Ouran High School Host Club

"The Ouran Host Club will be waiting for you."—Tamaki Suoh
Ouran Academy is an Elaborate University High catering to the ultra, ultra-rich. Haruhi Fujioka is a frumpy working class scholarship student, a rarity at the school. While searching for a quiet place to study, Haruhi stumbles on an unused music room which turns out to be the club room for the school "Host Club" -- a group of idle rich boys who entertain female clients in a sort of Bleached Underpants version of actual host clubs.
After accidentally knocking over an Priceless Ming Vase that's worth far more than a working class student could possibly repay, Haruhi is forced to join the Host Club as an assistant to work off the debt. But after Haruhi proves to be a natural Host and is promoted to full member of the Host Club it becomes clear something isn't quite as it seems...
Ouran High School Host Club emphatically plays with the cliches and character types inherent in the medium. It hardly ever takes itself seriously, but at times emotions can run quite high, making for some touching moments among all the silliness. The manga version ended in September 2010. The anime was licensed as part of Viz Media's "Shojo Beat" collection, and the anime was made available in North America by FUNimation in October of 2008 (you can watch it for free on the video section of their website, as well as on their YouTube channel). Both are well worth your attention, even if you're not part of the series' normal demographic.
A Live Action Adaptation began airing July 2011.
- Abridged Series:
- Abnormal Limb Rotation Range: Mori-sempai manages to turn his neck a full 180 degrees in "Mori-Sempai Has An Apprentice Candidate!" upon finally realizing that his character, up to that point, has had no major impact on the main plot.
- Accidental Kiss:
- Set up deliberately by Kyouya in the first volume of the manga, as well as the second episode of the anime.
- In chapter 72 between Haruhi and Tamaki.
- Adaptation Distillation:
- Or, well, minor adaptation change. The anime is generally quite loyal to the manga, though things are blown even further out of the water, but a couple of subtle character alterations do stand out - for example, making the twins and Kyouya more sympathetic earlier on and, strangely enough, making Honey less so, as the end of the episode "Chika's Down with Honey Declaration" deliberately inverts the manga chapter's denouement.
- Also, bananas.
- The live action drama has some of this too. Renge is only seen in one episode like in the manga, and the Halloween contest, the Refreshing Point competition at the hostel, the Zuka Club, and Kasanoda are nowhere to be seen.
- Adapted Out: The anime omitted some characters, like Mei Yasumura.
- Adult Child: Tamaki.
- Affectionate Parody:
- Chiefly of romance, high school and other cliches and conventions found in the typical shoujo.
- And of the fangirl as gloriously portrayed in the anime. Funny and accurate.
- Against the Setting Sun: Tamaki carrying Haruhi out of the ocean.
- All Girls Want Bad Boys:
- Parodied in the episode introducing Renge, who thinks that the club members need more angst. She tries to recast Hikaru and Kaoru as basketball players torn between brotherly love and the love of the game, Honey as an Enfante Terrible with Mori as his right-hand man, and Tamaki as a lonesome, stoic White Prince.
- And later again with Shiro.
- All Just a Dream: The anime episode "Haruhi in Wonderland."
- Always Identical Twins: Hikaru and Kaoru are identical.
- Amazing Freaking Grace: Tamaki plays this in his first instance on the piano in the live action version.
- Anger Born of Worry: Tamaki
- Animal-Eared Headband: Ritsu Kasanoda is briefly shown wearing cat ears as part of his attempt to be less scary. It doesn't work.
- Animal Motifs: Tamaki shares alot of the attitrubes of a dog, (plus that he also is a dog lover), Haruhi is often made fun of by the other members for her apparent resemblance to a "tanuki" (raccoon dog), and the twins again are sometimes portrayed as sneaky and "devilish" as cats (which just adds to the humor to their relationship to Tamaki.) And is it even necessary to say what animal Honey is associated with?
- Anime Accent Absence: Eclair and Renge can speak fluent Japanese, despite there being little to no indication that they had been required to learn it. Same goes for Tamaki, as he moved to Japan when he was fourteen, but he at least has a bit of an excuse...
- Anti-Hero: Renge tried to turn the "characters" of the Host Club into these in "Attack of the Lady Manager!" to attract more customers.
- Anti-Villain: Eclair - while she had attempted to take Tamaki away from the Host Club, she did so out of the feeling of love, and had reasonable reasons for attempting so. And in the end, she did let him go save Haruhi.
- Art Evolution
- Art Shift: The anime's opening (for the most part) has slightly more stylized animation than in the show proper. Also done hilariously with Tamaki in episode 19 for two brief moments.
- Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: Ep. 5 had the twins list off complaints against one another. In something of a blink-and-you miss it overlap with Self-Deprecation, their last complaint, spoken in unison: "Your mother wears too much make-up".
- Ascended Extra:
- Renge's appearances as an As You Know Meta Guy fangirl are much more frequent in the show.
- Nekozawa in the live action drama.
- Attempted Rape: Kyouya tries this on Haruhi, but she figures out he's faking. Probably.
- Attractive Bent Gender: Haruhi is quite a popular host when she's crossdressing. She also looks better with smaller eyes and boyish short hair than with large eyes and long girlish hair.
- Babies Ever After: Not shown in either anime or manga, but the author states in the final volume that Tamaki and Haruhi are the first out of the Host Club members to have children. Mori was also revealed to get married and have kids.
- Back for the Finale: Some characters from past episodes reappeared in the final anime episode.
- Badass Adorable: Honey.
- Bad Bad Acting:
- Haruhi really cannot act. The problem is, her English-dubbed voice actress can; however, that's remedied when a scene comes in which Haruhi does have to act.
- Her Japanese voice actor is Maaya Sakamoto. In the above mentioned scene further irony is added by using a song by Sakamoto for the music Haruhi lip-syncs to.
- Banana Peel:
- Littered all over in the anime (never in the manga) for comedic purpose. Early episodes showed characters eating bananas but in later episodes peels appeared out of nowhere.
- Tamaki slipped on one in a flasback in the Halloween chapters in the manga.
- Tamaki slipped on one while standing still in the 'Zuka Club' episode.
- Beach Episode:
- Indoors. Ultra rich.
- The following episode has them going to a real beach, per Haruhi's disinterest in indoor beaches. Of course it's a private beach. On Okinawa. And only because Haruhi doesn't have a passport so they can't go to Bali.
- Beautiful Dreamer: Between Haruhi and a sleeping Tamaki in chapter 71.
- Behind the Black: In one episode, Haruhi tries to make sense of the mysterious, sudden appearance of a grand piano. Honey replies that "It was there before, it was just where you couldn't see it."
- Berserk Button:
- Don't even think about trying to harm Haruhi, Mori, or Honey's Usa-chan, or Honey will tear you a new one. Guaranteed.
- It's one thing to dress Haruhi up cutely, but hit on her when an overprotective Tamaki's watching, and God have mercy on your soul.
- If Tamaki thinks that you might have hurt Haruhi in any way, you'd best hope there's a camera crew watching or else you'll end up a not-so-tasteful stain in the concrete. Violence isn't good publicity for a host club.
- Try to hurt Haruhi in front of The Twins and they will tag team you into your next incarnation.
- Trying to hurt Haruhi in front of Mori is also an incredibly bad idea. When you come right down to it, don't touch Haruhi.
- Haruhi herself hates when people tear her away from anyone, if her outburst toward the main villain is any indication.
- Kyouya cares so much about his friends he's not above bitching out Tamaki's father for using Tamaki's desire to see his mother again.
- Beta Couple: Honey and Reiko.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Don't make Honey mad. No, seriously, don't.
- Bifauxnen: Haruhi was a mild enough take to be unironically the most popular of the characters amongst the fandom. Benibara of Lobelia's Zuka club is a straighter (cough) and over-the-top parody, to the point the author jokingly apologized to fans who liked her.
- Big Brother Worship: Played straight in the manga with Satoshi Morinozuka's adoration of his brother Takashi.
- Big Damn Heroes:
- In the anime, Kyouya manages to buy his father's own company before a rival competitor can, after a series of convoluted machinations. Needless to say, the old man is impressed.
- Almost the entire cast of recurring side characters in Chapter 80. The Host Club members, too, but that's a given.
- Big Eater: Honey, obviously.
- Big Fancy House: Several, most including The Thing That Goes Doink.
- Big Little Brother: Honey's "little" brother, who towers over him by something like two feet.
- Big No: Haruhi has one of these when the club members decide to stay at the pensione she's working at during summer break.
- Bishie Sparkle: Used liberally in the manga and occasionally in the anime, too. The TV series provides a rare live-action example.
- Bishonen: The narration at the beginning of the first episode actually uses the word.
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: "Princess" Ayanakouji.
- Black Cloak: Nekozawa, with Speech Bubbles to match in the manga.
- Bland-Name Product:
- Hescafé instant coffee, Mational light bulbs, Pineapple computers...
- However when we get a glimpse of Kyouya's desktop he is not only using an undisguised Mac OS, we can also clearly see icons for Skype, Mozilla Thunderbird, etc.
- Blank White Eyes
- Bleached Underpants: Tamaki's concept of a host club is a very sanitized version.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: Occurs quite a bit. In the manga, you can see Kyouya say "I thought I wasn't going to appear in this chapter" and others pointing out that they're well aware that they're in a manga. Haruhi also seems to talk to the audience, and the twins refer to "the readers" frequently.
- Bros Before Hoes: Kaoru gives up on his romantic feelings for Haruhi so that his brother, Hikaru, can realise his feelings for her so that he might learn to grow to be a little more independent.
- Brick Joke: During Kasanoda's flashback in "Mori-Sempai Has An Apprentice!", one of the words that Kasanoda's father is teaching his son to speak to sound more "gangster-like" is "Ma." Confused and furious, Kasanoda gives up in rage, questioning when in the world he would ever need a word like "Ma." Cue the end of the episode, Kasanoda stumbles upon Haruhi (who, for the longest time, he thought was a guy), who's changing in the music room. It turns out she isn't a guy. Guess what's the only word that he can say to this discovery?
- Bubble Pipe: Kyouya does this as the caterpillar in the Alice in Wonderland parody episode.
- But Not Too Foreign: Tamaki is half-Japanese and half-French; Perhaps to make this more obvious, the anime changes his hair from dirty blonde to blonde.
- Butt Monkey: Tamaki manages to be this and the male romantic lead at the same time.
- Call Back: During the final chapter, there's one to chapter 2 -- Haruhi dances with Kanako, and does much better. There's also a couple in the final two episodes of the anime.
- Calling Your Attacks:
- "Evil BEAM!!!!!!" Tamaki: "Star Light Kick!"
- "Summon gryphon!"
- Cast Full of Pretty Boys
- Catapult Nightmare: The first few pages of chapter 79 involve Haruhi standing in front of Tamaki blushing, and looking at the ground. She then says "Tamaki-senpai... I'm in love with you." (The Squee of many a fangirl was heard.) Tamaki looks stunned, but then goes off saying that he's so happy because he's in love with himself, too! He takes this and runs with it. Haruhi looks mortified, but then she sits up and we find out it was All Just a Dream, much to her relief.
- Caught in a Snare: The "net" version of this trope happens in the episode with the test of courage.
- Caught the Heart on His Sleeve: During the Beach Episode Haruhi grabs the bottom of Tamaki's shirt when he turns to leave the room after hearing a crash of thunder.
- Cerebus Syndrome: The manga starts to delve into dramatic territory around the fifth or sixth volume, but tries not to sacrifice the funny. This was probably (more or less) of the intended variety.
- Character Development: Tamaki, Haruhi and the twins especially. More visible in the manga.
- Characterization Marches On: Early on in the manga, the author said in a sidenote that she couldn't see Haruhi being together with Tamaki at all. Guess how that went.
- Charm Point: Mori is an odd case since his Charm Point is another character. When the club tries to instruct a delinquent that a Charm Point can work wonders for one's image, they bluntly point out without Hani around people would see Mori as just a huge scary thug who barely talks, much to the latter's distress.
- Chekhov's Gun: Parodied. A large, blinking arrow highlights plot devices until they see action.
- Chekhov's Gunman: The Zuka Club in chapter 82.
- The Chessmaster: Kyouya.
- Chick Magnet:
- Haruhi, oddly enough.
- All of the host club members count.
- Close on Title: The episode about Kaoru and Hikaru meeting Tamaki for the first time, "The Door the Twins Opened", saves its title card for the closing scene, after the twins open the door to the Host Club's room.
- Club President: Tamaki.
- Color Failure:
- Usually Tamaki, but most of the characters have had one of these moments.
- Haruhi has also done this multiple times from the beginning when she broke the vase and found out how much it was worth as well as when she finds out the Host Club followed her to the inn where she was working.
- Combat Commentator: Renge, of course.
- Comic Book Time:
- "Lovely protagonists like us are never subject to time~! (author note: there will be no moving up in grades)"
- Messed with in Chapter 71 by Honey, Mori and Nekozawa all lament their impending graduation in their own way, to the shock of the Genre Savvy Haruhi. Notably, the cessation of the manga's Comic Book Time coincides with its Cerebus Syndrome reaching full onset.
- Companion Cube:
- Beelzeneff
- Honey has talked to Usa-chan as if he were real. Tamaki's done the same with Kuma-chan, too.
- Completely Missing the Point: Honey does this a lot.
You shouldn't hit someone with glasses!
- Compressed Adaptation: The live action drama -- only 11 episodes and an upcoming movie.
- Cool Old Lady: Hikaru and Kaoru take after their grandmother's tendency to troll people. Said grandmother motorcycles, travels around the world, and is amazing in tanabata (flower arrangement)... and has worn her hair like a tanabata arrangement for fourteen years as a tribute to her grandsons.
- Corner of Woe:
- Often done by Tamaki.
Sempai, would you please stop growing mushrooms in other people's closets?!
- "I'm making a hamster home..."
- His father is known to do this as well when he's upset.
- Cosplay: As a part of their "job", the Host Club regularly changes their outfits and music room's decorations into various themes (ancient Japan, tropical island, etc), maintaining appropriate temperature by air conditioning - which was, loosely citing Tamaki, "invented specially for those kinds of things".
- Costume Porn: Said cosplay outfits are, as can be expected, very fancy and/or stylish.
- Cosplay Cafe: The titular "Host Club" is actually more like one of these.
- Cosplay Otaku Girl: Renge, who at one point is said to have created a hugely popular doujinshi about the hosts.
- CPR: Clean, Pretty, Reliable: In the Live Action Adaptation, this happens when Haruhi is carried out of the water after falling of a cliff.
- Creepy Twins: Hikaru and Kaoru. Often eerily reminiscent of (siamese cat pair) Si and Am from Lady and the Tramp. Also more reminiscent of the twins from The Shining... just watch their childhood/coming-of-age episode! Less so in the manga.
- Crossdresser: Played with until its stitching ruptured. It's played straight with Ranka and Haruhi, subverted with Benibara, parodied/played for laughs with the host boys (consider that they are thoroughly bishounen and would have no trouble looking like girls in the average anime) and Kasanoda, and (shockingly) played somewhat seriously when Ranka appears without having shaved or made himself up. Oh, and lampshaded when the girls of Ouran talk about how much they'd love to see "Haruhi-kun" in girls' clothing. Way too much fun.
- Culture Clash: Played for laughs
- Cursed with Awesome: Oh, no! I've broken a vase, and to pay off my debt, I have to hang out with a bunch of well-mannered, cultured, downright hilarious, and dashingly handsome guys and meet rich girls who wouldn't give me a second look otherwise? Whatever will I do??? In fairness, the guys might be funny to watch but they could still be quite hard to live with. And don't even get started on the girls.
- Cute Bookworm: Haruhi. Although we rarely see her read, it's often mentioned it's what she used to spend most of her time doing, and occasionally still does as soon a she gets her break from the Host Club.
- Cute Bruiser: Honey knows kung fu, and as mentioned earlier will kick your ass if you mess with him, Mori, or Haruhi.
- Dances and Balls
- Darker and Edgier: Renge's interesting film project which screams of "NEEDS MORE ANGST!"
- Dark Is Not Evil: Everything about Nekozawa is ridiculously "dark". He lives in a dark Gothic mansion, wears a black cloak, listens to ominous, creepy music, deals with the occult, is surrounded by black roses and even his maid and butler look like vampiric murderers. He's actually a pretty nice guy.
- Date Peepers:
- The rest of the Host Club get in Paper Thin Disguises to peep on Haruhi's dates with Hikaru and Tamaki.
- They then save Haruhi from the Zuka Club and ruin the date.
- Darkest Hour: Chapters 73 to 80.
- Deadpan Snarker:
- Some of Haruhi's funniest moments involve disillusioning Tamaki.
- The English translations to some of the narration in the first episode fit this to a t.
- Defrosting Ice Queen: Lady Eclair in the anime, Tamaki's grandmother in the manga.
- Deliberately Cute Child: Honey.
- Design Student's Orgasm: The opening sequence.
- Deranged Animation: You know a series is going to be insane when a character not only loses his coloring when depressed, but actually DISSOLVES INTO A PILE OF SAND when things don't go his way.
- Did Not Do the Research: Tamaki seems to have misunderstood just how a host club really entertains...leading to many a shocked reaction when he tells them about the school's Host Club. Not to mention his understanding of how "commoners" live is a bit mixed.
- Actually...aside from the lack of commission champagne, Tamaki seems to have a good grasp on what exactly a true host club does. However, if he attempts to pursue it professionally...the boy is just a bit naive...
- And they seem to substitute cake and tea for the champagne, so it works out about the same.
- Also, when Tamaki tells Kyouya about all of the famous Japanese landmarks he wants to see in Kyoto, Kyouya points out that none of the landmarks Tamaki mentioned are in Kyoto.
- Actually...aside from the lack of commission champagne, Tamaki seems to have a good grasp on what exactly a true host club does. However, if he attempts to pursue it professionally...the boy is just a bit naive...
- Different for Girls: Haruhi subverts this early on in the manga, as she is already using the masculine pronoun "ore" by the second chapter.
- Discriminate and Switch: When Haruhi didn't take her dad to Take Your Parent To School Day, her dad and his co-worker assumed it was because he's a transvestite. Later, the co-worker brought her dad home piss-drunk due to how upset he was about not being told about the school event, which causes Haruhi to reveal that she didn't say a thing because she felt he was overworked and wanted him to use the opportunity to rest.
- Down the Rabbit Hole: Not only does Haruhi compare the experience of being in the Host Club to being in another world, but the door to the music room heavily symbolizes this in several episodes. There is also an episode that directly parodies Alice in Wonderland. By the end, she says that around here, it's hard to tell when she's asleep or awake.
- Drop-In Character: Renge, although she's more of a rise-out-of-the-floor-on-a-pedestal character. Lampshaded by Haruhi, who in one episode points out that the mechanic used to elevate Renge seems to follow them around.
- Dropped a Bridget On Him: Haruhi does this to Tamaki, Kasanoda, and in the final chapter, the club customers.
- Earn Your Happy Ending: For Tamaki and Kyouya in the last two episodes of the series.
- Epiphany Therapy: The Host Club and Haruhi especially gives Tamaki this in chapter 68 of the manga, making him realize that no matter what happens, if he (unbeknowst to Haruhi) decides to pursue her romantically, the Host Club will not be broken.
- To a degree, Haruhi gives this to all the three Suohs towards the end of the manga: Tamaki, his father and his grandmother, by making them aware that the main source behind their family's issues is really that none of them ever talks about their problems between one another.
- Episode Title Card: Every episode of the anime opens with one of these and Haruhi's voice reading it out loud.
- Estrogen Brigade Bait: Goes without saying.
- Even the Girls Want Her: Haruhi almost averts this, due to the fact that the girls who want her don't know that she's a girl. Then comes the Zuka Club, who instantly sees through her disguise and still goes after her. The Zuka Club itself, especially its leader Benibara, plays this straight.
- Everyone Can See It: Subtly in the anime, but much more obvious in the manga. After Haruhi realizes her feelings for Tamaki it's unbelivably obvious to everyone EXCEPT him. Honey and Mori seemed to be the first to notice Hikaru's and Kaoru's budding feelings for Haruhi, as well. Kyouya may have seen it, too.
- Everyone Looks Sexier If French:
- amaki, somewhat. For the guy he is, he doesn't really emphasize it much.
- Expository Hairstyle Change: Initially parodied by Hikaru and Kaoru when they dye their hair pink and blue after a staged fight because they were bored. Played straight later in the manga when Hikaru dyes his hair darker after he and Kaoru have a real fight. This is a big turning point for them and shows that they permanently want to be seen as separate people. They even move into separate bedrooms.
- Haruhi's hair is a mess when she first appears, which adds to her masculine and poor appearance. The Host Club gives her a hairstyle which makes her look boyishly cute. Flashbacks show she used to wear her hair in a waist-length Hime Cut which made her look very feminine indeed. The original cut is later explained away as being a self-inflicted emergency cut after Haruhi got gum in her hair.
- Expy:
- Honey shares a strong similarity to Momiji from Fruits Basket. This may be an intentional parody since the anime even gives Honey his seiyuu.
- Tamaki bears a striking resemblance to the comically chivalrous Nokoru from CLAMP School Detectives.
- And don't pretend you didn't think of Fred and George when you first saw the twins. But this could just be a strange coincidence.
- And then there's the entire show itself which seems awfully similar to Revolutionary Girl Utena. Both shows are deconstructions of shoujo anime, they also both have a cross-dressing female lead, a pair of twin characters with incestuous tendencies, a character with the surname Ohtori who's known for being manipulative, similar settings, similar music, and, on top of that, they both use pointing arrows and the slipping-on-a-banana-peel gag.
- A lot of the character designs for the leads are also lifted from Bisco Hatori's previous work Millenium Snow.
- Kyouya's father might as well be Gendo in an Alternate Universe. His character looks basically identical to Gendo and comes complete with Jerkass Facade, Gendo Pose and even Gendo's seiyuu.
- Evil Matriarch: Tamaki's grandmother, who controls all the resources of the Suoh estate. She has forbidden Tamaki from seeing his mother under threat of cutting off the funding his mother needs to combat her illness, and verbally abuses him and his father.
- Excited Episode Title: Although it is pronounced much calmer than most anime series, the majority of Ouran's episode titles contain an exclamation point or question mark.
- Failure Is the Only Option: Tamaki getting Haruhi to be feminine.
- Fan Service: Lampshaded due to the fact that the entire point of the Host Club is to provide it.
- Faux Horrific: Tamaki's nightmare about the squalor that Haruhi might be living in.
- Faux Yay: In spades, and often with hilarious results.
- Fear of Thunder: Haruhi.
- Fiction 500: Most of the cast. The Host Club is filthy rich, meaning that if Rule of Cool allows something, they will simply pay reason to take a hike. One character owns a beach, for example. An indoor beach.
- Finishing Each Other's Sentences: Hikaru and Kaoru
- Fireball Eyeballs: The female customers gets flaming eyes when they're really fired up about something - usually a particularly adorable Moe moment involving the hosts. It turns into a somewhat bizarre plot-point during the episodes starring Ritsu Kasanoda, a young Yakuza Boss whose icy glare normally freezes anyone who comes near him. He winds up being Sweet On Polly Oliver, causing all the girls to get fired up about the perceived Yaoi romance, and even when he turns his icy glare on them, their fiery intensity melts it on the spot. "Don't underestimate the flames of MOE!"
- First Episode Spoiler: Just try describing the series to someone without giving away the fact that Haruhi is a girl. While it's certainly possible in many languages (including Japanese) the plot makes little sense if Haruhi's true gender isn't known.
- Fish Out of Water: Haruhi, every time she's confronted with one of the more outrageous aspects of the clubs ultra-rich lifestyle. Conversely, the boys often show fish out of water tendencies when they step out of their world to visit Haruhi in hers. Even uber-cool Kyouya is ultimately perplexed by some of the commoner things at the trade exhibition.
- Five-Man Band
- Cover Art/The Hero: Tamaki
- The Lancer: Hikaru and Kaoru
- The Smart Guy/The Hero: Kyouya
- The Big Guy: Mori
- Team Pet: Honey
- The Chick/The Sixth Ranger: Haruhi
- Flower Motifs: Every member of the host club (and many characters who aren't members) have a different colored rose that represents them. Naturally, the show uses this for all sorts of symbolism.
- Honey's speech bubbles always have little flowers around them in the Manga.
- Flower Pot Drop: A couple bullies at Ouran Acadamy try to drop two flower pots on Kasanoda, but Mori knocks Kasanoda out of the way and hits the second pot to the side in mid-air.
- Free Fall Romance In the final episode when Haruhi falls off of a bridge while trying to convince Tamaki not to leave for France and he jumps off after her. It's a slow-motion fall that's quite romantic until the splash.
- Friend to All Children: Tamaki (not surprisingly) is this.
- Friend to All Living Things: Mori is this to a subtle degree in the manga.
- Friend to Bugs: Haruhi, as implied in episode 8 when she finds a centipete on a crab and, instead of killing it, she simply picks it up and throws it aside. When asked if she could have been easier on it, she said "it takes a lot more than that to kill a bug."
- From the Mouths of Babes: "Debauchery! There's debauchery here! Yay!" From a tiny three year old girl. Who looks ridiculously Moe and took ...three seconds?... to realize exactly what the Host Club is.
- Justified too: one of her maids reads her Shoujo manga.
- When Shirou first meets Haruhi, he asks "Are you a crossdresser?" when he realizes that Haruhi acts more like a girl than a guy.
- Funny Background Event: Mori and Honey in various episodes of the anime.
- The Gadfly: The twins towards Tamaki and Haruhi. They don't really feel close enough to most others to do this with them.
- Genius Ditz: Tamaki. Despite being an Idiot Hero, he's usually second in test rankings.
- Genre Savvy: All of the main characters.
- Special mention to Tamaki for being Genre Savvy in a similar manner to Elan.
- Even some of the side characters too. Renge has the justification of being a Dating Sim otaku and Kirimi due to overexposure to Shojo manga.
- Getting Crap Past the Radar: This quote from episode 4 speaks for itself:
Hikaru: And another thing, how come this stupid script portrays Kaoru as the pitcher?
Kaoru: Yeah!
Haruhi: What does that mean?
Hikaru and Kaoru: If you don't know, never mind.
- The original Japanese actually used the words seme and uke.
- Bonus Points to the fact that Kaoru seemingly admits to prefer playing catcher.
- One page has this exchange:
Tamaki: Can You guess which part of me springish?
Haruhi: Your brain?
- The twins, ahem, like to play doctor with each other and in the same episode begin sucking each other's fingers.
- Gentle Giant: Mori and Kasanoda.
- The Glasses Gotta Go: The first step to Haruhi's transformation into a pretty "boy" is losing her huge, clunky glasses.
- The Glasses Come Off: Kyouya - in Episode 8 - and in the DS game- this picture.
- Guile Hero: Kyouya.
- Happily Married: Haruhi's parents, Ranka and Kotoko (when she was alive). Although not married, Tamaki's parents appear to have this sort of dynamic despite the situation. Hikaru and Kaoru's parents are also happy together and we're told they eventually have another child, giving the twins the little sister they wanted.
- The author states at the end of the final volume that Honey and Reiko, Tamaki and Haruhi, and Mori and his wife are all happily married in the future.
- Harem Genre: A rare variation where the protagonist is female and the harem is male.
- Harem Nanny: Kyouya
- Heroic BSOD: With Tamaki on two occasions. First time is after he's realized his feelings for Haruhi (reason being he's afraid what it will do to the Host Club if he pursues her), and second time is when he learns how his father went behind his grandmother's back and had her fired.
- The last episode of the anime counts too considering Tamaki. If you've read the manga to beyond chapter 80, the similarities between the chapters beforehand and the anime's end is quite striking.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: Honey and Mori.
- For that matter, Kyouya and Tamaki
- Hexagonal Speech Balloon
- Hey, It's That Guy!: In the live action adaptation, four of the main characters will be played by Tokusastu actors:
- Tamaki is Kamishiro Tsurugi
- Honey is Alata
- Kaoru is Retsu Fukami while Hikaru is played by the actor's twin brother who played evil Retsu doppelganger in episode 38 of Gekiranger.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Going down the list, we have the voices of Winry Rockbell, Edward Elric, Roy Mustang, Nami, Eneru, Kohza, and Negi Springfield for our main cast in the dub. As well as Konoka as a recurring character and Rin as a one-episode supporting role.
- In the drama CDs, Sailor Mercury was Haruhi. There's also a sly Take That to Gundam pilots being Bishounen. Heero Yuy is Tamaki, Kira Yamato is Hikaru, Shinn Asuka is Kaoru, and Sting Oakley is Kyouya.. Oh, and Pikachu is Honey.
- In the Japanese anime, Tamaki is Light Yagami. What's also funny is that Haruhi is also Kiyomi Takada...
- ... and Kyoya is Teru Mikami.
- And Nekozawa is Sanosuke.
- Due to the dub being Funimation, some of the voice actors are the same as in their previous dubs. For instance, Kasanoda and Tetsuya are Ayame and Shigure from Fruits Basket. Haruhi's father is Ritsu (also a cross dresser, interestingly).
- Tamaki is Death the Kid. Haruhi is Crona. Hikaru is Killik. Kaoru is Justin. Honey is Angela. Haruhi's dad is Excalibur. We could go on.
- Actually, Tamaki is Death Scythe. Hikaru is Death the Kid. Mori is Free. Hunny is Medusa. Haruhi is Kim.
- For the dub, yes. The original Japanese version seems to be like an Ouran reunion. A very strange reunion.
- In Black Butler Haruhi is Ciel and Eclaire is Ciel's fiancee, Elizabeth, in the original Japanese. In the English dub Honey is Alois and Kyouya is Sebastian...
- We all know Kyouya isn't the nicest guy around, but even he doesn't beat the light-catching prowess of VA-mate The Doctor. Honey is kid!Train, Chika is Leon, Haruhi is Saya, Kaoru is Shiki... the list goes on.
- Hey, Tamaki took Naruto as an apprentice and he turns out to be a better Chick Magnet.
- Kyoya thinks that America and England need to do something about their tacky military clothes as well as their sexual tensions.
- Haruhi is also Aerith and Lightning.
- Hidden Depths: Played with regarding every character, parodied in one of Renge's early episodes.
- Hilarious Outtakes: Many many.
Tamaki: "But that's ridiculous, you're not the droid she's looking for. Just move along, we don't need to see her identification!"
- Hime Cut: Haruhi used to have this kind of hairstyle before the unfortunate bubblegum incident.
- Hopeless Suitor: Hikaru. And for a short period Kaoru, too.
- Homoerotic Subtext / Incest Subtext: Used for laughs in order to gather more customers for the Host Club.
- Hot Dad: Haruhi's father, and even more so, Tamaki's father.
- Hot Mom: Hikaru's and Kaoru's mother falls into this category, as did Haruhi's. In the manga, Tamaki's mother... just, wow. No wonder Tamaki's dad went after her.
- Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: Tamaki and Haruhi. Specially in the manga where Tamaki is even taller than his father.
- Hypercompetent Sidekick: Kyoya, again to Tamaki.
- Identical Twin ID Tag
- Idiot Hero: Tamaki
- I Let You Win: Subverted. Mori, having watched many of their battles, predicts that Honey will purposely lose to his brother in their last fight. However, cake is on the line and Honey shows no mercy.
Mori-sempai! Don't mind!
- Imagine Spot: Tamaki most frequently, but it happens to others, such as Kasanoda from time to time.
- Inverted once when the boys assume Haruhi is in an Imagine Spot based on the distant expression on her face when she's actually envisioning the day's sales at the supermarket.
- Incredibly Lame Pun: In-universe example during the Beach Episode. Mori attempts to frighten Haruhi using a harpoon (the Japanese word for harpoon being mori). It's hilariously lampshaded.
- Indirect Kiss: Invoked the first time (episode 4, with a cookie) to troll Tamaki, defied (three guesses as to who) the second time (with ice cream).
- Indy Ploy: What most of Tamaki's "cunning" plans start off as or eventually turn into, thanks to his rather impulsive nature. Want to know a funny thing, though? They work. EVEN AGAINST KYOUYA.
- It Is Always Spring: Humorously subverted in that it is always whatever season is most convenient for the plot at hand, especially in episodes entirely indoors. The original creator admits to abandoning a hard timeline in a few chapters of the manga.
- Ironic Echo: In episode 17, Haruhi and Kyoya continually trade lines with each other in this fashion.
- Irony: Alot of this in the serie, though a big one is probably how Tamaki spends a good lot of the show fantasizing about a girly Haruhi and doing his best to transform her into such, all for randomness and comedic purposes to the viewers/readers. However, as the story progresses and Haruhi finds herself in love with him (while he remains completely clueless to this), she gradually turns more into a woman, all of her own. Benibara from the Zuka club points this out in chapter 82, shortly after Haruhi and Tamaki have become a couple, that she now "totally and utterly looks like a girl". So in the end, Tamaki did succeed in making Haruhi more feminine, it just happened when he wasn't trying to.
- In an early chapter, an author note states "I can't see Haruhi and Tamaki getting together." The second-to-last page of the entire series is of Haruhi and Tamaki on their wedding day, with an author note stating "Of course, I think the two will get married."
- It Runs in The Family: Haruhi and her dad's penchant for cross-dressing and Tamaki and his dad's ability to sweet-talk anyone. And the Corner of Woe, along with several other of Tamaki's more eccentric traits (though his father's versions tend to be at least a little more watered down).
- Tamaki and his mother appear to have an interest in kotatsu. Hikaru and Kaoru's mother also enjoys playing games just as they do (she happens to enjoy the "Which one is Hikaru?" game). They also inherited their mother's affinity for fashion design.
- Tamaki and his grandmother both appreciate music and historical samurai dramas, this is what brings his grandmother out of her depression and helps her to appreciate her grandson.
- I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: In the anime Eclair lets Tamaki jump off the bridge after Haruhi. In the manga Kaoru tells Haruhi he loves her, but he has someone else more important to him that he can't hurt. He steps out of the battlefield and lets Hikaru be the one to fight for Haruhi.
- In chapter 76 Hikaru says that this new obstacle in Haruhi and Tamaki's friendship gives him an advantage against Tamaki in winning her heart. Kaoru looks shocked and apalled until Hikaru says he was just kidding and says "Don't you think it would be a waste if I said I don't really wish for this to happen?" It's quite clear he doesn't want to see either of his friends miserable.
- In chapter 80 When Haruhi says she's going to be an obstacle to their rescue and that she's having doubts about her abilities, Hikaru tells her that it hurts, but she's the one who knows Tamaki the best and vice versa and because of that, she must go escort him to the airport. Awwwww.
- I Want to Be a Real Man: Honey tried this for a while. It didn't work.
- Jerkass: Hikaru and Kaoru were like this before Tamaki persuaded them to join the Host Club, once played with a girl's affections before giving her a "The Reason You Suck" Speech.
- Hikaru's still a bit of one during the Karuizawa arc.
- Kaiju: Used in a throwaway image in Episode 23 between a namahage and a shisa as part of Tamaki's imagination (the episode is a flashback to when he first moved to Japan)
- Karma Houdini: Tamaki's grandmother in the anime.
- Keet: Tamaki and Honey.
- Kimodameshi: A kimodameshi tournament.
- Kotatsu: Tamaki likes these a lot, just ask Kyouya. It must run in the family because Tamaki's mother asks Kyouya if he owns one when he met her on a class trip to France. Kotatsu are often used to symbolize close, warm family relationships, something they both desire very much.
- Lady Land: Lobelia
- Lampshade Hanging: "Don't you think this is overly dramatic for a toothache?"
- The anime has this in spades; Haruhi is the worst offender.
Haruhi: "Why is there a (insert plot-convenient device) in a music room?"
- And of course, inverted as well
Haruhi "When did that grand piano get there?"
Honey: "It's always been there, silly. This is a music room."
- Large Ham: Tamaki (especially in the manga)
- Try to keep a straight face when you hear Vic Mignogna scream "Otaku." I dare you.
- Late Arrival Spoiler: Haruhi is a girl, but given that this is revealed at the end of the first manga chapter and first anime episode, it's not all that surprising that all the blurbs on the back of the manga volumes and DVDs tell you straight away.
- Legacy of Service: Mori comes from a family with a long line of serving the Haninozuka clan. The master-servant bond was dispelled when the families were joined by marriage, but Mori still watches over and protects Honey like a big brother would.
- Legal Jailbait: Honey... Enough said
- Like Brother and Sister... or father and daughter.
- Love At First Sight: Averted. Tamaki didn't react much to Haruhi on their first time meeting, it was mainly after he learned she was a girl that he appeared to fall instantly in love. It just took him 64 chapters to realize.
- Love Hurts: For Hikaru it did. Mostly Played for Laughs with Tamaki.
- Loving a Shadow: Renge initially has a crush on Kyoya because he resembles her favorite guy from her favorite Dating Sim.
- Eclair seems to have legitimate feelings for Tamaki based almost entirely on the stories that her housekeeper (Tamaki's mother) told her about him.
- Love Chart: Hikaru makes one in the manga with him, Kaoru, Tamaki, and Haruhi. Renge makes one later on, too (although Kaoru's not included on that one).
- Love Epiphany: Quite a few of these in the manga. Haruhi's is rather funny and adorable because until then she was completely Oblivious to Love and at first thought her sudden blushing and flustering around her Love Interest were due to a cold or her heart rejecting her.
- Luminescent Blush: Tamaki probably holds the record for number of these blushes from a male shoujo protagonist.
- Haruhi quite adorably has alot of them too upon realizing she's in love with Tamaki.
- Manic Pixie Dream Guy: Tamaki, to more than one person.
- Maybe Ever After: The anime doesn't doesn't definitively state whether Haruhi will end up with Tamaki or Hikaru, though it does give some pretty strong hints.
- Well, with Kyouya's father saying he likes her for Kyouya too...another relatively strong contender?
- Measuring Day
- Meganekko: Haruhi, though she's only seen wearing glasses for the first half of chapter 1, and even then she looked uncannily like a boy.
- Mega Twintails: Hikaru and Kaoru wear their hair this way when they crossdress for one of Tamaki's schemes.
- Medium Awareness/No Fourth Wall: Just the anime, for Rule of Funny. There are frequent references to the audience, and Haruhi addresses them directly more than once, such as when she asks those viewers with blood type AB to not be offended by something Tamaki says.
- Micro Monarchy: Tamaki and pals meet a princess from a tiny imaginary European country.
- Missing Mom: Haruhi's (dead) and Tamaki's (in France and his Evil Matriarch grandmother doesn't let him contact her)
- Mistaken for Gay: Near the end of the manga when most of the girls saw Tamaki and Haruhi having a close moment. That and they thought Haruhi just liked dressing up like a girl. They find out later on though.
- Moe Couplet: Honey and Mori. Even discussed in episode 22, though neither of them take it as a compliment.
- Mouthy Kid: Takaouji Shiro. Chika could fit this too.
- Mundane Object Amazement: All the boys in the extremely rich Ouran High School's Host Club are amazed at everyday 'commoner' things that Haruhi does or uses, like instant coffee, and saying things like "Commoners are so clever!".
- My Dad Can Beat Up Your Dad: Done with money, of course, since they are ultra-rich. More like My Dad Can Buy Out Your Dad's Company.
- My Name Is Not Durwood: Kasanoda is neither Casanova nor Bossa Nova.
- Kirimi also gets this treatment in the manga, where her name is misspoken as "Creamy" and "Sashimi" and "Kill Me."
- Mythology Gag: The narration in the live action drama is done by Maaya Sakamoto, who voiced Haruhi in the anime.
- Nakama: Tamaki sees the Host Club as a family, to the point of assigning everyone roles within it...with Haruhi as his daughter.
- And Kyouya as the "mother," and Mori and Hunny being the couple who lives next door... We wonder if Tamaki notices the Ho Yay or not. The fans sure do.
- Noblewoman's Laugh: Renge Houshakuji has what may be the cutest evil laugh ever.
- Noodle People
- No Romantic Resolution: The anime lacks a definite ending, though it does imply that Tamaki/Haruhi is bound to happen.
- Not What It Looks Like: At least twice. Poor Tamaki...
- Nosebleed: In the manga Tamaki gets one of these when he sees Haruhi in a dress during their visit to the beach. Haruhi points it out. Tamaki, being the Idiot Hero, thinks he just bumped his nose and Honey's "first aid" only makes it worse.
- No Swastikas: One scene involving the Zuka Club has them in orange military uniforms in front of a Nazi flag, except with the kanji for "woman" instead of a swastika.
- Not a Morning Person: Kyouya, to the point that the rest of the host club is scared of him in the mornings. Not that they aren't always scared of him. A side story in the manga shows that on a school day, waking Kyouya requires three alarm clocks and at least half an hour...and it was commented that he was running early that day.
- Subverted with Honey. The rumor goes that his family was once in a military complex, and a soldier carelessly woke Honey up, and he BLEW THE PLACE UP, leaving only a bunny-shaped mushroom cloud, killing two entire Green Beret battalions. Of course, this is Tamaki's version of the story. The subversion? Honey was taking a nap during the DAY.
- Oblivious to Love:
- Haruhi. Oh boy, where do we start? When Kaoru told Haruhi he loved her she looked a little confused, probably assuming he meant he loved her as a friend. Haruhi's so oblivious that when Hikaru gets the guts to confess to her he asks "Will you go out with me? And I don't mean accompany me outside! I mean in the shojo sense!" Even then it took Haruhi a few moments to see he was asking her on a date. Even worse, when she suddenly began to blush and become flustered around Tamaki she thought it was due to a cold or that her heart was rejecting her, the idea that she could be in love hadn't even crossed her mind.
- Hikaru as well. It takes him a damn long time to figure out.
- Tamaki is probably the worst offender, going so far as to think his constant fawning for Haruhi could only mean that he sees her as his daughter.
- Obviously Evil: Parodied, subverted and deconstructed with Kasanoda. He has the Face of a Thug, is the successor of a large Yakuza group (and trained to be thus), dresses like a Delinquent and easily aggravated, especially by his appearance and its effect on others. Because of this, he suffers from social isolation despite the fact that he's really a Nice Guy underneath it all.
- Occidental Otaku: Renge.
- Ocular Gushers: Tamaki, Kaoru and Hikaru in response to Haruhi ("Cuuuuuute!!!"). Its more frequent in the manga.
- Official Couple: Tamaki/Haruhi after chapter 81. Revealed in the extra volume 18: Honey/Reiko and Kasanoda/Mei.]]
- Old Retainer:
- Mori to Honey - the group even envision them in appropriate period-costumes when explaining the Morinozuka/Haninozuka family relationship. Subverted in that they're the same age.
- Tetsuya also comes close to filling this role for Kasanoda; though he's only been with him for a few years, he certainly plays the part.
- Shima to Tamaki - in the manga, [she not only helps Tamaki realize what he wants to do with his life, she helps the Host Club get to Tamaki to take him to his mother at the airport. In the anime, she's the one who convinces Kyouya that the Host Club should stop Tamaki from quitting school and and going off to France with Eclair since she thinks Tamaki's mother wouldn't want him to do that.
- Older Than They Look: I bet the first time you saw Honey, you didn't think he was the second oldest in the club.
- One-Gender School: Lobelia
- One Head Taller:
- Word of God says Tamaki is 28cm/11 inches taller than Haruhi but he is often depicted as way, way taller than Haruhi in the manga.
- All the host club members (save Honey, of course) are taller than Haruhi by a few heads. Visually, Hikaru and Kaoru look closest to one head taller, though they're only supposedly six inches taller.
- Only Sane Man:
- When a crossdressing female is considered the "normal one" in your club, that's really saying something.
- Kyouya would count on certain occasions.
- OOC Is Serious Business: In a short bonus, Mori suddenly turns cheerful and talkative, to the point even Haruhi is petrified (along with the rest of the Host Club save Honey.) Turns out it's a side effect of not getting enough sleep.
- Opposites Attract: Many. Tamaki and Haruhi, Ryouji/Ranka and Kotoko (Haruhi's parents, who're also scaringly similar to Tamaki and Haruhi...), Honey and Reiko (a member of the Dark Magic Club), Mei and Kasanoda (hinted in the final volume).
- Orbital Shot: During Renge's first major confrontation with the male club.
- Otaku: Renge, of Dating Sims.
- Out-Gambitted: Tamaki's father and Kyoya's father, along with their companies, perfect a medicine that cures Tamaki's mother and ousts Tamaki's Evil Matriarch grandmother from her position as chairman of the Suou company. This doesn't really have the effect Mr. Suoh intended, however.
- Pac-Man Fever: Whatever the twins were playing on their Game Boy Advance SP in the middle school flashback in episode 9 of the anime, it had graphics about on par with the old Game-And-Watch series. Their Nintendo DS game later in the episode isn't much better.
- Papa Wolf: Tamaki, towards Haruhi.
- Perky Goth: Nekozawa and, in the manga, the rest of the Black Magic Club.
- Perpetual Poverty: The rest of the Host Club thinks Haruhi lives like this, but while money is indeed tight in the Fujioka household, they're hardly starving or destitute.
- Personality Blood Types: Brought up a few times.
- Pettanko: Haruhi, again. Of course, it certainly helps her masquerade.
- Pimped-Out Dress: Quite a few, worn by girls, or boys. Even the Ouran uniforms for girls are mild versions, with the ribbon, petticoats, and fabric that is likely soft and expensive.
- Pink Means Feminine: When Tamaki and Honey-kun crossdress, they chose pink dresses. Honey even calls himself a Princesses Prefer Pink.
- Pint-Sized Powerhouse: Hunny.
- Playboy Bunny: Haruhi subverts this in a bonus chapter of the manga and episode 12 of the anime by being stuffed (almost stuffed in the anime) into an Easter Bunny outfit by the rest of the hosts in desperation for fear that Honey would discover Usa-chan to have been stained upon waking up (which he does, actually, but Mori covers for the hosts).
- Please Don't Leave Me: Chapter 80. Tamaki says something like this to Haruhi while on the way to the airport to see his mother after three years.
- Poisonous Friend: Kyoya, to Tamaki, see episode 14.
- Precision F-Strike: Haruhi says "ore" at least once early on and Tamaki gets very upset. No one else seems to mind in particular.
- Priceless Ming Vase: The destruction of an actual priceless Ming vase kick-starts the plot. Very heavily Lampshaded by a flashing arrow that points at the vase any time it's seen.
- The Quiet One: Mori.
- Recursive Crossdressing: Some of the host club's customers mention that they think Haruhi would look good in a dress.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni:
- They aren't quite colour coded, but Tamaki and Kyouya seem to embody this trope rather well (cool-headed, intellectual Chessmaster vs. exhuberant, people-focused White Prince).
- Also, Honey-senpai and his younger brother Yasuchika are Color-Coded for Your Convenience with this in mind in one episode.
- Relationship Upgrade: Haruhi and Tamaki become a couple in chapter 81.
- Rich Boredom: The motive for the club.
- Rich Bitch: Ayanakouji and Eclair, but none of the other rich girls suprisingly enough.
- Rival:
- The twins often suggest a "game" to Tamaki at the least opportune moment (using secret agent code titles) usually to either save the club or impress Haruhi, and Tamaki even pits his own host members as rivals.
- The Host Club has their share of actual rivals, such as the school newspaper club and the Zuka Club.
- Romantic False Lead:
- The new transfer student that Tamaki saves from getting kicked by a horse is this.
- In the anime, this role was given to Lady Eclair.
- Rousseau Was Right: In the end, just like another very popular shoujo manga, all strife between the Host Club and other, "antagonistic" characters is not so much due to any one character being greedy, evil or unreasonable, but rather to tragic misunderstanding of each others feelings that is eventually overcome. Even Tamaki's grandmother is eventually played as sympathetic.
- Ruritania: The small European kingdom of Monale, where Princess Michelle comes from.
- Scare Dare: School after dark. - It's the guys from the black magic club.
- Scary Shiny Glasses: Kyoya.
- Scholarship Student: Haruhi, of course.
- Schoolgirl Lesbians: Everyone in the Zuka Club, the rivals to the Ouran Host Club.
- Security Cling: Haruhi to Tamaki during the Beach Episode after he tells her she doesn't have to endure thunderstorms alone now that he's there for her.
- Selective Obliviousness: Tamaki thinks of Haruhi as a daughter! Really!
- Sentai:
- In one episode, Renge is seen hosting a live Sentai show, apparently created by her, which features characters ("Hosuto Burakku"/"Host Black") based on the host club members.
- The Physical Exam episode references Kamen Rider and Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger right after each other.
- Volume 5 depicts each host member this way, complete with pose.
- Serious Business:
- Benibara fan club.
- Not to mention the Otori family's heavily-armed private police force that Kyouya dispatched when Honey got lost at the pool.
- She Cleans Up Nicely: Haruhi is dolled up and used as bait to lure Kanako and Toru back together in chapter 2. Add makeup and a long, straight black wig, and nobody except the hosts were able to recognize her (though Haruhi had to convince Toru at one point that they've never met).
- Shipper on Deck: At the end of the anime, Tamaki's father and Kyouya's father state that it would be nice if they could become friends as their sons are... but they amiably state that perhaps it isn't possible because they each want Haruhi to marry their own son in the future. This doesn't take place in the manga.
- Ship Tease:
- Apart from Tamaki, Hikaru and Kaoru in the manga, Haruhi also shares a few moments with Mori and Kyouya that certainly sparked the interest in some fans. In fact, Honey is probably the only Host Club member Haruhi hasn't shared any borderline to intimate/romantic moments with in either anime or manga.
- Hikaru and Kaoru could count as the definition. Their fans may be as numerous as Tamaki/Haruhi's or Hikaru/Haruhi's, even though both anime and (specially) manga makes it clear that their "twincest" is all an act, and while their relationship is still very intimate, it never goes beyond platonic.
- Needless to say Tamaki and Kyouya have their fans too, probably stemming from how their relationship resembles a typical uke/seme one (or how about when Tamaki gave Kyouya a shoulder massage in the manga..?). Funnily enough, Tamaki gets about as much upset when Kyouya is mad at him as he does when Haruhi is.
- Some of this between Mori and Honey too, although very little, as the author might have thought it would be squick to many.
- Towards the end of the manga there's even some between Kaoru and Kyouya, one memorable moment being Kaoru blushing when Kyouya takes his shirt off. Granted he apparently was blushing at the "coolness" of what Kyouya was saying, but the timing of the blush is quite convenient.
- Shirtless Scene: Played straight most of the time, but played with when the twins gave out a picture of a topless Haruhi for money -- it turns out, her head was Photoshopped on Tamaki's body.
- Shojo: Affectionately parodied and deliberately invoked. The Hosts consciously and intentionally play to Shojo sterotypes.
- Shonen Hair:
- The Twins. They're probably trying to invoke this trope on purpose.
- This fits better for the anime. In the manga their hair looks much more natural and isn't quite as poofed out, although it's obvious they style it with hair gel most of the time.
- Shout-Out:
- Of RahXephon, of all things.
- And Fullmetal Alchemist, in form of a ball looking like SD Ed's head.
- The RahXephon shoutout has to do with one of the main characters from that series saying Lala... which is the magazine Ouran is published in. Could possibly be a shoutout to Haruhi's seiyuu, too, as one of Maaya Sakamoto's earlier seiyuu roles was in Rahxephon. And the fact that Studio BONES animated both series is also a factor.
- Also, Renge has a "Moe Note".
- In the Beach Episode the twins call Haruhi the Princess of the Valley of the Wind as she is the only one not being afraid of a millipede.
- The Dating Sim Renge's obsessed with is a Shout-Out to Tokimeki Memorial.
- Something-Or-Other Robo?
- Single-Minded Twins: The twins, who zigzag this trope depending on the situation. It's usually subverted whenever the camera focuses on them and played straight for comedic segments and during other character's focuses. They use this as a joke in-universe. They spend so much time together that they know the routine, but when they aren't acting, their real personalities show through.
- Sliding Scale of Shiny Versus Gritty: It doesn't get much shinier than this.
- Smug Snake:
- Lady Eclair. Have you seen that woman smirk? It's enough to make you dislike her even after she's revealed as a Sympathetic Villain. You just feel a little bad about it.
- Ayanokouji-hime, too.
- The Snark Knight:
- Haruhi. "You rich bastards..."
- Kyoya sometimes too.
- Slow Motion Fall: Parodied in Renge's first appearance and played straight in the final episode.
- Something About a Rose: Roses are all over the place for the Host Club in general, but Tamaki in particular seems to like randomly producing one to gesture with.
- Sparkling Stream of Tears: Happens in Haruhi's dream, when she runs toward her mother.
- Spell My Name with an "S":
- Haninozuka Mitsukuni's nickname, Honey (Hani? Huni? Hunny?) seems to be spelled differently depending on what fansub you're watching (or on which Troper is editing the page). The Viz translation uses Honey, which seems to be the official spelling.
- Also Kyouya/Kyoya. And let's not get started on his last name. Or Tamaki's.
- Squee: Well, it's more of a "Kyaaaaaa~!", really.
- Straw Feminist: The Zuka Club is an entire club dedicated to straw feminism. They currently supply the page image for it and take the term "feminazis" to the most literal conclusion possible.
- Stoic Spectacles: Kyouya.
- Suggestive Collision:
- Haruhi has her First Kiss when slipping on a banana-peel, directly into the face of a pretty girl. In the manga, Tamaki shoves her.
- Tamaki ends up falling on her in a very suggestive position just as her father walks in.
- Suddenly Always Knew That: Honey comes out of nowhere and single-handedly beats 20 grown men in SWAT team gear. It turns out he's from a family of martial arts experts. Also lampshaded by Tamaki. Inverted when Haruhi faces off against two thugs at the beach and is promptly tossed off a bluff into the water: Tamaki sarcastically cites this trope while berating her for endangering herself so recklessly.
- Sweet on Polly Oliver: Kasanoda.
- Sweet Polly Oliver: Haruhi. It's enforced by the rest of the Host Club; Haruhi herself doesn't care very much whether she's seen as a boy or a girl.
- Takarazuka: The Zuka club has several Shout-Outs to them, including a set of Peacock Girl outfits.
- Tall, Dark and Handsome: Mori.
- Tall, Dark and Snarky: Kyoya, to an extent, since it's shown he really does care about people.
- Tantrum Throwing: There's one episode in which this happens at least three times.
- Taste the Rainbow: It's not too vast, but the series does deliberately point out its "menu" of hot boy archetypes. That's the central concept of the club, after all.
- Team Dad: Tamaki (self-proclaimed).
- Team Mom: Kyouya (dubbed so by Tamaki).
- Thanks for the Mammary:
- Mori may only have picked Haruhi up by her underarms and was alerted to her femininity by her lack of weight and soft body, or it might have been Thanks for the Mammary (look at Mori's change in expression and judge for yourself).
- Also implied in the school physical episode. Tamaki grabs up Haruhi in an enthusiastic hug; within seconds, she's making an angry sound and demanding that he stop touching "those places."
- Theme Tune Cameo:
- The opening theme is used in a few places throughout the series.
- The show's ending theme also makes an appearance, as the ringtone Hikaru uses to I.D. when Tamaki is calling. When Hikaru is comforting Haruhi in the church (and puts his headset on her) the song plays again.
- There's also a slow, waltz version of it used during the closing credits scenes in the final episode.
- The Not-Secret: Subverted in
the final chapterChapter 83, where not a single person is surprised when they see Haruhi in a party dress... and are then dumbfounded when they learn that she really is a girl and not a crossdressing boy in love with Tamaki. - The Power of Friendship: A big theme in the series.
- The Three Faces of Eve: The Zuka club.
- Thunder Shock: Occurs quite often, mostly Played for Laughs.
- Token Evil Teammate: Kyouya is considered by everyone in the club to be more or less evil, especially compared to everyone else. Even the twins are afraid of him. But he's still mostly a good guy.
- Token Mini-Moe: Honey, so cute and childish! Even though he's older than the rest... Also Shiro and Chika.
- Trademark Favorite Food:
- Honey loves his cakes.
- Also, Haruhi has a taste for fatty tuna.
- Twin Banter: Guess.
- Twincest: Hikaru and Kaoru's schtick.
- Twin Telepathy: During the Test of Courage chapter. After Hikaru and Kaoru are separated, Hikaru somehow manages to find Kaoru and explains that he had heard his twin's voice telling him where he was, even though Kaoru had no way of telling Hikaru his whereabouts and the latter could not have found out through someone else.
- Twin Threesome Fantasy: As well as the excess amounts of Ho Yay and Twincest, this is part of Hikaru and Kaoru's shtick. They explain that a lot of the girls who sit at their table buy into this fantasy, and they use one of the girls to demonstrate why this idea is so popular.
- Twin Switch: And the "Which one is Hikaru-kun Gaaame!!" Haruhi, who has known the twins for the least amount of time, seems to be the only one able to tell the difference.
- Two Haruhi Limit: Fujioka won the competition to be The Other Haruhi, beating out |Kamisaka.
- Uncle Pennybags: All main characters, really (except for Haruhi).
- Unmoving Pattern: Present in Episode 4.
- Unwanted Harem: And Haruhi's at the center of it. Tamaki, predictably, reframes it as a heartful love comedy with himself as the actual lead along with a bunch of "homosexual side characters".
- Watching the Sunset: Tamaki envisions him and Haruhi doing this while walking along the beach together in one of his many Imagine Spots.
- Weak-Willed: Tamaki, of the "easily suggestible" variety. When told by Renge that he's "the lonesome prince" type, he jumps into the characterization without a backwards glance.
- What Could Have Been: Originally, the character of Kyouya didn't exist. The reason Hatori created him was because she had to add seven more pages to the first chapter, hence, she figured she needed an extra Host Club member.
- What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?:
- Used for laughs a number of times, such as Tamaki's dramatic declaration that he's going to try instant coffee in the first episode.
- Tamaki's preferred way of ordering otoro involves some impressive acrobatics.
- What Happened to the Mouse?: In the anime at least, Tamaki gives up a chance to see his mother, and it's not clear whether he ever does again.
- Where Are They Now? Epilogue: An extra in the final volume.
- The White Prince: Tamaki, obviously, but the twins also embody part of this trope.
- Whole-Episode Flashback: Done in a very clever and stylish way. Twice.
- Whole-Plot Reference: Episode 13 for Alice in Wonderland.
- Wholesome Crossdresser: Several, including Haruhi and her father.
- Wounded Gazelle Gambit: Subverted. "Princess" Ayanakouji fakes getting attacked by Haruhi, but Tamaki sees through it and bans her from visiting the club.
- Wrong Genre Savvy: Tamaki thinks that it's a romantic anime in the third episode, so he and Haruhi are the progatonists and the rest of the boys are the "homosexual side cast." Somehow, while being Genre Savvy enough to know they are the protagonists, he seems to be unable to follow that statement to its conclusion: namely, that they are love interests.
- Yakuza: Kasanoda, prominently; it's said a few times Ouran students lower on the social rank are there simply due to their family's influence.
- Yaoi Fangirl: Renge, and many patrons to the club, especially the twins' customers. They also turn out to be the key to making Kasanoda less intimidating, once he (in on the secret) becomes Haruhi's customer.
- Yuri Fanboy: Notably averted in several cases, especially with Tamaki, though he was mostly worried about his love interest becoming a lesbian.