< That Guy With The Glasses

That Guy With The Glasses/WMG

Yahtzee from Zero Punctuation will join TGWTG

will start a three-way rivalry with him, Nostalgia Critic, and AVGN, and it will be awesome.

    • It's a Battle of The Hams!!!!!

That Guy With the Glasses, The Nostalgia Critic(s) and Chester A. Bum are all clones...

...of Douglas Walker. The status of their clone progenitor is unknown. But in the TGWTG 'verse, perfect human cloning exists (see Linkara's X-Men #424 review). This explains why NC, CAB and TGWTG can all be seen in the same conversation and why NC keeps coming back even after being killed several times. Or maybe Optimus Prime just likes dying for him :)

  • "The Top 11 Mindfucks" video briefly shows multiple Critics in one shot. All a part of the mindfuckery, or evidence that this WMG is true? YOU DECIDE!
    • MThey are all real and show up when they can disguise it as a mind fuck. This way secret remains!
    • Since the TGWTG universe is shared with the AVGN universe, cloning must be possible, as he, too, has cloned himself in both the Nightmare on Elm Street and Oddysey reviews.
      • The 'clones' in the No ES review existed only in his Krueger-controlled dream. BUT, the Nerd does seem to be a capable Mad Scientist, what with the FrankenNerd and the Nerdy Turd (from the aforementioned Odyssey review).

Everyone on TGWTG will be the biggest thing in Hollywood.

Here's what's gonna happen to everyone.

  • Doug Walker will pull a James Rolfe and write and star in a NC movie. That'll lead to a Showtime series and possibly him joining the cast of SNL.
  • Lewis Lovhaug (Linkara) will create a comic book of his character's adventures and sell it to Marvel.
  • Lindsay will direct the NC movie, becoming the female Tim Burton.
  • Nella will become the Johnny Depp to Lindsay's Tim Burton.
  • CR will work on a DC Comics series.
  • Marz Gurl and JesuOtaku will host an Attack Of The Show-like show on Funimation's channel.
    • Or they'll be in charge of it
  • Film Brain and Welshy will host the UK's At The Movies.
  • Likewise, Obscurus Lupa will host a television show on ABC.
  • Mike J will have a long saga of famous films.
  • Todd in the Shadows will be a music legend, with his face obscured by a mask and wearing a hoodie when performing.
  • Nash will be a news anchor similar to Jon Stewart.

The Nostalgia Critic,That Guy With The Glasses and Chester A Bum are all the same people.

But of different time periods. In the near future,the Critic will review a moive so irredeemably bad it wil make the Garbage Pail Kids movie seem "decent" by comparison. He will lose his f*** ing mind and become That Guy With The Glasses.Later he'll realise how horrible a person he's become and jump off a cliff.When he wakes up his brain will be damaged and with no money becomes Chester A Bum.The Future Nostalgia Critic is when Chester A Bum finally gets his CHANGE! and will have enough money to get a therapist.Thus reverting to his old self

Benzaie is a Bizarro-version of Yahtzee.

Let's run down the dialectic:

  • Yahtzee—Benzaie
  • is British—is French
  • Nice Hat—no hat... most of the time
  • gives negative reviews of well known games (mostly)--gives positive reviews of obscure games (mostly)
  • makes fun of Americans, Brits, non-Brits—makes fun of French people
  • video format is still cartoons—video format is live action
  • speaks very quickly--Large Ham
  • Dislikes Japanese things—loves japanese things.
  • talks about how straight he is while bringing up some less then straight qualities--Anything That Moves, and proud of it
  • Rarely does crossovers—loves crossovers
  • Likes Spoony's jokes--Loves Spoony's body.

I am fully endorsing this theory, except for one thing: Is he a natural Bizarro occurrence or is he a Bizarro!Universe version? And if it's the latter, how did he come to our universe?

  • With all the cloning, its probably a natural Bizarro occurance

Nostalgia Critic and Nostalgia Chick are secret long lost twins!

Just like He-Man and She-Ra! If they ever find out about it, then NC and NG are gonna be pissed.

  • They're gonna be pissed?
    • They kinda shot down that ship a while back on their spectacular failure of a date...

Melvin, Brother of the Joker, was an intentional Scrappy

Doug made an intentionally bad sketch just so he could trick people into thinking it was the one-year anniversary special and make them think for a moment that they had wasted their money on a lame Dark Knight parody.

This site will be instrumental in a gigantic crossover battle between every prominent to somewhat-known internet personality on the planet.

Consider this: TGWTG.com is affiliated with Team Four Star, the creators of Dragonball Z Abridged. And, As You Know, many Abridged Series creators participated in an Abridged Series War before this affiliation. So, all it takes is one more Abridged Series war to pop up. The crew of TGWTG will get involved...then The Angry Video Game Nerd ... and soon there will be an entire domino effect leading to every prominent reviewer, blogger, cartoonist, etc. on the 'Net engaging in an all-out battle.

Dr. Insano is...

  • The Nostalgia Critic: Driven mad by the horrible movies, he fashioned his new identity as a truly Mad Scientist.
  • That Guy: That Guy is already demented, so he chose the persona to test his theories and to harvest babies and explosives for his movie.
  • Chester A. Bum: Certain drugs have certain effects on the bum. Some make him beg for change, and others make him smart with the side-effect of insanity.
  • Suede: Anyone else find it suspicious that, once Suede left, Insano appeared?
  • Spoony -- no, that would be ridiculous.
    • But have you ever seen them in the same place at the same time before?
    • Dr. Insano forced Spoony to read that Warrior comic, and they looked nothing alike. So there you go.
      • Ah, but that was in an alternate universe where Spoony was Linkara; everyone knows that, in alternate universes, you switch places with your nemesis.
      • But surely it was a Spoony Experiment. No matter which alternate universes they visited, Spoony was the one perusing the pages and commenting on them. And Linkara accused Spoony of reviewing a comic behind his back in his Adamantium Rage video.
    • Insano showed up alongside Spoony in a part of the Final Fantasy VIII review. He gave Spoony a Time Compressor.
      • In that same review, Insano tries to have Spoony killed, to which Spoony responds "But.. you're me."
    • Proven but it's not his fault.
  • Insano is Spoony Prime: We've seen Insano and Spoony in the same room together, but at one point Spoony said he and Insano are the same person. Well, they are the same person from different universes! Insano!Spoony is the one who reviewed FFVII instead of VIII. He then went on to become Insano, only to have to flee to our universe because his was destroyed by anti-matter.
  • Sean Fausz: Went nuts after so many fails, lost a ton of weight, and is currently making kung-fu fighting Helen Keller clones.
  • Goggles: Obvious.
    • What? He isn't black.
    • But he is a woman.
    • Not since Linkara punched reality...
  • Sage: Torment him with an Old Shame fanfic as Sage, make attempts to kill him as Insano.
  • Angry Joe: A good friend of Linkara, or just waiting to betray him later?
    • Didn't we once see Joe punching Insano in the face?
    • Linkara has now made it perfectly clear: he doesn't like Joe. And Joe seemed genuinely hurt when Linkara told him so. Hmmm....
  • Little Miss Gamer: Beware the Nice Ones, Linkara.
  • Ed Glaser: In the future,Turkey will be destroyed in a war with Greece,which will lead Ed to insanity,which will lead to him going back in time to try to stop the war,tracing the events back to Linkara.Pissed, he will erase Steam Detectives Volume 9 from existence before settling in his normal role.
  • Linkara's future self: He becomes Insano after Insano kills Marzgurl in front of Linkara.
  • Linkara's present past self during the Maximum Clonage review: He's seen donning the goggles and proclaiming "I'm the REAL Dr. Insano now!"
  • The Angry Video Game Nerd. Unable to defeat The Nostalgia Critic once and for all, he's fashioned a new identity in order to take out Critic's friends and colleagues.
  • Nineties Kid: He likes the Liefeldian art and the Grimdark antiheroes of the decade he is named after; he's obviously a deranged individual, and that gives him a reason to fight Linkara.
  • Time-displaced Dr. Victor: Dr. Insano does things For Science!. Dr. Victor does that, too. He just dyed his hair brown and changed his outfit.
  • Ryo-ohki: It's especially obvious in Spoony's Warrior review. In every other universe, she uses her humanoid form from the OVA instead of the cabbit form.
  • BEAR! (Well, Bear WAS apparently behind the stuff in the "Previously On" segments.)
  • Y Ruler of Time: Having been denied an entry in the Chicago Anniversary Brawl and being overshadowed by the memory of Suede, he successfully used his knowledge of manga to earn a PhD in mad science before setting his sights on overtaking the legacy of Suede and, in turn, the entire site.
  • None of those. There's no backstory and no continuity. There's Only Insano.
  • One of the Schlumper brothers.
  • Dr. Doofenshmitz
  • You! Yes, you, reading this article right now!
  • Especially you, Adrian!
  • All of the above: Linkara punched reality so many times that he retconned the other times he punched reality, remembering only the most recent incarnation.
  • Dr. Franken Stein: Do I really need to say more?
  • Whomever makes for the best joke at any given time.
  • Dr. Insano is obviously Mati. Think about it, Linkara pointed out that Mati has psychic powers from his ring, Mati is constantly being abused by everyone on TGWTG.com, and its shown that when he snaps, he gains a heightened awareness of his surroundings that makes him Deadpool style insane. What if Mati used his ring to hypnotize everyone who saw him into what they THINK Dr. Insano is supposed to look like, thus explaining why no one can describe what he looks like, and then used his heightened awareness of the universe to break the laws of reality Genius: The Transgression style?
  • The future Clone Spoony: Clone Spoony seems to be more volatile than the original. It's obvious that Linkara's method of cloning, combined with the alterations he made, has created a split personality, aka Insano. This temporarily manifests itself as the "madness" talked about in Kickassia, and finally will take him over in the future. At that point Insano will get revenge on the original Spoony not knowing it was the original, and creating a Stable Time Loop
  • Familiar Faces has just confirmed Insano's nature.

Dr Insano is the TGWTG equivelant of the Time Trapper

In Legion of Three Worlds it was explained that the Time Trapper is a rouge timeline,and because of this has a Multiple Choice Past. Insano follows a similar role; whenever the timeline is altered, a different person(though it usually focuses on Spoony) will inevitably gain the Dr Insano personality. The reason may differ, but the end result is the same. Insano is not a mere person, HE IS A CONSTANT.

  • Jossed by Familiar Faces

All the Bums are clones.

Chester A. Bum and Lester B. Bum are, of course, clones of Doug and Linkara, respectively. Then we have the Bum versions of Spoony (from his Dirty Harry NES review) and Benzaie (from his Magical Drop 3 review). Why are there so many Bum versions of the reviewers running around? Well, Dr. Insano created them and distributed them in cities everywhere in an attempt to Take Over the World (Of course!). After all, would you expect a random dirty homeless guy on the street to be part of an evil world domination (OF COURSE!) scheme? However, the plan failed when all of them discovered drugs.

  • It's worse than you think. Even now, they are actively trying to create bum versions of the entire population. Seriously, watch the end of any of their reviews and see if you can spot the cleverly hidden subliminal message telling all of us to change. As That Guy With The Glasses astutely pointed out, change is upon us.
    • Which means there's already a Bum version of Barack Obama running around....
    • Wait a second. Bums is another word for ass. Stuff relating to the ass is anal. Alternate character derailed versions of people are sometimes skrulls. The Bums are the ANAL SKRULLS! Warren Ellis was right all along! We're doomed!
  • ...oh my god, this is the greatest theory I've ever heard in my life!
    • See? It's happening already! Exposure to the Bums is causing us to CHANGE! YA GOT CHANGE?!
  • Confirmed. Chester's a psychopath who has, so far, blown up Hollywood, Pluto (but nobody cares about that), and Rome. Somebody stop him!
    • Also, in Spoony's "Clones of Bruce Lee" review, it's implied that his Bum is a clone of him.
    • 90's Kid is their secret leader, who works for Dr. Insano. Think about it. What would happen if he would tell to one of the Bums "Duuude! Who needs change? What we needs is more GUNS!"?
    • Even MORE evidense! Apparently Ultimate UKFF Fan releaved he has a bum clone, Nester Teh Otaku!! We must stop this now, or else every internet celeb will have a bum clone! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLWE Kk Z Tk 9 Q
    • The Bums are like the Thing or Pod People: they copy traits of people, and use that to slowly inflitrate society. Their arch-enemies are the Plutonians(since Neutro exists, so do they). That's why Chester blew up Pluto.

The characters are all comic book characters trapped in mortal shells.

Who are they? That's up to you.

The TGTWG staff are incarnates of the Endless.

  • The Nostalgia Critic - Dream
  • That Dude In The Suede - Destruction
  • The Nostalgia Chick - Death
  • Benzaie - Desire
  • The Spoony One - Despair
  • Linkara - Destiny
  • Marzgurl - Delirium

Linkara doesn't think any of the Endless fit him.

  • Then that means Linkara is Lucien.
  • And Bennett the Sage is Destiny.


  • Chester A. Bum - Mad Hettie
  • Angry Video Game Nerd - Lucifer
  • Ma-Ti - Eblis O'Shaughnessy
  • The Other Guy - Cain
  • Film Brain - Abel
  • Little Miss Gamer - Thessaly
  • That Chick With The Goggles - Eve
  • Mike Michaud - Matthew The Raven

The Catch Phrase for the Nostalgia Chick will become. . .

"I'm the Nostalgia Chick and I don't have a catch phrase." Logic Bombtastic!

The Guy is an entity of Cosmic Horror

He just has that vibe, you Know?.

  • He's got more a Fae vibe.
    • What's the difference?
      • Cosmic Horrors don't usually notice the puny mortals they squish beneath their foot-equivalents. Fae recognize that you're there, but they're likely to kill you for blinking at them. In other words, the Fae would answer your questions, even in their disturbing alien mentality manner.
  • Episode 39 suggests that he's a soulless human.
    • It outright said he's a servant of the devil.
      • Yeah, but in that case he might still have a soul.

That Guy is Satan.

And the study is Hell. The Nostalgia Critic died on April Fools Day but was brought back by Optimus Prime before That Guy could get around to torturing him.

  • That's a shame.
  • Jossed. He isn't Satan, he works for Satan.
    • Duh, he's self-employed.
      • If he is self employed, then he's into self-abuse, and not in the fun way.
        • He has also implied that he and Satan were once lovers. Figure that out.
  • No, that would be the Nostalgia Critic. He criticized Full House. Ergo, he must be a dark entity incapable of being pierced by the show's rays of family wholesomeness.
  • Wait; would that mean That Guy is also... Teddy Ruxpin?! What a Twist!

Ma-Ti is currently involved in a Batman Gambit

According to Linkara, Ma-Ti can use the power of heart to read minds, control animals, and cause unconsciousness. So, after getting beat up in the brawl, Ma-Ti decided to use his powers to create a Batman Gambit and bring the reviewers to their knees.

The Guy is the either the future or the past of The Nostalgia Critic

If you go with the former version, at some point the Critic goes insane from one too many bad films, dedicates himself to evil and spreading misinformation, and develops a slasher smile. He also comes into money, explaining the posh looking study. He also sold his soul for supernatural powers and omniligualism.

If you go with the latter...

He realized the error of his ways and dedicated himself to doing good by telling people about bad films so they can avoid them. He does have some supernatural abilities. He could not live with the remorse, and so he gave himself false memories.

The Nostalgia Chick is another character played by Doug Walker.

How else would they keep appearing in the same reviews?

That Guy is "That Man"

When Linkara told him to say "I AM A MAN!" * punch* , he remembered who he was.

  • Also, Linkara and the Nostalgia Chick are Raven and I-no.
    • Would that mean the Nostalgia Critic is Sol Badguy? And Suede is Slayer? I'd laugh if that meant at least one of them is Justice.

Dr. Insano will Take Over the World with the aid of Ask That Guy

Like any good villain, all he wants to do is take over the world. But as he's an Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain, he will never succeed unless he bucks up a little. Ask That Guy is pure evil, and so he is the best man for the job. Soon, they will take over every single one of the major states of the world, and Hamster-Jelly will be in stores everywhere. May God have mercy on us all...

Dark Paw will be defeated by Linkara

After Paw, Goggles, Angry Joe, and Spoony have used their ultimate attacks, they will run out of MP, then Linkara will show up. He was quickly blasted by Dark Paw but it turns out that he has still has his Cheat Codes on. Linkara will defeat Dark Paw by a single punch while shouting I AM A MAN! While Goggles, Angry Joe, and Spoony celebrate upon the defeat of Dark Paw, Paw will make a Face Heel Turn, since he believes that I AM THE GOD!... and There Can Be Only One.

Linkara deleted the WMG about him being a troper

To prevent tropers from suspecting him to be one.

Ask That Guy still has a bit of a soul left in him.

  • It might be a very tiny one but he's still got it. He regularly looks upset when the fact that he's a horrible human being manages to get through to him, he had that Pet the Dog moment of stopping the brawl and let's face it, this would have been Jossed ages ago if it wasn't true.

Optimus Prime is Jesus in Purgatory


The Nostalgia Chick's Michael Bay isn't the real Michael Bay.

I know it seems like a stretch, but think about it. The real Michael Bay is 6'2, the Chick's Bay seems a little shorter. Also Bay is 44, and for some reason when he shows up in the Chick's videos he looks more like early 20's. If you've ever heard him talk, his voice is kind of off. All this could just be him having enough money to get plastic surgery and change his voice. It is also weird that whenever she speaks his name he shows up, that means he must be a lesser Candle Jack. I think we've figured out his secr

  • You know, I think you might be onto something there...

The Distressed Watcher is secretly...AN ATHEIST!!!!

It may seem amazing, but my suspicions have been raised.

He's been trying to contact his long-lost relative through the Wendee Lee Counter.

  • Then what was the fourth occurrence that Lee from Still Gaming missed? Seriously.

Lindsay reviewed the animated Transformers movie at Douglas' request

...because he couldn't bring himself to review it from a purely neutral standpoint, and she could, likely not having enjoyed it much in ehr youth. I know I sure as hell wouldn't be able to look at it unbiased or review fairly; no boy who grew up with Transformers could. Thus, it had to be reviewed by either an African bushman or Lindsay, and she was more convenient.

Angry Joe is in love with Nostalgia Chick or Little Miss Gamer

We know he likes hot girls in the glasses, so why not?

Channel Awesome's true nature is that of a Borg-like intelligence whose true goal is nothing less than the assimilation of every internet celbrity known to man

Just look at the alarming rate at which they've been taking on new contributors to the website. Do you even count the number of critics/reviewers on the site now? Adn with Team Four Star's recent full-time employment of Little Kuriboh, they're clearly beginning to spread to makers of The Abridged Series. It's only a matter of time before other sites like Escapist Magazine or Screwattack.com fall to them. If you need any proof, look at this. They've become so bold as to assimilate the conscious intelligence of the Internet itself.

The Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come impersonated Bennett the Sage

It has been noted that Ask That Guy has become more and more depraved and villainous as his series continued. As it is the time of Christmas spirit, it's the time when ghosts scare evil people into obeying societal norms again. And "Bennett" did so quite easily, by presenting Ask That Guy with a harsh reveal of what he is becoming, and the Complete Monster that will result if his behavior continues. And in fact, that could not have been the true Sage; how could a man of such moral depravity have been so stupified by Artemis's Lover?

Douchey McNitpick and Chester A. Bum are brothers.

Douchey and Chester have the same wig and the same toque, and both exhibit seriously manic behaviour (albeit for two different reasons.) It can't just be a coincidence on Doug Walker's part, since usually goes out of his way to make each of his characters dress and act uniquely.

Someone is a Yaoi Fanboy.

Doug, Spoony, or Benzaie, one hopes. Bennett, one fears. Or hopes. Vehemently.

  • Rob. He's helped with some of the scripts that include the most massively Ho Yay-rific moments. With the same basis, Lewis.
    • The possibility that Doug is a Yaoi Fanboy looks increasingly likely. And with his blowjob jokes, flirting with anyone with a pulse and a certain interview where he was touching himself while talking about Transformers 2 feeling like a robotic penis fucking him hard, he's either very very secure with his sexuality or a bisexual guy who got engaged to a woman.

That Aussie Guy is


Masterpiece Fanfic Theater has already ended.

After approaching the treshold of insanity for reading the first few chapters of My Immortal, Sage escaped offscreen to save himself.

  • Alternately, Bennett The Sage either already became insane or died from stupid.
  • Jossed. The new episode just came out. And he looks as sane as ever. Well at least he looks relatively sane as ever.

Bennett The Sage was able to freak out TGWTG because of insanity

See WMG above. Bennett The Sage did become insane shortly after filming the My Immortal review, which was prerecorded before his episode on Ask That Guy.

The Angry Movie Dork is not a real person

Female!Insano had his heart broken by Spoony

  • Before Dr. Insano was changed from a woman to a man by Linkara, he had a crush on Spoony and was rejected due to her nerdiness, causing her to turn evil, similar to the origin of Earth-982[1] Insano AKA Wayne Schlumper in Party Mania. This was obviously changed in our world when Linkara punched reality.
    • Technically, Linkara never stated he turned Insano from a woman into a man. He could have been a child, an anthro, a hyper-intelligent gerbil, or a robot.
      • The exact words he used were "and Dr. Insano became a guy". I don't think he would've used that word unless he meant it as an opposite to woman/girl. Furthermore, Earth-982 seems to be a Gender Bender universe, so their Insano being a guy supports the theory that ours used to be a woman.
      • Not quite. It's possible that Linkara just thinks Insano was a woman until then. Remember this exchange from the Adamantium Rage review:

Linkara: You're That Chick With The Goggles.
Insano: Wha..Bu...I'm not freaking black!
Linkara: But you are a woman eh?

      • To which Insano answers yes to, not to mention that the AU version of Earth where everyone's genders are swapped, Insano is male.

The book that Ask That Guy reads in the beginning and end of every episode...

  • Is porn. It's clearly been shown to have pictures, and what other pictures would interest Ask That Guy?
  • Contains the answers to all of life's questions.
  • Contains every possible way there is to say "hello." It's where he gets his ideas for how to greet the viewer before every episode.
  • Is the Great Big Book of Everything. He stole it from Stanley after he killed his pets. With onions.
  • Is People. Because something has to be. He's a humanitarian, after all.
  • Is the Necronomicon.
  • Is the evil book from The Care Bears Movie. He discovered it when he was younger, and having no friends or care bears at the time to free him of its spell, allowed it to possess him. This is the reason why he is such a horrible, hateful person. All that time being possessed by so much evil energy can really mess a guy up.
  • Is about music of the western world.
  • In Episode 8, the book is shown to be a copy of The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. A later episode reveals that it was written in "hydroglyphics".

The ultimate goal of the That Guy with the Glasses team is, you guessed it, to Take Over the World.


  • Possibly comfirmed by the Kickassia special. It's certainly on the Nostalgia Critic's mind as an eventual goal.

Michaud, Bhargov and Ellis are a gestalt entity that is slowly absorbing the admins of other websites to get back at Doug for stealing the spotlight in the company's early days.

It makes about as much sense as everything else here.

The second Anniversary video shall be a three way battle.

It will be a fight between the site's Gamers (Blistered Thumbs), Anime/Comic Book fans (Inked Reality) and Live Action TV/Film Fans (Team TGWTG) it will end with a drunken Rob Walker (Barista) telling them to break it up.

  • Either The Spoony One or, if he was present, the Angry Video Game Nerd will lead the Blistered Thumbs, Linkara will lead Inked Reality and the Nostalgia Critic will lead Team That Guy with the Glasses
  • Jossed.

The second Anniversary video will be like Old vs. New.

Specifically, everyone who was picked up over the last year or was not there last year will team up against NC and all of his allies. Oh, and they'll be under the command of the AVGN.

The second Anniversary video will be a review, albiet a very chaotic one

It will start up seeming like a normal Nostalgia Critic review, but then he'll get punched out by Linkara who will continue the review , only to be punched out by Spoony, who in turn gets puched out by Angry Joe, than Lord Kat, than the Nostalgia Chick, then the Cinema Snob, then Little Miss Gamer, than Handsom Tom (and 8-bit Mickey), then Marz Gurl, ect until it's Ma-ti closing out the review. And what will they review? ... Does it really matter?

Nella will graduate to her own series

Quite possibly a musical.

  • About ponies.
  • Alternatively, it could be a colection of humorus things caught on the cameras the chick keeps putting in her room.
  • Alternatively again, it could be a series of reviews of shows from her childhood that, unlike the Chick and Critic, gushes about the shows and embraces the Nostalgia Filter instead of taking it down.
  • Oh please, oh please, oh please, oh please....WANT

Psychlo can repair itself

Handsome Tom is actually a cryogenically preserved twin of John Cleese

Take a good look at him. He's tall like Cleese, he has more or less the same facial features of John Cleese, and he has a high hairline. Though other than that, though, I have no other information to back it up.

The reason Linkara and the Nostalgia Chick make references to TV Tropes is...

... because they know what a large fanbase they have here, and so reward tropers who defend them/spread word of their existence by mentioning the glorious Motherwiki every so often. Cynical manipulation of the masses to advance their goals? You Magnificent Bastards, I read your book watched your videos!!

The next anniversary special is going to be a musical.

A lot of the main TGWTG staff have sung lately and/or exhibited singing talents in the past. Doug has sang on several occasions, Lindsay Ellis recently sang (Alongside several others) "You're the One that I Want" in her review of Grease (I'm no expert, but I thought she sounded surprisingly good). Spoony sang a bit in Part 2 of his FFX review, which wasn't bad. Lewis sang most recently in his Anita Blake review, and my fanboy bones shivered. This all seems to be building up to something to me. If not the anniversary special, then some event. If not, it's a missed opportunity.

Lindsey/The NChick is really busy IRL so...

First off: the NChick is working on something for college (her thesis? * is not in college, so is clueless* ). So her Grease review is leading up to something AWESOME.

Nella is going to take over the show.

We've seen (possible) build-up with Nella becoming increasingly angry at the NChick due to the hidden cameras, and the makeover fairy. So, Nella is going to attack the NChick, and take over the show for a while, and give the NChick time to finish up her college stuff.

    • This would probably come with some demented in-show explanation, such as Nella imprisoning the Chick in her basement, until one of the other characters rescues her.
    • And she'll be helped by the Sex Bot. Which makes sense, seeing as there was another mistreated robot who turned on his master earlier...

Phelous, like Ran, has a machine that makes a clone of him everytime he dies.

In some of the intros of Phelous's newest videos, soon after the Phelous from the previous review dies, the Phelous from the current review pops in. In fact, in the Dot Com For Murder review, as soon as Phelous from that review dies, the Phelous of the next review comes in.

Chester A Bum is really Tommy Wiseau.

Think about it.

  • As you can see in the Tommy Wisheau, they obviously have the exact same hair (and by that I don't mean the same hairstyle).

The seahorses are responsible for the disappearance of The Room reviews

Yes, the Nostalgia Critic exposed the seahorses' intentions to Take Over the World, so naturally the seahorses had to make the video disappear. The disappearance of Obscurus Lupa's review is just the seahorses covering their tracks, and making sure everyone will blame server problems, overzealous lawyers, or other problems. But we're on to you, seahorses! Thanks to the Streisand Effect, lots of people are going to see that video anyway. Your diabolical schemes will never come to fruition!

  • I for one welcome our new seahorse overlords...
    • A collaborator! The future can and must be changed, no matter the cost. To the penguin[2] pits with you!
  • Actually, while the Critic's review was (officially) removed from the Web all-together, Lupa's is still up, just not on TGWTG. If you check her Blip account, you can still find it there as of 20100830.

The Third Anniversary Special will have the Contributors fight the Seahorses.

Future NC had Past NC review the room as a distraction to the seahorses so that he could finish a superweapon in order to fight them (this parts a red herring). Past NC now has knowledge of the Seahorses and will fight them back with the rest of the contributors in the Third Anniversary Special. Because they enver take over the future, Future NC never has to build the superweapon, and Past NC never goes to the future to review The Room, and instead reviews his college movie.

  • Jossed.

The Room reviews were taken off because...

The Third Anniversary Special will be Villain Team-Up

Lord Vyce will unite That Guy, Doctor Insano, John from theroommovie.com, Seahorses and every other enemy site contributurs has, unider his command, creating Legion of Doom.

  • Jossed.

The Third Anniversary Special will be a straight-played psychological thriller

The strength of writing and direction has improved every year, and besides: take one look at Doug Walker's face during the "Nasty-Wasties" speech in Kickassia and tell me that wouldn't be awesome.

  • Jossed.

The Third Anniversary will be a murder mystery

Doug actually said that Lindsay had suggested this when they were on Wha-Chow back in May. Combine this with the WMG two above and we could get something very hardcore.

  • Jossed.

The Third Anniversary will be about the return of That Dude in the Suede

Well, both things are definitely going to be epic. Making them the same thing (a rescue mission to get Suede back to the site?) would be awesome, no doubt.

  • Wait - does that mean it will be shot in New Zealand?! Squee!
    • Possibly, and unfortunately, Jossed, according to his Twitter.

Because of upcoming nuptials, I won't do vids until late may. So those who say I'll be at the anniversary... marriage takes priority. Sorry.

    • Not about it, but he did return during Part 5. Conditionally Confirmed.

The Third Anniversary will be a Crisis Crossover where the Channel Awesome Cast (and possibly The Nerd and Yahtzee) team up against a new villain

And that villain will be... The Copyright Nazi!!! AKA John from the room.com

  • And the recent avalanche of Crossovers are actually the build-up for it!
  • Jossed.

The Third Anniversary will confirm ALL the WMGs about the Third Anniversary.

It'll start out with the Critic beginning a review, when suddenly, he gets a call on his cell phone. The rest of Channel Awesome is planning a mission to rescue Suede from the TGWTG Legion of Doom! However, the story soon takes a darker turn into psychological thriller territory when the gang becomes trapped in the base and are picked off one by one, in increasingly creative ways, with the killer turning out to be...Suede, who had gone insane during his inprisonment! Oh, and it'll be a musical somehow.

  • Well if you want to incorporate all of the WMGs then the villian would have to John. Or Seahorses. Or maybe John is a seahorse!
    • But John/Copyright Nazi would already be part of the TGWTG Legion of Doom. We can't have the villain be that obvious.
  • Jossed.

There will be a Black Lantern Insano in the Third Anniversary Video.

It will be the Future Black Lantern Spoony who serves as the Dragon of the searhorses when they reach this time period.

  • Jossed.

The Third Anniversary Special will be an Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny

It will be an Mêlée À Trois between Linkara, Angry Joe and 3D-Lee, because the Villain wants to know who is TGWTG's strongest fighter.

  • Jossed.

Doug's main characters are parts of his psyche.

After being hit by some sort of beam, his mind split into three parts. His ego became the Nostalgia Critic. His id became That Guy. His superego was initially a superhero type character, but That Guy caught him and tortured him until he went insane and became Chester A. Bum. That Guy then locked Nostalgia Critic in the Hall of Memories in Doug Walker's mind, forcing him to look over everything Doug Walker ever experienced as a child. With total control of Doug Walker's mind, That Guy now controls Doug Walker's body, making him a dangerously insane criminal. Dr. Noah "Insano" Antwiler will invent a beam that allows other TGWT Gers to go inside Doug Walker's mind and restore its order. Unfortunately it will fail, leading to Doug Walker going more insane and suffering brain death, and leading to the death of several TGWT Gers such as Nostalgia Chick, with tragic scenes and dramatic music. This will be a feature length movie and will be the site finale, enacted when TGWTG.com gets bored and decides to move on in their lives.

There will be an epic review of The Last Airbender.

Because Doug never watched the show, he'll force a group of other reviewers from the site to review the film, like they did with Dragonball Evolution.

  • But the cartoon it was based of was made beyond the review dates of the Nostalgic critic reviews, so it makes no sense that he'll be behind it.
  • Alternatively, Chester A. Bum will be the one to force a group of other reviewers to review the film.
  • Conditionally Confirmed. The movie was reviewed,[3] but Jew Wario was responsible, as he put the DVD into Y's luggage.

The mysterious voice in Masterpiece Fanfic Theatre is...

Linkara.He decided to take revenge on being tied up and his Old Shame revealed to the world.But he's not doing a good job.

The seahorses will become the Nostalgia Critic's nemesis.

If Linkara has a villain, Spoony has a villain and even Bennet the Sage has a villain, you can bet on it that the seahorses will become his new nemesis.

Black Lantern Spoony isn't just targeting Spoony Beta.

He's a Black Lantern, and thus the resurrected are major targets. Phelous and the Nostalgia Critic will have to ally, or...Doug Walker of Earth, Rise.

== 80's Dan == was Ret Goned by the Nostalgia Critic jumping around through time in the Room review.]] He was real, dammit! ;_;

  • Jossed: He shows up in Brad Tries

Douchey McNitpick is responsible for the Critic coming back to life.

Douchey has focused his entire life on trolling and ranting the Nostalgia Critic. Everytime the Critic is killed or kills himself,Douchey takes his body and uses The Power of Love-O-Matic 9001 to get him good as new

The Paw in Kickassia was really the Dark Paw.

Seeing as Paw, Spoony, Angry Joe and Goggles were trapped in Paw's mind until now. Their characters in Kickassia had to be their evil alteregos (Dark Paw, Insano, Bizzaro!Joe) but because Goggles doesn't have an alterego, she couldn't be in Kickassia at all.

Channel Awesome will grow to dominate the Internet.

Channel Awesome and TGWTG.com JUST KEEP GROWING. They picked up Team Four Star, are affiliated with the AVGN, and have CONQUERED A FREAKING COUNTRY (temporarily). The foreseeable future involves all entertainment on the net being assimilated. thus, in 20 years, every tropes page will be forced to rename the "Web Original" folder, the "Channel Awesome" folder.

The Third Anniversary will be a fight against various lanterns.

We've seen Black Lantern Spoony, who also gave a ring to Tidus. Chuckles has a yellow fear ring, too. Considering the amount of green in his spaceship, Lord Vyce is probably a green lantern. The makeover fairy could have an Indigo ring (she tries to help people by making them over), and Professor Celluloid an Orange ring (tries to steal BMB from Film Brain). Obviously Angry Joe would have a red one, which mean he'd pull a Face Heel Turn. Not sure about the other colors, though.

  • I seriously doubt Lord Vyce would be a Green Lantern. Linkara, though? Maybe. I also think Either Master Bate or Spoony might be avatars for the Predator entity.
    • Spooning With Spoony, definitely.
  • I can even see the plot: The Gatekeeper manipulates a bunch of lantern rings to attack the TTGWTG crew, or just causes general chaos by giving them rings. The various wearers include
    • The Red ring will go to Angry Joe, for obvious reasons.
    • The Orange ring will go to the Nostalgia Critic, considering his takeover of Molossia and not wanting to be upstaged. On the CA-verse villains, expect someone hammy like Dr Smith to wear it (and he gets his constructs of SPIDERS!)
    • The Sinestro ring will search for Bennet The Sage and Ask That Guy. Because the latter is Nightmare Fuel,and the former frightened the latter. I can see the two fighting over it
    • Linkara will get the Green ring because he's fought the most villains of them all
    • Ma-Ti will get a Star Sapphire ring because of Rule of Funny, and he'll have a chance to defy the trope he set up.
    • Phelous will get a black ring, seeing as how Death Is Cheap
    • Who would get indigo, and who would get white?
      • Obviously, Santa Christ will get White
    • What about blue? Also, I don't think the Makeover Fairy would get indigo.
      • Indigo (compassion) would go to the sweetest and most caring. The only people who seem to fit that are JesuOtaku and Roses. Blue (Hope) would go to the most optimistic. While they all seem fairly cynical, Blue could go to Paw or Linkara (if that happened, Green could go to Spoony since he has just as big a Rogues Gallery and is the main ring hander-offer).
  • Jossed, the third anniversary is a quest. Oh well, there's always next year...

The upcoming NostalgiaChick storyline will involve an Evil Twin.

She'll be doing The Man in the Iron Mask, a movie that has an Evil Twin locking up his good brother and taking his power. Nella's class on how to spot evil seems to suggest that it would be quite hard to see and we know how regular Chick likes her Comedic Sociopathy. Thirdly, nearly everyone on That Guy With The Glasses has played a different character at least once, and it'd be awesome if Lindsay did.

The Third Anniversary will have something happen to Welshy.

Possibly his death. This will be responded to by a scream of WELSHY!, possibly by Linkara, or whoever it is his closest to on TGWTG.

  • Jossed.

Big Lipped Alligator Moments are lethal.

Though only when you are a part of one. The Nostalgia Critic is fine and Lindsay is able to control it. However, as for That Aussie Guy and Liittle Miss Gamer, they have vanished from the site. Gamer knew she was dying so she retired to have a few weeks to herself. But sadly, That Aussie Guy died. Doug and Lindsay are fine because, with Lindsay in it, she subconsciously made it so it would not cause the virus. It just gave Doug multiple personality disorder (ever wonder why Doug creates so many new shows?) However, by striking Gamer and Aussie, it still caused the virus. And yes, it is a virus. It gets into your system and preys on the part of your brain that controls your logic and takes away your sanity until you die in a very ramdom manner.

The futures of the rest of Channel Awesome and anyone else affiliated without the Nostalgia Critic

As we find out in You're a Rotten Dirty Bastard, without the Nostalgia Critic, Cinema Snob is a world famous porn star, Linkara owns Marvel and DC, the Nostalgia Chick is a major director who will re-write Twilight, Angry Joe is the president of the United States, Spoony is the Nostalgia Critic except without a hatedom, and even his guardian angel, Roger, ends up as God's right-hand man. What happens to everyone else?

  • Kevin Baugh conquerors Mexico and much of Central America. Molossia and America will become friendly rivals as he and Angry Joe compete for the world.
  • Instead of Heart, Ma-Ti will be given a new planeteer ring and with it a new power: the power of Frickin' Laser Beams.
    • In this world,he's still a Butt Monkey. Some things remain constan
  • The would-be Game Heroes created a gaming company that rivals the big three. They emplopy Paw and Pushing Up Roses, who are very well known for writing music for their video games.
  • Phelous became a scientist, mass producing cloning technology, living after Canada was destroyed via this. The Phelous mentioned in the video was a clone.
  • Luke was cloned multiple times after the destruction of Canada and now everyone of his personalites created as a clone. They all live in his old mansion, having been a high profile actor before his death. Ralph however was shot during the cloning process for obvious reasons.
  • CR works on a DC Comics series.
  • Marz Gurl and JesuOtaku host an Attack Of The Show-lite show on Funimation's channel.
    • Or they're in charge of it
  • Film Brain and Welshy host the UK's At The Movies.
  • Likewise, Obscurus Lupa hosts a television show on ABC.
  • Mike J has a long saga of famous films.
  • Todd in the Shadows is music legend, with his face obscured by a mask and wearing a hoodie when performing.
    • No, he becomes the third member of Daft Punk.
  • Nash is a news anchor similar to Jon Stewart.
  • The only one who's future wouldn't be affected would be Suede's, since he's, well... STILL ON HIATUS.
    • Well no, since if Critic didn't exist then Suede never would have been picked up by the site. Most likely he became a full time priest or what-have-you.
  • The Angry Video Game Nerd is CEO of Nintendo. The Irate Gamer is this world's AVGN, an just as popular

Everyone's lives in You're a Rotten Dirty Bastard really were ruined by not meeting the Critic, or their actions would lead to eventual life-ruining.

  • As a porn star, Cinema Snob never would have been able to have a serious relationship, so he would never meet his wife, and would probably die lonely.
  • Linkara is obviously suffering from the stress of owning two comic companies, with his declaration that it's awesome simply him trying to convince himself otherwise. If anything goes wrong then he knows it will be his fault, he has to find ways to tie the continuity of two very different universes together, and he would never meet Iron Liz.
    • Not to mention that without him there will be nothing to stop Lord Vyce and/or the Entity from enslaving our diemenson.
  • The Nostalgia Chick's marriage is very idealistic, but we've seen that she's a slight sociopath and needs a relationship that's somewhat vitriolic, like the ones she has with The Critic and Nella. She and Nella both give a bit of a Suspiciously Specific Denial about how awesome and respectful their relationship is, inferring that they're seeing each other. The husband also doesn't seem that pleased when Chick leaves, making it look like he knows they're together.
    • And when the girls exit in the bloopers and the child starts bawling again, he bursts into tears and yells at it to shut up. Huge Stepford Smiler vibe.
  • Angry Joe might be enjoying his role as President, but destroying Canada would bring him the wrath of Canadians who were out of the coutnry, people who had family there, and any country which had major trade relations with the country (including, of course, the US). Since Phelous can't die, and Luke lives there, they would probably lead a revolution against Joe that ends in his death.
  • Spoony isn't actually the new Critic, it's really Insano. You can tell by the way he laughs at the end - that's definately Insano's laugh. As for Douchey, he is either on Insano's payroll and just says those things to get money, or is only a fan because they're both insane and evil.
  • Roger would eventually get impatient after God made his comment that the former would get the job if the latter ever retired. eventually Roger would pull a Lucifer and end up gettign kicked out of Heaven, but of course he couldn't take over Hell because there already is a Lucifer, and would be subject to an eternity of divine torture.
    • Also Roger being willing to kill the critic to get power and influence would have Fallen him more or less immediately after defeating the Critic.
  • Wow, if only Critic had thought about this.
  • Or rather, following the destruction of Canada every nation on the planet will be terrified of Angry Joe, leading him to become the planet's dictator. The reason the planet was about to obtain world peace is because the nations aren't going to mess with someone like Angry Joe.
    • Alternatively, he ran for President and lost in an epic landslide thanks to showing no signs of good leadership or general competance in a high position of power. So scarred by the humiliation, he resdesigned his bedroom into the shape of the oval office, and now spends his days pretending to be president and nuking everyone for not voting for him.
  • Not to mention what'll happen to all the other reviewers. With the managment of Heavean growing complacent Buggs Bunny/Woody Woodpecker will escape from Hell to have revenge on the Angry Video Game Nerd. Without the battles with the Critc to hone his skills, the Nerd will be beaten and killed.
  • Since he won't travel to the future the world will recieve no warning about the seahorses, allowing them to take over unopposed.
  • There are multiple evils in this world. The Entity, the evil Jew Wario faces (can't name it off of the top of my head), and others. Who is going to fight them?
  • Ask That Guy has to put on a nice, polite facade and rely on tips to get hookers. You don't even to have twist his segment much to know that's probably killing him.
  • As we know Critic is the only one to offer him shelter, money and a job, Chester very likely died a while ago.

It was all an illusion.

Douchey Mt Nitpick teamed up with the Psychlos and Will Smith so he could pester the Nostalgia Critic. So he got spiders with hallucination abilities to fake the whole thing. He hoped this would culminate in the Nostalgia Critic becoming more of a douche, and getting everyone to hate him. Or just for shits and giggles. Considering how impossibly altered the timeline is, its safe to assume this is the case

Dr. Insano will run for re-election against Angry Joe in the 2012 election.

And it will be the most epic cross over since Kickassia!

The entire TGWTG crew could be rich beyond belief.

  • Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the best idea I've ever come up with. Just take a look at the Fetish Fuel page for all the reviewers. There are many, many people who have lots and lots of.... "squiggly feelings" for those fine ladies and gents of TGWTG. Instead of doing a Donation Drive, they should have a Host/Hostess Club of sorts. We pay to go in and spend some time with our favorite reviewer, and they get paid (and hugs. Lots of hugs). Everybody wins!
    • Err... I also realize that this page isn't the best place for this, but I couldn't find anywhere where it would fit any better. I apologize.
      • Are you suggesting that they literally whore themselves out to nerds? I support this idea fully!

The battle between the Friends stretches even into this website.

Sage really is the Devil (as shown in The Nostalgia Critic review of Care Bears Movie II: A New Generation), but his memory of this was erased for a while (he remembered again at the end of the review). He was created by Chernabog and Mephisto to be the Friends' principal agent on the site and is the man behind Lord Vyce and The Guy with the Glasses (though the Guy wouldn't work the Devil if he knew he was Sage).

Santa Christ, on the other hand, is the High Council's principal agent on the site. Linkara secretly works for him (which is why Sage keeps having Lord Vyce try to kill him either directly or by sending Insano, Linksano, and Mecha Linkara after him). Many of the other reviewers are unalinged, but side characters appearing on their shows try to sway them to one side or the other (for example, Santa Christ sent Nella in the hope that her innocence could prevent The Nostalgia Chick from slipping over to the Friends' side due to the latter's sociopathy, though unfortunately a quasi-demonic, intergalactic agent of the Friends has since posessed Nella).

The Critic was briefly swayed to the Friends' side for Kickassia, but became neutral again after that. Someday, a big battle between the armies of Santa Christ and Devil Sage will determine weather the site in general will become a headquarters for the High Council, allowing the forces of good to communicate and pool their resources, or a soul-gathering operation for the Friends.

Times when characters on the site review something else that's part of the battle may be part of either side's plan (for example, The Nostalgia Critic's top eleven Disney villains countdown was created on Santa Christ's suggestion so as to warn High Council agents in other worlds who some of their most dangerous enemies are, and the Friends tried to prevent it from uploading by wrecking the Critic's computer).

  • I don't think that the Friends are behind Lord Vyce. Rather, I think both sides are wary of Lord Vyce, considering he's feared throughout the entire multiverse. This is the reason why almost everyone on the site is on a morally neutral level. Lord Vyce likely knows about Chernabog, and because he's a Well-Intentioned Extremist, isn't willing to compromise. While the Friends are unable to directly interfere, they are able to plant agents. Now that Lord Vyce is disposed, both sides are making their move. This is why Suburban Knights had a Complete Monster for a villain. The Entity will probably try to destroy both sides.
  • Also, notice how sometimes Sage seems more casual, even showing standards(just watch his anime reviews.) Devil Sage is actually regular Sage's Super-Powered Evil Side created by the Friends. That, or Sage is just evil on his own for lulz.

The Third Year Anniversary will have a Romantic Sub-plot between Obscurus Lupa Presents and Todd in the Shadows

They're really pushing the fact that Todd's crushing on Obscurus Lupa, and after his Top 10 Hit Songs of 2010 it would make most of the fans Squee with delight.

  • Jossed.

The Third Year Anniversary will have to do with the Reviewiverse somehow


Lord Kat is not the proper way to say the name

The real way of saying it is Lor D. Kat, which explains how he can manage to play the toughest games Until We Win.

Phelous is The Master.

It explains how he keeps coming back.Following The End of Time the Master' memory was wiped, and ended up stranded in Canada.

Chester A. Bum will review Hobo with a Shotgun.

== The Third Year Anniversary will have Tommy Wiseau guest star ==. Who thought that AVGN would guest star in the first Anniversary? And then Kickassia in the second? Plus it would show a case of burying the hatchet between the two.

  • Jossed.

The people we didnt see in chrismas special had worse lives than in the main TGWTG verse

Not sure how there lives turned out but would explain why some popular reviewer's (Nash Todd in the Shadows)weren't shown.

  • If they focused on every popular reviewer, the special would be two hours long. They focused on the main ones. The ones that get top billing during anniversaries, and such.

The villan in the third aniversery will be Back Street

  • Wow, this is getting exciting! They're already bringing back some of Chick's friends, Orlando, there's rumors of Suede still going around, and now Back Street's back? All right!

The third year anniversary (Suburban Knights) is actually a quest to find a way to defeat The Entity.

Because it would be pretty freaking epic, and what's better than a mass crosssover of all these people to find a way to stop this horrific Eldritch Abomination?

  • Then they failed as the whole thing takes place between Ultimate Warrior's Workout and Ultimatum #1-2.

The third anniversary will be a parody of RPGs.

It will make fun of RPG clichés like leveling up and character class.

Oancitizen is the illegitimate son of Ask That Guy.

He shares the same cultured demeanor and ability to lose himself in a book, but resents his parent's depravity and tries to compensate by enveloping himself in the refined aspects. Also, he brings his love of cinematography and vocal performance to the fore, which you can kinda tell Ask That Guy actually has, though he constantly conceals it.

    • Who is his mother?
      • One of Ask That Guy's fangirls.

Orlando's character in Suburban Knights is still Roger

But now cast down from Heaven after You're a Dirty Rotten Bastard and is seeking revenge on the Critic and possibly the other reviewers. Either that or after being killed and sent to Hell, he became Satan's buddy.

    • Possibly Jossed: in part 5, it was revealed that Orlando's character was actually Malachite, an ancient mage.

Audiable Underwear will be picked up.

I have a system of explaining why. Notice who was in Obscurus Lupa's review of Hard To Kill and Oancitizen's of Gerry. First we have Diamanda Hagan, who is the latest member. Then we have Derek of Audiable Underwear. Then there is Apollo Z Hack, who was on the site for a while. Nash has been a long time member. And Brows Held High's Gerry review can be seen as a continuation of this "Hating on Gerry" craze. Both Oan and Lupa have been picked up.

    • Not likely. Audible Underwear has since retired his series.

Ma-ti is a Star Sapphire

Think about it, his power is to be able to affect heart of others, and what do the Star Sapphires do? They affect the hearts of others. Just for some reason, he doesn't wear pink.

Character immortality is purely based off Rule of Funny.

Essentially, in the Channel Awesome universe, you can't die if it's for comedy. This is why the Nostalgia Critic can't kill himself-it's done for comedic and (in real life) ludicrous reasons (he commited suicide because of a bad movie. Since dying is a gag of Phelous, he's probably become so used to it that nothing short of Author Existence Failure can end his life. The only time that someone can completly is if it's done for plot, or in a serious tone. For example, Spoony died because the plot dictated Insano to do it. Plus, it wasn't motivated by comedy or gags. Similarly, the death of Ma-Ti was a Heroic Sacrifice, which is why he didn't come back. It's also why Mechakara was convinced destroying Linkara via Driven By Suicide would work-it was done not for lulz, but nightmare fuel.

The Distressed Watcher does not exist in the Channel Awesome universe.

There hasn't been a single reference or iota of his existence with the other reviewers, at least in-universe. He does not fit in said universe. Everything about him screams "anomaly." In the CA-verse, there is no Distressed Watcher, or even Terroja. And if there is, something is wrong.

  • Personally, I think it would have been a funny gag if Santa Christ died in Kickassia because he did not believe in him.
  • He did Benzaie vs. The Distressed Watcher and The Nostalgia Critic mentioned him in a video.
    • Really? Was Benzaie and the Nostalgia Critic in-character? If they were not, then it doesn't count.
    • Yes, they were in charcter, it doesen't help that Benzaie vs. The Distressed Watcher is hidden on the site and I can't remenber which NC video he mentioned TJ.

The Bjork Show episode 3 (4 if you count True Internet Story Episode 2).

If you notice, Rob is sneaking into the shows subtle refernces to The Bjork Show that only old-school TGWTG fans get. The makeup that Doug uses as Dr. Smith is the same kind of pain-in-the-ass-to-take-of that Rob used in episode 2. Him making Benzaie come to the year 3 shoot dressed up as Edward Norton from episode 1 and the True Internet Story commentaries.

The Fourth Year Anniversary will involve all of the characters as Batman villains.

For proof, .

  • Jossed: Doug has revealed that the 4th Year Anniversary is Sci-Fi Based.

Ed Glaser is a Kavorka Man.

This photo [dead link] explains it all.

The Fourth Aniversary will feature Ash Housewarez from the Evil Dead series

Because they obviously are going to resurrect Mati with the Necronomicon they need the best person in the world who can help them in such regard so they get money incentive to hire the old Ash to help this misfits to face the true horrors (and will be ALSO a case of Real Life Writes The Plot because they will need to collect money to pay Bruce Campbel for this anniversary)

Ask That Guy is actually Muammar Gaddafi in disguise

Well, why else would the Libyans be after him?

  • Because, if Future Critic is to be considered, they mistook him for Doc Brown. He still hasn't completed that bomb of theirs.

The Aristocrats Joke is Ask That Guy's favorite joke.

Sage is the Devil Devil.

Remember the Critic's Alaska reviews, where he mentioned a "Devil Devil?" There actually is a Devil Devil, the kind Satan goes when he needs help in being evil. We know Satan isn't pure evil because he was disturbed by That Guy. Sage is in fact the Devil Devil, who teaches the Devil how to be bad.

People attending Year Four

Specualtion on who will show up. First the obvious

  • Doug Walker, Lindsay Ellis, Brad Jones: No shit
  • Linkara: He has to play Mechakara after all. Even if he didn't, he'd be in the No Shit box above
  • Spoony: Likewise, he'd be Insano if the plot involves TGWTG villains. Same story as Linkara
  • Angry Joe, Bennet The Sage, Marz Gurl, Benzaie, Paw Dugan and The Game Heroes: Been there the last three
  • Jew Wario, Phelous, and Film Brain: Been there the last two
  • Obscurus Lupa: A major player on TGWTG, one of the three go to cameos (the other two being Linkara and Oancitizen), and was there last year
  • Todd In The Shadows: There last year, also a big player in crossovers and the like, and the Linkara Theorem (niche subject matter/popularity) is in play.
  • * Suede: He was there last year, was the first to join the site and to catch up since his mission.
  • Luke Mochrie: Doug seems to have a fondness for his show.

And the possible new people. These are who I think are the most likely candidates and who I think will end up going.

  • Oancitizen: Very quickly rose to fame on TGWTG, cameoing EVERYWHERE, and uses the Linkara Theorem.
  • Maven Of The Eventide/Elisa: A member of Team N Chick as well as a roommate of Lindsay. However theres the possibility of thsi being overlooked.
    • She also was there last year, although it was more of a cameo.
  • Blockbuster Buster: Quite popular on TGWTG and Doug seems to have a fondness for his show, since he was there when it was announced it got picked up.
  • Hagan: As the villain. However, living in Ireland may put a stretch on the budget.
  • Nash and JesuOtaku: A pair of reviewers I'm shocked weren't there last year. Nash would be interesting just to see his over the top anger and JO would play the straight man.
  • CR: Had to turn it down last year due to family issues

I think it will end up being CR, Nash, JO, Oancitizen, and Blockbuster Buster

  • It should be pointed out that some of the people present at the shooting of Y3 were there on their own money, so it's possible that some of these people could travel there on their own and not impact the budget as much.
  • The Blockbuster Buster stated on Youtube that he is not in Year 4.
  • Benzaie has stated that Sad Panda will be the Frenchman this year, so he's out.
  • Nash was not brought out, Oancitizen is in.
    • Nash's non-appearance in Year 4 (and for that matter, Year 3) likely has to do with his Real Life father's ill health over the past few years (and to a lesser extent, his radio show).
  • JesuOtaku is confirmed in Sad Panda's Forget About It: Top 10 TGWTG Reviewers
  • CR is in as he's done a video with Brad Jones.

Rants from the TGWTG Secrets blog will start his own video series.

He's already become fairly popular in the fandom through the blog, and it seems like the next logical step.

  • He will talk about the more insane secrets then call in whoever's involved in the secret to confirm or deny!
  • And every time Spoony is involved, there will be Squeeing abound.

The 4th year will feature a Big Damn Heroes moment from several reviewers who aren't on the site

The stinger at the end of SK hinted at a villain team-up. It's very likely that any villains involved will know nearly all of the heroes' strengths and weaknesses, and therefore be able to easily out match them. That's when everybody will call there friends from off-site to help, since the villains know nothing about them (mostly).

Now the real Epilepsy of this guess kicks in with my IRL evidence: Doug said in an interview that the site is basically full after picking up Block Buster Buster and Diamanda. However, there are many days where the amount of videos added is only about half the total possible number. My guess is that they've contacted several prolific reviewers with small connections to the site (The Film Renegado, Cin Wicked, PhilBunny, Blockbuster Chick and Demoversi would be my top guesses) to have them make appearances at the anniversary, and they'll officially be added to the site once the event is complete.

And with the official Year 4 photo having been released, the cast is confirmed: Doug Spoony Rob Lindsay and Team N. Chick (Nella & Elisa, who may/or may not be playing as Maven Linkara Marz Gurl (as Motoko Kusanagi) Angry Joe Bennett Paw 8-Bit Mickey (no Handsome Tom) Cinema Snob Phelous Lupa Todd Jew Wario Film Brain Luke Mochrie CR (NEW!) Sad Panda (NEW!) Jesu Otaku (NEW!) Oancitizen (NEW!)

  1. In which Spoony is a girl
  2. one of the seahorses' natural predators
  3. by Y Ruler Of Time, RolloT, JesuOtaku and Todd In The Shadows
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