Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt/Characters
Characters from Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt:
Panty Anarchy
My name is Panty the crazy sexy blondie
We're full time-horny too!
And I'm not dumb
I'm breaking the news, now boys! Us girls—"D City Rock"
Voiced by: Arisa Ogasawara (JP), Jamie Marchi (EN)
The blonde angel. Constantly has sex on her mind and will screw just about any man she takes a fancy to. Also very rude to a fault. Can transform her (as well as anyone else's) panties into a gun.
- Action Girl
- Actor Allusion: Possibly in the dub, as Jamie Marchi voices another blonde gun-user who wore red and hunted monsters.
- Anime Hair: Lampshaded in "1 Angry Ghost" when the monkey lawyer mistakes her bangs for a bunch of bananas.
- And I Must Scream: In the season finale, Stocking slices her entire body into 666 pieces to use as a trail of bread crumbs for Brief to follow her and Corset to the destination of their next evil plan. Brief must apparently collect all pieces if he is to have any chance of saving her.
- Anti-Hero: Type V, played for laughs.
- Badass Adorable: Not as cute as her sister, but she does have her moments.
- Bad Liar: Probably one of the worst there is.
- Bare Your Midriff: In her angel outfit.
- Blue Eyes
- Break the Haughty: In Episode 12, only Stocking is allowed to return to heaven and Panty has to start her Ghost-hunting duties over, alone this time. She's not allowed to have sex anymore, but she keeps doing it anyway and she starts to lose her powers because of it. She gets into a fight with her arch-rivals who kick her butt, and she has to be rescued by the universe's Butt Monkey, Brief, of all people. She ends up trying to have sex with him, but her lost powers also come with a regenerated hymen. The episode ends with her not only unable to have sex, but also completely powerless to stop the only person who still cares about her from being abducted in front of her. That was...unexpected.
- Brought Down to Normal: Her punishment for having too much sex.
- Bunny Ears Lawyer
- Byronic Hero
- Church Militant
- Death By a Thousand Cuts: Literally (though more like six hundred sixty-six), by Stocking.
- Cosmic Plaything: As much as almost anyone else in the series. After losing angelhood, multiplied thousandfold.
- Death by Origin Story: With Stocking and Chuck if the ending credits are to be believed.
- Dramatic Gun Cock: Complete with Written Sound Effect.
- Extreme Omnisexual: Only applies to men, however; she's even bedded a male robot when she briefly transforms into one herself.
- Even the Girls Want Her: Men and women alike nosebleed at the sight of her naked bottom.
- Everyone Loves Blondes
- The Glorious War of Sisterly Rivalry: Is constantly fighting with Stocking, who is her utter opposite in terms of their personalities.
- The Gunslinger
- Guns Akimbo: Able to do so using Stocking's panties and can combine them together to make a machinegun or rifle.
- With Bottomless Magazines. Until she becomes human.
- Good Bad Girl: Takes this trope to its logical extreme by being a Lovable Sex Maniac who is also an angel from heaven.
- Godiva Hair: Panty makes use of this trope in "Catfight Club", when she brings out her gun while not wearing any other lower garments. And she takes it to even sillier extremes during "High School Nudical", when her panties get stolen and she spends the whole fight scene jumping around in only a bra.
- Heroic BSOD: She falls into despair after she fully becomes human, which causes her to lose her angelic powers and her hymen to regenerate, which prevents her from fighting and restores her to a virgin state, respectively. To sum up, never before has the sight of a hot naked chick with a pair of panties hanging off her finger looked so depressing.
- Horny Angels
- Humiliation Conga: Episode 13 opens with Garterbelt throwing Panty out of her home because she's been Brought Down to Normal (i.e., she's just a normal bitch instead of a bitchy angel), forcing her to walk through the rain and get bombarded by bird poop, a baseball, an open can of paint, a flower pot, a hammer, a pan, and a 16-ton weight before getting struck by lightning, drenched by heavier rain, splashed by a passing car, and knocked into a dumpster by an ambulance where a bunch of cats, dogs, and people gather and start having sex all around her until she finally vomits and stumbles into an open sewer drain. All in that order before the opening credits in the span of one minute!
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice
- Jerkass/JerkWithAHeartOfGold: Alternates between the two.
- Jerkass Woobie: "Panty + Brief" besides being a major Wham! Episode is basically a long series of Kick the Dog for Panty. Even if you think she deserves it (and you probably do), it's extremely hard not to feel bad for her.
- The Ladette: Her lady-like look may be deceiving.
- Lady in Red: Favors a slinky red Mini-Dress of Power.
- Love Realization: In Episode 12, Panty, of all people, falls for Brief (again, of all people) once she realizes that he and a sexy Bishounen she met earlier are one and the same. Subverted in Episode 13, where she continues to treat Brief as she always has after having sex with him, but she stops calling him "Geek Boy" and uses his real name instead.
- Lovable Sex Maniac: Even her X-ray in the opening sequence shows that all that seems to be in her head is "Sex, male, sex, men, sex, sex, sex."
Panty: I don't know whether I'm feeling sluggish because I'm having too much sex or I can't think of anything other than sex because I'm too sluggish.
- It's revealed in "Panty + Brief" that she plans to have sex with one thousand men before returning to Heaven. Sadly, God doesn't look kindly on this sort of behavior, which prevents her from returning together with Stocking.
- Lust
- Modesty Bedsheet: Her usual outfit whenever Garterbelt is giving the morning report.
- Morph Weapon: Transforms panties to get her gun.
- Named Weapon: Backlace.
- Panty Shot: Ironically, despite (or rather, because of) the fact that she uses her undies as a weapon, Panty doesn't play this trope straight until "Of The Dead" in Episode 8.
- The Pornomancer: She constantly finds (relatively) attractive men who are willing to have one-night stands with her.
- Punch Clock Hero
- Rapunzel Hair
- Really Gets Around: A lot. In fact, as previously mentioned, her goal was to get laid by one thousand men—a goal she eventually reaches after hitting nine hundred and ninety nine, and then deciding on Brief as her final partner.
- Red Oni
- Sir Swearsalot: Swears the most in the cast, and also tends to use crude, informal speech patterns in general.
- Sleeps With Everyone But Brief: To be fair, she did ask Brief to sleep with her at the end of "Les Diaboliques", but he thought that was a little too soon. She later falls for him in "Panty + Brief" and decides to have sex with him again; unfortunately, this is around the same time she loses her powers as an angel and regains her hymen, restoring her to a virgin state. They finally do have sex in "Bitch Girls", which breaks her hymen and restores her powers.
- Trash of the Titans
- Tsurime Eyes
- Unskilled but Strong
- Vapor Wear
- Winds of Destiny Change: Implied in "The Stripping" to have the power of good luck.
Stocking Anarchy
By the way, my name is Stocking, [[Too Kinky to Torture I spill venom
loli-goth, I lick good!
stinging eros]]
And I got a Sweet Tooth for lollipops—"D City Rock"
Voiced by: Mariya Ise (JP), Monica Rial (EN)
The goth-loli angel. Absolutely loves sweets and can usually be seen eating a variety of them in the episodes. Often the voice of reason between the pair, having to keep Panty on task. Can turn her stockings into katanas.
- Action Girl
- Ambiguously Evil: Is she really a demon like she claimed in the last episode or was she being mind controlled?
- Anti-Hero: Type V
- Ascended to A Higher Plane of Existence
- Badass Adorable
- Badass Driver
- Berserk Button: Stealing her treasured pudding. Or screwing with her ability to eat all she wants without consequence. Or calling her "obese". Or cutting her hair.
- Big Breasts, Big Deal: Type III for the most part, though she has said that bigger is better in "Catfight Club".
- Big Damn Heroes: Her entrance in "Bitch Girls".
- Big Eater: She claims that all the fat goes to her boobs.
- Blue Oni
- Bondage Is Bad: Averted, since she has an obvious thing for bondage despite being
goodas close to "good" as this show has. If the whole "I'm a demon" thing is true, however, then it's played straight. In fact, it might have been hinting her true alliance all along. - Bunny Ears Lawyer
- Byronic Hero
- Church Militant
- Covert Pervert: In fact, she only really qualifies as "covert" in comparison to the supernova of sexuality eclipsing her.
- Cute and Psycho
- Dark Is Not Evil: Despite her gothic motif, she's nicer and more level-headed than Panty. Or not.
- Deadpan Snarker/Little Miss Snarker: She's not quite as deadpan in Japanese as she is in the English dub, but she's very snarky in both versions.
- Death by Origin Story: With Panty and Chuck if the Ending credits is to be believed.
- Deus Exit Machina: A quite literal one in "Panty + Brief". She's the more responsible one, so without her, Panty has to develop some character. Fast.
- Dual-Wielding
- Elegant Gothic Lolita: Complete with a Gothic Lolita-themed bedroom and a fondness for sugary treats. To be precise, whilst Stocking's choice of clothing is usually within Gothic Lolita territory, she has been known to appear in lighter Sweet Lolita getups in "Ghost: The Phantom of Daten City" and a Sailor Lolita outfit in "Catfight Club".
- Even the Girls Want Her: Implied as of "High School Nudical".
- Evil All Along: Or is she?
- Face Heel Turn: If the Gainax Ending is to be believed, anyway. Time will tell if it sticks.
- Freaky Is Cool: Given that she fell in love with an absolutely repulsive Ghost in "Ghost: The Phantom of Daten City", it also seems that Nausea Fuel is her Fetish Fuel.
- Girls Love Stuffed Animals: Carries around a cat plushie named Honekoneko (literally "Bone Kitty"), which is prone to changing its facial expression (usually mimicking Stocking's) and even licking things, as well as mimicking Stocking's physical condition, such being fat when Stocking is fat in "The Diet Syndrome".
- The Glorious War of Sisterly Rivalry: Is constantly fighting with Panty, who is her utter opposite in terms of their personalities.
- Green Eyes
- Hypocrite: Has a habit of mocking anyone with less than normal sexual habits. For example, in their very first meeting, she calls the demon sisters "bondage-loving skanks."
- Image Song: "CHOCOLAT". Apparently Gainax didn't let Mariya Ise's singing talent go unused.
- Jerkass: Not as bad as Panty, but she has her moments.
- Katanas Are Just Better: And two katanas are even better.
- Mean Character, Nice Actor: In an interview, Ise divulged that she had once been flashed on a train, noting that while Stocking probably would've made a crack about the size of the flasher's member, she herself couldn't do anything at the time but scream.
- Meaningful Name: Her name is her Weapon of Choice.
- Morph Weapon: She transforms stockings to get her katanas.
- Multicolored Hair: Navy blue over layer with a pink/magenta under layer.
- Named Weapons: Stripes I and II.
- Nightmare Fetishist: She slowly seems to be turning into this.
- No Accounting for Taste: In "Ghost: The Phantom of Daten City" she falls in love with a ghost who the most absolutely disgusting being around.
- Punch Clock Hero
- Put on a Bus: In "Panty + Brief", she gets sent back to Heaven without Panty. To add insult to injury, Stocking does not physically appear in that episode's 5-second-long OP.
- The Bus Came Back: In "Bitch Girls".
- Rapunzel Hair
- Sweet Tooth:
- "Sex and the Daten City" shows her maintaining a dessert review blog.
- "The Diet Syndrome"'s Monster of the Week makes unnaturally fattening sweets, via a virus. To say this impacts Stocking's waist line is an understatement.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- Tareme Eyes
- Tragic Keepsake: The poop engagement ring she got from the ghost in "Ghost: The Phantom of Danten City" right before he gets sent to Heaven.
- Too Kinky to Torture: When Stocking gets tied up by a pair of Ghosts, she starts blushing and remarks that she "could get used to this." This is also referenced in "1 Angry Ghost", where the girls are being electrocuted. Panty seems to be in pain, but Stocking says the electrocution is "Ecstasy."
- Vapor Wear: So Panty can go Guns Akimbo
- Weak but Skilled
- Winds of Destiny Change: Implied in "The Stripping" to have the power of good luck.
- Zettai Ryouiki: She wears striped thigh-highs that doubles as swords.
Listen! If you obscene angels don’t want to be dropped, your only choice is to collect Heaven Coins by defeating those accursed Ghosts on the surface! You are not here to collect men or sugar! Get that through your heads!
Voiced by: Kouji Ishii (JP), Christopher Sabat (EN)
A priest who acts as Panty's and Stocking's boss and caretaker during their stay on earth. Explains the missions to the duo with great gusto despite the fact that the girls are less than enthusiastic about working. All but stated to be gay. He was once a ruthless gangster who was killed, went to heaven, sent back in time, and dropped back on Earth to live through all of history to become a messenger of God.
- Afro Asskicker
- The Atoner: Garterbelt was essentially Tony Montana until he was finally gunned down and sent to Heaven, who sent him back to earth for some kind of Mission from God.
- Back from the Dead: In "Bitch Girls". However, when he dies, he explodes in clay animation-style as with the Ghosts. The animation itself reverses the scene whenever he ressurects, since he's officially immortal, but can die for at least 3 seconds.
- Badass Beard
- Badass Preacher
- Battle Strip: Pulls one off in episode 13.
- Bondage Is Bad: Averted. He believes that the suffering will lead to true happiness (he calls it his sacred ritual
- Da Chief: Has shades of this, though he keeps the shouting at a reasonable level, considering his agents.
- Church Militant
- Complete Immortality: He explodes when he dies, but because he is assigned by God to keep watching over Panty and Stocking, he un-explodes.
- Funny Afro: Which swells up with pressure if he doesn't take care of business. His hair was originally in dreadlocks, but they got fried into an afro by God.
- The Gump
- Guns Akimbo: Briefly in ...of the Dead.
- Hammerspace Hair: He pulls out a belt of ammunition out of his afro in episode 13.
- Hot-Blooded
- Manly Gay
- Meaningful Name: He's what holds Panty and Stocking together.
- Mr. Exposition
- Nigh Invulnerability
- Paper-Thin Disguise: Master G. The girls don't recognize him though.
- Pedophile Priest: Definitely this. particularly his rather "close" tendencies towards Brief. It's suggested that he's probably looking out for him since Brief's penis is a MacGuffin.
- Confirmed that he likes little boys for his own sake in the Sanitary Box shorts. He also likes visiting male prostitutes as well.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: Originally sent back to Earth during the prehistoric era and has been present during events of biblical history.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Subverted so far, since he may be stern, but he's definitely not evil.
- Robosexual: Manages this somehow in the "Trans-homers" episode.
- Scary Black Man: Subverted, as he's probably the sanest and least prone to serious violence of the protagonists. Played straight and hard in his backstory from "Once Upon a Time in Garterbelt".
- Serious Business: His lectures on bondage, and the value of underwear.
- Shotguns Are Just Better: Uses shotgun(s) in "...of the Dead".
- Who Wants to Live Forever?
Voiced by: Takashi Nakamura (JP), Ian Sinclair (EN)
The group's pet dog (?) who occasionally helps out on the girls' missions. He tends to be physically abused by the two. Is used by the heavens to transport paper with clues on the whereabouts of the next ghost.
- Butt Monkey: Constantly at the receiving end of... well, everything. From electricutions, punched to death, shot at, etc. And amazingly gets better. He's a ghost, so it's justified.
- Car Fu: Has a full-on Car Fu duel with Fastener in "Les Diaboliques" while Stocking and Kneesock ride shotgun and look pretty bored.
- The Chew Toy
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: When ordered to "get serious" in the first season finale, he unzips and turns inside out to become an enormous hellhound/bull thing. When the final battle is over, he zips Hell's Gate shut.
- Dark Is Not Evil: He's a Ghost.
- Death by Origin Story: With Panty and Stocking (no title drop pun intended) if the Ending credits is to be believed.
- Expy: Of Gir from Invader Zim. Zim creator Jhonen Vasquez noticed the similarities right away (stating that he's found his own version of Mr. Sparkle).
- Nigh Invulnerability: Played for laughs in "Chuck to the Future", complete with shoutouts to both T-1000 and Dr. Manhattan. To put that to perspective, his Evil Counterpart and rival Fastener went limb after Chuck opened his zipper and let his brain walk out which doesn't seem to affect Chuck in the least.
- Non-Human Sidekick
- One-Winged Angel: He can transform into a massive hellish dog by turning himself inside-out.
- Pokémon-Speak: Chuck Chuck Chuck Chuck Chuck Chuck Chuck...
- Team Pet
Briefers Rock
Voiced by: Hiroyuki Yoshino (JP), Joel McDonald (EN)
Dubbed "Geek Boy" by Panty and Stocking, Brief is a rather timid youth that the girls meet during a mission at a high school. His hobby of researching paranormal activity sometimes leads the girls to the ghost of the episode. Helps out the two whenever he can (sometimes unwillingly). Also has a crush on Panty, though she usually ignores him. He is the blood kin of Hell's Monkey, which means the kiss of an angel--Panty, as it were--will allow his penis to act as a key to the Hell's Gate, which locks away a primordial, superpowerful Ghost.
- Adorkable: Yes, he does have his fans.
- Taken Up to Eleven in "Nothing to Room", with his painfully awkward attempts to talk to both Panty and Stocking (and even Chuck).
- Apocalypse Youth: His dick is the key to Hell.
- The Dick Of Destiny hehe
- Arranged Marriage: To Scanty so that the mayor may harness the power of his magical dick. It Makes Sense in Context.
- Awesome McCoolname: BRIEFERS ROCK.
- Beautiful All Along: When his hair is gelled back, he's actually so cute that Panty doesn't recognize him, and even falls for him.
- Biggus Dickus
- Bishounen: Who knew?
- Blinding Bangs
- Butt Monkey: At a lesser extent than Chuck, whose butt monkey's level is rather... abusive.
- Calling the Old Man Out: His father wants to marry him off to the mayor's daughter. Of course, Brief openly states he'd much rather marry Panty.
- Clark Kenting: To Panty, at least. See He Cleans Up Nicely below.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Who knew he had it in him?!
- Deus Sex Machina: He IS one. His Gag Penis unlocks the gates of hell and restores Panty's powers.
- Dude in Distress
- Dogged Nice Guy: It takes something to still love a girl after she attempts to fill you with bullet holes from the inside. It finally pays off for him in episode 12. ...Almost.
- Afterward, he's still treated more or less the same by Panty, but she stops calling him "Geek Boy" and starts calling him Brief instead, indicating that they may still have retained some closeness.
- Gag Penis: Implied in "High School Nudical" with the size of his shotgun.
- As fate would have it, his penis is a MacGuffin and is sought out by the Big Bad.
- Bigger Is Better in Bed: Subverted. When he finally gets some from Panty, his sheer size is actually a source of pain for her. Justified when her hymen was recently restored.
- Green Eyes
- He Cleans Up Nicely: As Briefers Rock, he is so handsome that Panty didn't recognize him until he pointed it out to her!
- Keet
- Love At First Sight: To Panty.
- Love Martyr
- Only Known by Their Nickname: He's most often addressed as "Geek Boy."
- His name "Brief" is also a nickname to his full name, "Briefers Rock".
- Only Sane Man: Sometimes takes up this role.
- Redhead in Green
- Secretly Wealthy: The heir to the Rock Foundation.
- Shotguns Are Just Better: When Panty transforms his underwear in "High School Nudical," it turns into a big pump-action shotgun. Too bad it's a two-pump chump.
- Shout-Out: To Ghostbusters and The Pain. And possibly Leonardo DiCaprio with his hair gelled back.
- Going along with the Ghostbusters shout out, and given that his dick is the key to hell, that would make him the Keymaster, right?
- Spear Counterpart: He looks an awful lot like a male version of Panty with his bangs out of the way.
- Shrinking Violet
- Stalker with a Crush: Definitely displays some traits, though he's still able to hang out with them with regularity.
- Tagalong Kid: The unofficial Kid Sidekick to the group.
- The Glasses Gotta Go: Inverted. Not seen in the show, but some official artwork states this
- Throw the Dog a Bone: He finally gets some from Panty in the season finale.
- Tsurime Eyes
- What Beautiful Eyes!: He's absolutely stunning if you can see them.
- Whole Costume Reference: Wears the Ghostbusters uniform at all times.
- Youthful Freckles: A mixture of the Butt Monkey or Chew Toy, Tagalong Kid and Unlucky Everydude
Scanty Demon
Voiced by: Yuka Komatsu (JP), Colleen Clinkenbeard (EN)
An agent from Hell working for the mayor of the city. Unlike the angels, she and her sister Kneesocks are intent on ruling with law and order (their own brand of it, of course) and speak in a more elegant style. However, Scanty has a very short temper and takes their rivalry with the angels very seriously upon losing to them for the first time. Like Panty, she can also turn her panties into guns, in this case revolvers.
- Amazing Technicolor Population: Dark red like her sister Kneesocks.
- Arranged Marriage: To Brief so that the mayor may harness the power of his magical dick. It Makes Sense in Context
- Badass Adorable
- Bifurcated Weapon: She can also combine her revolvers to form a shotgun
- Biting the Handkerchief: More out of anger than grief
- Brother-Sister Incest: Revealed in episode 12 that she and Kneesocks apparently often engage in... certain activities when the Mayor isn't looking.
- Chainsaw Good: Well, if this image is any clue...
- Cute Little Fangs
- Cute Monster Girl
- Dark Action Girl
- Evil Counterpart: To Panty
- Expy: Scanty has more than just a passing resemblance to Nia of Gurren Lagann. Double points because it's Gainax.
- Her red skin, long, wild green hair and yellow/green, spiral-y eyes also makes her bear an uncanny resemblance to Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann itself.
- Guns Akimbo
- Hair-Trigger Temper: Ever since her fight with Panty, Scanty gets pissed at virtually anything that comes out of the angels' mouths.
- Horned Humanoid
- Locked Out of the Loop: Like the rest of the characters who aren't Stocking, she did not see Corset's backup plan coming.
- Named Weapons: Double Gold Lacytanga.
- The Ojou: She even has the noblewoman's laugh.
- Revolvers Are Just Better
- Rich Bitch
- Scars Are Forever: At least by the end of episode 13, in which Panty throws a burning pair of panties at her face, leaving a burn mark that lasts the rest of the episode.
- Shout-Out: Both she and her sister could be a shout out to Him of Powerpuff Girls
- Trrrilling Rrrs: Scanty and Kneesocks are kinda big on "Rrrrrrrules."
- Tsurime Eyes: Possibly the most extreme case in the entire series.
Kneesocks Demon
Exemplary behavior! Civil minds! Disciplined bodies! That which holds the essence of true beauty!
Voiced by Ayumi Fujimura (JP), Cherami Leigh (EN)
Scanty's sister and another agent of Hell also working for the mayor. Pretty much the same as her sister, though she's the more outspoken one of the two, plus she's far more proficient at controlling her temper than Scanty. Unlike Stocking, her knee socks turn into scythes.
- Amazing Technicolor Population: Dark red like her sister Scanty.
- Oddly enough, blushing makes her turn a lighter shade of red.
- Badass Adorable
- Brother-Sister Incest: Revealed in episode 12 that she and Scanty apparently often engage in... certain activities when the Mayor isn't looking.
- Cute Little Fangs
- Cute Monster Girl
- Dark Action Girl
- Dual-Wielding
- Expy: Her hair brings to mind Yoko of Gurren Lagann. Given that Scanty resembles Nia, its most likely that this was intentional.
- Evil Counterpart: To Stocking
- The Glasses Come Off: She doesn't wear her glasses at all throughout "If the Angels Wore Swimsuits".
- Gratuitous English: Up to Eleven; some of her sentences are practically a 50-50 split between Japanese and English.
- Horned Humanoid
- Hot-Blooded
- Kuudere: Though she's more outspoken and uptight than her sister, she's less emotional than her sister. Her dere-dere side only comes out around Scanty (causing her to turn pink).
- Locked Out of the Loop: Like the rest of the characters who aren't Stocking, she did not see Corset's backup plan coming.
- Luminescent Blush: Usually when particularly angry/her disguise is slipping.
- Meganekko
- Named Weapons: Double Gold Spandex.
- The Ojou
- Paper-Thin Disguise: It's a wonder she managed to fool Panty and Stocking into thinking she was a roulette operator... by simply taking off her glasses and putting on a mustache.
- Averted in "1 Angry Ghost".
- Rich Bitch
- Sinister Scythe
- Spell My Name with an "S": "Knee Socks" according to the soundtrack.
- Trrrilling Rrrs: See above.
- Winds of Destiny Change: Implied in "The Stripping" to have the power to impose bad luck on others.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
- Zettai Ryouiki
Voiced by: Miki Makiguchi (JP), Christopher Bevins (EN)
Scanty and Kneesocks' pet dog (?) and Chuck's archrival since college. Much more competent than Chuck.
- Car Fu: Has a full-on Car Fu duel with Chuck in "Les Diaboliques" while Stocking and Kneesock ride shotgun and look pretty bored.
- Evil Counterpart: To Chuck
- One-Winged Angel: Transforms into a dragon by turning himself inside-out.
- Nigh Invulnerability: Though not shown until nearly the end of the series, he can take just as much abuse as Chuck.
- Non-Human Sidekick
- Pokémon-Speak: Fastenaaa...
Mayor Corset
Voiced by: Shigeru Chiba (JP), Chris Ayres (EN)
The mayor of Daten City and father of Scanty and Kneesocks. He is a BDSM demon who wears a very tight corset. He seeks out the blood kin of Hell's Monkey, Brief, whose penis acts as the key to Hell.
- Abusive Parents: He has an odd way of punishing his daughters when they fail: dropping them into toilet water.
- Arm Cannon: After bonding Scanty to one arm.
- Big Bad
- Blade Below the Shoulder: After bonding Kneesocks to one of his arms.
- Bondage Is Bad: As per his namesake, he wears an extremely tight and itchy corset at all times, and tends to tighten it even more when he gets overly emotional.
- Combat Sadomasochist
- In episode 13, he tightens his corset so hard that his body swells into a One-Winged Angel form.
- Evil Counterpart: Both he and Garterbelt have a heavy bondage theme, and have X-shaped scars on the opposite sides of their chests.
- Glasgow Grin: When not in public, he pulls his lips back with hooks which gives him quite a bony-looking face.
- Not Quite Dead: He is destroyed in episode 13, but shortly after respawns from Brief's penis in the form of a hopping blob.
- Obviously Evil
- Of Corset Hurts: Of course.
- Paper-Thin Disguise: He dons a slightly more humanoid but still Obviously Evil appearance in public. The "crappy disguise that works" part is subverted when Brief instantly recognizes him when he reappears in his demonic form.
- Villain with Good Publicity