< Monster High

Monster High/Characters

The Main Cast

Frankie Stein

Daughter of Frankenstein's Monster and his bride, or possibly mad scientists. In all continuities, she is stated to only be 15 days old at the start and attends high school as the "new girl". Plucky, fun-loving and klutzy, she is more often than not the main character.

Clawdeen Wolf

Daughter of The Wolf Man. Known for being the most fashion centered amongst the girls, she favors gold. A little cocky but well meaning, she is very loyal and always willing to help out. Her freaky flaw is her fast-growing hair, which covers her body as well as her head.

  • Ambiguously Brown: Variation, as the races in the MH universe aren't defined the same way they are for humans.
  • Eighties Hair
  • Eyes of Gold
  • The Fashionista: Notable in that she views fashion both as an art and in a business sense; she hopes to one day own her own fashion line, and plans her classes accordingly.
  • Foe Yay: With Cleo.
  • The Rival: Also with Cleo (though she is gradually softening towards her).
  • Our Werewolves Are Different: While Clawdeen's features are consistently wolflike, she usually keeps her animalistic side under control...except during the full moon (when she becomes more daring and energetic than usual).
    • "Fur Will Fly" hinted the full moon was the trump card she used to beat Heath Burns (he didn't know that day was a full moon, and it gave her super-speed, beating him even with his head start).
  • Rapunzel Hair: Her hair is constantly growing—and not just the hair on her head, leading her to have to pluck and wax continuously (she has to do so three times a day, as noted by her "Dawn of the Dance" itinerary). However, it also allows her to be more experimental with her hairstyles.
  • Talking To Herself: She and Cleo are voiced by the same woman, Salli Saffioti.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Her Dawn of the Dance doll has a short acid green bob with brown in the back, while her Gloom Beach doll has purple hair to frame her face.
    • Her Dead Tired doll also has a purple underlayer while both of her school themed dolls have her normal brown colored hair.


The rather disobedient daughter of Dracula. At 1599 years old, she's very eager to date and acts like a typical boy crazy teenager. Notable as being one of the only, if not the first, true vegan vampire, as she faints at the sight of blood and survives mostly on supplements and fruit, as well as running her own newsletter on the topic: V.A.M.P. - Vampires Advocating Meatless Protein. It's heavily implied that she was not always this way though. Her freaky flaw is fainting at the sight of blood.

Lagoona Blue

Daughter of the Sea Monster. The most well-rounded and level-headed character, Lagoona spends most of her time in the water (either in the ocean or the school's swimming pool) and is the gang's resident surfer girl. She has no specific best friends, and hangs out with all of the characters and gets along with them. She is also captain of the school swim team.

Cleo De Nile

Daughter of the Mummy. Resident Alpha Bitch and head of the Fearleading squad, she's known mostly for her wealth & icy personality at school. In truth, she's quite sensitive and down to earth, but has been groomed to think of herself as better than everyone else. This is starting to change though, thanks mostly to her best friend Ghoulia Yelps & current boyfriend Deuce Gorgon.

  • Blue Eyes
  • The Cheerleader
  • Defrosting Ice Queen: One of her major motifs, as noted by her diary as well as the captions from her Gloom Beach postcard & Dawn of the Dance pictures.
    • As of season 2 of the webisodes, she seems to have defrosted almost completely.
  • The Glorious War of Sisterly Rivalry: has this with her older sister Nefera
  • Hair of Gold: Cleo takes this to the logical extreme by having actual streaks of gold in her otherwise black hair.
  • Hidden Depths: Has been making notiable steps towards treating others better, best reflected in the second season of webisodes and her second diary shows this growth.
  • Hidden Heart of Gold: Her growth in becoming a nicer person comes to a head when she sends all ten-thousand of her royal servants to the comic auction that Ghoulia couldn't attend in order to win said comic for her. But, of course, the comic is slipped to Ghoulia discreetly, and Cleo tells the other ghouls not to let this info get around and ruin her rep.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Cleo can be quite stuck-up and mean to the ghouls, but is also happy to help them when there is a problem. She "secretly" thanks Ghoulia for all her help by getting her the rare Dead Fast comic.
  • Lovable Alpha Bitch
  • Multicolored Hair
  • Mummy
  • Official Couple: With Deuce. Also Clawd, pre-series
  • Oh My Gods: Due to being of Egyptian heritage, she often replaces "God" with "Ra".
  • Older Than They Look: She's 5842 years old.
  • Rich Bitch
  • Royal Brat: Egyptian heritage, folks!
    • This behavior was drilled into her by her father whom she was entombed with for several thousand years. She seems to be getting better though.
  • Talking To Herself: She and Clawdeen are voiced by the same woman, Salli Saffioti.

Deuce Gorgon

Son of Medusa. The resident casketball captain, he's well known and well loved at school. His freaky flaw is his stone powers, though the effect wears off after 24 hours.

  • Blessed with Suck: His stone gaze. He is able to control it where the petrification will only last for 24 hours. When he was a kid, he accidentally stoned his first pet, Smokey. It's supposed to wear off on the anniversary, but Deuce doesn't know which one. Awww.
  • Cool Shades: He wears them at all times so he doesn’t turn anyone into stone.
  • Curtains Match the Window
  • Gorgeous Gorgon: A rare male example.
  • Hidden Depths: Secretly loves to cook, and pretends to hate Culinary Arts class.
  • Official Couple: With Cleo
  • Out of Focus: Of the six originally characters, we still know the least about him. He is focused on less compared to the other male characters in the webisodes.
  • Totally Radical: Played straight starting in Season 3.
  • Talking to Himself: In season 1, Yuri Lowenthal did the voice of every teenage male character. Season 2 brought on more male voice actors to replace Heath Burns and Clawd Wolf, but Yuri still does the voice for both Gil and Deuce. And this applies to The Other Darrin below.
  • The Other Darrin: Deuce starting with the "Why Do Ghouls Fall in Love?" special is now voiced by newcomer Evan Smith. Smith also replaced Yuri Lowenthal as the voice of Gil. Cam Clarke filled in as Deuce's VA until Evan was cast.
  • Understanding Boyfriend: It definitely takes a saint-like patience to handle an Egyptian princess for a girlfriend, especially during said princess' less-than-mellow days.

Ghoulia Yelps

Daughter of the Zombies. Despite only being able to speak zombie, she's widely known as the smartest girl in school. She is also Cleo's best friend (and all-around personal assistant).

  • Blue Eyes
  • Cross Dressing Voice: Ghoulia is actually voiced by a man, the producer/director of the webseries, Audu Paden.
  • Curtains Match the Window
  • Eighties Hair
  • Fantastic Racism: In her diary, it appears that zombies are not well liked for being hard to understand and their sluggish behavior. Ghoulia even buys a "Zombies are Monsters too" shirt to make a statement, but can't bear to wear it openly.
  • Good with Numbers: "Dodgeskull" shows her calculating in "Charlie-Vision" how best to take out a group of heckling classmates with a dodgeball. She gets them all and nails the lead heckler a few times for good measure.
  • Hollywood Nerd: But also quite popular.
  • Intelligible Unintelligible: The zombie language is nothing more than groans.
  • Meganekko
  • Morality Pet: To Cleo as her best friend.
  • Nerds Are Sexy
  • One of Us: The 2011 San Diego Comic Convention doll for monster high is Ghoulia dressed in a female version of the costume worn by her favorite superhero 'Dead Fast' that she herself is wearing to 'Necro Con'.
  • Our Zombies Are Different: Ghoulia can't speak anything other than zombie (grunt and groan), yet happens to be the smartest student in school and prefers fast food over brains. Sometimes she might only do one major action but it makes or saves the day in each episode.
  • Talking To Herself: Audu Paden also does the voice for Slow-Moe and Manny Taur, both of whom Ghoulia has spoken to.
  • Techno Wizard: She's great with that laptop of hers. Make no mistake—sometimes these particular actions do a lot more for her friends that most think.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair: In various shades.

Supporting Characters & Antagonists

Holt Hyde / Jackson Jekyll

Student with an unknown alter-ego. Probably the son of Henry Jekyll/Edward Hyde. The newest transplant to Monster High...or shall we say transplants. Jackson Jekyll exists during the daytime and Holt at night, though neither, or Holt at least, seem to know about the other. Jackson is said to be nerdy while Holt is the school resident DJ. Holt is known as DJ Hyde in the Monster High books.

  • Amazing Technicolor Population: Holt has blue skin.
  • Cross-Dressing Voices/ Talking To Herself: Cindy Robinson voices both Jackson and Holt.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: Jackson is first mentioned in Deuce's diary and as his best friend in the official bio. He is mentioned again in Draculaura's and Clawdeen's.
  • Fantastic Racism: Jackson's first appearance in the webisodes shows us how "normies" are viewed by many monsters. Even Heath, his cousin, is a little embarassed to be seen with him. Deuce, however, accepts Jackson.
  • Fiery Redhead: As Holt, a literal "Hot Head"
  • Flaming Hair: As Holt.
  • Getting Crap Past the Radar: Both dolls have eyebrow rings and tattoos!
  • Hollywood Nerd: Jackson, especially to Holt, who complains about waking up in "nerdy" clothing.
  • I Just Want to Be Normal / Special: Holt experiences the former, due to his sometimes violent temper accompanied by uncontrollable flames, and Jackson feels the latter, due to being the only "normie" in an all-monster school.
  • Jekyll and Hyde: Well, duh. Neither one knows of the other until much later, though. Whenever one side is "awake," the other has a blackout, but continuities varied on the trigger for a long time.[1] This was finally addressed in Jackson's journal, explaining that "the volatile nature of [his] elemental side + [his] Hyde heritage + being a teenager = constant change."
  • Large Ham: Holt. "Yo FRAN-KEEEEEEEYEAAH!"
  • Likes Older Women: Played with. Jackson has a crush on Draculaura in the doll franchise, but she doesn't actually seem that much older than him. In the books, he is with Melody Carver, a human girl the same age as him.
    • Inverted in the webisodes, in which they're Ship Teased with Frankie, who seems to be around the same age, but...
  • Multicolored Hair: Black and blonde as Jackson.
  • Ship Sinking: First with Draculaura in the diaries, and then with Frankie in the webisodes. Yes, having two constantly altering personas makes dating very, very difficult.
  • Ship Tease: Jackson with Draculaura at first, but it didn't last.
  • The Reveal: During 'Here Comes Treble', when Jackson is exposed to loud music, he makes a mad dash out of sight from public view. Unfortunately, he doesn't make it in time and changes mid running up the staircase where everyone sees him.
  • Token Human: Subverted.

Abbey Bominable

Daughter of The Yeti. A foreign exchange student from the mountains who tends to unintentionally insult other monsters with her awkward grasp of the english language, along with other experiences of culture clash.

Spectra Vondergeist

Daughter of the Ghosts. The mysterious school gossip who anonymously blogs about all the behind-the-screams news at Monster High. Despite her intrusive nature, Spectra claims she's as "light and full of sweetness" as Angel Food Cake. Her floaty purple wardrobe sports a ball-and-chain motif.

  • Amazing Technicolor Population: White skin with it fading away towards her limbs.
  • The Atoner: Implied with the ball-and-chain motif (see Shout Out). While it isn't clear what her "crimes" may have been, Spectra says in her profile that she "find[s] that it's unhealthy to focus on what one does wrong especially when contrasted with all the good one does in the unlife."
  • Hidden Depths: Heavily implied in her final journal entry, though still left ambiguous.
  • Invisibility: Well, she is a ghost. It comes in handy when you're the school's resident gossip.
  • Larynx Dissonance: Her soft, childlike voice highly contrasts with her angular features.
  • Malicious Slander: Subverted. Spectra never intended for her gossip column to harm anyone; she was just fascinated by the lives of the other ghouls and wanted to share their exploits with others, but was too shy to ask them for permission.
  • School Newspaper Newshound: Mainly as the gossip columnist.
  • Shout-Out: Her ball-and-chain motif is similar to the chains that Jacob Marley's ghost wore as a representation of his earthly sins.
  • Shrinking Violet: While her gossip column is famous, Spectra herself is painfully shy. This is further alluded to with her character's mostly-purple color scheme.
    • As of the webisode "Ghosts With Dirty Faces" she seems to be getting a lot more bold, however.
  • Technicolor Eyes: Blue, yes, but with purple scleras.
  • Techno Wizard: Not even Ghoulia can hack into her blog!
  • Unreliable Narrator: Being the school gossip hound, she has this in spades. Hence, while she claims in her diary that she was once a royal, there's no way to tell if that's fact or fiction.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Violet with a hint of lavender.

Clawd Wolf

Clawdeen's level headed older brother. Star athlete at Monster High and well liked by everyone. A doll of him will be released in 2011 in a 2-Pack with a new Draculaura doll.

Heath Burns

Heath Burns has the ability to control fire. He was at first an extra in the webisode "Substitute Creature" and shortly introduced as Draculaura's short-lived crush. Heath is a show-off and gets on the girls' nerves by being self-centered and insensitive. He's friends with most of the boys, but even they admit he can be annoying. In "Fear Pressure", we learn he is Jackson's cousin. Heath has appeared in the Monster High novels. He was at first introduced as a normie, but in the second book he was revealed as a RAD by sneezing flame. His book counterpart is more mellow and not as conceited. He's also been trademarked for a doll.


Daughter of the Phantom of the Opera. First mentioned in Holt Hyde's diary, Operetta sat in limbo, aside from brief mentions in subsequent diaries until September 2011 where she made an appearance in both illustrated & doll form on the official facebook page before making a string of appearances in the webisodes.

  • Amazing Technicolor Population: Purple.
  • American Accents: Sports a southern accent with a noticable drawl. It's justified by Word of God as her parents moved from France to New Orleans when she was little.
  • Cool Pet: Daddy-o Long legs, her guitar playing pet spider.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: Her first mention was in Holt's diary. She's reappeared in Spectra's diary and Cleo's 2nd edition diary.
  • Fiery Redhead: She doesn't take well to being threatened, nor being talked about behind her back.
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars: Has scars along the left side of her face that she covers with a musical note mask. Apparently they go all the way down her body.
  • Make Me Wanna Shout: Shatters a crystal idol with her voice in "Monster Mashionals Part 2", and "Uncommon Cold" shows that even her sneezes can be supersonic.
  • The Rival: Cleo sees her as this when it comes to Deuce, but Operetta isn't into him.

Toralei Stripe

A werecat who was introduced in the first episode of Volume 2. Tired of Cleo's perfectionist attitude, she and the Werecat Twins leave the fearleading squad, and later after seeing how well the squad is doing with Frankie, Draculaura and Clawdeen, she tries to rejoin only to be rejected by Cleo. Toralei leaks the Monster High routine to the rival, Smogsnort's Vampiric Academy, as revenge, but fails. She has been recently trademarked and a doll of her was shown at SDCC 2011 with an expected release date of December 2011.

Purrsephone and Meowlody

Purrsephone & Meolody, otherwise also known as the Werecat Twins, largely exist as a silent girl posse for Toralei Purrsephone is the one with black hair and Meowlody the one with white.

  • Always Identical Twins - aside from the hair & their leg markings being on opposite legs. On their offical artwork, their outfits are the same design, but in different colors with shoes that differ & different vest detail. Played more straight in the webisodes they do little more than smirk at Toralei's shenanigans.
    • Averted in the diary. See single minded twins below.
  • Cat Girls
  • Color-Coded for Your Convenience - In their single diary, Meowlody writes in black ink while Purrsephone writes in blue ink.
  • Girl Posse - To Toralei
  • Single-Minded Twins - Averted via the diary showing their differences: Purrsephone is slightly less likely to prank and has a desire to breakaway from her sister while Meowlody is much more chaotic & slighty more dominant.
  • Those Two Guys: Neither have spoken and essentially serve as Toralei's cronies in the background of the webseries

Nefera De Nile

Cleo's malicious older sister who rejoices in asserting her authority over her younger sister and anyone else around. Though she's only made a brief appearance in a recent webisode, her name is trademarked, she has an official bio on the site and a doll of her is scheduled for release in March 2012, which means that she'll be around to stir up some trouble for a bit more to come.

  • Alpha Bitch: Toralei and Cleo cannot compare to Nefera's bitchiness
  • Big Bad: The closest this series has to one.
  • Big Sister Bully - Very clearly enjoys tormenting Cleo and, based on how Cleo reacts to her, always has.
  • The Cheerleader: Was this during her tenure at Monster High, the captain in fact, before passing on the reins to Cleo
  • Early-Bird Cameo: First mentioned in Clawd first & Cleo's second diaries before making an appearance one the webisodes.
  • Establishing Character Moment: After making a grand entrance, she taunts and then blackmails her sister into doing her bidding after finding out about the party thrown behind their father's back. This is all within about ten seconds.
  • The Glorious War of Sisterly Rivalry - Again, with Cleo
  • Laser-Guided Karma: In "Monster Mashionals Part 2" Nefera uses the family idols to get her team of fearleaders to win, but this prompts the catgirls to help Cleo, as they clearly learned their lesson from last time and wanted to win fairly this time around. Ghoulia shows Scary Murphy video of Nefera cheating, and in turn Nefera's stripped of her previous awards, causing Nefera to give an anguish-filled, glass-shattering scream in defeat.
  • Make Me Wanna Shout / Glass-Shattering Sound: When she's exposed for cheating by Ghoulia to Scary Murphy, this is her reaction to Scary Murphy's judgment against her.
  • Purple Eyes
  • Rich Bitch: She puts Cleo's early nastiness to shame.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Turquoise & black striped hair.

Howleen Wolf

Howleen is one of the many younger siblings in the wolf family and shares a room with Clawdeen. After being mentoned several times in diaries, she officially made her appearance in the second Monster High TV special 'Fright On' and a doll for her was recently revealed via the official Facebook page.

Moses "Slow-Moe" Deadovich

One of the zombies and Ghoulia's boyfriend. He seems to be friends with both Heath and Gill.

Minor/upcoming characters

Manny Taur

A school bully.

Hoo Dude

A raggedy doll created by Frankie to be her boyfriend. After Frankie decides that she doesn't need a guy to fit in, she tosses him away, only for him to reveal that he's alive and heartbroken at her "breaking up with him."

Scarah Screams

An upcoming character. Daughter of the Banshee.

C.A. Cupid

The Daughter of Cupid, she runs the school's love advice radio show and will be featured in the 2012 special "Why Do Ghouls Fall In Love?". She has a doll sold exclusively sold at Wal-Mart stores.

  • A-Team Firing: Her freaky flaw is her seriously bad aim, which will be used as a plot point in the special.
  • Happily Adopted: Reveals this in an interview with the official monster high tumblr. Her true monster heritage is unknown to everyone, herself included.
  • Overly Long Name: Alludes to this being the reason that she goes by C.A.: "I use my initals because my name is scary long, hideously unpronouncable and you know you're just going to call me 'Cupid' anyway."
  • Rose-Haired Girl
  • Time Abyss: She's as old as teenage love.

Rochelle Goyle

The Daughter of the gargoyles.

Venus McFlytrap

Daughter of the Plant Monster.

Robecca Steam

The robot daughter of a Mad Scientist.

  1. Originally, in the diaries, Jackson was awake during the day, but became Holt at night; in the books, Holt came out when the temperature got high, then turned back into Jackson when he had time to cool off; and finally, in the webisodes, Jackson turned into Holt if he heard loud music with a beat.
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