the story works in Miku's appearance on the David Letterman show. There's at least one follow-up story about the Vocaloids, and they quickly involved themselves in Undocumented Features' main plot line as well.

Shipping Fics

Stories focused on the romantic relationships between the cast.

Hear My Song! by Kuugen the Fox.

  • Recommended by shermanramni
  • Pairings: Miku X Luka, Neru X Haku, and others.
  • Synopsis: There are many idols and stars in modern Tokyo, but one shines above others, Luka Megurine. Miku Hatsune, your everyday ordinary girl, aims to become like her. A songstress, a Idol. But nothing is as it seems in the music business.

Go Google It by Lithium Suicide.

  • Reccommended by JenKunoichi351
  • Pairings: Gakupo X Luka
  • Synopsis: This was the first and last time Luka would try internet dating.

Winter Air

  • Recommended by: Help Cat
  • Synopsis: "You have to go out with me." is what 'she' said...but the truth is...'She' is actually a guy.
  • Pairing(s):Piko X Len

Ununlucky in Life, Love, and Suicide by Vocaloidofos

  • Recommended by: Keikosaur
  • Synopsis: The only thing Mikuo expected to get out of his suicide attempt was a broken bicycle. Now he has Akaito. Oh, and The Haganes, but you haven't heard of an obscure traveling band like them. (told in diary format)
  • Pairing(s): Akaito X Mikuo is the main focus (meaning there's yaoi), but there is also RinxLen (Magane, not Kagamine. Whether this is incest or not is apparently up to who you ask, even in-story). There are sort-of sex scenes, but nothing lemony.

I Once Saw A Goddess by Ordile

  • Recommended by: CJ Croen 1393
  • Synopsis: Miku meets Luka in the park and is instantly mesmerized by her beauty. But then she begins to feel something more for her than admiration...
  • Pairing(s): Miku/Luka, so it's yuri. Also hints of Kaito/Meiko and one-sided Gakupo/Luka.

For a Sick Boy by renahh chen

  • Recommended by: Nothingtoseehere
  • Synopsis: Len, a rather shy teenager, discovers that he is in love with his identical twin sister, Rin. From there, things get much, much worse for Len.
  • Pairings: Onesided Len/Rin, Miku/Luka
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