Smallville/Characters/Meteor Freaks
Jeremy Creek (Adrian McMorran)
In 1989, bullies beat him up, stripped him to his underwear and tied him to a pole in a cornfield. The kryptonite meteor shower put him in a coma. Upon awakening in 2001, he went on a rampage before being stopped by Clark.
- Bully Hunter
- Disproportionate Retribution: Murdering bullies.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: He electrocutes himself after Clark gets him wet.
- Laser-Guided Amnesia: After he electrocutes himself.
- Older Than They Look: Due to slowed aging, he looks like a teenager, but is really in his late 20s.
- Psycho Electro
- Shock and Awe
Greg Arkin (Chad E. Donella)
A former geek who gained proportionate abilities to insects, using them to attack people. He kidnapped and tried to mate with Lana before being stopped by Clark. In Season 10, he reflects on his life and that of Clark's, declaring that Clark inspired him to be a better person.
- Abusive Parent: His mom.
- Continuity Nod: His random reappearance and Heel Face Turn in Season 10 is a possible reference to a "Chloe Chronicles" story where some of the bugs from his swarm form are shown to be in the possession of a scientist working on both giving himself powers, and finding a cure for meteor freaks (if not for the powers, then at least the kryptonite psychosis).
- The Glasses Gotta Go
- Heel Face Turn: Makes a rather inexplicable one in Season 10.
- Self-Made Orphan
"Do you know what pharaoh spiders do when they hatch? They eat their mother!"
- Shout-Out: To Spider-Man.
- Super Speed
- Super Strength
- Stalker with a Crush: For Lana.
- Wall Crawl
- The Worm That Walks: When Clark defeats him, his body breaks into dozens of bugs.
Coach Walt Arnold (Dan Lauria)
A football coach who was so obsessed with the game that he was willing to do anything to win, including threatening to kill his players if they lost. Upon gaining fire powers, he used them to further his agenda before being stopped by Clark.
- Big No: His last word.
- Broken Pedestal: He used to be Jonathan Kent's coach.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: He accidentally sets himself on fire and burns to death.
- Hot-Blooded
- Jerkass
- Jerk Jock
- Made of Iron: Clark throws him across a room and through a table, and he gets up like nothing happened.
- Playing with Fire
- Pyromaniac
- Second Place Is for Losers
- Serious Business: Football.
- Unstoppable Rage
- Villainous Breakdown: When he finds that his fire can't harm Clark, since he cannot tolerate losing at anything.
Tina Greer (Lizzy Caplan)
A shapeshifting girl who was obsessed with Lana. She is defeated by Clark twice, dying after her second defeat in Season 2.
- Alas, Poor Villain: Her final words are to ask Clark to protect Lana.
- Continuity Nod: Her body was seen in a "Chloe Chronicles" story. Pete makes a comment to her that she'll never threaten Lana again.
- Discount Lesbians: In her second appearance, when she's trying to seduce Lana, she always does so while in a male body (except for a brief moment when she's disguised as Chloe).
- Green-Eyed Monster: Towards Lana in her first appearance. She thinks Lana has the perfect life and wants to replace her.
- Hoist By Her Own Petard: See below.
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: On the spike she planned to use on Clark.
- Psycho Lesbian: In her second appearance, she's realized she doesn't want to be Lana, she wants to be with Lana.
- Red Right Hand: Her bones are green when viewed by Clark's X-Ray Vision. Of course, this doesn't do anyone else any good.
- Self-Made Orphan: She accidentally pushed her mother down the stairs when she tried to take the money back.
- Stalker with a Crush: For Lana.
- Super Strength: Can fight Clark on a relatively even basis.
- Voluntary Shapeshifting
- Yandere
Sean Kelvin (Michael Coristine)
A guy who gained ice powers, but a craving for heat as a trade-off. He drained the body heat from others to keep himself alive, before being defeated by Clark.
- And I Must Scream: A spin-off revealed that he's still alive, but stuck in a block of ice kept by a Mad Scientist. An explosion thaws and apparently rejuvenates him, and he appears to escape.
- An Ice Person
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Clark throws him into a lake, which freezes solid.
- Horror Hunger: For heat. He's not sympathetic because he enjoys killing people to save himself.
- Jerk Jock: Pre-transformation.
- Lack of Empathy: Already a Jerkass before gaining his powers, Sean loses all empathy for others after gaining them, and clearly enjoys feeding on others.
- Likes Older Women:
Clark: Mom, get out of here!
Sean: That's your mom!? She's hot!
- Made of Iron: He takes quite a few hits from Clark, including one with a pipe. The frozen layer on his skin might justify this.
- Meaningful Name: Kelvin.
- Monster Misogyny: All his victims are female.
- Moral Event Horizon: His condition—he'll freeze to death without consuming others' heat—should make him quite sympathetic, but his clear enjoyment of his girlfriend's murder (and his careful selection of Chloe as his next victim) more or less kill any sympathy the audience might have felt for him.
- Power Incontinence
- Serial Killer: He could feed off of anyone, but specifically targets attractive girls.
- Walking Wasteland: His presence alone can reduce a room to an Arctic nightmare.
Cassandra Carver (Jackie Burroughs)
A friendly blind woman who can see people's futures by touching them. She assures Clark that he will make the world a better place. Later, she sees Lex Luthor's future, but it is so horrifying that she dies of shock.
(to Clark) "More than once, I've touched people, and I've seen such pain and despair. But then you were there and the pain was gone. I think that's your destiny: To help people, to save people from fear and darkness."
Jody Melville (Amy Adams)
A girl who used to be fat, until she gained a hyper-accelerated metabolism, along with a craving for flesh in the process. After her defeat, Clark takes her to the hospital, where she can hopefully be cured.
- Big Eater
- Body Horror: Her mouth transforms when she feeds.
- Hollywood Homely: Amy Adams in a fat suit. Yeah, that's real hideous.
- Horror Hunger: Played sympathetically, as she's shown trying to resist but cannot.
- I'm a Humanitarian
- Our Vampires Are Different: Feeding on fat, instead of blood.
- Tragic Monster: Played this way.
Eric Summers (Shawn Ashmore)
- Abusive Dad: Has one.
- Energy Absorption
- The Glasses Gotta Go
- Jumped Off the Slippery Slope
- Kick the Son of a Bitch: Killing Ian.
- Lightning Can Do Anything: Needs it to trigger the power transfer.
- Life Energy: Feeds on it.
- Shout-Out: Is likely one to the Parasite, a comic villain who fed on Life Energy.
- Smug Super: When he had Clark's powers.
- You Look Familiar: His actor's twin brother would go on to play Jimmy Olsen.
Ryan James (Ryan Kelley)
Dr. Steven Hamilton (Joe Morton)
Ian Randall (Jonathan Taylor Thomas)
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: Backstabs his teacher, Lana and Chloe, Van, and eventually tries it on Eric. That last one doesn't end so well.
- Killed Off for Real: Courtesy of Eric Summers.
- A deleted scene had him die in his episode. But it was changed to his double falling to his death instead.
- Me's a Crowd: Can split into two.
- The Sociopath: Some meteor freaks are sympathetic. Others are clearly insane. Then there's this guy. Ian's a liar, a backstabber, and a total psychopath without a shred of empathy in him. He killed a teacher because he was threatening to bring his average down. I mean, jeez!
Kyla Willowbrook (Tamara Feldman)
Alicia Baker (Sarah Carter)

A girl with the power to teleport and a serious crush on Clark. She's an antagonist in Season 3, attempting to murder Lana, but returns in Season 4, having reformed. She is murdered by a meteor freak hater shortly after revealing Clark's secret to Chloe; both of these factors cause Chloe to change her stance toward meteor freaks.
- Achilles' Heel: She can't teleport if she's touching or surrounded by lead.
- Back for the Dead
- Blondes Are Evil: Or at least very Yandere-ish.
- Clingy Jealous Girl
- Dropped A Bridge On Her: She wasn't even conscious for her own death!
- Ensemble Darkhorse: Brought back for her Heel Face Turn in Season 4 when it wasn't originally planned.
- The Gwen Stacy
- Heel Face Turn
- Killed Off for Real: Courtesy of Tim Westcott.
- Not Me This Time: When citizens start getting attacked in her final episode.
- Taking the Bullet
- Teleporters and Transporters
- Temporary Love Interest
- Unexplained Recovery: Overcomes her insanity.
- Villain Teleportation
- Yandere: To Clark.
Trent MacGowen (James Bell)
- Blade Below the Shoulder: One of his preferred attacks.
- Career Killers: Hired by Lionel to kill Chloe.
- Elemental Shapeshifter: Into metal.
- I Just Want to Be Normal: Lionel promises to help him set up a normal life once Chloe is dead.
- Killed Off for Real: Lois electrocutes him and Clark incinerates him with heat vision.
- Shout-Out: To the T-1000.
Tim Westcott (Derek Hamilton)
- Dishing Out Dirt: Could convert to sand at will.
- Elemental Shapeshifter: Sand.
- Frame-Up: Frames Alicia Baker for his murders.
- The Fundamentalist: There is a serious religious undertone to most of what Tim talks about.
- In the Blood: Inherited his belief in sin from his dad.
- Knight Templar: Believes that all those who have sinned—no matter how small the infraction—must die. To put it in perspective, he tries to kill Lana and Jason for being in a student/teacher relationship.
- He also believe the meteor shower had corrupted Smallville. It's more or less true.
- Super Strength: He was able to choke Clark, who only escaped by shooting him with his heat vision.
Maddie Van Horn (Emily Hirst)
- Creepy Child
- Cute Mute: At first.
- Enfante Terrible: Subverted. While she can be very destructive, it's her dad who's the real threat.
- Happily Adopted: Not at first, having been shuttled from foster home to foster home. Implied to finally be happy courtesy of her grandmother at the episode's end.
- In the Blood: Is a second-generation Meteor Freak, inheriting her powers from her father, Tyler McKnight.
- If You Kill Him You Will Be Just Like Him: He almost killed her father to save everyone else, but Clark talked her out of it.
- Mind Over Matter: Glass, actually.
- Power Incontinence: Has trouble controlling her powers.
- Self-Made Orphan: Believed to have killed her mom. Almost kills her dad who is also her mother's real murderer.
Tyler McKnight (Callum Keith Rennie)
- Axe Crazy: Tyler isn't so much evil as he is very badly unhinged.
- In the Blood: Passed on his glass-breaking powers to his daughter, Maddie.
- Mind Over Matter: Specifically, glass.
Graham Garrett (Alex Scarlis)
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: He fakes Affably Evil well, but at the end of the day, Graham will happily kill anyone who even suspects his secret.
- Career Killers
- Invisibility
- I Owe You My Life: Towards Clark.
- Killed Off for Real: By Lex.
- Smug Super: Seriously underestimates Lex's ability to find him.
- Visible Invisibility: There's a distortion when he first disappears, but after that he's completely invisible, save when he bumps into something.
Duncan Allenmeyer (Bryce Hodgson)
- Astral Projection
- Bully Hunter: When he came back.
- Create Your Own Villain: Lex, Oliver and their friends made him who he was.
- Evil Cripple: He was in a coma.
- Forgotten Childhood Friend: To Lex.
- Killed Off for Real: When one of Oliver's EMP arrows accidentally fries his brain.
- Mind Over Matter
Bronson (Elias Toufexis)
- Anti-Villain: All he wants to do is expose Lex and end the experimentation at 33.1. He's actually much more sympathetic than Lex and Lana are.
- Jumping Off the Slippery Slope: Loses it when Lionel moves 33.1; he then attempts to kill Lex and Lana.
- Killed Off for Real: By Lex.
- Nerd Glasses
- You Look Familiar: His actor would go on to play Warp in Season 10.
Linda Lake (Tori Spelling)
- Alliterative Name
- Blondes Are Evil
- Elemental Shapeshifter: Into water.
- Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: She seems to enjoy ruining people's lives; that or she doesn't give a damn about anyone but herself and her career.
- Evil Counterpart: Played as Lois', especially in her second appearance.
- Killed Off for Real: By Davis.
- Kryptonite Factor: Electric shock forces her back into human form.
- Paparazzi: Works for a tabloid.
- Making a Splash
- Meaningful Name
- Punny Name
- Smug Snake
- Too Dumb to Live: Smooth move, threatening to expose Doomsday.