Scandinavia and the World/Characters
This page needs some cleaning up to be presentable. Some or all of these characters need descriptions. A list of tropes is not a description. |
The Nordics
The Nordics as a group
- Big Screwed-Up Family: Åland can be a real jerk to his cousin, Finland. As for Scania and Fenno-Swede, the author says, "All the children in SatW are completely fucked."
- Freudian Trio: Denmark as the Id, Norway the Ego and Sweden as the Superego.
- Norse by Norsewest: Mainly averted. The comic shows the countries' stereotypes of each other rather than the Hollywood stereotype of them, and goes out the way to show that each country has their own distinct cultures.
"If he asked... I'd let him do me."
- The Alcoholic
- Alcohol Hic: "Hi America, and welcome to Denmark *hiccup*"
- Ambiguously Gay: And he does push the envelope.
- Extreme Omnisexual: Word of God is that his specific orientation is "everythingsexual." He does seem to end up with guys more often, though, and not just because of the gender bias in the cast.
- Anything That Moves. And a fair number of things that don't.
- Attention Deficit...A NINJA!!
- Big Eater: He likes smørrebrød, a type of sandwich piled high with fillings.
- Big No: Denmark uttered this when the beer ghost came for his beer.
- Chivalrous Pervert: As seen here. Sure, he asks if he's gonna get laid, but only after he makes Sister Australia's wish come true.
- Clingy Jealous Guy: Towards Norway, considering how many wars he fought over him and his reaction to losing him.
- Even the Guys Want Him: Denmark has a certain appeal for straight guys, according to the author.
- Epic Fail: Denmark used Swedish! Denmark missed! By a Mile!
- The Hedonist
- If I Can't Have You: If Denmark can't win The North Pole's love, he'd rather have her stay as an Ice Queen.
- Idiot Hair
- Innocent Bigot: In Monkey Man, Denmark mistakes South Africa for a monkey. This does not end well.[1]
- Jerkass: Towards Iceland, Greenland, and the Faroe Islands in this comic.
- Our Mermen Are Different: No, really...
- Playing to The Fetishes: He's not above playing on Sister Japan's Yaoi Fangirl fantasies to get her in his bed.
- Sleep Cute: With Norway.
"You need to get your mind out of the gutter, Denmark."
- Ambiguously Gay: Before the introduction of Åland.
- Belligerent Sexual Tension: With Finland; although most of the belligerence is from Finland.
- Berserk Button/Have I Mentioned I Am Heterosexual Today?
- Big No: In Long Cold Nights.
- Blind Without'Em
- Blond Guys Are Evil: See Alternate Character Interpretation.
- Broken Record: "No war! No war! No war! No war! No war! No war! No war! No war!"
- But You Screw One Horse!: "I was a stupid teenager! I was horny! And it was a really cute horse!"
- Character Development: Sweden is the character who by far has changed the most since the beginning. He started off with his sexuality being only a subtle implication that was never spoken of and he always dodged about, but over time he slowly has been opening up, and recently acquired a boyfriend.
- Character Tics/Expressive Hair: Sweden's hair sticks out when he's angry or frustrated.
- The Comically Serious
- Deadpan Snarker
- Nightmare Fetishist: If this comic is anything to go by.
- Only Sane Man: What Sweden sees himself as.
- Pacifist: Aspires to be an Actual Pacifist, but in practice more of a Martial Pacifist or Technical Pacifist (especially where Denmark is concerned)
- Sibling Yin-Yang: With his sister. One really has to wonder how they ended up so different.
- The Smart Guy
- Tsundere: Towards Denmark.
- Transparent Closet
- The Unfunny
- Walking Techfix: "*PLING*"
"I don't like the zoo. I prefer seeing the animals out in the wild..."
- The Beast Master: A fantasy sketch depicts him as a Viking warrior with command over wolves and eagles. (Probably not intended to carry over to the main comic.)
- Cloudcuckoolander: He has his occasional moments, but he's usually the Straight Man.
- "OMG! Team Jacob!"
- Even The Lesbians Want Him: According to the author.
- Kissing Cousins/Fridge Horror: Norway introduced the others to his cousin Jan Mayen as his “friend”. Sweden commented that he looked dead. It was later revealed that Norway and Jan Mayen used to have an incestuous relationship, and that Jan Mayen got killed for it. That means Norway is keeping the corpse of his dead lover somewhere in his house...
- Friend to All Living Things: Except for polar bears.
- Well not Svalbard's.
- He's friendly to them. It's the polar bears who are Exclusively Evil.
- Gentle Giant
- If It's You It's Okay: Norway seems to be relatively straight, he just happens to have lots and lots of fairly ambiguous sex with Denmark.
- There was also Jan Mayen (see above).
- Must Have Caffeine: NOM NOM NOM
- Puppy Dog Eyes: Norway does this when upset.
- Sleep Cute: With Denmark.
- Straight Man: Most of the time, anyway.
- Trademark Favorite Food: He's usually seen with a fish.
- Which sometimes doubles as a Head Pet / Empathy Pet.
- The Alcoholic
- Ax Crazy/An Axe to Grind: As seen here.
- Belligerent Sexual Tension: With Sweden.
- Berserk Button: Taking Finland's coffee and Finland losing at hockey.
- Carpet of Virility
- Casual Kink: He is a BDSM submissive to Sister Sweden.
- Catch Phrase/Foreign Cuss Word: "Perkele..."
- Broken Record/Cluster Perkele Bomb: He says Perkele 306 times when initially losing ice hockey to Denmark.
- Cold Sniper: Finland shot a key out of Åland's hand. FROM SWITZERLAND.
Switzerland: Nice shot.
- Foe Yay: Again, with Sweden.
- Hair-Trigger Temper
- Knife Nut
- Lethal Chef: King Europe thought Finland's cuisine was so bad, he forced Åland to live with him.
- My Girl Is Not a Slut: Sorry, Finland, she is.
- Nice Hat
- Perma-Stubble
- Perpetual Frowner
- The Quiet One: Humon originally wanted him to be medically mute, but later decided he's mute by choice. He'll really only swear, and talk if he has to.
- Beware the Quiet Ones: Has a moment of this by throwing the Cluster Perkele Bomb when he loses to Denmark in hockey. It doesn't help the fact that he was also thrashing around and had a broken hockey stick at his feet.
- Serious Business: Throws Cluster Perkele Bomb tantrums over losing at ice hockey.
- Talking with Signs
- Token Evil Teammate: Depends on your definition of "evil."
- Tsundere: Towards Sweden, although Deredere!Finland wasn't exactly himself that day...
"You guys always try to shut me out of everything!"
- Asexuality: He's either this or self-sexual. Either way, we're not getting a piece of him.
- Badass: He skydives into volcanoes for fun.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Oh, hell yes.
- Bishie Sparkle
- Blue Eyes: Not that they're uncommon among the characters, but his are visible even when he's chibified.
- Compensating for Something: Iceland has...disturbing ways of compensating for his small...population.
- Cool Shades
- I Call Him Mr. Happy: Iceland named a penis Drjóli. Not his own, mind you...
- Bilingual Bonus: "Drjóli" is appearantly an Icelandic slang word that means... "penis".
- Lethal Chef
- Lovable Sex Maniac
- Nightmare Fetishist: Word of God says that his slightly twisted mind is a result of living so close to Hekla, the gateway to hell.
- Out of Focus: As seen in the above quote. Humon herself forgot to add poor Iceland in the Christmas Episode.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy
Sister Denmark
"I found your porn collection!"
- Bifauxnen: Was mistaken for a cute long-haired guy by France.
- Bottle Fairy
- Pettanko: Subverted. She wears baggy shirts that make her look flat.
Sister Sweden
- Anything That Moves
- Bottle Fairy
- Cool Big Sis
- Dominatrix. And don't the fellas love it.
- Dude Magnet
- Ethical Slut
- Gag Boobs
- Sibling Yin-Yang: With Sweden. Her brother tries to be uptight and by the book, while she, on the other hand...
- It's hinted that they're more alike than they seem on the surface, and just happen to emphasize different aspects of their shared personality.
Sister Norway
"Wha...I don't...Why are you watching that?"
- Only Sane Woman: She has the comedic foil role of her brother, without his Cloudcuckoolander moments.
- Skinship Grope: With the Denmarks.
Sister Finland
- Abhorrent Admirer: Towards Sweden. Though it's less her looks, and more her Knife Nut tendencies (and her, well, sex) that make her abhorrent.
- Burn the Witch
- Doting Parent: According to this strip, she spoils FennoSwede rotten.
- Knife Nut
- Kuudere
- Nice Hat
- Perpetual Frowner
- The Quiet One
Sister Iceland
"Oooooh! A pony!"
- All Girls Like Ponies: See quote.
- Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny: See the above quote.
- Blue Eyes: As with her brother, this is visible no matter how she's drawn.
- Cool Shades
- Pettanko
- Peek-a-Bangs
- White-Haired Pretty Girl
Islands, Autonomous Regions, Territories, Etc
"Come out come out wherever you are, Russia!!! You wanted my "special services" didn't you!? Then come over here and get it!!"
- Beware the Nice Ones: Seems like a fairly nice and unassuming guy on the surface, but just ask Russia or Finland what happens when you push his buttons.
- Badass Bookworm
- Brainy Brunette
- Does This Remind You of Anything?: "Special services".
- Ho Yay: With Sweden. Becomes a full-blown relationship.
"Go fuck yourself, Denmark! You ruined my life!"
- Eyes Always Shut
- Grumpy Bear
- Perpetual Frowner: Except once.
- The Alcoholic: And it's Denmark's fault.
Faroe Islands
"It's me! The Faroes! We live together! I pay rent to you!"
- Armored Closet Gay
- Covert Pervert
- Hair-Trigger Temper: "SHUT UP OR THE GOD DAMN WHALE GETS IT!!!"
- Sex Is Evil and I Am Horny
- Took a Level in Badass: He bashed Netherlands and Denmark over the head with a giant cross in Ungodly Surprise.
- Who Is This Guy Again?: He lives with Denmark, but Denmark only remembers him when he owes money.
- You Are What You Hate
"I'm not mumbling. That's how I talk..."
- The Chew Toy
- Disappeared Dad: Subverted—Denmark is his father, though neither of them knows it. (When Sweden finds out, he tells Scania his father was killed in a car accident so that the boy wouldn't look up to the irresponsible Denmark as a role model.)
- Cheerful Child: Despite his insane family. Apparently it's because his mother spoils him.
- The Voiceless: He doesn't have even one line of dialogue in the
fourfive strips where he's appeared.- No, scratch that. The only things he's ever said are "Yes!" and "No sir!"
- He speaks Swedish (shown by the flag in his bubble) which pisses Finland off to no end. This is a reflection of real life Fenno-Swedes.
"You were being an idiot, that's what happened."
Jan Mayen
- Posthumous Character: Was apparently executed during the Renaissance for having an incestuous relationship with Norway, which is only revealed several strips after his first appearance. Sweden points out that "he looks dead". That's right, Norway introduces his friends to the dead body of his onetime lover/cousin. Which he keeps around to have conversations with. (In real life, Jan Mayen is an inhospitable volcanic island with no real population other than some researchers.)
Freetown Christiania
"Duuuuuuuuuuuuuude! That butterfly looks stoned!"
"...I'm already here."
North Pole
- Ice Queen
- White-Haired Pretty Girl
- Woman in White
Hans Island
- Precious Puppies: Subverted in the case that Canada and Denmark are warring over him by waving their flags.
Other Europe
King Europe
"Well, if you must ask; I'm an intellectual who speaks more than 20 languages, my food is excellent, my art is deep, I'm a great lover who is sexy without being vulgar, I rule my kingdom with peace, and I ride a mean scooter."
- The Ace
- Serious Business: Food, apparently. He ordered Åland to move back in with Finland over the former's strenuous protests so that the latter would have a decent cook around the house.
- Stalker with a Crush: Toward Norway.
"What the-? Are you making weird porn again, Germany?"
- Brains and Bondage: Either that or he's trying to piss off Germany.
- Informed Attribute: There is nothing indicating that he is Mad Scientist save for Humon's description.
- Mad Scientist
- Porn Stache
"Hello, old chaps. Lovely weather."
- British Accent: Naturally.
- For the Evulz: England is excited about the British Royal wedding... for the wrong reasons.
- High-Class Glass
- Parental Neglect: He could have paid more attention to America.
- Spot of Tea
- Team Dad: For America, Canada, Australia and Sealand.
- Quintessential British Gentleman: Surprise, surprise.
"I've changed!! I really have!! I'm sorry!! I've changed!! I promise!!"
- Apologises a Lot
- The Atoner: Has shades of this, out of guilt for Nazi Germany's actions.
- Broken Record: Following the above quote.
- BSOD: Here. And here.
- Germanic Depressives: Duh!
- Ship Tease: With Sister Japan.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Carried an improbably large sausage under his arm in "No invitation" and "America Has Spoken".
"New Zealand! You should have told you me you had been sheared! I would've knocked!"
- Interspecies Romance: With New Zealand
"I always wondered why Germany digs holes in our beaches."
- Berserk Button: Don't dare bring a car on a bike lane.
- Freestate Amsterdam
- The Stoner
- Vampire Hunter: Well, Van Helsing was Dutch.
Nazi Germany
- Gas The Dog
- Jerkass: You betcha.
- Those Wacky Nazis: ...Duh.
- Yandere: How he feels about regular Germany
- Beatnik: Her look.
- Cool Shades
- Loveable Sex Maniac: Seems confirmed as of the Eurovision 2012 comic.
- Nice Hat
- Smoking Is Glamorous
- Beware the Nice Ones: He is very protective over leadership.
- Butt Monkey: Just look here, here, here and here. The only time he looked cool was when we were shown the Axis after World War II...
- Casanova Wannabe
- Corrupt Bureaucrat: In "Your time is up."
- Covert Pervert
- Only Sane Man of the Axis: while Germany is depressed and Japan sometimes goes around with panties on his head, he can act casually cool. He'd probably be The Ace if it wasn't that everything he does backfires against him, no matter how useful it is to the rest of the world.
"Motherfucking Testosterone!!!
- Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette: Played with. See Our Vampires Are Different.
- Our Vampires Are Different: Forget blood, he just wants your money.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
"If you can't love me the way I am, then it's your loss!"
- Nerd Glasses
- Sweet Tooth
- Tsundere: Towards Netherlands.
"Guys?! It's Estonia! I heard you were having one of your Nordic parties, so I thought I could join?!"
- The Chew Toy
- Nice Hat
- The Team Wannabe
Sister Germany
- Berserk Button: Taken to a ridiculous extent in Iron Lady.
Finland's sign: Women should be respected. Lady Germany should be feared.
- Boobs of Steel: Literally.
Denmark: Dear God! She broke my hand between her breasts! I'll never be able to play the violin again!
"Um, yeeees. I need carrots. Lots!"
- Sticky Fingers: He likes to steal cars.
"Hey, why are you wearing that flag, England? What's wrong with your own flag, huh?"
"Yeah, you think you can speak on our behalf? Like we don't have our own personality and opinions."
- The Alcoholic: Natch.
- Did Not Do the Research: S/he wears the flag of the Republic of Ireland (which is not part of the UK), but complains with Scotland about England wearing the flag of the United Kingdom.
- Cut Humon some slack, Northern Ireland doesn't have its own flag.
- Says you.
- That's not an official flag
- Can be forgiven given that all of the characters are stereotypes and a surprising number of people don't know that there's different parts of Ireland, let alone that not all are part of the UK.
- Also, the St. Patrick's Cross in the Union Jack does represent Ireland.
- Cut Humon some slack, Northern Ireland doesn't have its own flag.
- Scotireland
"AAARRRGGG!! Random fan in face!!!"
- Carpet of Virility
- Misplaced Nationalism: His introduction was followed by complains that he looked "wrong" and "stereotypical".
"Nice shot."
- Crazy Prepared: A cow is one of the many features of his banking system.
- Genre Savvy: He knows his security system for the bank works best when he doesn't divulge any details, even to his customers.
The Vatican
"Merry Christmas, Scandinavians!"
Sister England
- British Stuffiness: She's dressed very primly, with a pearl necklace, matching earrings and a sensible hairdo.
- HM The Queen: Her look is a probable Shout-Out.
North America
- Dark-Skinned Blond: He starts turning into one when he realizes white people are becoming a minority in his country.
- Eagle Land: While America certainly has most of the Flavor 2 traits, he does genuinely want to help others and is seen as the peace keeper when things get too out of hand (if only because he's dumb muscle). Essentially he's a Type 2 who aspires to be Type 1.
- Everything Is Big in Texas: Word of God says "He is a tall guy because everything in America has to be BIG."
- Have I Mentioned I Am Sexually Active Today?: America acts like a macho man and makes a big deal about Sister Sweden's boobs. But when Sister Sweden allows him to touch those boobs....
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He does want to help and be useful, but he only seems like a Jerk to the other characters.
- Leeroy Jenkins: How Europe sees him, regarding the Iraq war. He even namechecks the trope.
- The Mountains of Illinois: Parodied. He was shocked to discover that Denmark has no mountains. At all.
- Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: Sort of, with Canada as the sensitive guy.
- Transparent Closet: Humon stated that America has a lot of repressed feelings for Canada, and is most likely doing some stuff "on the down-low".
- "Well Done, Son" Guy: To England.
- Why Did It Have To Be Aliens
"What's the matter, America?"
- Bishonen: Subverted- he seems like the type except for one minor detail
- Canada, Eh?: Of course.
- Carpet of Virility
- Happily Adopted: Adopted by England, his mother was France. He seemed to be the only one of England's kids who didn't have a lot of trouble growing up.
- Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: Sensitive guy to America's manliness.
Sister America
"Don't you guys care about animal welfare at all?"
- Bare Your Midriff
- Canada, Eh?: Her lapdog, Ottawa.
- Darkskinned Blonde she because one like her brother in this comic
- Eagle Land: Contrary to her male counterpart, she is 100% Type 2.
- Expy: She is basically Paris Hilton with breast implants and Strawman Political overtones. And, depending on the art style, a different nose.
- Gag Boobs: She has very large (fake) boobs.
- Head Pet: Her chihuahua.
- Odd Friendship: With Sister Japan.
- Shipper on Deck: Ships Denmark×Norway.
- Valley Girl
- Yaoi Fangirl: Though she thinks the term "yaoi" sounds stupid....
Sister Canada
- All There in the Manual: For the longest time, but she finally showed up in the main comic in 2018 to hear about yogurt.
- Canada, Eh?: Through the Scandinavian filter, of course.
- Carpet of Virility: Yeah...
- Asian and Nerdy
- Covert Pervert: He seems to be fond of girl's panties.
- Eyes Always Shut
- Noble Bigot: He'll tell you in a totally casual way that he doesn't want immigrants around.
- Inscrutable Oriental
- The Stoic: Except when dressed as Godzilla.
Sister Japan
- Blood-Splattered Innocents: Anyone around her whenever she gets a nosebleed (and it happens OFTEN).
- Covert Pervert
- Eyes Always Shut
- Odd Friendship: With Sister America, over their Yaoi Fangirl shippings.
- Shipper on Deck: Ships Netherlands×Belgium.
- Ship Tease: With Germany.
- Yamato Nadeshiko
- Yaoi Fangirl
Saudi Arabia
- Instant Awesome, Just Add Ninja: She's not really a ninja, but don't tell that to Denmark.
North Korea
South Korea
Iran & Iraq
- Enemy Mine: Momentarily stopped fighting each other to go after Denmark.
- Serious Business: Don't draw Prophet Muhammad.
"I brought ma' wombat."
- Darkskinned Blonde
- Dissonant Serenity: Here.
- Land Down Under
- Surfer Dude: Or rather, Surfer Mate.
New Zealand
- Amazing Technicolor Wildlife: She's a sheep with wool colored like the New Zealand flag.
- Interspecies Romance: With Wales.
- Shout-Out: She went on a quest to throw the engagement ring from Wales into a volcano (which Iceland was seen parachuting into)
New South Wales
- Amazing Technicolor Wildlife: Like her mother.
- Ridiculously Cute Critter
- Talking Animal: Probably got it from her father.
Sister Australia
- Bare Your Midriff
- Expy: Of Mary, Crown Princess of Denmark.
- Darkskinned Blonde
- Everything's Better with Princesses: She's not allowed to attand the royal ball because Australia doesn't have its own royal family, so Denmark lets her be a Danish princess for one night. Aaaawwwww...
- Land Down Under
Africa as a group
- Cool Versus Awesome: Fight of the century: Ninja vs Pirate!!!
South Africa
"What the hell did your friend just call me!!?!"
- Berserk Button: Does not take nicely to being mistaken for a monkey.
- Blade on a Stick: And a Zulu hide shield!
- Scary Black Man: Only when he's upset. Which Denmark proceeds to do.
Republic of the Congo
South America
South America as a group
- Not-So-Imaginary Friend: The Nordics can't see him, much like North America can't see Denmark or tell the difference between Sweden and Norway.[2]
- Smoking Is Cool
- The Ghost: She is said to be a beautiful woman, but we've never seen her.
Characters that don't represent countries, continents, or regions
Beer Ghost
"I drink people's beer."
- The Alcoholic
- Catch Phrase: "Uuuuuuuuuuuh!"
- Early-Bird Cameo: Here.
- Our Ghosts Are Different
"Nicotine patches doesn't work on me!!"
- Awesome McCoolname: Averted. He represents Eyjafjallajökull, but he is refered to as Volcano because Eyjafjallajökull is difficult to spell and pronounce.
- Smoking Is Cool: Indeed.
Random Fan
... in Spain's face! One-shot character to illustrate a specific event [3] during the Eurovision Song Contest 2010.
Christian Olsson
Linn-Kristan Riegelhuth
Jacob Jensen
- Promoted Fanboy: Jacob is a SatW fan who had a cameo in Unfair Advantage
Finland's Puppy
- Godwin's Law: Makes the Nazi salute in front of Modern Germany, causing him to literally go into Heroic BSOD-mode. And Nazi Germany wants to gas it.
Ukraine's Nuclear Mutants
- Back to Scandinavia and the World
- ↑ This stems from the stereotype that all Danes are racist without realizing it.
- ↑ This plays on the stereotype that Nordics know nothing about South America and North Americans know nothing about Denmark or assume Sweden and Norway are the same.
- ↑ namely the notorious Jimmy Jump sneaking into the performance of the Spanish entry