< Smallville

Smallville/Fanfic Recs

Proof that the remaining 10% is worth dying for

These are recommendations made by tropers for Smallville fanfics, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. After a few samples, you will be able to note the interests of the tropers recommending them, and judge whether you might be also interested in a certain 'fic.

Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here.[1] Do warn when a fanfic may head into sexual[2] or non-canon territory. Some people just don't like it, and as we all know, Shipping is Serious Business.

Reviews of fics are encouraged, but if you choose to write one, please make it substantive, and give specific details about what you liked / disliked in the fic. If you want to give a fic a thumbs-up without writing a full review, you can add your troper handle to the Recommendations Line. Please refrain from posting Conversation in the Main Page though; that goes in the discussion page.

Recommendations Template

Title of the Fanfic by Author OR Fic Trope Page, by Author (Link) Recommended by: Troper Name

  • Synopsis: What's the story about? Give here a brief summary of the plot. It would be also useful to point out in what moment of the series the story takes place. If it's a Gen Fic but it has some romantic elements, note here the characters involved too.
  • Pairing(s): If it's a Shipping Fic, list here the pairings that feature in the fic (warn here if it's het, male slash or female slash). If it's a Gen Fic, remove this line. To tell the difference between the two, notice if the focus of the fic is on a romantic relationship or if it focuses on the other aspects of the story. In case of doubt, classify the story according to the genres it's been tagged: the Romance tag for Shipping, absence of that tag for Gen Fic.
  • Tags: If any are known. This would be things like WAFF, Lemon, Dark Fic, any known Crossovers etc.

Authors and Websites


  • Recommended by: Eona
  • Synopsis: Has written quite a few beautiful Clark/Lex fics. All of the fics use correct grammar and spelling.
  • Additional Info: nonotthatone has said that she was going to be an English teacher once, and it really show in her fics. Pentameter is a great example of this. The author is also on Livejournal

none yet

General Fics

Stories which primarily focus on the normal goings on of the cast.

Armageddon [dead link] by Toby Wolf 13 and Armageddon Aftermath by Iolanthe Alias

  • Recommended by Joebro
  • Synopsis: The first is a rewrite of Apocalypse, goes off the principle that the world would have been drastically worse if Clark had landed and been killed by Brainiac shortly after. Basically Clark as we know him goes to an alternate universe where the other Kryptonians have killed him and taken over the Earth many years before. The first deals with defeating the other Kryptonians and the second deals with fixing the world and finding a way home.

Those Who Are Both by Marbleglove

  • Recommended by User:Looney Toons
  • Synopsis: Superman eavesdrops on a confrontation between Batman and Lex Luthor and thinks back along the history of his enmity with Luthor.
  • Comments: An interesting short speculating on the true nature of the relationship between Luthor and Superman. While it could be set in any Superman continuity, it makes reference to events in Smallville.

Chloe's Birthday Wish by Sarah1281

  • Recommended by Eona
  • Synopsis: A short Mock Fic of the episode Hex.
  • Comments: Short and funny, this fic points out a few of the reasons Chloe should not have wished to be Lois.

Crossover Fics

Stories which crossover with other characters or works.

Runaway Trains At 3 AM & Lines Of Communication by Christina K.

  • Recommended by Ambar Son of Deshar
  • Synopsis: In the first one, Clark runs into Dawn in a train station and builds a friendship with her sometime in Season 1. The second one deals with their respective parental figures finding out about the number of phone bills and e-mails the two have been sending one another.
  • Tags: Crossover with Buffy The Vampire Slayer.

Smallville X Evolution by ben10987654321

  • Recommended byThe Rich Sheik
  • Synopsis: Lex didn't save the Kent farm. While preparing to leave Smallville the Kents are visited by Charles Xavier, who offers them a home at his school for the gifted in Bayville. Meanwhile Chloe spots "Bigfoot" near Smallville, which means Magneto can't be far behind...
  • Pairings: Clark/Rogue, Lex/Lana
  • Tags: Crossover with Xmen Evolution, Wolverine and the X-Men, Superman: The Animated Series, and Spider-Man.

Shipping Fics

Stories whose primary focus is on romantic or sexual relationships between the cast.

The_Very_Secret_Thoughts_of_Clark_Kent by Viridian5

  • Recommended by Goodwrench
  • Synopsis: Exactly what the title says. Humor.
  • Pairing: Clark/Lex
  • Tags: Slash


Infestation by annwitch

  • Recommended by Eona
  • Synopsis: A satirical Mockumentary take on the Clark/Lana ship.
  • Pairings: Clark/Lana, and Clark/Lois

Parental Control by Supercaptain

  • Recommended by Eona
  • Synopsis: A Clex fic in the style of the reality tv show Parental Control.
  • Pairings: Clark/Lex
  • Comments: One of the few fics written in script format that is not painful to read, and is also consistently funny throughout.

Cheating Destiny by Sarah1281

  • Recommended by Eona
  • Synopsis: When a freshman Clark wakes up twenty-five years into the future and can't reach his parents or Pete, he turns to Lex to help him figure it out. What a wonderful opportunity this is to correct certain aspects of their past...

Adaptability by rageprufrock

  • Recommended by Eona
  • Synopsis: Lex rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Clark," he started haltingly. "I--I know your human health and reproduction teacher was a little preoccupied with seducing me and then plotting to have me killed, but I hope you're peripherally aware men cannot actually gestate."
  • Pairings:Clark/Lex
  • Comments: This fic is absolutely hilarious, with a good twist at the end too.
  1. a copy of the template is just below
  2. please note this includes all sexual activity, not just homosexual or bisexual, including het.
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