Cute Machines


Sometimes, a robotic character, despite its composition of hard circuits and cold metal, completely melts your heart.

Often just as lovable (if not more so) than their flesh and blood counterparts, these little guys (gals? neither?) steal the show and the audience's affection.

The name of this trope comes from a song by Scars On Broadway.

Sometimes overlaps with Robot Buddy and Amusing Alien. Not to be confused with Robot Girl, which is a different kind of cute.

When they have no clearly defined story purpose and/or go past adorable and into Tastes Like Diabetes, they become part of Kids and Cute Robots.

Examples of Cute Machines include:

Anime and Manga

Comic Books



  • Ani-droids in Argo are designed to look like animals so they can be cute instead of threatening to humans who would otherwise be uncomfortable with them.


  • Gadget from Doctor Who.
    • And don't forget K-9!
  • Marvin the Paranoid Android from The Hitchhikers Guide to The Galaxy. More than anything, you can't help but want to hug him.
  • The DRDs from Farscape. They're little round yellow droids with cute antenna-headlights, they're super-helpful, and one of them can play the 1812 Overture. What's not to love?
  • Tom Servo, Crow, and Gypsy from Mystery Science Theater 3000.
  • Alpha 5 of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers fame.
  • Leo and Ike, the probes from the Speculative Documentary Alien Planet, have cute undersized heads and plump balloon-bodies. The narrator describes their AI as comparable to that of a four-year-old child, which makes them even more cuddly.


Tabletop Games

Video Games

  • Clank from Ratchet and Clank.
  • Dog from Half-Life. Hulking great brute, but cute in his behaviour.
  • Portal's robotic gun turrets, as well as GLaDOS' curiosity core.
    • From the sequel, we get the personality core Wheatley, and Atlas and P-body from the new Co-op mode (adapted from a core and turret, respectively). Atlas and P-Body may not be as small and adorable as the others, but make up for it with their mannerisms.
      • The 'different' turret at the beginning of the game fits this trope especially well.
      • So do the remarkably pathetic frankenturrets: they're basically a pair of turrets hastily fused to a cube. They can't stand or talk but crawl along feebly with their two wonky forelimbs, and they'll shiver and retreat into their cube/shell when you pick them up. These things basically behave like scared hermit crabs, and are strangely, sadly adorable for it.
    • The Weighted Companion Cube.
  • The small, stage one turret gun in Team Fortress 2 (if you happen to be the engineer who built it).
    • The Gunslinger unlockable weapon replaces the normal upgradeable sentry with an even smaller turret that can't be upgraded but builds faster. It's similarly stinkin' adorable.
  • The depressed/scared looking, little RC robot in Sheep Dog 'n' Wolf.
  • Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots features the Metal Gear Mk. II (eventually replaced by the similar Mk. III), a ridiculously cute miniature version of the titular battle tank that serves as Snake's Robot Buddy, piloted by Otacon. It's also directly based on the Metal Gear Mk. II from Snatcher, which looked exactly like it, and served a similar role to that game's protagonist, Gillian Seed.
  • The Mecha Grunty from .hack//G.U. games.
  • Mega Man and especially Roll, though their cuteness probably fits them into just plain Moe. Some of the enemies as well, such as the Mets.
  • The Badass Adorable bomb-chucking Bomberman with his cute little computer monitor face that becomes (n n) when he's happy.
  • C21 and its sequel Cosmic Break are filled with examples. Running the full spectrum from this trope up to Ridiculously-Human Robots.
  • Timesplitters Future Perfect has the Sweet Suck PPT Cleaning Robot in the "Breaking and Entering" level (skip to 4:30). Its a chatty little bastard too! Just imagine it saying this in a C3-PO-esque voice ~ "I am the Sweet Suck PPT cleaning robot, I am ideal for both office and domestic use, no job is too small. I love filth, and my full range of accessories ensure no crevice is left untouched. I bring a smile to any owner's lips". It scoots across the floor with a little street sweeping brush on its fanny!
  • The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword features Ancient Robots.
  • Floyd!
  • Pipo from Overblood.
  • The Gearmos from Super Mario Galaxy and Super Mario Galaxy 2.
  • The titular character of Chibi-Robo!, along with his various sidekicks.

Web Comics

Web Original

  • Red vs. Blue has Sheila, a tank and later ship AI for the Blue Team. Though she is deadly as a tank, she somehow manages to pack lunches for the protagonists and gets involved in a crazy love triangle.

Western Animation

Real Life

  • Tweenbots, little smiling cardboard robots that can only roll in a straight line, with a flag with its destination written on it. They were created for a social experiment to see whether or not people in busy cities would help the little robots get to their destination. They do.
  • Keepon, the dancing robot.
  • Boxie is a cardboard robot built at MIT. Boxie uses its cute appearance and infantile voice to get people to talk about themselves and take it places. The footage it recorded was made into a short film.
  • The original Apple iMac. So round and friendly-looking, and it came in all kinds of neat colors. It almost looked like a toy, and made you want to collect them all.
  1. If you care, it stands for Humanoid Experimental Robot, B-type, Integrated Electronics. And he's not actually humanoid.
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