The Amazing Atheist
"I review the previews, to let YOU know which trailers are failures!"—The Distressed Watcher
Terroja "The Amazing Atheist" Kincaid (or as he ironically calls himself, the God of the Godless) is an atheist who has been making videos on YouTube since joining the site on November 20, 2006. Although the subject matter of his earlier videos centered almost entirely around atheism and anti-theism, he rarely deals with those topics today. Instead, most of his current videos are either social commentary or purely comedic in nature.
His style is loud, boisterous, and unapologetically offensive. However, he claims that these are his honest opinions. The Amazing Atheist never has even the slightest qualm about speaking his mind, despite sounding offensive to various targets. This is precisely why he's won well over 100,000 subscribers over the course of his YouTube career, replacing Pat Condell as the website's most popular atheist. That hasn't stopped him from making quite a few enemies, especially because of his strident anti-feminism.
He has also written three books: In Defense of Evil, Scumbag: Musings of a Subhuman, and Final Revelation. Like most of his videos, the books are part philosophical, part comedic, and part autobiographical.
When not using the Amazing Atheist moniker, he often goes by T.J., Terroja, or The Distressed Watcher. His YouTube channel can be found here. Though he was forced to take down most of his older videos in early 2009 due to YouTube's increasingly strict censorship policies, you can watch a few hundred of them here and here if you are so inclined.
- Accentuate the Negative: His criticism of theists. His serious moments are reserved for holier-than-thou types.
- Angrish: Plenty of it in this video. Considering that he's feeding a troll, it's to be expected.
- Arch Enemy: Christian fundamentalists VenomFangX and JezuzFreek777. To a lesser extent, the Libertarian/Conservative vlogger Lee Doren, or HowTheWorldWorks.
- Don't forget Patt Condell, though guess he's more of an arch-rival than anything.
- As of this video, he has finally given us the name of his true Arch Enemy, one that takes many forms: Stupidity.
- Don't forget Patt Condell, though guess he's more of an arch-rival than anything.
- Aren't You Going to Ravish Me?: In a recent video, The Amazing Atheist is mad that he never gets offered sex by a gay Republican in the men's room.
- You Fail Biology Forever: The "VenomFangX is a Stupid Creationist" series.
- Ass Shove: Pics of him shoving a banana up his butt have surfaced. He talks about it here.
- Atomic F-Bomb: From "The Diner Bizotch":
She ain't no minor bitch / No, she's a MAJOR FUCKING BIIIIITCH!!!
- Author Filibuster: And how!
- Berserk Button: He has many, but a notable one in the PWNED: Stupidest Youtuber Ever video is when he went berserk over the troll admitting that Mario was fictional but real at the same time. Other infamous targets of TJ's wrath include white supremacists, feminists, Justin Beiber, and Ron Paul.
- Backstabbing the Alpha Bitch: Frequently on the receiving end of this, if he is to be believed. So far he's managed to become rivals with several former companions, including, but not limited to:
- FakeSagan
- Fissioninferno
- SaturnineFilms
- Websnarf
- Belief Makes You Stupid: One of the things that causes him to be really controversial, even among his fellow atheists.
- Big Guy, Little Guy: With FakeSagan. And his brother Scotty. And Cody Weber. And Galen/Hallcyon. Hell, never mind, T.J. fits this trope when he's with any of his friends.
- Break the Cutie: Apparently caused by The Phantom Menace, according to the Distressed Watcher review of that movie.
- Brick Joke / The Stinger: In his April Fools' Day video, he twice teases yelling OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAAAAND! Then, after about 20 seconds of black, he does it for those still watching.
- Catch Phrase: It's the quote for this page.
- Caustic Critic: His Distressed Watcher material is caustic even by That Guy With The Glasses standards.
- Clip Show: This video.
- Cloudcuckoolander: What he thought of Gorilla199.
- Control Freak: How he perceives Ayn Rand, and the reason he wasn't too fond of her even when he was a libertarian.
- Country Matters: Is not averse to this, though his usage of it is comparatively fewer and farther between than with other words.
- Curb Stomp Battle: Often occurs in his "PWNAGE"-videos, when he obliterates the flawed arguments of, for example, StrawFeminists and obnoxious little wannabe republicans.
- He himself got a smackdown on reddit
- Dagwood Sandwich: The Slaughterhouse. a sandwich composed of the Baconator from Wendy's and the Double Down from Kentucky Fried Chicken.
Terroja: The taste of death is sweet.
- Discussed Trope: From the entry on the famous "remember when I promised I'd kill you last?" scene from Commando in his list of the most awesome movie scenes: "'I Lied!' That is the best thing ever! 'Hey, honey, remember when I promised to love, honor, and cherish you, until death do us part? Well, guess what? I lied!' Woo! That's badass."
- The Ditz: It's easier to list the characters that aren't.
- Don't Explain the Joke: He spends the first part of his Dungeons and Dragons review joking about all the characters wanting "the rod," and explains the joke at length in the second part.
- Fan Service / Disservice: Any time he pulls up his shirt to reveal his man tits.
- Fat Bastard: Has more-or-less referred to himself as this on a few occasions. Was also how he characterized NightVisionPhantom.
- Female Misogynist: What he claims modern-day feminists, such as the one in this video, to be.
- Forced Meme: He has tried to make his "Blueberry Pie" the new Rickroll. It failed.
- For the Evulz: His theory in this video for why radical conservatives deny gay people rights, want a christian theocracy and want women to be second class citizens
- Four-Temperament Ensemble: Made up one with his friends and fellow YouTube atheists a while back.
- T.J.: Phlegmatic
- FakeSagan: Sanguine
- SaturnineFilms (Cody Weber): Melancholic
- TOMMYfromtheBRONX: Choleric
- Five-Man Band: Made up of his (not so) current friends.
- T.J.: The Hero
- Cody Webber: The Lancer
- Scotty: The Big Guy
- Galen: The Smart Guy
- Cody Webber: The Chick
- He Who Fights Monsters: Since his constant struggle against trolls, extremists and stupidity in general sometimes tends to transform him from a rude but reasonable social critic into a raging, frothing Jerkass. He even made a video about exactly that topic.
- Heh Heh, You Said "X": His beliefs as to why Anthony Weiner's indecent exposure scandal got so much coverage.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: There seem to be several, but TJ and his brother Scotty have remained the most constant throughout the years.
- Hive Mind: His main problem with Buddhism; he sees the search for Nirvana as repulsive and collectivist. To quote him directly: "Becoming a selfless component of some vague cosmic unifier doesn't sound that fuckin' appealing to me. If that's 'enlightenment', you can fuckin' keep it."
- For better or worse, the video has been removed at the time of writing.
- Jerkass: Big time, even many of his own fans think he's a prick!
- King of All Cosmos: When debating against the Cosmological Argument, he jokingly says that a blueberry muffin is what caused the Big Bang.
- Large Ham
- Lighter and Softer: The Distressed Watcher is this to the Amazing Atheist. And that's really saying something.
- Mean Character, Nice Actor: Parodied with his character, Lance Sloan. Averted with him himself.
- Money, Dear Boy: The Watcher said in his "Justin Bieber Trollz" video that this was his only real reason for knocking Justin Bieber, whom he doesn't genuinely care enough about to truly hate.
- Never Trust a Trailer: The Distressed Watcher's Trailer Failure
- Nietzsche Wannabe: Pretty much all the time.
- Nightmare Fetishist: Among others.
- Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: He more-or-less used this to describe his fiction writing style in one of his videos.
- Pet the Dog: He has said some kind things on occasion about his YouTube theist enemies.
- When CapnOAwesome released an old sex tape featuring himself and FakeSagan's fiancée at the time, T.J. was the first to leap to FakeSagan's defense-- by pointing out how tiny Capn's penis was.
- Calling out Pat Condell for saying a Islamic community center shouldn't be built near Ground Zero.
- Literally; he likes dogs, and even has a pug.
- Pet Peeve Trope: Among them...
- Hive Mind
- Moral Guardian
- Police Brutality: To the point where, while he finds the death sentence hypocritical, he thinks cops should have to sign off their lives.
- What an Idiot!
- Rebellious Spirit
- Rousseau Was Right: Goes so far into thinking serial killers don't deserve to be executed.
- Sanity Slippage: Happens over the course of his review of Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever.
- Screw Yourself: He has expressed interest in having sex with a clone of himself a couple of times.
"I mean guys, go get up, look in a mirror, look at your ugly mug and ask yourself if what you really want in life is a female equivalent of THAT?!...Yeah, me too, but surely there’s normal people out there."
- Self-Deprecation: He has been known to frequently take potshots at his own weight.
- Sir Swearsalot: Especially in this video.
- Small Name, Big Ego: Played for Laughs and later deconstructed.
- Stylistic Suck: "Too Sxe For My Brain"
- Testosterone Poisoning: MAN TALK! No women allowed 'cept my girlfriend 'cause she said so.
- Too Good for This Sinful Earth: Told via letter in this video.
- Worthy Opponent: His apparent attitude... at least some of the time... towards JezuzFreek777. There have been moments when TAA has pointed out common ground between the two, such as when discussing their (somewhat) similar views on the Grand Theft Auto series. Also, when Jezuzfreek was going through a divorce, TAA went out of his way to say "I wouldn't beat down on you while you're already down."
- You Keep Using That Word: Discussed in a video in which TJ talks about common phrases people use without thinking about what they actually mean.
The Amazing Atheist: Here's something people say after some kind of tragedy or things don't turn out as planned, someone will always say, "You know, it is what it is." And it's always with that sage like tone as if we should be in awe of them for taking that common saying and infusing it with such weight and wisdom. It is what it is... yeah it is... IS what it is. Obviously! Of course it is what it is! That's what it is! That is like saying yellow is yellow.