Soul Chess/Characters/Original Characters
Okay so here's where your confusion ends. Regardless of any other affiliation, these are the characters that were made by the author for this fanfic. All characters are in their proper folder
Did you have a nice dinner? Good. Go get some dessert.
Original Characters (Soul Reapers)
Stefan Lusca
A strong man with a proud heart and a virtue for justice. He is a master of bladework and is first introduced as the 4th seat of Squad 2. He becomes the Captain of Squad 2 after Yoruichi and Soifon's banishment. Stefan is tan skinned, green haired and has brown eyes. His Zanpakuto is called Yaju Kokuo. His Bankai is called Shiretsu Hokori no Yaju Kokuo.
- Animal Motifs: a Lion
- Awesome By Analysis: Aided by his knowledge of Isshin, Stefan is able to deduct many of Ichigo's abilities and skills, including his Bankai just by looking at it.
- Charles Atlas Superpower
- Expy: Of another tan, green haired, swordsman with the same name
- It Is Pronounced "Tro-PAY": For the curious, Stefan's name has the emphasis on the first syllable, making it STEH-fen instead of ste-FAHN.
- Lightning Bruiser: In Bankai.
- Master Swordsman: Barring the Head captain himself Stefan is the most proficient in the way of the sword. This is in contrast to Kenpachi who just swings wildly.
- Sobriquet: Stefan the Lion
- Super Mode: His Bankai has one.
- Sword Beam: Producable in both Shikai and Bankai, though its nowhere near Ichigo's level of power
- Sympathetic Inspector Antagonist: Shares this role with Kendra when they can't catch one of the phantoms. Justified given who's in charge
Kendra Otamachi
Beauty and Brutality are two words that describe Kendra beautifully. She is first introduced as the 5th seat of Squad 2. She becomes the Vice-captain of Squad 2 after Yoruichi and Soifon's banishment. Kendra has dark brown hair and emerald green eyes. Her Zanpakuto is called Akuma Ansatsu.
- Absurdly Sharp Blade: Her shikai’s dagger is very sharp indeed in that it was cutting clean through Sakuratella’s hierro when before Kendra could barely scratch her. And she’s not the strongest swinger by any means.
- Big Damn Heroes: Gets a really awesome one in chapter 76. Has to be seen to really note how awesome it is.
- Combat Pragmatist
- Curb Stomp Battle: Against Needles and his gang who happened to catch her on a bad day.
- Dead Little Sister: Her older sister that she used to look up to, Takiko.
- Defrosting Ice Queen: Should we be thanking or blaming Ichigo?
- Fragile Speedster: When compared to the other vice-captains anyhow. Kendra is stated to be the fastest vice-captain, bar none.
- Even the Girls Want Her: We’re looking at you Chizuru
- Expy: Of a character from the author's original work with the same name.
- Heroic BSOD: Has one after Ichigo is brought back to the Soul Society. She states that she’s going soft and hands her captain her resignation letter, but he helps her out of it.
- Improbable Weapon User: Kendra’s hairpins are especially sharp.
- I Need a Freaking Drink: At the start of ch 116 due to the stress of her inability to find Ginjo getting to her.
- Kick Chick: Well seen during her battle with Sakuratella.
- Knife Nut: Her Shikai is an oddly shaped dagger.
- Male Gaze: Has this effect on Ichigo’s school, and really most males when she isn’t dressed for profession, though she wishes she didn’t.
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Her thoughtless actions during the Fullbringer arc solidifies Keigo's Face Heel Turn.
- Onee-Sama: To Naomi
- One Woman Army
- Post Mortem One Liner: To Sakuratella "Don't worry, it's fatal."
- She Cleans Up Nicely: Kendra is no “wow” when on the job, but off it *wolf whistle*.
- She's Got Legs: In leather.
- Statuesque Stunner: She’s 174cm
- Straw Feminist: Doesn’t like being made felt like she’s any less of an individual because she’s beautiful.
- Sympathetic Inspector Antagonist: Shares this role with Stefan when they can't catch one of the phantoms. Jusfied given who's in charge
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- The Worf Effect: She's supposed to be a badass Ninja, but we don't see her winning much.
- In chapter 75 we finally get to see what she's made of. She's awesome!
- What the Hell, Hero?: Uryu yells are her for arresting Yoshino for murder he believes she didn’t commit. Kendra was wrong. Yoshino was innocent.
- Yamato Nadeshiko: Certainly looks such when she’s not in her assassin get up and seems to be aware of this, but refuses to use her charm to its advantage.
Yosei Samakura
Yosei is a man who, much like Kaien, prides himself in honor and doing the right thing. Of course, he still is an excellent assassin. He is first introduced as a low ranking officer in Squad 2 Lelouch's direct superior when he joins the squad. Currently he is the 3rd seat of the squad. Yosei has wild short black hair and dark brown eyes. His Zanpakuto is called Tetsuryu.
- Competitive Balance: His Zanpakuto involves him being allowed to switch between Glass Cannon, Fragile Speedster, and Stone Wall stances. Apparently he also has a Jack of All Stats stance, but he has yet to use it.
- Expy: Of a character from the author's original work with the same name
- Honor Before Reason
- Killed Off for Real
Yolanda Bermuta
Yolanda is a veteran warrior whose life was saved by Former Captain of Squad 10 Mari Akari. Yolanda dedicated herself to fighting to help Mari. After many years of being unseen Yolanda returns as the 4th seat of Squad 2. Yolanda has frizzed blonde hair and blue eyes. Her Zanpakuto is called Akki Satsugai.
- Badass Boast: Gets one after defeating Akki Satsugai: "Surprised? You shouldn't be. I'm a long running veteran. I was in war even before I died. When you are the casualty of the greater good, when you are trained to kill to fight for your homeland, when you are forced to grow up quicker because of constant wars, forced to pick up a weapon and defend yourself before you've barely begun to learn your multiplication tables, you know all of what I was, but you retain all of what I've thrown away: the innocence I still possess. I see the look on your face and I realize that now. I am far too experienced to be outmaneuvered by an enemy, but you have always looked so much younger than me and only now, with the success of this risk do I understand why. Let us go back to how we were, Akki Satsugai. Let us be partners once more. I am no saint, but my sin is out of necessity. I… am a soldier."
- Badass Longcoat: Obtains one when she releases her Zanpakuto.
- BFG: One mode of her Zanpakuto. It's so unwieldy though that it falls under the heading of Awesome but Impractical
- Child Soldiers: She claims she first fought in a war when she was still learning her multiplication tables.
- Guns Akimbo: the default mode of her Zanpakuto.
- In the Reapers and Heralds arc she still employs this trope using two custom made pistols modeled after weapons that were used before the art of Zanpakuto
- Mythology Gag: Her Zanpakuto already gives her a crazy Devil May Cry Shout-Out, but in chapter 100 she goes and puts on a red long coat with brown leather vest that’s bullet proof along with two custom made pistols and she is still carrying her sword.
Naomi Libra
A ditzy hyper energetic ninja girl who is always ready to do her duty. She starts out as a low ranking officer in Squad 2. She functions as Lelouch's direct subordinate during his time there. after years of inaction Naomi returns as the 5th seat of her squad. Naomi is has green mint hair in a ponytail with clear blue eyes. Her Zanpakuto is called Yukan'na Kaze.
- A Date with Rosie Palms: Word of God says that Lelouch almost caught in the act of this in chapter 11 to a picture of him.
- Blow You Away: Her Zanpakuto's power.
- Combat Pragmatist
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: See that girl that’s easily distracted, ditzy and a little off her mark. You wanna mess with her? don’t mess with her.
- Maria lampshades this in-universe when Naomi is amused by a dragonfly.
- Expy: Of a character from the author's original work with the same name.
- Genki Girl
- Genre Savvy: Has sense enough in her to boost her abilities with special vitamins and bring out a new technique that her opponent couldn’t know she had in the fight with Her Zanpakuto.
- Iaijutsu Practitioner: Starting to become this
- I Am Not Left-Handed: Her shikai can be concentrated into a sleeker state, allowing her to fight at faster speeds.
- Incredibly Lame Pun: As an assassin she says she’ll so Maria her “Killing potential”. Her opponent finds it just as bad as we do.
- Peek-a-Bangs: Starts off with this hairstyle, but has grown out of it by chapter 39.
- Obfuscating Stupidity: And How!
- The Ditz
- Even Heroes Have Heroes: She turns fangirly in the presence of Yoruichi or Soifon
- The Pollyana: Naomi is naturally cheerful even if assigned a suicide mission.
Susanna Shapikni
Susanna was also a student in Lelouch's Kido class along with Byakuya, Hisana and Gin. Since then she has grown to be Lelouch's #1 supporter. Word of God decrees that "Lelouch could commit murder right in front of Susanna and she would have no problem with it". Her devotion is exceedingly obvious throughout the course of the series. Susanna is silver haired with red eyes. Susanna is currently the 3rd seat of Squad 6. Her Zanpakuto is Raimeinodo. After the battle with Talbumosuke she is promoted to vice-captain of Squad 7 after Yuna, who takes over for the deceased Sajin Komamura, fires Iba for being a sexist pig. She along with her Captain are members of the House of Lamperouge. Kokuto is her older brother
- A Date with Rosie Palms: Lelouch thinks she is heading to do this after she leaves him abruptly after they left a party.
- Because You Were Nice to Me: Seems to be the basis for her feelings towards Lelouch
- Berserk Button: Calling her some form of deragatory term if you are her enemy sends her into a flying rage.
- Beware the Nice Ones: On the surface you won’t find a nicer girl than Susanna. Yet when she wants to be mean and thoroughly fuck you up she’ll do it no problem.
- Convenient Miscarriage: The baby she is said to be carrying in chapter 55 is lost in chapter 68
- Creepy Child: Many people alienate her because of her silver hair and red eyes. She doesn't seem to mind that others will perceive her this way as long as they don't openly say anything. Then she tends to get emotional.
- Expy: Of a character from the author's original work with the same name.
- I Can't Believe a Guy Like You Would Notice Me: Played with. She feels that Lelouch is only actively paying attention to her because he got her pregnant. Until she feels that Lelouch is interested in her because of her she’s letting his heart roam free.
- Kung Fu Wizard: Her fighting style.
- Love Makes You Evil: Subverted in that Susanna didn’t realize Lelouch was actually a Fake Defector, but her Undying Loyalty to Lelouch drove her to this.
- Pregnant Badass: For a little while anyway
- Sex for Solace: In chapter 49 she does it with Lelouch while he's locked up to prove that he is not alone.
- Shock and Awe: Her Zanpakuto.
- The Woobie: She was rejected by the people of Rukongai because of how she looked and alienated by her peers. She knows how unforgiving the world is and doesn't expect a damn thing from it. Lelouch does what he can, but it still makes you feel like she deserves better out of life.
- Undying Loyalty: Towards Lelouch. Should be obvious from the description above.
- The usage of this trait is taken Up to Eleven during chapter 99. Susanna after being shot in the stomach and backhand slapped by Lelouch still is so loyal to him that she would still defect to the side of the Zanpakuto. Never mind the fact that the man she loved intentionally hurt her.
- This is Lelouch we’re talking about. That may have just as well have been a Secret Test of Character to prove if she truly could stand betraying the Soul Society for him.
- The usage of this trait is taken Up to Eleven during chapter 99. Susanna after being shot in the stomach and backhand slapped by Lelouch still is so loyal to him that she would still defect to the side of the Zanpakuto. Never mind the fact that the man she loved intentionally hurt her.
- Weaksauce Weakness: Calling her creepy, strange or a freak in reference to her appearance upsets her and makes her cry
- Except, it seems, when she needs to change her attitude for Lelouch’s sake
- What Could Have Been: If Susanna had been chosen for the poll regarding chapter 33 when the author went on vacation she would've Become Lelouch's vice-captain when he took office.
Ryou Keshiba
Ryou is a man that would prefer to stop and smell the roses rather than always be serious, though he can do so on a dime and doesn't like it when a serious situation is made light. He has a open view of how justice is carried out. He doesn't openly object to vigilantism, but he doesn't see himself as ever wanting to walk down that path himself. Ryou has blue hair and brown eyes. Ryou is first seen as Lelouch's senpai in division #6. Later he is transferred to Squad 7 and currently is acting as the 4th seat of Squad 11. His Zanpakuto is Yaban Tsuyo-sa.
- Drop the Hammer: His Shikai.
- Dying Moment of Awesome
Ryou: Taste the storm of my MOTHERFUCKING LOYALTY
- Killed Off for Real
- Sure Why Not: The reason he was made the orange phantom was because a fan wrote how he reminded them of Jeremiah.
- There's a reference to this in ch 78 where his Zanpakuto's release command is "Show Your Loyalty"
- The final nail in the coffin, see the quote above for Dying Moment of Awesome
- The Worf Effect: He takes a mighty swing at Allon, but all it does is tick him off.
Mari Akari
Before the Turn Back the Pendulum Arc, Mari was the Captain of Squad 10. She met her demise at the hands of the Vasto Lordes named Vanguard, of whom she took down with her. Mari was said to be one of the most beautiful women in all of Soul Society as she was one of few that, as a soldier, chose to wore makeup and wore it well. She has long lushous brown hair and brown eyes. Her Zanpakuto is Kokikoken. Her Bankai is Kokikoken Shinkutenpura.
- Back From the Dead: Sort of. Her consciousness has been pulled together and used by Rita, at Mari’s request so that Mari can see the end of Aizen. After his death she had to get in line for reincarnation for which she’s still waiting another two years and since she’s around she intends to finish what she started with Aizen.
- Badass: She took out a hollow that is not only, supposedly, the most powerful Vasto Lordes up to that point and has been thus far, but said Vasto Lordes, when it was an adjuchas, was able to defeat Unohana before she became a captain. The fact that Mari took it down proves this trope defines her.
- Beauty Is Never Tarnished: She wears makeup in contrast to some of the other captains and she never has any issues with it.
- Bury Your Gays: Ironic given that the author thinks Girl-On-Girl Is Hot, but the trope itself is played straight as an arrow.
- Died in Your Arms Tonight: In Lelouch's.
- Doomed by Canon: Her death opens the gateway for Isshin to become captain of division 10 down the line, but at the same time her death is what spurs Lelouch to turn back to his manipulative ways.
- Expy: Mari was inspired by the Mauve Shirt Mhairi from the game Dragon Age Origins: Awakening. Her Bankai was constructed to look like Mhairi's Armor.
- Innocently Insensitive: She once told Aizen, in his youth, she couldn’t return his feelings. In the time peroid this took place she couldn'tt come outright and say that she's a lesbian.
- Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me: Her Zanpakuto.
- Mama Bear: She even says flat out "Do not harm those I wish to protect" and she’s Team Mom so there you have it.
- Mentor Occupational Hazard: She's not the outright mentor to Lelouch, but her death is the cause of his Start of Darkness. It's played completely straight with Yuna though.
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: She admits to Lelouch that she had the opportunity to prevent Aizen from ever becoming the man that he is if she had had him arrested for murder of one of her seated officers rather than promoting him because it fit the rules of a duel
- Power Gives You Wings: Her ultimate attack.
- Taking You with Me: Does this to the Vasto Lordes Vanguard.
- Team Mom: To her subordinates. Lelouch even narrates that he considered her a second mother.
Yuna Homura
Before the Turn Back the Pendulum Arc, Yuna was the Vice-Captain of Squad 10. After Mari's death, it was revealed that Yuna and Mari were engaged in a homosexual relationship. Yuna swore vengeance on the person that indirectly caused Mari's death, Treva Hoshima, and went with the Onmitsukido to hunt him down. Before leaving she made it known to Lelouch that she liked him. After her revival and the victory in the second battle, she became the Captain of Squad 7, and after firing Iba made Susanna her Vice-Captain. The both of them are members of the House of Lamperouge. Yuna has pine green hair with split ends and crimson eyes. Her Zanpakuto is Yogo Keikai. Her Bankai is Yogo Keikai no Chujitsuna Kishi
- Back From the Dead
- Bi the Way
- Bury Your Gays: Ironic in the fact that the author finds that Girl-On-Girl Is Hot. Still it's played completely straight...the trope anyway. Yuna and Mari were in a lesbian relationship after all.
- Character Tic: Whenever Yuna lies she puts her sleeve in front of her mouth.
- Died in Your Arms Tonight: In Lelouch's.
- Failure Knight: To Mari.
- First-Name Basis: With Lelouch.
- Genki Girl: When she was Yumuro Hana
- Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!: Does this to Susanna because she’s overly worrying about Lelouch’s disappearance.
- Go Out with a Smile
- Heroic BSOD: Has one after Mari dies.
- I'm Cold... So Cold...
- Light the Way: The power of Her Bankai.
- New Old Flame
- Poor Communication Kills: If she had told Lelouch she knew about Aizen she would originally still live.
- Revenge Before Reason: After Mari dies all she cares about is avenging her.
- She's Just Hiding: Double subverted. Yuna is dead, everyone watched her die. However, since this is Bleach people are wanting her reincarnation to come back and fall in love with Lelouch just like she promised in her diary.
- Word of God has confirmed the reincarnation part coming into the story.
- You Go, Girl!: Pulls this when she is given her position as Captain of Squad 7 and tells them to stop being such sexist pigs going so far as to play the “I am in charge” card and when she’s still given smack talk, fires Iba as an example.
Shisato Aloman
Shisato is a real go-getter and energetic individual. She has a large bust and kicks ass quite well. Shisato has Platinum Blond hair and red eyes. She was originally in the 10th Division in her first appearance. She is later transferred to Division 11 as its 3rd seat. After Zaraki makes the 11th Division run by Asskicking Equals Authority Ikkaku beats her in combat and she returns to a 4th seat place. After Lelouch and Hitsugaya's captaincy she returns to 10th division and becomes its 3rd seat, which is her current position. Her Zanpakuto is called Tataki no Senshi
- Bare-Fisted Monk: How she fights with her Zanpakuto
- Bare Your Midriff: While in Shikai
- But I Can't Be Pregnant
- Cartwright Curse: she's been with Ikkaku Isshin Shinji and had a violent break up with Yosei, who by now is ALSO Killed Off for Real.
- Dumb Blonde: Averted. While in Eleventh Division she is shown to have a very good head on her shoulders. Also, Lelouch probably wouldn't have made her a phantom if she was an idiot.
- Expy: Of a character from the author's original work with the exact same name.
- Heartbroken Badass
- Her Heart Will Go On: The end result of her incredibly brief relationship with Ikkaku.
- It was worse than that, she is pregnant and Ikkaku is the father.
- Pregnant Badass: during the Reapers and Heralds arc
- The Rival: To Ikkaku.
- Willfully Weak: While in the Eleventh Division Shisato follows the unspoken rule and doesn't use Kido. That said she is very good at it as shown that she can use a low 70 Hado with no incantation.
Vera Ukitake
Vera is a shy girl who rarely speaks. Apparently though she and Lelouch can have full conversations while she remains mute. After the incident with Metastacia, Ukitake adopts her as a sister after Vera is discharged from the Gotei so that she is not thrown out onto the streets. Vera has Mahogany colored hair and eyes to match. Recently Vera has returned to the Gotei 13 sporting an eyepatch and an artificial hand both body parts of which she lost to Metastacia. Her Zanpakuto is Chi Kamisori.
- Artificial Limbs: Has a fake right hand after the unfortunate incident with Metastacia.
- Big Damn Heroes: Rescued Cornelia li Britannia, and unknowingly Lelouch in Chapter 58.
- Defiant to the End: When Shrieker corners her and pins her down and demands that she answer his questions. She spits at him and glares defiantly.
- Eyepatch of Power: Obtains one after the below trope.
- Eye Scream: Courtesty of Metastacia gouging out with his tentacle
- Improbable Weapon User: Seriously Zanpakuto is just...seriously what IS that?
- Handicapped Badass: She's missing an eye and a hand, she qualifies.
- She's Back: After the incident with Metastacia she is discharged from the Gotei for PTSD. Several decades later though she gets better and comes back.
- Kill the Ones You Love: She used to do this gleefully.
- Shrinking Violet: Well she is the The Quiet One after all. Though this trope really isn’t identifiable until Vera starts blushing like a little schoolgirl over someone she has a crush on in chapter 107
- Well she does seem to have shades of I Just Wanna Have Friends and she is The Woobie so this doesn’t come off as much shock.
- The Quiet One: So much so that her talking is like Gin opening his eyes.
- The Silent Bob: Becomes this when Lelouch has whole conversations with her.
- The Woobie: There's no telling what caused her to hardly ever talk. And of course there's her PTSD that she takes time getting over. And of course her missing eye and hand courtesy of Metastacia. The poor girl.
- Yandere: She used to be this
Rita Ginunga
The warden of hell appointed by the Soul King to her position. She has squirrel ears and a tail and carries a long staff Which is the sealed form of her Zanpakuto. She is also a Soul Reaper. She found Unohana at a very young age and scared the poor girl out of her wits, showing her that the path she was on would lead her to hell and intervened because she believed Unohana had the talent and potential to do great things, setting her to become a Soul Reaper. Her Shikai is called Jigokunoyokubo which translates toHell's Desire.
- All Powerful Bystander: She actually could curbstomp any Togabito, but normally pushes the responsibility onto others. Could be justified considering her job.
- Animal Motifs: A squirrel
- Authority Equals Asskicking: There’s a reason more people don’t rebel and try to escape hell. She employs the Kushanada to do her bidding. For those that haven't seen the 4th movie the Kushanada are these big lumbering guardians that can pound the Togabito into pancakes. now does it make sense?
- Badass: She has to be this. In the fourth movie the Kushanada, her “drones”, are stated to be able to curbstomp any togabita. Rita controls them.
- Big Badass Wolf: Cerberus
- Blow You Away: Her Tatsumaki spell
- Brilliant but Lazy: The woman may be able to beat Aizen in a straight up fight using only her Shikai, but see Someone Elses Problem below and that's just the tip of the iceberg. She generally doesn't deal with issues herself.
- Word of God says that Rita's more important job is to pass judgment on the souls that have committed sin and must decide if they should go to hell or be reincarnated. Considering how many people die all the time that are like this, it's no wonder she takes lots of naps, has the Kushanada, and finds her job boring. She's tied up doing the menial work while her drones do the fun stuff.
- Makes you wonder why she didn't do the reverse.
- Word of God says its because Rita is supposed to only observe and interfere in a crisis because of her immense power, forcing her to be an All Powerful Bystander. Wow her life must suck.
- Word of God says that Rita's more important job is to pass judgment on the souls that have committed sin and must decide if they should go to hell or be reincarnated. Considering how many people die all the time that are like this, it's no wonder she takes lots of naps, has the Kushanada, and finds her job boring. She's tied up doing the menial work while her drones do the fun stuff.
- Curb Stomp Battle: All of her fights thus far are this.
- Cute Monster Girl
- Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: She beats Aizen, AIZEN in a straight up fight
- Dissonant Serenity: Watch her make Fate Worse Than Death threats to Phoebe for molesting Unohana while speaking in a cheery tone.
- Everyone Calls Her the Warden: Not to be confused with another warden of course.
- Everythings Nuttier With Squirrels: Has a Squirrel tail and ears.
- Good Is Not Nice: Rita is the warden of hell. Word of God says she sends the Kushanada after the Togabita for her own amusement as well as to punish them. And of course there's How she got Unohana to make something of herself.
- She does nothing to help Ichigo and the others when they go to rescue Yuzu. In fact she just makes things more interesting. In her defense she is trying to see if they have the ability to even defeat Shuren.
- She enjoys torturing the togabito in various ways and watching them struggle for her own amusement since no one can provide her enough entertainment in an otherwise boring job.
- Rita actually could defeat Aizen’s entire group if she wanted to. she doesn’t want to.
- Instant Awesome, Just Add Dragons: Zuke
- Kid with the Leash: Zuke is a huge ass dragon and he follows Rita unquestionably.
- Lethal Joke Character: Word of God proclaims in the Soul Chess newsletters that this is why he made Rita the way she is.
- Little Bit Beastly: Seems to be the case.
- Mama Bear: Towards Unohana.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Inverted. Rita pretty much wears her heart out on her sleeve, but can be a downright Jerkass at times. See Good Is Not Nice above. Since her true nature is to be nice, but she just acts like a Jerkass at times it's not clear cut enough to be Bitch in Sheep's Clothing, not that that wouldn't fit Rita perfectly
- Pass the Popcorn: She starts munching on pecans as she watches the events unfold during the Different Bonds arc.
- Playing with Fire
- Technicolor Fire: Anti-hellfire to be more specific
- Rings of Death: Her Shikai
- Someone Elses Problem: Her attitude when Shrieker attacks the World of the Living
- Teleport Spam: Very fond of doing this.
- The Force Is Strong with This One: Primarily the reason she Spurred Unohana to make something of herself saying that she believed Unohana could fight for something rather than nothing. The alternative would be that Rita would collect Unohana's soul when her time was up.
- Troll: Oh my god she is this. She Made Ichigo go clambering through Silent Hell, instead of giving our heroes the Applied Phlebotinum simply because it proved amusing to her.
Original Characters (Arrancar)
Spargga Tedanelo
Spargga is a Vasto Lordes level arrancar. he becomes Espada #2 after Baraggan is defeated and killed by Talbumosuke. He is an Expy of Sparta from Devil May Cry. Her release is called El Diablo.
- Blood Knight
- Brass Balls: You have to give him acredation for having the courage to not only challenge Unohana but to also interrupt her as well.
- Charles Atlas Superpower: In Segunda Etapa
- Expy: Of Sparta, Dante's dad, from Devil May Cry
- Eyepatch of Power: It's a monocle, but it's the same function really.
- Grievous Harm with a Body: Forcefully tears off Sajin’s Giant’s arm and proceeds to beat the giant in the face with it.
- I Am Not Left-Handed: Spargga is like Zaraki, but it's his overcoat to restrict his movement and his eyepatch only restricts his ability to see that make him a weaker fighter
- Person of Mass Destruction: Oh yes! He killed Hiyori, Love and Sajin one right after the other.
- Power Gives You Wings: In Segunda Etapa
- Suicidal Overconfidence / Too Dumb to Live: Fan consenus on him goading Unohana to fight him and is killed by her.
- Willfully Weak: See I Am Not Left-Handed above
Diego Narmanda
Diego is a wise-cracking, fun-loving arrancar that serves under Spargga. He is a Palette Swap Expy of Dante from Devil May Cry. Killed by Komamura. His Resurreccion is Aguion.
- Badass Longcoat
- Expy: A Palette Swap version of Dante from Devil May Cry
- Implacable Man: This guy took a bullet to the neck from Yolanda’s shotgun, a kick from Kendra, and a punch from Sajin’s Shikai. He shrugged every strike off. What finally did him in was being split in half by Sajin’s Bankai.
- Mythology Gag: In chapter 76 he does a few of these to reference Dante
- His Resurreccion is basically Dante's Lucifer and he even does Dante's entire Double Entendre speech, after getting said weapon, word for word after releasing his Resurreccion.
- Walking Shirtless Scene: Should be obvious considering who he's an Expy of.
- We Hardly Knew Ye
Victor Borrigan
Victor is a stoic, low-key arrancar that serves under Spargga. He is a Palette Swap Expy of Vergil from Devil May Cry. Killed off by the worst opponent of his style, Izuru Kira. His Resurreccion is Verdugo.
- Expy: A Palette Swap version of Vergil from Devil May Cry
- Mythology Gag: Just like Diego, only his are to Vergil
"I'm motivated"
Gloria Gebrie
Gloria is a flirtatious, sarcastic arrancar that serves under Spargga. She is an Expy of Trish from Devil May Cry. She kills Shuhei soon after revealing her Resurreccion and shot a Cero to his head but is later killed by her next opponent Susanna. Her Resurreccion is Oveja
- Expy: Of Trish from Devil May Cry
- Grappling Hook Pistol: Her arms do this in Resurreccion.
- Mythology Gag: Her name with regards to who she is an Expy of.
- Sinister Scythe: Her Zanpakuto's sealed form.
Nigel Argos
Nigel is a Jerkass, smart-mouthed, inexperienced arrancar that serves under Spargga. He is a Palette Swap Expy of Nero from Devil May Cry. He is killed by Renji Abarai. His release is called La Garra.
- Chainsaw Good: The sealed form of his Zanpakuto is a Chainsaw on a stick.
- In release mode his left arm becomes a chainsaw
- Expy: A Palette Swap version of Nero from Devil May Cry.
- Grappling Hook Pistol: His Right arm upon releasing. He really is a Nero Expy.
- Oh Crap: His expression when Renji goes Bankai.
- We Hardly Knew Ye
Maria Rosalita Samaselia
Maria is a proud and slightly reserved arrancar that serves under Spargga. She is an Expy of Lady from Devil May Cry. She is killed by Naomi Libra. Her release is called Ginoide.
- An Axe to Grind: Her Zanpakuto's sealed form.
- Bilingual Bonus: Maria's preferred alias, Sama, is the Japanese honorific often translated into English as Lady
- Lampshaded by Naomi.
- Everyone Calls Her Barkeep: Maria prefers to be called by Sama, a shortened version of her surname.
- Expy: Of Lady from Devil May Cry
- Eyepatch of Power: In release mode
- We Hardly Knew Ye
Ciela Mieddo
Ciela is a Vasto Lordes level arrancar. She becomes the 8th Espada after Zommari's death. She has snow white hair, silver lips, gray eyes, bug eye antenna for mask fragments and wears a one piece suit with thigh high boots rather than a standard arrancar uniform. Her Resurreccion is Reina de Insectos
- Bee-Bee Gun: She summons an army of worker bees to attack while in Resurreccion
- Brown Note: Her Chicharra ability is this.
- Everything's Worse with Bees: He Resurreccion makes her into something akin to a bee.
- Stealth Pun: Ciela is a Queen and her Resurreccion makes her look like a bee. Queen Bee anyone?
- Weaksauce Weakness: Fire, though considering her Resurreccion it's justified.
Karrthus Darigaaz
A burly arrancar that serves under Ciela. While sealed up he has hollow armor covering his entire upper body except for his nose, making him quick on his feet, but slow up top. But he throws quite a punch. When he releases the speed problem goes away. He is killed by Kenpachi Zaraki. His release is Guerrero.
- Alas, Poor Villain: He gets this kind of send off, but after killing Ikkaku many fans probably think his death at Kenpachi’s hands was well deserved justice.
- All There in the Manual: According to Word of God Karrthus’ feelers are supposed to absorb reishi based attacks, but he never went up a Kido using opponent or someone that wasn’t physical.
- Bald of Evil
- Implacable Man
- Person of Mass Destruction: HOLY F*CK. This guy killed Ikkaku and pounded Sajin thoroughly, not that it takes much to do that to the latter so it’s not a spoiler.
- We Hardly Knew Ye
- What Could Have Been: Word of God says that Karrthus was originally supposed to be an Espada, but by leaving Grimmjow alive and on the evil side the idea was scrapped. Apparently there was going to be an even bigger, more even, battle between Karrthus and Kenpachi, though this would’ve been preceeded by much more destruction. YMMV on whether or not that last part would’ve been a good thing or not.
Sakuratella Muerssa
A gorgon-like arrancar that serves under Ciela. She has a lisp that has her hiss whenever there is an 's' sound in her speech. She is killed off by Kendra Otomachi. Her release is called Chaman de cráneos.
- Make Me Wanna Shout: One of her release powers.
- Stripperiffic: Her release
- We Hardly Knew Ye
- Whip It Good: Her weapon of choice in Resurreccion
Kira Luz
An arrancar easily prone to laughter. Kira is a Vasto Lordes level arrancar. He becomes the 9th Espada after Szayel's death. He is an Expy of Light Yagami from Death Note. His Resurreccion is called Cuaderno
- Bilingual Bonus: Kira's last name, Luz, is Spanish for Light.
- Butt Monkey: In the omakes
- Ditto Fighter: Part of his powers include copying the names of Zanpakuto that he knows and he can use them against his opponents, but he can't use a Zanpakuto that's being actively and concentratingly used by its original owner.
- Evil Laugh: Has trouble holding it in.
- Expy: Of Light Yagami.
- Giving Someone the Pointer Finger: In Resurreccion doing this fires his cero.
- Improbable Weapon User: His Zanpakuto's sealed form is a pen
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Szayel in hell
- Killed Off for Real
- Power Gives You Wings: In Resurreccion
- The Starscream: The omakes have him as this. Word of God has yet to comment if Kira actually is this though. Wouldn’t be surprising considering who he’s based off of
- Trademark Favorite Food: Barbecue Potato Chips
Wes Motocii
An arrancar that serves under Kira. Wes has purple skin and teal hair. His hollow hole is in his Adam's Apple. His mask fragments are formed by two spider web shaped patterns on his cheeks.
Lilia Pesca
An arrancar that serves under Kira. She has purple hair, demon horns, wears a Stripperific outfit and is described as being slim and busty. She and Sesha have the same physique.
Sesha Boros
An arrancar that serves under Kira. She has dark blue hair, and looks almost exactly like Sesha otherwise.
Original Characters (Togabito)
A Vasto Lordes. The first ever in fact. He is now an even higher level of hollow. He is the 8th strongest Togabito.
- But for Me It Was Tuesday: Orin has a bone to pick with Vanguard because the hollow is responsible for his death, but Vanguard doesn't remember him having killed so many Soul Reapers during his time.
- Co-Dragons: With Treva in the Aizen's Revenge arc.
- One-Winged Angel: He transforms several times during his battle with Mari.
- Person of Mass Destruction: Before his battle with Mari as shown in several Flashbacks Vanguard is responsible for killing The original Yachiru and the only man Unohana ever loved.
- Oh Crap: Has ascended to a higher state than Vasdo Lordes since death
- Taking You with Me: How his battle with Mari ends.
Treva Hoshima
Former Captain of Squad 3 predecessing Rojuro Otoribashi. Treva has been working alongside Aizen since before Lelouch arrived in the Soul Society. He is responsible for setting up an ambush that nearly wiped out several seated officers of the Tenth Division and cost Captain Mari Akari her life. He subsequently escapes from the Soul Society. He is ultimately caught and killed by the combined efforts of Lelouch and Yuna. His Zanpakuto is called Kemuri Akuma. His Bankai is Shinku Pimarai Kemuriakuma
- Beat Still My Heart: how he dies before going to hell.
- Co-Dragons: With Vanguard in the Aizen's Revenge arc.
- Combat Pragmatist
- Genre Blind: When you look at evil masterminds like Aizen and Talbumosuke you have to sort of wonder how Treva could possibly be in the same loop as them.
- Well he did mentor Aizen and apparently he just wanted attention away from his apprentice. A few screw ups on the Evil Overlord List shouldn't make him completely this, but he is by comparison.
- Late Arrival Spoiler: Treva goes down very early in the series, recently making his appearance again in the series. The fact that he's in this folder should, by his very nature, tell you that he's both dead and a bad guy.
- Tempting Fate: He openly mocks Lelouch saying his foresight couldn't possibly be that good for him to hold him in the Soul Society by talking to him, while Yuna goes and gets assistance to arrest Treva. Cue Yamamoto showing up
Orin / Zugamor Zane
Number 20 of the Togabito. He wears pyrite armor with horns. He wields a scimitar and a rounded shield. Before his original death he was a shinigami known as Zugamor Zane, Unohana's lover.
- Affably Evil: Challenges Ichigo to a fight, but will let the others members of the party pass by him as he wants to see the power of a very powerful mortal.
- Chained by Fashion: He’s a Togabito.
- Finishing Move: Zandageki, which means slaying strike. It does Exactly What It Says on the Tin, though he doesn’t use it to its lethal potential against Ichigo. Most likely because Ichigo is mortal and slaying mortals ups ones sentence in hell.
- Honor Before Reason: The reason he spares Ichigo after using his Finishing Move.
- Noble Demon: He REALLY hates Vanguard for good reasons.
- Shock and Awe: Charges his blade with lightning. Sounds familiar.
- That Man Is Dead: Coldly says this to Unohana about his real identity
- The Reveal: He is Unohana’s old boyfriend Zane Zugamor.
- Token Good Teammate: Compare Orin to individuals like Nyra, Phoebe, Treva, Vanguard and Daraclu. Then take into account his true identity.
- Worthy Opponent: Subverted. Orin enjoys his battle with Ichigo, but tells him he grows weary of a warrior who cannot make things interesting. Cue Finishing Move.
A togabito wearing a white mantle that appears before Ichigo to help get vengeance on Kokuto and Shuren. She is interested in a Tome of Eldritch Lore that belongs to Shuren. Her name is Kasumi and she is the strongest Togabito in hell. That includes Aizen.
- Affably Evil: “Yeah, I’ll help you find your friends, but only if I get to keep the Tome of Eldritch Lore the current Big Bad has. By the way, I’m also going to threaten your miserable lives one of these days. Oh and did I mention I’m the most powerful Togabito in hell?”
- Asskicking Equals Authority: Her ID#? NUMBER ONE!
- Badass Boast: When giving her ID#.
Kasumi: If I want to see some action, I gotta be the center off attraction. Make sure that you got your eyes on me before I pluck them out and kill you with glee. Be the focus of attention, kill you so my name will not be mentioned. I come up from the shadows just to shine cause the time is right for you to see me. I am what you're running for and I'm the one they all abhor. I am better than everyone. The undisputed, Number One
- Chained by Fashion: She’s a Togabito. They all have this.
- Curb Stomp Battle: Rips apart the gigantic monster that attacks her and Ichigo in circle six. Later does the same thing to his overpowered hollow form
- Dark Is Evil
- Detached Sleeves: She wears one unattached sleeve to her uniform.
- Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: First does this to a giant monster and then later Ichigo's overpowered hollow form.
- Enemy Mine: Joins up with Ichigo, but tells him its only temporary
- Evil Is Sexy: HELL Yes!
- Final Boss Preview: She is the strongest Togabito in all of hell and she promises Ichigo that they’ll be enemies the next time they meet. Her power is seen to be so fast that she manages to take out a giant monster that had Ichigo scared out of his wits and she also defeats his overpowered hollow form.
- Half-Human Hybrid: We know she is part hollow and part Soul Reaper. The real question is why.
- I Am a Humanitarian: She’s absorbed the lifeblood of many Togabito to make herself more powerful. Including the entire top twenty prior to her taking the number one spot.
- Mega Manning: Some of her powers were taken from some of the Togabito she killed. Others were obtained from cursed artifacts and tomes of eldritch lore
- Mythology Gag: When giving her ID# Kasumi spurts lines from the Bleach OST Number One.
- No Name Given: It’s quickly subverted at the end of the 110th chapter after her appearance in 109.
- Pet the Dog: Kasumi willingly takes the sin chains that Kokuto has placed upon Ichigo’s friends into her own body. Though of course Ichigo already ceroed off 25 years so she profits.
- You Are Number One
Zurik Tarogas
A long lived, red cloak wearing, fire using anthropomorphic fox demon Togabito. He had a powered up form where he is just shadows inside said red cloak. He is the 126th most powerful Togabito.
- The Evil Genius: To Aizen’s Five-Bad Band during the revenge arc.
- In the Hood
- Playing with Fire
- Sobriquet: Goes by names such as Horror of Fire and The Old One.
Phoebe Clamora
A Togabito with braided blonde hair and silver eyes. She wields a Claymore and fights with the strength and mercilessness of a demon. She also has demon power and wears a sapphire breast plate and armor. She is the 76th most powerful Togabito.
- All Women Are Lustful
- Bi the Way: She has the hots for Aizen, but that doesn’t stop her from enjoying subjecting Unohana to a BDSM like torture.
- Expy: Of Ophelia
- Fate Worse Than Death: Rita threatens to rip out her spine and shove it through her heart while somehow magically keeping Phoebe alive if she touches Unohana again
- Half-Human Hybrid
- Oh Crap: Has this expression when Rita shows up and reveals who she is
- Our Demons Are Different
- Psycho Lesbian: Oh dear god ‘’’’’YES!’’’’’
- Suspiciously Similar Substitute: To Mia
A Togabito with gray skin, wears a red long coat, has black hair and red eyes. He dual wields two miniature Gatling guns and can transform them into silver swords. He is from Varcina and belonged to one of the guilds. He is half-vampire and half-human and he is completely crazy. He is the 33rd most powerful Togabito.
- Ax Crazy
- Blood Knight
- Dual-Wielding: whether its swords or guns
- Evil Counterpart: To Kenpachi.
- Expy: Of Alucard
- Half-Human Hybrid
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
Sumime Nezumi
An anthromorphic rat ninja demon-summoner. She has complete white fur, has rat-like legs, but has human-shaped breasts. She is described as having inky red eyes. She is the 98th most powerful togabito.
- Badass Furry
- Dual-Wielding
- Fetish Fuel: For the furry fandom
- Glowing Eyes of Doom: Her eyes glow whenever she uses her demon powers.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Scarf of Asskicking
Nyra Legumi
The fourth most powerful Togabito in hell. With good reason. She has pink hair, horns on her head, and doesn’t wear much in the ways of clothing. She has four extra invisible arms, as sharp as swords, that she uses to either help herself move, or as weapons. Initially she is unwilling to Join Aizen and help him in his plans but after Aizen saves her from Baraggan she changes her mind.
- Because You Were Nice to Me: Her reason for her Undying Loyalty towards Aizen
- Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: She and Aizen defeat Head Captain Yamamoto
- Expy: Oh Crap it’s Lucy.
- Four Is Death: Yeah it’s a god damn given she's dangerous considering who she's based off of, but in chapter 123 she Kills Yamamoto. Daraclu lampshades her being this in a previous chapter.
- Undying Loyalty: to Aizen. She calls him "Papa" for crying out loud.
- Wild Child: OH YES!
- You Are Number Four
Original Characters (Other)
A blue haired, violet eyed girl Lelouch meets during his academy entrance exam. Reappears in Chapter 83 only to die soon after.
- Back for the Dead
- Chekhov's Gunman: Appears agains nearly a century later and through her is how Lelouch meets Hana who is supposedly Yuna’s reincarnation.
- Fan Dumb: If you look at the reviews for the chapter she was in, you see many people don't realize she was meant to parodize the Mary Sue genre of fanfiction.
- Genki Girl: And freaking how.
- Mary Sue: The author designed her to be a parody of one. Weird hair color? Check. No angst in an otherwise tragic backstory? Check. Better than the main character at his greatest asset? Check. Crush on an evil character knwon to be treated as a Draco in Leather Pants by the fandom *cough*Aizen*cough*? Check. It's ultimately deconstructed when it's revealed that she doesn't have any spiritual power.
- Flat out Deconstructed in her latest and final appearance.
- Big Sleep
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair