ThunderCats (2011 series)/Characters/Other Characters
Captain Koinelius Tunar
Voiced by: Robin Atkin Downes
Captain Koinelius Tunar is the commanding officer of a sand ship manned by Fishmen. He holds an intense grudge against a creature called the Ramlak, which took one of his legs and ruined his people's homeland.
Tropes associated with The Captain:
- Animal Nemesis: Inverted. Tunar, a Fishman, has sworn vengeance on The Ramlak, a giant Planimal, a Man-Eating Plant/Giant Squid Hybrid Monster. It destroyed his home and took his eye and leg.
- Anti-Hero: Deconstructed, as it becomes apparent that his quest to kill the Ramlak has become all-consuming.
- An Arm and a Leg: Type 3. Tunar lost his leg (and an eye) to the Ramlak, and now uses a peg-leg.
- The Captain: Deconstructed. His fixation on the Ramlak has steadily eroded the relationship between himself and his crew.
- Casting Gag: Robin Atkin Downes voiced another captain: Captain Romulus Slag from Ratchet and Clank.
- Determinator: And NOT in a good way, as he relentlessly persues the Ramlak:
Tunar: "I'll follow ya straight to the flamin' pits of Magmel before I give you up!"
- Fish Person
- He Who Fights Monsters
- Homage: To Ahab of Moby Dick. He even quotes him at the end when the Ramlak pulled him in after getting harpooned, in the same exact way Ahab died. He may also be a very loose adaptation of Captain Hammerhand, from the original series.
- I Have Come Too Far
- Lack of Empathy: Illustrated towards his long-suffering crew, who he frequently dismisses as weak.
- Punny Name
- Revenge Before Reason
- Shadow Archetype: To Lion-O. Like Lion-O, he too lost his home to a horrible monster, one that he wishes to destroy at all costs. Seeing where that mindset eventually leads convinces Lion-O to move past his own inclinations of Revenge Before Reason towards Mumm-Ra.
- Weird Beard: Koi whiskers as facial hair.
Emrick the Petalar
Voiced by: Atticus Shaffer, Patrick Cavanaugh, and James Arnold Taylor
Emrick is a member of the Petalars, a small race of Plant Aliens who've been separated from their homeland for generations. They live for about a day! Despite this trait, he's a highly optimistic Petalar who possess an upbeat and adventurous attitude.
Tropes associated with Emrick:
- Badass Adorable: Capable of going toe-to-toe with opponents many times his size. Not that 'many times his size' is particularly big, but it's still impressive.
- Badass Mustache: In adulthood, he gets a dashing Errol Flynn 'stache.
- Cheerful Child: An enthusiastic young Pollyanna, quite convinced that, despite being trapped in the Briar Woods for generations, Lion-O and his Thundercats will help them find a way back home.
- Constantly Curious: He's full of questions for the Thundercats. Lion-O says he reminds him of himself at that age, implying that he was one as well.
- Final Speech: Assures Lion-O that It's the Journey That Counts
- Heroes Prefer Swords: Makes one out of a twig to better model himself after Lion-O
- Hot-Blooded: His one constant trait, mirroring Lion-O.
- Intergenerational Friendship: An interesting variation. Lion-O is the elder, with Emrick as his much younger friend, but thanks to the Petalars one-day lifespans, Lion-O sees Emrick become the elder.
- Motor Mouth: During his youth. Luckily his mouth's small enough to be stopped with a little finger.
- Plant Person: All of the Petalars.
- Retirony: Dies before he can ascend the Cliff of Winds, (an uncoiled fern) and ride an updraft to his ancestral home.
- Tagalong Kid: He's like the little kid brother Lion-O never had. For about ten minutes, anyway.
Voiced by: Will Friedle (episode 7) and Jason Marsden (episode 21)
Leo is Lion-O's ancestor, Commander Mumm-Ra's second-in-command and leader of the Animal rebellion.
Tropes associated with Leo:
- Adaptive Armor: Using Power Crystals as Amplifier Artifacts, his Claw Gauntlet can transform into a set of custom gold Lion armor.
- Astonishingly Appropriate Appearance: Like his descendants, his mane and eyes perfectly echo the hues of his weapon, but he lacks the justification of it being an ancestral birthright.
- Badass Long Hair: Quite an impressive mane.
- Commanding Coolness: Like his immediate superior, also holds the rank of Commander (likely lieutenant commander)
- Cool Sword
- Expy: Of Lion-O himself. Or inverted if you like. Technically, Leo was first.
- Heroes Prefer Swords
- In Another Man's Shoes/You Will Be Beethoven: What we see of Leo's behavior is actually Lion-O performing a compulsory Vision Quest while being made to re-enact Leo's historical actions.
- Long-Haired Pretty Boy: Lampshaded by his girlfriend Panthera
Panthera (during a riot): Are you gonna stand there and look pretty or are you gonna fight?
- Noble Top Enforcer/Reverse Mole: Inferentially, Leo's been a member of La Résistance for quite awhile, even while serving as The Dragon.
- Not What I Signed on For: For a while, he genuinely believed that Mumm-Ra could bring order to the universe. When Mumm-Ra demonstrates that he's willing to murder an entire star system to forge a super-weapon, he swiftly decides to form La Résistance in secret.
- Occult Blue Eyes: Blue-green eyes, like his descendants
- One Head Taller: Leo is a head shorter than his girlfriend Panthera. In fact, Leo seemed shorter than everyone in Commander Mumm-Ra's service.
- Rebel Leader
- Redheaded Hero
- Retractable Weapon
- Royal Blood
Captain Tygus
Voiced by: Corey Burton
Captain Tygus is Commander Mumm-Ra's leader in the field, who's operations obtained the War Stone. Like other Tigers, he fought against Leo's Mutiny against Mumm-Ra. His clan was banished for this reason.
Tropes associated with Captain Tygus:
- The Captain: The hands-on, field-leader type, who conducts a one-man assault on a heavily guarded tower powered by a MacGuffin he's Plundering for his Commander.
- Expy: Of Tygra. Lion-O/Leo even lampshades the man's doubt in his plan:
Lion-O/Leo: "A tiger underestimating me. I'm not surprised."
- Eyepatch of Power: Wears a Scouter
- Space Marine: Highly efficient against the hostiles that would stand in the way of his obtaining the Warstone.
- Unwitting Pawn: In a MacGuffin Delivery Service.
Voiced by: Cree Summer
Leo's beloved and coordinator of the rebellion.
Tropes associated with Panthera:
- Action Girl: Brings it in a staged prison break in "Legacy." Motive force behind the rebellion in "Birth of the Blades."
- Big Damn Kiss: Shares one with Leo as Mumm-Ra's spaceship/pyramid goes plummeting towards Third Earth.
- Hot Amazon
- I Want You to Meet An Old Friend of Mine: Cree, of course, voiced Max on Batman Beyond, so has played the faithful partner to a Will Friedle character before.
- Lady of War
- Morality Pet: In "Birth of Blades" she was the one who openly questioned Mumm-Ra's brutal orders and caused the initially blindly loyal Leo to start questioning them as well.
- One Head Taller: Inverted. Leo only comes up to her shoulders if you count his hair.
- Reverse Mole
- Replacement Love Interest: Following Leo's story, she functions parallel to Cheetara as a lion's undyingly loyal confidant, counselor, and Love Interest.
- In "Birth of the Blades," we see more to this relationship. Her initial doubt that Leo can make up for his mistake in believing in Mumm-Ra, leading to the destruction of a star system, not to mention calling him out on it, is rather reminiscent of Pumyra's initial doubt in Lion-O. As is the way she softens after Leo proves that he's thought this through, and is willing to follow through to the bitter end.
- Statuesque Stunner: Panthera towers over Leo and he definitely isn't complaining.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- Tiny Guy, Huge Girl
- Undying Loyalty: Her faith in Leo is absolute, even when Leo is unsure of the outcome himself.
Voiced by: Rob Paulsen
Leader of the Jackals who joined Leo in his rebellion against Mumm-Ra.
Tropes assocaiated with Shen:
- Eyes of Gold
- Heroic Dog
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Willing to work with the Cats to escape.
Voiced by: Rob Paulsen
Leader of the Lizards who joined Leo in his rebellion against Mumm-Ra.
Tropes associated with Rezard:
- Expy: Of Slithe, of all people.
- Lizard Folk
- Meaningful Name: Rezard? Just swap out "Re" with "Li," and you get "Lizard."
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Also willing to work with the Cats, though he expresses more doubts than Shen about this.
The Drifter/Hattanzo the Swordmaker
Voiced by: Stephen Root
A mysterious, eccentric rabbit man who offers Lion-O some much needed advice in the Swordsmans' Town.
Tropes associated with The Drifter
- Aloof Ally: "...if you expect me to help, you haven't been paying attention."
- American Accents: A light southern drawl. (His voice artist is a character actor who frequently plays southern archetypes.)
- And That Little Girl Was Me: The Drifter tells a Nameless Narrative of how the Duelist acquired his favorite trophy blade, implying that Lion-O will repeat the mistakes of its previous wielder.
- Badass Adorable: Comes with being a rabbit.
- Badass Long Hair/Messy Hair/Wild Hair: His dark brown hair is long, unkempt and full of bits of straw.
- Badass Pacifist: "A weakness can be turned into a strength."
- Barefoot Cartoon Animal: Though he inhabits a world full of them, the Drifter specifically Does Not Like Shoes. In youth, he was The One Who Wears Shoes, but abandoned the trait after his loss to the Duelist triggered a deep depression.
- Beneath the Mask: His mildly amused, smiling, Brilliant but Lazy exterior hides a despondent man who still grieves the loss of his masterwork to the Duelist.
- Black Eyes of Crazy: White iris-pupil on black sclera. Very downplayed. He's merely eccentric.
- Brandishment Bluff: Using the willow reed he keeps in his mouth, The Drifter parries the Duelist's attempt to stab Lion-O In the Back, then continues to mock-attack, relying on the Duelist's startlement and reflexive movements to trip him up. The Duelist lands on his rear and the Drifter mockingly sticks the reed up his nose.
- Brilliant but Lazy: Until Lion-O piques his interest.
- Bullet Time/Super Reflexes: As "a drifter," he induces this at will, to the point where he appears able to Overcrank himself.
- Confusion Fu: Disorients opponents with Not Quite Flight, Nonchalant Dodge, and Brandishment Bluffs
- Cool Sword: The Sword of Hattanzo, which he made himself.
- Dance Battler: And he doesn't even need to throw a punch. At one point, he performs a pirouette in midair.
- Despair Event Horizon: When he lost his best sword to The Duelist.
- Dissonant Serenity: Swinging a sword at his head won't faze him enough to open his eyes, or wipe the smile off his face.
- Dude in Distress: Downplayed. Tends to snag himself on fences and need Lion-O's help getting down, which begs the question as to why he always manages to appear where Lion-O is, just when the boy could use some advice...
- The Ditherer: Constantly qualifies his statements. You should take his advice...or don't...he doesn't care.
- Dramatic Wind: Accompanies him, ruffling only his hair and clothes in a given scene, to give an impression of his lightness. In a nod to his Empathic Environment, he frequently uses wind metaphor in his speech.
- The Drifter: Actually Inverted. He poses as someone who quite literally blows into town, and claims to go "wherever the wind takes him" but that translates to floating around the fringes of the Swordsmans' Town, waiting for someone like himself to come along so he can deliver an Adventure Rebuff. By the time he's done with Lion-O, he's come to fully embody his archetype, walking into the sunset.
- Ears as Hair: A rabbit, his ears are as straw-filled, floppy and lank as his hair In youth, they were expressive and sat high on his head, beginning to droop in defeat.
- Eccentric Mentor: "Take my advice and blow on out of here, or don't. I don't care."
- Enlightenment Superpowers/Power Born of Madness/Took a Level in Badass: Not that he cares, but the Drifter has essentially perfected his Not Quite Flight and Nonchalant Dodge through suffering an ongoing major depressive episode. The languid movements that came with his feelings of despair and apathy after his defeat by the Duelist allowed him to become aware of all his flaws as a young combatant.
- Expository Hairstyle Change: The Drifter's hair is long and ungroomed, but as a young man, he wears his hair in a neat, shorter ponytail.
- Eyes Always Shut: Often. Seems to only open his eyes when making particularly trenchant points or being very emotionally engaged.
- Fatal Flaw: His Hubris regarding his swordsmithing skill, assuming he made a sword so magnificent that it could surely beat even a master swordsman, regardless of the skill of its wielder.
- The Gunfighter Wannabe/Kid Samurai: Became a Scrap Heap Hero out of his failure.
- Heroes Prefer Swords
- Hidden Depths: Guess why his entry has so many spoilers.
- Homage: To Hattori Hanzo, particularly Kill Bill's swordsmith. As to the fact that he's a rabbit, well...
- Karmic Trickster: Towards the Duelist.
- Koan: "Willows are weak, but they bind other wood."
- Leaning on the Furniture/Rebel Relaxation: Slouches, slumps or sprawls whenever there's a structure in his immediate vicinity.
- Limited Wardrobe: In his case, deconstructed. He's been wearing the same set of clothes for a long time, and it actually shows in their tattered, patched condition. He's been wearing them ever since his defeat at the hands of the Duelist.
- Meaningful Name: He literally drifts on windcurrents as easily as a leaf. His real name, Hattanzo, is a contraction of Hattori Hanzo.
- Meek Townsman: "This is a Swordsmans' town, stranger, and they duel for keeps. Leave, before it's too late. Or don't, I don't care."
- Nonchalant Dodge: A master.
- Not Quite Flight: A marvelously absurd power to float on currents of wind, the catch being that he does seem to snag himself on tall fences rather frequently.
- Oral Fixation Fixation: Constantly chews a willow reed.
- Pint-Sized Powerhouse: He's much shorter than Lion-O and The Duelist and he proceeds to kick the latter's ass when he tries to stab the former in the back.
- Rascally Rabbit: Overlaps with Trickster Mentor.
- Retired Badass: Was once "the greatest swordmaker of all time," but hasn't made a sword since his defeat by the Duelist.
- Scarf of Asskicking: Amazing, since he manages to kick ass without kicking any ass.
- Scrap Heap Hero: A failed swordsman, but that doesn't stop him from blocking the Duelist's last knife attack with a willow reed.
- The Slacker: "There is such a thing as trying too hard, which is why I prefer not trying at all."
- Stepford Smiler: If his apathy isn't enough of a cue, his oft-present grin hides a deep depression at the loss of his masterwork, his finest sword, to the Duelist.
- Suspiciously Specific Denial: "I don't care," and many variations thereof, a de facto Catch Phrase. Over time, the Implausible Deniability of the statement steadily increases to the point where it becomes obvious it's a lie.
- The Trope Without a Title: He says he's "just a drifter, I suppose".
- Trickster Mentor: He's so good at it that Lion-O didn't even get what he was trying to teach him until he's practically already lost the duel. He even gave Lion-O a sword that he knew would break, just to drive the point home.
- Ultimate Blacksmith: Hattanzo himself, maker of the Duelist's best trophy, the Sword of Hattanzo.
- Unreliable Narrator: Downplayed. When telling a story, the Drifter conceals his identity as the protagonist, and his real name in the descriptor of his sword. Lion-O realizes the former, but not the latter, and the Drifter never directly acknowledges the story's implications.
- Waif Fu: A rare Gender Inverted example. Willow reeds kick ass.
- Warrior Therapist: Provides a very pointed critique of Lion-O's impatience and poor technical skill.
- Weak but Skilled: Apparently if you're badass enough, you CAN disarm someone wielding a knife with just a willow reed. In youth, he was its inverse, Unskilled but Strong.
- Wuxia/Wutai: His personal genre. Despite not being a trained warrior, he borrows from the Ronin concept, and blows Wire Fu away.
- Zen Survivor
Ro-Bear Bill
Voiced by: Dee Bradley Baker
Ro-Bear Bill is a member of the Berbil race, a group of small robotic bears.
Tropes associated with Ro-Bear Bill
- Cute Machines: Hug hug hug hug hug!
- Happily Married: To Ro-Bear Bella. They have a son, Ro-Bear Beebo.
- Friend to All Living Things
- Robot Buddy: To Panthro and Lion-O.
- Turned Against Their Masters: A relatively peaceful example.
Voiced by: Kevin Michael Richardson
A leader of the highly forgetful monks of the Elephant Village.
Tropes associated with Anet
- Beware the Nice Ones: When they finally decide to engage the Lizard invaders, Anet gets a spotlight. He tosses a Walking Tank into its neighbor, and makes short work of Slithe's rifle, wrenching it out of his hands and bending it in half.
- Cool Old Guy
- Prophecies Are Always Right: Even when he forgets what they are.
- Staff of Authority
Voiced by: Jim Meskimen
Aburn is one of a group of Forgetful Jones mystic-monk Elephants who develops a friendship with Wilykit.
Tropes associated with Aburn
- Eccentric Mentor: To Wilykit.
- Friend to All Living Things: All the elephants "respect the balance of nature".
- Gentle Giant
- Improbable Antidote: Don't underestimate the power of harmony.
- Let's Get Dangerous: It takes a lot to happen but you do NOT piss off an Elephant without consequences.
- Mighty Glacier
- The Obi-Wan
Zigg, Snips and Gami, the Wood Forgers
Voiced by: Richard Chamberlain
Three Supernatural Martial Artists who staff a school of Paper Mastery and serve as protectors of the Forest of Magi Oar.
Tropes associated with the Wood Forgers
- Arch Enemy: To Viragor.
- Art Initiates Life: Gami's paper beasts animate, move and employ Breath Weapons. Zigg can paint a vessel with his brush to capture and contain evil spirits, or paint a miniature animation of Viragor. Snips can create self-propelling pinwheels, snowflake blizzards and people-sized cages.
- Breath Weapon: Gami twice folds a giant animate paper dragon, which alternately breathes a powerful wind or purple bursts of fire.
- In Harmony with Nature: They use their wood forging to defend the forest against Viragor, employing a paper mill to produce their supplies. Which they do by unsustainable clear-cutting with no replanting, provoking the ire of Viragor.
- Macross Missile Massacre: One of Zigg's attacks is basically the paper version of this.
- Paper Master: Zigg favors calligraphy, Gami folded animals, and Snips papercraft.
- Paper Talisman: Used by Zigg, complete with Magical Incantation "Begone, evil spirits..."
- Protectorate: The Forest of Magi Oar.
- Punny Name: Zigg is from "zig-zag" Gami from "origami" and Snips from the action of a scissors
- The Voiceless: Snips and Gami do not speak, allowing Zigg to do all the talking.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: Zigg explains that their processing of the magic wood into paper serves both the forest and people in need of the rescue his martial artists provide.
Voiced by: Hector Elizondo
A monstrous bird who inhabits the Forest of Magi Oar and antagonizes those who travel and live within it.
Tropes associated with Viragor
- Arch Enemy: To the Wood Forgers
- Big Badass Bird of Prey
- Dark Is Not Evil: While he looks very intimidating, he isn't nearly as mean as he looks.
- Giant Flyer
- Good Is Not Nice: Has no compunction about threatening the lives of those he sees as invaders, or inflicting massive amounts of property damage on an inhabited building.
- In Harmony with Nature: Very much resents perceived invasion of and damage to "his" forest.
- Nature Spirit/Protectorate: Stubbornly wages war on the Wood Forgers and demands they leave the Forest.
- Not Evil, Just Misunderstood: He is very confrontational at first, but mellows out quickly enough.
Voiced by: Robin Atkin Downes
Leader of the banished Tiger Tribe, and Tygra's biological father.
Tropes associated with Javan
- Ain't Too Proud to Beg: He pleads with Lion-O to get Tygra away from the Tiger Village. It was to save Tygra and a sign the Tigers can be saved if they swallow their pride.
- Break His Heart to Save Him: Tried but failed to get Tygra mad enough at him. Hoping Tygra would leave before the other tigers tried to kill him, to end the curse they were all under.
- Daddy Had a Good Reason For Abandoning You: Either abandon his son, or kill him. He made the right call.
- Dead All Along
- Meaningful Name: His name refers to the Javan Tiger, an extinct subspecies of tiger that was native to the Indonesian island of Java which makes sense when it's revealed that he and the rest of his clan have been Dead All Along.
- Papa Wolf: The assassins who try killing Tygra, learn this the hard way.
- Pride: Self-aware enough to realize that the Tiger Clan's pride has always been its greatest flaw. Even he didn't fully overcome it -- he tries to break his son's heart to drive him away because he's too ashamed to admit the Awful Truth.
Voiced by: Jim Cummings
A member of the Tiger Clan's council.
Tropes associated with Caspin:
- Casting Gag: Jim Cummings is the voice of Tigger, as well as many other cat character roles, such as Pete from Goof Troop and Mayor Manx from Swat Kats.
- Dead All Along
- Meaningful Name: Like Javan, his name refers to an extinct subspecies of tiger, in this case the Caspian Tiger. And of course, they and the rest of their clan aside from Tygra have been Dead All Along.
- Pride: He is quite vocal about it too, insisting that pride is all the Tiger Clan has left.
- Would Hurt a Child
Queen of Thundera
Voiced by: Juliet Rose Landau
The wife of Claudus, and the mother of Tygra and Lion-O.
Tropes associated with the Queen of Thundera:
- Death by Childbirth
- The High Queen: Of the soft spoken variety.
- Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: She's quite petite when compared to Claudus, who looks enormous when standing by her side. Her delicate build and petite stature may have contributed to her complications and death in childbirth.
- Hot Mom
- Law of Inverse Fertility: She and Claudus were struggling to conceive a child before Tygra came along, but were eventually able to have Lion-O by the time Tygra was a few years old.
- Missing Mom
- Modest Royalty
- No Name Given: Has no known name aside from "The Queen".
- Proper Lady: Basically she's gentle, incorruptible and pure. She sacrifices herself for her son Lion-O. She is devoted and loyal, and her good will and charity is what leads Tygra into eventually becoming a Thundercat. However, more important than anything else... is her gentle smile.
The Wily Family
Voiced by: Chris Anthony and John Pirrucello
Wilykit and Wilykat's mother, father, sister and brother.
Tropes associated with the Wily Family:
- Cheerful Child: The younger siblings.
- Country Mouse
- Does Not Like Shoes: Mom
- Farm Boy
- Heroic Sacrifice: The father.
- Hot Mom
- No Name Given
- Papa Wolf: The father goes out making sure Wilykit and Wilykat make it to safety.
- The Voiceless: The younger siblings.
Voiced by: Fred Tatasciore
A former slave and gladiator dog who fought alongside Panthro in the Pit. He rose through the ranks and became the boss of the arena.
Tropes associated with Dobo:
- Authority Equals Asskicking: Ended up in charge of the gladitorial games he was once an asskicking champion in, and it's strongly implied that he overthrew the previous management.
- Badass: Just look at the guy.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Panthro. It ultimately ends better than it did with Grune.
- Large and In Charge: Gladiator boss and easily one of the tallest characters in the series, towering over the already-massive Panthro.
- Meaningful Name: Dobo. Doberman. Get the picture?
- Noble Bigot: Despite thinking ill of Panthro for presumably abandoning him to the arena, and thinking that cats in general have no honor, he nonetheless greets Panthro as a friend and lets the Thundercats stay in his city. Later, when Pumyra refuses to finish off Lion-O even when threatened with death, he even agrees to release Pumyra from the arena.
- Rags to Riches: Started out as a lowly gladiator fighting in the arena. By the time the Thundercats meet him, he's the man in charge of the whole spectacle!
Voiced by: Fred Tatasciore
A pickpocket raccoon gifted with kleptovoyance, the ability to know the right thing to steal, even if he isn't sure how it will be useful.
Tropes associated with Tookit:
- The Artful Dodger
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: He is a charming sweet guy who gives street urchins food and safe haven, in exchange for them stealing money and jewels for him. And after they steal enough, they cannot return to the streets as they are wanted for all the crimes Tookit made them do.
- Engineered Public Confession: When facing down the Thunderkittens and his rebelling minions, he blurts out how he made the kittens and others steal for him, with the guard dog standing right behind him.
- Expy: A charming thief with a preternatural sense of thieving opportunities, and whose tools include a staff with a hook on one end? Apparently, Sly Cooper has family on Third Earth.
- Episode 22 also makes him into somewhat of an expy of Fagin.
- It May Help You on Your Quest/You Will Know What to Do: His kleptovoyance in a nutshell, leading him to steal seemingly worthless trinkets that soon after prove beneficial to him in some way.
- He incorrectly believes this applies to people too, believing that his frequent run-ins with the Thunderkittens are a sign that they will help him pull off the biggest heist in his life. Instead, they free the urchins he trapped in a life of crime by siccing a guard on him and stealing his Forever Bag. The only thing his kleptovoyance lead him to steal in this episode was a hairpin that allows him to break out of his cell at the end.
- Loveable Rogue
- Punny Name: "Took it", referring to his thieving nature.
- Rascally Raccoon
- Sticky Fingers
Albo, Jenyo, and Gusto
Voiced by: Pat Musick, Hynden Walch, and Cree Summer
Three children that Tookit has recruited into a life of crime and trained to be master thieves. They have become wanted criminals and are unable to return to an honest life.
Tropes associated with Albo, Jenyo, and Gusto:
- Meaningful Name: Ponzi. As in, "Ponzi scheme".
- Spanner in the Works: To Mumm-Ra in "Recipe for Disaster". His "transform into an unstoppable demonic dragon" plan would have gone off without a hitch if it weren't for this hapless potion salesman. Even Ponzi's surprised his elixir and his pet caterpillar turned out to be useful in the end.
Voiced by: Corey Burton
A Dog who is Lion-O's friend and deals in technology.
- Cool Old Guy
- Friend in the Black Market
- Gadgeteer Genius
- Intergenerational Friendship
- Interspecies Friendship: He's a Dog, his friendship with Lion-O may be the reason why the latter rejects much of the Cats' Fantastic Racism.
The Soul Sever
Voiced by: Jeffrey Combs
- Actor Allusion: A mad scientist obsessed with bringing the dead back to life? Played by Jeffrey Combs? Why does that sound so familiar..?
- Anti-Villain: He genuinely thinks being transferred into an immortal robotic body is a good thing, and only wants to save his family.
- Deal with the Devil: His deal with the Necro Mechers to keep his family alive, resulted in him becoming the mechanical monstrosity he is now.
- My God, What Have I Done?: His reaction to his attempt to transfer Tygra into a new body results in a gigantic rampaging monster.
- Tears From a Stone: At the end of the episode he weeps upon seeing his family's souls depart into the sky, it's a sign that he's regained a small measure of his humanity, but at the cost of any hope he had left.
- Turned Against Their Masters: He destroyed the Necro Mechers when they refused to help him find a way to transfer souls into mechanical bodies.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist