< Most Wonderful Sound

Most Wonderful Sound/Video Game

Let's face it now, you can't make a good game without this trope.

"Carrier has arrived."
"Battlecruiser... operational."
"Nuclear launch detected." (So long as one isn't on the receiving end.)
"Adun Toridas."
"Evolution complete."
"My life for Aiur."
"Upgrade complete."
(using stimpack) "OH YEAAAAHHH!"
"It is a good day to die!"
"You called down the thunder . . ."
". . . Now reap the whirlwind!"
"Never know what hit 'em."
"Ready to roll out!"
"Let's burn."
"Khassar de Templari"
"Gimme something to shoot."
"You wanna piece of me boy?"
"I read ya... sir."
"Nuclear missile ready."
"Somebody call for an exterminator?"
"SCV good to go, sir!"
"Your warriors have engaged the enemy!"

    • Sound effects:

Dragoon death
Science Vessel death
Dragoon death
Carrier death
Dragoon death

Battlecruiser death

Dragoon death

Lurker death

Dragoon death

Psi Storm

Dragoon death

Drone/Probe/SCV death

Dragoon death


Dragoon death


Dragoon death

The sound of many, many Siege Tanks entering siege mode. Congratulations, you just won.

^Especially when coupled with dragoon death.

Lots of interceptors firing, so long as you're not the one being attacked by them.

Dragoon death

The sound of SCVs mining minerals.

Dragoon death

    • In Starcraft 2

"Thor is here!"
"KABOOM baby!"
"The grim reaper has arrived."
"Ready to plunder."
"Who called in the fleet?"
"From the shadows I come."
"I am here in the shadows."
Dragoon death

    • And, of course, Swann's guitar riff that plays when you get new shiny toys to play with.
  • Similarly for the Command & Conquer series.

"A-Bomb ready"

"Ion Cannon ready"

The sound of a Tiberium Wars era Ion cannon building up to that final blast

"Mwahahaha" (Tanya has arrived)

"Unit promoted"

"Mammoth Tank assembled"

Mammoth Mark 3: "Unrivaled."

"MARV assembly complete"

"Unit firepower/speed/armour upgraded"

"I'm the Juggernaut!"

The sound Scrin buildings make when teleported in, to be honest, any build sound in the series would count.


"Supreme Time Bomb ready!"

"Final Squadron Omega ready!"

"Orbital Downpour ready!"

"Cryogeddon ready!"

"Kirov reporting!"

"It is day of judgement!"

"Bringing down the hammer!"

"Proton Collider ready"

"Warning! A Proton Collider has been activated!"

"Reinforcements have arrived!"

"Troopers in the field!"

"I got a present for ya!"

"The Day of the Shogun has arrived!"

"Aircraft Carrier leaving port."

"Gunship, all checked out."

"That was left handed!"

"Nuclear weapon... available"

"New construction options" (So long as you don't have that bug that makes it constantly say it)


"Global Defense Initiative/Brotherhood of Nod selected. To play the Brotherhood of Nod/GDI missions, please insert the Nod/GDI disk."


"Ready to unleash eleven barrels of hell!"


"I am Khaela Mensha Khaine."

"Think they broke our backs? Pfah!" Rock on, little cannon fodder. Rock on.

Quoth the Baneblade driver: "Who's dying now?!"

From the Tau Ethereal: "We act as one, lest we perish alone." (This indicates the exact point where Tau morale climbs to Space Marine levels.)

Likewise from the same character, "Kor'el, fire orbital artillery!"

"All Missiles! AWAY!''" (followed by huge explosion)

Say it with me: "WAAAAAGGHHHH!"

"Death From Above!"

"Apothecary ready."

"Death or Healing. I care not which you seek!" (I will give you either)

"Heh heh heh... they do not have a prayer."

"Die! Die! DIE!"

"Let the grenades fly!"

"Puny Eldar. You can send 'alf da Boyz 'ome!"

"This battle calls for massive firepower"

"Many are called. Few survive."

"Forward, you dogs, to victory!"

"You cannot stand against me!"

"Rise up and strike them down!"

    • The splat of a Chaos Space Marine when summoning a Bloodthirster / making your Chaos Lord ascend to a Daemon Prince, and the following roar.
    • KILL! KIIIILLL!! when the Khorne Berzerkers enter the battlefield.
    • The German voice of the Imperial General is just pure Badass. I don't know if this is true in the English version, as well.
    • The sequel's lines from Cyrus as he uses the sniper rifle ability go well with the soon-to-be One-Hit Kill.
      • And many of the things said by Avitus, because he has such a great voice.
    • The words I HAVE AWOKEN and TERMINATORS READY hold a special place in the heart of a Space Marine player. As does HAHAH. THEY WILL NOT LAST THE NIGHT.
  • Call of Duty:
    • For older fans everyone with a pair of functioning ears, the first game's theme tune. Hearing it being played as you mow down Nazis in the Reichstag took the awesome factor way up.
      • Ditto for United Offensive's theme.
    • Both games have some of the best gun sounds in the history of gaming.
      • The rifles sound especially amazing.
    • The first Modern Warfare's theme tune and the distinctive, Ear Worm guitar riff in the Marine campaign being played means that something insanely epic is about to happen.
    • MacMillan's and Gaz's voices.
    • The sound of a Barrett .50 sniper rifle being fired.
    • "Tactical nuke, turn the key."
    • The awesome guitar riff that plays when you level up.
    • "FRIENDLY AC-130 ABOVE!"
    • "AGM Missile is online."
    • From Zombies:
      • All of the powerups could count, but hearing "Max Ammo!!" easily takes the top spot. Especially in later rounds.
      • The Cymbal Monkey tune.
      • The sound of the Wunderwaffe firing, because a whole bunch of zombies just fried.
      • When a player pulls a wonder weapon (monkeys, Wuderwaffe, ray gun, etc...) from the Mystery Box there is a brief tune that plays over the map. Regardless of whether or not you're the one who got the weapon, it means that a bunch of zombies are in for a bad day.
  • The Zelda opening theme.
    • The 'get heart container' fanfare.
      • And those 'bloop' sounds you get when your life meter is refilling.
    • The 'boss defeated' fanfares.
    • In The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time, the fanfare that plays when you receive a Medallion. Most satisfying sound ever.
    • Don't forget the short jingle that plays in The Legend of Zelda Links Awakening when you finally recover your sword, leading into the first of TWO TIMES in the game you hear the overworld theme start with a full-blown 8-bit fanfare! (The other time is when you start to take Marin with you.)/
      • That's not the only time the sword's music becomes this. Go ahead, go back and play just about any of the Zelda games that include the Master Sword in its usual role, and try saying that this doesn't count as Most Wonderful Sound.
      • (This is of course just a drawn-out, more dramatic version of the “DA-NA-NA-NAAAAAAAAAA!” sound referred to above.)
    • The "you've just solved a puzzle!" eight-note jingle. It even appears in Super Mario 3D Land in World 5-2.
    • This troper loves the snapping "pow!" sound made in The Legend of Zelda the Wind Waker, The Legend of Zelda Phantom Hourglass, and The Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks when the final blow is struck on an enemy.
    • The dimension-changing sound in Zelda 3.
      • The Duck Flute Song when all seems lost...
    • This troper was quite dissapointed that the mask get! fanfare from The Legend of Zelda Majoras Mask was not heard in any other game.
    • Who can not love that little jingle that plays when the boss you're fighting is stunned, allowing you to hack and slash at it?
    • Don't forget every noise Midna makes, ever. (Yes, even her screams!)
    • The Spirit Train's chugging in the title of Spirit Tracks.
    • In Twilight Princess, the sound of Midna's B (for the Wii) attack when you're in wolf form. There's just something satisfying about the sound of jumping through multiple enemies in a row.
    • Zrackow!
    • The Gold Skulltula token fanfare.
    • How 'bout the noise bosses make when they take damage in the 2D games?
  • The Trioptimum Sound in System Shock.
    • "L-l-look at you, hacker" - SHODAN
    • Just about anything said by SHODAN, really.
  • From the same studio, Looking Glass, comes the legendarily atmospheric Thief series - the jingly "found loot" sound always gives one a warm, snuggly feeling, but the "objective complete/secret found" noise is, quite simply, an orgasm for your ears.
  • Bonk-series have some of these. Who doesn't love that booming, high-sirened sound when Bonk eats a slab of spicy meat and his head explodes away?
    • Not to mention that loud BOOM-sound that can be heard when you hit the enemy in Bonk's Revenge. Especially if you fall on them head on.
  • The CODEC sound always seems to get a reaction. The "Video Games Live" concert took advantage of this, as did the Super Smash Bros. Brawl trailer that introduced Snake.
    • Interestingly, this is also an entry in the Most Annoying Sound trope. Particularly due to the second Solid game, where the call is usually your girlfriend calling to whine at you.
    • Everything David Hayter has to say, with special mention to his various reactions to food in Snake Eater. "Tasty," indeed.
  • The Hammer theme, from Donkey Kong, most recently in Super Smash Bros.. No matter how great the music for the current stage is, no one seems to mind when someone picks up that hammer and the jingle starts to play, though that might just be because they're running for their lives...
    • The Golden Hammer music in Brawl even more so.
    • For any player without the golden hammer, the noise upon finding that it is, in fact, a squeaky hammer is bliss.
    • However, the hammer theme quickly becomes dreadful in Smash if your hammer's head comes off.
    • "PLAYER ONE DEFEATED!" At least when you're Player Two.
    • Any sound a player makes when flying off stage, particularly if they make their exit Team Rocket-Style.
      • Especially the scrumptious KREENG! from a Home Run Bat connecting with its target. Usually accompanied by said victim speeding away from the match at speeds quick enough to rip open a hole in the time-space continuum.
      • Alternatively, hitting someone with a 9 as Game & Watch. KRRRREEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNGGG! dingalingaling
      • Or Luigi's Fire Jump Punch, or Jigglypuff's Rest, or Ness's side smash. All of those also make the KREEEEEEEEEENNNNGG!
        • Ness' side smash, as of Brawl. no longer makes the KRREEENG! sound. It does, however, make a satisfyingly meaty KRACK upon contact.
    • Falcon.....PUNCH!!!!!!
      • Ganon's Warlock Punch has the most badass battle roar of all time, even though the move is so slow that its only use is to taunt your opponent. GGRRRRAAAAAAGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
    • My favorite sound from Super Smash Bros Melee is that of two Links doing spin attacks simultaneously. It just sounds so cool.
    • PK... Starstooooorm!!! *Flaming death from the sky*
    • Meta Knights normal A attack. HIYAYAYAYAYA!
    • Peach hitting any character (devastating only if it's you) with the frying pan smash. DYOINK!
    • The beam noise from Brawl's Spear Pillar stage. Especially if someone is caught in it. Even if that someone is you, because that sound is just so awesome.
    • Game! (Or for those playing in Japanese, Game set!)
    • "Show me your moves!"
    • "Now I'll show you! HHHHHYYYAAAAHHHHH!!!!!...."
    • The sound of Luigi's Super Jump Punch OHKO is beautiful.
    • "This game's winner is..." "Captain Falcon!" ALWAYS.
    • The victory themes. All of them. The best of the best:
      • The Metal Gear one: dun dun da dun nun. DUN DUN DAH!
      • The Sonic the Hedgehog one. They really gave the guests the best ones.
      • The Mario Bros. one
      • The Pokémon one
      • The Mother/Earthbound one
      • The Wario one
      • The Kid Icarus one
    • All the wonderful little blips that Mr. Game and Watch makes as he moves around.
    • "BEHOOOOOLD..."
    • King Dedede landing after a Super Jump. THUD
      • Call me crazy, but I love it when all of the hits of King Dedede's up or down aerial connect. DOO-DOO-DOO-DOO-DOO!
    • One of the "unlocking" jingles from Brawl. It almost sounds like it could be in a Disney movie.
  • While we're on the subject of Donkey Kong, there's that delightful "BWAA!" sound that happens whenever you kill a Kremling in the Donkey Kong Country series.
    • Some of the burlier ones yell something like a deep "OGGGG!", which for me is doubly entertaining.
    • The delicious guitar solo that you get when completing the stage as Dixie Kong in the second game.
    • YMMV. Diddy Kong's monkey rap made entirely out of chimpanzee noises that ends with a small jingle that matches the level is awesome.
    • What about the faint humming sound of the ghost ropes in Ghostly Grove combined with Forest Interlude?
    • Or the sound of waves crashing combined with Tidal Terror. Makes the track go from "meh" to awesome.
  • Project Torque during drag races; nailing the right shift time will have the announcer guy say "perfect!" Nailing it absolutely spot on however, will have him say "PERRRFECT", with the R drawn out. It never gets old.
  • The "Evolution" theme from the Pokémon games. Nothing like, "Yes, a new Pokédex entry, and increased stats!" to excite a player of the games.
    • Also the little "Badge earned" fanfare.
    • And the TM fanfare, which originated in Pokémon Gold and Silver and almost always plays after the one for badges.
    • Not to mention the "bling-bling" that sounds when you find a shiny Pokemon.
    • In the newer versions, the "you're about to go into a battle" music changes when you encounter one of the legendary Pokemon. This sound becomes all the more wonderful if you've been trying to chase down a Legendary Dog all afternoon.
    • The exhilarating fanfares (of which there are two in the series; one in the first generation, their remakes, and Emerald, and another in every other game) that follows a wild Pokémon catch. That just sets the sense of accomplishment into stone and seals the moment. As of Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen it is preceded by a little "click" sound, right when you successfully catch a new Pokémon, which is made all the sweeter if it's a Pokémon that you've been trying to catch for a while. Even though Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire didn't have the clicking (and were the last games not to), Game Freak backported it to those games' setting with Emerald.
      • Heck, the *dink dink dink* of the Poké Ball rocking three times immediately before the *click* is pretty damn sweet, too, especially on something with a low catch rate.
      • This troper even feels that each wiggle is a Most Wonderful Sound of its own when facing legendaries. After seemingly endless Ultra Balls that don't do jack, just hearing that first wiggle, even if the Pokemon later breaks free, is a nice relief from the monotony of constant zero-wiggle balls.
      • The sound of a critical capture in Black and White is pretty awesome, too-- even if it's something that would be easy to catch, it's still a pleasant surprise to hear "Dink! Click!" instead of hearing the ball bounce three times.
    • Shiiiing!
    • That's nothing compared to the Stadium games' Cup completion theme. That one actually makes my shoulders tingly.
    • The exciting "Badatash!" sound that accompanies a Super Effective hit is either this if you're scoring it, or Nightmare Fuel if it's what hits you.
    • Heck, most of the Pokémon music becomes this, especially the music played after you beat another trainer.
    • Many of the Gen. I Pokémon's cries are so nostalgic that a lot of older players will think of them as this. There's nothing like hearing your Charizard 'roar' once again.
    • Starting from Gen II, a meter shows your Pokemon's EXP progress towards the next level. When your Pokemon gains EXP, the meter goes up, accompanied with a sound. If you get a lot of EXP, the tone of this sound increases as it goes up, creating a nice "Wooo!" sound. And, of course, when it hits the end of the meter... "Ding!" "Do do-do-do!" Enjoy your increased stats (and potential new move/evolution).
    • The new "low HP warning", a nice piece of music instead of that annoying alarm.
    • Any new music that is a variation on the old, familiar tunes. Recognizing a familiar theme, even all fancied up, in a new game for the first time feels like coming home. It's like the game is telling you, "It's all right. No matter how much they've changed, this is still Pokemon. Let's have an adventure, old friend."
    • The Opposing Trainer is in a Pinch!, from Black and White, which plays when the Gym Leader is down to his or her last Mon.
  • The Goldeneye 007 intro at the part where the Nintendo logo rushes in. Here.
  • In Killer Instinct, the sound of Jago doing his kick special move. OOORAAHHHHH!!!
    • AWESOME Combo!
    • MASTER Combo!
    • Kiiiing Combo!
    • C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER! (Unless it's the CPU bug that allows it to break a combo that hasn't started yet.)
  • In God Hand, Gene's enthusiastic "HEY!"
    • *whistle* "Nice!" "I love it!" "Heh heh!"
    • Also, any sound effects that play whenever Gene's winding up for an attack from the Roulette Wheel. You already know it's gonna be good, and makes it infinitely more satisfying once your attack hits to spectacular effect.
  • In any RPG that has a level up sound... it's obvious.
    • The shouted chant by the barbarian choir in Skyrim. In fact, anytime the barbarian choir chants or sings, something awesome is about to happen.
      • Also from Skyrim, the "cthunk" sound effect that marks a successful sneak attack.
    • Ta-dalala from Fire Emblem is just lovely...
    • To that end, in World of Warcraft, it can only be described as... DING!
      • It's actually more like BOOSH! (and often accompanied by the "ba-BUM!" of a completed quest). People say "ding" as a holdover from Everquest, where it did actually go "ding."
      • It's more of a gong.
      • Made even better when you install the rare Cool Level Up addon, which adds a theme music and a stats screen.
      • It Gets Better! When you hit a Milestone Level, the CLU addon switches up the music to what can be described as the most beautiful cacophany only comparable to fifteen beautiful virgin princesses in heat.
    • In Final Fantasy XI, leveling up rewards you with the iconic victory chime of the past games. No better way to celebrate.
    • City of Heroes has its own little triumphant fanfare.
      • The Mission Complete fanfare is awesome as well. Villain players even get a somewhat more sinister version of the jingle.
    • Not technically an RPG, but the level up "jingle" in Call of Duty 4 is actually a brief heavy metal guitar/drums riff.
    • "Skill training completed."
    • Fallout 3's cash register "cha-ching!" after gaining exp. is gleefully sadistic and very visceral. That and the army-four-beat-drum "Level Up" sound.
      • Sadly in Fallout: New Vegas the experience gain sound was changed to a bowel-loosening bass hit. Very irritating when clearing out large groups of weak enemies.
    • The Pipboy's Level up Chirp from Fallout 1 & 2. It's amazing how such a little chirp can bring so much happiness.
    • Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines has a single strum of a guitar as its "gained XP" sound. Sound clips that are fractions of a second rarely give such a pleasurable feeling.
    • The 'bwoooong' gong sound from Jade Empire.
  • The Need for Speed series, knowing perfectly well that revving engines are like classical music to a car fan, takes great measures in making sure the engines sound way louder and much more powerful than in real life. The Porsche Carrera GT, for example, sounds like a Formula 1 car, while the older muscle cars from Carbon have a very deep growl.
    • Actually, the Carrera GT sounds just like that. They didn't have to amp it at all - look it up on YouTube. Of course, it is presuming that the microphone which hears the engine is where the driver's head should be - but that's just perfect. Incidently, the Porsche Carrera GT is the coolest car in all fucking Creation.
    • The sound that accompanies the freeze-frame when spotted by a cop means Crowning Music of Awesome is about to start, and that it's time to floor it, and floor it hard.
    • Hot Pursuit 2010's turbo sound before and during use.
      • Along with that, between hitting the button to use it and before it triggers, there is a lack of sound from everything except for sirens. Sometimes it's a lack of sound that makes a wonderful sound better. On the contrary, the jammer also mutes sound for a few split moments if triggered while being locked on by an E.M.P.
      • The car startups on the car selection menu, despite being over-exaggerated, are incredible.
      • Have a set of pedals or a 360 controller that has gas mapped to the trigger? You can make the engine growl by holding the handbrake (keeping the car in neutral) and then pressing the trigger/petal slightly.
    • The BMW M3 GTR after you beat Razor. That engine's song is orgasmic.
  • Likewise, both Microsoft Train Simulator developers and modders know that for every train or locomotive there is someone who thinks its engine sound is the most wonderful one in the world. As a result, they pay very special attention to reproducing the real sounds -- even the downloadable Paris Métro MP89 has the squeak it makes when leaving the station.
  • The *Vrmm-KRSSK* of picking up an Energy Sword.
    • On the subject of Halo, THE THEME MUSIC. Oh, god. When fans hear that, they know that there will be much ass-kicking. And they will scream for joy.
    • PA'WOON! The sound the rocket launcher makes.
      • That theme is so beautiful that people who hate Halo have to admit it's pretty much the most epic piece of music ever created.
    • Revenge! Double Kill! Triple Kill! Overkill! Killtacular! Killing Spree! Killtrocity! Killamanjaro! Killtastrophe! Killpocaplyse! Killionaire! Killing Frenzy! Running Riot! Rampage! Untouchable! Invincible!
  • The Item Get sound in the Metroid series.
  • The sound when you get a cool in the Trauma Center series. From the same series, defeating any GUILT virus.
  • When Trombe overrides the BGM, expect The Mysterious Gourmet to show up and own the alien invader's mecha.
    • The level up sound in the Super Robot Wars Alpha series is so triumphant sounding it could used as shorthand for "You have gained levels in hotblooded badass!"
  • Some of the "Critical Hit" sounds from Baldur's Gate are immensely satisfying. Others... not so much.
    • And of course that godly voice:

"You must gather your party from venturing forth."

    • When you try to take Boo away from Minsc: SQUEEK!
    • Many of the spell chants are this:
      • "Insertas! Pulcher! Imperium!"
      • "Vita! Mortis! Coriolis!"
      • As well as the sound of Sarevok's "Deathbringer Assault"

"Death comes for you! Feel its icy breath!" *thwack*

"Jobs done!" / "Work complete." / "Your building is complete." / "Summoning is complete."
"Research complete."
"Mortaaaar Combaaaaat!!!" (Mortar Team trained)
"It's hammer time!" (Gryphon Rider trained)
"I smell magic in the air..." (Spell Breaker trained)
""Storm, Earth and Fire, heed my call!" *Dramatic Thunder!* (Shaman trained)
"On the great winds I come." (Druid of the Talon trained)
Dinnnng... booooooooom (Flame Strike sound effect)
and more, inlcuding most Heroes' arrival quotes and a lot of Stop Poking Me quotes...

    • Anything said by Grom Hellscream: "Slice and Dice!"
  • For anyone who has a certain boss mod for World of Warcraft, when you defeat a boss, it plays the Final Fantasy Fanfare music. Ahh, sweet sounds of victory.

Nefarian:This cannot be! I am the master here! You mortals are nothing to my kind DO YOU HEAR? NOTHING!!!
Archimonde: No! It cannot be! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

  • From Doom:
    • The gong sound when you get a power-up (Soul Sphere, Computer Map, Partial Invisibility, etc.).
    • The sound of the BFG charging up and releasing that lovely green ball of obliteration, generally followed by dozens of death throes. Made even sweeter in 3, unless you're fighting Sabaoth... The Doom 3 Shotgun's Dramatic Gun Cock is also very nice (but unfortunately it doesn't compensate for the abysmal pellet spread).
    • The super shotgun. It lets off this wonderful BOOM and causes what's in front of you to crumple up and die. The reloading sounds are similarly rewarding.
  • The GET!! riff from No More Heroes. What makes it so satisfying is that the first few notes are the same as the Get riff, but GET!! lets you know that you can finally take a break from looking for those silly little balls for a while. So, really, the wonderful part is when the riff continues after those first few notes.
    • Any sounds, quotes or death cries involved in making a kill are VERY satisfying.
    • MY SPLEEN!
    • NononononoAUUUUGH!
    • And on Travis' end: "FUCK YOU!" and "YOU'RE A JOKE!"
    • Let's not forget the wonderful VWUNAUH!! that emits from your Wiimote speaker during a finishing blow's slow-mo part.
    • do-DO-do-do! ("recharge complete" jingle)
  • The sound that exemplifies impending ass-kicking is the original, iconic Quad Damage sound from Quake.
    • Not sure why, but the BOOM-chk-chk sound of the Super Shotgun in Quake II is immensely satisfying.
    • Doing something of a criteria I assume is 'awesome' in Quake III Arena, for example headshotting a guy with a Railgun one second before he captures your flag and getting a genuine "HOLY SHIT" from the voiceover.
    • The music that plays whenever you have a boss fight in Quake 4.
      • On that note, how about the music that plays during the final boss fight?
  • OBJECTION!!! Cue the Cornered theme!
    • Take That!
    • HOLD IT! Additionally, the player gets to shout said Most Wonderful Sounds into the DS mic.
    • Desk slamming. (Or in Klavier's case, wall slamming.)
    • Also, possibly the only example of a Most Wonderful LACK of Sound: when the music stops after you've made an objection, letting you know that you didn't screw up.
    • Also, the Suspense theme, which lets you know, be it during investigation or trial, that something big is about to be revealed.
      • And the Objection theme that starts up when your player character points out the flaw in the witness's testimony.
    • Also, there's the "Jingle" that plays every time you unlock a chapter or finish a portion.
    • The steel samurai theme is epically awesome in this tropers opinion.
    • In the Japanese version, Manosuke Naitou rolls the r in "Igiari!", the Japanese equivalent of "Objection!". It sounds... amazing.
    • That wonderful, wonderful sound of your health bar refilling. Especially in Investigations when you get all of your health back.
  • HOW DO YOU LIKE ME NOW?!? Cue multiple waves of explodey doom for everything onscreen.
  • Mega Man 2's boss select jingle. Da-da-da-daaaa-dadada-da-da-daaaaaaa-dadadada----dadadada----dadadadadaaadaaadaaaaaa!
    • That or the boss introduction jingle. Da-da da, da-da da, da d-d-d-d-d-daaaa!
    • Anyone who's played Mega Man X will remember the "Charge" sound effect, heard to great extent in Zero's introduction: Brrrrrrraaaaaaaa-ZAOW! *cue Zero's theme*
    • The death sound, when it's Mega Man dying, is a Most Annoying Sound. When it plays due to a Robot Master dying, it's this instead.
    • The sound of the Metal Blades when you throw them. It sounds like...smiting your enemies.
  • Oddly enough, this troper seems to find Mega Man Star Force 3's Bonus Boss Sirius' Satellite Blazer attack's extremely loud and high-pitched intializing screech more satisfying than nearly any other sound. If it's on his end, and you have Airshoes or are Finalized, and have that massive damage card ready, and just wait for him to land, a good chunk of his HP comes off. If it's on your end, the enemy's going to take massive damage and isn't going to be moving anywhere for a while. Then again, those are just bonuses. The sound itself has caused this troper to rewind videos and turn up the volume JUST because of how awesome it is.
  • The sexy female computer voice whenever you enter a VS's cockpit in Lost Planet: System online. Initializing. Why, hello, beautiful.
  • Street Fighter:

Mission Start!

"The mark of my dignity shall scar thy DNA."

"Let my be the blesser of AAAALLLL SOULS"

"Kneel before your MASTER!"

    • And IV's Seth, the nude and bleach-white corporate executive with a Yin-Yang for a stomach, who stole all his moves from the other fighters, and improved on them:

"Let's take this to the next level!"

"Become a part of me!"

"I won't soil my memory banks with your weakness."

"Fear not. Your data shall live on in me for eternity."

"Behold the power that is the TANDEM ENGINE!"

Dan's "YAHOO!"

  • Giggle* "Yatta!"

"METSu...HADOOOUKEN!! First super I could pull off with consistency.

  • Kirby's eat sound.
    • Marx Soul's death scream from Kirby Super Star Ultra.
    • Kirby 64's invincibility music.
    • The sound of the bosses going asplode.
    • Any jingle in Kirby-game referring on copying an ability.
      • Best ones are the jingles used in Superstar and Advance-games.
      • Kirby's Dream Land 3 has a great one, which would later be used as a reward for drawing a "very pretty" picture in Kirby Canvas Curse's very difficult Paint Panic minigame.
    • The Kirby Dance jingle. Never gets old.
    • The jingle that plays when you get an energy sphere in Return to Dreamland. The variation that plays when you have collected all energy spheres in a stage is even more satisfying.
  • Earthbound's SMAAAAAAAAASH! sound effect caused a few smiles.
    • The SQUISH sound when you auto-frag an enemy.
  • The "Cyan Theme" opening in Myst.
  • Max combo! What a crazy mix! Also, the level-up sound.
    • "Amazing! Is it possible?!"
    • DJMAX Technika: The rank-in jingle.
  • The rewind sound in DJ Hero.
    • "Ooo...that's fast!"
  • The extra stage alarm in Dance Dance Revolution, as well as "Wow! It's a new record!"
    • The DJ/announcer in the Hottest Party series gets increasingly impressed as you go further along the combo count. "200 combos!", "300 combos!", (surprised) "400 combos!", (impressed) "500 combos!, (practically worships you now) "600 combos!!"
    • Plus the audience cheering for you if you're doing well always brings a smile to my face, and makes me more confident!
    • "Can I call you a dancing master?", the announcer's response to a AAA.
  • CHOOOMMM! the Apple start up sound.
  • The "Quest Complete" trumpet fanfare from Neverwinter Nights, sadly replaced by a weak little "bing" in the sequel.
  • "FfyoooOOOP". Goggles go on. Goggles go off. Goggles go on. Goggles go off.
  • EXTEND!! (This written reminder is almost as well known as the sound effect for an extra life that happens at the same time. Especially welcome when you're going for a 1-credit clear.)
    • The slightly different sound you hear when a boss's life bar is almost depleted, and for that matter, the sound of a defeated boss "exploding"
    • The noise made while grazing bullets.
    • Marisa's Master Spark.
    • For some, the wailing klaxons that signal a spellcard from Utsuho Reuji, because it's a different sound than usual and makes for an awesome effect. Of course, since she's the final boss, this also brancches into This Is Gonna Suck territory.
    • Or the alarm of the last seconds of the spellcards.
    • That sound effect when you get Full Power, which means ass kicking can commence.
  • The "fft fft fft" noise from Free Cell Solitaire.
  • The new challenger siren from Super Smash Brothers.
  • The sound of game consoles starting, which is their way of saying "And now we're going to have some fun." Have a montage.
    • Conspicuously absent from above video: The simple yet elegant startup for the original monochrome Game Boy. The Nintendo logo descends from the heavens, alights gracefully, two notes sound, and the magic begins. This troper can't understand why this hasn't been implemented in any Game Boy emulator out there.
      • Would be best to have it opt-in, as waiting five seconds seems like an eternity in today's world...
    • The Xbox 360's startup sound even made a cameo in the first Transformers film, when the various machines and mechanical devices began coming to life.
    • The new xbox also has a pretty sweet "tray open" sound.
  • The gold medal sound in Burnout 3: Takedown. It becomes even more wonderful in close finishes.
    • The slowed-down whoosh sound when you get a takedown. Even better if it's accompanied by the clicking of a camera.
  • The beam weapons in Freespace 2 make this nice charging sound when they are about to fire.
  • In any Final Fantasy game, victory in battle, from the lowliest goblin to the strongest Omnicidal Maniac, is accompanied by the classic jingle. "DADADA-DAAA-DA-DA-DADADAAAAAH!" Yes!
    • Even better, the 'KASH-KASH-Kkkkkkssssshhhhh' sound bosses make upon defeat. The worse off your party is, the better it sounds.
    • Particularly impressive in Final Fantasy XII, where the free-roaming field encounters mean that there's no battle theme or the aforementioned jingle. Therefore, when you hear "Victory Fanfare" after defeating a plotline boss (or a few special Marks or Espers) it means something.
      • And on that note, the whooosh-slam! of seeing that wonderful "[Mark's name] Vanquished" message getting stamped on the screen.
    • Final Fantasy VII. "kssht-WHAAAHH!" Awesomeness will usually ensue.
      • VII's take on Ultima. Chemical Warfare has never been so awesome.
      • The music that plays when you land in the Church in the slums for the first time. After having fought a hard boss battle, and a gripping scene where Cloud falls to what seems like it should be his death, the music is just the most serene thing ever. It's like the game is saying, "don't worry, things will be alright."
    • Final Fantasy VI. Playing as Terra, hitting Trance, hearing the wonderfully simple sound: "Shiiing!", and knowing that everything is going to die.
      • To say nothing of the sound of a perfectly-executed Bum-Rush: "BYOO-BYOO-BYOO-BYOO-BYOO-BYOO-BYOO-BYOO!"
      • And the sound of an Esper being summoned: "ZZOON! Ssing!"
      • Not to mention the maniacal, but awesome laugh of Kefka himself. Already 16 years old, and it never fails to impress.
      • Cyan's and Shadow's themes.
    • Final Fantasy X: Sometimes you know you've won the battle even before the music, because the character who delivers the final blow will speak. These lines include "Oopsie!" (Rikku), "See ya!" (Tidus), "Booya!" (Wakka) and "Farewell." (Auron)
    • The sound when a critical hit connects. You can feel the power surging.
    • Anything Auron says.
  • Shinra's cute, squeaky walking sound and the 'Mission Complete' theme in Final Fantasy X-2.
  • The 'five-star' victory theme in XIII-2.
  • There was a special short musical cue that played just a few times during Final Fantasy IV. Since these were pivotal, Crowning Moment of Awesome type occasions, this cue was hugely satisfying to hear.
  • The ear-splitting scream when Zalera performs his Dismissal move. Doubles as Nightmare Fuel, rather rare for this trope.
  • A lot of the voice clips/audio cues for characters' attacks and super modes in Dissidia Final Fantasy fall under this or Oh Crap depending on whether or not it's your character doing the action cued. But let's assume that it is you!
  • Sound in the Robin Hood game for the Atari XL/XE is so cheesy it's awesome. Especially The death sound. Sssss Bshhhhhhh!
  • Star Wars: Empire at War and it expansion has few:
    • Bombing run... Available.
    • Bombardment Available.
    • (Ion or Hypervelocity) Cannon... Firing.
    • Enemy base will be in range in
    • The sound of either Death Star about to fire.
  • Company of Heroes, as either Wermachet Terror Doctrine or Panzer Elite Tank Destroyers Tactics: "An elite heavy panzer is now available, deploy at your convenience." The sound of said elite panzer exploding has the same effect on the Allied players. The sound of a Calliope firing its rocket battery or a P-51 Mustang dropping bombs also tend to be favourites for American players.
    • "German steel."
    • "Pershing ready." or, better yet, "Like a steel ghost..."
    • "Artillery, firing for effect."
    • The distinct, unmistakable katakatakata of Thompson submachine guns, which signifies the Ranger submachine gun upgrade. Nightmare Fuel for Axis players.
    • And to counter that the German's have these weapons of mass-destruction:

Axis Company Commander: Elite Panzer Deployed. (Mind you that said Elite Panzer is either a Tiger Ace or King Tiger
Axis Company Commander: Blitzkrieg Assault is under way!
Axis Company Commander: Assault Reserves deployed (AKA. TIGER TANK!)

Axis Company Commander: V1 Rocket is en-route to target.

Axis Company Commander: Incendiary Attack Is on it's way, the whole area will be in flames.

Axis Company Commander: Heavy Rocket Battery requesting target coordinates.

Axis Company Commander: Rocket Battery has the target, initiating firing sequence.

  • The music that plays when you gain a rank in Call of Duty 4, or when you complete a challenge.
    • The Russian victory theme in online counts too.
  • Team Fortress 2 has oh so many, starting with the music that plays when you dominate opponents or get revenge and, as of your chosen class's update, the sarcastic comment your character makes afterward, especially the Scout's.
    • Heck, even opponents' domination/revenge lines are fun to listen to and make getting pwned into a more lighthearted affair. Not to mention they tend to keep the players themselves from mocking you over voice chat, which... usually does the exact opposite.
    • Wa-nanananana
    • Gentlemen....
    • Chk. Vrmmm, crackle. "I am fully charged! / Get zem! Raus, raus!" (Assuming it's your Medic, not theirs...)
    • CHING! CHINGCHINGCHINGZAP! (Critical Hit noises, aka 3x damage dealt)
      • As a Pyro, the regular "CHING! CHING! CHING!" of a Jarate'd opponent getting mini-critted automatically, every half-second after being set on fire is especially fun. This troper actively and even suicidally pursues Jarate'd opponents just to try to make this happen.
        • The CHING! sound is used if the hitsound option is turned on. Makes this hopelessly low accuracy troper rejoice when he hears that sound. (Though the over lap of the sound for a Level 2 Sentry/Flamethrower/Backburner hit blast could fall into Most Annoying Sound territory.)
    • BONK!
    • That loud, satisfying crunch you somehow hear when you score a hit with the Huntsman.
      • Detonating sticky bombs. bip-bip *BOOM*
    • "Ending Flourish", the jingle played upon winning a round.
    • When you use the "Show on HUD" option for certain achievement, you can hear a satisfying "DING!" every time you... achieve a part of it.
      • Speaking of achievements, how about the sound that plays when you finally complete an achievement?
    • On capturing enemy intelligence as a Soldier: "This is MY intelligence!"
    • The woosh made when a pyro deflects a projectile, followed by the minicrit sound when it hits its original owner.
    • The air raid siren at the start of a (setup-requiring) round, signifying it's time to have fun.
      • Alternatively, the "Five...four...three...two...ONE!" that precedes it.
    • Anything the Sniper says. Anything.
    • If you're playing Soldier, you'll especially take delight when you hear a rocket crackle, which signifies it's Ludicrous Gibs time for the enemy team.
    • "I told you not to touch that darn thing!"
    • SPANG SPANG SPANG SPANG. YMMV whether this is also a Most Annoying Sound.
    • Hearing your backup arriving in the first installment.
    • The "level complete" jingle.
    • Skate's "grapple from behind" attack in the second game. BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG KA-CHACK
  • The Battletoads pause tune, which even had The Angry Video Game Nerd grooving to it (even though it's just a short looping drum beat.)
    • Also, the Konami pause jingle in its 8- and 16-bit era games.
  • The Classic Capcom Jingle
  • Da-ding! Your courage has greatly increased!
    • "shing oooaaah pft!" Thou art I...and I am thou...
    • "Ooh, ooh, can I have this one?" Yes, Chie. Yes you may.
    • "Welcome home, big bro!"
    • The All-Out Attack quotes are full of this. "I live for this part!" "It will end here!" "Out of our way!" And Teddie's simple "Raaaaaawwwwrrr!!"
  • The shiny "ting" sound from Diablo 2, alerting you to the presence of a gem fragment. Easily recognizable from across the room, and liable to cause a frantic clicking on treasure.
    • In the Lord of Destruction expansion, this is out-done by that lovely, bearly-audible sound of a pebble being rubbed across another pebble, indicating that a Rune has just been dispensed. Your mouth immediately starts watering as you scan the items to see what kind of Rune it was (the appropriate prayer at this point is "PLEASE GOD GIVE ME ZOD!!!!!").
  • Finding a secret item or hidden room in any Tomb Raider game plays a short jingle. Hearing it makes you excited to see what you've stumbled upon.
  • The sound of the Cougar Magnum firing in Goldeneye 007.
  • The roaring sound of your car's Dark Eco maxing out in Jak X, giving you better weapons (the oil slick bursts into flame). A subsequent wonderful sound is the coil gun firing, which has a harsh metallic edge to it. That is how fictional machine guns should sound.
  • The adorable scurrying sound the titular Knytt makes as he climbs up walls, only adds to his adorableness factor.
  • The emotionless, almost-seductive announcer from Melty Blood. "Round 1...FIGHT."
  • "You have conquered this realm!"
  • The sound of Nero gunning the motor on the Red Queen makes this troper grin like a fool every time. Sadly, the sound isn't quite audible enough to be heard in normal gameplay, but the sounds of a successful Instant Rev or MAX-Act make up for it.
  • The World Ends With You has a lot of these.
    • "Come back when you grow a pair!"
    • All of the Fusions
      • Shiki: "Ready to die?" Neku: "Then die!"
      • Shiki: "Neku, come on!" Neku: "Right behind you!!"
      • Shiki: "Go, Mr. Mew!" Neku: "Get 'em, Piggy!"
      • Joshua: "Follow my lead!" Neku: "Screw that!"
      • Joshua: "Work for you?" Neku: "What do you think?"
      • Neku: "Another world awaits..." Joshua: "...and you're going!"
      • Beat: "Pick it up, Phones!!" Neku: "I'm there!"
      • Beat: "The beat is on!!" Neku: "Bring it!"
      • Beat: "Let's start it up!!" Neku: "No, let's end it!"
    • The opening bars of "Twister"
    • The "Noise Erased!" and "Bling!" sounds.
    • The following lines are only spoken as each character recieves a fully-powered Light Puck, which means 5x damage.
      • Neku: "ANY LAST WORDS?!"
      • Shiki: "What a rush!"
      • Joshua: "Now we're talking."
      • Beat: "LET'S STEP IT UP!"
    • "So zetta slow!"
      • Everything that Sho says.
    • "Now, player, we play for KEEPS."
    • One word shall satisfy your soul. "...Composer..."
    • Can't forget Panthera Cantus. Even though it will turn into Most Annoying Sound at some point.
      • "Ah ha ha ha ha... ENJOY THE MOMENT!"
      • "Don't let limits slow you!"
    • Bikbokbok BIK! - The sound of landing a full four hit combo will never get old...
  • From Unreal Tournament:
    • "Headshot!"
    • "Double Kill!"
    • "Multi Kill!"
    • "ULTRA KILL!"
    • "MO-MO-MO-MONSTER KILL! Kill. Kill..."
    • "Ludicrous"
    • HOLY SHIT!
    • "Killing Spree!"
    • "Rampage!"
    • "Unstoppable!"
    • "GODLIKE."
    • "WICKED SICK!"
  • "The enemy is down! Let's finish this! You'll fall by my hand!"
    • Shinjiro's "Adios, asshole."
    • Junpei's "HA! TAKE THAT! HOME RUN!"
    • Aigis' "Hasta la vista!"
    • "The Path Is Open." This heavenly choir is heard only upon completing a Social Link path, and releasing the innermost powers of the Arcana.
      • The triple-bells sound when your responses have greatly pleased a Social Link character.
      • The chime that sounds every time a Social Link rank goes up.
    • "One More!"-- unless you're on the receiving end.
    • The "KA-SHINNNNG" sound that precedes an All-Out Attack.
    • The very satisfying *BZZT!* sound of Ziodyne/Thunder Reign, and Armageddon.
  • The whole of Robotron: 2084!
  • The whole Spheres of Chaos!
  • Virtually anything Crispin Freeman has ever said in an anime and a video game, but most of all...
  • Similarly, Mary Elizabeth McGlynn's voice is godly in any game.
    • For example, Nevan in Devil May Cry 3. "Sugaaarrrrr..." Also her shrieks when, and after, you knock her down.
  • Virtual On, when you fire a shot towards an enemy with low health, and suddenly... BAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAM (the noise of the enemy's Virtuaroid dying, especially against the final boss, but hearing this coming from your own character is Most Annoying Sound-worthy, if only because it means you have to insert another credit).
    • Just about everything said in the computer voice from Virtual On Operation Moongate/Oratorio Tangram, but especially Select your machine.
    • Even better is the "Flawless Victory" anthem, generally played while your Virtuaroid is doing their special Flawless Victory pose.
    • The sound of pulling off AND successfully connecting with Temjin's Gliding Ram or Viper II/Cypher's SLC Dive.
  • "Yeah, you're the master!" in Devil Kings.
    • "A devil...there's a devil amongst them!" "Non-Sense!" or practically anything said by the Devil King's army.
    • "Betturrrr." "Hahahaha! It burns LIKE PAPER!" for the Devil King himself.
    • In the new properly translated games? "How do you like to feel the dragon's claws... RIPPING YOUR FLESH!!"
  • The invincibility jingles from the Sonic the Hedgehog games. Which are, incidentally, usually based on the game's title theme. The Super Sonic mode of Sonic 3 & Knuckles uses the same music.
    • Also, the little "DLING" sound that plays whenever you get a ring.
    • The "BWANG" sound of the springs.
    • The 1-up noise, which is more of an epic five-second orchestra than a sound effect.
    • Sonic & Knuckles featured a very cool sound effect for charging lasers and teleporters. The developers must have liked it too, considering that it gets used at least once in every zone after the first.
    • The trailer for the new sonic show the full glory of the iconic sound effects from the original sonic games... REMASTERED! Most wonderful indeed (tears of joy)
    • Crrrrrack! Hooray, a new Chao!
    • Not sure if this just applies to me, but the noise the searchlight makes when you get caught in it in Sonic 06's White Acropolis. Fairly generic but damn epic.
    • A lot of the pinball levels are also noteworthy, as many of the objects have their own noises. Music Plant in Sonic Advance 2 takes this further by making a lot of the bouncy objects play a note, so you can almost create tunes by using the sound effects.
    • And, of course, the most beautiful sound of all: Chaos Emerald GET!
    • In my opinion, the sound the Sandopolis boss makes when it's body regenerates. bwunnunnunNEHNEHNEH...
    • 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... OPA!
      • 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... DRILL!
    • The goal ring sound in Colors. It's like the game's telling you, "You're almost there! You can do it!"
    • The "cha-ching!" sound that plays when you beat a levels in the classic games.
  • "Choose your destiny."
  • Huh-hee!
  • Anything Chopin says in Eternal Sonata.
    • Most of Falsetto's pre-Special Attack poetry.
    • Also almost anything March says[1].
  • "There he is!" from Time Crisis.
    • The "area cleared" sound.
    • "Action!"
  • (fwooooosh) REN-GEKI!!!
    • LOTUS FLOWER!!!11!
    • That delightful sound when doing Haseo's "Weapon Change" in Reminisce and Redemption (WAH-DOOOOONNNNG!)
  • Laharl's Evil Laugh from Disgaea. AAAAAAHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!
  • The Audible Sharpness coming from Yojimbo's blade when he pulls off a Zanmato. So very satisfying.
  • In Ace Online, the Level Grinding is so slow at the "endgame" levels from 70+ onwards, that whenever someone hears the Level Up! sound coming from their airframe, their whole brigade will hold a miniature celebration.
  • Star Ocean the Second Story
    • Claude's overenthuastic reaction to a level up:


"Shut up and DIE!"
"Hey, it's hot!"

"I will warm you up to your bones!"

Fayt: I feel stronger already...
Cliff: Moron! Know your enemy before you strike the first blow!
Nel: What goes around, comes around.
Albel: It's not the great who are strong. It's the STRONG who are GREAT!
Peppita: You got some good moves! I should introduce you to the circus master!
Roger: I may be small, but I'm no fry!
Maria: What a waste of time. Let's go.
Adray: You greenhorn! You still have a long way to go.
Mirage: They got what they deserved!

"Shot level up!" "Weapon level up!" "EXTEND!"


    • "It's PAYNE!"
  • 1-up!
  • Torus Trooper: The sound of a point-based time extension.
  • Speaking of which...TIME EXTENSION!
    • "The white flag is out! This is the final lap!" (Unless you're way in last place in a multiplayer round.)
  • Destroy them all!
    • Destroy the core!
    • The end of Gradius Gaiden stage 7: "Black hole vanished. Drive system switched to normal mode."
  • Tetris: The Grand Master has many: "Ready, go!", the sounds for each piece, the "grade up" sound, and the fireworks you get upon getting a Grand Master rank in TGM2.
  • Traviss has it right. When playing at maximum difficulty in Republic Commando, the sound of a larty is the sweetest sound you'll ever hear.
  • Space Invaders Extreme 2- after you win the bonus round: You may have won this time but this isn't the end! It's Fever Time!
    • That must feel good!
  • The "pewpewpewpewpew!" sound of a Miclus spewing out medals in Raiden Fighters. And the sound of it exploding (and giving you 100,000 points).
  • From Space Harrier: "Welcome to the Fantasy Zone! Get ready!"
  • The "Great Divine Intervention" music from Okami. It helps that it's always accompanied by cutscenes you're willing to play the game over again repeatedly just to watch. This Troper was rather angry at Waka for reviving the North Ryoshima Coast Guardian Sapling for her and cheating her out of a chance to hear that again.
    • Amaterasu's victory howl, accompanied by rousing Fanfare, is the perfect end to any boss fight. It's actually worked into the story, as her lack of confidence after Issun leaves causes her to cut off mid-howl after beating Yami's first form--the first clue that we're not quite done.
    • And of course, there's every time you find a clover. Praise please!
    • Don't forget the 'Stray Bead' fanfare. I was so obsessed with finding those things my ears masturbated to that sound.
    • Oh and that "oh!" sound Waka makes when he gets hit.
  • The Particle Projector Cannon's firing sound from Mechwarrior 4. Also, the LBX Autocannons... as long as you're not on the receiving end.
  • The sound of the ship taking off in Dark Forces.
  • "Welcome (back)...to the Stage of History!"
    • The minigun and (original) cannon sounds also have this effect.
  • TICK-tick. TICK-tick. TICK-tick ding ding ding ding ding ding...
    • Frog's Theme and Robo's Theme.
    • For this troper it's the Aura Whirl noise in CT, especially in the middle of a boss battle. Unless it's a boss that knows Hallation, in which case it's a deadly sound.
    • The sound effect of Luminaire.
    • Lucca's Theme. Even the remixes in Chrono Cross are made of absolute epic. Especially when you beat a difficult boss and hear THIS
    • The PWING! of Robo's Infinity Plus One Arm scoring a deadly crit.
      • Speaking of Robo, this troper has always found the computerized chattery-sound when Robo speaks to be all manner of adorable.
    • Nothing beats starting up Chrono Cross and waiting a minute or two at the title screen, just to hear this. Aaaahhh...memories.
  • Ketsui and Ketsui: Death Label: "Approach your target and attack! The mission starts now! Are you ready?" *cue boss theme*
  • Moonstone Cannon, FIRE!
  • Descent: The "Doink!" sound the game makes in multiplayer when an opponent dies.
  • The chime for earning a trophy on the Play Station 3
  • Ray Force: "This is the control tower. Make a left turn, over.
  • The PING-WHOOOOSH! sound after hitting a ball with Aluminum Power in Backyard Baseball, leading to some Crowning Music of Awesome.
  • Portal. Any time you fire a portal. Thwomp. There's just something incredibly satisfying about the sound your portal gun makes.
    • The sound of going through a portal, "psh-eek". It sounds better than it looks on text.
    • And, needless to say, just about anything GLaDOS says.
    • Five words: "It's been a looong time..."
    • "So. You found me. Was it worth it?" Yes, GlaDOS. Yes it was.
    • Whatever your chosen character says before the match.
    • DOWN!
      • AIR COMBO!
      • And that little opening jingle just before the match.
    • Also, the sound that many fighting games have whenever you do a super.
  • The sound of a K.O. in any fighting game.
  • The "ding-a-doo" chime in Sierra adventure games (such as Space Quest) telling you you've done something right.
  • The sounds in SaGa Frontier that play when you learn a new attack (accompanied by an Idea Bulb) and when 2 or more of your characters have just started up a Combination Attack. Sadly, the latter sound is ruined a bit by the fact that your ENEMIES can do it too (with the exact same sound, naturally), and when they do it, it usually means you're screwed.
  • The sound of the H-weapon in Contra III.
    • Also the first few notes of the first stage BGM.
  • Knights in The Nightmare: The short music that plays just before a round starts.
    • ENGAGE!
      • "YEEEAAAAH!"
  • Agents are... GO!
    • Are you ready? 3, 2, 1, GO!
      • ...YEAH!!!*clang**clang**clang* Mission Complete!
    • And of course, OUEN! DAI SEIKOU! It's even better in the sequel, where you even get a catchy tune whenever you pass all the cutscenes.
  • An inversion: In the Extreme-G games, breaking the sound barrier mutes the sound, leaving only a faint whooshing.
    • The Railgun in 3. Skreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-PYOW.
  • Armed Police Batrider: "WELCOME TO VIOLENT CITY."
  • The gentle clunk of a keyhole being locked in the first Kingdom Hearts game (especially at the end of a long or tricky stage.)
    • The vaguely squeaky toy-like sound that a lot of Heartless make when being hit.
    • The noises when you press A/X between the text boxes can only be described as "twit!"
    • Plus the menu noises. CLINK! binkbink... dwoo-oop.
    • "Light, give me power!"
    • The sound of a Cure spell being cast, which can best be discribed as a "woosh-shing". Especially when Donald casts it while you're critical and unable to heal yourself.
    • Firing up a new Kingdom Hearts game and hearing its rendition of Dearly Beloved for the first time.
    • In Birth By Sleep, the sound of a full-level shotlock rapidly locking on. At low levels, you hear each locking "click" individually before the "ding" of max locks, due to the slow lock speed. But a fully leveled Shotlock sounds something more like "CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCLICK-DING!"
    • Vanitas's shotlocks (from the same game) also sound kickass, at least to thsi troper.
    • Also in Birth By Sleep, the very satisfying noise that plays when you beat a boss/important fight, which sounds a bit like "Sk-oooossshhhh" while the battle music plays, and showing you the finishing blow in slow motion.
  • Warhammer Dark Omen "CUT THEM DOWN!" (which means you just broke an enemy regiment's morale) or "CRUSH THEM!" also the "Fsssshh" sound of the "Blast" spell.
  • Civilization 2 used a lot of stock sounds, some of which were awesome.
    • The "Swordfight" sound ("Huhu hu hu hu, ha!..."
    • The Dragoon fanfare "Ta da da da da ta da ta da!"
    • Artillery: "FIRE! *boom* *boom* *boom*"
    • The Ode to Joy which plays for "We love the Ruler day"
  • From Civilization IV:
    • The sound of a city going up a culture level. *BOOM*wwwwyyyyoooooooonnnn...
    • Discovering a new technology, complete with sage narration by Leonard Nimoy.
    • Building the Oracle. *piano piece that I do not know the name of*
    • Founding Hinduism, or by extension, having it spread to other cities.
  • From Civilization Revolution:
    • The sound of one of my units upgrading. (Especially if it was useful to that unit's purpose.)
  • Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
    • "Drone riots have ended"
    • "Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you."
      • This troper actually felt guilty when he was exiting the game because of this phrase.
  • The Ace Attorney series inverts this with a most wonderful lack of sound - if you present wrong evidence, then the music continues, Phoenix will mutter a generic "Don't you think there's something wrong with this?" argument and points will be knocked off your health bar when it's revealed that nobody does. But if you object correctly, the background music instantly stops, giving you a signal to prepare for the oncoming triumphant finger-pointing action.
  • In Psychonauts, the music when you connect the tags to the emotional baggage.
  • Left 4 Dead 2: Ellis' "WUBUBUBUBUBBUBUUBUBUBU"
    • Nick declaring "JOCKEY ON ME!""
    • The brief music that plays when you slam the safehouse door shut.
    • The klaxon that heralds the start of a finale.
    • Moreso, Skin On Our Teeth, AKA the track that plays at the end of the finale when rescue arrives, especially after a long and tedious finale.
    • The end of Dark Carnival. Holy shit. Hoooooooly shit.
    • The 'dingdingding' that happens when a survivor is standing in your Spitter goo for an extended period.
    • The slurping noise when you hit someone as a Smoker.
  • Feel the pain...of those "inferior beings"...as you burn in Hell. Best. Line. Ever.
    • Also a lot of the end-of-battle quotes. Makes grinding that much less monotonous, and some of the less common ones are hilarious.
    • Presea's voice. Especially after she gets her personality/emotions back (although they're still a bit subdued). It's just so soft and sweet and girlish and adorable.
    • Any of the characters' 'learned a new move' or 'going into overlimit' quotes. And sometimes the 'found an elemental weakness' ones as well.
  • "Here comes... HOUNDBREAK!" "Rock BOTTOM!" "This is IT!" "The ultimate hero! DANZAIVER!!"
  • "The last Metroid...is in captivity. The galaxy...is at peace."
  • The sounds of Beyond the Grave's "Ceruberus O.D." demolition shot in Gungrave Overdose in which he combines his Really Big Handguns and his coffin to form an Electromagnetic Cannon.

"pshh!" "pa-CHUNG!" "shinnng eeeerrr wappuft!" "thunk!" "whirrrrrrrrr..." *Triple take of firing a Giant Energy Sphere Bullet of Doom*

  • Byoom BOOM BOOM
    • When the opening bars of "B.G." (The Theme of Grave) or "Gunlock Overdrive" (the Main Theme of the games) start to play, shit is about to get REAL.
    • (ba-dum-dum-tonk!) KICK THEIR ASS!
    • "Great! You've got a new Demolition Shot!"
    • "Been savin' this just for you!" (cue Billy's guitar morphing into a Wave Motion Gun)
  • From Syndicate, The persuadatron's "cha-sha-sha-sha" sound when claiming another victim.
    • Even if you're on the wrong end of it, (blee-bip) the Satellite Rain Kill Sat from Syndicate Wars sounds awesome. zzz-zzzz-zzZZZZ [[[Beat]]] THOOM! THOOM! THOOM!
  • "I've got a fever, and the only cure is more dead angels!"
    • Pow pow pow pow "Yah!" Pow POW POW "I've HAD ENOUGH!!" (Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs ending with a Giant Fist Made Of Hair erupting from the ground to deliver a Megaton Punch)
    • "You've been NAUGHTY!~"
    • Each and every time a demon is summoned.
  • Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story has this whenever Bowser enters a battle. "SHOW-TIIIIIIIIME" indeed.
  • The phrases your party members say after scoring a critical hit or hits the weak point of an enemy in Personas 3 and 4.
  • The Sims 3 plays a wonderful jingle when you fulfill a promised wish to your sim.
  • In Super Paper Mario, if you jump from Flipside Tower, you get to hear a neat falling sound followed by a fantastic ground-meeting "Dsh!" This serves no real purpose, other than being a faster way to get to the third floor, but the sound is simple yet awesome!
  • Everything in Patapon, but especially when you hear "FEEEEEVVEEEERR!!", you instantly know your loyal troops are ready to start kicking ass.
    • In Patapon 2, there's also "oooOOOOO" followed by hero mode chanting.
  • DAAAAAAAA-DADADA-DAAAAAA-DA-DADA-DA-DA-DAAAAAAAAA! By this point the Dragon Quest overture may as well be Japan's national anthem, and finally hearing it in one of the games in all its beautiful orchestrated glory in Dragon Quest VIII was goddamn amazing.
  • "The commanding officer is ashore. XO Pressly has the deck." Not for any particular in-game reason. The Normandy announcer just has a really sexy voice.
    • ...a slightly more related example: In the sequel, your squadmates congratulate you if you kill an enemy with a headshot. Hearing Garrus compliment my sniping skills is ridiculously satisfying.
    • Not to mention the sexy voices we get from Jennifer Hale as Female Shepard, Brandon Keener as Garrus, Liz Sroka as Tali, etc.
    • The immense explosion created by the Cain firing in the sequel.
    • Geth pulse rifles, so long as they aren't aimed at you, have a really awesome firing noise.
    • The sound of a biotic explosion going off. Enemies never use them, so you can rest assured that whenever you hear it, it's the other side's day that just got ruined.
    • Pretty much any battle taunts can go here, but Jack and Grunt probably have the best.
      • I can take you ALL!
    • From Mass Effect 3, there's 'Reapers evaded', which plays when you escape from a pursuing Reaper.
      • Speaking of Reapers, the 'click-beeeeBOOOOM' from the Reaper fight on Rannoch definitely fits here.
    • The gurgling cry of a dying Banshee.
  • "I don't mind a little overtime." Lynn goes twice!
    • "Emerald Splash!"
    • "MUDA-DA! MUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAAA~! ZA WARUDO!" *Shiiwunk* "Toki wo tomare!" *Shink, shink-shink!* "Soshite toki wa ugokidasu..." *Shunk* "...ROAD-O ROLLER-DA!! WRYYYYYYYYYYYY!"
  • Digital Devil Saga: On occasion one of the characters will have an opening quote. Heat's 'your ass is MINE' is extremely satisfying. And that's not to mention the satisfying thud of Agidyne, or the Finger-Poke of Doom equivalent, Prana Beam.
    • Serph's victory roar when in demon form. Also nearly anything that Roland says.
  • Sugoi! Perufekute dai yo! Factor in the hard effort to get this on Disappearance. On Hard. If it's possible.
  • Rock Band: Whenever the crowd sings along to the song when you're doing really well.
    • This troper found it extremely disappointing that the singing crowd was not present in the Wii version.
  • Monster Rancher: The soft beeping that happens as your monster materializes from the disc you just put in the console. What's it gonna be? What'sitgonnabe!?
  • MISSION COMPLETE!! *fistpump*
  • *clickclick* HEAVYYYY MACHINE GUN! *clickclick* SHAWT GUN! *clickclick* SU-PER GRENADE! *clickclick* RAWKET LAWN CHAIR!
  • Devil Survivor's intro music, as well as the bad ending/evil ending... for some strange reason
    • The sound of Holy Dance hiting an enemy.
  • "I, who summon the full light of the heavens command thee, To open the gates of hell! Come forth, divine lightning! This ends now! INDIGNATION!!! *BLAMMM*"
  • This troper loves Ganon's "HAR HAR HAR" in Zelda II. Too bad you gotta die to hear it.
  • The Lands Of Lore: Throne of Chaos "your character has leveled up in some skill!" tag - DA-da-daaaaa! Given how goddamn long it takes to level up, those three little chords sound like a heavenly choir.
  • A certain strain of Gregorian chanting from a first person video game we all know...
    • "Boop, boop, boop....BEEEP!"
    • "Double Kill...Triple Kill!...OVERKILL...Extermination."
    • "Killing Spree! ...Killing Frenzy"
    • "Killimanjaro!"
    • "Bro-sei-don!"
    • "KFSSSSSHHHHHH!!!!" You have picked up an Energy Sword
    • The sound of your Spartan Laser charging... for other people, it's more Hell Is That Noise.
    • The brief, high-pitched whine that accompanies a stuck plasma grenade. Unless it's stuck to you.
    • The WHOOM sound of a Gravity Hammer striking. Unless you're the thing being struck.
  • S4 League's victory jingle.
    • "You have won the match!"
    • "TOUCHDOWN!! WHO'S THAT MAN? WHO'S THAT MAN?" (followed by goal-scoring teammate knocking out opponents)
    • "CRITICAL!"
    • "You are the Chaser. Bring it!"
  • In the first Destroy All Humans!, the sound of firing your saucer's Quantum Deconstructor, sort of a "BYOOOOOoooooooo ASPLODE!!!"
    • The sound of a Hyper laser in dai ou jou.
    • The DaiFukkatsu Operator:

"Extend o shimashita!"

"Bomu shutoku desu." (Bomb acquired.)

"Youi wa yoroshii desu ka?" (Are you ready?)

"Just a couple more shots desu!"

"Mikakunin no sentouki ga sekkin juu desu!" (Unidentified battleship is approaching!)

  • pong pong pong pong...* You Are *kssht-slam~* Viewtiful!! (audience cheers)
    • The glorious sound of a boss exploding in the background. Those slow-motion explosions put the perfect cap on a hard-fought victory.
    • "COME ON! ALL RIGHT! AWWWWWWWW YEAH! YAAAAAAAAAAAHOO! RED-HOT BABY, YEAH!" The sounds of the player racking up an epic slow-motion combo.
  • The critical hit quotes from Killer7.
    • (BANG!) Yeah, you're FUCKED!
    • "This is too easy"
    • "Hurts doesn't it?"
    • "Fuck you!"
    • "Son of a bitch."
    • "Nos Vemos"
    • *loud humming noise* COLLATERAL SHOT!
    • The Down Attack quotes too
    • The laugh of a Heaven Smile when it's killed.
  • In Homeworld 2, the sound of the Wave Motion Gun on the Dreadnought charging and firing: "rrrrrrRRRRRRRRMMMMMMM-POW!". Also the hyperspace sound effect, just for being so iconic.
  • The Fruit Bonus from Bejeweled Twist. If the cheerful tune and the ridiculously cute "dancing fruit" animation don't bring a smile to your face, it is quite possible that you have no soul.
  • "Let the rage of the Titans fuel your blades, Kratos."
    • The Rage of Sparta theme from the third game. When that theme starts playing, it's time for Kratos to FUCK SOMEBODY UP.
  • "RRRRRRRRRRRAOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRR! SHHIIIING! -Thwack-" Narga. Also Hell Is That Noise at the same time, cause as wonderful as it is to hear, cause it's the best weapon in the game and it's only on your side and it defines "Game Breaker", it's still creepy as hell. Alternatively if you don't mind a little Brother-Sister Incest, "RRRRRRRRRRRAOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRR! SHHIIIING! -Thwunk- Tsssheeew." is much better.
    • Also from Fire Emblem, the sounds when a critical or skill activates (provided it's for your character...)
  • The high-pitched whine of Combine radio chatter flatlining is pretty damn satisifying. Almost as wonderful is the cry of the last Combine in the squad yelling "OUTBREAK OUTBREAK OUTBREAK!"
    • Taken to it's illogical extension
    • The sound of your HEV suit saying 'Power level is...one hundred percent'.
  • PTDWOOM! The sound the Type 7 particle weapon makes in FEAR. It means whatever it just hit got its ass seriously hurt.
  • Spyro the Dragon (Original Trilogy) is full of contenders:
    • The "Fwoofsh" of Spyro's flame breath.
    • The noise Sparx makes when he collects/eats something.
    • The noise you hear when you free a dragon in the first one.
  • Beatmania IIDX: The special song select themes earned by obtaining a game's respective extra stage song(s), such as the Cardinal Gate select theme and the IIDX RED extra stage select, based off of "Genocide".
    • "You are now enterting completely darkness. Don't need to prepare for it. You just need to die. Welcome, as your experience, searching for your souls. We are...playing to die."
  • Worms: "HAAAL-LELUJA! *boom*".
  • Monster Hunter's quest complete jingle and subsequent music. Especially since most fights will take longer than 5, even 10 minutes.
  • The music at the end of every level in Sonic 2 & 3.
  • Whenever you pick a ring in Sonic or a coin in Super Mario.
  • The special jingle in Galaga's Challenging Stages that plays if you kill all 40 enemies.
  • Heroes of Newerth
    • Nothing is as satisfying as when you get Ten kills in a row and the Announcer barks out CHAMPION OF NEWERTH
    • Or when you kill someone so amazingly they disconnect and you are treated to R-R-R-R-RAGE QUIT!
    • Double Tap
    • Triple Kill
    • Annihilation
    • Start of the match hearing "Let's Get it on"
  • In the obscure Ps1 game called Future Cop LAPD you fight an annoying smug bastard named Sky Captin who reguraly taunts you and talks crap and is pretty much a large ham. One of his deaths qoutes is "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!". Narmy? Yes. Incredibly satsfying to hear everytime? YES.
    • Particurly if hes in the middle of talking crap; "Did you think you coul- NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"
  • Oldie but a goodie: from Star Control 2, when you're lucky while using a Pkunk Fury: "HAAAAA-LE-LU-JAH!"
  • Batman: Arkham Asylum}}:
    • "HEY! GET OFFA ME!!!!!"
    • Pretty much any dialogue that Kevin Conroy gets to say. The guy must need a bowling bag to carry 'em around.
    • Takedown moves involving a prisoner's arm or leg. Crunchy, and ouchy, but hey, it's not you who's on the receiving end.
  • A soft, held-out note of strings, nothing else. Then you hear a quiet phrase of Gregorian chanting, and that's your signal to start kicking Covenant butt.
  • Metal Gear Solid: The ! sound. Also the beginning of "Rex's Lair". ZOOOOOOM.
  • UAV Online
    "Shot Over."
    The victory music for each faction after a game.
    • Absolutely everything Sovereign says, due to the sheer awesomeness of his voice. Listen
  • Homeworld:
  • Clank's laugh. It's freaking adorable!
  • Medievil
    • Crossbow's ricochet sound.
    • The Evil Laugh of the scarecrow enemies.
    • That train in the final levels; *cho-cho-choochoo* *cho-cho-choochoo*....
  • The random music presents in Mother 3.
    • Also that wonderful little chimey sound you get upon leveling up. Da-da-dee dee-da, da-da-dee dee-da...
    • "OK desu ka?"
  • "[Demon Name]became your demon."
    • The haunting scream you hear when a Mudo or Hama spell deletes your enemy from existence.
    • The moist "splrch" of your Rock Bullet petrifying an enemy.
    • The victory theme, "The End". Fridge Brilliance kicks in when you finish the Neutral route and find that this theme, indeed, plays in the Neutral ending, during the post-credits scene.
  • The sound in this Tetris game when you clear four rows at once.
  • BioShock (series)
    • The little piece of music that plays when you rescue a Little Sister. It sounds so hopeful and cleansing.
  • "Enemy officer defeated!"
  • The lovely little "k-ponk" noise your Katamari makes when it picks something up...
    • The sound The Prince makes when he gets rolled up~
    • Roll up a cat. Any cat. Why is the meow so satisfying!?
  • Finally hearing Dr. Robotnik's scream of defeat in Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine after many failed attempts at beating him is very, very rewarding.
  • "Enemy sighted".
    • "Sanktu, Klaatu, Domini, Mastadok, Culpa, Veratu, Nostro..."
      • Particularly if said by the Ragman for his soft, deep chanting or Acheron with his quick and to-the-point rapid throwing of one word after the other. And then of course there's the sound of whatever superspell you were casting activating. Hearing that mole in the ground stop, the skies light up in a blaze of glory, the sound of giant beanstalks growing out of the ground, that howling wind or that chuckle.
    • Pretty much anything a titan says:

"I am here."

"I am death incarnate."

A Rhinok's chuckling.

The Hellmouth's horrible, rasping hiss.

"Is it time?"

  • The simple two words spoken in most Tom Clancy games upon eliminating an enemy, "Tango down"

Particularly in Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 with Hume (the team's sniper). *Boom* "Tango down." Thank you sir, may I have another?

  • Your Mileage May Vary but the dialup-esque beeps and whirs you get in PlanetSide when hacking a door with an army of twitchy soldiers behind you seems almost musical once you associate it with the raw chaos of a base assault.
  • An old, old 8-bit version, from the Commodore 64 version of Elite: "RIGHT ON, COMMANDER!"
  • Coming across a cache of items in Marathon triggers a delightful pling for each one you pick up.
  • Assassin's Creed games: The "shing-doosh" of an Air Assassination and the chime of a Poison Blade use.
    • Ezio's bird whistle calling the assassins
    • In the first game, completing an investigation/finding a collectible yields a soothing digital chime (Doo-na-na-naaaaaa...).
  • The critical damage sound from Morrowind can be immensely satisfying.
  • Anything Kirby ever says. Except in Avalanche.
  • Turok 2's Cerebral Bore makes a delightful metallic whine as it spirals through the air, and an equally delightful sound upon contact with an enemy cranium, roughly that of biting into a fresh apple.
  • The sound of an overloaded phaser bank firing in Star Trek Online.
  • "Here's my answer." Tick. Tick. Tick. Dun-dun-DUN-dun-DUN! "Critical thinking is the key to a success."
    • The man's right. Every puzzle does have an answer, and when he says it after an especially formidable puzzle - accompanied by the ticking sound of picarats being added to your score - it's true music to the ears.
  • Endless Ocean Blue World: The sound of a life form being added to your book.
  • Arming the Wookie Bowcaster in Jedi Outcast. Never a better cacophony of clatters, even if the weapon wasn't that good.
  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Turtles in Time:
    • "Pizza time!"
    • As always, the sounds of a boss dying. The increasing whine as the boss staggers around, followed immediately by several satisfying explosions, in this case.
  • That swoosh when a ghost gets sucked into the camera in Fatal Frame. Ah, I never have to fight that bastard again...
  • Drift city has 3, all of which relates to the bonuses you get at gates(think mariokart and boxes somewhat): the announcer shouting "BOOOOST", when you get a hyper boost(extra long lasting boost upgrade), "UNTOUCHABLE" When you get invincible rush, which makes you invulnerable and recharge boost faster, and of course, "HO-YEAAAH!" for the Drift City bonus, which is both of the above at once.
  • The victory theme from Heroes of Might and Magic and the sounds of moral and luck effects.
  • A little-known example is the shunk of an arrow hitting an enemy in Champions of Norrah/Return to Arms. Particularly if your enemy was well off-screen and you were able to shoot them completely blind, based solely on the direction they were shooting you from. On the first try. (Yes, this is possible, and indeed, the most satifying art to master)
  • The sounds of the Crest line of spells in Shadow Hearts Covenant. Bright Crest and Gale Crest in particular. Also the sounds of Johnny's "Ether Purge" special attack in New World.
  • Resident Evil 4 probably owes at least ten percent of its success to the wonderful, full-bodied splatter you get every time you blow off an enemy's head.
  • Poker Night At the Inventory has "The player has... aaa full house!
    • A flush!
    • Four of a KIND???
    • A straight flush!
    • Also, any of the quotes your opponents have on a showdown when the wind suddenly turns in the player's favor. Special mention goes to Max's gleeful "Frustration!" and Tycho's "Heeell no".
  • Myth just fought a pretty hard battle most of your troops are dead and then...

new units recievied

  • The level-up sound in RuneScape. It's so satisfying to hear those fireworks after all that training.
    • Whenever your Ring of Wealth affects a drop, a clinking coin sound is heard. It's extremely satisfying to hear.
  • The audio track "Blameless Thoughts" in Valkyrie Profile. It plays on your way out of any dungeon after you've beaten the boss and taken (or returned to Odin) the artifacts therein, and replaces the existing background music. It's the game's way of saying, "Yeah, Lenneth just made this place her bitch," and it's damn satisfying to walk out of the clear halls of a dungeon with this playing.
    • Leneth: It shall be engraved upon your soul! Divine assault! Nibelung Valesti!
  • League of Legends:
    • Legendary.
      • ACED.
    • Absolutely everything Nasus says.
    • Gangplank's laughter
    • It might be something personal just to us Ezreal lovers, but seeing an enemy low all the way across the map and firing from base... "Hhhhh-Yaaah!... You have slain an enemy!"
    • For Singed, "BOINK!" is also known as "that sound you hear before getting a kill/assist".
  • ooooooh, banana...
    • Kong! Kong! Donkey Kong!
  • Wipeout:
    • Successfully eliminating an opponent at a distance using the Plasma Bolt is immensely satisfying.
    • QUAKE
    • also, the beeping sound that plays when you unlock something on WOHD
    • The turbo sound effect from Pure onwards: Fshh Woooooo!
    • In each version the computer's flat "CONTENDER ELIMINATED" can be this when it's not applied to you.
  • The SE-GA! chant from the beginning of the original Sonic the Hedgehog.
  • So much from Age of Empires:
    • Any of the 'advanced an age' sounds.
    • The little chimes that play when you recieve tribute.
  • The magnificent swelling of sound and the wind chime noises that follow in the Sierra logo. An entire generation of gamers feel an intense rush of nostalgia upon hearing the euphonic sequence. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQZhIypTYZw&feature=related
  • Ya know, isn't it just pure bliss, that usually in crossover games or even in nostalgia levels in some games you can just hear those sounds, those lovely bleeps and bloops which you have always grown up with being used again in their respective places, referring on those times? I'm looking at you Brawl!
  • Dark Reign:
    • The sound of heavy defense turrets firing, whether they be Heavy Rail Platforms or Neutron Accelerators.
    • The sound the Rift Creator makes. (When you're using it, anyway...)
    • "Objective Complete. Mission Accomplished."
    • "New Technology Interfaced."
    • "Phasing Online/Phase Runner Available."
  • From the Fallout series:
    • Any of the level up sounds definitely count.
    • The loud SHOMP a Fat Man makes, followed by the rumbling of a Mini Nuke. (Or the rumbling of eight nukes, for you MIRV fans)
    • The low bass sound you get upon gaining XP in New Vegas.
    • Anything said by Veronica or Boone.
  • Parasite Eve: Whenever Aya casts Energy Shot. *Rrrrrrrnnnnn...akashinnnnnnnngggg!* or Liberation. In the second game, the M249 has a most satisfying firing sound.
  • For this troper, everything that Super Smash Bros. has is an eargasm. Anything that the characters say during their Final Smashes is just awesome.
  • Bug!! probably has only one, but it's probably the most remembered sound in the game- BUUUUUUUUG JUUUUUUUUUUUICE!!! (To explain, Bug Juice recovers all of Bug's five hitpoints)
  • The anti-aircraft turrets from Ratchet and Clank Up Your Arsenal, after activating the nodes to turn them on. Thump thump thu-thu-thu-thu-thu...
  • Mass Effect 2: The opening bar of the main theme, though YMMV. It's seriously dark, and the title of the main theme is "Humans are Disappearing" so it's not a happy leitmotif, but that sound itself is just so awesome.
  • When Max comes up with a new invention in Dark Chronicle, you get a cool fanfare and Max yells, "Yeah, it works!"
  • Sometime, in Digimon Anode/Cathode Tamer you get beaten pretty hard. Then suddenly, Braveheart start to play. Someone learned the Holydramon Variable. Everyone get healed for free. Yay! And that is why bringing Tailmon can be a good idea.
  • Hearing the sound effect for Ike's Mastery Skill Aether, in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance. You know whoever you're up against is going down.
  • Crimzon Clover:
    • The "BREAK STANDBY" beep. And of course, the BREAK MODE sound itself.
    • EXTEND!
    • The "game complete" jingle.
  • The sound of Cole's Lightning Storm touching down in In Famous, carving a path of destruction across the city. The best part is when you can't hear the electricity anymore because its far away, all you can hear is the thundering rumbles from the sky reminding you that Cole is harnessing nature itself to annihilate his enemies. Seeing their still sparking corpses hanging lifeless for a few seconds before collapsing is just icing on the cake.
  • Child of Eden, when you defeat the Final Boss: "Let's get away flyyyyy awayyyyy / I found the path to paradise / Shining spiral of gold / Take my hand, fly away aaaand..."
  • Ship Computer Control Transferred. Basically translates to "Yay! New ship!". Good when it's a bigger ship than what you've got, or a transport ship when you're looking to get in on trading. Still good if it's smaller as you could always just sell it at the nearest shipyard.
  • The piano chord you get in L.A. Noire when picking the correct choice in an interrogation.
  • Any of the finisher taunts in Baten Kaitos. The voice acting is terrible, but that fails to make it any less satisfying.
  • "The enemy general is dead! A blackguard gone to his deserved grave!"
  • The sound of the Cyclone reloading from Perfect Dark.
    • The noise a cloak makes when being deployed.
    • The sound the Farsight makes when being fired, as well as reloaded.
    • The sound of a Mauler charging up (actually, let's just make it all of the futuristic weapons, shall we?).
  • In Professor Layton, that sweet sound of finally solving a puzzle... And the dialogue is pretty satisfying too!
  • Hearing the Desktop Dungeons victory fanfare. Every time.
  • The sound of a boss, or better yet, a FOE, dying in Etrian Odyssey. Which, by the way, is distinct from the normal "enemy defeated" sound.
  • Gears of War 3 gives us "Hammer strikes are a go!"
  • In the Castlevania: Chronicles of Sorrow series. The "Sssssssssss DING!" noise that signals a soul being released from a monster. It means that you can stop grinding that one monster over and over again, because you just got a new toy to play with.
  • From Ace Combat 6: "Garuda Team, thought you could use some cover!" The sound that follows is your Allied Support meter rocketing up to the maximum level as whole swarms of planes move in to support your vastly-outnumbered squadron, allowing you to call in massive counter-strikes.
  • The PSI activation noise and the triumphant new-PSI-learned jingle in EarthBound and Mother 3.
  • The FUS RO DAH! spell from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
  • The buzzing of the variometer announcing a rising thermal when flying a glider in Microsoft Flight Simulator.
    • The squeaking noise your planes landing gear makes during a smooth touchdown.
  • In Catherine, opening the Exit Door at the top of a boss stage treats you to a fanfare of Hallelujah as whatever freaky boss that chased Vincent dissolves from the door's purifying light.
  • Generally, most games that feature a pump-action shotgun have a sound for the reload animation that just feels... awesome. (Early) examples are the already mentioned Doom as well as Persian Gulf Inferno, among others.
  • Basically, anything a fighting game announcer says:
  • "Tell me where it hurts~..."
  • Anytime Green Heart says something in Hyperdimension Neptunia.
  • In Dota 2, whenever you kill Storm spirit, the king of Most Annoying Sound, you can hear a hero say, "SHUT UP, STORM SPIRIT."
  • The bell-ringing to signify the end of the round in Kinnikuman: Muscle Fight is wonderful because it shows the player's domination over their opponent.
  1. When she's knocked out, though, it's go time
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