The Insane Quest of Unfathomable Randomness/Characters
WARNING: Loads and Loads of Characters (And loads and loads of spoilers) ahead!
A team of amateur mercenaries collected from across the 69 Worlds for the sole purpose of finding all of the items on Nintendoki's list. Along the way, the team is sually tasked with righting the wrongs set in place by Doosh, as well as coming to terms with their own personal conflicts...all of which is done in a wacky and humorous fashion, of course.
Luna Ravenheart
A princess from an unknown world, Luna was forced to become a member of Smoosh after encountering the group in Japan since Nintendoki wanted her socks (since they can't be removed, she was given the choice of either joining them or having her feet amputated). Despite this, Luna quickly became friends with the other Smoosh members and became a willing member of the team. Much of Luna's past is shrouded in mystery, causing most of the details of her life before meeting Smoosh to be used as plot twists in the story.
- Action Girl
- Angst? What Angst?: Forced to join your organization against my will? No problem, I'm sure we can all get along...
- Breakout Character: Snow claims that Luna was originally only going to appear in the first chapter.
- Badass Princess
- The Chick: Played with- while she is just as capable as her teammates when it comes to fighting, she is still very chicklike in terms of personality.
- Clingy MacGuffin: Her socks.
- Damsel in Distress
- Elemental Powers: She's a gumweaver, meaning she can control gum. It's weird, I know.
- Everything's Better with Princesses
- Fetish: Luna likes gum. A lot. And she's not shy about rubbing it all over her body in public, either.
- Friend to All Living Things
- Gamer Chick
- The Heart
- Iron Woobie
- Les Yay: With Nico.
- Mary Sue: Snow seems to think that he's accidentally turned her into one recently. Fortunately, he also says he's attempting to remedy the situation.
- Meaningful Name: Luna (Moon), in contrast to Sola (Sun).
- Neutral Good
- Otaku Surrogate
- Royals Who Actually Do Something: I guess it runs in the family.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Mortal created by SonikFan112/Matt Engarde/Son Gohan
A blue blob hailing from the "Planet of Blobs", Mortal can expand to hold anything in his body. He keeps around a Mallet, and has a infinite amount of them. Probably the only member of Smoosh who hasn't shown any romantic interest, but explainable because he's a, you know, blob. He's also began getting character development along with everybody else. In Chapter V, he has recently adopted evil-now-good parts of a Cotton Monster as a pet.
- A Blob Monster And His Sentient Ball Of Cotton
- Adult Child: He's 19 but acts like he's 8, sometimes.
- All There in the Manual: His full name.
- Berserk Button: Go ahead, I dare ya to act like the leader. Unless you are a NPC, then he doesn't care.
- Blob Monster
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass
- Drop the Hammer: Though it's really a mallet.
- Embarrassing Middle Name: His full name is "Mortality Liza Miffin".
- The Lancer: Debatable; after the removal of Ace, who's the new hero of Smoosh is a bit foggy.
- Lethal Joke Character
- Rebel Prince: All There in the Manual.
- Royals Who Actually Do Something
- Rule of Three: Sonik says he is three feet tall.
- Weaksauce Weakness: Nets. Used to lampshade that he could just phase through them.
Eddie Cohen Created by ???
Eddie is a vampire from the world "Forkslyvania". He originally was a parody of Edward Cullen, but has had some fleshed-out character development recently. A lot of his background involves his love interest, Sarah. He also has a super-powered alter-ego named Edmund, who was developed when Sola killed Luna. He used to be the weakest of Smoosh, but Mortal took up that role when he joined, and recently Rustynuts took that role...forever.
- Abnormal Ammo: His Gun Gun is a gun that shoots...guns.
- All There in the Manual: According to the wiki, Eddie's full name is Edison James Cohen.
- Badass Bookworm
- Badass Normal: Before gaining a Super-Powered Evil Side
- Batman Gambit: Tries to pull one every now and then.
- Berserk Button: Don't mess with his friends, unless you want to deal with Edmund.
- The Chew Toy
- Deadpan Snarker: In the early chapters.
- Flanderization: His cowardice and depression has become more and more exaggerated over the course of the RP.
- Friendly Neighborhood Vampire: Although the exact amount of "friendliness" may vary.
- Looks Like Cesare
- Lovable Coward
- Not So Above It All: He tries to remain the straight man of the group, but still manages to come off as more than a little eccentric.
- Our Vampires Are Different
- The Smart Guy
- Star-Crossed Lovers: With Sarah, alrthough they are currently broken up.
- Super-Powered Evil Side: Edmund.
- True Neutral -> Neutral Good.
- Your Vampires Suck: He began as a living Take That directed at Twilight before his Character Development.
Eddie's split personality. A sadistic, bloodthirsty creature conjured up whenever Eddie is under a sufficient amount of stress or if he smells. blood. While the exact cause of Edmund's existance is unknown, it is clear that he is a reflection of something deeply wrong with Eddie on a psychological level.
- Ax Crazy
- Blood Knight
- Heroic Sociopath
- Shipper on Deck: He often mocks Eddie's possible feelings for Luna ( and Sarah) in an effort to push Eddie's buttons.
- Super-Powered Evil Side
- Super Strength
- Winged Humanoid
Sarah Belfry Created by ???
Sarah is a vampire slayer from the world of Forksylvania, where she became the leader of La Résistance as the humans of that world began to lose a civil war against vampires. Despie this, she briefly had a relationship with Eddie, until he ran off out of fear of being caught in the middle of the two warring factions, causing her to feel abandoned and swear revenge on him. For now, the two have formed a temporary truce, but sparks aren't exactly flying whenever they interact.
- Action Girl
- Badass Normal
- Determinator
- Doesn't Like Guns: but she will use knives, whips, holy water, and just about anything else she can find.
- Expy: She's a female Simon Belmont, at least in terms of abilities.
- Kuudere
- La Résistance: In her homeworld, she was the leader of the Guild of Vampire Slayers, who intend to overthrow the vampires who are taking over their land.
- Real Women Never Wear Dresses: Subverted.
- Star-Crossed Lovers: With Eddie, except now she wants to kill him.
- Tsundere: When around Eddie, though she tends to be more "tsun" than "dere".
- 24-Hour Armor
- Vampire Hunter: And proud of it.
- Woman Scorned
Dr. Ein Theodore Kelpforest Created by Vampyric
A formerly retired surgeon and resident badass, Ein is one of Smoosh's oldest members (both because he was one of the first people to join Smoosh and...well, 'cause he's old). Using his pet hand-puppet, Chompy, in battle, Ein is considered to be a strong member, with the only things hindering him being old age, and the fact that Mortal sorta hates him.
- A Surgeon And His Hand Puppet
- Animate Inanimate Object: Chompy seems to have a mind of his own. Also, the army of blades in his bag that he doen't know about.
- Badass Grandpa
- Chivalrous Pervert: Despite being a Dirty Old Man who collects nude pictures of women as a hobby, Ein turns down Granny's advances due to being in a committed relationship with Wendy Oldbag.
- Combat Medic
- Crazy Awesome
- Dirty Old Man
- Grumpy Old Man: Not as much as Rustynuts, but still...
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Sir Rustynuts.
- Loveable Sex Maniac
- You Gotta Have Pink Hair
- Overly Long Name: A good majority of the blades in the army fit this trope
- Papa Wolf: To Chompy, at least.
- Screw Politeness, I'm a Senior!
- The Quiet One
A living handpuppet resembling a pair of dentures. He is technically Ein's primary weapon, but the doctor seems to treat him more like a surrogate son.
- All Puppets Are Dogs: He exibits a lot of doglike characteristics.
- Animate Inanimate Object: See above.
- Big Eater
- Empathic Weapon
- Green Lantern Ring: Thanks to his ability to dublicate the powers of others.
- Mega Manning: Capable of copying the attributes of other people and weapons by licking them.
- Satellite Character: To Ein. Possibly justified, as he is attatched to Ein's hand...
- Swiss Army Weapon
- Morality Pet: In a way, he serves as this for Ein.
- Ugly Cute
Baron Washington Wafflesworth Jr., Sr., Jr., MXVII Created by Rhadamanthus
A classy British gent, Washington has dedicalted his life to the study of alchemy. During an experiment as a child, Washington accidentally ended up transforming himself into a penguin. However, upon learning that penguins are actually a source of potent alchemical power, he decided to stay that way. Washington tends to act as the straight man to some of Smoosh's crazier antics, but has a definite mean streak when pushed too far. Oh, and he's very fond of Nico.
- A Day in the Limelight: Chapter VI
- A Penguin And His Talking Slug
- Alchemy Is Magic
- All Love Is Unrequited
- Amazing Technicolor Wildlife: He's an orange penguin
- Animorphism: His aforementioned accident.
- Berserk Button: STAY AWAY FROM NICO!
- Also, Washington hates sharks. He really hates sharks.
- Beware the Nice Ones
- British Accent: eh wot.
- Cannot Spit It Out: His feelings for Nico.
- Cool Hat: His top hat has a mansion full of ninja babes inside thanks to Hammerspace.
- Everything's Better with Penguins
- Fake Brit: More or less confirmed in chapter VI, where he is shown to be the only one in his family with a British accent.
- Generation Xerox: Every member of the Wafflesworth family is born a human, but ends up getting transformed into something else in some sort of freak accident.
- Heroes Want Redheads: His crush on Nico.
- Incompatible Orientation: Again, his crush on Nico.
- Overly Long Name
- The Power of Rock: In Chapter IV.
- Quintessential British Gentleman
- Sophisticated As Hell
- Verbal Tic: eh wot.
Spoony Bard
Washington's pet and companion, a talking banana slug. A graduate from Oxford with a tragic past, Spoony became loyal to Washington after encountering him in the Kingdom of the Smelly Grapefruit.
- The Alcoholic
- Dark and Troubled Past: There's a reason why he acts like such a jerk.
- Informed Ability: His fighting prowess. So far we haven't seen him to anything particularly impressive, although he was able to defeat Bobby Kotick as well as fight Washington in a duel (both of these events occurred offscreen).
- Jerkass Woobie: Once you've read his backstory on the wiki.
- Satellite Character: To Washington.
- Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness
- Smug Slug
- Sophisticated As Hell
- True Neutral
- In Vino Veritas: After getting sufficiently drunk he goes from a sophisticated stick-in-the-mud to a sleazy Casanova Wannabe.
Sir Rustynuts created by Rhadamanthus
Once a brave and powerful knight, Rustynuts was once the protector of a majestic kingdom until he died of old age. After being brought back to life (albeit in a much weaker zombified state) he discovered that during his absence the kingdom had descended into becoming a total Crapsack World. Longing for a purpose in his afterlife, he signed up for Smoosh. He also has an elderly steed named Bonecrusher, although he isn't seen very often.
- The Alcoholic: He chugs beer from the fake Holy Grail in Chapter VI, and spikes the punch during the anniversary party (and at the Wafflesworth family reunion).
- A Zombie Knight And His Unicorn
- Berserk Button: He hates it when someone polishes his armor for him.
- Celibate Hero: 382 years old and he's still a virgin.
- Though some of the things he's said implies that he may be a Covert Pervert.
- Clingy Costume: His suit of armor has rusted to his skin, making it impossible to remove.
- Cursed with Awesome: He's so physically weak that he actually creates a "strength vacuum" around him that saps the strength of anyone who touches him.
- Determinator: To the point where his own determination and willpower is currently the only thing keeping him alive.
- Eccentric Mentor
- Expy: Of Sir Luckless.
- Grumpy Old Man: Veeeeeeeeeeeeeery much so.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Dr. Ein.
- Our Zombies Are Different: He was brought back from the dead through sheer Heroic Willpower, and now he's pretty much just a pile of dusty bones.
- Screw Politeness, I'm a Senior!
- 24-Hour Armor: Although in his case he doesn't really have a choice.
- When I Was Your Age: He pulls one of these every now and then.
Rustynuts's steed, an elderly unicorn. Years of being forced to accompany Rustynuts on adventures has caused Bonecrusher to have a rather bleak demeanor, and the only real happiness he feels nowadays is the sadistic glee of watching Rusty make a fool of himself. Capable of running up to 2 hpm (that's right, hours per mile...)
- The Drag Along
- Satellite Character: To Rustynuts, much to his dismay.
- Silent Snarker
- True Neutral
- Unicorn: Albeit a very old and sickly one.
Jack The Chameleon created by Sega Serv
An anthropomorphic chameleon and former general in the Orange Star Army. Jack enlisted in the military to gollow in the footsteps of his mother, a test pilot for fighter planes who was killed in an accident during a test flight. Jack is one of the more formidable members of Smoosh, due to the fact that he is armed to the teeth (do chameleons have teeth?) with firearms of all shapes and sizes, and because he is capable of summoning his army troops when in a pinch.
- Ace Pilot: Apparently he takes after his mother.
- Badass
- Berserk Button: Apparently hates Nazis and any Empire.
- The Big Guy
- Composite Character: Inspired by both Sonic the Hedgehog and Advance Wars.
- Death by Origin Story: His mom died testing the prototype for a new stealth fighter, according to his wika page.
- Invisibility: He's a chameleon and a soldier, so he should know a thing or two about camoflauge.
- Eagle Land: Type 1
- Memento MacGuffin: His goggles.
- Missing Mom
- More Dakka: He can summon entire ARMIES at will.
- Conservation of Ninjitsu: That being said, his troops don't often last very long against the bad guys...
- Non-Mammalian Hair: Lampshaded.
- Platonic Life Partners: With Lori.
- Pop-Cultured Badass: A staple of Segaserv's characters.
- Trigger Happy
- Goggles Do Nothing: He wears on top of his helmet for luck.
- White Gloves
- Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Has a fear of spiders.
Lori Helenski Fox created by Sega Serv
Lori is a walking talking fox, who has been through 20 jobs before joining Smoosh. While normally a rather happy-go-lucky girl, her extremely short temper causes her to blow her stack on several occasions. She also had a Servbot, named Ben, who has the ability to transform into a variety of different machines.
- A Female Fox And Her Robot
- The Ace: Female example. No ordinary person could possibly be capable of performing as many jobs as her.
- Broken Ace: Turns out she only took all those jobs to live up to the expectations of her perfectionist family, and having 21 different careers is just as stressful as it sounds.
- Ace Pilot: Well she did take a job as a fighter pilot, right? Also, she rides Ben as a mecha.
- Action Girl
- Badass
- BFG: She has a freaking laser gun on her back, seriously!
- Cat Suit: But it's more of a dress then a full suit.
- Chekhov's Skill: Some of her experience in certain jobs has proven to be useful.
- Combat Stilettos
- Cyberpunk Is Techno: Lori's choice of music, liking Daft Punk and Vangelis.
- Fiery Redhead / White-Haired Pretty Girl: Alternates between the two due to her having red hair with a white Skunk Stripe.
- Gamer Chick
- Hair-Trigger Temper
- Informed Ability: Most of her previous jobs, though there is the occasional Chekhov's Skill.
- It Runs in The Family: Her whole family has done multiple jobs, including her siblings.
- Les Yay: With Nico.
- Lightning Can Do Anything: According to Lori, she and the other members of her family learn new skills by being struck by lightning.
- Non-Mammal Mammaries: Well, she's technically a mammal, but not the kind that's normally so... well endowed.
- Parody Sue: Not just her, but her entire family. Though, like Ace, there was some dispute over the "Parody" part.
- Rescued from the Scrappy Heap: Since being called out on her Mary Sue traits, the player who created her has been taking advice on how to make her more likable.
- Platonic Life Partners: With Jack.
- Pop-Cultured Badass: See Jack's entry above.
- Small Girl, Big Gun: Her main weapon, the BFG.
- Species Surname
- Transplant: Lori's was originally a character in a previous Play By Post Game entitled Ultra Knuckles: Extra Shiny RP Edition, before it became an Orphaned Series.
- Trigger Happy
- Twofer Token Minority: Japanese and Russian
- Weaksauce Weakness: She claims that if she were to ever lose her Skunk Stripe, all of her abilities would be lost as well.
- Why Do You Keep Changing Jobs?: She's had a total of 21 different occupations.
- Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Afraid of scorpions.
Lori's robot sidekick. Ben was the 42nd Servbot created by Tron Bonne, and, while shown to be highly skilled, was intended to be scrapped by Bonne for being "defective" (read: an annoying pervert). Lori saved him from being turned to scrap metal and the rest is history.
- Ax Crazy: His fixation on "terminating" people.
- Composite Character: A Servbot with mannerisms similar to The Terminator and wearing a Bionicle mask.
- Cool Mask: Would did you expect? It's taken from Bionicle!
- Covert Pervert: Part of the reason Bonne kicked him out.
- Humongous Mecha: Capable of turning into one.
- Robot Buddy
- Robo Cam
- Satellite Character: To Lori.
- Shout-Out: To Cyberbots with his mecha name.
Frost created by Frost Overlord/Happy Cat
Frost is a warrior, from who-knows-where. He used to be a deity, and at one point was as strong as Nintendoki. However, he was tricked into losing most of his powers upon joining Smoosh, causing him to have a sort of one-sided rivalry towards Nintendoki. He has a army of exploding penguins at his disposal, which follow him loyally. He also created a universe called "Infinite Trophy Case", which is the setting of chapter V.
- A Day in the Limelight: Chapter V.
- An Ice Person
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: According to Rose, Frost is the most competent of the Four Overlords, in spite of (or perhaps due to) his behavior.
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Crazy Awesome
- Drop the Hammer: The Jam Hammer, that is.
- Everything's Better with Penguins: his penguin servants.
- God in Human Form
- Hammerspace: The source of his Random powers.
- Making a Splash
- Neutral Good
- Only Known by Their Nickname
- Only Sane Man: Yes, he's both a Cloudcuckoolander and the only sane man. Because he's just that awesome.
- In Vino Veritas: Inverted, sort of. The more he drinks, the more civilized (and sane) he behaves.
Frost's army of penguin servants.
- Action Bomb
- Everything's Better with Penguins
- Expy: Of Prinnies
- Made of Explodium
- Redshirt Army
- Satellite Characters: To Frost.
- Verbal Tic: Dood!
Nico is a Firefox, a species of interdimesional nomads, as well as the last of her pack after Doosh killed the others. Since then, Nico has joined Smoosh so they can help her get her revenge on Doosh. Her personality is a bit unstable, but she's still one of the nicer members of Smoosh.
- Action Girl
- Big Eater
- Bi the Way: Not outright stated, but implied on occasion.
- Word of Gay: Confirmed to be a lesbian by the GM.
- Damsel in Distress: Happens to her on occasion, but nowhere near as much as Luna.
- Fiery Redhead
- He Is Not My Boyfriend: Her reaction to Jack saying otherwise about her and Washington.
- Les Yay: With Luna (and Lori).
- Ms. Fanservice: While she normally wears clothes, she'd prefer not to, especially after having a bottle of Epic Sake.
- One-Winged Angel: Her giant fox form.
- Petting Zoo People
- Playing with Fire
- Revenge: Her main motivation for joining Smoosh.
- Super Mode: A giant, flying, pyrokinetic fox.
- Tsundere
- Unstoppable Rage: Whenever she gets angry.
Captain Wafflemallow Lupez
A talking dog and captain of the Candy Pirates, Lupez was the self-proclaimed scourge of the 69 Worlds before running into Smoosh. After having his ship hijacked by the heroes, Lupez decides to team up with them for now, but mostly just because he wants to get into Luna's pants.
- Butt Monkey: With occasional Chew Toy tendancies as well.
- Funny Animal
- Heel Face Turn
- Non-Action Guy
- Pirate
- Talk Like a Pirate
- What Could Have Been: Lupez was originally going to be a human, but at the last second Snow decided to make him a dog.
- Verbal Tic: "Arr!" and various dog noises.
A robotic girl that was once an orgainic lifeform (probably human, though even she's not sure) until she was transferred into the body of an android. Not much is known about her past, as the memory files stored on her computerized brain were corrupted by a computer virus.
- Action Girl
- Cyborg
- Laser-Guided Amnesia: Although this is possibly a justified trope, as having a computerized brain that had its memory files corrupted by a virus seems more plausible than the usual "coconut-to-the-head" form of amnesia.
- Neutral Good
- Pointy Ears
- Robot Girl: Subverted, sort of. While the standard Robot Girl Trope applies to a female robot designed to look extraordinarily attractive, Nightglide's appearance also shows aspects of being designed to look intimidating (though she isn't necessarily bad-looking, there just isn't much emphasis on the "beauty")
- Robo Cam
- Robo Speak
- Swiss Army Appendage: All four of them, actually.
Rose created by Frost Overlord/Happy Cat
One of the Four Overlords along with Frost, Rose was sent to Smoosh to prevent the team's careless actions from causing any more collateral damage. Unlike Frost, Rose still appears to have access to the full potential of her godly powers, but she has been forbidden to use them while participating in the quest to avoid any mishaps.
- Action Girl
- Berserk Button: Anyone who questions the usefulness of her abilities.
- Closer to Earth: She is shown to have a lot more common sense than Frost.
- De-Power: by choice.
- Dishing Out Dirt
- Gamer Chick
- Green Thumb
- Mega Neko: Her pet cat, which can transform into a giant feral feline when provoked.
- Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: The first two.
- Only Known by Their Nickname
- Whip Sword
Carlos is a Magical Pencil accidentally created one day in a factory after a mishap involving an overworked-and-underpaid wizard. As a living writing utensil infused with magic, carlos has the ability to change anything he draws into a real-life object.
- Anthropomorphic Objects
- Large Ham: Just look at his name!
- Neutral Good
- Transplant: From Project Gold, another game that became an Orphaned Series. Based on what we've seen so far, Carlos will apparently be delivering more than a few inside jokes from Project Gold during his stay as a member of The Insane Quest.
- White Gloves
A Totally Radical teenager who joined the quest after hearing about it from friends. Brought along his dog Buster, too.
Important NPCs
"Allies" encountered by Smoosh during their many (mis)adventures.
The lazy, arrogant deity who first created the team known as Smoosh to collect all the items on his wishlist. Nintendoki reclines in his own private universe and only shows up on occasion to yell at Smoosh for not finding the items on his list fast enough. It kinda makes you wonder why the members of Smoosh still want to work for him...
- Angst Nuke
- Bad Boss
- Big Bad: Although he's technically the leader of the heroes, he's almost as antagonistic towards them as Segami, if not more so.
- Black and Grey Morality: Segami might be evil, but Nintendoki isn't that much of a nice guy either, seeing as he's willing to order his minions to destroy entire kingdoms just to get what he wants.
- Evil Versus Evil: One could argue that this is what his conflict with Segami boils down to.
- Berserk Button: Losing at video games.
- The Caligula
- The Gods Must Be Lazy: He could easily collect all the items on his list himself if he could just get off his lazy ass and show some initiative.
- I Have Many Names: Master of the Dimension of Q, 2nd Best D-League Yu-Gi-Oh player, Queen of the Male Girls, Conqueror of Klondike, Fuhrer of the Fourth Reich, Co-Founder of Playguy, and Dealer of the Purple Cards.
- Jerkass Gods
- Kick the Dog: Refusing to help his underlings escape from Hell until they have found one of the items on his list, blowing up planets just to create a shortcut, ordering Smoosh to cut off Luna's feet just so he can get her socks...
- Mission Control: via his communication device, the "Nintendoki DS"
- Obfuscating Stupidity: While most of the time he acts like a pompous blowhard, he has shown to be very cunning on a few occasions.
- Otaku
- Pet the Dog: When interacting with Mari and Queeny, he is noticably more respectful and polite, though not quite enough to take him out of Jerkass territory.
- Shout Out: To Nintendo, obviously
- Small Name, Big Ego: As Washington puts it, Nintendoki is about 0.1% divine power and 99.9% hot air.
- You Cannot Grasp the True Form: His appearance is censored for being "too epic for mere mortals to comprehend"...that is, until he finally reveals himself.
- What Could Have Been: Nintendoki was originally going to be a delusioned man who thought he was a god, but snow decided it would be funnier if he was an actual god.
Shigeru Miyamoto
The real-life video game creator Shigeru Miyamoto is present in the Insane Quest as a godlike being who shows up at unexpected times to assist the heroes. His abilities appear to be on par with those of Nintendoki, the only difference being that Miyamoto actually puts his powers to good use.
- Big Good
- Chivalrous Pervert
- Eccentric Mentor
- Not Quite Dead
- Reality Warper
- Swiss Army Weapon: His Wii Remote, which is capable of transforming into a number of different weapons.
An Awesome Smiley with a pair of long, feminine legs, Hoar is Nintendoki's personal secretary and pilot of the S.S. Bazooka. Due to her annoying and controlling personality, Smosh decided to ditch her in favor of Luna and the S.S. Appa.
- Abhorrent Admirer: To most of the male characters.
- Butt Monkey: Oh yes.
- Cool Ship: The S.S. Bazooka: part flying ship, part frat-house.
- Crack Pairing: With Hades
- Epileptic Trees: Since she was last seen in Hell, some of the players have suspected that Hoar died at some point between Chapters II and IV.
- Unpopular Popular Character
The S.S. Appa
The personal ship and headquarters of Smoosh, the S.S. Appa is a living, biomechanical ship created by fusing Appa the Flying Bison with Lupez's ship, the Kreamkken.
- Cool Airship
- Living Ship
- Team Pet: In a way.
A Ninja native to the Kingdom Of Smelly Grapefruit. Wyu first met Smoosh in Chapter II, in which they assisted him in liberate his fellow ninjas from a gang of pirates pirates who were invading his kingdom. At the end of the chapter, Wyu revealed that he was actually a Sharkhorn Dragon in disguise, and offered one of his scales to Smoosh as a sign of gratitude. He is now allied with Master Meowmellow Zepul and the Drunken Ninjas, but due to the fact that he feels he still owes a debt to Smoosh, he allows the group to escape during their initial confrontation.
- Catch Phrase: "'Sup dawg, I'm a ninja."
- Guest Star Party Member
- Only Sane Man: According to Snow, Wyu is the only character who he considers to be completly sane.
- Our Dragons Are Different
- Worthy Opponent
Random WTF
A small, lizard-like creature who, as his name implies, appears at random times to try and make himself part of the story. This is usually followed by an Author Avatar of Snow appearing to remove Random WTF from the story. This has happened several times, and yet he still just keeps coming back...
- The Aggressive Drug Dealer: "I brought heroin!"
- Non Sequitur Scene: Personified.
- The Scrappy: In-universe, at least.
- Unpopular Popular Character.
Captain Jack Sparrow
The infamous rum-drinking pirate himself. As an experienced traveller, Sparrow usually serves as a Mentor to Smoosh, providing them with information on the 69 Worlds, but is otherwise doesn't really contribute much to Smoosh's quest. For some strange reason, Sparrow seems to have developed a strange fascination with Mortal, and has attempted to kidnap him repeatedly.
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: He's actually quite knowledgable when it comes to the 69 Worlds, mostly due to his constant travels.
- But Now I Must Go
- Drunken Master
- Guest Star Party Member
- Pirate: duh.
- Running Gag: His attempts at kidnapping Mortal.
The Hero of Time, defender of Hyrule, bearer of the Triforce of Courage, etc. Link's appearances in The Insane Quest are few and far between, but when he shows up it usually means something big is about to go down. Apparently, 2,000 years ago, Link was tasked by Zelda to protect the Ravenheart family from harm, which likely explains how Luna obtained the Master Sword.
- Big Damn Heroes: In Luna's flashback. Doubles as a Crowning Moment of Awesome.
- Guest Star Party Member: Near the climax of Chapter I.
- Legacy Character: Link has appeared twice so far in The Insane Quest. It's implied that it wasn't the same Link that made these two appearances.
- Suddenly Voiced: Unlike in the Zelda games, where Link was perpetually silent, the Hero Of Time actually gets quite a bit of dialogue in The Insane Quest.
Travis Touchdown
The notorious member of the United Assassins Assosiation. When Travis is first encountered by Smoosh, it is revealed that the assassin is currently training with Miyamoto, who intends to prepare him for his ranked assassin matches that have been sabotaged by Doosh. For reasons currently unknown, Travis ans his hometown of Santa Destroy were targeted by Doosh, and despite Smoosh's best efforts, much of the city was destroyed as a result. Travis was last seen at the end of Chapter III, but Word of God has assured us that this won't be his last appearance.
- Badass in Distress: He was kidnapped by George Lucas at one point.
- Cluster F-Bomb: But of course.
- Doomed Hometown: Santa Destroy
- Guest Star Party Member
- (Beam) Katanas Are Just Better
- Otaku
Yvette Wafflesworth
Washington's mother, a caring woman who was accidentally transformed into an anthropomorphic porpoise. Smoosh is sent by Nintendoki to Washington's home in Manorspace to retrieve her as an item on his list.
- Animorphism
- Hot Mom: According to Nintendoki, at least.
- I Want Grandkids: She seems eager to pressure Washington into finding a nice girl and getting married, much to his embarrassment.
- Shipper on Deck
Nicodemus Wafflesworth
Washington's father, a chemist who was transformed into a floating, tentacled eyeball after ingesting a mysterious substance known as "phlebotinum".
- Animorphism: Sort of.
- Faceless Eye: A rare, non-villainous example.
- Papa Wolf
- The Unintelligible
- Intelligible Unintelligible: According to Washington, he's quite the comedian.
Andre and Rios
Two guys who were transformed into evil penguins by Hoar. They had originally signed up to join Smoosh at the same time as the others at the beginning of the RP, but a series of unlucky events caused them to be forgotten and stranded in Japan.
An amnesiac stuffed animal who's been lost in the corridors of Wafflesworth Manor for years. He may or may not be an old friend of Luna's who was previously presumed dead.
- British Accents
- Chekhov's Gunman: He was briefly mentioned in Luna's flashback, where it was believed he was killed by Sola.
- Guest Star Party Member
- Laser-Guided Amnesia
- Living Toys
- Non-Action Guy: While he does fight to some extent, he generally avoids it when he has the chance.
- Not Quite Dead
- Psychic Powers: Mostly limited to levitation, as far as anyone can tell.
- Quintessential British Gentleman
The equal and opposite to Smoosh. With the exception of Sola, who turns out to be Luna's cousin, all of the members of Doosh were Dopplegangers of Smoosh created by Segami in order to inflict as much chaos and destruction into the universe as possible. The team mainly consists of the Bizarro World clones of Smoosh's members, though there have been some exceptions to this rule.
Tropes that apply to more than one member of Doosh
- Artificial Human/Bear/Werewolf/Iguana/Whatever: They are described as being Dopplegangers, beings made of "living data" created using HAX
- Balance Between Good and Evil: Unintentional, but since Dopplegangers are forced to have traits that contrast those of the "Original", that means they also have the opposite alignment. If an Original becomes evil, his or her Doppleganger will become good, and vise-versa.
- Bizarro World: The main gimmick behind each Doosh member is that they are the complete opposite of their Smoosh counterpart in nearly every way.
- Character Development: An unintentional side effect of their creation, Dopplegangers start out simply having a personality that contrasts the Original's in every way, but eventually they may begin to develop other traits, even those that are similar to the Original's (though it's said to be rare for this to happen)
- Cloning Blues: Implied, though not explicitly stated to be an issue for Dopplegangers.
- Distaff Counterpart / Opposite Gender Clone: Some of the Doosh members are the opposite gender of their Smoosh counterparts, such as Ember (Frost), Nie (Ein), and Shi (Jack)
- Evil Twin / Evil Counterpart
- The Psycho Rangers
- Sdrawkcab Name: Many of the Doosh members' names are simply the names of the Smoosh members spelt backwards, such as Eca (Ace), Latrom (Mortal), Nie (Ein), and Eidde (Eddie).
- Synchronization: A sort of one-sided example. If a member of Smoosh dies, there Doosh counterpart ceases to exist. The Smooshers, however, seem to be able to kill the Doosh members without suffering any ill effects.
Sola Soulhawk
The leader of Doosh and Segami's second-in-command. Sola is the counterpart to Luna Ravenheart, and in one of Luna's flashbacks we learn she is also Luna's cousin. In contrast to Luna's kindness and caring demeanor, Sola is a cold-blooded killer who is seemingly incaable of remorse. Her true intentions are as-of-yet unknown.
- Cold-Blooded Torture
- Complete Monster
- Dark Action Girl
- Depraved Bisexual
- The Dragon
- Elemental Powers: She has power over salsa. MUCH more dangerous than it sounds.
- Evil Is Sexy: She's certainly more flirtatious than Luna at any rate.
- Evil Redheads
- Evil Twin / Evil Counterpart: To Luna.
- Foe Yay: Apart from flirting with the other Smoosh members, she seems to have a particular interest in Luna. Try not to think about it.
- Hero-Killer
- Kill'Em All - She actually manages to kill off every single member of Smoosh with the exception of Lupez.
- Knight of Cerebus
- Licking the Blade
- Meaningful Name: Sola meaning, 'Sol' (Sun).
- Nightmare Fuel: During Luna's aforementioned flashback, an immobilized Luna is left chained to a throne while Sola prepares to torture her with a pair of scissors.
- Palette Swap: Of Luna, making their polar-opposite personalities all the more unnerving.
- Start of Darkness: Hinted at in Luna's flashback.
- "Take That!" Kiss: Does this to Luna twice.
Eca Urotos
The Doosh counterpart of Ace Sotoru. Eca is an antisocial, diabolical mastermind.
- Affably Evil
- Blond Guys Are Evil
- The Evil Genius
- Foe Yay: He says that Ace is "cute".
- Good Smoking, Evil Smoking
- Improbable Weapon User: He fights with...a sex toy (fortunately, the appearance of said toy is never described.)
- Man of Wealth and Taste
- Invisible to Gaydar
Mortal's Doosh counterpart. so far he has yet to be seen and has only been referred to, so not much is known about him.
- The Ghost: For now...
Eidde Nehoc
The Doosh counterpart of Eddie Cohen. Eidde is a dumb brute of a werewolf who wields a weapon known as the "Sword Sword".
- The Brute
- Dissimile: "He kind of looks like Jacob from Literature/{{Twilight}}, but not!"
- Dumb Muscle: Even Hulk Speak is a challenge for him.
- Katanas Are Just Better: His personal weapon, the "Sword Sword" is a katana with several smaller katanas attatched to it.
- Neutral Evil
Dr. Nie Algaewood
A young, attractive japanese nurse and the Doosh counterpart to Ein. In contrast to Ein, Nie is well-mannered and perfectly sane.
- Affably Evil
- Combat Medic
- Dark Action Girl
- Evil Is Sexy
- Foe Yay: Ein still appears to be smitten by her despite the fact that she should be his arch rival.
- Hello, Nurse!
- Hospital Hottie
A miniature blue polar bear and patriotic American, Jefferson is the Doosh counterpart to Washington.
- Amazing Technicolor Wildlife: He's a blue polar bear.
- Brooklyn Rage
- Cool Hat: An Uncle Sam hat, to be precise.
- Cool Shades
- Eagle Land: Type 2. Played for Laughs, since Snow and most of the game's participants are American.
- Improbable Weapon User: A swiss army knife that can be used as a boomerang, anyone?
- Neutral Evil
- Theme Naming: Both Jefferson and Washington are named after former U.S. Presidents, although it was unintentional for the latter.
Shi the Iguana
Jack's Doosh counterpart. A female terrorist armed with homemade explosives.
- Badass
- Dark Action Girl
- Foe Yay: Jack tries to hit on her, with poor results.
- Flash Step
- Mad Bomber
- Non-Mammal Mammaries
The Queen of Order, Ember is a logical, intelligent young woman and the Doosh counterpart of Frost. As her name implies, she posesses pyrokinesis to contrast Frost's cryokinetic powers.
- Alas, Poor Villain: Eddie ponders after her death whether she was truly evil or simply being manipulated by Sola and Segami.
- Duel Boss: She challenges Frost to a one-on-one duel inside the Infinite Trophy Case.
- Killed Off for Real
- Order Versus Chaos: Inverted- Ember, the Queen of Order, is evil, while Frost, the King of Random, is good.
- Playing with Fire
The Cheshire Cat
The newest addition to Doosh, introduced in Chapter V. The Cat's reasons for joining Doosh are uncertain, although he appears to be convinced that Smoosh are nothing more than vile underlings of the "evil" god Nintendoki and must be punished accordingly. Since his debut as a boss character in Chapter V, it's hard to say whether or not he'll ever be seen again.
- Alternate Character Interpretation: According to Word of God, The Insane Quest's universe exists seperately from the canon Pandora Hearts universe, so the IQ universe's Cheshire may deviate from the "canon" one's behavior.
- Conservation of Ninjitsu: He's capable of holding off nine Smoosh members at once! That is, until he lets his guard down...
- Human Shield: He uses Luna as one during the fight with Smoosh.
- Hidden Agenda Villain: He seems to have some connection with Luna, possibly part of his motivation for pursuing Smoosh.
- Hiss Before Fleeing
- Petting Zoo People
- Team Pet: Ember claims that this is his role in Doosh, though he's really more of a villainous Sixth Ranger.
The Original Smoosh
The first team of mercenaries assembled by Nintendoki, two thousand years prior to the "current" Smoosh. Not much is known about them at this point, except that, like the current Smoosh, they were tasked with collecting a list of items for Nintendoki, and were somehow banished to another dimension after pillaging Luna's home world in search of the last item on said list: the Miracle Thread.
A mysterious gunman last seen searching for the final item on Nintendoki's list. He battles Link in Luna's flashback, right before the castle they are inside of comes crashing down around them.
- Big Damn Heroes: Subverted in Luna's flashback. Right when Sola is about to begin torturing Luna, Dolphin jumps in, only to threaten to kill them both unless they tell him where to find the Miracle Thread. It then becomes double subverted when Link shows up to stop him.
- The Dragon: He'll probably end up filling this role for Nintendoki
- The Gunslinger
- Non-Indicative Name: As far as we can tell, he has nothing to do with aquatic mammals of any kind.
- Weapon of Choice: A magnum decorated with dragon patterns.
- Hand Cannon: Apparently, it is capable of blasting a sizeable hole in a stone wall.
A strange girl trapped in the same dimension as her former teammate, Queeny. Seems to enjoy hitting the bong quite a bit.
- The Dark Chick
- Morality Pet: She appears to be one of these for Nintendoki
- The Stoner
Another member of the Original Smoosh forced to spend an eternity with Mari.
- Paper Fan of Doom: Possibly implied in her introduction to be her Weapon of Choice
- Straight Woman: When paired up with Mari, this seems to be the case.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Pizza.
Other Villains
Other miscellaneous villains and antagonists Smoosh has run into.
The evil deity and arch-rival of Nintendoki, Segami is the primary antagonist in the Insane Quest. In the same fashion that Nintendoki created Smoosh to do his bidding, Segami created Doosh to oppose the heroes.
- Angst Nuke: Whenever he gets angry.
- Big Bad
- Evil Counterpart: To Nintendoki
- For the Evulz: His true goal is currently unknown, but being a deity of pure evil, this might be his goal.
- God of Evil
- Theme Naming: Nintendoki and Segami's names are a Shout-Out to the rivalry that occurred between Nintendo and Sega during the 1980's, respectively.
- You Cannot Grasp the True Form
The octopus-like monster encountered by Smoosh during their stay in Japan. Chibi was a pet owned by the pimp known as Big Mac until he was slain by the heroes. Later, Smoosh ran into Chibi again in Hell, only now as a zombie.
- Advancing Wall of Doom: As Zombie Chibi
- Combat Tentacles
- Implacable Man: In his zombified form.
- Memetic Molester: In-universe, Smoosh is often wary of him for this reason.
- Naughty Tentacles: Subverted. Or is it?
- Neutral Evil
- Our Zombies Are Different
- Viewer Gender Confusion: Mostly due to...
- Villainous Crossdresser: He tried to kill Miyamoto for stealing his panties.
Bobby Kotick
The real-life CEO of Activision, The Insane Quest portrays Kotick as a greedy, money-obsessed tyrant (which isn't too far off the mark, actually), as well as the devil himself. After fighting Smoosh, he was reduced to his true form, a Gollum-like creature, and presumed dead. He was also seen in Luna's flashback.
- Anticlimax Boss
- Clipped-Wing Angel: His true form is a weak little Gollum-like creature.
- Corrupt Corporate Executive
- The Devil Is a Loser
- The Power of Rock: How Smoosh manages to defeat him.
- Only in It For the Money: Upon losing his fight against Smoosh, the only thing he laments about is how much money he's going to lose because of this.
- Satan
The former ruler of the Underworld before it was taken over by Bobby Kotick and renamed Hell. Hades is portayed in the Insane Quest as his Disney incarnation.
- Crack Pairing: With Hoar
- Crowning Moment of Funny: "Welcome to Hell, Fuckers!"
- The Dragon: To Kotick, albeit grudgingly.
- Dragon Ascendant: After Kotick isd out of the picture, Hades takes over Hell and changes its name back to the Underworld.
- Unfortunately, his reign doesn't last very long, as he's brutally curbstomped by Pincus two chapters later.
- Everybody Hates Hades: Subverted. Sure, he's a total Jerkass, but he's actually the lesser of two evils, and after he takes over
HellThe Underworld it is implied that he intends to make it a much more bearable place. - Everything's Better with Rainbows: He certainly seems to think so.
- Hijacked by Jesus: Analysed- When the polytheistic Greek and Roman religions were abolished in favour of Christianity, Hades ended up being demoted from god of the Underworld to a subordinate of the devil, much to his chagrin.
- The Starscream: He turns on Kotick and helps Smoosh defeat him.
- Took a Level in Jerkass: He was a Jerkass in the disney movie to begin with, but the Insane Quest manages to take it Up to Eleven.
- Wild Card
Master Meowmellow Zepul
A talking cat and master of the Drunken Ninjas, Zepul is the arch-rival of Lupez. An expert in the art of "kitjutsu", Zepul and his Ninjas travel the 69 Worlds in a flying temple.
- Badass
- Calling Your Attacks
- Cats Are Mean
- Inspector Javert
- Invisibility
- Ninja
- The Rival: To Lupez.
- Sdrawkcab Name: Last name, at least.
- Verbal Tic: Tends to add "Meow-ha!" to the end of most of his sentances.
- Voluntary Shapeshifting
Cotton Monster A.K.A. Cotton Buddy
A monster that attacked our heroes in Chapter V. Nitendoki defeated it when his Berserk Button got pushed. However, one cotton ball survived and befriended Mortal, with Mortal renaming it Cotton Buddy.
- Defeat Means Friendship
- Expy: It looks a lot like Muk, doesn't it?
- Hive Mind: Possibly, as the individual cotton balls have shown to behave on their own.
- Satellite Character: Becomes one to Mortal after being defeated.
Mark Pincus
The founder of game company Zynga and the newest ruler of Hell. Pincus's original plan was to rise to power by taking out Kotick, only to discover that Smoosh and Hades have beaten him to it. This doesn't phase him, though, as he just gets rid of Hades instead.
- Curb Stomp Battle: Delivers one to both Zombie Chibi and Hades
- Dark Is Edgy / Dark Is Evil: Most of his powers seen so far are darkness-related
- Expy: His personality is tweaked a bit to resemble that of Light Yagami.
- Eviler Than Thou: He's about twice as big of a threat as Kotick ever was.
- Pre-Mortem One-Liner: "I'm Mark Pincus, motherfucker." *gunshot*
- Somewhat of a subversion, as the person he shot didn't actually die.
Irving Wafflesworth
Washington's twin brother, a brutish thug and black market sock salesman with a gangster motif. He was hired by Nintendoki to retrieve Luna's socks.
- Animorphism: He was transformed into an anthropomorphic shark.
- Attack Its Weak Point: Like real-life sharks, he can be temporarily stunned by a punch in the nose.
- Badass: While he might be a jerk, you can't deny that anyone who eats steel rods as a snack qualifies.
- Big Brother Bully
- Cain and Abel: With Washington.
- Crazy Awesome: See One-Winged Angel below.
- Damn, It Feels Good to Be a Gangster!
- Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas: Possible subversion in that He kidnapped her just to frame Washington
- Everything's Even Worse with Sharks
- Extreme Omnivore: Irving can eat anything.[1]
- Jerkass: The guy practically wrote the book on douchebaggery.
- The Mole: He was working with Nintendoki to get Luna's socks.
- One-Winged Angel: Here's Irving as he regularly appears,and here is SUPER IRVING.
- Shock and Awe / Playing with Fire: Super Irving.
Smoosh (Retired)
Player characters who have been Put On A Bus because their players left the RP.
Ace Sotoru Created by Finalhazard
Ace is a long-running member of Smoosh. He started like everybody else: not serious. But, he's been as badass as everybody else. Hailing from the planet who-knows-where, Ace had fire powers. Ace has been known to be Put on a Bus repeatedly, and after the return from his last hiatus he became a cyborg ninja after a run-in with a Mad Scientist. Ace also is probably the member with the most romantic interest with Luna.
- Abusive Parents: According to his Suspiciously familiar-sounding story about his father.
- The Ace: well, duh.
- Badass Boast: Ace loves these.
- Characterization Marches On: He started off being a Cloudcuckoolander Jive Turkey, but as time went on he became more of a typical depiction of The Hero.
- Have I Mentioned I Am Heterosexual Today?: Occurs when he meets Eca for the first time.
- Mid-Season Upgrade: Into a cyborg ninja, apparently.
- Mysterious Past: Possibly overlapping with Multiple Choice Past.
- Parody Sue: YMMV on whether he's this or the real deal.
- Playing with Fire
- Put on a Bus
- The Bus Came Back
- And then it left again.
- The Bus Came Back
- Self-Made Orphan: Claims to have killed his father in self-defense, although some of the other characters believe he's just making the whole thing up.
- Shipper on Deck: He seems to think that Luna and Nico are a couple, despite being romantically involved with Luna himself.
- Small Name, Big Ego: Your Mileage May Vary.
- Voluntary Shapeshifting: He's disguised himself as Luna on two different occasions.
Omni Bro created by Fire Bro
Omni is a member of the Koopa Troop from the Super Mario Brothers universe. Unlike most other "Bros", Omni preferred not to specialize in one form of combat and instead became a jack-of-all-trades, causing the other Bros to make fun of him. Sue to his gold shell color, Omni also ends up getting robbed a lot by people who suspect him to be wealthy.
An English-speaking Pikachu and a grizzled war vet, Pika was a short-lived member of Smoosh before his mysterious disappearance (aka Player inactivity). Pika has seen many a bloody battle, and is always willing to help the other Smoosh members with his combat experience.
- Badass Adorable
- Break the Cutie: Fighting in the war made him go from Ridiculously Cute Critter to Shell-Shocked Veteran.
- Chuck Cunningham Syndrome
- Guns Akimbo
- Shell-Shocked Veteran: See above.
- Shock and Awe
Orlando Greaves
A laid-back hippie whom Smoosh met in Chapter IV. Greaves is a psychic, but his powers come with a twist: he can see into the future, but only when he's stoned. This has driven Orlando into becoming a drug-crazed hippie of sorts, but he's still a fountain of wisdom for the other characters to listen to.
- Chuck Cunningham Syndrome
- Drugs Are Bad: Unless you're psychic, in which case they let you see into the future, mmmkay?
- Hammerspace Hair: His dreadlocks.
- Neutral Good
- New Age Retro Hippie
- Required Secondary Powers: Since he can only see into the future when he's high, he's developed an immunity to the negative effects of most drugs.
- Seer
- The Stoner
Zel of the Whites Leaves
Zel is a Ninja who assisted Smoosh during Chapter 4. His stay as a member of Smoosh was brief, so not much is known about his personality, except that he is an energetic, optimistic ninja who is esager to show off his abilities.
- Chuck Cunningham Syndrome
- Composite Character: Imagine if Bleach and Naruto had a baby, and then that baby was spliced with DNA from Pokémon. That would result in Zel.
- Cool Hat
- Covert Pervert: He was very excited to learn that he was going to help the team rescue a scantily-clad fox-girl.
- Ninja
- Particularly a Technicolor Ninja.
- Real Men Wear Pink
- Shock and Awe
- Summon Magic: used to summon ninja versions of Eeveelutions.
The newest recent addition to Smoosh, as well as the least active. Not much is known about Sendiel, but he appears to be hyperactive, spontaneous, and impulsive. He has now officially been Put on a Bus due to inactivity.
- ↑ Except dairy products. He's lactose intolerent