Extreme Omnisexual

"My only rule about sex is that it be done well."
Zevran, Dragon Age

This is a character who would bed, can bed, or has bedded anything. And we mean anything.

Targets of the Extreme Omnisexual aren't even necessarily limited to being humanoid—these are characters who could concievably combine Interspecies Romance, Robosexual, But You Screw One Goat!...

This person is often a Loveable Sex Maniac, or is just really, really desperate.

Compare Interspecies Romance, Anything That Moves, and Extreme Omnivore (the dietary counterpart). See also Really Gets Around for the usually-straight version. The polar opposite of this trope would be Asexuality.

No real life examples, please; All The Tropes is not a gossip site.

Examples of Extreme Omnisexual include:

Anime and Manga

  • Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt features many of those, including Chuck, Panty, and Garter.
  • Hapsiel from Macademi Wasshoi truly embodies this trope. Invulnerable and undefeatable, anyone or anything who gets near him, be it a cute little girl or a ravenous werewolf, is going to walk away with nothing less than a giant hickey. His appearance is always accompanied by a modification of the Flash Gordon music.
  • France from Axis Powers Hetalia. He is frequently shown molesting other countries, be they male or female (more the former than the latter, but probably only because almost every character on the show is a male), and not even being shot to the head by one of his victims will stop him.
    • The author himself even mentions that France is attracted to beautiful men, women, "and even some non-humans."
  • Rika from Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai is a Robosexual fujoshi that has also toyed with Yozora and Kodaka, among others.
  • Linna from Sex Demon Queen is introduced having willing sex with a plant monster, and only really narrows her targets later because there are only humans available for most of the remainder. "Narrowing" in this case means fantasizing about men and eagerly going after all the other major characters, including one who appears to be a little girl.

Comic Books

  • De Sade from Preacher is presented an armadillo from the local zoo, as he's already sodomized every single other animal they have there, said to have "buggered his way through [most of the large mammals]". This is not played exclusively for comedy. He includes children in that list. His Gomorreans (all bored and depraved rich people) are just as licentious, from generously offering to use a cucumber on passersby (Tulip does not take this well) to getting their privates stomped on by sheep to pedophilia (Jesse does not take that well).
  • Tex Porneau and Anders Klimakks in The Filth: the former will try to have sex with anyone who comes to his door, has the motto "Fuck Or Be Fucked", and eventually creates a species of giant sperm so that he can lay THE ENTIRE CITY OF LOS ANGELES. The latter is a porn star/ bio-engineered sex god whose black semen can impregnate anyone and whose record for women slept with is approaching the 900 mark.
  • Transmetropolitan brings us the following epitaph on a sidewalk:

Spider Jerusalem: "The Last Stand of Thierry Ngyuen, The Demon Whoremonger of Rangoon and satisfier of over Ten Thousand women, and Five Hundred Ninety Two men and Three Thousand Two Hundred and Five Zoological specimens and Eight Hundred things we're not sure about. Died laughing of explosive scrotal failure on this spot while pleasuring eighteen porn starlets, all of whom later committed suicide in grief." I still miss your columns, Thierry.

    • Less flatteringly, Fred Christ.

Spider Jerusalem: For fuck's sake, Fred. I swear you'd stick it in mud if you thought it'd wiggle.

  • Bomb Queen, who has stated she will have sex with pretty much anything, regardless of gender, age, species, legality, etc.
  • Little Ego's subconscious. In her dreams she has sex with men, women, animals, plants, umbrellas...
  • Tek Knight from The Boys suddenly began having (and following through with) sexual urges towards a great deal of things including a telepathic android, a chinchilla, a meteorite, a cup of coffee and a Captain Ersatz of Catwoman named Talon. Turned out to be a symptom of a massive brain tumor.


  • Dungeon Keeper Ami: The Tales of Keeper Mercury's depravity are the stuff of legend. Features this as a running gag. Actually averted, but try telling anyone that...


  • Cheech and Chong's The Corsican Brothers actually refers to this trope as a TRYsexual.

Cheech: No, a trysexual, he'll try anything: mud, chickens, anything.


  • When Bernice Summerfield first gets together with future husband Jason Kane in the Doctor Who Virgin New Adventures novels, they discuss their sex lives. Jason starts out saying that since he was taken halfway across the galaxy at the age of fifteen and hasn't seen another human since, he doesn't know much about it... before listing eleven women and five men. And then it turns out not seeing another human didn't even slow him down.

Jason: So anyway, then there was Rana, who was humanoid but more or less androgynous, and then I met Liva, who wasn't humanoid but was what you might call definitively female; that was before Sali, of course...

    • In a much later appearance, he's temporarily become an extremely best-selling author; he set out to write his memoirs, but the publishers cut out the bits with his ex-wife in them and marketed the book as porn.
  • The protagonist in The War Against the Chtorr has this to say about an incidental character.

Clayton Jones -- big and beefy; he'd been a college football star or something. He was always grinning and slapping people on the back, and fucking everything that moved or even looked like it was capable of movement or had maybe thought about moving once.

    • Jim McCarthy himself becomes this during the time he spends with a cult.
  • In Tanya Huff's Valor series, Taykan in the di' phase are the most enthusiastically undiscriminating species in the known galaxy, and will gladly sleep with anyone they see. However, once their pheromone masker comes off, so does any choice on the other side. It goes to the point that a simple "Fuck you!" becomes an offer.
  • Harry Coin from the Illuminatus-trilogy claims to be willing to have sex with anything that moves and few things that don't. His first appearance in the story involves him trying to Prison Rape George Dorn, and threatening to rape his corpse if he didn't submit willingly. Later on he does a Heel Face Turn and joins the good guys, and explains that the wierd sex acts cause him to see pure white light, implying that he achieved a partial illumination through them!
  • In the novelisation of the 2009 Star Trek film, there's a scene where Uhura tells Gaila about Kirk's Anything That Moves reputation, mentioning that "some of them weren't even humanoid!" Kirk's response is that they were all humanoid... he thinks.
  • Probably describes a large portion of the human population of the world of Cerberon, considering the number and variety of half-human hybrids encountered. George, from Regency England, might also qualify, as he's shamelessly attracted to a Petting Zoo Person and a centauress.

Live-Action TV

  • As per the image, Jack Harkness of Doctor Who and Torchwood. In his first episode, "The Doctor Dances", the Doctor quickly figures out that Jack is omnisexual and tries to explain to Rose that people from Jack's century are a bit more flexible when it comes to... "dancing". The episode has an appropriate Dance Party Ending in which the Doctor wonders if Jack would like to "dance" with Rose or "dance" with him. It being a kid show, the producers can't go too far, but Jack gets flirty with a pair of androids, many humanoids of all genders, and an insect girl. (And he's the first person in the new series to kiss the Doctor.)
    • Jack's own Hotter and Sexier spinoff, Torchwood, pushes this trope to its natural limit:

Gwen: Have you ever eaten alien meat?
Jack: Sure.
Gwen: What was it like?
Jack: He seemed to enjoy it.

      • There's also Captain Jack's ex-boyfriend, John Hart, from Torchwood.

Capt. John: [eager] Oh, that's gorgeous!
Gwen: That's a poodle.

    • Professor River Song from Doctor Who is pretty much the same way, casually stating that she's dated androids and a guy made of plastic. She also identifies as bisexual as per Moffat.
  • Blackadder II: the Baby-eating Bishop of Bath and Wells.

You see, I am a colossal pervert. No form of sexual depravity is too low for me. Animal, vegetable or mineral - I'll do anything to anything.
Blackadder:Fine words for a bishop. Nice to hear the church speaking out for a change on social issues.

  • Intendant Kira from Deep Space Nine's mirror universe. She even tries to seduce herself (well, her mirror self) at one point.
    • As the actress herself said it: "When she meets Kira, she falls in love with Kira. My intention always was that it was pure narcissism. Here was simply someone who looked like her, it had nothing to do with being a woman. But in subsequent episodes, it became, you know, it just didn't matter. I assume lizards would have been all right with her too."
    • Jonathan Frakes joked that Riker was "Try-sexual" as in "He'll try anything once!"
  • Samantha (Kim Catrall) on Sex and the City also used the trysexual line.
  • In the Sledge Hammer! season one finale, one of the perps is described as a pervert whose record includes an arrest for having sex with a fire hydrant, plus a city citation for parking in front of it.

Mythology & Religion

  • Older Than Feudalism: Zeus in Greek Mythology. Due to his wife's constant jealousy and vindictive streak he often found it necessary to arrange unusual methods to carry out his liaisons. He once seduced a woman as an ant, so yeah, literally anything.
    • Honourable mention to this list of the five things he wouldn't do.

05 CNN... they're always flashing sparkly lights all over the screen. Only one partner gets to explode in sparkly lights during sex, and that partner is the Z-man.

  • Loki in Norse Mythology—banged giants, fathered many monsters, and once had sex with a male horse in the form of a mare, and gave birth to its foal (which became Sleipnir, the eight-legged horse of Odin)
    • Loki was a giant, so the first one doesn't really count (the difference between gods and giants seems to be ideological rather than biological in Norse mythology).

Stand-up Comedy

  • Stephen Wright's routine in the 1980s and 1990s used to include the line

I'm quadrosexual -- I'll do anything with anyone for a quarter.

    • Which he lifted from fellow stand-up comedian Ed Bluestone, and which the late Merv Griffin famously used whenever in interviewer pressed him on his sexuality.

Tabletop Games

  • The Exalted RPG plays with this trope a lot. The First Age Solars created new forms of life just to have sex with them, the Lunars routinely have sex with animals to breed new Beastmen, the Siderals have relations with gods, the Dragonblooded are currently enjoying all the perks of being decadent imperial nobility, and the Abyssals have sex with the dead (Ick!). Fanon has further expanded on this concept.
    • In canon, ordinary mortals can interbreed with gods, ghosts, demons, and The Fair Folk. Creation's a very flexible place like that.
    • Also, Ma-Ha-Suchi in the First Age. His motivation is along the lines of having sex with every single Celestial Exalt in Creation...
      • He actually got within a dozen of the target # before the First Age ended! (Note: There are, not counting Ma-HaSuchi himself, 699 Celestial Exalts in Creation.)
  • The Dark Eldar in Warhammer 40,000 are this and beyond. They will do everything imaginable to anything unlucky enough to be captured by them and most of what they like to do leaves their victims wishing they died.
    • Followers of Slaanesh in both 40K and Warhammer Fantasy. Their whole Hat is that they are obsessed with the pursuit of pleasure, and so there is no sexual coupling that they will not try—not just because it's encouraged, but because it may be the only way to actually stimulate their burned-out senses and desires. Men, women, children, animals, corpses, daemons, aliens... if it's got a hole or a pole, they'll do it. Or they'll make something they can screw, even if it kills their partner(s) to do so. Needless to say, the fluff avoids dwelling too deeply on their "habits".
      • Neither of those pictures are quite accurate. The Dark Eldar are much more into torture than sex: rape may very well be part of it, but it's not the important bit. And while the Slaaneshi often get presented as pleasure-seekers, they are actually obsessed with sensations of any sort. Sex is in there, but so are drugs, loud music/noises, pain and pretty much anything that triggers any of the senses (to increasing extremes, due to the fact that they tend to burn them out).
    • Also, it is worth noting that the excesses the Dark Eldar practice are what caused Slaanesh to be born in the first place.
  • Malcanthet, the Dungeons & Dragons Succubus Queen, enjoys seducing and corrupting both males and females. Why is she this trope instead of Depraved Bisexual? Well, it's not just male and female humanoids.
    • This trope can apply to shapeshifting monsters in general. When both gender and species are optional, your tastes can be very flexible indeed. In particular, the Half-Dragon, Half-Fiend, and Half-Celestial templates can be applied to anything (which is alive and has a body). Even oozes. Some dragon (presumably one with acid immunity) saw a Black Pudding and thought "Awww, yeah."


  • Fallout 2 allows the player to go this route (although it is generally easier with a female character, as Most Writers Are Male, and there is only handful of homosexual men in the game, but not vice versa) and awards the player a reputation based on it (regardless of sex): Gigolo. Oddly, you only have to sleep with one person to do it. However, if you sleep with 10 or more people, you get another one, Sexpert, which effectively gives you the benefit of a sex-related perk (Kama Sutra Master) for free.

Gigolo: Let's be honest: You sleep with anything that walks on two legs. Sometimes, you're not even that discriminating.

    • Fallout: New Vegas as well. For those who wish to know, the perks are "Lady Killer" and "Confirmed Bachelor" for men, and "Black Widow" and "Cherchez la Femme" for women.
    • Not only that, but there's one part in the game where you have the option to have sex with a robot. Named Fisto.
    • Old World Blues ups it by letting you hit on a disembodied brain yours . It's disturbed by the proposal, to say the least.
  • Howard "Buckshot" Holmes from MadWorld, who takes this trope into disturbing new extremes- sex with plants, for example:

Howard: Jack just ate a happy ending!
Kreese: Don't you mean Happy Onion?
Howard: Clearly you've never had sex with an onion!

    • Alternatively:

Howard: I can't tell if that alien is a man or a woman, but Jack sure made it his bitch!
Kreese: How do you sex an alien, anyway?
Howard: As often as I can!

  • In asari culture from Mass Effect, pretty much anything is fair game, since they are all female and reproduce by using DNA from other creatures to add some random mutations to their daughters, which are otherwise mostly identical clones of themselves. Except for other asari, as that has a certain notion of inbreeding. Still apparently happens quite frequently.
    • Not so much the asari, more specifically, the Ardat-Yakshi, which are asari born with a rare genetic condition that makes them akin to succubi, as they will seduce anyone and anything to drain their Life Force through sexual intercourse to feed their insatiable lust. Most choose to live lives in solitude within special complexes; the rest are considered psychopathic criminals who are dangerous to themselves and everyone around them.
    • The second game also gives us Yeoman Kelly Chambers, who, in addition to being the only bisexual romance option in the game, also cheerfully expresses an interest in almost every known sentient species. Any gender, and almost any alien, that's Kelly.
    • Commander Shepard.
  • From the Dragon Age series:
    • Zevran, from Origins, claims that "my only rule about sex is that it be done well". He is an avid flirt with people of virtually every race and gender, and has some quite impressive tales of his promiscuity.
    • Leliana has elements of this trope; though she is the most difficult party member to romance, she is very flirtatious with both men and women, of all ages, and in her Backstory, was much more sexually promiscuous.
    • Isabela, both in her appearance in the first game (where she's an Optional Sexual Encounter for both a male and female Warden, and can be solicited for a threesome with Alistair, Zevran or Leliana, or a foursome with both Zevran and Leliana), and throughout the second.

Hawke: "How do you know Isabella?"
Zevran: "How does anyone know Isabela?"

  • The player character in pretty much any given Bioware game
  • Reaver from the Fable series always has several lovers of both genders, and in the third game, every "bedfellow" at a party of his is revealed to be a werewolf, which... you probably shouldn't think about too much.
    • Not to mention in the third game where you can enter his bedroom and find, sitting right next to each other, underwear, condoms... and Summon Creature potions. Again, don't think too hard about it. Please.
  • Crassius Curio of The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind expresses an interest in all the playable races. He also wrote a play called "The Lusty Argonian Maid". Note that Argonians aren't mammals, nor even has mammaries in Morrowind.
  • Pokémon Ditto. Full stop. It will do it with any other species in the game, aside from Legendary Pokemon,(and of course humans, though no one really knows what would happen with that pairing) It will even do it with a few species like Rotom that won't breed with anything else. Of course, many Pokemon are a lot like this since they're able to breed with any other species in their Egg Group.


Web Originals

"Much has been made of Oscar's passion in 'putting it about,' whilst his sexual orientation has variously been classified as Bisexual, Homosexual, Metrosexual, Robofetishist and Cunning Linguist. Oscar himself described his sexuality as 'opportunistic'."

  • Duke Devlin from Yu-Gi-Oh the Abridged Series, he's shown interest in robots, girls possessed by A.I's, guys, pretty much anything the characters come across while he's around. He answered "maybe" upon being asked if he wanted to be anal probed by aliens, groped Tristan's butt, flirts constantly with women, woke up in bed with Tristan and Joey, and when seeing Mai in a coma made the statement, "Wanna know the best thing about unconscious chicks? They can't say 'no'". He apparently classifies Piccolo from Dragonball Z as a MILF.
  • Joel Caley from Concession.
  • Puppy in Retarded Animal Babies. In one episode, he claims his goal in life is to have sex with everything in existance, claiming that he's already had sex with 16% of everything in existance.
  • Ask That Guy apparently had sex with everything in his room, including the Christmas decorations and the books.
    • Although Benzaie himself is usually more Bi the Way, his Bate persona shagged a coat because it was vaguely human shaped, which is apparently enough for him.
  • Lady Thae'lynn N'Quy, the Big Bad of The Wulf Archives. She's perhaps the most depraved character of the entire saga, even by Xeshite standards.
  • A common feature of Frederik K.T. Andersson's art gallery on Elfwood is a character known only as "The Bard," who has bedded (and had a kid with) pretty much every female fantasy creature in existence, to the point where it is a Running Gag. About the only female creature he hasn't bedded is his elven traveling companion, who is quite annoyed at his antics.
  • Princess Molestia has gone after other ponies, a gryphon, a minotaur, a tree, a fluffy pony (despite not finding holes on the thing), an in-setting fictional character, and a loaf of bread. She's tried to molest her own sister, and to set up foursomes including her student, her student's brother, and his wife. We've also seen her fantasize about the Changeling Queen and vegan mayonnaise, and do something with an alicorn-sized jar of jelly. There are things she won't do, but they're pretty far out there.

Western Animation

  • Yivo from Futurama: The Beast With A Billion Backs. He is an oddly powerful being who "merges" with trillions of life forms across the universe. What planet they are from does not matter- as long as they are organic, and have a person-level mind to "connect" with.
    • Though there's occasionally taboos against robots and humans having intercourse, this is generally crossed. Then there's the many ...close encounters... between species and planets, especially the species Zapp has bedded (or claimed to). Finally, that time Fry made out with the radiator woman from the Radiator Planet. It was normal radiator.
  • Drawn Together: most of the characters to some degree, but especially Foxxy Love and Captain Hero, who is the absolute incarnation of this trope, having had sex with/raped (by) everything from women, men, robots, dead bodies, children, animals, family members, his own Bizarro twin etc. (he is a very twisted individual). Honestly, he goes beyond this trope, since "moves" isn't one of his requirements, and the inability to is in fact one of his preferences.
  • Ugly Americans: Randall. Which is impressive, considering the broad spectrum encompassed in the Ugly Americans universe.
  • Roger the alien on American Dad. In a recent episode, he actually referred to himself as a pansexual.
  • Peter and Stewie of Family Guy. What with Stewie's sexual advances on Brian the family male dog; daydreaming of a buffed up Rupert (his teddy bear); and a scene where he was hinted to have slept with a doll. Peter is attracted to women, has had sexual relationships with men (Bill Clinton for example), is Ambiguously Bi and in one instance was shown to have intentions of wanting to have sex with a tiny female rat and also was in an abusive sexual relationship with a male bull who had raped him.
    • Quagmire is said to "bang anything" and is once seeing doing exactly that to meatloaf.
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