Digimon Next

The second major Digimon manga to be produced in V-Jump, Digimon Next is a 26 chapter series that ran from 2006 to 2008. Its run coincided with the airing of Digimon Savers and both series shared concepts like DigiSouls, similar partner Digimon, and the same Digivices. However, Next adhered closer to the original youthful art style and themes of the first four anime series.
Doting V-Pet owner Tsurugi Tatsuno has just been introduced to the Virtual Digimon Battle Tournament by his soccer teammates. He is delighted to be interacting with his Greymon and enjoys participating in the battles. Then strange things begin to happen. Did a Kuwagamon attack Tsurugi in the Real World only for Greymon to save him and was it just a dream? Why is his former childhood friend Shou Kahara so cold and aloof? And who is the Hacker Tamer that nearly killed Greymon in the tournament?
Tsurugi and his friends soon find all these answers on a Trailmon that leads to a Digital World under siege by a Demon Lord...
See also: Digimon V-Tamer 01, its predecessor as "the" Digimon manga, and Digimon Xros Wars, its successor.
- Art Shift: ocassionally during gags, which the captions note at one point. Agumon shift's to the design used in Datasquad/Savers after his first battle in the digital world.
- Ascended Fanboy: He reacts with glee at being able to interact with his partner in the Digital World. He is ecstatic when he's informed he's actually in the Digital World.
- And You Thought It Was a Game: Tsurugi introspects how he realized this when Greymon defended him in the Real World.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Tsurugi is nice, if a bit absentminded. Harm people around him though...
- Big Bad: Demon Lord Barbamon.
- The host computer Yggdrassil turns out to be this in the end.
- Cyberspace: Tsurugi gets to spend the first three chapters in this until being pulled into the Digital World.
- Demon Lords and Archdevils: Barbamon is one of the Seven Great Demon Lords, representing the sin of greed.
- Don't Try This At Home: When Tsurugi does something dumb enough it's captioned
- Doting Parent: Tsurugi is this to Greymon.
- You forgot about Ami's actions towards Pichimon.
- Dumb Jock: The opinion of our hero's peers
- Elvis Impersonator: Saitou's avatar resembles Elvis for some reason.
- Evil Old Folks: Barbamon.
- Evil Sorceror: Barbamon, again.
- Extreme Omnivore: Agumon would eat anything, including the fake food in one chapter, without repurcussions.
- Goggles Do Nothing: Tsurugi chooses to wear some as part of his avatar. He wears them for the rest of the series when he enters the Digital World.
- Gondor Calls for Aid: To a frankly ridiculous extent. Literally everyone out heroes have met shows up for the final battle against NEO, no matter how minor, including all the villains still alive. It's almost immediately subverted, however; NEO borders on omnipotent, so he simply annihilates all assembled with a single thought.
- Hell: The Dark Area
- Hopeless with Tech: Tsurugi, it is a wonder he got his V-pet working.
- Ill Boy: Yuu, who isn't keen to leave the Digital World since he's more or less healthy.
- Unusual Eyebrows: Goamon's headband blocks them
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Agumon is uncouth, prideful, and a bit of a glutton but like Tsurugi he would stand up for what's right.
- Missing Mom: Ami's mother is dead.
- Meaningful Name: An obvious one, but: "Tsurugi" means "sword". Guess what the weapon used by VictoryGreymon is.
- My Greymon Is Stronger Than Yours
- My Master, Right or Wrong: Peckmon to Hacker Tamer aka Shou
- Mysterious Watcher: The cloaked figure revealed to be Piccolomon.
- Name's the Same: Digimon Xros Wars would later also have main characters named Tsurugi and Yuu, except that the former is a surname for the Xros Wars character.
- Ninja Log: Peckmon
- Power Levels:Measured in DP
- Real Mon Eat Meat: Agumon seems to love his bone meat.
- Reincarnation: Used to be the case in the Digital World but it stopped happening before the events of the series
- Snarky Non-Human Sidekick: Agumon's first actions upon waking up in the Digital World is to kick Tsurugi in the face for losing against Peckmon and verbally take him down. Then he poops on his face..
- Soap Opera Disease: Yuu has a heart condition and it isn't any more specified.
- Space Whale Aesop: "Don't mistreat your virtual companions or they will destroy your world and everyone in it", apparently.
- The Chosen One: Anyone with the Illegal mark.
- The Ditz: Tsurugi is pretty ignorant of technology and finds school difficult. He also commits many social flubs.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: Shou and Peckmon.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: Shou.
- Wizard Beard: Barbamon has one, though he's the Big Bad.
- The Speechless: Most Digimon in the first few chapters. This includes Tsurugi's partner until he regains consciousness in the Digital World after being defeated. Pichimon remains speechless though.
- Tsundere: Ami.