< Ouran High School Host Club

Ouran High School Host Club/Fanfic Recs

Proof that the remaining 10% is worth dying for here.

These are recommendations made by Tropers for Ouran High School Host Club fanfics, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here.

You can also add to the current recommendations if you want. Refrain from posting Conversation in the Main Page though; that goes in the discussion page.

Authors and Websites

Anything by Sciathan file

  • Recommended by Clandestine Clear
  • This author's work is truly amazing. Her characterization is flawless, her writing is excellent, and her plots are always fascinating. She writes a lot of genres, from fluff to humor to angst, so be sure to check out all of her fics.

General Fics

Stories focused on the family and the friendly relationships of the cast. Plot-focused stories or light day-in-the-life stories. Pretty much anything that isn't focused on romance.

She's Givin' Me Exitations by Bravecows, known as afrai on fanfiction.net

  • Recommended by Roach Patrol
  • Synopsis: Three drabbles: Tamaki and one of the twins, SPACE PIRATES AU and Mori/Haruhi
  • Comments: Short, wickedly clever, meticulously characterized.

In The Circle Of Elemental Arms by Kryssa's flute

  • Recommended by Ansela
  • Synopsis: A magical AU fic where elementals live amongst normal humans, Ouran teaches elemancy at a high level, each of the Host Club members controls one of the elements (light, dark, fire, lightning, wind, earth and water) and the Host Club get dragged into a problem with group of elementals that are much more powerful and experienced than they are.
  • Comments: An AU world that is plausible and well thought out while keeping the characters recognisable.

Castle Down by Bonzai-Bunny

  • Recommended by Marlee Cross
  • Synopsis: All she ever wanted was to live life in a fairytale, but, unfortunately, not all fairytales have happy endings. Kyouya's mother centric.
  • Commentary: An angst-y and very long oneshot about a character no one ever hears anything about. Very sad, but still very good.

After the Clock Strikes Twelve and it's sequel And the Clock Only Echoes by Miss Mary Sue

  • Recommended by Marlee Cross
  • Synopsis: Basically an AU of the anime ending in which Tamaki left with Eclair after Haruhi fell into the river instead of following her, resulting in him really, truly leaving Ouran for good and marrying Eclair.
  • Commentary: Both fics are well done, but incredibly sad, the second one in particular.

It's a Wonderfully Splendid Magnificent Life by sciathan file

  • Recommended by Marlee Cross
  • Synopsis: Events occur that cause Tamaki to reevaluate his decision to come to Japan...however, intervention becomes necessary to show him just how much his absence will effect everyone he knows.

Not To Be by kygirl101

  • Recommended by Marlee Cross
  • Synopsis: Six scenarios in which the members of the Host Club...Were never born.
  • Commentary: ...I don't think it needs to be said that this fic is sad but just in case... yeah it is really, REALLY sad.

You're Free by moonlitrose369

  • Recommended by Max300frk
  • Synopsis: Tamaki's mother just passed away without him knowing. Once he finds out, he goes to France to say goodbye. Will he take her death well?
  • Commentary: A pretty good Hurt/Comfort fic. Rather depressing at some points, but it still has its heartwarming moments.

Shipping Fics

Stories focused on the romantic relationships between the cast.

Daddy's Gonna Buy You A Looking Glass by mercurial_wit

  • Recommended by Roach Patrol
  • Pairing(s): Everyone/Everyone else, but kept PG-13
  • Synopsis: The more things change, the more things stay the same: after all the Host Club members graduate, they all move in to a big house and live together.
  • Comments: This fanfic proves that the author's name is appropriately chosen. It's clever and funny, and captures the whimsical, self-deprecating tone of the original show/manga perfectly. The characterization is spot on, and I'd love to think that this is how it all turns out.

Monochrome by Ninja Shen

  • Recommended by Kchasm
  • Pairing(s): Haruhi/Nekozawa
  • Synopsis: No evil is pure black, and no good is pure white. With a little initiation on Nekozawa's part, Haruhi begins to...ack, I can't write a synopsis of this that doesn't sound freaking cute.
  • Comments: That's what this story is. Freaking...freaking cute. Haruhi falls in love by degrees, oblivious until it's so obvious even she can't miss it (not that things become clear even after she does), and the journey is just...cute. The protagonists are well-written, rounded—and the author is really good at writing original characters, as seen in the case of the Black Magic Club members, whose shenanigans, although a relatively small part of the plot, are entertaining on their own.

Fractured fairy tale by Halicarnassus

  • Recommended by Marlee Cross
  • Pairings: Haruhi/Host Club
  • Synopsis: School may have ended but the Host Club boys refuse to go their separate ways or relinquish their claim on a certain commoner. Living together was their only solution. Society can go hang. But such a choice would come with a price.Kyoya knows that.
  • Commentary: Yes, this is a fic were the hosts are basically Haruhi's harem, but it's very realistically done. The former hosts all had to give up any family inheritances they might've had, few family members still speak to them, and Haruhi continues to remind them that this may not last forever.

Cherish the Thunder by Grey's Princess

  • Recommended by Marlee Cross
  • Pairing: Tamaki/Haruhi
  • Synopsis: Ranka's perspective on Tamaki and Haruhi's relationship.
  • Commentary: It provides a good look into Ranka's mind. Very sweet and well written.

Eternal Love by Xdemon-alchemistX

  • Recommended by Marlee Cross
  • Pairing: Tamaki/Haruhi
  • Synopsis: A series of oneshots detailing Haruhi and Tamaki's relationship.
  • Commentary: Every story is sweet, cute, and romantic. Some are funny, some angst-y, but they're all great and definitely worth the read.

RolePlaying by Lex Marker

  • Recommended by Marlee Cross
  • Pairing: Tamaki/Haruhi
  • Synopsis: Just another day with our favorite hosts. You know, twins being suggestive, Kyouya being a bastard, Mori and Honey just doing their candy and stoic routine, and Tamaki playing with Haruhi. Well, let's see what happens when Haruhi decides to play along...
  • Commentary: Yes, it is very OOC, but even so, it's freakin HILARIOUS OOC-ness.

the weed is a flower by awintea

  • Recommended by Marlee Cross
  • Pairings: Benio/Haruhi, Tamaki/Haruhi, Nekozawa/Haruhi
  • Synopsis: Amakusa Benio is a gracious young woman who loves and accepts all maidens, the flowers that they are. However, she despises men - vulgar, awful things - and the one man Amakusa Benio hates above all is Suou Tamaki.
  • Commentary: There aren't a lot of fics out there about Benio, but this is probably one of the best. There is a bit of one-sided femslash, just so you know.

Too Late by Sigma Theta

  • Recommended by Marlee Cross
  • Synopsis: He is making a sandwich when he realizes, and it hits him hard enough to send the butter knife clattering to the floor.
  • Commentary: Though this is a pairing fic, I'm not going to say what it is because that would just ruin the story (it's not yaoi or yuri though).

Contradictory by fiftysix-luver

  • Recommended by ouran_fan
  • Pairing(s): Tamaki/Kyouya
  • Summary: Contrary to popular belief, Yoshio Ootori knew his son very well. That, until the Suoh Heir and the Host Club came to his house. Or, the one where Tamaki (and the Host Club) paid a visit to Kyouya's house when he was having a brunch with his father.
  • Comments: A very brilliant take of Kyouya's relationship with Tamaki and the Host Club through the eyes of Yoshio Ootori. The relationship between Kyouya and his father is also expertly explored in an unexpected fashion.

Old Tangles, New Knots by Magician April Aries

  • Recommended by Gemini Star 00
  • Pairing(s): Kyouya/Kaoru, onsided Kaoru/Hikaru and Kyouya/Tamaki plus surprise Haruhi/Mori
  • Summary: Kaoru and Kyouya form a friendship as they're falling out of love. Surprisingly, they find that they honestly enjoy each others' presence - perhaps a little too much.
  • Comments: A rare-ish main pairing, and most welcome for those of us who like thinking that Kaoru and Kyoya quietly got together int the background of the manga. On top of that, it's well-written, true to the series, in-character, and even manages the right mix of drama, comedy, and utter sap that makes the manga so enjoyable.

Through Blindness by Kage No Neko

  • Recommended by Max300frk
  • Pairings(s): Tamaki/Haruhi
  • Summary: A freak accident on a Host Club excursion one Saturday caused Haruhi to go blind! Each member pitches in to help her, but Tamaki finds this opportunity with a blind Haruhi an eye-opening experience: he's not her father. So, will Haruhi be unlucky?
  • Commentary: Written pretty well with bits of humor thrown into it. This is a really good depiction of Tamaki and Haruhi's relationship with each other. The chapters are pretty lengthy.

To the Complaint by Hated Love 6

  • Recommended by Marlee Cross
  • Pairings: Ranka/(Male)OC with side Tamaki/Haruhi.
  • Summary: A stranger 'saves' Ryoji and upon waking up, his savior acts like a jerk. When he finds out why, he ends up feeling pity for the guy. Well this guy doesn't want pity, but he does want something else.
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