Tales of Vesperia/Characters
Our Heroes
- Yuri Lowell
Voiced by: Kosuke Toriumi (JP) and Troy Baker (EN)
Yuri is a commoner born in the lower quarter of Zaphias. Initially seeking to recover the lower quarter's stolen Aque Blastia, he is swept up in an adventure that will take him far beyond the Empire's borders. Although he is quite close to Flynn, they frequently clash over their conflicting world views, and have a friendly rivalry.
Some tropes that apply to Yuri:
- Action Hero
- Anti-Hero: Type II, bordering on Type III and, Flynn fears, risks sliding into Type IV due to his willingness to stain his hands with blood in the name of justice. Thankfully, the lessons he learns during the game keep him from Jumping Off the Slippery Slope, like Alexei..
- Awesomeness By Analysis: Teaches himself how to do a Fatal Strike after seeing Clint do it.
- Badass: Yuri Lowell is probably the Tales Series' poster boy for this trope. In fact, allow us to count the ways...
- Animal Motif/Big Badass Wolf: Several of his attacks have the title "Wolf", and is the proud owner of an actual badass canine, Repede. His last name, "Lowell", means "little wolf".
- Back-to-Back Badasses: With Flynn.
- Badass Arm-Fold: One of his skit poses.
- Badass Baritone: To an extent, courtesy of Troy Baker.
- Badass Boast: Very fond of giving these. The best example is probably when he claims he and his True Companions "eat guys like (Kratos) for breakfast"—and he has the skills to back it up.
- Badass Creed: "O brilliant blade of coldest steel, rend the infinite darkness... and crush my enemies to nothing! SAVA--GE WOLF FURY!"
- Badass Crew: Becomes part of one (as well as its de facto leader) when Brave Vesperia is formed.
- Badass Longcoat: The Dark Enforcer sidequest gives him one.
- Badass Long Hair: Enough to become its current Poster Boy.
- Badass Minds Think Alike: With Flynn several times.
- Badass Moustache: Thanks to a synthesizable accessory.
- Badass Normal: He can't use any magic, even though all Blastia users should be able to in theory—he's simply a disinterested student. Not that it stops him from kicking all kinds of asses.
- Badass Unintentional: Very much one.
- Took a Level in Badass: Already a badass at the start, then tops himself up with his execution of Ragou and Cumore, capping off with creating a ridiculously huge energy blade with which he slices the Adephagos.
- One-Man Army: Can pretty much slaughter the whole coliseum with his Fell Arm, and Water Burst Arte, which obliterates pretty much everything around him.
- Big Brother Mentor: To Karol.
- Big Brother Instinct: When the party gets trapped by the Baitojoh, he pushes Karol out of range of the aer krene.
- Bishonen/Long-Haired Pretty Boy
- Blood Knight: He seems to be happiest when in a good fight. Made especially clear in his reaction to the Giganto Monsters all being defeated, which is pure disappointment because there are no more monsters left that could give him a decent scrap.
- Blow You Away: Despite his general disinterest in the workings of Blastia magic, some of his attacks trend towards Wind.
- Celibate Hero/Chivalrous Pervert: A rare combination with both. He enjoys flirting in general, but he never actually pursues any kind of romance.
- Chronic Hero Syndrome
- Cool Shades: Thanks to a synthesizable accessory.
- Cool Sword: There's his Second Star, Dein Nomos, and the Vesperia Mk.II in the Play Station 3 version. That's not counting his Fell Arm, either.
- The Cowl: In contrast to Flynn's cape.
- Deadpan Snarker: There's a reason one of his Fan Nicknames is "Jade 2.0".
- Dude Looks Like a Lady: One Zaphias NPC mistakes him for a girl and, upon realizing his error, tells him to cut his hair, because having it long is "unmanly". Apparently either he hasn't heard of Badass Long Hair or Even the Guys Want Him.
- Facing the Bullets One-Liner: In the Kogorh desert believing he's about to get eaten: "Heh...go ahead. Hope you choke...on my bones..."
- Family-Unfriendly Death: Drowns Cumore in quicksand.
- Fingerless Gloves: His subweapon. The Garm Fang even goes as far as to give him Fingerless Gloves with huge spikes on the end of them.
- Hair Color Dissonance: Because Purple Is the New Black.
- The Hero
- Heroes Love Dogs: Given his wolf motif, he also keeps a pet dog named Repede... who's just as badass as his master.
- Hero with Bad Publicity: Not that he cares.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Flynn.
- He Who Fights Monsters: Yuri is aware that he can become what he kills, but he'll keep killing criminals the laws refuse to punish, as no one else will.
- Hypocrisy Nod: He's aware that his vigilantism are rather hypocritical when he's called out for them. However, he does it anyway because nobody else will.
- Knight in Shining Armor: Despite what he might say about himself, he'll always come to the aid of the needy, even at his own risk. In the scene for Yuri's True Knight title, Estelle says he is more of a knight than anyone she knows.
- Knight in Sour Armor: He left the Knights because he felt they were doing little to protect the downtrodden and end the corruption among the nobles, but his sense of honor and justice still drives him toward this goal.
- Lightning Bruiser: He's fast, strong and can take a lot of hits.
- Meaningful Name: Lowell means "little wolf" to line up with his Animal Motif.
- Mr. Fanservice: Not only a Tall, Dark and Handsome Nice Guy with Chronic Hero Syndrome, can fight, can cook (with love even), loves animals, and even shows some skin in the Play Station 3 version's Mitsurugi costume. His normal and swimsuit costumes showing a peek at his chest are certainly appreciated by us fangirls. He also looks great in a tank top.
- Lampshaded by Kowz, who nicknames him "Pheromone Boy".
- Murder Is the Best Solution
- Nerves of Steel: Being very close to dying freaks him out a little.
- Subverted when around Judith. He wholeheartedly admits that he thinks she could rip open a monster's stomach from the inside. And that the idea scares him.
- Nice Guy: Tall, Dark, Snarky and Badass? Oh yes. Otherwise he's actually a nice, friendly guy who likes to help people. Just don't do evil deeds in front of him.
- Nice Hat: Yuri gets two pimp hats as Add-ons.
- The Nicknamer: Seems to have a nickname for everyone—he's coined "Estelle", "Captain", "Judy", "Old Man", "Tweedle A and B", "Apple Head"...
- Pay Evil Unto Evil: He kills Ragou because the law failed to punish him. He later leaves Cumore to drown in quicksand.
- Power Fist: His sub-weapon.
- Pre-Mortem One-Liner: "Tell me. How many times have you heard those same words?"
- Silly Rabbit, Idealism Is for Kids: His response to Flynn's "What the Hell, Hero?" moment:
"You can't deny that lives were saved because those bastards [i.e., Ragou and Cumore] were put down! You'd rather tell people, 'sorry you have to die today, I promise we'll change things soon'."
- Supreme Chef: Presumably perfected his skills from helping out at the inn he lives above, but he started learning how to cook so Flynn wouldn't.
- According to the skits, he's one the best cooks in the party, along with Judith.
- Sweet Tooth: Yuri likes every cookable dish. However, he loves every single dessert.
- Tall, Dark, Snarky AND Handsome!
- Think Nothing of It: Has turned down rewards for several of Brave Vesperia's jobs, much to the rest of the guild's economic despair. Also doesn't mind when people attribute his heroics to Flynn, though Flynn certainly does.
- The Unchosen One
- Vigilante Man: Again, when he kills Ragou and Cumore. He even gets a title for it.
- There's also a sidequest featuring a man who is just as much of a vigilante as Yuri, but more brutal and with fewer scruples and morals. The end reward of the lengthy sidequest is a Badass Longcoat.
- Weapon Across the Shoulder: Look at his picture.
- Weapon of Choice: Swords or axes. Lampshaded in a skit where Estelle and Karol argue over which weapon Yuri would look cooler wielding.
- What the Hell, Hero?: When he kills Cumore, Flynn calls him out on it.
- He later repays the favor by calling Flynn out on his blind faith in Alexei.
- Flynn Scifo
Voiced by: Mamoru Miyano (JP) and Sam Riegel (EN)
Flynn is Yuri's childhood friend who Yuri states that he "could never beat at anything", and a rising star in the Imperial Knights. Over the course of the story he is promoted to Captain, and later Commandant.
Some tropes that apply to Flynn:
- Accidental Hero: He's very often credited for Yuri's work, and is even named Commandant. He doesn't approve of being given all of Yuri's credit and becomes (highly) upset that Yuri doesn't care who gets credit for what he does.
- The Ace: He's even the ace card in the poker minigame.
- Back-to-Back Badasses/Badass Minds Think Alike: With Yuri several times.
- Badass Cape
- Big Damn Heroes: Often heads The Cavalry that bails Brave Vesperia out of situations too big to handle on their own, like halting the war between Dahngrest and the Empire, and ramming the rampaging battleship Heracles off-course so its laser cannon misses the heavily populated Zaphias. Also played in the Big Damn Villains territory when his brigade is the one that's meant to cut Yuri and his party off after Belius' death.
- Bishonen
- Blood Knight: Like Yuri, he seems to be happiest when fighting.
- Blue Eyes
- The Brigadier: After his first promotion.
- The Cape (trope): In contrast to Yuri's cowl.
- Colonel Badass: Especially in the Play Station 3 version where he is promoted into a proper party member. Although he's not quite a colonel—he goes from Lieutenant to Captain to Commandant over the course of the game.
- Combat Medic
- Deadpan Snarker: Mostly in banter between him and Yuri.
- Expy: He is designed to highly resemble classic Tales protagonists, such as Cless and Stahn. As a bonus, he uses the "Demon" Artes skills normally reserved for protagonists.
- He also looks a lot like Guy. In fact, the opening sequence of World: Radiant Mythology 3 shows both guys fighting together.
- Fake Ultimate Hero: To a certain extent. While he does some good, he ultimately gets the credit for most of Yuri's actions.
- Foil: To Yuri. Flynn mostly dresses in white; Yuri is mostly clad in black. Flynn is blonde and idealistic; Yuri is raven-haired and sarcastic. Flynn is the patient, soft-spoken blue oni to Yuri's outspoken, rebellious red oni. Flynn believes in following his duties to the letter, hoping he can set an example to reform the Empire from within; Yuri is disillusioned with the Empire's corruption, and is more than willing to stain his hands with blood if he has to in the name of justice.
- Guest Star Party Member: Only in the Xbox 360 version. The PS3 version, however, upgrades him to a full party member who is available much more often throughout the game, although not often enough to disqualify him from this trope. He permanently joins after Aurnion.
- Hair of Gold: To contrast with Tall, Dark and Snarky Yuri.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Yuri.
- Holy Hand Grenade: His primary element in the original version. Doubles up with Playing with Fire in the Play Station 3 version thanks to his second Mystic Arte, along with Gurenken and Gou Gurenken. He can also combine his light with Blow You Away thanks to a Skill Change in the Updated Rerelease.
- Incorruptible Pure Pureness: One of very few knights wholeheartedly devoted to goodness, and not involved in any shady business. That doesn't mean he's immune to manipulation, however, which is lampshaded to hell and back.
- Inspector Javert: To the party in the first act.
- Internal Reformist: His motivation for joining the Imperial Knights.
- Kamehame Hadoken: He has a frickin' laser beam spell in the Play Station 3 version. Has led to Memetic Mutation with people shouting "FUREN LAYZAA!!" in reference to Dhaos.
- Knight in Shining Armor
- The Lancer: In the Play Station 3 version.
- Lethal Chef: If he follows the recipe to the letter, his food is great. If he doesn't... he is apparently so bad he got the Wonder Chef to yell at him, and causes one of the judges in a cooking contest to spontaneously combust. Yuri comments during a skit that he learned to cook for himself so as to avoid Flynn making the food.
- Cordon Bleugh Chef: The problem with Flynn is that he has a really warped sense of taste. Though it will always look appetizing, there is no way to know what he put in it. Thus, eating a meal cooked by Flynn is much like playing Russian Roulette.
- Magic Knight
- The Paladin
- Reasonable Authority Figure: As a lieutenant in the Knights, and later as Captain, and Commandant.
- Stone Wall: As long as he is not out of TP, he'll take only a fraction of damage.
- Supporting Leader
- Think Nothing of It: Flynn goes out of his way to help people as much as he can, but he doesn't like it when people do this to him.
- Took a Level in Badass: The Play Station 3 version significantly buffed him in every way possible, including turning him into a permanent party member. Unfortunately for the player, this also applies to the Duel Boss against him, which is no longer a joke, even if you know what you're doing.
- Weapon of Choice: Heroes Prefer Swords and Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me, befitting his knightly personality.
- Wide-Eyed Idealist: He believes in making things better by rising high enough to make a difference.
- Repede
Voiced by: Makoto Ishii (JP)
Yuri (and Flynn)'s dog. Mainly a supporting character not directly involved in the plot, but serves as Yuri's loyal companion and moral support. The pipe in his mouth is a memento from his previous master.
Some tropes that apply to Repede:
- Amplified Animal Aptitude: Highly intelligent, and usually seems to understand what the party is saying. He still needs Yuri to read him skill manuals, though.
- Animal Stereotypes
- Big Badass Dog
- Bottomless Bladder: Subverted, he has a sidequest in which he "marks" the various areas of the world.
- Cutlass Between the Teeth
- Item Caddy: Many of his skills augment item usage. There's a skit where the party complains to Yuri about having to use items covered in dog slobber.
- Lightning Bruiser: Repede isn't much more fragile than the other melee characters, and if played right, he can decimate an entire field of enemies before they even have time to react.
- Non-Human Sidekick
- The Nose Knows / Scarily Competent Tracker: Has a very keen sense of smell, and is able to track Regaey/Yeager across an entire continent.
- One-Note Cook: You can assign him to be the party's chef...though all he knows how to make is dog food.
- The Stoic: Justified. He can't talk, after all. Even so, he is very indifferent and haughty towards most of the party, with the exception of Yuri, Flynn, Judith, and Patty.
- Troll: For a dog, he really seems to enjoy messing with Rita and Estelle's heads.
- Weapon of Choice: Fights wielding a knife in his mouth. And sometimes chicken.
- Estellise Sidos Heurassein a.k.a - Estelle
Voiced by: Mai Nakahara (JP), Danielle Judovits (EN)
Yuri finds Estelle while escaping from the castle dungeon. One escape sequence and an attack by a Psycho for Hire later, and the two are running off on a quest to find Flynn. Over the course of the journey, Yuri and Brave Vesperia help Estelle discover who she really is.
Some tropes that apply to Estelle:
- A-Cup Angst: Played with; while she's not flat by any means (she's in the middle in the Boobs of Steel scale by being a both a strike and magica arte user, not to mention between Rita and Judith), she has the most problems with Judith's proportions, leading to this quote...
Estelle: They're...bouncing.
Judith: What are you looking at?
Estelle: I wish I could bounce like that.
- Ironically they do in the opening movie.
- Action Girl: Believe it or not, she is a pretty decent fencer, a good tank, and serves as the game's resident Combat Medic.
- All Your Colors Combined: Combined with a bit of Summon Magic, in her Play Station 3-exclusive Mystic Arte, Ultimate Elements.
- And I Must Scream: After getting Mind Raped by Alexei. She recovers.
- Animals Hate Her: She just can't get Repede to warm up to her, no matter how hard she tries...
- "Why doesn't he like me? (sniff)"
- And she's not getting better with other animals in Radiant Mythology 3.
- Apocalypse Maiden: Prior to act three she was virtually a walking, talking Hermes Blastia.
- Apologetic Attacker: One of Estelle's battle-opening quotes is "I'm sorry if I hurt you!"
- Artificial Stupidity: And how! She has a nasty habit of rushing into combat when she really should be healing, and rarely heals status ailments without being directly ordered to. It takes a large amount of finagling with the AI settings to make things go smoothly.
- Artificial Brilliance: But at the same time? She often uses Faerie Ring to bring enemies close together when Rita or Raven is preparing one with an ability that hits damage around a close area.
- Badass Adorable/Badass Damsel
- Blessed with Suck: As a Child of the Full Moon, she has the ability to use Artes without a Blastia. Oh, and her mere existence causes the world to slowly die by disrupting the Aer flow.
- Brainwashed and Crazy
- Break the Cutie
- The Chick
- Combat Medic
- Cute Bookworm: Adores reading and libraries, and will often wax lyrical about things that remind her of her studies.
- Damsel in Distress
- The Ditherer: For a vast majority of the game, she has a hard time deciding what to do or what she really cares about.
- Friend to All Living Things: Subverted. She really, really tries, but for one reason or another, it doesn't work out for her. Sometimes with tragic consequences, sometimes just plain hilarious, such as her skits with Repede.
- Gratuitous French: Her strongest non-arte attack involves her counting to three in French, and one of her physical artes uses a musical term and a dancing term (respectively) both created by the French. Both conveniently combine to make a decent combo in-game.
Estelle: Un, Deux, Trois! Marche Waltz!
- Green Eyes
- The Heart
- Holy Hand Grenade / Light'Em Up: Her only elemental attacks involve the light element. The Play Station 3 version gives her a few more, though, but this one still takes priority.
- In-Series Nickname: Her full name is "Estellise", though to Brave Vesperia she's "Estelle." To make no mention of the canon "Ristelle" nickname...
- Journey to Find Oneself - The entire premise for the suicide mission of finding Phareoh.
- King Incognito: Even though her reveal as royalty was only a surprise to Karol.
- Trailers Always Spoil: Yuri spoiled this before the game was even out. He distinctly refers to her as "hime-sama" (or: "princess").
- Lady of Adventure
- Lady of War
- Last of Her Kind: Though she isn't technically the last, she's the only remaining Child of the Full Moon that can do something with her power.
- Literal-Minded: Though she drops the habit soon after getting out of the castle.
- Meganekko: Can be turned into one via synth item, and wears glasses while writing in the ending.
- The Messiah
- My God, What Have I Done?: After she accidentally drives Belius mad and when the party is forced to mercy-kill her.
- Nice Girl
- Plucky Girl
- The President's Daughter
- Princess Classic
- Proper Lady
- Rebellious Princess
- Rose-Haired Girl
- Skirt Over Slacks: Her default outfit
- Spoiled Sweet
- Stone Wall: Has the highest defense stat in the game, with many skills that augment defense and guarding. (After all, before Flynn,she's the only party member with a shield!) However, she can still get stunlocked when she runs into the fray and melees.
- Sword Beam: "Star Stroke"!
- Took a Level in Badass: Arguably post-rescue; it's subtle, but afterward she no longer seems to be the same girl wanting to make graves for every monster she killed.
- Trailers Always Spoil: The second Japanese trailer had Yuri address her as "hime-sama"... which means "Princess" in English. Gorrammit, Namco!
- Trauma Conga Line: During part two, she finds out the hard way that her healing artes cause Entelexeia to go insane, then later learns that using her powers could destroy the world. Then she gets kidnapped by Schwann/Raven and tortured into doing the bidding of Alexei, and sent over the edge by his hand that she begs Yuri to kill her. Thankfully, she recovers.
- Weapon of Choice: Royal Rapier or Simple Staff,and Luckily Her Shield Will Protect Her.
- The White Princess / The Ojou
- Karol Capel
Voiced by: Kumiko Watanabe (JP), Julie Ann Taylor (EN)
A Kid Samurai that Yuri and Estelle find wandering through the forest. He was a member of the guild called "The Hunting Blades" but gets fired for desertion. He and Yuri go on to make a new guild called Brave Vesperia.
Some tropes that apply to Karol:
- Awesome Backpack: It might not be a backpack, but it certainly is awesome.
- Charged Attack: With the appropriate skill equipped, his attacks can be charged to deal more damage.
- Combat Medic: Bizarrely enough.
- Cowardly Lion: Karol keeps joining guilds, only to quit shortly afterward when his cowardice sends him running for the hills...traveling with Brave Vesperia allows him to take a level in badass, but he still retains his nervousness in battle.
- He even has several skills that reference this cowardice, ranging from shortening battle escape times to being able to restore HP and MP while "playing dead."
- Cute Shotaro Boy
- Deadpan Snarker: Not as much as Yuri, obviously, but he still has his moments.
- Dishing Out Dirt: Both his first Arte and his first Mystic Arte have a definitive "earth" theme to them. Much like Presea, another Team Symphonia under-age Mighty Glacier.
- Shock and Awe: Havoc Break Skill Changes into this.
- Early-Bird Cameo: In the Play Station 3 version, he can be seen atop a tower in Deidon Hold.
- Gender Blender Name
- Glacier Waif: A male example.
- Humongous Mecha: His second Mystic Arte in the Play Station 3 version is one.
- Idiot Hero
- Improbable Weapon User: Karol's sub-weapon is a bag of hammerspace.
- Jack of All Trades: He might be a Mighty Glacier in-combat, but out of it, he's a competent mapmaker, monster analyst, and handyman, with a wealth of knowledge about the Union and many areas of the world. Justified, since he probably picked up his skills from his constant guild-hopping.
- Kid Hero: He is only twelve.
- Kid Samurai
- The Lancer: Qualifies for this trope in terms of the story due to his personality differences with Yuri and the fact that he's always either the first the one to back him up, or the first one to disagree with him. Combat-wise, he's more of The Big Guy.
- Mighty Glacier: Team Symphonia continues their tradition of prepubescent tanks.
- Oblivious to Love: As seen when he goes into the 100-foe melee in the coliseum, which ends with a rematch against Nan specifically because she claims that she can't have the man she marries be weaker than her. Karol then asks why she's attacking him in that case, thereby triggering her tsun side.
- Shout-Out: Karol has two skills, "Combatir" and "Raynard", which allows him to do more damage when equipped with an axe or a hammer, respectively.
- Stone Wall: Though he doesn't have as many guard-augmenting skills as Estelle, his high HP and defense make him an ideal tank.
- Took a Level in Badass: When he rescues the rest of the party in the Blade Drifts of Zophier.
- Also when he first learns his Mystic Arte—he gets it in a sidequest where he trains using the sword of his hero. The sidequest comes shortly after he watches his childhood hero commit suicide right before his eyes, thus giving him the needed motivation to start training.
- Weapon of Choice: BFS, Drop the Hammer, and An Axe to Grind.
- Wholesome Crossdresser: If chosen for the seduction mission.
- You Shall Not Pass: Karol gets a scene that is arguably his Crowning Moment of Awesome. With the rest of the party paralyzed and a giant monster baring down on them, Karol decides to invoke this trope rather than abandon his friends to a grisly death even though its clear from his expression that this battle is also probably a case of Bring Me My Brown Pants.
- Rita Mordio
Voiced by: Rika Morinaga (JP), Michelle Ruff (EN)
A talented, feisty mage from Aspio. Yuri thinks she stole the Blastia from the lower district. She joins the Nakama to continue her Blastia research, and fights with a scroll and magic.
Some tropes that apply to Rita:
- Action Girl: Has some awesome offensive magic on her.
- Ambiguously Lesbian: She becomes very "dere-dere" around Estelle and seems quite interested in her, to say the least.
- Ambiguous, you say?
- Regardless of which side of the fence you stand on, the main thing to remember about her is that Estelle is the first real friend (or otherwise) that she's had in her life.
- It seems like Namco isn't even bothering to cover it up anymore. They look after a baby in one sidequest in the Play Station 3 version.
- Animal-Eared Headband: Her waitress outfit gives her a cat-ear headband, and a bunny-ear headband is available for everyone.
- Anti-Hero: Type II
- Awesome but Impractical: Her Levitation skill. Even with the Risky Ring to solve the TP consumption problem, it basically negates the more useful Resilience skill. All the same, a flying spellcaster never gets old.
- Badass Adorable: Well, look at the picture for the "adorable" part, and as for the other, head over to "Game Breaker."
- Badass Bookworm
- Black Magician Girl
- Child Mage
- The Comically Serious: Especially during victory poses or skits, when the other party members start being silly.
- Companion Cube: Thanks to her lonely, orphaned childhood, she came to see Blastia as her only friends. She anthropomorphizes them accordingly, bestowing them with names as she interacts with them.
- Covert Pervert: Depending on what you believe Estelle found in her dresser drawer.
- Crossdresser: Her Mao costume from the Play Station 3 version.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Double Standard Abuse (Female on Male): Rita loves to use Karol as her personal punching bag.
- Elemental Powers: Her status as a mage allows her to cast spells from most of the elements in the game, such as Fireball, Tidal Wave, Stone Blast, Spread Zero, etc, although the one she seems to use the most in cutscenes is Fireball, as well as Stone Blast in a Play Station 3 exclusive cutscene.
- Fashionable Asymmetry
- Glass Cannon
- Goggles Do Nothing: ...Neither does the lens. Or the ribbons. Or the thigh-high sock. Yep, Rita is a regular Rummage Sale Reject.
- Green Eyes
- Improbable Age: She started studying Blastia at age 10. That was 5 years ago!
- Fridge Horror: Consider how emotionally detached she is from people while that into account. It seems like there may be more wrong with The Empire's system than even Yuri is aware of.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: She becomes one of these as the game goes on. Initially she's just a jerk, but after Estelle saves her after the Blastia malfunction at Heliord she becomes more open and gains her Heart of Gold.
- Kindhearted Cat Lover: She's a bit rough around the edges, but she is very fond of felines.
- Petite Pride: An NPC dubs her "Flatty McChesterson." Unlike Estelle, she doesn't seem to mind, thinking large breasts just get in the way.
- Although in the skit "The Proper and the Picky" she does seem to get sensitive about it.
- Playing with Fire: Though she has access to spells of most elements, she always defaults to her Fireball spell during cutscenes. There's also mention of her using Fire magic in a skit.
- Samus Is a Girl: Sort of. The person who Yuri was chasing in the beginning was clearly male, but was, for whatever reason, using her name. Thus, he was still surprised when he first met Rita and discovered she was female.
- The Smart Girl
- Squishy Wizard
- Teen Genius: 15-year old Rita is the smartest person in the world. Period. Ask her to create something that will tear the laws of nature asunder and her response will be something like, "Eh, it'll take until breakfast at least."
- Tome of Eldritch Lore: Some of her late game secondary weapons.
- Tsundere: So, so Tsundere.
- Weapon of Choice: Whip It Good (in whip, scarf, and scroll forms), Killer Yoyo, and Throw the Book At Them.
- Why do I have to board a haunted Ghost Ship?
- Zettai Ryouiki: On one leg in her default outfit, and in various incarnations in her alternates. Her waitress costume is around a grade B.
- Raven
Voiced by: Eiji Takemoto (JP), Joe J Thomas (EN)
A 'Fishy Old Man', Raven is the right-hand man of Don Whitehorse, leader of the Five Master Guilds. Yuri initially encounters Raven in a jail cell next to his. Here, Raven gives Yuri the key to his cell so he can escape. The party later encounters him in Capua Nor, where he tricks them into going the opposite way towards Ragou (it works out in the end).
Raven is actually Captain Schwann Oltorain - sent by Alexei to spy on Estelle, and eventually capture her. He later rejoins Yuri after fierce coercion.
Some tropes that apply to Raven:
- Ambiguously Brown
- Back from the Dead
- Badass Longcoat
- Becoming the Mask: Adopted his Raven persona to spy on the guilds and grew to be genuinely comfortable there. Later he used it to spy on Brave Vesperia, and wound up joining them for good.
- Beware the Silly Ones
- Blow You Away: His only elemental artes that he learns normally, except for Serpent, are of the wind element.
- He can gain Tempest and Inverno through Skill Change, however, and the Play Station 3 version gives him two Playing with Fire moves).
- Tempest also doubles as a mix of both Blow You Away and Playing With Fire while Inverno doubles as a mix of Blow You Away and Making a Splash.
- He can gain Tempest and Inverno through Skill Change, however, and the Play Station 3 version gives him two Playing with Fire moves).
- Combat Medic: Love Shot!
- Cool Old Guy
- Cursed with Awesome: He has a Blastia for a heart! Of course that makes him a...
- Death Seeker: Until he's defeated by the party.
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Despair Event Horizon: Happened before the game's events, when he (and his unrequited love, Casey) died in the Great War and Alexei took control of his life.
- Dirty Old Man: Only not as creepy; the only girl in the party he hits on is Judith.
- He does have several... close female friends in Dahngrest, though.
- Easily Forgiven: Although he does have a close eye kept on him.
- Gratuitous Italian: Two of Raven's artes, Arrivederci and Inverno, are Italian words (for "Goodbye" and "Winter", respectively).
- Grumpy Old Man: Although he's only thirty-five, he gets invoked with the "Old Man" nickname by the other, much younger guild members and whines often about not being able to keep up with them physically on their long journeys.
- In the original Japanese script, they refer to him by a slanderous term for a middle aged man. No similar word exists in English, so he gets the Old Man nickname instead, which is only slightly strange given his definitely-not-old age.
- Handsome Lech
- Have I Mentioned I Am Heterosexual Today?: There are a few skits where Raven notes he's not interested in cooking for the guys, or giving them a piggyback. Yuri even teases him in one skit when Raven implies that Estelle's concern for Yuri is because she's 'grown close' to him. Yuri then points out that Raven cares about him as well, so they must have grown close too. Raven of all people, then seems awkward.
- Heel Face Turn: Shortly after he is outed as The Mole he joins your side for real.
- Heroic Sacrifice: He holds up the roof of Baction so the party can escape before it collapses. He gets better.
- Let's Get Dangerous As Schwann. Also, whenever he uses his Mystic Arte, since it burns his own life energy away.
- Like You Were Dying: One of Raven's enter battle quotes after Baction: "Fight like I'm gonna die, huh?". He becomes much less of a Death Seeker after the events of Baction, and has gained a new lease on life by the end.
- Literal Change of Heart: His own heart was replaced with a modified Blastia.
- Load-Bearing Hero: When holding up the ceiling at Baction so the rest of the party can escape.
- Magic Knight: Capable of using both combat Artes and magic Artes.
- He also gets a Useless Useful Spell and Time Stop later on, making him something of a Red Mage-lite.
- The Mole: In both the Guild Union and your party for Alexei.
- Not Brainwashed: Yes, Raven really did kidnap Estelle and hand her over to Alexei of his own free will. Though he was somewhat forced to, since Alexei had control over the continuing function of his Blastia heart.
- Obfuscating Stupidity
- Peek-a-Bangs: As Captain Schwann.
- Perma-Stubble
- Real Men Hate Sugar: He dislikes sweets, but proudly admits in a skit that he learned to bake them to impress girls.
- Real Men Wear Pink And Purple
- Sixth Ranger: Somewhat; he could also fill in as The Big Guy or The Lancer.
- The Southpaw: Most notably in his Schwann guise. Less obvious normally since bow-usage is determined by eyesight rather than hand laterality, meaning that Raven wields his long-range weapon in the conventional manner.
- Split Personality: Raven and Schwann certainly act like they're separate personalities, though it is a deliberate act on his part. Flynn calls him out on it in an optional scene in the Play Station 3 version.
- That Man Is Dead: "Sorry, but you buried that poor schmuck alive yourself. I'm Raven. Pleased ta meet ya."
- Weapon of Choice: Bow and Sword in Accord with Trick Arrow (normal ones, healing ones, landmine-planting ones...) This is played with in-game, as he shifts his fighting style to suit the situation, much like he shifts personalities.
- Welcome Back, Traitor: He kidnaps Estelle, hands her over to Alexei, and then proceeds to fight against you to slow you down in your pursuit. After the fight, the party discover that Alexei has been blackmailing Raven with his life all along, and Raven proceeds to pull a Heroic Sacrifice in order to save the lives of the party. He's welcomed back after a series of good punches.
- I Owe You My Life: A darker version. Yuri states that Raven's life belongs to Brave Vesperia after that little incident.
- Wild Card
- Judith
Voiced by: Aya Hisakawa (JP), Megan Hollingshead (EN)
An aerial specialist that fights with a Blade on a Stick and wears very little clothing. Yuri meets up with her after being captured by Barbos. Turns out, she was the "dragon freak" flying around destroying Blastia.
At first, she accompanies the Guild to continue her mission of destroying out-of-control Blastia, and to spy on Estelle as per Phaeroh's request. Despite herself, she grows close to everyone, and becomes a permanent part of the Guild's Nakama.
Some tropes that apply to Judith:
- Action Girl
- Apologetic Attacker: Only once, but notable because in the battle with Raven, Blood Knight Judith is the only one to apologize for being forced to fight him.
- Badass: The second biggest one in the game, after Yuri.
- The Big Girl: Due to her Blood Knight tendencies and the fact that she's so Badass that even Yuri himself is scared by the possibility that she could rip open a monster's stomach if it ate her, she definitely qualifies. Like Karol, however, she double-teams this trope with The Lancer due to her tendency to carry the Conflict Ball in the mid-game.
- Blood Knight: She mentions that it thrills her to see enemies in pain, and the only time her excitement level goes above "sedated" is in battle.
- Blow You Away & Shock and Awe: Her elemental artes. The latter forms the theme for her Mystic Arte.
- Like Raven, she also got a Playing with Fire move in the Play Station 3 remake.
- Boobs of Steel
- Buxom Is Better
Judith: So you're jealous?
Estelle: Ah--!
Judith: If that's all it is, just wear this outfit yourself.
Estelle: Like my boobs could fill out that top!
- Combat Stilettos: Taken to their logical extreme as her actual secondary weapon.
- Daddy's Girl: Judith's father was the inventor of the Hermes Blastia, and flew around the world on Ba'ul with Judith. In a dialogue with Yuri aboard the Fiertia, Judith says that her father has a huge influence on her, and she misses him a great deal.
- Dragon Rider: She is the armored "dragon freak" that has been flying around destroying Blastia. She and her "dragon" (or rather, Entelexeia) friend Ba'ul have shared a bond ever since she befriended the lonely creature as a child.
- Easily Forgiven: She cripples the party's only mode of transportation and abandons them in hostile territory, but everyone seems to forget this after she rejoins. Then again, the fact that she actually had a very good reason for crippling the ship (the abandonment, less so) probably helped.
- Gainaxing: During her second Mystic Arte in the on the Playstation 3. She's also know by Kowz as "Miss Bouncy-bouncy".
- Guide Dang It: You want to know about her backstory? Good luck, unless you've got a strategy guide to find the hidden scenes.
- Hot Amazon
- Hot Chick in a Badass Suit: In the Play Station 3 version she can get Richter's suit as an alternate costume. She also has the poker dealer's outfit that she can get at the casino, which is basically a vested tux without the topcoat.
- Kick Chick: She can equip greaves as her secondary weapon, and many of her artes are flying kicks and the like.
- Lady of War
- Mad Scientist's Beautiful Daughter: Hermes, the creator of the Hermes Blastia, was Judith's father. She makes it her responsibility to destroy the manufactured Hermes Blastia.
- Ms. Fanservice: Why shouldn't we say she's one of these? She's got nice curves, really nice legs (and tendencies to use them) plus an exposed midriff, so who wouldn't drool over her?
- The fact that she's an excellent fighter skyrockets this even higher. Like your average female warrior, she prefers to be swift and agile during combat, and she pulls off wicked acrobatics and flashy attacks on the battlefront. I'd say she's 200% sexy!
- And there's the fact she loves teasing/flirting with Yuri, Raven, and just about everyone who's interested (see The Tease below).
- Our Elves Are Different: And Judith, herself, is very different from normal Kritya; thanks to her Blood Knight and Ms. Fanservice tendencies.
- Professional Gambler: At Nam Combunda, it is revealed she made most of her traveling money before joining up with Brave Vesperia by gambling. She was quite infamous in the industry for her unflappable poker face.
- Samus Is a Girl: Judith keeps it up longer than Rita.
- She's Got Legs
- Showgirl Skirt
- Statuesque Stunner: She's the second-tallest party member in the game after Yuri.
- Stepford Smiler: She spends the first half of the second part hiding her conflict between keeping her life's mission a secret and her newfound friendship to the party.
- Stripperiffic: As both she and everyone else is aware of.
- And then subverted by her alternate outfits that are less revealing.
- Then the Play Station 3 re-release pulls a Double Subversion by giving her a bikini costume.
- And if that wasn't enough, her cameo costume is Rutee.
- And then subverted by her alternate outfits that are less revealing.
- The Tease
- In one skit where she offers to wears even less than her already revealing waitress outfit...
Raven: Oh, yes! Oh God, YES!!!
- Unusual Ears: Has pointed elven ears and long antennae, like all krityans.
- Weapon of Choice: Blade on a Stick and Simple Staff.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
- Patty Fleur
Voiced by: Chiwa Saitou (JP)
A new character for the Playstation 3 Updated Rerelease. Was originally planned to be in the Xbox 360 version, but was scrapped. Patty is a little girl with dreams of sailing the seas. She talks like an old lady. She is actually the pirate Aifreed, whose crew made her drink a substance that reduced her age at the cost of her memories in order to protect her.
- Action Girl
- Blue Eyes
- Cat Smile
- Cloudcuckoolander: After being rescued from a bug monster, "I wasn't attacked! We were playing!"
- Covert Pervert
- Early-Bird Cameo: In the Xbox 360 version, in Capua Torim's lighthouse, you can find a "woman's pirate hat" in a dresser with a name scrawled on it, although only the first two letters can be made out: "Pa". Namco Bandai flat-out denied that it had anything to do with Patty Fleur, but, well...
- (In the Play Station 3 version, surprising absolutely no one, this is in fact Patty's room.)
- Fighting Clown: Uses playing cards, jack-in-the-boxes, rockets, etc. with random effects ranging from wiping out all enemies instantly to wiping out the party instantly. Handle with care.
- What the Hell, Hero?: Should her abilities create a difficult situation in battle, the other party members will call her on it.
- The Gambler: Her overall battle style.
- Knife Nut: Even if she's shown using guns in most videos, her actual equipable weapon is a knife.
- Laser-Guided Amnesia
- Though becomes Faking Amnesia partway through Act 2.
- Little Miss Badass
- Luck-Based Mission: Meeting all her "Summon Friends" pals for her "Successor to the Great Pirate's Name" title.
- Luck Stat: And she can max it with an exclusive accessory.
- My God, What Have I Done?: She feels this way after killing Seifer, even though he asked that she kill him. Directly after the fact, she regrets having to do it, and sobs over the death of her friend, with Estelle nearby to comfort her.
- Nice Hat
- Older Than They Look
- Pirate Girl
- Rescue Romance: With Yuri. (It's all in her head).
- Spoony Bard
- Stance System: Between Normal, Advance, Brainel, and Critical. Normal is Exactly What It Says on the Tin, Advance emphasizes direct attacks, Brainel caters to range and spell casting, and Critical has the benefits of the previous two. Critical also has so much going for it, it's almost unfair.
- Non-Indicative Name: "Brainel" is not exactly indicative of its purpose, however, since the word doesn't exist in the English language.
- Verbal Tic: Uses old-person slurred speech patterns, nanoja. Not without reason...
The Empire
- Alexei Dinoia
Voiced by: Jurota Kosugi (JP), D. C. Douglas (EN)
The commandant of the Imperial Knights. He seeks to reform the corrupt Empire and Guilds by conquering the world, and is behind Ragou, Barbos, Cumore and Yeager's actions.
- All There in the Manual: His full plan isn't entirely clear on a first playthrough without some digging.
- Authority Equals Asskicking
- Badass Grandpa: Given his age.
- Big Bad: Narratively-wise. Interestingly, he gets defeated after the second act. The last act is, essentially, cleaning up the mess he left. (The "mess" in question is an Eldritch Abomination threatening to devour the entire planet.)
- Broken Pedestal: To Flynn.
- Chekhov's Gunman
- Climax Boss
- Cool Sword
- Depending on the Artist: In the main game, he's a White-Haired Pretty Boy despite being several years older than any of the main characters. In the game's anime cutscenes, the bags and lines on his face make him look like he's in his late forties. The The First Strike struck a balance between the two.
- Despair Event Horizon: Happened to him before the game's events, and more than likely led to his Jumping Off the Slippery Slope. When tasked with protecting the world as Commandant, he realizes the impossibility of the task due to the Blastia culture that's slowly killing it.
- Disc One Final Boss
- Evil Laugh: Just in case you had any doubts he was a villain.
- Go Mad from the Revelation: He puts years of effort into uncovering and controlling Zaude, which he believes to be an ultimate weapon which he can use to force the general populace to give up Blastia. When he activates it he realizes that it is actually a barrier sealing the Big Bad. Upon learning his efforts only hastened the death of the world, Alexei literally snaps, and begins raving about how humans are doomed.
- Knight Templar
- Large Ham: In retrospect, a character voiced by D. C. Douglas really had no choice but to be one.
- Laughing Mad
- The Man Behind the Man: Alexei is behind almost everything in the first two acts.
- My God, What Have I Done?: When he realizes he accidentally released the Adephagos.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Or so you'd think...
- Trailers Always Spoil: The European trailer of the game reveals that you have to fight him.
- Ubermensch
- Villainous Breakdown: After inadvertently bringing back the Adephagos.
- Villain with Good Publicity: Surprisingly subverted. When Alexei shows his true colors, only the Leviathan's Claw Guild (under Yeager) and his personal Brigade continue to support him.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: Despite his abuse of Estelle and her powers, he was trying to reform the corrupt Empire and Guilds...by enacting a military dictatorship under his personal guidance.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: Although his hair color may be from his age.
- Ioder Algios Heurassein
Voiced by: Megumi Ogata (JP)
Estelle's distant cousin, and another member of the Imperial Family. He too was drawn into the succession crisis as a potential Imperial Candidate. He spends most of his time traveling and meeting with Guild leaders to improve the relationship between the Guilds and Empire.
Alexei's insurrection and the Adephagos crisis sees him named as emergency Emperor, and his leadership abilities help form an alliance between the Guilds and Empire. It is implied that he is made Emperor permanently with the support of the Council and Knights, ending the succession crisis.
- Big Good: He basically becomes this for the Empire by the end of the story.
- Dude in Distress: He's introduced by Yuri rescuing him from a sinking ship. Damsel tendencies must run in the family...
- Expy: Looks an awful lot like Flynn, who himself looks an awful lot like Guy.
- Hair of Gold
- Reasonable Authority Figure: First as a noble who's willing to listen to commoners and form treaties with the Guilds, and then as Emperor.
- Royals Who Actually Do Something
- The Wise Prince
- Ragou
Voiced by: ? (JP) and Dino Andrade (EN)
An Imperial Councilmember tasked with governing the port town of Nor Harbor. He is corrupt and depraved; feeding his own people to his pet monsters if they cannot pay his obscenely high taxes. He openly despises Flynn for being a commoner and does his best to make his life difficult.
After using his connections in the Council to escape punishment for his crimes in Nor and nearly starting a war between the Empire and Guilds, Yuri takes matters into his own hands and murders him.
- Aristocrats Are Evil
- Beard of Evil
- Burial At Sea: If "thrown over the rail of a bridge and into a river" counts...
- The Starscream: To Alexei.
- Cumore
Voiced by: Kenji Nojima (JP) and Liam O'Brien (EN)
An Imperial Knight Captain of noble birth. Like Ragou, he also openly despises the commonly-born, especially those who have made a name for themselves in the Knights: namely, Flynn, Schwann, and Alexei. He is the appointed governer of Mantaic, a desert town, and has been tasked by a mysterious benefactor to find the creature Phaeroh.
After the full abuses he has heaped upon his townspeople have been brought to light, Yuri chases him out of his bed at night and watches as he drowns to death in quicksand.
- Ambiguously Gay: Just... look at him. Loads of makeup, namely the blue lipstick, the loads of pink on his outfit, the fact that his outfit makes the shape of a heart twice (in the front and the back)... ...Look at him.
- Aristocrats Are Evil
- Quicksand Sucks: How he meets his end.
- Smug Snake - He seems like one at first, but we soon learn he's much worse.
- The Starscream: To Alexei.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
- The Schwann Brigade
A trio of bumbling knights serving under the perpetually-absent Captain Schwann. They are dedicated to the pursuit of justice, and are determined to get the fugitive Yuri back behind bars.
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: Schwann is a hero of the Great War and a hell of a fighter, but he's also a recluse who leaves everything up to Leblanc. He also likes to sleep in prison cells and has grown far too attached to being Raven.
- Butt Monkey
- Goldfish Poop Gang
- He Knows About Timed Hits: Adeccor and Boccos serve as tutorial bosses throughout Part I.
- Hero Antagonist: For most of act one.
- In-Series Nickname: Yuri seems to prefer "Tweedle A and Tweedle B" to Adeccor and Boccos' real names.
- Inspector Javert
- Misfit Mobilization Moment: They risk life and limb during the Zaphias crisis to evacuate the Lower Quarter when it was given up for lost. And keep them safe in the castle, while fending off attacks from the elite Royal Guard.
- No Indoor Voice: Leblanc.
- Shout-Out: "Tweedle A" and "Tweedle B" ("Just what IS a Tweedle, anyway?!") are obvious references to Alice in Wonderland.
- Those Two Guys: Adeccor and Boccos. The first moment you see them, you immediately know their only purpose in the game.
- Verbal Tic: I say, Adeccor.
- Sodia
Voiced by: Miki Nagasawa (JP), Kate Higgins (EN)
A lieutenant serving in the Flynn Brigade.
- Action Girl: When first attempting to enter Baction, Alexei uses aer to incapacitate your party, leaving you at the hands of a squad of royal guard. When you regain consciousness, the royal guards have been dispatched by Sodia and Witcher.
- Beauty Mark
- Fiery Redhead
- Hot Chick with a Sword
- Karma Houdini: Although Yuri says he hasn't forgotten or forgiven her for stabbing him, she is never actually punished for the murder attempt, nor is it discovered by anyone other than the two involved.
- Knight Templar
- The Lancer: Of Flynn's group.
- Not So Different: As regards Yuri, as brought up in the game's manga adaptation.
- Poisonous Support
- Villainous BSOD: After stabbing Yuri, Sodia is noticably more withdrawn and unsure of herself, going from an Action Girl to begging Yuri for help. Yuri eventually smacks her out of it.
- Witcher
Voiced by: Makiko Omoto (JP), Wendee Lee (EN)
A mage serving in the Flynn Brigade.
- Child Mage
- Cute Shotaro Boy
- Foil: To Rita. Also a child magic prodigy, his personality is in drastic contrast to Rita's bombastic outbursts.
- The Resenter: Also jealous of Rita's ability and fame in the mage community.
- The Short Guy with Glasses
- The Smart Guy: Of Flynn's group.
- Khroma
Voiced by: Satomi Arai (JP), Kate Higgins (EN)
Alexei's aide and secretary, a mysterious Krityan woman. She is an Entelexeia in disguise, keeping tabs on Alexei's movements. She is close to Duke, and is the one who convinces the party to attempt to reason with him.
After challenging the party to defeat her as a test of their worthiness, she is reborn as the wind spirit, Sylph.
- Blow You Away: As the wind spirit, Sylph.
- Chekhov's Gunman
- Elemental Embodiment: Of wind, after her death and rebirth.
- Giant Flyer: In her Entelexeia form. She scales down significantly as Sylph.
- Heel Face Turn: Seems to be doing this when she provides vital information to the party during the Zaphias attack, but she's actually...
- The Mole
- Mr. Exposition: Notable even in her brief appearance during the Zaphias attack, but especially so after she joins with the party, and is the only source of information about Duke's past.
- Our Gryphons Are Different: In her Entelexeia form.
- Sexy Secretary
The Guilds
- Don Whitehorse
Voiced by: Osamu Hosoi (JP), David Lodge (EN)
The head of the Guild Union and Karol's hero. Old friends with the leader of Nordopolica, Belius. He commits suicide to atone for his grandson's inadvertent role in her death, and without his leadership the guild union falls into chaos.
- Badass Grandpa: Quite literally.
- Big Good: For the Guild.
- Cool Old Guy
- Cool Sword
- Duel Boss: In the Play Station 3 version.
- Honor Before Reason: He commits suicide to atone for his grandson's gullibility.
- Hopeless Boss Fight: In the Play Station 3 version. A second playthrough can fix that, however.
- Old Master
- Reasonable Authority Figure
- Seppuku: He commits this to save his grandson's life and his guild's honor.
- Belius
Voiced by: Kujira (JP), Mona Marshall (EN)
The cunning, much-beloved leader of the guild city of Nordopolica, and close friend to Don Whitehorse. She is also an Entelexeia, and is accidentally killed by Estelle in the midst of an invasion of the city by the Hunting Blades and Imperial Troops.
Later reborn as the water spirit, Undine, in the game's third act.
- Ax Crazy: Estelle tries to heal Belius when she gets injured, but her powers are poisonous to the Entelexeia and it leads on to a boss fight.
- Back from the Dead: Is accidentally revived by the party when they attempt to use her apatheia to condense an aer krene in the third act. She is reborn as the water elemental spirit, Undine.
- Barehanded Blade Block: In an Establishing Character Moment, Belius blocks Clint's BFS with a single hand without any visible effort. This leads on to...
- Badass Boast: "I am not to be outdone by mere humans."
- Which becomes Harsher in Hindsight considering what happens next.
- Badass Boast: "I am not to be outdone by mere humans."
- Elemental Embodiment: Of water, after her death and rebirth.
- Fantastic Foxes: Has the appearance of a nine-tailed fox in Entelexeia form.
- Female Monster Surprise: The party is unaware that she's female to start with. Then they find out that she's an Entelexeia on top of that.
- Fire-Forged Friends: May be this with Don Whitehorse, as both fought in the Great War and it's ambiguous as to which sides they were on.
- Humans Are the Real Monsters: Averted. Doesn't hate people as much as some other Entelexeia do.
- Idiot Ball: The game never gives a good reason as to why Belius doesn't agree to meet the party before the night of the Full Moon, and what makes it especially jarring is that nobody comments on how ridiculous it is or mentions it again after the meeting. Apparently, Belius just likes to be awkward.
- Interspecies Romance Ship Tease: Her comment that she wishes Don Whitehorse had been born as one of her race could be interpreted as a one-sided version of this.
- MacGuffin Girl: A rather cruel example, since it's only by her dying that said MacGuffin can be acquired.
- Making a Splash / An Ice Person: Focuses on water and ice attacks even before her death. After, she is reborn as the water elemental spirit, Undine.
- Mr. Exposition: Rather, "Miss." Until the Hunting Blades interrupted.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: And how! In a world where everybody who could give you answers is backstabbing you, manipulating you, or just plain old trying to kill you, it says a lot about the character that Belius is the first one who tries to start answering your questions. Sadly, she gets killed before she can. Additionally, Belius runs the city lawfully, as you might expect a Guild leader to, but at the same time is willing to tell Estelle about her role regardless of whether or not she should rightfully be the one to do so.
- Screw Destiny: She tries to do this, telling Estelle who she is and what her destiny may be and more or less saying "Screw the consequences", but the Hunting Blades interrupt.
- Tragic Monster She becomes one, no thanks to the Hunting Blades.
- We Could Have Avoided All This: ... If you'd let us meet you sooner.
- Zagi
Voiced by: Akio Suyama (JP), Roger Craig Smith (EN)
A psychotic assassin working for Leviathan's Claw who grows increasingly obsessed with Yuri as the game goes on.
- Anime Hair: Is very similar to Yugi's hair.
- Artificial Limbs
- Axe Crazy
- Bad Boss: He kills a Mook for recommending that he retreat instead of fighting Yuri.
- Blood Knight
"My blade... it aches to kill...! I have to kill something!"
- Cybernetics Eat Your Soul
- Diabolus Ex Machina: Zagi has no backstory, no motive, no discernible allegiances (he doesn't even show concern or loyalty to the other members of Leviathan's Claw), no specific goal beyond killing people For the Evulz and no concrete connection to any of the characters. He just turns up at random points, even when it makes no sense for him to do so, to antagonise the party. This is exactly why Yuri is so frustrated with him.
- Disney Villain Death: Crossed with Rasputinian Death.
- Dual-Wielding Knife Nut: Although they are big knives.
- Insane Equals Violent: Oh yeah.
- Laughing Mad: Good lord, yes.
- Limp and Livid
- New Powers as the Plot Demands: In his final confrontation, he uses... some kind of arte that seals the pathway behind him; forcing Yuri and co. to fight him. How and why he has this power is never explained.
- Not So Harmless: Yuri regards him as a joke until his actions almost result in the destruction of Zaphias.
- Psycho for Hire
- Rasputinian Death: Zagi is not only repeatedly beaten up, but thrown off a boat several times, left on an exploding boat, had his mechanical arm short out, poisons himself, and finally dies from falling.
- Recurring Boss: Five times, excluding the Memory Dungeon. Think of it this way, there are that many of the 23 (or 25 in the PS3 version) Secret Missions dedicated to him!
- Reverse Grip
- Talkative Loon: About half of Zagi's dialogue is deranged gibberish. The other half is deranged laughter.
- Villainous Breakdown: Zagi becomes progressively more deranged and less human with each consecutive battle.
- Yeager
Voiced by: Mitsuo Iwata (JP), Spike Spencer (EN)
The leader of Leviathan's Claw, a guild that specializes in assassination and illegal Blastia distribution. In the English version, he speaks with a German accent, while in the Japanese version, he uses Gratuitous English.
- Affably Evil
- Antagonist in Mourning: After Don Whitehorse dies.
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: As a True Neutral arms dealer, he helps whichever side he pleases.
- Dropped a Bridge on Him: He's killed halfway through the Disc One Final Dungeon with most of his motives remaining a mystery.
- Enigmatic Minion
- Evil Counterpart: To Raven.
- Gratuitous English / Gratuitous German: Depending on the version of the game.
- Keep It Foreign: Yeager speaks English in the Japanese version. So to keep up with the foreign trait, he speaks with a German accent in the American version, ja?
Yeager: See you in the funny papers, leibchen!
- Heel Face Revolving Door: He seems to be a villain for ages, then he directs you to Baction and saves your ass on the Heracles. Then in Zaude he's suddenly back to being a villain again.
- Hot Dad: Adoptive father to Gauche and Droite.
- Impossibly Cool Weapon: SHOTGUN SCYTHE.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He's a ruthless double-crossing Blood Knight assassin who donates to an orphanage regularly, and even adopted two of said orphans; now his loyal sidekicks.
- Not So Harmless: The party doesn't consider him to be a threat until his schemes force Don Whitehorse to kill himself.
- Punch Clock Villain: He uses his profits from his guild to finance an orphanage.
- Sdrawkcab Name: Regaey
- Sinister Scythe: See Impossibly Cool Weapon.
- Wicked Cultured
- Gauche and Droite
(Gauche) Voiced by: Satomi Arai (JP), Laura Bailey (EN)
(Droite) Voiced by: Miki Nagasawa (JP), Megan Hollingshead (EN)
A pair of young twins who serve as Yeager's personal bodyguards.
- Badass Adorable
- Bilingual Bonus / Theme Naming: Gauche and Droite means "left" and "right" in French, respectively.
- Blow You Away: Droite's sword deals wind element damage, and her hair is green, representing an affinity for Wind.
- Bonus Boss
- Cool Swords
- Cute Bruisers
- Dark Action Girls
- Different As Night and Day: Gauche is shown to be more violent and unfriendly than her sister Droite, who is more cheerful and kind.
- Easily Forgiven: Spoofed in the coliseum if you fight them with Raven. Droite basically shrugs off Raven's hand in Yeager's death with "Okay!" Gauche is less than pleased.
- Fiery Redhead: Personality-wise, not so much, but because she deals Fire element damage with her sword, Gauche would probably be a more literal example.
- Girlish Pigtails
- Gratuitous French: Gauche and Droite mean Left and Right in French respectively.
- ModerateHam: Droite. The only reason she isn't a bigger one is due to her limited amount of screentime. By contrast, Gauche is very much The Stoic.
- Playing with Fire: Gauche's sword deals fire element damage, and her hair is red, representing her affinity for Fire.
- [[spoiler: Punch Clock Villains: They serve as Yeager's personal bodyguards because he helped fund the orphanage in which the twins lived, and their loyalties lie with him and only him. They serve him as gratitude for his kindness, and as such their duties to him are all that matter to them, regardless of his evil intentions.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: A personality inversion.
- Saying Sound Effects Out Loud: Droite's Thunder Blade incantation:
- Single-Minded Twins
- The Stoic: Gauche.
- Theme Twin Naming: Their names are French for "left" (Gauche) and "right" (Droite)
- You Gotta Have Green Hair: Droite.
- Mary Kaufman
Voiced by: Megan Hollingshead (EN)
The head of Fortune's Market, an extremely successful merchant's guild. A shrewd businesswoman, she is not above taking risks to expand her company, and is one of the few guild leaders willing to do business with the Empire. She employs Brave Vesperia on many occasions, and her company's aid is instrumental in the construction of Aurnion.
- Adam Smith Hates Your Guts: On the Ghost Ship, which Kaufman herself lampshades: "What, you expect me to give you supplies for free? You're kidding! You're gonna have to pay up!"
- Fiery Redhead
- Hot Chick in a Badass Suit
- Stoic Spectacles
- The Hunting Blades
(Clint) Voiced by: Yuji Takada (JP), Travis Willingham (EN)
(Tison) Voiced by: Ryuzo Hasuike (JP), David Vincent (EN)
(Nan) Voiced by: Saeko Chiba (JP), Wendee Lee (EN)
A guild dedicated to ridding the world of monsters. By any means necessary.
- Antiheroic Neutral: Clint doesn't really care about anything except fighting and killing monsters. Anything that doesn't involve one or both of those things is simply none of his business.
- Best Her to Bed Her: Nan.
- BFS: Clint's sword is bigger than he is. And he looks about seven feet tall.
- Blood Knight/Boisterous Bruiser: Most members really enjoy fighting. Tison is the best example.
- Bonus Boss: Clint in the PS3 version.
- Cutscene Power to the Max: Remember Gattuso, the infuriatingly difficult boss of Ehmead Hill? Clint's first appearance has him one shot it.
- Dead Little Sister/Freudian Excuse: The guild is mostly populated by those who have lost loved ones to monster attacks.
- Heel Realization: Clint seems to have a minor change of heart after getting called out by the party, though he tries his best not to show it.
- He Who Fights Monsters
- Improbable Age: Nan is held in high regard as a warrior in the guild... despite being twelve. Since there's no word on when her family was killed by monsters, it's likely Tison has been training her for years to be the warrior she is today.
- Knight Templar
- Psycho for Hire: Implied with Tison. He's quite the Blood Knight and is more than a little bit psychotic.
- Tsundere: Nan.
- Wall Crawl: Tison, showing it off at Caer Bocram.
- Weapon of Choice: Among the three main members, Clint uses a BFS, Tison uses his fists, and Nan uses a Precision-Guided Boomerang about as big as she is.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: The Hunting Blades go in and out of this trope. They want to protect citizens from monsters; but they don't know that the Entelexeia, especially Ba'ul and Belius, are not monsters. Most of their members have a Freudian Excuse.
- Except for Clint, who knew the whole time and attacked them because his parents were killed by an Entelexeia.
Everyone Else
- Duke Pantarei
Voiced by: Rikiya Koyama (JP), Jamieson Price (EN)
A mysterious man who knows a lot about the aer and the Entelexeia. He becomes an antagonist when he decides to sacrifice humanity to destroy the planet-devouring Adephagos.
- All There in the Manual: His surname.
- All Your Powers Combined: His true final boss form gains a new Mystic Arte that combines all of your party's Mystic Artes into one super-powered attack, and will surely kill at least one party member and significantly heal Duke himself.
- Anti-Hero -> Anti-Villain: Starts off as a mysterious, but fairly douchebaggish wanderer who, despite everything, still assists the party. The Adephagos pushes him over the edge, however. He then saves the day, like Shizel did in Tales of Eternia, but unlike Shizel, became the first Tales (series) villian to survive the final battle.
- Badass Baritone: Possibly the deepest voice in the series, which makes his womanly appearance rather hilarious.
- Well, next to Largo, but there's a good reason for that.
- Badass Longcoat
- Big Damn Heroes
- Bishonen Line: He does this in the final boss fight...and if you've collected the Fell Arms, he fuses with them to cross it again and become a demigod. It's at this point that the player starts to regret collecting them.
- Boomerang Bigot: Played with. Duke makes it clear that he doesn't think all humans are terrible. Just the ones who ignore the Entelexeia and live off the luxury provided by the blastia.
- Chekhov's Gunman
- Cool Sword
- Dead Little Sister: His best friend, the Entelexeia Elucifer.
- Defeat Means Friendship: A rare case of actually getting through to the Well-Intentioned Extremist.
- Despair Event Horizon: Happened before the game's events, when his best friend Elucifer is betrayed and killed after helping the humans win the Great War.
- Dude Looks Like a Lady / Viewer Gender Confusion: The first trailers featuring him did not help, considering that it's a woman's voice that talks over his appearance. Then the game was released and we all heard Jamieson Price's voice.
- Early-Bird Cameo: There is a series of optional scenes featuring him. The first couple of these are triggered before he is formally introduced to the player.
- Evil Sounds Deep: Though not so much as evil as rude.
- Expy: It is hard to un-see how the white hair makes him look like Sephiroth. Or an eviler Inuyasha, with the red clothes.
- Fallen Hero: He single-handedly won the Great War for humanity... and then single-handedly gained a Freudian Excuse to turn against them.
- Figure It Out Yourself: Don't expect an insightful conversation with him.
- Final Boss
- Freudian Excuse: He... doesn't have the best opinion of his species, since he single-handedly turned the Great War around for them, and then they stabbed his Crystal Dragon Jesus Lancer in the back.
- Friend to All Living Things: He becomes one during the ending.
- Gratuitous Greek: His last name is a reference to the Neoplatonist philosophy of "panta rhei".
- Grave Marking Scene: Part of the optional sidequest involving him will have you finding him paying his respects at Elucifer's grave.
- Heel Face Revolving Door: First he's an ominous villainous guy who seems threatening, then he gives you Dein Nomos to help you save Estelle. Then he saves Yuri after he falls off Zaude, takes his sword back, and decides that the only way to save the world is to kill mankind.
- Heel Realization: After being defeated by the party, and reminded of Elucifer's wish to protect humanity.
- Humans Are the Real Monsters
- Jerkass -> Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Last Second Chance: He is repeatedly offered one by Yuri and eventually takes it.
- My Species Doth Protest Too Much
- Necessarily Evil: Tarqaron will kill him along with the rest of humanity.
- Nice Job Fixing It, Villain / Funny Aneurysm Moment: An in-universe example of the latter. The Empire has spent the better part of ten years looking for its royal treasure, Dein Nomos, because without it they can't crown a new Emperor (for some reason). As it turns out, Duke pinched it at the end of The Great War: thereby making him directly responsible for the political crisis that has gripped the world for a decade. However, if he hadn't, it's very unlikely that he would have been able to resolve the issue of the Aer Krenes going out of control.
- Nietzsche Wannabe
- No Cure for Evil: Subverted. Part of what makes his optional form That One Boss is that he is able to heal himself. Not only is it very hard to interrupt, but he'll usually heal himself for more damage than you just did.
- One-Man Army: One of the Entelexeia, massive Olympus Mons that can raze armies by themselves, says point-blank that the party has no chance fighting him. This is after you've fought and killed a few Entelexeia yourself.
- One-Winged Angel: Of the Bishounen Line variety. Twice.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Subverted, since they're his natural colour. Played straighter during the finale.
- Restored My Faith in Humanity: In the ending. Sort of.
- True Final Boss: As Radiant Winged One, on a power trip from the Fell Arms.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: He is willing to sacrifice all of humanity (including himself) to prevent the Adephagos from destroying the planet.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy
- Phaeroh
Voiced by: Tetsu Inada (JP), Keith Silverstein (EN)
An ancient, incredibly powerful Entelexeia resembling a phoenix. He is aware of how Estelle's power is causing the world to die, and believes that killing her is the only way to prevent it.
- Back from the Dead: Suiting his phoenix appearance, immediately after being killed by Alexei's armada, he is reborn as Efreet.
- Big Badass Bird of Prey
- Elemental Embodiment: Of fire, after his death and rebirth.
- Hannibal Lecture: He gives one when confronted, but Yuri would have none of it.
- Hero Antagonist: For the first half of act two.
- Humans Are the Real Monsters: Has very little faith in the human race. Considering how he has firsthand knowledge of how humans still haven't learned not to mess with aerflow after the last Adephagos disaster...
- Meaningful Name / Punny Name: His roost is in the desert. His name is Phaeroh.
- Not So Different: To Yuri.
- Playing with Fire: He is reborn after his death as the fire elemental spirit, Efreet.
- The Unfought: He is the only major antagonist who the party never fights - although it certainly helps that the party doesn't want what he fears to happen as much as anybody, and that he wasn't really a true villain.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: He knows killing Estelle is wrong, but believes it's the only way to preserve the world.
- Elucifer
A dear friend of Duke's from the Great War. He was a powerful Entelexeia who advocated living with humans. Though he and Duke fought together during the Great War, the Empire feared his power and murdered him in the aftermath. His grave lies on Ehmead Hill.
- Big Badass Creature: He was reportedly as large as the tree of Halure.
- Dead Best Friend: To Duke.
- One-Man Army: Was responsible for humankind winning the Great War.
- The Pollyanna: He dreamed of humans and Entelexeia living together, and peace for all living things.
- Shoot the Shaggy Dog: Was betrayed by the Empire and murdered while he was injured.
- The Unseen