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Smallville/Characters/Earth 2

Clark Luthor / Earth-2 Clark / Ultraman (Tom Welling)

"This world won't know what hit it."

Earth-2's Kal-El, who was found by Lionel Luthor rather than the Kents. Raised by a Social Darwinist father, he's a cold-blooded sociopath who can't keep it in his pants and commits murder as a matter of course. He briefly escapes to Earth-1, where Tess, Oliver and Lois fight him to a draw: he is then transported back.

"There's no take-backs with Gold K. Lex really knew how to leave an impression, didn't he?"

Earth-2 Lionel Luthor (John Glover)

"I am your father and I alone raised you in my own image to become the man that you are today."

Exactly What It Says on the Tin. He's Earth-2's Lionel, who found toddler Kal-El in the field and raised him as his own. Having murdered all the other members of Veritas, Lionel went on to fuse LuthorCorp with the Metropolis underworld, gaining control of the city and possibly the entire planet. An ice-cold Social Darwinist, he has raised each of his children to be a Bastard Understudy, training them to plot against one another and himself.

First encountered by Clark during his trip to Earth-2 in Season 10's "Luthor", Earth-2 Lionel's acquisition of ultimate domination is revealed to have made him far more evil than his Earth-1 counterpart ever dreamed of being. After trying and failing to murder Earth-1 Clark, he escaped to Earth-1, where he has impersonated the original Lionel, seized control of LuthorCorp from Tess and Oliver, and resumed his search for an heir, sparking a war between himself on the one hand, and Tess and Clark on the other for control of Lex's clone, Lx-15. Initially Earth-2 Lionel appears to have the upper hand, but Clark ultimately wins out, with Lx-15 adopting the identity of "Conner Kent" instead of "Alexander Luthor".

Driven from domination following this fiasco, Earth-2 Lionel flees to Lex's grave where he encounters Darkseid and rejects a deal to resurrect Lex. He later kidnaps Tess and tries to extract her heart to power Lx-0, a perfect clone of Lex. Tess escapes and shoots Earth-2 Lionel, who uses his last breath to accept Darkseid's deal, giving up his own heart to resurrect the Earth-1 Lex, and becoming Darkseid's vessel. When Darkseid is defeated, Earth-2 Lionel's body dies.

  • 0% Approval Rating: On Earth-2. On Earth-1, he's a lot more circumspect.
  • Abusive Dad: Earth-2 Lionel! Making the Earth-1 incarnation look like a nice guy!
  • Archnemesis Dad: To Alexander and our Tess after making his way to Earth-1. He drugs the former, and actively attempts to murder the latter.
  • Arson, Murder, and Admiration: His reaction upon discovering that Earth-1 Lex murdered Earth-1 Lionel. He takes it as an indication that the boy is a true Luthor.
  • Back for the Finale: Looks right at the camera and says: "Wouldn't want to miss how it all turns out".
  • Axe Crazy: As an extreme, psychotic Social Darwinist, Earth-2 Lionel has no problem with murdering countless people. And he's actually angry at Earth-2 Clark for not offing him, which he believes Clark is entitled and obligated to do! He's just that Ax Crazy!
  • Beard of Evil: Starts out with the same small beard that our Lionel had, by the time "Finale" rolls around, it's pushing Santa Claus-ish.
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: After escaping into Earth-1 he looks straight at the camera and tells the audience that he "wouldn't want to miss how it all turns out."
  • Broken Ace: Has all of the original Lionel's problems, plus some. This really becomes apparent in the later episodes, when his hunt for an heir turns frantic.
  • The Chessmaster: He relies on emotional manipulation to a greater degree than his Earth-1 counterpart did, but still holds this title if the weeks he spent getting his Earth-1 LuthorCorp takeover in motion are any indicator. Regardless of universe, he's still the MB.
  • The Coats Are Off: During his beatdown of Clark.
  • Corrupt Corporate Executive: Has transformed LuthorCorp into the most dominating entity on Earth-2. He's more or less implied to be a CEO version of The Emperor. After escaping to Earth-1, he's briefly able to gain control of our LuthorCorp, before losing out to Tess and returning to his Diabolical Mastermind persona.
  • The Corrupter: Does his very best to turn Alexander into Lex 2.0, first the normal way, and following the emergence of his Kryptonian abilities, Red Kryptonite. Back on Earth-2, he played this role to Lex, Clark, and Tess, pitting them against one another to see who would make the better Bastard Understudy.
  • Deal with the Devil: Possibly. At the end of "Scion", he's seen visiting Lex's grave, saying that he would "give anything I have to bring you back." Cue Darkseid forming in the air ominously in front of him.
    • Comes to pass in "Finale".
  • Diabolical Mastermind: By fusing LuthorCorp and the Metropolis underworld, he's effectively become the most dominating man on the planet. Takes up this mantle on Earth-1 after losing control of LuthorCorp and Alexander to Tess.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: He ultimately decides that he really did love Lex, and tries to bring him back once he's on Earth-1. This culminates in the Grand Finale, where he lets Darkseid take his soul and body in exchange for giving life to Lex's perfect clone.
  • Evil Genius
  • Evil Sounds Deep: While serving as Darkseid's host.
  • Evil Twin: Is the Eviler Twin to Earth-1 Lionel.
  • The Family That Slays Together: Definitely believes this.
  • Faux Affably Evil: Unlike Earth-1 Lionel, the Affably Evil routine is all an act. Earth-2 Lionel is more broken than the Earth-1 incarnation ever was.
  • Grand Theft Me: Gets pulled on him by Darkseid in the Grand Finale.
  • Hannibal Lecture: Hoo boy! He has just as much talent at Hannibal Lecturing as Earth-1 Lionel... but he's way more evil. Earth-1 Lionel's Hannibal Lectures feel like warm and fuzzy pep talks compared to those of his Ax Crazy, sociopathic Earth-2 counterpart!
    • Shut UP, Hannibal: After he HannibalLectures Tess for an entire season about how much disdain he has for her and then finally gives a final lecture about how murdering her to give her heart to Lex will be the only important role she plays in his life, Tess delivers a pretty effective rebuttal: shooting him in the chest.
  • The Heavy: For the second half of Season 10. Darkseid is the Big Bad, and his minions are out there doing dastardly things, but it's Earth-2 Lionel who truly moves the plot.
  • Heir Club for Men: He's essentially defined by his search for a Bastard Understudy/heir.
  • He's Back: Seized control of LuthorCorp and then announced his return in true Lionel fashion.
  • Lack of Empathy
  • Large Ham
  • Manipulative Bastard: Goes without saying. He ruthlessly manipulates Tess and Alexander for his own ends, going so far as to drug the latter with Red K when mere words won't do it, all while attempting to take advantage of Clark and Martha's remaining affection for the original Lionel. This is Lionel we're talking about after all.
  • Man of Wealth and Taste
  • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Of Clark.
  • Offing the Offspring: Tries it on Clark, may have done it to Earth-2 Tess, definitely let it happen to Earth-2 Lex. After arriving on Earth-1, he eventually tries to cut out our Tess' heart to use in resurrecting Lex (though only because Alexander, his other child, was unavailable).
  • Oh Crap: He followed Clark back to Earth-1!
    • And he has a moment himself in "Finale" just before Tess shoots him.
  • Out-Gambitted: Tess eventually gets control of LuthorCorp back from him by proving he's not really Earth-1 Lionel Luthor because his finger prints are the reverse of Earth-1 Lionel's.
  • Save the Villain: Clark is forced to after Alexander turns on Earth-2 Lionel in "Beacon".
  • Social Darwinist: As demonstrated by the epic Chewing the Scenery moment below. He's actually angry at Earth-2 Clark for not succeeding in killing him.

"It's got to be survival of the fittest. Whether you're on this earth, or any other, I am the most fit! I will be the survivor!"

  • The Sociopath: To a far greater degree than the Earth-1 Lionel, probably because having a super-powered son working as his Dragon allowed Lionel's greed to run even wilder than it did on Earth-1. Not only is he tyrannical, manipulative and downright sadistic, but he lacks all of Earth-1 Lionel's standards to boot. Just watch his interactions with, well, anyone on Earth-1.
  • Ubermensch: Has remade Earth-2 in his own image.
  • Villain with Good Publicity: On Earth-1. Less so on Earth-2, where his influence allows him to rule through fear despite a 0% Approval Rating.

Earth-2 Lutessa Lena "Tess" Luthor (Cassidy Freeman)

Earth-2's Tess, who was adopted into the family instead of being abandoned. Very much The Unfavorite, she is even more screwed up than the Earth-1 Tess.

Earth-2 Lex Luthor

Earth-2 Oliver Queen (Justin Hartley)

Earth-2's Oliver Queen, he's a dark-haired duplicate of our Oliver, who, thanks to serious self-confidence problems, was never able to become a Superhero. He still tries his best, gathering Kryptonite to kill Ultraman with, and opposing Earth-2 Lionel as best he can. When Clark Kent arrives on Earth-2, he and Oliver get off to a bad start, but eventually reconcile to defeat Lionel and Clark Luthor, giving Oliver the chance to be the hero he's always wanted to be. He is engaged to his Earth's Lois Lane.

  • Anti-Hero: Type I meets Type IV. He's used every method he can to try and defeat the Luthors and Ultraman, thoroughly breaking himself in the process. It's not enough and he knows it, but he's the only hero this Earth has got.
  • Arch Enemy: Of Lionel and Clark Luthor. Then again, he may well be their only real enemy.
  • Badass in a Nice Suit: Lacking a costume, he confronts Clark in his suit and tie.
  • Dropped a Bridge on Him: Murdered offscreen, between episodes, by Clark Luthor, who later Karma Houdinis his way out of any real punishment.
  • For Want of a Nail: There are no Superheroes on Earth-2, thanks to Oliver never finding any good guys who shared his power and commitment to justice. After all, Bart, A.C., and Victor had all been saved by Clark back on Earth-1 before they could become heroes. On Earth-2, we definitely know for a fact that Clark Luthor wouldn't have done that.
  • Hero with Bad Publicity: Drove every farmer in Smallville off their land so he could strip-mine for Green Rocks and take down Ultraman. This did nothing to make him popular with the media.
  • Heroic Self-Deprecation: Never became a costumed hero, and hates himself for it. He still can't believe Earth-2 Lois couldn't find someone better to become engaged to.
  • Honest Corporate Executive
  • Ineffectual Loner: Has no friends beyond Lois and Chloe, thus without that kind of support, was never able to become a hero.
  • Killed Off for Real: In "Kent."
  • La Résistance: He, Lois and Chloe are this against the Luthor regime. Unfortunately, they're the only active members of La Résistance that they or the audience are ever aware of.

Earth-2 Lois Lane (Erica Durance)

  • Arch Enemy: To the Luthors
  • Ineffectual Loner: Has no friends other than Oliver and Chloe. And the Planet's editorial board is definitely not on her side, as they refuse to print any of her exposes about the Luthors, due to their being controlled by Lionel.
  • La Résistance: She, Chloe and Ollie are this against the Luthor regime. Unfortunately, they seem to be in it without anyone else.

Earth-2 Jonathan Kent (John Schneider)

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