Street Fighter II V
"Gonna burn some muscle!"
Street Fighter II V is an anime series based on Capcom's successful Street Fighter II games which aired on Nippon Television in 1995. Produced by Group TAC and directed by Gisaburo Sugii, the same crew who worked on Street Fighter II the Animated Movie, Street Fighter II V centers around alternate interpretations of the iconic World Warriors, with younger versions of the duo Ryu and Ken serving as the central characters.
The story begins when filthy-rich heir Ken Masters, having grown bored with his lifestyle, calls his friend and former martial arts training partner Ryu to visit him in San Francisco. After an encounter with Sergeant Guile of the U.S. Air Force at a local dive, Ryu and Ken decide to travel the world to further improve their martial arts skills.
Manga Entertainment and Animaze produced the original English dub in 1996. Interestingly, ADV Films provided an alternate dub for the UK market in 1997.
- Action Girl: Chun-Li
- Adaptation Dye Job: For some reason, Ken has red hair instead of blond in this series.
- Alternate Continuity: Unlike The Animated Movie, which attempted to be a faithful adaptation of the games (at least at far as the established canon as of Super Street Fighter II was concerned), Street Fighter II V has no qualms about taking as many liberties as possible with its depiction and characterization of the iconic World Warriors.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Ryu, normally an easygoing fellow, snaps pretty bad in the episode where he is sent to prison for a crime he didn't commit. See Curb Stomp Battle.
- Big Eater: Ryu
- Big Fancy House: Ken's dad's mansion.
- Brainwashed: Chun-Li, after Vega gives her a "love potion". Which is kinda, you know, creepy since Chun-Li is only fifteen in this particular continuity.
- Brainwashed and Crazy: Bison brainwashes both Ryu and Chun-Li later in the series. Ken and Guile, respectively, have to defuse both kids.
- Break the Cutie: Poor, unfarily imprisoned, tortured Ryu...
- Clear My Name: Ken does this for Ryu after he is falsely accused of drug possession and sent to a prison in Thailand.
- Cold-Blooded Torture: Ryu endures this at the hands of Nucchi, the cruel and sadistic warden of the Thai prison. This leads to...
- Curb Stomp Battle: When Ryu has taken enough punishment in between Nucchi's torture and the bullying by other prisoners, he snaps and retaliates, even though Ken pleaded with him not to get into any more trouble after being incarcerated. Arguably, a Crowning Moment of Awesome.
- Dark Action Girl: Cammy.
- Driven to Suicide: Zoltar makes a brainwashed test subject smash his head on the wall in the episode "Complusion Towards Vengeance".
- Easter Egg: Akuma is hidden in one frame of every episode. Keep your eyes peeled for him!
- Even Evil Has Standards: After Bison kills Nash, he tells Zoltar to give his lifeless body a proper burial.
- Fat Bastard: One of Ryu's opponents in the underground tournament at Kowloon Palace. Also, Nucchi.
- Genki Girl: The younger, cheerful Chun-Li from this particular continuity.
- Gonk: Nucchi. He's just as ugly on the inside, too.
- Heroic BSOD: Fei Long suffers one when he learns that Dorai, his mentor, has died (he isn't dead, but he is very close to it). He ends up breaking down in tears. He recovers in time to fight the person who almost did Dorai in, Cammy, and make her have a Heel Face Turn.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: Ryu and Ken, though it goes more into Ho Yay at times.
- Hot-Blooded: Ryu, and Fei-Long. It's even in the episode title, "Hot Blooded Fei Long"!
- Kamehame Hadoken: Ryu learns a few lessons on how to harness his ki from an old master.
- Improvised Weapon: Chun-Li uses her bookbag (with a pretty long strap) to whack some dudes.
- Lady in Red: Chun-Li often wears a very pretty red and golden outfit.
- Name's the Same: In the episode "Darkness at Kowloon Palace", Ryu and Ken fight a pair of twin giant mooks named Sodom and Gomorrah. No, this Sodom did not wear homemade samurai armor.
- Names to Know in Anime: Kouji Tsujitani (Ken), Chisa Yokoyama (Chun-Li), Kazuki Yao (Fei Long), Rokuro Naya (Chun-Li's dad, here named Dorai), Kaneto Shiozawa (Vega), Yuko Sasamoto (Cammy).
- Parents in Distress: Chun-Li's dad Dorai is left comatose after Cammy's beatdown on him. When she returns to finish the job, however, Fei Long (whom he helped raise) steps in Dorai's defense and defeats Cammy, also triggering her Heel Face Turn.
- To Be a Master: Ken and Ryu's goal. Specially Ryu's.
- Teen Genius: Fei Long and Chun-Li: he's in his way to action movie stardom and age 17, she's a talented Action Girl at 15. Ryu and Ken themselves may count too: their ages aren't specified, but they're not likely to be much older.
- Unstoppable Rage: Ryu, after being tortured and bullied at the Thai prison.
- Woman in Black: Cammy.