< That Guy With The Glasses

That Guy With The Glasses/YMMV

  • Acceptable Targets: Tommy Wiseau has become this after pulling two reviews of The Room off the site.
  • Actor Shipping: Doug/Lindsay is pretty popular, as like a Lighter and Softer pairing to the Foe Yay of Critic/Chick. (As she's never appeared in videos, fanfic will usually ignore his fiancĂ©e.)
  • And the Fandom Rejoiced: Any time somebody with a decently-sized fan base joins the site.
  • Animation Age Ghetto: Completely and thankfully averted. Most of the TGWTG staff openly admits to going to see animated movies and thinks of animation as every bit as equal to live-action film-making.
  • Non Sequitur Scene: This trope was first named by the Nostalgia Chick (after a scene from All Dogs Go to Heaven), while she and the Critic were reviewing Fern Gully. It's been lampshaded in-universe a few times too.
    • The Nostalgia Critic sings a hilarious rendition of "Sweet Transvestite" while the Nostalgia Chick randomly plays the accordion in the background.

Nostalgia Critic: (Singing) I'm just a cheap toxic-ite from Transsexual... (Looks over at the Nostalgia Chick in confusion)
Nostalgia Chick: "Did that make any sense?"
Nostalgia Critic: "No."
Nostalgia Chick: "Are you ever going to mention it again?"
Nostalgia Critic: "Probably not."
Nostalgia Chick: "Non Sequitur Scene!"

      • WEAPONIZED by The Nostalgia Chick in The 1 Year Anniversary video. She says the words, and what happens next perfectly fits the criteria for a BLAM.
    • During the Critic and Nerd crossover review:

"But why worry about that when you can sing along to giant surfing alligators -- wait, what?!"

  • Broken Base: Do you love the lack of fourth wall, with them reading fanfic (often calling it hot), giving Fan Service based on Fetish Fuel pages and seeing constantly what people write about them on this very site, or are you freaked out by it?
  • Crosses the Line Twice:
    • "Spooning With Spoony". Which was tame compared to "Spooning with Spoony 2".
    • The Solid Snake Video Game Confessions may just be the best example. A five-year-old Snake witnessing his parents' murder as he hides under a box: horrifying. The killer proceeding to do a tap dance on their bodies, put on a puppet show, and so on: bloody hilarious.
    • LordKaT. Oh God, his non Until We Win stuff is some of the most foul and hilarious stuff out there.

"I wonder if that asian boys ass is still tight."
(after a review ends) "Just in time for recess."

  • Ear Worm: Doug's Theme Lyrics.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse:
    • 8-Bit Mickey, thanks to his appearance in the Brawl.
    • Bhargav Dronamraju as Ma-Ti, who first appeared as a cutaway joke in the Critic's review of Captain Planet, and has since become a recurring character in his videos, and elsewhere.
  • Fan Dumb: The sheer amount of morons on tgwtg.com's forums is enough to make you cry for humanity (the comments on the videos themselves are even worse).
    • A startling number of them don't seem to get that these people are all friends and "___! You're so much better than ___, they suck donkey balls!" is not the compliment they think it is.
    • A lot of people still don't seem to get that the character is not really the actor, even though characters like Spoony, Critic, Chick and Todd would have been in jail, in mental homes or at least have a few restraining orders by now.
    • Already, criticism is being levied at the upcoming Fourth Year Anniversary special, before the trailer has even been released. Why? Because Doug sent out a call for paid artists to do CGI shots of spaceships for the special; and since Doug and many other people on the site have said the phrase "The CGI in this movie sucks" in a review, they are clearly all hypocrites who will underpay any artist they hire.
  • Fan Hater: There's a whole subsection of the fanbase who seem to watch the shows just so they can rant about how crap they are. No such forum shall be vindicated by being named here, but they are numerous.
  • Funny Aneurysm Moment: In the "Tommy Wiseau Show," Doug plays both "Tommy Wiseau" and "John from The RoomMovie.com". Then this possibility came to light. (though it could also be Hilarious in Hindsight)
    • The jokes on Transmission Awesome about Aussie wanting to fire other people (especially Sean) turn into this considering what happened to him.
  • Gratuitous Special Effects: Many reviewers use special effects such as when The Nostalgia Critic had a laser shootout with The Angry Video Game Nerd. The effects add quirky, funny elements to the videos but would not normally be expected in movie reviews.
  • Hate Dumb: And how! Part of it would create lies to try and make TGWTG look like the worst thing on the internet. Some of the most prominent critics of the site seem to be bitter that their content was passed over.
    • The whole group seems to attract every variety of it, probably due to their relative popularity for being internet-famous. The Nostalgia Critic's Douchey McNitpick character has a lot of this mixed in with the Fan Dumb as well, attacking people for imagined or ridiculous reasons.
  • He Panned It, Now He Sucks: Bennett seems to have attracted a bit of the old nerdrage for insulting Doctor Who.
  • Ho Yay: So often it needs its own ever-growing page here.
  • Internet Backdraft: A joke by Linkara in the Superman IV: The Quest for Peace review with the Nostalgia Critic got him a lot of heat because he simply mentioned Israel. This led to tons of hatemail accusing him of supporting/hating Israel. He addressed this in the commentary for the video, in which he reminded the readers that he never said anything about Israel except that they probably wouldn't be happy about a guy stealing their nukes, where the film shows everyone on earth unanimously cheering that Superman is going to take away everyone's nukes.
  • It's Popular, Now It Sucks: There are some people who don't watch the Critic, Linkara or Spoony for the sole reason of their "big three" Fan Nickname.
  • Memetic Badass: Santa Christ! he fight monsters for fun and hang out with Mr.T and even if you are able to kill him, he will raise again in the third day, in fullfilment of the awesomeness!
  • Nightmare Fuel:
    • Anything to do with Sage's "Masterpiece Fanfic Theater's" more sexual episodes.
    • Yardoz from Ask That Guy With the Glasses Episode 61. Dear God.
  • Portmanteau Couple Name: Despite the rampant amount of shipping in the fandom, there are relatively few of thse. A few do seem to stick, however, are Spoonkara (Spoony/Linkara), Padd (Paw Dugan/Todd in the Shadows) and Topa (Todd in the Shadows/Lupa). Inskara (Dr. Insano/Linkara) is also quite popular.
  • One of Us: Several of the reviewers mention TV Tropes or a trope title while reviewing, including Linkara, The Nostalgia Chick, Y Ruler of Time, Film Brain, JesuOtaku, Dena, Spoony One, Doug and Rob Walker.
  • Rescued from the Scrappy Heap: Film Brain's first few reviews weren't too well liked, but he's since long come into his own.
  • Ron the Death Eater: The Nostalgia Chick, Linkara (when he's not being a perfect hero), Phelous and The Other Guy will usually get this from the fanfic fandom, although for Evil Is Sexy reasons rather than hate.
  • So Bad It's Good: Melvin, Brother of the Joker.
  • The Scrappy: Various personalities have received quite a bit of scorn from the fanbase for various reasons.
    • The Last Angry Geek is often accused of ripping off Linkara, even though he's been reviewing comics for the site longer in text format.
    • LordKat managed to avoid any major criticism until he admitted to using emulators and save states when recording game footage. The fans that criticize him tend to forget that Until We Win is supposed to be a guide to beating a game and is more meant for how the viewers are supposed to play than LordKat himself.
    • The Distressed Watcher gets this from those that don't like his tendency to attempt to cross the line as many times as possible. Indeed, there was an unsuccessful petition to have him removed from the site. According to Film Brain, he's a bit of a loner compared to the otherwise tight-knit and friendly TGWTG reviewers, and rarely talks to them. He admits that once Mike Ellis left the site's management team it became apparent that he'd been DW's only real supporter on the site.
  • Tear Jerker: Yes, they have a page.
  • They Copied It, So It Sucks: Sage drew quite a few negative comments for his new "Comic Conventions" feature for being in more or less a copy of Atop the Fourth Wall (futon and all) despite Linkara having suggested it to him.
  • The Woobie: Melvin, Brother of The Joker. Unlike Doug's other woobie characters though, he wasn't OTT enough to be funny as well.
    • Lori Prince. Straight Man, older than Doug's other characters, tormented by the Joker and can do a wonderful pouty face.
    • Here, LordKaT talks about how his experiences on the live stream have really made him feel depressed. Y'just wanna hug him.
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