< Tales of Vesperia

Tales of Vesperia/Characters

Our Heroes

Yuri Lowell

Voiced by: Kosuke Toriumi (JP) and Troy Baker (EN)

Yuri is a commoner born in the lower quarter of Zaphias. Initially seeking to recover the lower quarter's stolen Aque Blastia, he is swept up in an adventure that will take him far beyond the Empire's borders. Although he is quite close to Flynn, they frequently clash over their conflicting world views, and have a friendly rivalry.

Some tropes that apply to Yuri:

"You can't deny that lives were saved because those bastards [i.e., Ragou and Cumore] were put down! You'd rather tell people, 'sorry you have to die today, I promise we'll change things soon'."

  • Supreme Chef: Presumably perfected his skills from helping out at the inn he lives above, but he started learning how to cook so Flynn wouldn't.
    • According to the skits, he's one the best cooks in the party, along with Judith.
  • Sweet Tooth: Yuri likes every cookable dish. However, he loves every single dessert.
  • Tall, Dark, Snarky AND Handsome!
  • Think Nothing of It: Has turned down rewards for several of Brave Vesperia's jobs, much to the rest of the guild's economic despair. Also doesn't mind when people attribute his heroics to Flynn, though Flynn certainly does.
  • The Unchosen One
  • Vigilante Man: Again, when he kills Ragou and Cumore. He even gets a title for it.
  • Weapon Across the Shoulder: Look at his picture.
  • Weapon of Choice: Swords or axes. Lampshaded in a skit where Estelle and Karol argue over which weapon Yuri would look cooler wielding.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: When he kills Cumore, Flynn calls him out on it.
    • He later repays the favor by calling Flynn out on his blind faith in Alexei.

Flynn Scifo

Voiced by: Mamoru Miyano (JP) and Sam Riegel (EN)

Flynn is Yuri's childhood friend who Yuri states that he "could never beat at anything", and a rising star in the Imperial Knights. Over the course of the story he is promoted to Captain, and later Commandant.

Some tropes that apply to Flynn:


Voiced by: Makoto Ishii (JP)

Yuri (and Flynn)'s dog. Mainly a supporting character not directly involved in the plot, but serves as Yuri's loyal companion and moral support. The pipe in his mouth is a memento from his previous master.

Some tropes that apply to Repede:

  • Amplified Animal Aptitude: Highly intelligent, and usually seems to understand what the party is saying. He still needs Yuri to read him skill manuals, though.
  • Animal Stereotypes
  • Big Badass Dog
  • Bottomless Bladder: Subverted, he has a sidequest in which he "marks" the various areas of the world.
  • Cutlass Between the Teeth
  • Item Caddy: Many of his skills augment item usage. There's a skit where the party complains to Yuri about having to use items covered in dog slobber.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Repede isn't much more fragile than the other melee characters, and if played right, he can decimate an entire field of enemies before they even have time to react.
  • Non-Human Sidekick
  • The Nose Knows / Scarily Competent Tracker: Has a very keen sense of smell, and is able to track Regaey/Yeager across an entire continent.
  • One-Note Cook: You can assign him to be the party's chef...though all he knows how to make is dog food.
  • The Stoic: Justified. He can't talk, after all. Even so, he is very indifferent and haughty towards most of the party, with the exception of Yuri, Flynn, Judith, and Patty.
  • Troll: For a dog, he really seems to enjoy messing with Rita and Estelle's heads.
  • Weapon of Choice: Fights wielding a knife in his mouth. And sometimes chicken.

Estellise Sidos Heurassein a.k.a - Estelle

Voiced by: Mai Nakahara (JP), Danielle Judovits (EN)

Yuri finds Estelle while escaping from the castle dungeon. One escape sequence and an attack by a Psycho for Hire later, and the two are running off on a quest to find Flynn. Over the course of the journey, Yuri and Brave Vesperia help Estelle discover who she really is.

Some tropes that apply to Estelle:

  • A-Cup Angst: Played with; while she's not flat by any means (she's in the middle in the Boobs of Steel scale by being a both a strike and magica arte user, not to mention between Rita and Judith), she has the most problems with Judith's proportions, leading to this quote...

Estelle: They're...bouncing.

Judith: What are you looking at?

Estelle: I wish I could bounce like that.

    • Ironically they do in the opening movie.
  • Action Girl: Believe it or not, she is a pretty decent fencer, a good tank, and serves as the game's resident Combat Medic.
  • All Your Colors Combined: Combined with a bit of Summon Magic, in her Play Station 3-exclusive Mystic Arte, Ultimate Elements.
  • And I Must Scream: After getting Mind Raped by Alexei. She recovers.
  • Animals Hate Her: She just can't get Repede to warm up to her, no matter how hard she tries...
    • "Why doesn't he like me? (sniff)"
    • And she's not getting better with other animals in Radiant Mythology 3.
  • Apocalypse Maiden: Prior to act three she was virtually a walking, talking Hermes Blastia.
  • Apologetic Attacker: One of Estelle's battle-opening quotes is "I'm sorry if I hurt you!"
  • Artificial Stupidity: And how! She has a nasty habit of rushing into combat when she really should be healing, and rarely heals status ailments without being directly ordered to. It takes a large amount of finagling with the AI settings to make things go smoothly.
    • Artificial Brilliance: But at the same time? She often uses Faerie Ring to bring enemies close together when Rita or Raven is preparing one with an ability that hits damage around a close area.
  • Badass Adorable/Badass Damsel
  • Blessed with Suck: As a Child of the Full Moon, she has the ability to use Artes without a Blastia. Oh, and her mere existence causes the world to slowly die by disrupting the Aer flow.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy
  • Break the Cutie
  • The Chick
  • Combat Medic
  • Cute Bookworm: Adores reading and libraries, and will often wax lyrical about things that remind her of her studies.
  • Damsel in Distress
  • The Ditherer: For a vast majority of the game, she has a hard time deciding what to do or what she really cares about.
  • Friend to All Living Things: Subverted. She really, really tries, but for one reason or another, it doesn't work out for her. Sometimes with tragic consequences, sometimes just plain hilarious, such as her skits with Repede.
  • Gratuitous French: Her strongest non-arte attack involves her counting to three in French, and one of her physical artes uses a musical term and a dancing term (respectively) both created by the French. Both conveniently combine to make a decent combo in-game.

Estelle: Un, Deux, Trois! Marche Waltz!

Karol Capel

Voiced by: Kumiko Watanabe (JP), Julie Ann Taylor (EN)

A Kid Samurai that Yuri and Estelle find wandering through the forest. He was a member of the guild called "The Hunting Blades" but gets fired for desertion. He and Yuri go on to make a new guild called Brave Vesperia.

Some tropes that apply to Karol:

  • Awesome Backpack: It might not be a backpack, but it certainly is awesome.
  • Charged Attack: With the appropriate skill equipped, his attacks can be charged to deal more damage.
  • Combat Medic: Bizarrely enough.
  • Cowardly Lion: Karol keeps joining guilds, only to quit shortly afterward when his cowardice sends him running for the hills...traveling with Brave Vesperia allows him to take a level in badass, but he still retains his nervousness in battle.
    • He even has several skills that reference this cowardice, ranging from shortening battle escape times to being able to restore HP and MP while "playing dead."
  • Cute Shotaro Boy
  • Deadpan Snarker: Not as much as Yuri, obviously, but he still has his moments.
  • Dishing Out Dirt: Both his first Arte and his first Mystic Arte have a definitive "earth" theme to them. Much like Presea, another Team Symphonia under-age Mighty Glacier.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: In the Play Station 3 version, he can be seen atop a tower in Deidon Hold.
  • Gender Blender Name
  • Glacier Waif: A male example.
  • Humongous Mecha: His second Mystic Arte in the Play Station 3 version is one.
  • Idiot Hero
  • Improbable Weapon User: Karol's sub-weapon is a bag of hammerspace.
  • Jack of All Trades: He might be a Mighty Glacier in-combat, but out of it, he's a competent mapmaker, monster analyst, and handyman, with a wealth of knowledge about the Union and many areas of the world. Justified, since he probably picked up his skills from his constant guild-hopping.
  • Kid Hero: He is only twelve.
  • Kid Samurai
  • The Lancer: Qualifies for this trope in terms of the story due to his personality differences with Yuri and the fact that he's always either the first the one to back him up, or the first one to disagree with him. Combat-wise, he's more of The Big Guy.
  • Mighty Glacier: Team Symphonia continues their tradition of prepubescent tanks.
  • Oblivious to Love: As seen when he goes into the 100-foe melee in the coliseum, which ends with a rematch against Nan specifically because she claims that she can't have the man she marries be weaker than her. Karol then asks why she's attacking him in that case, thereby triggering her tsun side.
  • Shout-Out: Karol has two skills, "Combatir" and "Raynard", which allows him to do more damage when equipped with an axe or a hammer, respectively.
  • Stone Wall: Though he doesn't have as many guard-augmenting skills as Estelle, his high HP and defense make him an ideal tank.
  • Took a Level in Badass: When he rescues the rest of the party in the Blade Drifts of Zophier.
    • Also when he first learns his Mystic Arte—he gets it in a sidequest where he trains using the sword of his hero. The sidequest comes shortly after he watches his childhood hero commit suicide right before his eyes, thus giving him the needed motivation to start training.
  • Weapon of Choice: BFS, Drop the Hammer, and An Axe to Grind.
  • Wholesome Crossdresser: If chosen for the seduction mission.
  • You Shall Not Pass: Karol gets a scene that is arguably his Crowning Moment of Awesome. With the rest of the party paralyzed and a giant monster baring down on them, Karol decides to invoke this trope rather than abandon his friends to a grisly death even though its clear from his expression that this battle is also probably a case of Bring Me My Brown Pants.

Rita Mordio

Voiced by: Rika Morinaga (JP), Michelle Ruff (EN)

A talented, feisty mage from Aspio. Yuri thinks she stole the Blastia from the lower district. She joins the Nakama to continue her Blastia research, and fights with a scroll and magic.

Some tropes that apply to Rita:


Voiced by: Eiji Takemoto (JP), Joe J Thomas (EN)

A 'Fishy Old Man', Raven is the right-hand man of Don Whitehorse, leader of the Five Master Guilds. Yuri initially encounters Raven in a jail cell next to his. Here, Raven gives Yuri the key to his cell so he can escape. The party later encounters him in Capua Nor, where he tricks them into going the opposite way towards Ragou (it works out in the end).

Raven is actually Captain Schwann Oltorain - sent by Alexei to spy on Estelle, and eventually capture her. He later rejoins Yuri after fierce coercion.

Some tropes that apply to Raven:


Voiced by: Aya Hisakawa (JP), Megan Hollingshead (EN)

An aerial specialist that fights with a Blade on a Stick and wears very little clothing. Yuri meets up with her after being captured by Barbos. Turns out, she was the "dragon freak" flying around destroying Blastia.

At first, she accompanies the Guild to continue her mission of destroying out-of-control Blastia, and to spy on Estelle as per Phaeroh's request. Despite herself, she grows close to everyone, and becomes a permanent part of the Guild's Nakama.

Some tropes that apply to Judith:

Judith: So you're jealous?
Estelle: Ah--!
Judith: If that's all it is, just wear this outfit yourself.
Estelle: Like my boobs could fill out that top!

  • Combat Stilettos: Taken to their logical extreme as her actual secondary weapon.
  • Daddy's Girl: Judith's father was the inventor of the Hermes Blastia, and flew around the world on Ba'ul with Judith. In a dialogue with Yuri aboard the Fiertia, Judith says that her father has a huge influence on her, and she misses him a great deal.
  • Dragon Rider: She is the armored "dragon freak" that has been flying around destroying Blastia. She and her "dragon" (or rather, Entelexeia) friend Ba'ul have shared a bond ever since she befriended the lonely creature as a child.
  • Easily Forgiven: She cripples the party's only mode of transportation and abandons them in hostile territory, but everyone seems to forget this after she rejoins. Then again, the fact that she actually had a very good reason for crippling the ship (the abandonment, less so) probably helped.
  • Gainaxing: During her second Mystic Arte in the on the Playstation 3. She's also know by Kowz as "Miss Bouncy-bouncy".
  • Guide Dang It: You want to know about her backstory? Good luck, unless you've got a strategy guide to find the hidden scenes.
  • Hot Amazon
  • Hot Chick in a Badass Suit: In the Play Station 3 version she can get Richter's suit as an alternate costume. She also has the poker dealer's outfit that she can get at the casino, which is basically a vested tux without the topcoat.
  • Kick Chick: She can equip greaves as her secondary weapon, and many of her artes are flying kicks and the like.
  • Lady of War
  • Mad Scientist's Beautiful Daughter: Hermes, the creator of the Hermes Blastia, was Judith's father. She makes it her responsibility to destroy the manufactured Hermes Blastia.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Why shouldn't we say she's one of these? She's got nice curves, really nice legs (and tendencies to use them) plus an exposed midriff, so who wouldn't drool over her?
    • The fact that she's an excellent fighter skyrockets this even higher. Like your average female warrior, she prefers to be swift and agile during combat, and she pulls off wicked acrobatics and flashy attacks on the battlefront. I'd say she's 200% sexy!
    • And there's the fact she loves teasing/flirting with Yuri, Raven, and just about everyone who's interested (see The Tease below).
  • Our Elves Are Different: And Judith, herself, is very different from normal Kritya; thanks to her Blood Knight and Ms. Fanservice tendencies.
  • Professional Gambler: At Nam Combunda, it is revealed she made most of her traveling money before joining up with Brave Vesperia by gambling. She was quite infamous in the industry for her unflappable poker face.
  • Samus Is a Girl: Judith keeps it up longer than Rita.
  • She's Got Legs
  • Showgirl Skirt
  • Statuesque Stunner: She's the second-tallest party member in the game after Yuri.
  • Stepford Smiler: She spends the first half of the second part hiding her conflict between keeping her life's mission a secret and her newfound friendship to the party.
  • Stripperiffic: As both she and everyone else is aware of.
    • And then subverted by her alternate outfits that are less revealing.
  • The Tease
    • In one skit where she offers to wears even less than her already revealing waitress outfit...

Patty Fleur

Voiced by: Chiwa Saitou (JP)

A new character for the Playstation 3 Updated Rerelease. Was originally planned to be in the Xbox 360 version, but was scrapped. Patty is a little girl with dreams of sailing the seas. She talks like an old lady. She is actually the pirate Aifreed, whose crew made her drink a substance that reduced her age at the cost of her memories in order to protect her.

The Empire

Alexei Dinoia

Voiced by: Jurota Kosugi (JP), D. C. Douglas (EN)

The commandant of the Imperial Knights. He seeks to reform the corrupt Empire and Guilds by conquering the world, and is behind Ragou, Barbos, Cumore and Yeager's actions.

Ioder Algios Heurassein

Voiced by: Megumi Ogata (JP)

Estelle's distant cousin, and another member of the Imperial Family. He too was drawn into the succession crisis as a potential Imperial Candidate. He spends most of his time traveling and meeting with Guild leaders to improve the relationship between the Guilds and Empire.

Alexei's insurrection and the Adephagos crisis sees him named as emergency Emperor, and his leadership abilities help form an alliance between the Guilds and Empire. It is implied that he is made Emperor permanently with the support of the Council and Knights, ending the succession crisis.


Voiced by: ? (JP) and Dino Andrade (EN)

An Imperial Councilmember tasked with governing the port town of Nor Harbor. He is corrupt and depraved; feeding his own people to his pet monsters if they cannot pay his obscenely high taxes. He openly despises Flynn for being a commoner and does his best to make his life difficult.

After using his connections in the Council to escape punishment for his crimes in Nor and nearly starting a war between the Empire and Guilds, Yuri takes matters into his own hands and murders him.


Voiced by: Kenji Nojima (JP) and Liam O'Brien (EN)

An Imperial Knight Captain of noble birth. Like Ragou, he also openly despises the commonly-born, especially those who have made a name for themselves in the Knights: namely, Flynn, Schwann, and Alexei. He is the appointed governer of Mantaic, a desert town, and has been tasked by a mysterious benefactor to find the creature Phaeroh.

After the full abuses he has heaped upon his townspeople have been brought to light, Yuri chases him out of his bed at night and watches as he drowns to death in quicksand.

The Schwann Brigade

A trio of bumbling knights serving under the perpetually-absent Captain Schwann. They are dedicated to the pursuit of justice, and are determined to get the fugitive Yuri back behind bars.


Voiced by: Miki Nagasawa (JP), Kate Higgins (EN)

A lieutenant serving in the Flynn Brigade.

  • Action Girl: When first attempting to enter Baction, Alexei uses aer to incapacitate your party, leaving you at the hands of a squad of royal guard. When you regain consciousness, the royal guards have been dispatched by Sodia and Witcher.
  • Beauty Mark
  • Fiery Redhead
  • Hot Chick with a Sword
  • Karma Houdini: Although Yuri says he hasn't forgotten or forgiven her for stabbing him, she is never actually punished for the murder attempt, nor is it discovered by anyone other than the two involved.
  • Knight Templar
  • The Lancer: Of Flynn's group.
  • Not So Different: As regards Yuri, as brought up in the game's manga adaptation.
  • Poisonous Support
  • Villainous BSOD: After stabbing Yuri, Sodia is noticably more withdrawn and unsure of herself, going from an Action Girl to begging Yuri for help. Yuri eventually smacks her out of it.


Voiced by: Makiko Omoto (JP), Wendee Lee (EN)

A mage serving in the Flynn Brigade.


Voiced by: Satomi Arai (JP), Kate Higgins (EN)

Alexei's aide and secretary, a mysterious Krityan woman. She is an Entelexeia in disguise, keeping tabs on Alexei's movements. She is close to Duke, and is the one who convinces the party to attempt to reason with him.

After challenging the party to defeat her as a test of their worthiness, she is reborn as the wind spirit, Sylph.

The Guilds

Don Whitehorse

Voiced by: Osamu Hosoi (JP), David Lodge (EN)

The head of the Guild Union and Karol's hero. Old friends with the leader of Nordopolica, Belius. He commits suicide to atone for his grandson's inadvertent role in her death, and without his leadership the guild union falls into chaos.


Voiced by: Kujira (JP), Mona Marshall (EN)

The cunning, much-beloved leader of the guild city of Nordopolica, and close friend to Don Whitehorse. She is also an Entelexeia, and is accidentally killed by Estelle in the midst of an invasion of the city by the Hunting Blades and Imperial Troops.

Later reborn as the water spirit, Undine, in the game's third act.

  • Ax Crazy: Estelle tries to heal Belius when she gets injured, but her powers are poisonous to the Entelexeia and it leads on to a boss fight.
  • Back from the Dead: Is accidentally revived by the party when they attempt to use her apatheia to condense an aer krene in the third act. She is reborn as the water elemental spirit, Undine.
  • Barehanded Blade Block: In an Establishing Character Moment, Belius blocks Clint's BFS with a single hand without any visible effort. This leads on to...
  • Elemental Embodiment: Of water, after her death and rebirth.
  • Fantastic Foxes: Has the appearance of a nine-tailed fox in Entelexeia form.
  • Female Monster Surprise: The party is unaware that she's female to start with. Then they find out that she's an Entelexeia on top of that.
  • Fire-Forged Friends: May be this with Don Whitehorse, as both fought in the Great War and it's ambiguous as to which sides they were on.
  • Humans Are the Real Monsters: Averted. Doesn't hate people as much as some other Entelexeia do.
  • Idiot Ball: The game never gives a good reason as to why Belius doesn't agree to meet the party before the night of the Full Moon, and what makes it especially jarring is that nobody comments on how ridiculous it is or mentions it again after the meeting. Apparently, Belius just likes to be awkward.
  • Interspecies Romance Ship Tease: Her comment that she wishes Don Whitehorse had been born as one of her race could be interpreted as a one-sided version of this.
  • MacGuffin Girl: A rather cruel example, since it's only by her dying that said MacGuffin can be acquired.
  • Making a Splash / An Ice Person: Focuses on water and ice attacks even before her death. After, she is reborn as the water elemental spirit, Undine.
  • Mr. Exposition: Rather, "Miss." Until the Hunting Blades interrupted.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: And how! In a world where everybody who could give you answers is backstabbing you, manipulating you, or just plain old trying to kill you, it says a lot about the character that Belius is the first one who tries to start answering your questions. Sadly, she gets killed before she can. Additionally, Belius runs the city lawfully, as you might expect a Guild leader to, but at the same time is willing to tell Estelle about her role regardless of whether or not she should rightfully be the one to do so.
  • Screw Destiny: She tries to do this, telling Estelle who she is and what her destiny may be and more or less saying "Screw the consequences", but the Hunting Blades interrupt.
  • Tragic Monster She becomes one, no thanks to the Hunting Blades.
  • We Could Have Avoided All This: ... If you'd let us meet you sooner.


Voiced by: Akio Suyama (JP), Roger Craig Smith (EN)

A psychotic assassin working for Leviathan's Claw who grows increasingly obsessed with Yuri as the game goes on.

"My blade... it aches to kill...! I have to kill something!"


Voiced by: Mitsuo Iwata (JP), Spike Spencer (EN)

The leader of Leviathan's Claw, a guild that specializes in assassination and illegal Blastia distribution. In the English version, he speaks with a German accent, while in the Japanese version, he uses Gratuitous English.

Yeager: See you in the funny papers, leibchen!

Gauche and Droite

(Gauche) Voiced by: Satomi Arai (JP), Laura Bailey (EN)
(Droite) Voiced by: Miki Nagasawa (JP), Megan Hollingshead (EN)

A pair of young twins who serve as Yeager's personal bodyguards.


Mary Kaufman

Voiced by: Megan Hollingshead (EN)

The head of Fortune's Market, an extremely successful merchant's guild. A shrewd businesswoman, she is not above taking risks to expand her company, and is one of the few guild leaders willing to do business with the Empire. She employs Brave Vesperia on many occasions, and her company's aid is instrumental in the construction of Aurnion.

The Hunting Blades

(Clint) Voiced by: Yuji Takada (JP), Travis Willingham (EN)
(Tison) Voiced by: Ryuzo Hasuike (JP), David Vincent (EN)
(Nan) Voiced by: Saeko Chiba (JP), Wendee Lee (EN)

A guild dedicated to ridding the world of monsters. By any means necessary.

Everyone Else

Duke Pantarei

Voiced by: Rikiya Koyama (JP), Jamieson Price (EN)

A mysterious man who knows a lot about the aer and the Entelexeia. He becomes an antagonist when he decides to sacrifice humanity to destroy the planet-devouring Adephagos.


Voiced by: Tetsu Inada (JP), Keith Silverstein (EN)

An ancient, incredibly powerful Entelexeia resembling a phoenix. He is aware of how Estelle's power is causing the world to die, and believes that killing her is the only way to prevent it.


A dear friend of Duke's from the Great War. He was a powerful Entelexeia who advocated living with humans. Though he and Duke fought together during the Great War, the Empire feared his power and murdered him in the aftermath. His grave lies on Ehmead Hill.

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