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Rance/Characters/Children of Rance

WARNING! There are unmarked Spoilers ahead. Beware.

Rance, one of the world's greatest adventurers, is known both for his countless achievements as well as his insatiable sex drive. Normally he uses protection to prevent pregnancies like the contraceptive spell, but different circumstances resulted in him getting offspring with different women, many of them being highly influential or important political figures. These children are known as Rance's children, but after Rance's ascension into the Archfiend they are more well known as the Children of the Archfiend.

Every one of his children inherit their father's infinite level cap and have extraordinary fighting capability. They are seen as humanity's strongest fighters, only being rivaled by themselves or living legends, but the only one to truly surpass them is their father. However because of their father's status as the Archfiend they are also hated by a part of the population for their father's crimes, but because of their contributions to humanity and their talent, they are also seen as celebrities by another part of the population.

Tropes exhibited by the children as a whole:
  • Absurdly High Level Cap: Just like their father, they have an infinite level cap. The only difference is that they make more use of it and as a result actually stay on an absurdly high level.
  • Ascended Extra: All of them could count as this besides Dark Rance and Reset. They went from characters that were only mentioned in Rance X to the focus of Rance X: Part 2.
  • Badass Family: Since their father is Rance, you can expect them to be very powerful warriors, since not only did they inherit their father's infinite level cap, but they also have various strong skills on their own. Also many of their mothers are quite badass on their own.
  • Badass Crew: At their strongest, the El party is considered the most powerful party in the existence of mankind.
  • Disappeared Dad: Their father Rance wasn't a part of their life for fifteen years, because as the Archfiend he would endanger their lives if he went on a rampage in their proximity.
  • Heroic Bastard: Since their father is Rance, it's pretty clear that he never got married to any of their mothers.
  • Heroic Lineage: Played with at least with their father Rance: while his deeds may deem him enough as a hero, he's still a big Jerkass and has many amoral tendencies, while many of his kids are straight up heroes.
  • Level Drain: When they all get sucked inside Quelplan and got out, their levels go down a lot. And this is after they were defeated by Archfiend Rance for the first time.
  • Turn Out Like His Father: Zigzagged. Most of them have personalities different from their father Rance, but they still have a few traits similar to his. In some cases they don't even resemble their mother in personality.
  • Massive-Numbered Siblings: A half-siblings example, but in Rance X: Part 2 they were numbered at eleven and according to Orion, Rance had a total of one hundred children at the time of his death which means that they gained around 89 siblings after their journey was over.
  • More Teeth Than the Osmond Family: They all inherited their father's signature shark teeth.
  • Sibling Team: All of them under the leadership of El Mofus have joined the "El Party" in order to put a stop against their father, Archfiend Rance.
  • Sins of Our Fathers: As noted above, some individuals blame or attack them for the sins their father committed as the Archfiend. In some countries there even came rebellions against them or their mothers.
  • Took a Level in Badass: While they weren't exactly weak before, after their first devastating defeat against their father, they went for training with the world's strongest fighters in Poly Poly World, where time flows differently. As a result every one of them reached a level above 250. This allows them to fare better in their second battle against their father. It's still not enough to defeat him, but it allowed them to create an opening for Reset to slap him back to sanity.
  • Wacky Parent, Serious Child: Many of them are the Serious Child to their Wacky Parent or rather father (Rance) and in some cases are even this compared to their mother.
  • Walking Spoiler: All of their existences are pretty big spoilers since this shows that Rance eventually will get children despite his own objections against it.

Dark Rance

Firstborn of Rance. His mother is the devil Feliss who became bound to Rance as a slave. Normally humans and devils are unable to conceive a child together, but when Rance had sex with Feliss in Genbu's Castle, an alternate world where the reality is just a little bit off, it somehow caused his conception.

For more information on him before the finale of Rance X, see here.

Tropes exhibited by Dark Rance include:
  • Always Someone Better: He is this towards his siblings since he's the strongest of them all, as shown when he was able to hold off the devil Neplacus while his siblings as a party couldn't. Even Rangi and Zance are unable to defeat him in a sparring match and they are among the strongest among the siblings along with El.
  • Animal Eyes: His eyes look slit cat eyes, because he's a devil.
  • Belligerent Sexual Tension: With the Angel Nook 77.
  • BFS: This is what his sword Gram evolves into over time.
  • Big Brother Instinct: Every one of his siblings hold him in high regard, because he's a reliable older brother who always will be there for them when they need him the most.
  • Big Damn Heroes: His first appearance in Rance X: Part 2 is when he engages Neplacus to save a overwhelmed El.
  • Evolving Weapon: His weapon Gram evolves according to the amount of suffering and sadness the user has. Dark Rance has more then enough thanks to the suffering his beloved mother Feliss goes through, and has managed to evolve Gram from a short dagger to a BFS.
  • Horned Humanoid: Since he's a devil he has horns on his head just like his mom.
  • Horny Devils: Subverted, as Rance's son you would expect him to have a big sex drive just like him, but he doesn't have one. However he along with Rangi are the only one among the siblings to have experience in sex.
  • Interspecies Romance: He is a Devil and he is either in a relationship with Nook 77, a angel or with Maria, a human.
  • Master Swordsman: He has a Sword Combat Lv2 skill just like his father and just like him he didn't have anyone to teach him. He had to learn how to fight by himself.
  • May-December Romance: With Maria, as she is a human 20 years older than him.
  • My Sister Is Off-Limits: Just like his father, he doesn't want anyone to go out with his sister Reset Kalar and they both hope that Reset will never grow beyond her child-like body.
  • Opposites Attract: Can enter a relation with Nook 77, an angel.
  • Patchwork Kids: At first he looked just like his father, but with devil characteristics (horns, pointy ears and slit cat eyes), but as a teen he gained a few green stripes in his hair which have a similar color to his mother's hair. By the time he became an adult he has several of them.
  • The Power of Hate: The fuel for Gram.
  • Oedipus Complex: He has some conflicts with his father, but loves his mother a lot.
  • Official Couple: Depending on circumstances, with either Maria Custard or Nook.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: Dark Rance is a nickname created by Sill, because if a person knows the real name of a devil, they will be bound to them as a slave just like what happened to his mother Feliss with his father Rance. The only part known of his real name is "Feb-".
  • Pointy Ears: Another devil characteristic just like the Animal Eyes.
  • Perpetual Frowner: He doesn't smile that much as a result of all the hardships he goes through.
  • Strong Family Resemblance: Out of all Rance's children, he is the one that resembles him the most in appearance. The only differences are his Devil horns, slit cat eyes, pointy ears and green highlights in his hair when het gets older.
  • Token Non-Human: He is the only son of Rance to not be human.
  • When He Smiles: He has a rather nice smile.
  • Younger Than He Looks: Back when he was 4 years old, his body's age is 14 years old as a result of his devil genetics, but as a young adult it evens out.

Rangi Yamamoto

Second son of Rance, born at the end of the latest Warring States era of Nippon, and also his first child to be fully human. His mother is Isoroku Yamamoto, the greatest archer of Nippon and last survivor of the Yamamoto Clan. He is the current Lord of Nippon who is beloved by his subordinates and people thanks to being a brave, virtuous, a charismatic leader and a powerful warrior.

Tropes exhibited by Rangi include:
  • The Ace: He's brave, virtuous, charismatic, among the strongest of his siblings and the sovereign of Nippon. He also claims that he would be proficient in anything he aspires to be.
  • Blind Weaponmaster: Temporarily becomes this when his opponent Richelle puts the curse Dark Morurun on him, which causes him to become blind. However he's able to shoot her by using his hearing and only lost because he was just barely missed the mark.
  • Bow and Sword in Accord: Besides his bow, he also wields a katana, but his sword skills are unremarkable compared to his siblings Dark Rance and Zance since he doesn't have skill level for it. He only uses it as a last resort or to catch his opponent off guard.
  • Chick Magnet: He's very popular with the ladies. In fact he along with Dark Rance are the only one among the siblings to have experience in sex.
  • A Child Shall Lead Them: In Isoroku's ending in Sengoku Rance, he is the one who leads Nippon's army in humanity's war against the Monster Realm while being ten years old.
  • Celibate Hero: While he is popular with the ladies, he more focused on the duties he's responsible for such as ruling Nippon. Up until his encounter with the Witch Richelle.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Shows some shades of this when facing against a magician in the Wargod Tournament. Instead of a long distance battle, he decided to charge head first into her and put his katana right next to her neck forcing her to surrender.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: His first appearance was a brief appearance in his mother Isoroku's ending in Sengoku Rance.
  • Giver of Lame Names: Something he has in common with his father and just like him is completely oblivious to.
  • Little Big Brother: He was this to Reset, because her Kalar biology caused her to age rapidly into a six year old body while Rangi is still mentally and physically a baby and toddler despite technically being her older brother.
  • Not So Above It All: Despite being the second oldest child and being the most serious. He inherits his father's lame naming sense, dislikes losing, and tends to get in childish arguments with Zance.
  • Parental Substitute: He became this towards his younger sister Tokugawa Tone.
  • Sibling Rivalry: With Zance.
  • Sore Loser: He really dislikes losing to the point he even said that he would destroy the entire Wargod Tournament if El also lost to Richelle like he did.
  • Take Over the World: This is his dream, but borders more on Well-Intentioned Extremist since his reason and goal is to create a peaceful world and future for mankind and a place were his siblings can live peacefully without the threat of assassination for being children of the Archfiend.

Reset Kalar

Third child of Rance and his first daughter. Her mother is the Kalar Queen, Pastel Kalar. She was conceived when Rance raped Pastel during her artificial impregnating ceremony. As a child born from Kalar rape, she was originally tasked with her father's assassination to restore her mother's honor. However when she got her chance she didn't go through with it, because her father was kind to her beforehand. She is now a diplomat in Shangri-La in order to improve negotiations in the trading area. For more information on her before the finale of Rance X, see here.

Tropes exhibited by Reset include:
  • 100% Adoration Rating: She's a universally beloved individual thanks to her kindness and adorable appearance.
  • Armor-Piercing Slap: Her slap can bring someone back to their senses.
  • Born Lucky: Is this thanks to her Fortune Lv1 skill.
  • Bright Slap: She has the "Cleanse Hand" power in her right hand, which allows her to slap people back to sanity. It's strong enough to turn her father back to his original self whenever he loses control to the blood of the Archfiend. In fact their entire plan to fight her father hinged on giving her a chance to slap him, though by the time of Part 2, she has bandages on her right hand due to overuse.
  • Child by Rape: She was accidentally conceived when Rance raped Pastel during her artificial impregnation ceremony.
  • Cool Big Sis: She's respected by all her siblings and was the one who started the tradition of meeting up at New Year's Eve.
  • Daddy's Girl: She's the kid Rance spends the most time into raising.
  • Morality Pet: One of the few people who brought out Rance's good side.
  • Not Growing Up Sucks: She hates the fact she doesn't age at all and still has the body of a 6 year old.
  • Older Than She Looks: Ironically she was the opposite of this trope as a kid, but is this now since her body didn't age at all since the Time Skip, which causes her to now look younger then she actually is. The epilogue even shows she still hasn't aged in the next 10 years much to her dismay, but to the delight of her father and older brother Dark Rance.
  • Pointy Ears: A trait from her race, but they are longer and more right unlike the ears of her older brother Dark Rance.
  • Strong Family Resemblance: While she does look a lot like her mother, the family member she resembles the most is her great grandmother Vivid Kalar who even has a similar height to her. Rance lampshades this when seeing Vivid naked as a ghost and says that she looks like the splitting image of his daughter.
  • Token Non-Human: She is the only daughter of Rance to not be human.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair: A trait from her race.

Zance Leazas

Fourth child of Rance and his third son. His mother is the queen of Leazas, Lia Parapara Leazas.

Tropes exhibited by Zance include:
  • The Ace: Courtesy of being Rance's son and being personally trained by Rick Addison.
  • Like Father, Like Son: Unlike his siblings his personality is actually more similar to his father, the few differences they have are their experience in womannote  and that even he is surprised about his father's rather odd behaviour.
  • Master Swordsman: He has a Sword Combat Lv2 skill just like his father and got was trained by Rick who also got that skill. Under his training he learned his techniques including his Signature Move By La Way and succeeded him as captain of the Leazas Red Corps at the age of 12 along with getting Rick's sword, the Byroad.
  • Sibling Rivalry: With Rangi.
  • Spoiled Brat: Considering the fact he was raised by Lia alone, who constantly dotes on him and is the prince of one of the most prosperous nations on the Continent, this is to be expected.
  • Strong Family Resemblance: His face, except for the hair, is similar to his dad's face.
  • Take Over the World: Something he has in common with both his parents.
  • Teen Genius: He became the commander of the Leazas Red Corps when he was 12 years old. For comparison Rick became the commander at the age of 25, which at the time also was the youngest age of any commander known.
  • Urban Legend Love Life: Because of how common it was that women were served to him, it was rumored he's a genius at sex, but he's actually still a virgin, because he doesn't want to have his first time recorded by his mother.
  • Warrior Prince: As the prince of Leazas and the commander of the Leazas Red Corps he is this.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair: He has dark blue hair.

Sushinu the Gandhi

Fifth child of Rance and his second daughter. Her mother is the princess of Zeth, Magic the Ghandi. She is the current princess of Zeth and possesses a Magic Lv3 skill which, along with her infinite Level Cap, would allow her to become the strongest magician in history, but because of the amount of expectations and pressure she gets from her peers and her fear of the amount of destructive power she possesses, she became a very timid person.

Tropes exhibited by Sushinu include:
  • Meganekko: She wears glasses just like her mother.
  • Shrinking Violet: She's a very timid person as a result of the intense pressure and expectations from her peers and fear from the amount of destructive power her magic possesses.

Tone Tokugawa

Sixth child of Rance and his third daughter. Her mother is the former princess of the Tokugawa Clan.

Tropes exhibited by Tone include:
  • Miko: Complete with a Lv2 skill.
  • Innocent Fanservice Girl: Strips completely naked inside a dungeon that turns everybody's clothes invisible because she didn't think it would even matter if she wore clothes or not at that point, and simply felt more comfortable naked. This causes one hell of a surprise to the other party members when they leave the dungeon and everybody else's clothes become visible again and yet she remains naked.
  • It Is Pronounced "Tro-PAY": Her name is pronounced Tou-nee.
  • Optional Party Member: One of the three optional characters of Part 2.
  • Spoiled Brat: She likes to be treated as a little sister and actively seeks attention from others, which became the reason why her mother sent her to train at the Miko Union, but this only caused her to become even more spoiled, because of the lack of attention she gets there.

Motonari Mouri

The son between Rance and a member of the Mouri Clan, Teru Mouri. He's the current head of the Mouri Clan, and thanks to a curse from a youkai he has a healing factor, but his intelligence is below average.

Tropes exhibited by Motonari include:
  • BFS: The sword he uses is best described as a giant meat cleaver just like the one his grandfather uses.
  • Blood Knight: Only joins the El Party under the promise of a good fight against strong enemies.
  • Crossdresser: Occasionally dresses up in a maid outfit similar to the one his mother wears, and doesn't feel any shame about doing so either.
  • Dead Guy, Junior: He's named after his deceased grandfather.
  • Dumb Muscle: His intelligence is lacking compared to his strength.
  • Healing Factor: He got this thanks to a curse from a youkai.
  • Identical Grandson: Shares many similarities with his grandfather, the late Motinari Mouri who died in Sengoku Rance.
  • Optional Party Member: One of the three optional characters of Part 2.
  • Slasher Smile: One of his main traits which he got from both parents.

Mix Tou

The daughter between Rance and the Great Witch Miracle Tou. Unlike her siblings, she hides her heritage from not only her father, but also her mother and goes under the fake name "Milky Tea". She makes great use of her Medical Treatment Lv2 Skill and after the disappearance of God and use of Divine Magic to become the top doctor of the Continent. With help from her older sister Reset she managed to form her own academic society of Medicine and has over hundred patients and twelve apprentices despite her young age.

Tropes exhibited by Mix include:
  • Amazingly Embarrassing Parents: This is the reason why she doesn't interact that much with her mother who she considers to be to eccentric.
  • Batter Up: In her fight against Nagata-kun in the Wargod Tournament, she uses a baseball bat to defeat him after all of her magic spells were nullified by his magic immunity.
  • Child Prodigy: Despite being one of the younger children of Rance (14 years old to be exact), she's not only a doctor, but also has hundreds of patients and twelve apprentices and managed to make many breakthroughs before Part 2 began.
  • Elegant Gothic Lolita: She wears Gothic Lolita clothing just like her mom.
  • Humble Hero: Despite being one of the most accomplished doctors of the entire Continent, she only sees herself as a regular doctor.
  • I Just Want to Be Normal: The reason why she doesn't reveal either of her heritages is because she much rather wants to continue work as a doctor.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: She's a rather grumpy and gloomy person that's hard to get along, but she's still a doctor devoted to ensure her patients will recover.
  • Mad Scientist: Nagata-kun actually calls her this since her devotion to studying medicine causes her to make long speeches about medicine that are rather reminiscent of her mother's speeches.
  • The Medic: Her occupation is doctor.
  • Perpetual Frowner: She's not seen smiling once, except at the very end of Part 2.
  • Raised by Grandparents: Her grandmother, Mysteria Tou, raised her, because her mother couldn't take care of her as a result of the dangerous adventures she partakes in. While she doesn't truly hate her mother, she's rather thankful her grandmother raised her since in her mother's words, she got "poisoned" by "common sense".
  • Screw the Money, I Have Rules: She doesn't care about how much money she makes, she only cares about making people healthy.
  • Strong Family Resemblance: She looks like a miniature version of her mom.
  • Workaholic: When she's not working as a doctor, she's either studying or researching till a point she doesn't have any sleep.

Lelikov Helman

The daughter of Rance and Sheila Helman, President of the Republic of Helman and former slave of Rance. She's always seen with her cousin, the half-dragon Hero Helman.

Tropes exhibited by Lelikov include:
  • Counter Attack: One of her main skills in battle against physical attacks.
  • The Glomp: The first thing she does when she meets her real father for the first time in her life? Run up to him and hug him at full force of course.
  • Ill Girl: Was this during birth. Her original life expectancy was around 10 years, but thanks to her optimism she was able to surpass it, and miraculously a cure was created by her sister Mix allowing her to stay alive.
  • Keet: Very energetic and cheerful.
  • Leeroy Jenkins: She's very reckless and straightforward.
  • No Sense of Personal Space: She tends to greet people by hugging them at full force.
  • Power Fist: As weapons she uses two big gauntlets on her fists.
  • Strong Family Resemblance: Played with. She has similar appearance to her mother such as the eye and hair color, but she styles her hair very wild and her contrasting behavior made it hard for her father to know who her mother is and he was very surprised to hear she's Sheila's.

El Mofus

The child between Rance and the pope of the Al Church, Crook Mofus. El is the protagonist of Part 2 of Rance X Decisive battle. Their name (El by default), gender, appearance and dialogue is decided by the player. As such, they can either be Rance's son or daughter.

Tropes exhibited by El include:
  • A Child Shall Lead Them: Despite being the third youngest, El is the one that leads the El Party to defeat their father Archfiend Rance.
  • Ambiguously Human: Over the course of the story, El achieved several feats like unsheathing Nikkou and being able to use it without the usual ritual, pulling Chaos from his stone effortlessly despite not being a sexy woman (his main criteria to accept ownership), notably levelling up without the help of Level Gods, and having some form of control against the Great Beast Quelplan. Being a partial reincarnation of Rudrathaum has something to do with it. However in the end this is subverted, because besides these strange abilities, El still is a completely normal human with all the strength and weaknesses of one, being just as vulnerable to hunger, disease, injuries or emotional turmoil as anyone else.
  • Cool Hat: Their black-haired version sports one, similar to their mother Crook.
  • Contrasting Sequel Main Character: While not exactly sequel, El is completely different than the original protagonist Rance. Rance is the loud mouthed Experienced Protagonist with a huge sex drive whose appearance and personality are already defined in the game. El's on the other hand is a Silent Protagonist who only talks when necessary, is a kid who's just starting his/her first journey, also meaning that El doesn't have any sex scenes and whose appearance and personality are also decided by the player. It can even be taken a step further by making El female, giving El an appearance that's more like their mother or both parents.
  • God in Human Form: El is actually the human incarnation of the Top God Rudrathaum, though they aren't aware themself.
  • Goggles Do Nothing: The only thing that stays constant in El's design are that they all have goggles, but they don't wear them over their eyes.
  • Hello, Insert Name Here: Their name can be chosen by the player instead of the default El.
  • Heroic Mime: El does say the choices the player makes, but otherwise El is described as being a rather quiet individual.
  • Jack of All Trades: Besides Divine Magic, El doesn't specialize in anything else. El's swordsmanship is overshadowed by Rance, Dark Rance and Zance and their magic is overshadowed by Shizuka and Sushinu.
  • The Leader: Of the El party and thus over their siblings.
  • Magic Knight: El is a spell-blader.
  • Magnetic Hero: El is the one who brought their siblings together to fight against their father and they all get along with them.
  • Meaningful Name: Their default name, El, means God which is fitting considering El is the human incarnation of Rudrathaum
  • The Quiet One: El is described to be a rather a quiet person.
  • Supporting Protagonist: While the story is told from El's perspective, the moment Rance comes back, it's clear Rance is the center of attention again with El going along for the ride.

Kentou Uzume

The daughter between Rance and his personal ninja Kentou Kanami. She's first seen as a special agent working East Helman General Tiger, but she can potentially abandon him to join the El Party.

Tropes exhibited by Kentou include:

Almond Sharp

The daughter between Rance and Tillday Sharp. She's the youngest of the children and as a result doesn't join her siblings in their journey to stop their father.

Tropes exhibited by Almond include:
  • The Ageless: As a result of being conceived when Rance is the Archfiend, she doesn't age or ages very slowly.
  • The Cameo: She only appears in one scene during Part 2 and another time during the credits.
  • Strong Family Resemblance: She looks a lot like her mom.
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