< Street Fighter

Street Fighter/WMG

Joe from Street Fighter I is Lucky Colt/Gunloc from Muscle Bomber/Saturday Night Slam Masters.

  • The short blond hair, the Sonic Fist and Rolling Sobat special moves, and most importantly...the kick-ass Air Force BOMBER JACKET he sports in the SF1 intro and his entrance in SNSM. His bio in SNSM stating that he's Guile's brother would also make him Blade from Street Fighter: The Movie: The Game (unless Guile had more than one brother, which would make Gunloc AND Blade his brothers).
    • Jossed by The World Warrior Encyclopedia, which has separate bios for Joe and Gunloc. Of course, they do that with Mike and Balrog, too, so Lying Creator be here.

Ryu will be a secret boss during the 4th World Warrior Tournament.

The 3rd World Warrior Tournament was during SFIII, and SFIV didn't even have a World Warrior Tournament. Unlike SFII, SFIII, and SFIV, there will be no sort of hidden conspiracy like Shadaloo or Illuminati. It'll be just like that time Sagat held the very first one, just to prove that he's the best.

Ken will be the final boss, and if conditions are right, then you can fight Ryu. No brainwashed or even possibly evil Ryu or Ken. Just them in their purest form, at the peak of their power.

M.Bison/Vega/Whatever is a closet transsexual

Chew on this: Rose, M.Bison's Enemy Without Superpowered Good Side, is very female. Cammy, M.Bison's genetically-altered clone whom he plans to put his mind into -- and whom, as a genetically-altered clone, he could have made look however he wished -- is also very female. Clearly, there's more to this guy than he's letting on.

  • There's NO WAY a female could have the body M. Bison/Vega has. The guy is ripped to all hell. And besides, art from Street Fighter 2 shows him sans shirt, and he looks totally male.
    • Clearly, M. Bison trained at the spring of Drowned Megalomaniac.
      • Perhaps he always wanted to be a woman, but just can't. The whole Nightmare Fuel is to imagine him dressed as a woman. Eww.
    • Or maybe it's the reverse. Rose embodies everything that was positive about him before he purged it from himself in order to master Psycho Power. Cammy being an opposite-sex clone lends further credence to this - it implies a fascination with being female that he nonetheless forgoes in order to continue to gain power. The "good" part of him was his female side (and his desire to be physically female), which he eradicated for whatever twisted reasons he has. It makes him/her much more three-dimensional.
  • Note also that Bison's Japanese name, Vega, is the name of the star that the Japanese refer to as Orihime, a very decidedly feminine name referring to a very definitely female princess from the legend that it gets its name from.

Ran Hibiki of Rival Schools is Dan's sister

It is established that, in Dan's backstory, he has a mother and a sister. It is also established that Ran Hibiki's brother runs a dojo. Ran's home is adjacent to what seems to be the Saikyo-Ryu dojo that Sakura and Hinata frequent. Sakura's home is just behind the Saikyo-Ryu dojo. Pretty obvious by this point, really.

  • Ran's brother runs a dojo? For that matter, Ran had a brother? The only known member of her family mentioned in any Rival Schools media is her mother. In fact, where the hell did you get all this info?
  • The Saikyo-Ryu DOES exist in Rival Schools canon; and Chairperson, from Taiyo High, learned martial arts by a Saikyo-Ryu correspondence course. So there IS the possibility that this is not coincidental. Capcom surely considered that people might try to make the connection between Ran and Dan when they named her character.
  • That means that she's the gal who appears in Dan's ending in Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter? If so, then... Akuma may be their father!!!

Akuma/Gouki is Ryu's father.

Considering that other than Goutetsu, they are the only known practicioners of their fighting style to have used or been overcome by the Satsui no Hadou. Maybe it'll come up if SF ever advances its plot.

  • Word of God says Gouken and Akuma were brothers. You'd think Gouken would've recognized his nephew, or Akuma his own son, during the many times he and Ryu cross paths. Besides, Akuma's character archetype doesn't exactly lend itself to interaction with women (unless they challenged him to a fight).
    • Taking a page from the blatantly non-canon Generations OVA, there's a chance he may have knocked someone up before he was completely corrupted. It's a possibility; no timeframe is given between Goutetsu's death and Gouken's taking on Ryu. As for Akuma fighting his own son, he didn't see him until his early 20's, and he may have not recognized him because he was deep into the Satsui no Hadou. Better yet, he doesn't care. As for Gouken... hey, it's quite possible he wanted to spare Ryu the trauma of telling him his father had gone insane and begun a super-powered murder-rampage over the entire world.
      • He's done none of that. Akuma is a restrained (though still particularly brutal) Blood Knight, not a crazed mass murderer.
      • Okay, so he didn't do things like blow up a bunch of crowded airports. He's still the sort of guy who kills anyone who, even for a moment, makes him unsure he's going to win.
        • No, he isn't. He only fights and kills people who challenge him, and who are powerful but waste/abuse/squander their talents. If a person is too weak (Ken), have potential to become stronger (Ryu), or ill (Gen), he spares them. He's more or less consumed with the Code Of The Warrior, and believes that killing in the midst of battle is entirely justified. He's no mass murderer or vindictive killer though.
          • Put shortly, Akuma challenges anyone who makes him think he might lose, he doesn't necessarily kill them. A number of his endings/win quotes show him as something like equal parts Blood Knight and Death Seeker.

Q is the the Question.

Why not?

  • Sure, if he was on 'roids, partially robotic, and learned to self-detonate at will.
  • Q is a homage/parody of two characters:
    1. Perro, the robotic detective from Metropolis. His outfit is EXACTLY the same, and there's similarity in the face (although the other character he's based on is much more similar there).
    2. Kikaider. Q has the same blank expression and yellowed iris-less eyes as Kikaider. If it weren't for his color scheme, Q would be Kikaider in a trenchcoat.

Or Rorschach from Watchmen.

The universe revolves around Charlie.

It's WMG, no reason necessary.

Abel is Charlie.

Found in the ruins if the Shadaloo base? And his pre-fight dialogue with Guile makes it obvious.

  • The winquotes for a Abel vs. Seth match suggest otherwise. When Abel wins:

Abel: This man.. this face... My god, are we one and the same?

  • And when Seth wins:

Seth: You are a defect not worthy of a number! Your human-like face is nauseating!

  • Seems to suggest that Abel's from the same Shadaloo program that created Seth.
    • It's still possible. Charlie was captured by Bison/Vega, his memory was wiped, and he had all manner of unethical experimentation done on him; thus he became Abel. He does seem to recognize Guile when he and Guile are standing outside the ruined Shadowloo base in Chun-Li's ending.
    • Oh, and Guile says "It's you, alright" while fighting Abel.
  • According to the Udon comics, Charlie saved Abel from the Shadaloo lab where he was created.
  • Something to keep in mind is that, during their fight, Abel repeatedly implies that he's protecting a third party who Guile's fighting style reminds him of.
  • Debunked by a character relationship chart posted by SFIV's project manager (so this is Word of God) to explain the game's story. The translation of the chart indicates that Charlie did save Abel from the Shadaloo base as shown in the Udon comic, which likely explains why Abel is familiar with the Sonic Boom.
    • And Guile's win quote to Abel in Super SFIV further lends credibility to the "Charlie saved Abel" theory:

Guile: The man who saved you used this move? You must be talking about my friend!

The next game will feature a Face Heel Turned Ryu as its final boss.

Bison's ultimate goal seems to be to awaken Ryu's evil potential. Akuma, too, for that matter... They're the most common "main villains" in the Street Fighter universe, and so it's only a matter of time before they accomplish their goal... only to have it destroyed by Dan Hibiki at the last minute.

M. Bison's true power comes from his massive chin.

Hilariously, Sakura was right.

The M in the one called M. Bison in the American version stands for one of the following names.

Hugo is trying to get Alex to go into Professional Wrestling with him and Poison.

We already know that Hugo and Poison are going "pro" (Poison managing Hugo), and it's hardly a stretch to think that one of them reasoned that a ready-made tagteam/rivalry would greatly enhance their chances of success - their little WrestleMania III Shout-Out stare-down intro would then be practice for the kayfabe feud they'd probably end up in at one point or another. Alternatively, if one of them (I think Alex was the canon champion) made a crapload of money in the tournament, perhaps they could start their own promotion!

Seth is a clone/experiment based off of Dhalsim.

Let's see, Seth has the Bald of Evil. Dhalsim has Bald of Awesome. Seth uses Dhalsim's stretching as normal attacks, and they are both capable of teleportation. Seth is a foot taller, but this can be explained by him being artificially enhanced. Dhalsim is very muscular, but his abdomen is very thin. Seth is very muscular, and has a yin-yang orb on his abdomen, covering it. Neither of them have pupils.

Dan Hibiki ends up as a final boss at one point

Beware the Nice Ones, because despite what you think, Real Men Wear Pink, and if you think for a second that a fight with Dan will be a Curb Stomp Battle in your favour, Dan will become a Lethal Joke Character.

  • Considering that he was a mid-boss character on SNK vs. Capcom: SVC Chaos... that wouldn't be strange.

Capcom is actively trying to destroy evidence of Street Fighter 3's existence

SF4 lacks parrying. One thing. But it also lacks any SF3 characters. You dig?

  • SFIV is a prequel to SFIII, and a younger Yun and Yang appear in one of Chun-Li's videos in SFIV. Also, game mechanics usually change between iterations: Many things from Alpha weren't included in SF III for instance. Lastly, I think they wanted a 'throwback' to the more familiar SF 2 characters.
    • Well, don't forget that Yun appeared in a console version of Alpha 3. Also, we have to wait until the confirmation of the other 5 characters of SSFIV to see if Capcom "hates" SFIII. Maybe there will be one or two surprises. Plus, don't forget that Alex appears in Tatsunoko vs. Capcom, the most recent game in the Vs. series.
      • Maybe it'll end Jossed. There's a leaked screen [dead link] showing Dudley.
        • That's photoshopped. On the other hand, the December 2009 issue of Famitsu has a legit screen of Guy focus-absorbing a kunai, a weapon Ibuki usually uses.
        • ^-- Leaving this here for LO Ls -- the leaked screen was 100% accurate.
        • And Dudley, Ibuki and Makoto have been confirmed for Super SFIV, so we can consider this whiny WMG debunked.
  • And now in Super SFIV Arcade Edition, Yun & Yang have joined the ranks. And they're both absolute top-tier. Consider this WMG truly, utterly debunked.

Cammy is a butch lesbian.

Though to some this would be a case of her living in the Transparent Closet (just look at her!). As of now, it is unsure whether she'd go for Chun-Li or Sakura.

    • Okay did Moviebob write this one? Anyways Cammy's face and hair (and her Ms. Fanservice role namely about her body) are the reasons why anyone might deny the "Butch" part. But to be fair the Street Fighter series is not entirely devoid of Les Yay as Juli and Juni's ending in Street Fighter Alpha 3 is a slight example of that.
    • I'm fairly certain that: A - She's not Butch, & B - Her being homosexual (or at least bisexual) is canon. After all, she is a clone of Bison. She was designed to be a replacement body for him in case of an emergency. So, chances are good that he'd arrange for his replacement body to react (in the attracted sense) to pretty much the same people as his original body.

Sakura has the more potential then Ryu,Ken, or anyone else really (Slight exagaration on my part.

This is not just because of this Troper's favor of Sakura. No one seems to notice this girl managed to teach herself how to use moves that Ryu, Ken, and even Akuma seem to have taken years to learn! She had no assistance in this matter! She's a sixteen year old school girl!!! Well it's true her personality seems to aim towards being silly and lighthearted her goals and story are not all that silly (she really wants to improve herself). Infact being silly and light hearted may be to her advantage (No Evil Power Dark Side). If Sakura got some real training and such she would most likely be better then both Ryu and Ken. This troper never sees anyone point this fact out!

Dan tried to enter the first Street Fighter tournament and lost to Retsu.

That concept art of Retsu beating up Dan had to have been drawn for a reason. Plus, how could Dan pass up the opportunity to publicly humiliate Sagat?

If Capcom gives Poison and Roxy (or at least Poison) a comeback they will try to play up their sexuality.

Yes we all know the story about their ambiguous gender (which is pretty much All There in the Manual) but I can picture Capcom trying to play up their potential Ms. Fanservice roles Up to Eleven. However if this occurred back in the 90's they will most likely be flat out heterosexual. Though nowadays one can't be too sure if they would be purely Hetero or try to go for a bit more Fetish Fuel namely adding in more Les Yay or perhaps a bit of both.

Hugo is a clone or lost sibling of Poison

Just look at the result of Demitri's Midnight Bliss on him. Then watch carefully when Demitri drains Hugo's lifeforce. Coincidence that Poison wants to manage him? [1]

Juri kills every character that doesn't make an appearance or cameo in the Street Fighter 3 games

It seems only Chun-Li survives her fight with Juri. Ryu, Ken, and Akuma may or may not fight her at all.

Ingrid is the wife of Hakan

Just look at this picture Specifically the background.

    • Well now, this one honestly sounds rather unlikely for a plethora of reasons.
      • Hakan's wife seems to have darker skin and rather large breasts. Plus, Ingrid's non-canon in S Fverse.
      • Maybe this is her becoming canon. And she got a tan. The larger breasts may just be a sexing up for the S Fverse or she might have actually gotten larger breasts in-universe, from cosmetic surgery, an incredibly late growth spurt or even just a piece of Street Fighter related Applied Phlebotinum.

Q is Balrog (Boxer) in disguise.

He's a towering, hulking menace with absurdly powerful punches, but really clumsy-looking kicks. We also can't see any part of him and he is never heard speaking in-game; Capcom is clearly trying to hide something from us. [2]

    • Er... unless Balrog bleached his skin, not a chance. You can clearly see a patch of light skin under the mask. Besides, a promotional picture for New Generation showed Alex punching out Balrog, so your theory is, well, wrong. It's implied that 1) Q. might not even be human (check out his sprite when electrocuted) and 2) he's connected to the CIA agents who were investigating the Q phenomena in the first place (I believe that he's the man leading the team back at HQ).
    • It may be "implied" but that doesn't mean that it's stated outright. And the patch of pale skin could be a patch of skin covered in make-up for added identity protection. And the promotional pictures are not exactly infallible canon.

Remy's father and the merc that saved Abel is one and the same and knew Charlie.

Lets look at this step by step, getting past Abel's true beginning ( as a body for Bison and Seth genetically engineered precursor), he was found by a Commander of a bunch of mercs. He doesn't remember much except that the merc who saved him died and that he's seen the Sonic Boom before. Due to his true origin, Abel may or may not really be French (like how Cammy, a Bison clone, wasn't really British), but adopted the nationality because a French man (I'm thinking the Commander) helped him recover.

Then there's Remy, a French emo who when not listening to Blink-182, is ripping off moves from Guile and Charlie, particually Charlie's one-handed Sonic Boom, and he's better at it (i.e. he has more than two special moves). His father disappeared long ago leaving him and his cryogenically frozen (for some reason) sister, something, he never forgave him for.

So here's the breakdown one "Frenchman" with amnesia remebers the Sonic Boom, a move only two people at the time (Charlie, Guile) can do. He also knows that the Commander had died sometime before SFIV. Then there's another Frenchman who several years later, uses moves similar to moves those to guys above used and his father disapeared.

My theory is that (like the title says) the merc commander is Remy's father who learned how to use Charlie and Guile's moves from...Charlie himself. After Alpha 3, they never found Charlie's body. Maybe the mercs rescued him as well, maybe he stumbled upon them. In any case, that would explain Abel's knowledge of the Sonic Boom, Remy's subsequent use of moves similar to Charlie's fighting style (the father taught his son what Charlie taught him) and Remy's father's disappearance (because he was killed in action).

Sean was a student of Dan's

Maybe it's played for laughs, but have you ever wondered why, Sean constantly rags on Dan in Street Fighter III? I figure (and this will be his way into Street Fighter IV) that he studied Saikyo with Dan in order to be a tough fighter. He enters the SFIV tournament and gets his butt handed to him (the first of many). Infuriated, he quits and has hated Dan ever since. During the same tournament, he probably meets, or even faces Ken and that's how their relationship starts. Sean would still have his specials moves and the Gadouken, but they're all less powerful if this happens. His super would be a Gadou - Burst, in place of the Hadou - Burst.

  • According to All About SF3: New Generation, Sean's "Dan" comments were added in the US/European version (in the Japanese version, he uses generic phrases in their place). It stands to reason that the same would apply to SF3: Second Impact. As far as canon is concerned, the two may not even be aware of each other's existence.

Adon will become the future Akuma/Gouki equivalent.

Ok follow me on this. Ever since the first World Warriors tournament concluded Adon had lost respect for his former master Sagat after his loss at the hands of Ryu. During the Alpha series he challenged and defeated Sagat for the title of King of Muay Thai (though just barely), afterward leaving to find and attempt to defeat Akuma. Now, Sagat in gameplay is no push over and often considered top tier by even admission of the designers, so in canon they can be considered more or less equal. Sagat (as of SFIV) has become more noble and seeking to fight to improve himself, due to the influence of Ryu. To me this is becoming an updated rivalry of the whole Gouken/Akuma deal with Gouken=Sagat and Akuma=Adon. Noble Gouken/Sagat fighting to improve themselves and perfect the craft, and the Blood Knight Akuma/Adon seeking out the strongest warriors to destroy them and/or attain power at any cost. This seems to be backed up by a clip of Adon or Sagat's Rival video, wherein Sagat tells Adon that "The power you seek is twisted." Maybe he is searching for something... forbidden.

It will eventually be revealed that Cammy had a hand in killing Juri's parents.

There's a palpable sense of antagonism between Juri and Cammy in the latter's rival cutscene where Juri points out that although Cammy has changed, that doesn't mean that she is necessarily absolved from all the wrongdoing she commited while under Bison's leadership.

Now, it's important to remember that as a member of Delta Red, Cammy's past has been effectively covered up, therefore, few people should know of her time as Killer Bee. You may chalk it up to Juri being a part of S.I.N, and her trying to play mindgames with the British operative, but there was something highly personal in the way she confronted Cammy.

It would be an interesting, if somewhat tragic twist if it's revealed that Cammy was present when the Han family was kidnapped by Shadaloo. Juri, being the Tae Kwon Do champion at the time probably tried to fight back her captors when they attempted to execute her parents. As we all know, martial artists in the Street Fighter universe can be pretty capable against even trained soldiers and so she managed to fend the Mooks off with her skills. This was unfortunately what Bison wanted and the reason he had Cammy come along for the assassination, as he wished to test Cammy's fighting ability, the template of the other Dolls, against a formidable opponent in a life or death struggle. Juri's missing eye? Cannon Spike to the socket.

Impressed with the young Korean's prowess, Bison decided to have Cammy let her live, though did not bestow such kidness on Juri's parents, ordering Cammy to shoot them, right in front of the beaten but still conscious teenager.

The incident broke Juri's mind, turning her into the sadistic brawler that she is in SSFIV.

Things escalated from there, whereas Cammy would eventually be redeemed by Rose, Juri's violent and bloodthirsty reputation would catch the attention of S.I.N.

Thus she could serve as a dark parallel to both Chun-Li and Cammy in terms of backstory and life choices.

    • Damn, that's pretty brutal. For some reason, Seth's words (in his ending) about how the people who killed Juri's parents (aka Shadaloo) were now dead as well as the Juri vs. Bison rival battle (specifically, Bison saying "You've grown strong.") made me think that Bison was entirely responsible, but this is a much better (and tragic) theory.
    • Actually, scratch that. Word of God confirms that Bison killed Juri's parents and bereaved her of her left eye.
      • Could be that Cammy was still involved in some way or another. Or, of course, Juri could be equating her with Bison, for obvious reasons.
    • Besides, Word of God may have confirmed that Bison killed them and tore out her eye, but it didn't say how he did it. Maybe he killed them by setting his clone on them.

In Super Street Fighter IV Turbo (or whatever they decide to call it this time around), Skullomania (of Street Fighter EX fame) will make the cut.

Love It or Hate It, there's one thing that everyone loves about the EX titles: Skullomania. Perhaps the campiest Homage to Toku and Super Sentai heroes everywhere, Skullo became a hit with virtually EVERYONE. Who could hate him? It would seem that of the entire cast of new characters, Skullo's status as a walking Crowning Moment of Funny cemented him as a character that needed to stay. How popular is he? So popular that he actually made the list of characters people wanted to see in Super Street Fighter IV. Capcom themselves know the appeal Skullo can garner; hell, we got Dudley, Ibuki, Makoto, Guy, and Cody in SSFIV. If Capcom could pull Localization To The Rescue and get Tatsunoko vs. Capcom out of Japan, they surely can swallow their pride and pay Arika for the rights to Skullo.

Even better, they'll have Kyle Hebert pull double duty as both Ryu and Skullo, with Skullo having The Great Saiyaman's voice. Hilarity WILL ensue.

    • As a fan of the EX series, I would very much like this to happen. The series has so many awesome characters that could easily be fit into the canon SF games. Hokuto, Kairi, Blair, Allen, Skullo, Doctrine Dark, Cracker Jack, DARUN...

Juri Han is intended to be Chun-Li's Evil Counterpart

Think about it. Juri is a Kick Chick whose father died as a result of opposing Shadoloo. The parallels to Chunners are obvious.

  • Let's just lay it all out there. Each of them:
    • is female.
    • is East Asian.
    • is a Kick Chick.
    • is a Fragile Speedster.
    • wears her hair in twin buns.
    • wears spiked bracelets.
    • has a flying spinning kick special move.
    • has an energy projectile special move.
    • is a primary: a) heroine (Chun-Li) b) villainess (Juri)
    • works for an organization devoted to: a) crime (Juri) b) fighting crime (Chun-Li).
    • lost her father, who fought crime, to Shadaloo.
    • likes: a) sweet food (Chun-Li) b) spicy food (Juri)
    • dislikes M. Bison.
      • And her outfit layout is the exact negative of Chun's (minus the obligatory bra and panties). All of Chun's shown body parts are hidden in Juri's case and vice-versa.

Rainbow Mika and Chun Li are one and the same

Rainbow Mika apeared once, during the Alpha 3 game, and after that shows up no more. Every Chun Li appearance after that, chronologically AND literally, has Chun Li wear white wrestling boots very similar to those R. Mika. Well, except in Street Fighter 2, which was made before Alpha 3. The real Chun Li must have died at some point between Alpha 3 and 2, with Rainbow Mika substituting her. What's worse, Mika always wore a mask, hiding how she really looks from anyone who could find out the truth.

  • Except that canon has since shown that R. Mika & Chun can be in the same room at the same time. Not forgetting that Chun's main draw is quite different from R. Mika's assets...

Street Fighter is based on Nordic Mythology

Specifically, the notion of Norse warrior's heaven, Valhalla. The fighters have died in some different incidents and they are now fighting their way into heaven. It may explain why no one really bothers to use guns or swords, just fighting moves. Characters like M. Bison, Vega and Balrog may be in fighter hell as they never have been arrested for world domination schemes. The fighters who don't return are in heaven and the ones who return may be in a purgatory like state or are the equivalent of valkyries, fighting the equivalent of demons in a fight between good and evil. Guys like Seth and Akuma could be like Nordic Gods of good and evil.

T. Hawk is from Hohoq

One, he's named Thunder Hawk. Hohoq is populated with thunderbirds, which can be corrupted once on the ground. Two, he's still around Mexico even when Bison's been driven into hiding and he can conceivably return to his home land.

Dictator's odd stance seen in all forms of 2, 4, Chaos, etc.

It comes from his lust for women.

Aside from Maki Final Fight 2 and 3 are pretty much Canon Discontinuity as far as the Street Fighter series is concerned.

When Capcom wanted to fully add in Street Fighter characters they pretty much only focused on the first Final Fight and ignored the games SNES-only sequels. After all in Guy's ending for Street Fighter Alpha 2 Zeku is Guy's master even though according to Final Fight 2 Guy's Master is an elderly man by the name of Genryusai. Why does Guy have Ship Tease moments with Rose in Street Fighter Alpha 3 and Street Fighter IV even though he is supposedly Happily Married to Rena? Simple - Rena no longer exists and Capcom assumed that nobody cared about Final Fight 2 so Guy gets to have an occasional tender moment or few with Rose.

Now you might be wondering what about Maki from Final Fight 2? How come she got excluded from the Limbo that Capcom has placed everyone else from the later 2 Final Fight games? Simple - at first she was going to share the others' fate but she got a lucky break when Capcom decided to make her into an The Unexpected addition to Capcom Vs. SNK 2. And since Capcom has already bothered to ever use her again they figured why not throw the fans a bone by actually acknowledging her existence in the Street Fighter series. Granted her role in the story is pretty much trying to find Guy and defeat him in battle but at least she gets to be the (so far) sole Final Fight character that wasn't in the original game to appear in the Street Fighter series.

    • Although Maki herself hasn't appeared since those two games, despite her goal to defeat Guy. This theory could very well be true. Does anyone have an official statement from Capcom themselves?

The Knife in Fei-Long's ending was from Guy or Rolento.

In Fei-Long's ending in SFIV, someone throws a knife at Seth's back. Most people assumed this was Ibuki, but in her story of SSFIV, she has little to no involvement with S.I.N., since she just wants to find a boyfriend. It makes much more sense to me that it would have been Guy (he has ninja blades), who is actively opposing S.I.N., or Rolento who may view Shadowloo as a threat to the utopia he is trying to create. Then again it could have been someone else, I just don't think it's Ibuki.

Street Fighter takes place in the same universe as Final Fight and Captain Commando.

Basically confirmed, since Guy and Cody from Final Fight are playable in the games, and Final Fight takes place in Metro City, which is the main setting of Captain Commando sometime in the future. So when these series appear in the Marvel vs. Capcom games, they're coming from the same world. Also, Captain Commando's technology could be inspired by the designs Crimson Viper uses.

The Street Fighter world has a Multiverse similar to DC Comics and Marvel Comics

So, aside from the canon Street Fighter universe that we all know and love, the continuity of the first Street Fighter movie (with Jean Claude Van Damme) and its animated spin-off exists in one parallel universe...the continuity of Street Fighter II V exists in another universe...the extremely wide myriad of Fan Fiction based on Street Fighter exists in numerous multiple universes all by themselves...and in one universe somewhere, the Street Fighter cast exists as ordinary people with no super-human powers (but they still know how to fight, and a few will still look weird but will otherwise be average in the eyes of that universe's inhabitants). Oh, and Street Fighter the Legend of Chun Li exists (if you even want it to, that is) in some far-flung universe all by itself, away from the rest.

  • To expand on the "ordinary people with no super-human powers" idea (which has been on my mind for a little while now; maybe I'll turn it into a Fanfic), among the changes from the standard Street Fighter fare: the setting is one gigantic City of Adventure; M. Bison is a corrupt businessman who dresses in a badass suit but is otherwise as much of a Complete Monster as his canon counterpart (no, erase that movie's rendition of him from your minds), and Gill is presented as a normal-colored but still badass rival businessman; Ryu wears white sneakers and blue jeans and walks around the city looking for fights but overall is still a good guy; Guile, Chun Li and Cammy all work for the local police department; Akuma works in construction; Sean and Dan are wannabe gang members; Juri is saner than her canon counterpart (but still a Kick Chick)...yeah, that's what I can come up with for now.

Poison's "uniqueness" makes her desirable to both men and women...and she, in turn, will do Anything That Moves.

.......yeah. Let's just leave it at that.

Haggar will appear in a future installment

Now that he's been in Marvel vs. Capcom 3, there is no excuse not to have him in Street Fighter proper. Okay, part of me just really wants to see him and Zangief finally square off, but still.

Go Hibiki, Dan's father, took out Sagat's eye with a Goryuken

Dan heavily implies that his father also practiced the same half-baked, unfinished style of Ansatsuken that Dan learned, and Sagat has a weakness for uppercuts, so this is the only logical answer.

Dan Hibiki was expelled not because he wanted revenge, but because he's secretly Gouken's grandson

My guess is that Gouken was in this romantic relationship with Dan's grandma, and had intense goodbye sex with her before he left with his brother to train under Goutetsu. She, obviously, got pregnant with Go. When Go became older and learned who his father was, he found him and Gouken agreed to train him. One day, Go told Gouken that he was his son. Gouken knew this to be true, but showed no sign of it to Go, and angrily threw him out for daring to suggest that he violated the vow of chastity that Goutetsu made Gouken and Akuma accept before he would train them. Go then refined what little he had learned, and created the Saikyo arts, traveling the world as a street fighter (where he one day encountered Sagat and became rivals with him). Years later, Go had a son named Dan (and also possibly a daughter named Ran). When Dan was around 10, Go took out Sagat's eye with a Goryuken, and Sagat killed him for it. Dan was instructed upon his death to find master Gouken, and to train under him. He was also instructed to never tell him his last name. Years later, Dan told Gouken that he wanted to get revenge on Sagat for killing his father, Go. Gouken remembered the name and discovered that Dan Hibiki is his grandson. Gouken expelled him, telling him that it was because of his want for revenge, although he could've easily just trained him to think otherwise. Dan then refined his limited skills, combining them with what her remembered seeing of his father's saikyo , and moved to Hong Kong to open a dojo.

In the movie, Guile was an immigrant to America.

Hence the European accent paired with the Stars and Stripes tattoos.

Oni is the Satsui no Hado incarnate, using Akuma as a vessel.

Akuma is the pinnacle of human potential and more thanks to the Satsui no Hado. His beads, however, act as a Power Limiter to keep it in check. Now, If you look at Oni's artwork, you can see glowing orange balls around him. What if those balls were Akuma's prayer beads and they broke off somehow? It would release his sealed power, and he would go mad with power and become a true demon.

  • I'm sure the general consensus is that Oni is (in some way or another) Akuma, but many people seem to be forgetting that Akuma's prayer beads originally belonged to his master Goutetsu; officially, after Akuma killed his master, he lifted Goutetsu's prayer beads off of his corpse and took them as his own. There was apparently nothing special about the beads when Capcom introduced this plot point (in supplemental materials, natch), but Capcom has used the magic of Retcons before, so we can't rule this out completely yet.

Captain Commando will one day actually become relevant to the plot of Street Fighter.

Capcom has proven with Guy and Cody that they're willing to do crossovers at the drop of a hat, and C. Viper's technology is far too similar to that of the Captain than can be considered a coincidence.

Rufus is an Expy of Wario.

Yellow outfit, ridiculous moustache, and skilled at jumping around despite being preposterously obese? Check. Loud-mouthed and proud? Check. Self-appointed rival to a major protagonist, who happens to have an affinity for fire-based attacks? Check.

    • Seems unlikely. Rufus hasn't proven to be all that greedy.

The Street Fighter contestants keep their defeated opponents' eyebrows as trophies.

Ryu, Ken, Fei Long, and E. Honda have had some impressive winning streaks lately, whereas Guile, Blanka, Sagat, and a few others haven't been so lucky. The only problem with this WMG is that Dan owns perhaps the biggest set of eyebrows in the series; a possible explanation is that he wears prosthetic eyebrows in order to improve his image.

All the Martial Arts in Street Fighter Use Ki

All the martial artists in Street Fighter use ridiculously powerful physics defying moves, even practitioners of the "normal" ones like boxing or wrestling. This is because there are no normal martial arts, each and every single one makes use of Ki in some way. Furthermore the different cultures of the world have their own unique methods of Ki manipulation that show up in their martial arts. There's evidence all over the place, for instance...

    • Dudley and Boxer always have a wind effect surrounding their special moves. This is because Boxing, and by extension most Western Martial Arts, are using Ki to manipulate the air around them. This is why some of Boxer's moves can go through projectiles, the combination of Ki and air around his body shields him from the Ki in the projectile.
    • Guile's Sonic Boom is explicitly stated to be him manipulating the air with Ki. It and the Flash Kick were invented by his friend Charlie who figured out that all Western Martial Arts unconsciously manipulate air with Ki and began directly applying it through the aforementioned moves.
  1. NOTE: I didn't know if I should put this here or in the Capcom vs. Whatever entry
  2. I'd previously read this theory somewhere on the internet, but can't find the source anymore.
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