< Taimanin Asagi

Taimanin Asagi/Characters


In General

Taimanins or "Anti-Demon Ninjas". A group of super powered ninjas task with dealing with the corruptions created by demons and "evil influenced" people. Each taimanin seems to have their own unique superhuman ability (e.g. Asagi's Super Speed, Sakura's ability to travel through shadows, Yukikaze's ability to generate lighting, and etc.). Most taimanins live in the fictional village of Gokuruma, which double as their base of operation. Younger taimanins are trained at Gosha Academy. Usually taimanins are often paired in teams of two when going on missions, sometimes three or more depending on the missions. However, more experienced veteran Taimanins have been known to go on sole missions.

  • Action Girl: Many of the female Taimanins, although they tend to zigzag between this and Faux Action Girls.
  • Amazon Brigade: Subverted. While most of the Taimanin featured are female, there are several male members within their ranks, notable examples include Kurou Yatsu and Tatsurou Akiyama.
  • Angst? What Angst?: Being able to invoke this trope seems to be a job requirement. It's also one of the only explanations for why every Taimanin who has gotten tortured/raped, ESPECIALLY Asagi, hasn't gone completely insane. This can be subverted in the series's many Downer Ending routes, but those are all non-canon to the main story, and are more like What If scenarios.
  • Badass Crew: They are a group of super powered, Demon Slaying ninjas.
  • Badass Family: The occupation seems to be a family business. Examples include the Igawa sisters (Asagi and Sakura) and the Yatsu siblings(Murasaki, Kurou, and Aiko). Also, the Mizuki, Akiyama, and Kokawa families have apparently been Taimanins for generations. The Fridge Brilliance in this is that most taimanins acquire their abilities genetically, as its implied that all taimanins have some form of demon lineage.
  • Color-Coded Characters: Each has their own uniquely colored uniform.
  • Combat Stilettos: All female taimanins wear them, because Rule of Sexy.
  • Demon Slaying: Their main job, hence the name "Anti-Demon Ninja".
  • Dude Magnet: Many of the female Taimanins fit this description, but in a Crapsack World filled with depraved rapists, this isn't a good thing.
  • Faux Action Girl: Zigzagged between being genuine Action Girls and this. They are usually portrayed as Action Girls during the standard Action Prologue in each installment. Since this series is a Hentai, they would spend most of the story being captured and sexually tortured by whoever is acting as the Big Bad at time. However, in most cases, the second they are free from whatever was keeping them subjugated to the villains... let's just say it does not end well for the bad guys.
  • Flash Step: All Taimanin seems to posses this ability.
  • Fighter, Mage, Thief: The main trio in Taimanin Yukikaze seems to fit this. Rinko is the Fighter being the Master Swordsman of the trio, whose fighting style is best equip to take on opponents at close range. Yukikaze is the Mage since she uses Handgun that shoot out lightning bullets. Out of the three, Yukikaze possesses the most destructive power. Tatsurou is the Thief since his wind abilities is best suited for stealth and support, but has the least offensive abilities.
  • Form-Fitting Wardrobe: Tends to be the standard uniform for most Taimanins.
  • Highly-Visible Ninjas: Seeing as how brightly colored their uniforms are. There is also the fact that their outfits are more likely to draw attention.
  • Idiot Ball: Remember this is a Hentai, so naturally your favorite heroes are going to get hit with this hard, and repeatedly.
  • Lovely Angels: Many of their two person teams tend to form this.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Well this is a Hentai, so most of the female Taimanins fit this description.
  • Ninjas: A near-future Cyberpunk variation.
  • Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: Superhero, Demon Slaying Cyberpunk ninjas with demon ancestry. Individual members like Kurenai (half-vampire) and Asuka (cyborg) take it a step further.
  • Power Trio: Many of the taimanins form this. In the main games, we have Asagi, Sakura, and Murasaki. In the Taimanin Yukikaze Spin-Off series, we have Yukikaze, Rinko, and Tatsurou.
  • Roof Hopping
  • Sexy Backless Outfit: Many of the Taimanin's uniforms have their backs complete exposed. Not only is this done because of Rule of Sexy, it makes the outfits more practical to taking them on and off.
  • Sleeves Are for Wimps: With a few exceptions like Rinko and some of the males, most Taimanin wear sleeveless uniforms, both as a showing of strength and because Rule of Sexy.
  • So Beautiful It's a Curse: Once again this is a rather dark Hentai, so naturally many of the female Taimanins suffer because of this.
  • Spy Catsuit: The standard uniform.
  • Stripperiffic: Many of the Taimanin tend to wear rather revealing outfits, as one would expect from a hentai.
  • Super-Powered Evil Side: According to Clone Oboro, all taimanins have the potential of acquiring this, due to their demon linage. So far, only Asagi and Kurenai has been able to obtain this. However, Taimanin Asagi Battle Arena does show what many of the Taimanins (including Sakura and Murasaki) would look like if they ever attain this power.
  • Superpowerful Genetics: Taimanin's have various abilities (Asagi can move at light speed, Sakura can travel through shadows, etc). Its actually implied by Oboro that most, if not all, Taimanins have some form of demon lineage, which would explain their supernatural abilities.
  • Vapor Wear: If it wasn't already obvious from the characters' profile images, most Taimanin don't wear anything under their uniform.

Asagi Igawa

This story's main character. The game operates along her point of view. She is one person of the Anti-Demon Ninja. She is a female ninja of justice going against the demon people's heretical doctrine. She lost both of her parents early and now only has her sister. Ingenious at the martial art of fencing, she has speedily excelled her training, and is recognized from her achievements thus far as the strongest of those repelling the demon influence. Her childhood friend, and her love, Kyousuke Sawaki, kept her father company as a pupil of his until he passed away. Above anything else, all female ninjas, like Asagi, walk among the scenes of carnage, and as such, believes that her duties always take priority, thus regards and acknowledges lovemaking as strictly taboo, and as such, Asagi is forced, much too often, to cast away Kyousuke's love.

Ninja Arts: Sword Battle Petal A kind of branching technique. It is able to kill several opponents all at once, sending it out in an arc to hundreds of bodies at its greatest efficiency. Furthermore, its scope reaches one's field of vision, being able to send out in an instant anywhere a delivery, sort of like an aircraft fighter locking on a target. This battle system of ninjitsu is at its strongest when its used in close quarters.

  • Absurdly Youthful Mother: In Taimanin Asagi 3. She is the adapted mother of the teenaged Kosuke and Asuka.
  • The Ace: Often regarded as the "strongest Taimanin".
  • Badass: When not otherwise rendered unable to fight, she's pretty badass.
    • Badass in Distress: Come with the territory of being the main protagonist in a hentai series centered around hardcore rape.
  • Balloon Belly: This happens to her a few time in the visual novels and OVA series due to cum inflation.
  • Battle in the Center of the Mind: Let's just say that Asagi and her inner demon Kage don't often see eye to eye.
  • BFS: Gets a cool collapsible one to go along with her new taimanin suit, neither last long unfortunately.
  • Big Damn Hero: In the good ending route of Taimanin Yukikaze, she saves both Yukikaze and Rinko before they were force to be Sex Slave at Under Eden.
  • Big Sister Instinct: She is very protective of Sakura and would willingly suffer any form of torture if it would protect her sister. In the visual novel of TA2, Asagi's Super-Powered Evil Side was triggered when she thought Saya killed Sakura.
  • Breast Expansion: Happens to Asagi in the first game, is retained in the second onwards, even being a minor plot point in the second game.
  • Butt Monkey: Has an entire franchise focused on torturing her, her family, her friend, and students. Life isn't exactly good to her.
  • Cool Big Sis: Sakura considers her to be this.
  • Determinator: Possible her most defining feature, in terms of personality.
  • Dirty Harriet: In Taimanin Asagi 2, she and Sakura disguise themselves as prostitute while investigating Tokyo Kingdom.
  • Even the Girls Want Her: Characters from both genders are shown to be attracted to her, for example, Murasaki has a huge crush on her. However, this isn't necessarily a good thing, considering many have the female villains want to have their way with her.
  • Evil Costume Switch: Two. One happens when her Super-Powered Demonic Side takes over, which has a darker take on her usual kunoichi attire, and the other occurs courtesy of Edwin Black in one of the endings to the third game, in which Asagi gets turned into a vampire.
  • Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling: The "Responsible Sibling" to Sakura's "Foolish Sibling".
  • Faux Action Girl: Is often shown losing a majority of her fights, but to be fair, her defeats are often caused by a case of Worf Had the Flu.
  • Green Eyes
  • Heir to the Dojo
  • I Just Want to Be Normal: In the first game. All she ever wanted was to settle down with her childhood friends and put her Taimanin days behind her. Unfortunately, her past caught up to her, and she decide to stay as a Taimanin ever since.
  • Jail Bait Wait: Waited until Kousuke was of age (about roughly 9 years) before starting an intimate relationship with him. Granted, she probable didn't consider have a relationship with Kousuke until he was close to the age of consent.
  • The Leader: Became the official leader of Taimanin organization sometime before the advents of Taimanin Yukikaze.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Asagi's power allows her to move at the speed of light.
  • Lovely Angels: Forms this with Sakura during the first two games.
  • Magical Girlfriend: For her completely normal boyfriend, Kyousuke. Slightly subverted with Kousuke since, unlike his brother, Kousuke does possess some form of supernatural abilities.
  • The Mentor: Being a teacher at Goshu Academy and later the leader of the Taimanins, Asagi had a large part in training many of the younger Taimanins. Some of her students include her sister Sakura, Murasaki, Yukikaze, Rinko, Tatsuro, and her prodigy and adopted daughter, Asuka.
  • A Mother to Her Men
  • Ms. Robinson: In TA3, after she began to have a relationship with the teenaged Kousuke, the younger brother of her late boyfriend. Keep in mind that Asagi would be in her early 30s at this time.
  • Promotion to Parent: After Kyousuke's death she adopts his younger brother Kosuke and Asuka. Before that, she also raised Sakura after they were orphaned.
  • The Protagonist: For most of the franchise, particularly the main games.
  • Purple Is Powerful: Stated to be the most powerful Taimanin in-series, and her uniform is purple.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The Blue Oni to Sakura's Red Oni.
  • Retirony: At the beginning of the first game, Asagi was planning to marry Kyousuke and leave the demon-hunting business...let's just say it didn't work out, and Asagi did not stay in retirement for very long.
  • Settle for Sibling: Began to form a relationship with Kousuke, Kyousuke's younger brother, in TA3, almost ten years after Kyousuke's death.
  • Sex Slave: Was forced to be this on a couple of occasions.
  • Sibling Team: With Sakura.
  • Speed Blitz: Her unique ninja ability is basically this.
  • Spy Catsuit: Her signature outfit. Usually wears a purple one, but few occasions, she is also seen wearing a white one.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: She's definitely the more feminine of the two as opposed to her sister, being much more demure and ladylike.
  • Wife Husbandry: A gender-swap variation from the usual examples. Asagi is Kousuke's legal guardian after his brother's death, and has raised the boy for the past 9 years. Seeing as Kousuke would be in his mid-to-late teens in TA3, it's safe to say that Asagi has raised him since childhood, doesn't stop them from forming a relationship.

    Sakura Igawa

    Heroine and Asagi's younger sister. A beautiful girl favoring a winning, vigorous attitude. She holds one side of her sister as being brave and gallant. Much like Asagi, she's endowed with the strong ability of the ninja from heredity, yet her strength is still much at an apprentice level. She wants to use her strength for the benefit of justice, aspiring to become an Anti-Demon Ninja member, opposing evil with Asagi. Nevertheless, she keeps her pursuit of knowledge and training hidden from her older sister.

    • Adorkable: She can be quite the goofball at times.
    • Ambiguously Bi: She been shown to be attracted to guys, but has her Les Yay moments with Murasaki.
    • Beware the Silly Ones: She tends to be rather childish and goofy outside of battle, but she is still a force to be reckoned with.
    • Brainwashed and Crazy: In Taimanin Asagi 3, Sakura and Murasaki are killed by enemy soldiers and then absorbed by Edwin Black. They are later brought back to life as demonic futanari with few, if any, memories of Asagi, and under Black's instructions gleefully torture, rape, and kill their own students, and attempt to do the same to Asagi. In one of the endings, they even keep her as a sex slave.
    • Breast Expansion: Suffers this in the OVA series, thank to Oboro. Her breasts were enlarged to gigantic portions. As a Mythology Gag, her breast inflated in TA3 to the same portions they were in the OVA for one of her H-scenes.
    • Casting a Shadow: Her ninja ability. Her main ability is to travel between shadows.
    • Cat Smile: Most likely given to her to highlight her youthful personality.
    • Cool Big Sis: Acts like this toward Kousuke.
    • Demoted to Extra: Goes from being the Deuteragonist to a regular supporting character in Taimanin Asagi 3. Asuka ends up filling the role of the deuteragonist during that game.
    • Dirty Harriet: In Taimanin Asagi 2, she disguised herself as a prostitute while investigating Tokyo Kingdom along with her sister.
    • Deuteragonist: In Taimanin Asagi 1 and 2.
    • Even the Girls Want Her: Has her Ship Tease moments with Murasaki. However, like her sister, the darker variation of this is that she has been raped by other women (namely  Oboro and Saya) as a result.
    • Foil: To Asagi. While Asagi is normally serious, stern, and responsible, Sakura is energetic, silly, and carefree. Asagi is a veteran Taimanin, while Sakura is relatively new at being a Taimanin during the earlier parts of the series.
    • Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling: The "Foolish Sibling" to Asagi's "Responsible Sibling".
    • Genki Girl: Sakura is probably one of the most energetic character in the whole series.
    • Katanas Are Just Better: Her preferred weapon, just like her sister.
    • Leotard of Power: Part of her pre-Taimanin Asagi 3 ninja outfit.
    • Lovely Angels: Forms this with Asagi during the first two game. She later partners up with Murasaki in later installments.
    • Modesty Shorts: Part of her civilian outfit in the upcoming TA0. This might come off as a bit odd for character in a Hentai.
    • Mythology Gag: Originally, her Breast Expansion occurred exclusively in OVA series. However, in TA3 her breasts are inflated again to the same gigantic portions they were in the OVA, but only for a single H-scene.
    • Otaku: Love to spend her free time watching anime and sentai shows.
    • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The Red Oni to Asagi's, and later Murasaki's, Blue Oni.
    • School Idol: Being Asagi's sister certainly helps, although many of the students at Goshu academy seems to like her more since Sakura is much more approachable than Asagi.
    • Sex Slave: Like her sister, Sakura was forced to be this on more than one occasion.
    • She Is All Grown Up: Her body is noticeable a lot more developed in Taimanin Asagi 3.
    • Sibling Team: Forms this with Asagi.
    • Sidekick: For Asagi until Taimanin Asagi 3.
    • Skilled but Naive: During the fight couple of games. For a while, she didn't even know what unique ninja ability that she possessed until latter in the series.
    • Spy Catsuit: A brownish-gray one with yellow highlights.
    • Taking the Bullet: In Taimanin Asagi 2, Sakura does this to protect Asagi from Saya's attack. This act is what fueled Asagi to use her inner demon, Kage, to defeat Saya. Although injured, she does survive from this.
    • Tan Lines: She has a slight sun tan in TA3, which is made much more noticeable when her tan lines are revealed.
    • Tomboy and Girly Girl: The Tomboy to Asagi's Girly Girl.
    • Took a Level In Badass: Sakura becomes a combat instructor for Goshu Academy by the time of the third game.
    • Vitriolic Best Buds: With Murasaki.
    • Woman Child: She can be a bit childish for her age (late-teens in TA1 and TA2, mid-20s in TA3). Not to mention she still watches anime.

    Murasaki Yatsu

    Murasaki Yatsu starts out as a up and coming Taimanin in training at Goshu academy and Kuroi Yatsu younger sister. Despite her youth and inexperience, many veteran taimanin

    Many, including Asagi, see's great potential in Murasaki. Of course due to her beauty and skills she becomes the idol of Goshu academy, also developing a rivalry/friendship(much to her dismay)with Sakura.

    Similarly to her brother Kurou, Murasaki ninja ability grants her a vast Healing Factor which allows her to regrow entire limbs and Super Strength.

    Murasaki power basically grants her immortality unless her head and heart are destroyed.

    • Affectionate Nickname: Sakura often refers to her as "Mu-chan". Murasaki is less than amused with the nickname.
    • An Arm and a Leg: Loses both her arms during a fight with Kiryuu at the beginning of her game.... she got better.
    • An Axe to Grind: Her signature weapon.
    • Baby Factory: In the Hell Knight Ingrid OVA, Kiryuu plan to subject both her and Ingrid to this fate in order to mass produce an army of Nabelius (cerberus-like hell hounds), however she was spared from this thanks to the timely rescue of her brother and Edwin Black.
    • Bi the Way: Is one the few confirmed bisexual characters in the series.
    • Brainwashed and Crazy: In Taimanin Asagi 3, Sakura and Murasaki are killed by enemy soldiers and then absorbed by Edwin Black. They are later brought back to life as demonic futanari with few, if any, memories of Asagi, and under Black's instructions gleefully torture, rape, and kill their own students, and attempt to do the same to Asagi. In one of the endings, they even keep her as a sex slave.
    • Cool Mask: A pink one with a butterfly design as part of her alternate outfit in both Battle Arena and in the upcoming TA0.
    • Covert Pervert: Tries to act stern and serious most of the time, but has a hard time hiding her sexual desires for Asagi.
    • Demoted to Extra: Goes from being the main protagonist in her own spin-off game, to become the Deuteragonist in the Hell Knight Ingrid OVA, to being only a supporting character in Taimanin Asagi 3.
    • Eating the Eye Candy: Can't help staring at Asagi while they were changing in their swimsuits. In Taimanin Asagi Gaiden, Murasaki notice how Sakura's figure has been developing. In an inner dialog, she commented on how Sakura's figure would eventually be comparable to Asagi's.
    • Healing Factor: So long as head or heart is intake, she can rapidly recover from any injury.
    • Hot Scientist: In Taimanin Asagi 3.
    • Meganekko: Wears glasses in her casual outfits.
    • The Protagonist: Of Taimanin Murasaki.
    • School Idol
    • Sex Slave: Like with most Taimanin, she was forced to be this at one point or another.
    • She Is All Grown Up: Much like Sakura in Taimanin Asagi 3.
    • Stalker with a Crush: Murasaki really, REALLY loves Asagi. To the point where she has Sakura steal Asagi's bath towels and seeing her naked gives Murasaki heat flashes.
    • Super Strength: Arguable the strongest Taimanin in terms of physical strength.
    • Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: Lets just say she is not to happy with the fact that she has to work along side Kiryuu, after he was forced to work for the Taimanins. Ironically, it's because of this she's also been assigned to keep Kiryuu in check, since his Villainous Crush on her makes her the perfect handler.
    • Tsundere: Tends to act like this towards Sakura.
    • Underwear of Power: As you can see for her profile image, her panties can be seen whenever she is wearing her Taimanin outfit, unlike most Taimanins who either wear a formfitting catsuit or a Leotard of Power.
    • Vitriolic Best Buds: While she might not act like it most of the time, she does deeply care for Sakura. Not that she will admit it.
    • Zettai Ryouiki: Grade A.

    Kurou Yatsu


    Often referred to as the Blind Taimanin Kurou is a veteran Taimanin and long time friend/subordinate to the Igawa family, He is also Murasaki older brother. Despite not being able to see he makes up for this with *Super Senses.Like his younger sister, Kurou has *Super Strength and a *Healing Factor. His signature weapons are a jack-knife and sub-machine gun.

    Yukikaze Mizuki

    https://s.vndb.org/ch/97/39797.jpg    Often referred to as the Lightning Taimanin due to her unique ability to generate and manipulate lightning to power her twin handguns, which controls her lightning attacks. This ability was apparently taught to her by her late father. She is a student at Goshu academy, along with her best friend and senior Taimanin, Rinko Akiyama, and boyfriend, Tatsurou Akiyama. She is also the daughter of Taimanin Shiranui Mizuki, who went missing 5 years before the advents of Taimanin Yukikaze.  

    • A-Cup Angst: Hates it when characters point out her flat chest.  
    • Ambiguously Bi: While Yukikaze to clearly has feelings for Tatsurou, she does have her Les Yay moments with Rinko. It's worth mentioning that Rinko was Yukikaze's second kiss after Tatsurou, although at the time they were little kids that was just experimenting with the concept of kissing, so they didn't considered it as a "true kiss".  
    • Ambiguously Brown: At first glance, however it is revealed that her dark skin is just a sun tan.  
    • Back-to-Back Badasses: Most of the cover art and promotional art feature her doing this with Rinko.  
    • Becoming the Mask: While investigating Under Eden, she was originally suppose to pretend to be captured and just act like she was a prostitute. However, things didn't go according to plan, and Yukikaze was forced to become an actual mentally broken Sex Slave in the OVA storyline and Bad Ending routes.  
    • Berserk Button: Making fun of her for her small breast size or disrespecting her mother.  
    • Childhood Friend Romance: With Tatsurou.  
    • Dirty Harriet: A rather unusual variation. She pretend to be capture in order to be sold as a prostitute. However, what she didn't realize that the place she was infiltrating specialized in slave prostitution. The place would brand their prostitute with a Slave Brand, forcing them to obey the people there. As a result, she was forced to be an actual prostitute.  
    • Expy: Seems to be one for Lily Ramses Futaba from Tentacles and Witches, another one of Lilith-soft games that came out 2 years before Taimanin Yukikaze. Both share similar appearances,  including similar outfits, tan skin, Girlish Pigtails, have short stature, and both are Pettanko. Also, both act like Tsundere toward their Love Interest, although Yukikaze is no where near as aggressive as Lily. There is also the fact both Lily and Yukikaze were created by the same artist, Aoi Nagisa.  
    • Girlish Pigtails    
    • Go-Go Enslavement: When she was forced to be a slave prostitute at the brothel, Under Eden, she force to wear their standard uniform, which consist of high-heels shoes, stockings, evening gloves, and a near see-through micro bikini.  
    • Guns Akimbo  
    • Handguns: Wields twin handguns that helps her control her lightning attacks.  
    • I Have Come Too Far: During the Bad Ending route of her first game, Yukikaze would refuse to abort the mission despite the fact that she and Rinko were clearly tricked and force to be an actual Sex Slave, because of this.  
    • Leotard of Power: Part of her Taimanin ouftit.  
    • Lovely Angels: With Rinko. From their contrasting personalities and appearances to their Guns vs. Swords dynamic.   
    • Pettanko: She is flat-chested girl in her late-teens. Although she is really insecure about it.   
    • Pint-Sized Powerhouse: One of the shortest characters (155cm or about 5'1ft) in the series, but arguable posses the most destructive powers.   
    • The Protagonist: Of Taimanin Yukikaze 1 and 2.   
    • Sex Slave: In the bad ending routes for both her games.   
    • Shock and Awe: Her ninja ability, which was pass down for generations in her family. On a side note, Yukikaze needed her Handguns to control the lightning, but Tatsurou believes she will be able to master the ability to a point were she wouldn't need them anymore.  
    • Sobriquet: Even though she just started her career as a Taimanin in her first game, she already built up a reputation for herself as the Lightning Taimanin.
    • Rapunzel Hair: They reach down to her knees.  
    • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The Red Oni to Rinko's Blue Oni.  
    • Shana Clone: A shortPettanko, teenaged girl with Girlish Pigtails that is a Tsundere and the leading male characters "main" Love Interest. Checks on all accounts.  
    • Skilled but Naive: While Yukikaze is undoubtedly a powerful Taimanin and can easily destroy legion of demons in a straight up fight, Yukikaze lacks the experience needed when dealing with missions that rely more on deception and undercover work. Tatsurou even states that Yukikaze has some difficulties talking to the other students at Goshu academy that are outside her friend circle. As a result, Zokuto was able to trick Yukikaze into letting herself be captured for real.  
    • Tan Lines: They are quite noticeable when she is wearing anything that is more revealing than the Taimanin outfit, or nothing at all.  
    • Trojan Prisoner: Acted as this along with Rinko in order to be sold at a brothel, Under Eden, in order to investigate her mother's disappearance. Naturally, things don't go according to plan.   
    • Tsundere: Occasionally acts like this toward Tatsurou.  
    • Zettai Ryouiki: Grade S.  

    Rinko Akiyama


    Often referred to as the Slashing Taimanin due to her skills of swordsmanship with her katana, which is apparently a family heirloom. Like many Taimanins, she attends Goshu academy with her best friend, Yukikaze, and younger brother, Tatsurou. Her ninja abilities are referred to as the "void arts". Some of her abilities include being able to increase her senses so she can see long distances, see at impossible angles, and through walls. She can also create portal that teleport her up to a range of 1 km.   

    • Ambiguously Bi: According to her bio, many of her classmate have Mistaken her for Gay. While she is attracted to Tatsurou, Yukikaze was in fact her first kiss outside of family, granted they only saw it as "child's play" at the time.  
    • Balloon Belly: Suffers one when Real subjected her to the "flesh vessel".  
    • Berserk Button: While normally calm and composed, making fun of her large breasts is a quick way to making her angry.  
    • Big Brother Attraction: Or younger brother attraction in this case. Rinko is actually sexually attracted to her younger brother, Tatsurou, and even wanted to give her virginity to him. This is subverted in the OVA series, her desire for her brother was removed due to Adaptation Distillation.  
    • Brother-Sister Incest: Although it is mostly one-sided, on Rinko's side. During the advents of Taimanin Yukikaze, Rinko would approach Tatsurou and offered to give her virginity to him before going on her mission to investigate Under Eden. But they don't go through with it when Rinko find out that he has yet to have sex with Yukikaze, and want Yukikaze to be her brother's first. In the sequel, however, player have the option of having Tatsurou agreeing to have sex with Rinko.  
    • Buxom Is Better: Has one of the largest busts among the Taimanins, in this series that is saying a lot.  
    • Cleavage Window: Has one on her Taimanin outfit, although it's placed slightly lover than most examples.  
    • Cool Big Sis: Is this for Tatsurou, and acts like this toward Yukikaze.  
    • Cool Sword: It's apparently a family heirloom.  
    • Covert Pervert: While she is one of the more mature and responsible Taimanin, she can be pretty blunt when it comes to her sexuality. She outright order Tatsurou to take her virginity in the first TY, the only reason why they did not go through with it was because Rinko felt that Tatsurou's first time should be done with Yukikaze. That being said, she is also pretty open with the idea that she, Yukikaze, and Tatsurou should form a threesome relationship. Even when they were kids, Rinko was upset at Yukikaze and Tatsurou for "leaving her out" of their first kiss, and had both Tatsurou and Yukikaze kiss her.  
    • Curtain Match the Windows: Purple hair, purple eyes.  
    • A Day in the Limelight: In the "training dairy" section from the TY visual novel, which can only be unlocked after completing the other sections of the game. In the main story, Rinko and Yukikaze are separate by Real so that he could "train" them separately, with the story following Yukikaze point-of-view. The "training dairy" section details what has been happening to Rinko during the time the two were separated.
      • The second episode of the TY OVA, which is an animated adaption of the visual novel's "training dairy" section, also focuses on RInko.  
    • Determinator: Was able to retain her sanity longer than Yukikaze during their time at Under Eden, in the bad ending(s) route. Depending on what game route was taken,  it could takes spending an entire two week on being endlessly raped by a demonic flesh machine until she finally broke down.  
    • Dirty Harriet: Initially, although she pretended to be captured to be sold as a prostitute, not necessarily disguise herself as one. However, like Yukikaze, she was forced to be an actual slave prostitute.   
    • Expository Hairstyle Change: Surprising down quite often in the OVA series, as her hairstyle is changed in each episode. This seems to highlight the changes in her personality. During the first episode, she would wear her hair in a ponytail. Throughout the episode she would act cheerful, wise, optimistic, and acts as a supporting friend to Yukikaze. In the second episode, she let her hair down. During this episode, she is much more stubborn and aggressive, and spends most of the episode trying to resist the sexual torture that she was subjected to her. By the third episode, her hair is changed again to a side plait, and is noticeable much more different than her hair style from the first episode. During this episode, she is now reduced to a quite and submissive Sex Slave, who is no longer cable to comforting her friends and won't even look at her, greatly differing from her personality from the first episode.   
    • Expy: Seems to be one for Misao Yukishiro from Misao: Injoku Ninpouden, another Lilith-Soft game that came out before Taimanin Yukikaze.
      • On an interesting note, Misao is actually an Expy of Saeko Busujima from Highschool of the Dead, making Rinko an expy of Saeko by extension.   
    • Foil: Is one for Yukikaze. While both are Taimanins born from a entire family of demon-hunting ninjas, the two could not be anymore opposite of each other. Yukikaze is short, flat-chested, has an aggressive personality, and fights with guns. While Rinko is tall, large breasted, has a calm and cool personality, and fights with a katana.  
    • French Maid Outfit: Wears one in Taimanin Yukikaze 2.  
    • Gag Boobs: Hates it when characters make fun of her for her large breasts.  
    • Go-Go Enslavement: Like Yukikaze, she had to wear the standard uniform of a slave prostitutes of Under Eden.  
    • I Have Come Too Far: Like Yukikaze, during TY1 Rinko would refuse to abort her mission because she felt this way.  
    • Laughing Mad: In the OVA series and in one of the visual novel's bad ending routes. After being endlessly sexual tortured for two weeks straight by Under Eden's "flesh vessel" (see Real's entry for more details), the first thing she does after being released was break down in broken laughter.  
    • Lovely Angels: With Yukikaze.  
    • Master Swordsman: Arguable, the best sword fighter the Taimanin have to offer, hence her title the Slashing Taimanin. It's worth that Rinko was stated to just as skilled as her father, who happened to be Asagi's teacher in swordsmanship.  
    • I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: Despite her own sexual desires for her brother, she fully supports his relationship with Yukikaze. Although it's heavily implied that Rinko wants to, or a least won't mind, being in a threesome relationship with them.   
    • Mistaken for Gay: According to her character bio, Rinko never showed any interest in men when she was at Goshu academy, leading to many of her classmates to spread rumors that she is secretly a lesbian. However, this not really the case.  
    • Purple Is Power: Like Asagi, she wears a purple Taimanin outfit, and is stated to be one of the stronger Taimanins in the series. She also has purple eyes, and purple hair.  
    • Rapunzel HairDepending on the Artist her hair length would either just reach down past her knees, or even touching the ground while she is standing. Either way her hair is very long.  
    • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The Blue Oni to Yukikaze's Red.  
    • Sex Slave: In the bad ending routes in both Taimanin Yukikaze 1 and 2, and her fate in the OVA series.  
    • Skilled but Naive: Between her mature personality and appearance, it's easy to forget that Rinko is still relatively new at being a Taimanin. As a result, Rinko doesn't seem to full grasp how the Crapsack World around her works. Although she is not as naive as Yukikaze, she was still easily tricked by Zokuto into letting herself be captured for real.  
    • Sobriquet: The Slashing Taimanin (depending on the translation she could be referred to as the Slasher Taimanin or the Oni Slashing Taimanin).
    • Space Master: Her main power is her ability to control space within 1 km, with all her other abilities being byproducts of her "void arts". Rinko has mentioned there are limitation on what she can and cannot do.  
    • Spy Catsuit: A purple one with a Cleavage Window.  
    • Statuesque Stunner: According to her character bio, she is 172 cm tall (or 5'8 feet) and is currently the tallest female Taimanin in the series, but is no less attractive.  
    • Super Senses: One of her ninja abilities allows her to greatly enhance her senses. Her most used ability is magical enhance her eyesight which allows her to see over great distances, and being observe things at outside her line of sight.  
    • Suspiciously Similar Substitute: Arguably, she can be considered one for Asagi. Since the TY spin-off series needs to focus on new characters, many believe she was created to be a stand-in for Asagi due to their similar appearance and role. It doesn't help that the TY's Big Bads tend to focus more on her than Yukikaze.  
    • Thinking Up Portals: One her unique abilities is to create portals that she can use to teleport herself and her companies up a distance of 1 km. However, creating them can be a bit taxing to her, so she only uses them on a few occasions.  
    • Trojan Prisoner: Acts as this with Yukikaze in order to investigate the brothel Under Eden. It goes as well as you would expect.  
    • True Companions: Took a mission where she knew that she would forced to act as a prostitute, in a attempt to find a lead to the whereabouts of her friend's missing mother, a mission that Asagi greatly opposed to and was even encouraged not to do it, she still did it anyway for Yukikaze. That is some dedication, even if it is a little misplaced.  
    • What Happened to the Mouse?: Kind of disappeared half way through the third episode in the OVA, with no mention of what became of her. Although one can assume that she is still a Sex Slave for Under Eden and is possible pregnant like Yukikaze was in the epilogue.  
    • X-Ray Vision: Another one her unique ninja abilities.  
    • Zettai Ryouiki: Her Under Eden uniform in TY1, her maid outfit in TY2, as well as her school uniform, all being Grade A.  

    Tatsurou Akiyama

    The younger brother of Rinko, and the childhood friend/boyfriend of Yukikaze. Like his sister, his weapon of choice is a katana. He also has the ability to manipulate wind.  

    • A Date with Rosie Palms: In several of the bad ending routes and in OVA ending, to videos of his (ex) girlfriend (and sister depending on the ending) being violated.  
    • Bishonen: The only consistent trait of his character design.  
    • Blinding Bangs: In the manga adaptation, likely given to him due to being The Faceless Supporting Protagonist for the visual novel.  
    • Blow You Away: His ninja ability. Unlike most examples, Tatsurou uses his ability to alter his weight, allow his briefly glide in the air. He also manipulate the wind to reduce the a sense of presence, basically no one would hear him move around, like he was the air itself. Tatsurou has stated his abilities best used for stealth than combat.  
    • Break the Cutie: Can be a sad victim of the Netorare Genre depending on if the player choose the Downer Ending route. This is played straight in the OVA series and manga adaptation.  
    • Brother-Sister Incest: Averted in the first Taimanin Yukikaze. However, this could occur in the second game, depending on the player's choices.  
    • Chick Magnet: Yukikaze, Shizuru, and even his own sister, are attracted to him.  
    • Childhood Friend Romance: With Yukikaze.  
    • Classical Antihero: Doesn't really have much self-confidence in himself, and is noticeable weaker than most of the other major Taimanins. He doesn't even fight anyone during the Action Prologue, something that Yukikaze even berate him for.  
    • Darkest Hour: In a few of the possible endings and at the end of the OVA series (assuming that episode 3 is the last one).
    • Depending on the Artist: He is the only major Taimanin that doesn't have a character sprite. As a result, his physical appearance would often vary depending on adaptation. In the visual novel, he has green eyes, brown hair, and is stated to be taller than his sister. In the OVA series, he has purple hair and eyes, and is shorter than Rinko.
    • Distaff Counterpart: His character design in the OVA series is a younger gender swap version of his sister.
    • H-Game POV Character: Type II;B for the Taimanin Yukikaze series.
    • The Faceless: For most of the visual novel series, subverted in the OVA series. You do see his face at least once in the visual novels during one of Yukikaze's downer ending h-scenes, watching in horror as his girlfriend enjoys sex with the villains.
    • The Load: Arguable the weakest Taimanin on this list.
    • Overshadowed by Awesome: While he is much more skilled than normal humans, he is nowhere near as strong as his sister or his girlfriend.
    • Spell My Name with an "S": Depending on the translation, his name could be spelled out as either "Tatsurou" or "Tatsuro".
    • Supporting Protagonist: Many of the advents of Taimanin Yukikaze 1 and 2 are told from his point of view.
    • Suspiciously Similar Substitute: Is one for Kyousuke; he has a Childhood Friend Romance with a titular character, the Nice Guy, and a Bishonen in the OVA.

    Shiranui Mizuki


    The mother of Yukikaze. Stated to be a powerful and well respected Taimanin. She disappear 5 years prior to the advents of  Taimanin Yukikaze during a mission investigated the brothel, Under Eden, located in the lawless town of Yomihara. Her weapon of choose is a spear and her ninja ability is to create illusions.  

    • Made a Slave: While Shiranui was on a mission at Yomihara, she was capture by Real and the demon, Ryuji Kuroi. For years, Real was tasked with "training" Shiranui, until she became Ryuji's personal slave, for both combat and other...uses. Ryuji occasional "lends" Shiranui to Under Eden, but most of the time she is usually stationed at HijiriOsamu academy.
    • Missing Mom: Has been missing for 5 year while on a mission at the fictional town of Yomihara.  
    • Sex Slave: What became of her during her 5 years disappearance. However, consider he disappeared while investigate a corrupt brothel, who honestly did not see this coming.  
    • Small Role, Big Impact: In Taimanin Yukikaze. She only appears for a few scenes in the game, however, she is the reason why Yukikaze and Rinko are investigating the brothel in the first place.  
    • Teen Pregnancy: She was apparently 18 years old when she gave birth to Yukikaze.  
    • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: Her capture/disappearance was the catalyst that caused the advent of Taimanin Yukikaze 1 and 2. This sort of makes her indirectly responsible for all the suffering that Yukikaze, Rinko, Tatsurou, and Shizuru had to endure during the advents of those games.  
    • What Happened to the Mouse?: Unlike in the visual novel, the detail of her disappearance and her fate are not revealed in the OVA series. This is partly subverted in the bonus episode, however her overall fate remains unknown.

    Asuka Kokawa


    A new Taimanin introduced in Taimanin Asagi 3 and also the second protagonist. She was Asagi's prodigy two years before the event of the third game, and her body had been damaged in battle around that time leaving her limbless. She then mysteriously disappeared after that incident. She shows up two years later in the third game having replaced her limbs with robotic arms and legs making her even more powerful than before.

    Shizuru Kosaka


    An exceptional smart Taimanin that specializes in missions of infiltration and solitary. She has the ability to manipulate nature and fights with a rose whip. She is sometimes refer to as "Shizuru the Flower". Introduced in Taimanin Yukikaze 2.

    Kurenai Shingangi


    A half-human, half-vampire/demon Taimanin from the Fuuma clan. Despite her demonic lineage, she has an intense hatred toward demons, due to them harming her clan in the past. Her abilities include the "art of the wind" and being able to become stronger when exposed to blood. The more blood she is exposed to, the stronger she gets. She can also transform into a stronger vampiric version of herself. Her weapon of choice are twin kodachi blades. It would be revealed in her game that she is in fact the biological daughter of Edwin Black and sister to Felicia.

    Ayame Makishima


    Another Taimanin from the Fuuma clan. An elegant and intelligent woman, who is Kurenai's best friend and loyal subordinate. Her weapon of choose is a sniper rifle, and is a exceptionally skill marksman. She possesses the unique ability of "The eye" which allows her to "read the wind", basically giving her super-human accuracy when sniping foes, bordering the ability of precognition (being able to see in the future). It is also heavily implied that her feelings for Kurenai are beyond simple friendship.




    Oboro is the Arch Enemy of Asagi, subordinate to Edwin Black who is also her creator in a sense, and serves as the Big Bad of the series, though she's but one link in the villain chain.

    • Absolute Cleavage: Part of her usual outfits.
    • A Date with Rosie Palms: Has a habit of touching herself at the sight of Asagi being sexually tortured.
    • Arch Enemy: This woman seems to only exist for the sole purpose of making poor Asagi's life a living hell.
    • Ax Crazy: Takes sadistic pleasure in raping and tormenting anyone unfortunate enough to be captured by her, all the while laughing at their misery.
    • Back From the Dead: No matter how many times Asagi seems to kill her, she just keeps coming back. The secret to her "immortality"; "Oboro" is a series of clones. If one is killed, another one is created (with the memory of the previous clone) as a replacement.
    • Big Bad: To Edwin Black's Bigger Bad. She serves as this for the majority of series.
    • Bob Haircut: With a long strand of hair added to the back.
    • Complete Monster: She goes so far out of her way to be evil and sadistic that even Edwin Black basically calls her as much at one point. In a series filled with rapists and literal demons, she has proven to be most vile character of them all.
    • Combat Pragmatist: It's worth mentioning that Oboro can't actually defeat Asagi in a fair fight, so Oboro would often resort to trickery when she is trying to capture Asagi.
    • Evil Counterpart: For both Asagi and Oboro Kokawa.
    • Evil Knockoff: It is revealed in Taimanin Asagi 3, that this "Oboro" we have come to know is in fact a clone of the heroic Taimanin Oboro Kokawa.
    • Fallen Hero: Subverted. Originally, it was believed that Oboro was a former Taimanin that betrayed her comrades to join Edwin Black. It was later revealed that "this Oboro" is just an Evil Knockoff created by Black, meaning she was never a hero to begin with, and was always a horrible person.
    • Depraved Bisexual: Is shown to be attract to Edwin Black in the OVA and raped Asagi's boyfriend, Kyousuke, but also has a habit of touching herself at the sight of Asagi being raped, and even personal raped Sakura.
    • Femme Fatale: Her standard look and attitude.
    • The Heavy: While Edwin Black is the driving force for the entire franchise, Oboro is usually the one that confronts and torments Asagi.
    • Hijacked by Ganon: A rather odd example. In TA2, Oboro basically reclaimed her position of Big Bad from herself, Clone Oboro. The new Oboro is a supposedly revived version from TA1 (although it later implied in TA3 that she just another clone with TA1 Oboro's memories). After her return she would either kill Clone Oboro or force her clone sister to be a Sex Slave along with Asagi and Sakura.
    • I Have You Now, My Pretty: Naturally, she is a villain from a hentai. However, she does to this to both men and woman, with Asagi being her favorite target.
    • Joker Immunity: Oboro never seems to stay dead. Following the canon storyline alone, Oboro has died a total of four times. She was killed by Asagi before the first game, then killed by the Igawa sisters during climax of TA1, then her clone is killed by Vampire!Oboro in TA2, and then killed again by Asuka in TA3. Seeing as Black Lilith is far from done with their Cash Cow Franchise, she is likely to return in the next game.
    • Lady in Red: To contribute to her Femme Fatale appearance.
    • Loves the Sound of Screaming: Asagi's in particular.
    • Me's a Crowd: Apparently, "Oboro" is a series of clones created by Edwin Black, so there are multiple incarnations of her. The first clone was killed by Asagi sometime before the start of the TA1. The second clone, believing that she is the resurrected first clone, serves as the Big Bad of TA1, before being killed by Asagi and Sakura. The third clone, Clone Oboro, serves as the Big Bad of TA2. It is worth mentioning that Clone Oboro, unlike the previous two clones, was the first incarnation of Oboro that knew about her statues as a clone. Clone Oboro would be killed by Vampire Oboro at the end of TA2. Vampire Oboro claims to the resurrected second clone, however it's implied that she is actually a fourth clone, with the memories of the second clone, that was turned into a vampire after being created.
    • Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: More like Ninja Demon Vampire Clone.
    • Revenge: On Asagi for killing her, twice.
    • The Scapegoat: Part of the reason why Edwin Black had her created, so that all of Asagi's hatred for the ones responsible for her misfortunes would be directed at her and not Black himself.
    • Sexual Karma: In the first game and the OVA, Edwin Black would force her to endure the same sexual torture that she forced upon Asagi and Sakura, as punishment for over stepping her boundaries. In Taimanin Asagi 2, in one of the bad ending routes, Vampire Oboro would force Clone Oboro to endure sexual torture as part of the clone's original Super Soldier experiments.
    • She's Got Legs: Fond of wearing outfits that show off quite a bit of hers.
    • Smug Snake: Is prone to lots of overconfidence, especially when she believes she's basically won.
    • The Starscream: In Taimanin Asagi 3.
    • Vampire: Becomes one in Taimanin Asagi 2.
    • We Used to Be Friends: Believe it or not, Asagi and Oboro use to friends, with Oboro being something of The Mentor to Asagi, during Asagi's earlier days as a Taimanin. However, the is subverted when it is revealed in Taimanin Asagi 3 that the real Oboro Kokawa(Asagi's friend) was in fact replaced with an Evil Knockoff, who went on to be Asagi's Arch Enemy and was never Asagi's friend to begin with.
    • Wolverine Claws: Oboro's signature weapon.

    Edwin Black


    Edwin Black is the main, overarching series antagonist, with deep ties to Oboro and the criminal underworld (particularly the supernatural side). He is also a vampire, and while he bears many classic traits of one, his powers are hinted to be much broader.

    • Affably Evil: Sure the guy runs an evil organization that indulges in all kind of depraved activates, but Black himself doesn't seems nearly as bad as the other villains listed here. Even when he's trying to take over the world, Black is surprising polite, respectful, and even at times honorable.
    • Anti-Villain: See Noble Demon for the details.
    • Bad Ass: He's considered the highest class threat in the entire verse, to the point every other demon is smart enough (with a few notable exceptions) to not question his authority. The Taimanins regard him with equal respect as a very dangerous foe.
    • The Bad Guy Wins: In final (non-canon) ending of Asagi route in TA3. He succeed in getting rid of most the Taimanins who opposed him, does away with The Starscream Oboro, the US forces are now under his control, and turns Asagi into his loyal vampire mate.
      • Technically speaking, also applies to the first two main games in a more subtle way. He won the first game by firmly establishing Oboro as a more depraved and monstrous proxy for himself to deflect blame on, and the second game has a lot of behind the scenes manipulation of political affairs he was involved in, and Oboro's actions were just a very elaborate yet intentional smokescreen to make sure he had no interference from the Taimanin while he achieved his goals. Oboro went a little overboard and forced him to intervene a little to make sure Oboro didn't actually kill Asagi, but he otherwise got what he wanted.
    • Barrier Warrior: See Gravity Master below.
    • Big Bad: For Taimanin Asagi 3 and the series as a whole. However, he usual plays the role of Bigger Bad in other installments outside of TA3.
    • Bigger Bad: Serves as this for most of the visual novels and OVA series, while Oboro and other more direct villains act as the Big Bads. It wouldn't be until Taimanin Asagi 3 does he finally take on the role of Big Bad.
    • The Corrupter: Serve as one for Asagi. Apart from world domination, one of his main goals is to get Asagi on his side. He has been manipulating the events of the entire series with the endgame goal of having Asagi given in to her Super-Powered Evil Side, so he can turn her into his vampire mate, all the while using Oboro as a scapegoat for every horrible occurrence that happened in Asagi's life.
    • Evil vs. Evil: Has his fair share of The Starscream that he has to deal with, namely Kiryuu and Oboro.
    • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: He seems to hold deep affection for Ingrid, to the point of saving her from a Complete Monster, even allying willingly with the Taimanins to do so.
      • Perhaps Kurenai Shinganji and Felicia from the Prequel\Spin-Off Taimanin Kurenai can be considered this since they are his biological daughters, although the exact relationship he has with them has yet to be fully explored.
    • Even Evil Has Standards: He is utterly disgusted by most of Oboro's more depraved acts, allied with the Taimanins to take down Kiryuu, and utterly refuses to backstab even his enemies when circumstances force them to work together, allowing the Taimanins to leave peacefully in gratitude for their help against Kiryuu, which is reciprocated.
    • Gravity Master: Can manipulate gravity to create a barrier.
    • The Heavy: For the series as a whole. He has been directly or indirectly responsible for the advents of nearly every installment in the franchise (with the exception of the Taimanin Yukikaze games, which seemed to have occurred outside his control). Nearly every Big Bad in the series was one of his subordinates, or have some connection to Black.
    • Load-Bearing Boss: NOMAD is heavily implied to only succeed because he's the driving force behind it. The true ending of TA3 reveals it quickly self destructs without him.
    • Luke, I Am Your Father: It is revealed in Taimanin Kurenai that he had two daughters, Felicia and the titular character herself, Kurenai.
    • Noble Demon: He is no hero, and never has any plans to Heel Face Turn, but he does have standards, which include showing disgust for most of Oboro's more cruel tendencies, being willing to join forces with his enemies to deal with even more depraved monsters, and is fairly serious about keeping his word and repaying debts.
    • Off with His Head!: Is on the receiving end of this thanks to Asagi.
    • One-Winged Angel: More like four armed angel.
    • Our Vampires Are Different: The series doesn't really go into detail whether Edwin is a demon with the characteristic of a vampire or a full fledged one, though it's confirmed he lacks many traditional vampire weaknesses.
    • Monster Progenitor: It's stated that Edwin Black is the oldest and progenitor of his kind.
    • Pragmatic Villainy: While this guy has enough positive traits to be considered a Noble Demon, he is still the leader of an organization that is filled demons and rapists, and is responsible turning the "Taimainverse" into a Crapsack World. Even many of his more noble endeavors are motivated by goals that would eventually benefit him in the end. For example, his acts of mercy towards Asagi are just his way of trying to convince her to join his side.
    • Really 700 Years Old
    • Shadow Dictator: His organization control most of Japan in Taimanin Asagi 1 and 2. He ends up controlling most of the world in Taimanin Asagi 3.
    • Shapeshifting: Demonstrates this in third game by disguising himself as Prime Minister Kojiro Asai. Also uses this in the Hell Knight Ingrid OVA.
    • Super Smoke
    • Tall, Dark, and Handsome
    • Took a Level In Jerkass: He was more-or-less a Noble Demon for most of the series, however Taimanin Asagi 3 really showed ruthless and unforgivable he can be.
    • Villainous Crush: On Asagi. Interestingly, it can be ultimately subverted if Asagi does become utterly broken by his subordinates, as his intended goal is to make her realize the foolishness of resisting him and join him willingly (or utterly give in to her demonic side, which amounts to the same thing for all intents and purposes), and watching her go mad from all the crap she endures rather than doing so is actually a turn off for him.
    • We Can Rule Together: One of his main goals is to get Asagi on his side.


    Edwin Black's right hand woman, the Makai Kishin Ingrid, or "Hell Knight" Ingrid is utterly loyal to Black, not to mention has barely concealed feelings for her boss.

    • Absolute Cleavage: In her business suit attire.
    • Action Girl: Best showcased in the first half of Episode 1 of her OVA.
    • Affably Evil: Even with her stern personality, she is by far the nicest villain on this list.
    • Ambiguously Brown: Her skin tone.
    • Anti-Villain: To the point the only reason she's a villain is because of the side she's on.
    • Ascended Extra: Goes from being a side character in Taimanin Murasaki to getting her own OVA series. She was also given a large supporting role in Taimanin Asagi 3.
    • Baby Factory: Almost suffers this fate with Murasaki at the end of her OVA series, but they spared from this thanks to the timely rescue of Edwin Black and Murasaki's brother.
    • Balloon Belly: Suffered this in the first 2 episodes of her OVA and in Taimanin Asagi 3, all of which were caused by cum inflation.
    • Big Ol' Eyebrows: Her eyebrows are incredibly pronounced, and she's one of the very few characters with this particular trait. They are slightly toned down in the OVA.
    • Brainwashed: Was brainwashed to be Oboro's slave at the near end of Taimanin Asagi 3, and remained as her slave by the end of the visual novel. Though since Oboro is canonically dead by this point, it's up in the air as to whether it's still in effect.
    • Breakout Character: Due to her immense popularity, she went from being the third billing character in Taimanin Murasaki to having a larger role in one of the main game and given an entire OVA series dedicated to her.
    • Christmas Cake: In the canon story line of the visual novels, Ingrid is still a virgin in Taimanin Asagi 3, apparently saving herself for Edwin Black.
    • Cute Monster Girl: She is stated to be a demon in visual novels, however she has the appearance of a beautiful human woman.
    • Dark-Skinned Redhead: Though her hair is more rose pink, but otherwise fits.
    • The Dragon: Acts as one for Edwin Black.
    • Even Evil Has Standards: Despite being a "villain" from a Hentai, Ingrid actually deeply despise the practice of raping and/or torturing people. She has shown open distaste to the villains who commute these vile actions. A few times, she would even try to prevent the other villains from committing these crimes, unless Black says otherwise.
    • Evil Counterpart: Maybe not exactly "evil", but she seems to be one for Murasaki. Both do share several personality traits, like being stern and confident, but can be a bit cocky in battle. There is also the fact that both expressing nothing but Undying Loyalty for the leaders of their organization, Asagi for Murasaki and Edwin Black for Ingrid, due to being in love with them.
    • Flash Step: She faster than most Taimanin.
    • Friend to All Children: She has a big soft spot when it come to children. Kiryuu was able to use this to capture her in the OVA.
    • Hidden Depths: She actually does do real secretarial work for Edwin Black, so her business suit female attire isn't just a civilian disguise.
    • Hopeless Suitor: While Black does care about her, it's pretty clears that he was his eyes set for Asagi.
    • Kill It with Fire: Anything that is cut by her blade while spontaneously combust into hellfire.
    • Mythology Gag: In the Hell Knight Ingrid OVA, was given a Balloon Belly due to cum inflation on two occasions, neither of which did not occur in Taimanin Murasaki. However, a similar scene was used in TA3, where Ingrid suffer a Balloon Belly in the same manner as the OVA series.
    • My Master, Right or Wrong: Given how much honor and innate decency she shows of her own volition, this is basically the only reason she serves Edwin Black.
    • Noble Demon: She is a Friend to All Children, hates seeing Taimanin (who are technically her enemies) being tortured and raped, and is a genuinely nice person, who just happen to be The Dragon for the series Big Bad. Honestly, she can easily pass off as one of the heroes if it wasn't for that last part.
    • Noble Top Enforcer: She is The Dragon to Black, but she still the most noble villain in the entire franchise.
    • Older Than They Look: The fact that she doesn't visible age after the 8 years time skip between Taimanin Murasaki and Taimanin Asagi 3, is a clear indication that she is much older than she looks.
    • Sex Slave: Becomes one in the canon ending of Taimanin Asagi 3, thank to Oboro brainwashing. Only time will tell if she will be able to escape this fate in a future installment.
    • Sexy Secretary: When she isn't out slaying demons or fighting the Taimanin, she is Edwin Black's secretary. As you can see from her profile image, she is certainly looks good in her uniform.
    • Subordinate Excuse: The only reason she works for Black is due to her feelings for him.
    • Thong of Shielding: The black thong that's a part of her "hell knight" outfit.
    • Token Good Teammate: The only "villain" in the series that does not advocate raping or torturing people, even if they are her enemies. Naturally, this makes her a target among the other villains. She's also the only subordinate of Black whose loyalty never changes to him of her own volition, further highlighting how much more noble she is despite her choice of allegiance.
    • Underboobs: When she is wearing her "hell knight" outfit.
    • Undying Loyalty: Toward Edwin Black.
    • Vapor Wear: Even in her civilian garb, she clearly isn't wearing a bra.
    • Villain Protagonist: Serves as the main protagonist in the spin-off Hell Knight Ingrid OVA.

    Kiryuu Sabato


    The Chief-Scientist for Edwin Black's organization, NOMAD. Originally a human scientist who study the "dark arts", he was killed by Murasaki, but was revived as a demon thanks to his underlings. Kiryuu now plans to overthrow Black for leadership.

    • Ascended Extra: Was mention by name as the scientist that performed the body modifications on Asagi and Sakura in Taimanin Asagi, but at the time he didn't even have a character sprite. He is now a major recurring character in the franchise.
    • Awesomeness By Analysis: Utilizes this to learn the demonic equivalent of optic camouflage from Ingrid.
    • Big Bad: For Taimanin Murasaki (even though most of it was told through his point of view) and the Hell Knight Ingird OVA.
    • Complete Monster: He's almost like the male equivalent to Oboro, pretty much. Although he is "slightly" more redeemable in TA3 onwards, since he now the good guys' side, but he has admitted that he still be a villain if circumstance hasn't forced him to join their side.
    • Combat Tentacles: When he is not using them as Naughty Tentacles.
    • Death by Adaptation: Was killed off at the end of Hell Knight Ingrid, but is still alive and well in the visual novel series (being forced to work under the employment of the Taimanin organization).
    • Enemy Mine: Even though he's on the good guy side in the third game, he's basically been press ganged into it after surviving his debut game, where he lost his bid for power and was captured by the Taimanin. However, they needed his skills, and he needed their protection since his failure meant he was nothing but a target for his former employers, and he's smart enough to realize pissing off his only remaining source of protection is far too dangerous.
    • Faux Affably Evil: Tries to present himself as a respectable scientist and aristocrat, but it never last as his sadistic nature and Jerkass tendencies tend to get the better of him.
    • Half-Human Hybrid: Technically, his body is still human, but demonic power has reanimated him and he's now a semi-immortal demon who still retains his human form by default.
    • Healing Factor: It's possible to kill him even as a demon, but his healing power as a demonic being is high enough he's have to be utterly obliterated in one shot to make sure the death took, as he takes a punch that caves in half his skull at the beginning of the third game and heals back completely from it, shrugging it off as mild injury.
    • Hellish Pupils
    • H-Game POV Character: Type VI; A for Taimanin Murasaki.
    • I Have You Now, My Pretty: Murasaki tends to be his favorite target.
    • Karma Houdini: In the visual novel. Considering that this guy is a rapist how subjugated countless woman to be Sex Slaves, being forced to work for the good guys and being put under house arrest at their headquarters seems like just a slap on the wrist.
      • The writers of the series apparently realized this, which is why before the end of the first act his former mentor Furst subjects him to a horrifically slow death he only escapes due to a hidden backup plan and redeems himself further by foiling the attempt to take Asagi out, now having even more reason to never try going back to the bad guy side.
    • Mad Scientist
    • Jerkass: At his best. Even being on the good guy team doesn't do much aside from water down his sadism.
    • Organic Technology: Many of his inventions tends to be this.
    • Slap Slap Kiss: How he sees his and Murasaki's "relationship", even though she has no intention of getting beyond the beating the crap out of him part (which he enjoys).
    • Spear Counterpart: Seems to be a male version of Oboro. Similarities include an obsession with a Taimanin that killed them in a previous life, being resurrected as a demon, and doing everything they can to make that Taimanin suffer.
    • Stalker Shrine: You can see he's plastered a small one to the wall in his lab with a bunch of Murasaki pictures in the third game, though he doesn't have to actually stalk her.
    • The Starscream: Plan to overthrow Edwin Black in both visual novel and in the OVA series, it doesn't work.
    • Tall, Dark and Handsome: Once you get past his Slasher Smile and Combat Tentacles, is actually a fairly decent looking man.
    • Token Evil Teammate: For the Taimanins after his capture in the canon ending for Taimanin Murasaki. He was the one who undoes all the body modification done to the Taimanins from previous installments, and is forced to work under them in exchange for his life and protection from Edwin Black. He also seems happy with the fact that he gets to work along side Murasaki, much to her dismay.
    • Too Kinky to Torture: To the point that he'd be fine with Murasaki vivisecting him if she was the one doing so.
    • Villainous Crush: On Murasaki, despite the fact she killed him when he was human.
    • Villain Protagonist: Taimanin Murasaki was told mostly from his point of view, despite technically being the Big Bad of that story.



    Originally one of several Taimanins that went missing while investigating Tokyo Kingdom, she was apparently captured and turned into a Super Soldier by Oboro's clone. She now serve the clone, and helps Oboro in her plans to mentally break Asagi and Sakura so they can turn them into living weapons just like her.

    • Adaptational Sexuality: She is portrayed as a Psycho Lesbian in Taimanin Asagi 2, however in Taimanin Asagi: Battle Arena she portrayed as a Depraved Bisexual.
    • Affably Evil: She is a genuinely polite person that doesn't hold any real malice toward the Igawa sisters. She even admits that she actually likes them. However, between her insanity cause by Oboro's experiment, and her desire to have a "sister" just like her, Saya isn't above torment them.
    • Alas, Poor Villain: Her final moment are surprisingly pitiful, even Asagi (her killer) felt bad for her, even after everything Saya has done to both her and Sakura.
    • Beware the Silly Ones: Sure she might act like a goofy, yet polite, child most of the time, but she is still a depraved rapist.
    • Creepy Child
    • Combat Tentacles: Like Kiryuu's, they also have other... "uses" outside of combat.
    • Cute and Psycho: She has the appearance of a cute teenaged girl, but is clearly insane.
    • Cute Monster Girl: Even in her One-Winged Angel form, well the "human parts" anyways.
    • Dark Action Girl: One of the few villains on this list that can actually defeat Asagi in a fair fight.
    • The Dragon: To Oboro's clone.
    • Evil Counterpart: She's clearly one for Sakura, due to their similar personalities. Saya's habit of referring to Asagi and Sakura as "Onee-sama" or "Onee-chan" ("Big Sister") was likely given to her to reflected Sakura's status as Asagi's younger sister.
    • Fallen Hero: She was a Taimanin before she experiment on by Oboro's clone.
    • Genki Girl: Much like Sakura, however her energetic personalty comes off as more creepy than charming.
    • Go Out with a Smile: She was actually happy that Asagi used her Super-Powered Evil Side, even though Asagi used this power to kill her. Saya spends her final moments telling Asagi that she was happy to have met someone who can now truly understand her, even if it was just for a few seconds. True to form, Asagi did in fact feel bad for her, and saw Saya as just another victim to Oboro's clone.
    • Hellish Pupils
    • I Have You Now, My Pretty: Has done this to both Asagi and Sakura. Although it would seem that Sakura is her favorite target.
    • One-Winged Angel: Can turn into a powerful arachnid-like creature, complete with Combat Tentacles and Spider Limbs.
    • Pointy Ears: A big indicator that she is a demon.
    • Psycho Lesbian: Is only seen raping Sakura and Asagi in Taimanin Asagi 2, however her sexuality is changed in Taimanin Asagi: Battle Arena.
    • Psychopathic Womanchild: She is around the same age as Sakura, but acts much more childish than her, which is saying something considering Sakura is already a Woman Child herself.
    • Shadow Archetype: Represents what Asagi and Sakura might become if they give in to their inner demons.
    • She's All Grown Up: "Saya Neo" in Taimanin Asagi: Battle Arena.
    • Spared by the Adaptation: Although she was killed by Demon!Asagi near the end of Taimanin Asagi 2, she is still alive in the Taimanin Asagi: Battle Arena continuation. She is given an older appearance referred to as Saya Neo.
    • Submissive Badass: Even though she is much stronger than Oboro's clone, she still chooses to be her underling. This is likely caused from the "conditioning" Saya had to go through when she was turned into the Oboro's Super Soldier.
    • Super Soldier: Becomes this as a result of Clone!Oboro's experiments, and giving in to her hidden demonic powers.
    • Tragic Monster: Was original a Taimanin before she was captured, mentally broken (likely from sexual torture), and turned into a monster. Also, her desire to turn Asagi and Sakura into living weapons wasn't necessarily formed out of malice, but instead a desire of wanting connect with someone who can truly understand her. Which would explain why she desperately wanted to turn Asagi and Sakura into her "sisters". Asagi even points out that she was just another victim.

    Power Lady

    The muscle-bound champion of the Chaos Arena.

    • Adaptational Attractiveness: Inverted in the OVA. In the visual novels, her appearance is that of a Hot Amazon, however her character design was slightly altered in the OVA so that she would have a Face of a Thug.
    • The Brute
    • Cleavage Window
    • Facial Markings: All one has to do is closely inspect her face to see that her "mask" is in fact several facial tattoos.
    • Hot Amazon: The most muscular woman in the series so far, and is consider fairly attractive both in and out of series.
    • Laser-Guided Karma/Sexual Karma: During the advents of TA1 and in the OVA seres, Power Lady forced Asagi to take in a enormously large dildo as a "penalty game" after Asagi lost to Power Lady during her match in the Chaos Arena. During their rematch in TA3, Asagi can force Power Lady to endure the same "penalty game" that she forced upon Asagi. Additional, Edwin Black sentence Power Lady to be a Sex Slave for a group of orcs as punishment for her failure.
    • Leotard of Power
    • Mythology Gag: While Power Lady forced Asagi to take in a large dildo in both the visual novel and the OVA, the dildo in the OVA was enormously larger than one in the visual novel. In TA3, the dildo this time is know the same size as it was in the OVA.
    • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Nearly all of Asagi's encounter with her would normal lead to his, with Asagi on the receiving end. However, Asagi was able to get her revenge on Power Lady in Taimanin Asagi 3.
    • Only Known by Their Nickname: Like will all fighters at the Chaos Arena, she is only known by her stage name, "Power Lady".
    • Psycho Lesbian: Implied.
    • Sex Slave: In Taimanin Asagi 3, she was forced to be this for a group of orc as punishment for losing to Asagi in the Chaos Arena.
    • Zettai Ryouiki: Grade B.

    Snake Lady


    Another fighter from the Chaos Arena and a henchwoman for Oboro.

    • Animal Motifs: Snakes, obviously.
    • Breakout Character: Due to her increasing popularity, it's heavily implied in the advertising that she will be a major character in Taimanin Asagi Zero.
    • The Bus Came Back: After being absents for most of the franchise, except for cameos, she returns in Taimanin Asagi Zero.
    • Cool Mask: Part of her new outfit in Zero.
    • Hermaphrodite: A classic futanari example. Although you can't really tell when she is clothed, even in her revealing outfit.
    • Karma Houdini: One of the few villains that has yet to suffer any consequence for her actions toward Asagi. This is finally subverted, after many years, in Taimanin Asagi: Battle Arena and possible in the upcoming Taimanin Asagi Zero.
    • Lecherous Licking: Does this to Asagi.
    • Mud Wrestling: Mostly fights in these, but with oil instead of mud.
    • Only Known by Their Nickname: As a fighter from the Chaos Arena, she is only known by her stage name, "Snake Lady".
    • Overly Long Tongue: Fits well for her Animal Motifs.
    • Psycho Lesbian: Although she is a Hermaphrodite, she is mostly female, and still has her way with Asagi.
    • Stripperiffic: Revealing even by this series standards. Although her new outfit in Zero is a little more concealing.

    Fukumen Sugata no Onna Senshi

    A cat-themed fighter from the Chaos Arena.

    • Animal Motifs: Seemed to be one for cats.
    • Bit Character: Out of all the fighters from the Chaos Arena, she has by far the least amount of screen time. Her only major scene in TA1 was strangling Asagi when she had her in a headlock. She appears again in TA3, but only as a background character during the Chaos Arena's "opening ceremony".
    • Cool Mask: Wears a black leather mask. It give her a cat-like appearance.
    • Expy: She is clearly based on Catwoman, but with a much more revealing get up.
    • Hot Amazon: She much more muscular than Asagi, but not as buff as Power Lady.
    • Karma Houdini: Has yet to suffer any punishment for her actions, although this is largely due to being put Out of Focus.
    • Psycho Lesbian: Implied.
    • Stripperiffic: Her wrestling outfit in basically just a black bikini, stockings and gloves.
    • Zettai Ryouiki: Grade A.


    A Mad Scientist and former mentor to Kiryuu. In Taimanin Asagi 3, he takes over his former student's position as the chief scientist of NOMAD after Kiryuu's capture in Taimanin Murasaki. Like Kiryuu, Furst plans overthrow Black for leadership.

    • Asshole Victim: Was seemly killed by Oboro after his attempted double-cross, and nobody shed a tear.
    • Big Bad Wannabe: He wanted to be the main villain of TA3, and while he was indeed a creditable threat, Oboro and Edwin Black have him beat in terms of cunning and powers.
    • Bullying the Dragon: Trying to double-cross Oboro wasn't his smartest move.
    • Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: He's worse than Kiryuu in this regard.
    • Evil Counterpart: Technically, "eviler counterpart" for Kiryuu.
    • Fat Bastard
    • Mad Scientist
    • The Mentor: Was one for Kiryuu.
    • Organic Technology: Much like his former student, Furst specialized in creating these.
    • Suspiciously Similar Substitute: Pretty much takes over Kiryuu's role now that his former student is working for the Taimanins.
    • The Starscream: Helps Oboro with her plans to brainwash Ingrid and eventually overthrow Edwin Black. Later he tried to double-cross Oboro, but that didn't end well for him.



    The operator of the most popular brothel in YomiharaUnder Eden. He is also the leader of a major prostitution ring, that is also named Under Eden. His brothel specializes in slave prostitutes, where the woman are forced to undergo body modifications to increase sexual pleasure and have magical brands placed on their tongues (lower abdominal in the OVA) that force them to obey his orders. These brands can cause pain, or in the worse case scenario, can cause the branded's limbs to exploded. He is also the one responsible for the disappearance of Shiranui Mizuki.

    • Adaptational Attractiveness: In the OVA, he shown to be fairly muscular with an average looking face, which is a sharp contrast to the visual novel, where he is an overweight Gonk.
    • Big Bad: Of Taimanin Yukikaze...or so it seems.
    • Bigger Bad: Of the Lilith-Soft game, Ochiru Hitozuma, which takes place in the same universe as Taimanin Asagi. While Real, himself, doesn't actually make an appearance, his organization serve as the main villainous force of that game. They assisted the game's Villain Protagonist, Haruki Nagisa, with his goals to turn both his adoptive mother, Sayoko Natsume, and his teacher, Reiko Fuyuno, into slave prostitutes.
    • Demoted to Dragon: In TY2, it is revealed that Real has a boss, and was acting on his orders during the advents of TY1.
    • Dirty Old Man: Naturally, has to have at least one in any hentai franchise.
    • Faux Affably Evil: Tend to act like a respectful business man when Yukikaze and Rinko first met him. He try to make the concept of the girls agreeing to be his Sex Slave sound like they were signing up for an extravagant job position. Naturally, his vile nature began to show the moment they sign the contracts.
    • Flat Character: Compare to the other villains, he's pretty generic. Unlike most of the villains on this list, he doesn't have a personal vendetta against one of the Taimanins, or an overarching goal in mind, other than "breaking in" Yukikaze and Rinko for his business.
    • Gonk: Compare to the other rather attractive villains before him, this guy is downright ugly. Although this can be partly subverted depending on the adaptation.
    • I Have You Now, My Pretty: Surprisingly, Rinko seems to his favorite target, as opposed to the titular character of the game he was in.
    • Non-Action Guy: Unlike most of villains list here, Real doesn't seem to have any combat abilities.
    • Organic Technology: His "flesh vessel" which can release and disperse sperm, is filled with Naughty Tentacles (which was the only time this trope was used in Taimanin Yukikaze), and can endlessly rape someone for weeks, while keeping them alive by Force Feeding them with monster sperm. In one of game routes and in the OVA, Rinko had the misfortune of being placed in here for 2 week, which apparently drove her to madness, turning her into a submissive slave.
    • Shadow Dictator: He's pretty much the one that's controlling things in Yomnihara. It helps that many of his VIP customers are Corrupt Politicians that help him run the town, as well as give him a great deal of political influence outside the city.
    • Slave Brand: Not on him, he's the guy who brands his prostitutes with magical curse seals, forcing them to obey him.
    • Soft Spoken Sadist: In the OVA series at least. Unlike Oboro and Kiryuu, who come off as Large Hams that take visible glee in tormenting the Taimanins they capture, Real usually talks in a compose, almost monotone, manner. Even when taunting and having his way with Rinko throughout the second episode, his expression almost looks bored throughout the whole thing.
    • Spell My Name with an "S": Depending on the translation, his name could be spelled out as either "Rial" or "Ryal".

    Muneichi Yazaki


    The Chief Secretary of Civilian Affairs of the political party in control of the country. Influential in the criminal underground world of humans and demons. A corrupt politician that has been known to do secret under-the-table dealings with the demons. He is also a VIP customer for the Under Eden brothel.

    • Big Bad Wannabe: He wants to be the main antagonist of Taimanin Yukikaze, however he is only just a secondary villain, and it was only through Real's manipulation were Yukikaze and Rinko captured. He later pales in comparison to the villains of Taimanin Yukikaze 2.
    • Corrupt Politician: Pretty much his entire shtick.
    • Demoted to Extra: Goes from being the secondary antagonist of Taimanin Yukikaze 1, to being only an extremely minor villain in Taimanin Yukikaze 2. He is also complete removed from the manga adaptation of Taimanin Yukikaze.
    • Dirty Coward: Was only willing to confront Yukikaze, after Real placed a Slave Brand on Yukikaze, forcing Yukikaze to obey all of Real's orders.
    • Dirty Old Man: Not as old as Real, but he still fits the bill.
    • Fat Bastard
    • Gonk: The guy is arguable uglier than the demon villains on this list.
    • Harmless Villain: Even with all his political power, he is no real threat to the Taimanins. Yukikaze and Rinko chose to spare him in the Action Prologue because of this. The only reason he was able to have his way with Yukikaze in the Bad Ending Route(s) and in the OVA was because of Real.
      • Not-So-Harmless Villain: That being said, he still does many deplorable things to Yukikaze when she was forced to work for Under Eden.
    • I Have You Now, My Pretty: Yukikaze tends to be his favorite target.
    • Non-Action Guy: Justified, seeing as he is a normal human.
    • Revenge: Wants revenge on Yukikaze, and to a lesser extend Rinko and Tatsurou, for ruining the meeting he was having with a group of demons during the prologue of the story.

    Slaver Zokuto


    A slaver who enslaves humans engages in human trafficking. A member of the demon race. Cooperates with the Taimanin in exchange for not being persecuted. He was commissioned by Asagi to smuggle Yukikaze and Rinko past the borders of Yomihara, and have the young Taimanins disguise themselves as prostitutes. However, he planned on betray them by selling them out to Real.

    • Card Carrying Villain: He does not even try to hid his love for his "profession" and even openly describes himself as a "cheap bastard".
    • Demoted to Extra: In the OVA adaptation. He doesn't even have a single line.
    • Eye Scream: He is missing his left eye.
    • Exact Words: Technically speaking, he never actually lied to the Taimanins. He inform the Taimanins that he could get them into Yomihara, but they would have to "act" like prostitutes once they are there. He also did get them to the man responsible for the disappearance of Shiranui Mizuki. The problem was that he left out some pretty crucial information, like that Yukikaze and Rinko would have to be slave protitutes, as a opposed to willing ordinary prostitutes. In addition, they would be force to branded with magical Slave Brands that prevents them from rebelling, and that they would have to undergo body-modifactions.
    • Gonk: Like every other "Yukikaze villain".
    • Jerkass: Even when he was acting as their ally, Zokuto couldn't help humiliating Yukikaze and Rinko any chance he got.
    • Our Orcs Are Different
    • Paper Tiger: He might look intimidating, but he can't actually defeat a Taimanin in an actual fight.

    Shigeru Washizu

    The headmaster of HijiriOsamu academy and an associates of Real. In reality, he is a demon that forces both unsuspecting students and staff into sex slavery. He has some connection to Shiranui's disappearance.

    • Big Bad: Serves as this for most of Taimanin Yukikaze 2. However, this is later subverted when it is revealed that he is actually just The Dragon.
    • Beard of Evil
    • Decoy Leader: Although he is the headmaster of the academy, he is only just a decoy for the true leader.
    • Dean Bitterman: Unlike most example, this guy is genuinely evil.
    • Dirty Old Man
    • Disc One Final Boss: He was defeated by the Taimanins near the end of TY2, only for heroes to find out that he was nothing more than a figurehead for the true leader of the demons controlling the academy.
    • The Dragon: In actuality, he was this for Ryuji.
    • Gem Heart: His demon form seems to have one.
    • Humanoid Abomination: To put it bluntly, his true demon form is downright TERRIFYING!!
    • Oddly Overtrained Security: The Taimanins realized how suspicious the academy really is after seeing that Shigeru's security includes Robot Spiders and Cyborg Security Guards.
    • One-Winged-Angel: When he transforms into his bizarre demon form.
    • Overly Long Tongue: Part of his demon form.
    • Shapeshifter Weapon: While in his true demon form, he can protruded blades from any part of his body.

    Ryuji Kuroi

    He was introduced as a third year student at HijiriOsamu academy who is a part of the scholarship department. He is stated to be a delinquent and is apparently related to the school's headmaster, Shigeru Washizu. During the advent of Taimanin Yukikaze 2, Rinko (who was undercover at time) was assigned to be his maid, as students from the scholarship department are given a maid or a butler. It is later revealed that he is in fact the an extremely powerful demon and the true main antagonist in the Yukikaze series.

    • Big Bad: The hidden true main antagonist of Taimanin Yukikaze 2. He will likely be a more direct threat to the Taimanins in a future Yukikaze game.
    • Bigger Bad: Of Taimanin Yukikaze 1. He also one for the Lilith-Soft game, Ochiru Hitozuma, due to his connection with Under Eden.
    • Bishonen: As opposed to the usual Gonk villains in the Yukikaze series. But only in his human form.
    • The Heavy: He is the mastermind behind Shiranui's disappearance, Under Eden, and HijiriOsamu academy, making him responsible for all the advents that occurred in TY1 and TY2.
    • Hot Guys Are Bastards: He is by far the most attractive villain (unless you you count the Brainwashed and Crazy Shiranui) introduced in the Yukikaze series and he is by far most the powerful and evilest of them all.
    • Humanoid Abomination: His demon form.
    • I Have You Now, My Pretty: Rinko was his primary target in TY2, but he also does this to Shiranui in Bonus Material.
    • Karma Houdini: Although his organization has took some blows due to the loss of many of its key members, Ryuji himself has yet to suffer any real punishment for his crimes, and is currently still at large. Only time will tell if karma will finally catch up to him.
    • Long-Haired Pretty Boy/ White-Haired Pretty Boy: His human form.
    • Man Behind the Man: It's reveal in TY2 that he has been the one controlling both Real and Shigeru's actions. He was the one who commissioned Real to cause Shiranui's disappearance, and has kept the woman as his personal slave ever since.
    • Nepotism: At first glance. Despite being a delinquent, Ryuji is part of the scholarship department, which was only reserved for student who had done exceptionally well on their academics. Many assume Ryuji got in because he was apparently related to the headmaster. In reality, he was Shigeru's boss.
    • One-Winged-Angel: When he transforms into his true demon form, which is kind of looks like a hulking-winged Cthulhu.
    • Properly Paranoid: Unlike Edwin Black, Ryuji tried to keep his existence hidden from the Taimanins as long as possible, by using Decoy Leaders, Real and Shigeru.
    • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Both his human and demon forms have red eyes.
    • Suspiciously Similar Substitute: He's basically Yukikaze's equivalent of Edwin Black, just with all the Noble Demon traits removed.
    • Walking Spoiler: It's really hard talking about this guy without revealing that he is the villain that Yukikaze has been looking for.

    Kazuma Tendo

    The leader of the House of Greed, a criminal organization that specializes in human trafficking.



    A scythe-weilding demon girl that works for the House of Greed. It would later be revealed in Taimanin Kurenai that she is the daughter of Edwin Black and biological sister of Kurenai.


    Kyousuke Sawaki


    Asagi's childhood friend and long time boyfriend. Asagi originally retired as a Taimanin just before the advents of the first game in hopes of marrying him, and living a normal life, sadly it was not meant to be.

    • And Then Kyousuke Was a Monster: Thank to Oboro mutating his body.
    • Bishonen
    • Brainwashed and Crazy: Once again, thank to Oboro.
    • Childhood Friend Romance: With Asagi.
    • Distressed Dude: For much of the first game.
    • Killed Off for Real: Asagi was forced to kill him near the end of the first game after he became a monster. However, unlike most characters who were either "revived" or Spared by the Adaptation (e.g. Taimanin Asagi Battle Arena), Kyousuke remained dead in ever story continuation and adaptation thus far.
    • The Lost Lenore: For Asagi after his death.
    • Love Interest: For Asagi, the two were planning on getting married until Oboro made her return.
    • Promoted to Parent: He had to raise his younger brother, Kousuke, after they were orphaned at a young age, much like how Asagi was left to raise Sakura.
    • Unlucky Everydude: A completely normal guy, who just happens to be dating a Demon Slaying Ninja. As the "unlucky" part, the guy had his body taken over by Oboro, was raped by her, and was turned into a monster all for the purpose of further tormenting his girlfriend.

    Kousuke Sawaki

    The younger brother of Kyousuke. After his brother death, Asagi decide to raise the boy in honor of her late boyfriend. During the advents of Taimanin Asagi 3, he actually began to form a romantic relationship with Asagi.


    The inner demon of Asagi Igawa. During Asagi's investigation of Tokyo Kingdom she encounters a very powerful demon and during their battle the demon hits Asagi with a needle. Due to the extreme circumstances at the time she's in to big of a rush to find out if the needle was some sort of demonic poison(it's never mentioned if the needle was poison or something else entirely). Eventually Asagi and her sister are captured by the Ryuumon, an organization under the control of a cloned Oboro. The clone reveals that Taimanins have demon ancestry and that the Ryuumon want to use them to create an army of super soldiers(like Saya above). Of course this process involves repeated emotional and physical abuse, that of which cause Kage to awaken within Asagi. Asagi and Kage get off to rocky start but eventually Asagi realizes that she needs Kage's power to save Sakura and escape Tokyo Kingdom. During moments of severe duress Kage will appear before Asagi and offer her help.

    • The Berserker: Will relentlessly attack any and all of Asagi's opponents, even if they happen to be Asagi's brainwashed loved ones.
    • Black Eyes of Crazy
    • Chekhov's Gun: Her and Asagi have a brief conversation about Black's true goals that plays a part in the true ending to Asagi's route. Specifically, Black seeks to unite with Asagi's demonic half because their lineage of the same origins and they are attracted to one another in that sense like gravity. The twist is that while Kage isn't planning on helping Black should Asagi refuse to join him, neither will she object should Asagi decide to do so.
    • The Corruption: Odd case in which the corruption is the demonic lineage inherent to all Taimanin, Asagi just has a stronger grasp of it's potential benefits and downsides. The benefits are a massive power boost in all categories, and the downsides are that she could completely become her demonic half as well as a small chance of destroying her human body due to the stress letting Kage out puts on Asagi.
    • Cute Monster Girl: Even though her physical appearance is a demonic Asagi, she is still pretty hot. However, the appearance changes slightly between the second and third game, with the TA2 appearance depicted above, and the TA3 version has Asagi's skin turn a muted purple as well.
    • Depending on the Artist: Kage's physical appearance varies depending on the installment. Her TA2 appearance can be seen here on her profile image. Her design in TA3 is changed so that she has purple skin, and white hair with a violet tint.
    • Emotion Eater: The more Asagi sinks into despair, the stronger she will become. However, she will use that power to destroy the source of Asagi's despair.
    • Enemy Within: Somewhat subverted as Kage doesn't mean Asagi any harm and tells her she just another side of her, it's just Asagi constantly refusing the fact that causes fraction between the two.
    • Evil Counterpart: She is the manifestations of Asagi's hidden demonic powers. So naturally she is this for Asagi.
    • Expy: Seems to be one for Hollow Ichigo from Bleach.
    • Gone Horribly Right: Well the Oboro clone did want to turn Asagi into monster.
    • Sociopathic Hero: While she truly does want to act in Asagi's best interest, that only applies to keeping Asagi alive, she doesn't give a damn about Asagi's allies, innocent people, or anything else in the way Asagi doesn't want brutally murdered.
    • Slasher Smile
    • Split Personality Takeover: However, she can only takeover Asagi's body if Asagi allows it.
    • Super-Powered Evil Side: Serve as this for Asagi.
    • Well-Intentioned Extremist: Kage truly does want to help Asagi defeat her opponents, but her methods tend to be a little extreme. This is usually why Asagi would normally refuse her help.

    Oboro Kokawa


    The "true" Oboro. A former Taimanin, a friend of Asagi's, and blood relative of Asuka. At some point before the first game, Oboro left the Taimanins and joined the US Forces. During her absents, Edwin Black had created several clones of Oboro that would go on masquerading as her for the majority the series. These clones are the "Oboro" that has become Asagi's Arch Enemy, while the real Oboro still sees Asagi as her friend. Oboro makes her first true appearance in Taimanin Asagi 3, as mysterious masked figure.

    • Beauty Equals Goodness: Her face is more attractive than her Evil Knockoff, even though they are technically the same person, mostly due to being rendered in a softer style and lacking in the evil version Oboro's more unpleasant facial expressions. she does have one Slasher Smile expression, but no worse than regular Asagi's face while uncorrupted.
    • Breakout Character: In Taimanin Asagi 3, she is given rather limited screen time, doesn't have a single H-scene, and is killed off (Much to the disappointment of fans). Luckily, she is given more screen time, and H-scenes, in Taimanin Asagi: Battle Arena.
    • Cool Mask: Serves as a tactical purpose as well makes her look different from her clone and made it easier for her and Asagi to talk without Asagi assuming the worst.
    • Good Counterpart: For her Evil Knockoff, who was introduced before her.
    • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Courtesy of Edwin Black.
    • The Mentor: It was implied that she was this for Asagi, when Asagi first joined the Taimanins. She also act as this towards Asuka during her route in Taimanin Asagi 3.
    • Mentor Occupational Hazard: Naturally, she doesn't last very long...
    • The Obi-Wan: Was The Mentor for both Asagi and Asuka, and was apparently killed by the Big Bad while protecting Asuka and allowing her to escape. She spends her final moments believe that Asagi and Asuka would defeat Edwin Black, which they did. And she even set up the circumstances for Black's defeat by goading him into believing this, which played a part in changing the original history of Asagi's route so he would take on Asuka and Asagi simply to prove he'd win over them as posthumous spite.
    • Older Than They Look: Arguable, she looks even younger than her clone, who would physically be 8 years younger than the original after Evil!Oboro became The Ageless after being turned into a vampire.
    • Sacrificial Lion: She is seemly killed by Edwin Black at the mid-point of Asuka route. However, only time will tell if her death sticks.
    • Spared By Adaptation: Is still alive in Taimanin Asagi: Battle Arena.
    • Walking Spoiler: Just mentioning that she is the true/original Oboro is spoiler enough.
    • Worf Effect: Despite being strong enough to fight off Ingrid, she is ultimately defeated by Edwin Black, just to show powerful he is.

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