< Monster Girl Quest

Monster Girl Quest/Characters

The characters in Monster Girl Quest. Beware, unmarked spoilers below.

Main Characters


The protagonist of the series, Luka begins the story in Ilias Village. The Goddess Ilias appears to him in a vision, urging him to become a Hero and slay the Monster Lord in order to drive back the hordes of monsters that plague the world. Despite this, Luka can't help but wonder if humans and monsters might be able to get along...

  • Ancestral Weapon: The Angel Halo was originally carried by Heinrich to defeat Black Alice 500 years ago.
  • Artistic Age: The game specifically goes out of its way to never directly reveal Luka's age, with the CGs representing him also varying with each artist (See Art Shift). The only things that are known are that he's below 21 (being younger than Alice), that he's still considered an adult in his medieval society and that he's young-looking compared to those of his age.
  • Art Shift: The game has many different artists, so Luka looks extremely different depending on the CG - he can shift between young boy and ripped 16-year old between scenes, for instance.
  • The Atoner: Late in the first chapter it is revealed that Luka’s father was responsible for co-founding the terrorist group Ilias Creutz. Luka's desire to create a world where humans and monsters get along is partially influenced by his father's sins.
  • Awesome but Impractical: Quadruple Giga, the "power to destroy everything", defeats pretty much every monster in a single hit, but takes a long time to charge up and is easily interrupted.
  • Badass
  • Bad Powers, Good People: Uses a Cursed Sword fighting style taught by Alice to enforce peace between humans and monsters.
  • Blade Spam: Ninefold Rakshasa and Death Sword Chaos Star.
  • Blessed with Suck: For the most part it really, really sucks to be attractive to monster girls.
  • Chekhov's Gun: Absolutely everything related to his ancestry is a gigantic bazooka waiting to be fired.
  • Chick Magnet: In a setting where it REALLY sucks to be one of these.
  • Chronic Hero Syndrome
  • Contractual Genre Blindness: The main reason why he didn't realize Alice was the Monster Lord despite overwhelming evidence before The Reveal.
  • Dangerous Forbidden Technique: Sleeping mode. Luka in his sleeping state is supremely powerful, but repeated usage will eventually consume him and turn him into a being of pure holy power. Considering Luka might just be the most powerful being on the planet, this would be disastrous.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: The deeply conservative and xenophobic elders of Ilias Village didn't take kindly to Luka and his mother, to the extent that they refused to give him the medicine needed to treat her when she fell ill.
  • Death From Above: The Demon Skull Beheading Technique.
  • Determinator
  • Elemental Powers: Gained by forging a bond with the spirits.
  • Mr. Fanservice: An in-universe example. Justified since Ilias's baptism is supposed to make people unappealing to monsters, and since Luka missed his baptism...
  • Evil Laugh: His laugh is rather unsettling according to Alice.
  • Evil Weapon: The Angel Halo, given to Luka by Alice. Its name comes from the fact that it is made out of 666 melted angels fused into the shape of a sword.
  • Friend to All Living Things: Less so in chapter 2.
  • Generation Xerox: Goes on a journey to gain the power of the four elements, defeats the monster lord, then turns against Ilias. He even looks like Heinrich, wields the same sword and has the same ultimate attack.
  • Good Thing You Can Heal: After lose a battle against Granberia in second chapter, Alice note that Luka's injuries could cripple normal swordman. Taking Luka's healing ability into account, she expect him to fully recover in half month. Turn out that he need only a night.
  • Hard Work Hardly Works, Beginner's Luck: Double subversion. Luka did train for years before his journey, only to learn in his first battle that it's completely useless since unlike training dummy, monsters move around during battle. He won first two battle by swing his sword blindly against slime and throwing salt at slug girl, and has to restart his training under Alice afterward.
  • Healing Factor: He heals at a much, much faster pace than normal humans, recovering from near-lethal injuries inflicted by Granberia in a single night. And he can heal non-lethal injuries within seconds of mediation.
  • Heroic BSOD: During his confrontation with Lazarus in the Ilias Kreuz headquarters.
  • Heroic Resolve: Which lets him fully use the power of the earth.
  • H-Game POV Character: Very solid Type I, which is odd, because Type I's usually star in far less rapey games. Then again, Luka is the rapee, not the rapist, and only Alice's events are canon. He does dip into Type II in some events, but always recovers with Character Development.
  • Hidden Depths
  • Hot-Blooded: At times.
  • Identical Grandson: He's the spitting image of Heinrich.
  • Idiot Hero: Luka is smarter than most, but still falls prey to stupidity on occasion. It's implied that he's aware of this, but he keeps acting the part anyway because he feels that it's what he's supposed to be doing.
  • In the Blood: Ilias refers to Luka's bloodline as "tainted". He's probably a descendant of Heinrich.
  • Knight in Sour Armor: Despite his seemingly innocent and naive personality, he used to hate the idea of being a hero, as his mother made him swear to become one on her deathbed.
  • Lightning Bruiser: With the assistance of all four Elemental Spirits, he can dodge a majority of incoming attacks, take reduced damage from those that do connect, and dole out a lot of punishment in the process.
  • Limit Break: When Luka falls asleep, his power increases dramatically and a whole slew of new powers are unlocked. These include Fallen Angel Dance, Heavenly Demon Revival and Ninefold Rakshasa.
    • The second level of Serene Mind makes Luka near untouchable and increases his attack power, but it also rapidly drains his SP.
  • Magic Knight: Thanks to the help of the spirits.
  • Muscles Are Meaningless: Luka's physique varies depending on the artist, but he's still abnormally strong for a person with his build, especially with Gnome's power.
  • The Messiah: Pretty much humanity's last hope of survival at the end of Part 2.
  • Missed the Call: Not that it stopped him.
  • Nigh Invulnerability: With Gnome at full power.
  • No Kill Like Overkill: His Quadruple Giga Spirit Bomb in the sequel can defeat pretty much any monster outright. Of course you only get it at the very end of Part 2.
  • Not So Different: To Lily. Both experienced harsh childhoods but chose to deal with it in completely opposite ways.
  • Orphan's Plot Trinket: His mother's ring. Alice claims she can't detect anything from it except a mother's love, but it keeps being brought up regardless.
  • Rage Against the Heavens: Raises his sword against Ilias and basically declares war on her.
  • Rage Breaking Point: Upon seeing Ilias Village destroyed by Archangel Ranael, he absolutely snaps, causing his ring to break and unsealing his angelic powers.
  • Selectively-Lethal Weapon: The Angel Halo seals monsters rather than killing them. It's mentioned that it can potentially kill depending on the wielder's intention, but this is never demonstrated when it's in Luka's hands.
  • Super Reflexes: While Serene Mind is active.
  • Super Speed: Thanks to Sylph.
  • Supreme Chef
  • Technical Pacifist: He doesn't want to kill any monsters. Even before acquiring Angel Halo, he instead beats monsters into surrendering. There is one notable exception to that: when facing Cassandra, he flies in a genuine murderous rage and it's made very clear he's trying to kill her and the only things stopping him from doing so are her being extremely powerful and his sword being nonlethal. In fact, when the whole mess is over, he doesn't even berate Alice for killing Cassandra, and his only comments are of dejected depression because there's some people who just plain are completely irredeemable.
  • Thou Shall Not Kill: He doesn't kill anyone in first chapter, thanks to Angel Halo's sealing power and monsters running away at the sight of danger.
  • The Unchosen One: Luka manages to miss his baptism, due to both a Slime girl attacking the village and Alice attacking and injuring Ilias badly enough that she couldn't be present. He continues on regardless, although in subsequent visions Ilias still calls him her Chosen One...
  • Unstoppable Rage: Against Lily in chapter one after hearing her excuses for turning to witchcraft, against the Alraunes when they start butchering the defeated insects, and against Lazarus after learning that the latter killed his father.
  • Tsundere: Becomes this towards Alice in Part 2.
  • Wall Jump: He can't fly or jump high enough to use Demon Skull Beheading Technique, so he has to rely on the environment to perform the move.
  • When All You Have Is a Hammer: Due to Luka's no-killing policy he cannot use anything other than the Angel Halo to combat monsters. Even his elemental attacks are sword strikes.
  • Wide-Eyed Idealist: Although his Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism keep moving. While he plays this trope straight in lighthearted sidequests (like The Four Bandits), he subverts it by being aware of upcoming complications in others (such as Harpy Village). Darker sidequests (mostly Lily and Plansect Forest) leave him thoroughly depressed.
  • Yin-Yang Bomb: His regular attacks are darkness-themed (since he learned them from Alice), while his moveset as Lukafer is light-based. His finishing Quadruple Giga against Ilias will also count as he fuses Alice's dark power and his holy power into the attack to further amplify its devastating power.


AKA Alipheese Fateburn 16th. A strange monster that Luka discovers in the forest near Ilias Village. Alice is a unique monster, having traits of many different monster types, though her main body is that of a lamia. Her identity is obvious from the start, but she is later revealed in-game to be the Monster Lord. Her character design is by Kenkou Cross of Monster Girl Encyclopedia fame.

  • A Form You Are Comfortable With: Uses a human disguise in human settlements, unless she's alone with Luka.
  • Asskicking Equals Authority: Monster Lords are determined through tournaments. The winner becomes the Monster Lord, while the strongest remaining contestants become the Heavenly Knights. The powerful Alipheese line has won every tournament so far.
  • The Atoner: For accidentally making peaceful coexistence between humans and monsters impossible in the aftermath of her mother's death; she is training Luka so that history may repeat itself and Luka may kill her in combat, putting an end to monster tyranny.
  • Awesome McCoolname: Her actual name is Alipheese Fateburn XVI.
  • Badass Family: See Asskicking Equals Authority.
  • Beauty Is Never Tarnished: Alice apparently had a huge fight with Ilias right before Luka found her. She's not even bruised despite later claiming to have been quite badly injured, though that may be her limited number of sprites in action.
  • Big Bad: Ilias claims she is one. Luka isn't so sure, and there's plenty of evidence to suggest that she really isn't. The Part 2 ending confirms that she's actually this series's Big Good, while Ilias is the true Big Bad.
  • Big Eater: She really does enjoy her food, to the extent that whenever she expresses an interest in something Luka tells her not to eat it. In one memorable bad end, she eats Luka as well.
  • Bizarre Alien Biology: She has at least three mouths in different parts of her body (apparently feeding into two separate stomachs), and that is just tip of the iceberg.
  • Curb Stomp Battle: The likely result if you ever decide to challenge her. Until the sequel's final boss battle.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: Her rogue subordinates pose a far greater threat to humanity than Alice herself.
  • Death Seeker: For ruining her mother's plans of coexistence, she wants to be killed by a hero (as a scapegoat for the rest of the monsters) in the belief that this will fix things.
  • Defrosting Ice Queen: Although she never really stops calling Luka an idiot or a fake hero.
    • The "fake hero" thing quickly becomes a term of endearment, and after the Plansect Forest story arc, Luka begins using it to refer to himself as well.
  • Disc One Final Boss: Alice is confronted for real at the end of part 2, but the player soon discovers that the plot hasn't concluded.
  • Epic Fail: Her attempts to cook. Well, it isn't really even an attempt to cook if she annihilates the cooking pot.
  • Expy: Her appearance seem to based on description of the Demon Lord from Kenkou Cross's Monster Girl Encyclopedia. But since the Demon Lord doesn't have artwork yet, it's unknown if she really resembles Alice. Later materials, such as the entry for the lilim, clears this up, referencing that they inherit physical characteristics from Lilith such as white hair and red eyes. While Alice does have white hair in both of her forms, she has Eyes of Gold instead of red. She also has traits of the Echidna race from the same work, both being lamias with the genes of all monster races.
    • She also has quite a lot in common with Horo, especially her snarky, superior personality and endless obsession with good food.
  • Eyes of Gold: She also has a general eye motif.
  • Freudian Excuse: She was raised by Tamamo and had to suffer a lot of teasing from the kitsunes, so she now often bullies them in return.
  • Gorgeous Gorgon
  • Hopeless Boss Fight: Both fights against Alice in part 1 are optional battles that the player has no chance of winning.
  • Kuudere
  • Jerkass Facade
  • Monster Lord: The actual Monster Lord. It's pretty obvious from the very beginning.
  • One-Woman Army: In chapter 2, she kill about hundred chimera beasts at ruin of Remina without single scratch.
  • Redemption Equals Death: Her idea of redemption at least. She forces Luka to fight her, leading to either Alice sealing herself away from the rest of the world with Luka or Luka killing Alice. Luka takes a third option and spares her.
  • Snakes Are Sexy
  • Stepford Snarker
  • Stripperiffic: Even in her human form, she still wears the same dress as in monster form, which is next to nothing.
  • Technical Pacifist: All monsters are her cute subordinates, so she refuses to help Luka fight any of his battles. She's fine with teaching him new skills, though. She does attack other monsters a few times, but she generally has a good excuse when she does. One example would be against Chimera enemies, which she can't recognize (due to them being monsters created by heaven).
  • Taking You with Me: Inverted; if Luka loses his final battle against Alice at the end of part 2 (which she was planning to lose to bring about world peace) she seals the room with an unbreakable barrier, trapping herself and Luka in there for eternity. Her intention is that the world will think it was Luka who sacrificed himself to seal her away forever. On the bright side, at least this means her and Luka get to spend the rest of eternity making love.
  • Technical Virgin: While she requires semen to survive, that semen was given to her by her parents, as she was kept away from humans. Luka ends up taking her virginity in chapter 2.
  • Verbal Tic: "Hora, hora, hora!" [1] Only while having sex with Luka though. She shares the tic with her Four Knights, although they have their own versions (Tamamo says "hore!" and Granberia says "sore!").
  • When She Smiles: Alice is always a smoking hot sexpot with beauty unmatched among females, but on the very rare occasions that she genuinely smiles you'll be shocked at how outright cute she can be.
  • White-Haired Pretty Girl
  • Woman Scorned: Making Alice angry is a good way to get a bad end.
  • Worf Effect: The Chimera Dryad effortlessly shrugs off an attack from Alice, setting the tone for a painful struggle against That One Boss. Strangely enough, Luka does more damage than her despite the number shown. Perhaps her damage is just empty text after all.
  • Why Did It Have To Be Ghosts
  • You Don't Want to Die a Virgin, Do You?: Her excuse for finally having sex with Luka in chapter two. However, since she knows she's coming up on the culmination of her Self-Sacrifice Scheme it's a total Inversion - she doesn't want to die a virgin.

The Church of Ilias


The central figure of the church, Ilias is an angelic being revered by her worshippers as the goddess who created the world. Ilias's religion is extremely prevalent, especially in the southern continent where Luka grew up. Ilias appears to Luka in a dream, telling him to slay the Monster Lord and therefore marking the beginning of the story.

  • Alas, Poor Villain: As she lays dying from her injuries from Luka and Alice's final attack, she remembers how in the beginning she was born utterly alone in the universe and hoped for a time when intelligent life may evolve just so she could have some companionship. When humans began worshipping her as a Goddess, she eventually became so dependent on their attention, and could not bear with the idea of humanity no longer needing her guidance. Even Luka and Micaela sympathize with her in the end; Luka notes this is similar to his obsession over being a hero, while Micaela notes that none of them truly understood what being alone for billions of years would have been like.
  • Bad Boss: Quick to remind even Black Alice that she's the one running the show and any show of insubordination will cost her dearly.
  • Big Bad: Has even Black Alice on a tight leash.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Some see Ilias as one in the main story, especially if they've been exposed to enough of her snark during the Evaluations after losing a fight. She even rapes you (with a hand job) if you annoy her by doing fifty evaluations in Chapter 1, accusing you of doing it on purpose and trying to "wring" the lust out of you. And, to be fair, you probably were. You also have three chances to get killed by her before you even fight your first enemy, though there's actually a pretty good explanation for that.
  • Crystal Dragon Jesus
  • Does Not Know Her Own Strength: A single finger poke during the tutorial fight brings Luka down to 1 HP. Asking her to repeat the demonstration results in death.
  • Egopolis: The Ilias Continent has the locations Ilias Village, Illiasport, Iliasburg and Ilias Forest. The Sentora Continent also has the city of San Ilia.
  • Expy: Gender aside, she's overly lawful, partially strong armed the in universe equivalent of Lucifer into killing all the humans she considered ungrateful or merely not as loyal as she liked, demands the extermination of all things she deems evil simply because she says they are, doesn't believe in any sort of compromise of her ideals whatsoever... she sound a little bit like YHVH to anyone else yet?
  • Final Boss: A surprise one, as you're led to believe that Black Alice (who's swallowed Ilias whole) is the final boss. However, Ilias gains control of Black Alice's remains once she's killed, and uses them to empower herself.
    • Sequential Boss: She has two different stages. She first fights with her usual appearance and only using pleasure attacks. She then transforms using White Rabbit, becoming an enormous chimeric abomination.
    • Marathon Boss: Her final form has a colossal 600,000 HP. Luka's and Alice's strongest attacks combined will only shave off a few pixels of her life bar. However, as the battle progresses, Luka's allies join the battle, pitching in to shave off sizeable chunks of her life bar while taking hits from her attacks, but with the accompanying in-battle dialogue the fight will take much longer than the previous fights. It speaks volumes when rematching her from the Monsterpedia gives an option to begin at the final phase of the fight, after every major character has done their work on her.
  • Game Over Man: Ilias appears most often to the player through Evaluations which become available after losing a fight, giving hints that point the player to victory. Choosing to finish off Alice at the end of chapter 2 leads to Ilias rewarding Luka with a Non Standard Game Over.
  • God Is Evil: Although this wasn't always the case. She spent an incredibly long time alone, unable to interact with the only other person around (Alice 1, due to the then-incompatibility of holy and dark energy). That would be hard on anyone's psyche.
  • Have a Nice Death: Narrates most of the post-battle advice sections. If you've died while fighting her first form, she simply gloats over her victory.
  • It's All About Me: Has some SERIOUS ego issues. There are three chances for her to kill Luka before his first fight—two of those happen just because he ignored her.
  • Kill'Em All: Teams up with the 8th Monster Lord to wipe the slate clean and start the world over, as she feels that humanity is too ungrateful for what she has done for them, culminating in her Chosen One essentially telling her to go fuck herself. Given that "what she has done for them" apparently includes slaughtering them by the thousands, thus throwing humans into war with monsters, humanity may have good reason to be ungrateful.
  • Kryptonite Factor: Being baptized by Ilias carries the chief benefit of making a person totally unappealing to monsters.
  • Light Is Not Good: Definitely not.
  • Secret Test of Character: She views humanity as just as corrupt as monsters and chose the innocent Luka to embark on a quest to redeem humanity in her eyes. Needless to say, he failed.
  • Slasher Smile: She sports an absolutely terrifying one when Luka rebels against her.
  • Terrible Trio: With Black Alice and Promestein.
  • Unreliable Narrator: She claims that she created the entire world and everything on it, including monsters. The planet formed from completely mundane processes and monsters were created by Alice 1.
  • Vicious Cycle: Ilias's commandment forbidding humans from having sex with monsters has resulted in a particularly nasty one, forcing many monsters to attack human settlements in order to stop themselves going extinct.
  • Villain's Dying Grace: As her last act as a proper Goddess, she reverses Luka's transformation from his overuse of holy energy, and congratulates him for saving the world.
  • What the Hell, Player?: "Stop losing on purpose to watch the sex scenes!"
  • Winged Humanoid
  • Xanatos Gambit: She anticipates that Black Alice will betray her and lets the latter consume her. She plans for Luka to defeat Black Alice afterwards to release her, so that she can attain a body containing both holy and dark power and become the ultimate being.
  • Yin Yang Bomb: Her final form arises from a mixture of the first Monster Lord's genes interacting with her holy power.


One of Ilias' loyal angels, and the leader of the entire angel army. Was formerly third best among the seraphs before her predecessors, Micaela and Lucifina, became fallen angels. As such, she has a sore spot when referred to as "The Third".

  • Berserk Button: She really, really doesn't like being called the "third", as it reminds of her inferiority to Micaela and Lucifina.
  • Meaningful Name: She's named for the Biblical garden, and can transform her body into one.
  • One-Winged Angel: For her boss battle, she transforms into a garden sitting on top of a mountain of red serpents.
  • Undying Loyalty: To Ilias. Out of all of her major subordinates, she's the only one to remain loyal to the end.


The first seraph created by Ilias, and an expert strategist due to her long experience in commanding the army of angels. She rebelled against Ilias after the slaughter of Remina, and then escaped to the surface world to found Enrika as a safe haven for monsters and fallen angels alike.

  • Chekhov's Gunman: First encountered in Chapter 1 where she denies Luka entry to Enrika. Her identity becomes known once Luka revisits Enrika.
  • Fallen Angel
  • Punny Name: Based on Archangel Michael.
  • Ms. Exposition: Tells Luka of the history between Ilias and the Monster Lords, the true identity of his mother, and explains his newly acquired Fallen Angel powers and how it will take a toll on his body if used excessively.


The second seraph created by Ilias. She rebelled against Ilias 500 years ago when she rescued Black Alice and Promestein, then fled to the surface world and concealed her identity by sealing her angelic powers. She then met and fell in love with Marcellus and became Luka's mother.


A mysterious woman wearing scientist's lab coat who appears multiple times during the haunted house and witch hunt quests. She's actually an angel who engineers incredibly powerful chimera monsters to strengthen Ilias's army, and even creates artificial copies of the Elemental Spirits to empower various monsters.

  • Angelic Beauty: Subverted. While not bad looking by any means, she lacks the angelic sides of things and looks much more like a regular human with occasionally visible wings and halo.
  • Arbitrary Skepticism: Despite studying various forms of magic as an important field of science, she seems utterly unable to believe her eyes when Luka managed to use Undine's powers despite the latter being sealed.
  • Artistic License – Biology: Her chimeras aren't always the most realistic possible. But then again, they include a heavy dose of Magitech.
  • Belief Makes You Stupid: Her curiosity running in opposition with her fellow angels' blind belief in Ilias has reinforced this attitude in her.
  • Blasphemous Boast: She claims that even a god would have to face the fangs of her and her Seekers of Truth.
  • Break the Scientist: A minor example, but she is left quite stunned at Luka's ability to summon Undine despite having no link to her. She quickly regains her composure after this, however.
  • The Chessmaster: Attempts to do this. Not only has she built most of technology and chimeras to be secretly anti-angel weapons, but she also keeps up a facade of hating Black Alice to most of her allies and tricks Black Alice into helping her kill Ilias and eventually betray Black Alice herself.
  • Crazy Prepared: She seems to have a contraption, plan or chimera built to counter and defeat nearly every single of the strongest threats to her plans, including her own "allies".
  • Creating Life: She created the Chimeras as half-machine anti-monster weapons, including ones tailor-made against the four knights. Not that it's portrayed as a good thing, as most of them are evil and sadistic abominations.
  • Defiant to the End: Upon her defeat by Luka, she declares humanity her successor, thinking that they will take up her research and end up just like her.
  • The Dragon: To Ilias.
  • Establishing Character Moment: The first scene where her name is revealed consists of her Next Dolls Curb-Stomping Granberia and Alma Elma, sealing Alice, cutting Luka off from his connection to the Four Spirits and essentially launching a global attack on every major city in the world. All in the span of a few minutes.
  • Evil Counterpart: Possesses artificial copies of Sylph and Gnome, Zylphine and Gnomaren, and uses them in her fight. She also created artificial copies of the other Spirits for the monsters to use.
  • Expy: Arguably one of both of her namesakes. Also arguably to Kurisu Makise, down to having her Paradox attack cut-out reference her.
  • Fallen Angel: Presumably became this after being banished to Earth as a punishment for giving fire to humans.
  • Fantastic Science: Magic and the likes are but another field of science to her and most other scientists in the setting.
  • Fictional Field of Science: She spends a lot of her time and resources on the study of Holy and Dark magic, notably with the immense surge of power that is generated when the two collide.
  • For Science!: Her motives are the research of truth, with science being the main way to achieve it. She isn't reluctant to ally herself with others who use alternative means of reaching it, however, such as Lucia using alchemy or La Croix using the dark arts.
  • The Heretic: Treated as one by her fellow angels.
  • Horny Scientist: Subverted. While her various creations may come off as perverted, she shows very little real interest in sex itself (at least compared to the rest of the cast).
  • Hot Scientist: While dressed in a much less skimpy outfit than most examples or even than most characters of the game, she certainly isn't bad looking.
  • How Unscientific: Spout a variant of this line in her fight against Luka.
  • Humans Are Special: Admires the human race for their thirst for knowledge and desire for growth, which led to her coming in contact with mankind and introducing fire to them. She also has high hopes for mankind, wishing for them to take up her search for knowledge and eventually reach greater heights with it than she managed.
  • Intelligence Equals Isolation: Her drive to find the true cause of natural phenomena caused her to be shunned by her fellow angels.
  • Kill the God: Despite serving under Ilias for most of the series, this is truly her end goal.
  • Labcoat of Science and Medicine: Wears one as her main outfit, even when miles away from anything resembling a laboratory. Could be due to her being Married to the Job.
  • Mad Scientist: Though far more amoral than insane, she still fits the trope. Comes with being named from Frankenstein.
  • Mad Scientist Laboratory: At least two: the Remina Laboratory and the Drain Lab.
  • Man-Eating Plant: Her seaweed body becomes this, once enhanced by the White Rabbit.
  • Married to the Job : It seems like her only reason to exist is to further her research of the "truth".
  • My Species Doth Protest Too Much: With her scientist mind and refusal to believe Ilias' lies, she is the polar opposite of nearly all other angels, who are content with following Ilias' will without a second thought. The usual racism of angels towards monsters also seems to be almost non-existent, with her most trusted ally being an undead succubus of all things.
  • Omnidisciplinary Scientist: From biology to physics and even Magitech, she seems to possess all the scientific knowledge of our modern era while living in an otherwise medieval setting.
  • One-Winged Angel: She creates the White Rabbit drug from the genetic material of the First Monster Lord, which is capable of inducing a massive transformation. She uses it on herself during the final confrontation with her.
  • Our Angels Are Different: Even compared to other angels of her series, Promestein is more monster than angel due to her own experiments.
  • Outgrown Such Silly Superstitions: She carries this attitude towards faith in Ilias in general. She also wishes for humans to follow the same path.
  • Plant Person: Become one with an ancient kind of seaweed through her experiments.
  • Portmanteau Name: Prometheus and Frankenstein.
  • Professor Guinea Pig: Fused her body with an ancient form of seaweed despite the lack of obvious chimeras where this was tested on. She was also willing to use the previously untested White Rabbit on her own body after her first defeat against Luka.
  • Rage Against the Heavens: She plots to rebel against Ilias for two reasons - the first is for Ilias's opposition to any information that remotely threatens her reign, and the second is for revenge against being exiled from heaven.
  • Religion Is Wrong: Despite being an angel, she seems to despise anything related to Goddess Ilias and her faith.
  • Scale of Scientific Sins: Seems to run through the entire spectrum freely.
  • Science Cannot Comprehend Phlebotinum: Double Subverted. While Promestein's science can and has comprehended several kind of Phlebotinum, even including ones specific to the hero, she still cannot wrap her head around Luka using Undine when it shouldn't be possible.
  • Science Is Bad: Zig-zagged. She was ostracized by her fellow angels for trying to understand how the world works rather than believing Ilias willed it so and her creations are highly amoral and dangerous. But on the other hand, she helped humanity surpass their needs for a goddess and the technology she left behind seems to have improved the general living conditions of humans in the Paradox timeline.
  • Sole Surviving Scientist: In the Administrator's Tower timeline, she is implied to have been this, alongside her fellow Seekers of Truth.
  • The Starscream: Cooperates with Black Alice to overthrow Ilias with the aid of White Rabbit, but also plots to use White Rabbit herself to consume Luka, become the ultimate being, and betray Black Alice.
  • Super Intelligence: Somehow managed to reach the level of modern-day physicists by studying rocks and lizards in a cave.
  • Unwitting Pawn: Her plans to betray Ilias were actually part of Ilias' bigger plan to become the strongest being in all of creation.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: Her actions not only help humanity but also corresponds to the protagonist's end goal in Part 3. However, she is willing to participate in a genocide and conduct horrible experiments for this.

The Four Heavenly Knights

The four chief vassals who serve the Monster Lord. Each is the most powerful member of their respective species and are responsible for carrying out the Monster Lord's will.


The Knight of Fire, Granberia belongs to the Dragon species. Luka first meets Granberia in Iliasburg where she attempts to conquer the city, and would have easily done so singlehandedly had Alice not stopped her.

  • Badass Adorable: When she's blushing or wearing ordinary clothes.
  • BFS: A colossal one named Ares.
  • Blood Knight
  • Can't Catch Up: Becomes stronger linearly, while Luka grows exponentially.
  • The Dragon: Figuratively and literally.
  • Even the Girls Want Her: Just ask Sara.
  • Hot-Blooded
  • Little Miss Badass: When she tells Luka, she mastered the Serene Mind technique 20 years ago, he thinks it's a case of her being Really 700 Years Old. She reveals she was 5 at that point.
  • Master Swordswoman
  • Mirror Match: In the final battle against her, Granberia uses the same moves as Luka. Justified since they're techniques used by monster champions, so Granberia has studied them as well. The only exception is Quadruple Giga, which used by the hero Heinrich. Naturally, it is the only move that can defeat her.
  • One-Man Army: Easily took out the garrisons of both Iliasburg and San Ilia singlehandedly without breaking a sweat.
  • Our Dragons Are Different
  • Playing with Fire: She can set her sword on fire with magic.
    • Elemental Powers: Although fire is her primary element, she can use other three as well.
  • Recurring Boss: You fight her more times than any other enemy.
    • Puzzle Boss: And each time, even in the Monster Lord's Castle, you have to progress the fight by demonstrating to her various recently-acquired skills.
  • Tsundere: Her character traits seem to be largely based on the Dragon race from the Monster Girl Encyclopedia. As such, she starts to fall for Luka as he grows stronger in the sequel.
  • Technical Virgin: While Alma-Elma claims to have taken Granberia's virginity with her finger, there's no evidence whatsoever that Granberia ever did anything more sexual than being fingered by the succubus queen. In her later game over scene, where she has sex with Luka even mentions that it's her first time doing it.
  • Worf Effect: She gets a sound beating from Arc-en-Ciel at the end of the second chapter. Partly because she's wasn't recovered from the fight with Luka, and partly because Arc-en-Ciel was created specially to counter her abilities.
  • Worthy Opponent: Often laments that there are so few strong warriors to face her in battle. She considers Luka to be one because he didn't run away despite being so much weaker than her.
  • Younger Than They Look: She's 25.


The Knight of Earth, Tamamo is a nine-tailed Kitsune. She is first encountered after she retrieves Poseidon's Bell from a treasure cave, but offers it to Luka after hearing about how he rescued one of her subordinates. She is actually Tamamo-no-Mae, one of the Six Ancestors and the ancestor of all beast monsters. Like the other Six Ancestors, she willingly sealed herself away with the Six Ancestors' Great Seal. However, she developed her own technique to let her escape the seal, by creating a significantly weaker and physically younger body.

  • Anti-Magic: Aqua Canceller, Wind Canceller and Fire Canceller, removing the effect of Luka's summoned spirit.
  • Cute Bruiser: In second chapter, her attacks include "Tamamo Punch", "Tamamo Tackle" and "Tamamo Rolling". When Luka dodges these attacks, he is terrified by the damage they leave behind.
  • Dishing Out Dirt: Her specialty as the Knight of Earth. She uses it to massively enhance her strength and durability.
  • Friendly Enemy: She never attacks Luka in the first chapter, and offers him Poseidon's Bell after hearing how he rescued her follower from the spider girl. In the second chapter, she teams up with Luka to fight Yamata no Orochi and teaches him to use a stronger Gnome technique.
  • Hopeless Boss Fight: In first chapter, you have the option of challenging her to a fight. Winning is impossible, however.
  • Kitsune
  • Legacy of Service: Advisor to the monster lords for over 500 years.
  • Meaningful Name: She's named for a legendary nine-tailed Kitsune in Japanese mythology, considered one of the three greatest youkai.
  • Older Than They Look: Despite her childish looks, Tamamo is actually the oldest of the four.
  • Physical God: As nine-tails kitsune, she enjoys the status in Yamatai. As one of the Six Ancestors, she's even more powerful, capable of easily steamrolling Tsukuyomi and doing serious damage to a White Rabbit-enhanced Ilias.
  • Playing With Fire: She has access to powerful fire magic in her unsealed state. She's able to instantly incinerate the (also earth-enhanced) Tsukuyomi.
  • Readings Are Off the Scale: Luka defeats a seven-tailed kitsune thanks to his mysterious sleep-based powers moments before encountering Tamamo. According to Alice, however, nine tails are so much more powerful than seven that it's not even worth considering trying to fight her.
  • Really 700 Years Old: She's old enough to have advised several past Monster Lords, yet looks like a little girl. In fact, she's among the oldest monsters in existence.
  • Stealth Mentor: To Luka, during their fight against Yamata-no-Orochi and even their final battle in the Monster Lord's castle. Justified in that she's been teaching several generations of Monster Lords for centuries, and with Luka using skills that draw on monsters' powers, she can't help but correct him.
  • Super Strength: Using just one of her tails, she can restrain Luka using the second level of Gnome
  • There Is No Kill Like Overkill: Her optional fight in Chapter 1. She does 9 hits, each that hits more than your MAX HP.
  • Trademark Favourite Food: Aburaage. For the record, it's tofu that has been sliced thin and fried twice, a staple favorite for most any kitsune.
  • Youkai

Alma Elma

The Knight of Wind, Alma Elma is a very powerful Succubus. She was the one responsible for preventing ships from leaving the southern continent by conjuring huge storms.

  • Blow You Away: In both senses; she's certainly flexible in that regard.
  • Brilliant but Lazy: On top of being a master of wind magic and pleasure techniques, she's a skilled martial artist. However, she always plays around and rarely bothers to fulfill her duties.
  • Femme Fatale: Bordering on being The Vamp.
  • Friendly Enemy: In chapter 2.
  • Horny Devils: The queen of them.
  • I'm a Humanitarian: Losing in her first fight will result in her swallowing Luka with her tail.
  • I Am Not Left-Handed: Knows a lot more on martial arts than she demonstrates in the arena, but never reveals such prowess as it would ruin her reputation as Queen Succubus. She lets loose on her second fight with Hainuwele, quickly turning the fight into a Curb-Stomp Battle.
  • Let's Get Dangerous: During her final confrontation with Luka, he calls her out and tells her to stop playing around and fight seriously. She proceeds to take off her clothes and demonstrate just why she's the queen of all succubi. She takes this further in her final fight with Hainuwele, using her martial arts to instantly turn the fight around.
  • Spell My Name with an "S": In the first chapter her name was translated as "Arumaeruma". For the second chapter and onwards, the same translator decided to change it to "Alma Elma".
  • Stealth Mentor: In the second chapter, she pretty much forces Luka to use more power from Sylph in both fights.
  • Super Speed: She's as fast as the wind itself.
  • The Unfettered: Basically just does whatever the hell she wants. Matter of fact, this actually saves Luka; he only manages to win their battles (save the last one) because she gives up and leaves.
  • Worf Effect: Same as for Granberia; see above.


The Knight of Water, Erubetie is a unique slime. She is not encountered in the first chapter apart from being referenced in a conversation between the other three Knights.

  • The Assimilator: She has absorbed countless humans and monsters to attain her current form.
  • Blob Monster
  • Emotionless Girl
  • The Ghost: Makes no appearance in the first chapter , on account of her soaking in the springs of her birthplace in Undine's cave.
  • Healing Factor: According to her profile, courtesy of being made almost entirely of water.
  • He Who Fights Monsters: The innumerable beings she has absorbed into herself on her quest for vengeance twisted her mind.
  • I'm a Humanitarian: She consumes Luka if he loses in their first fight.
  • Heel Face Turn: After she threatens to destroy all of Hellgondo in a suicide attack, Luka manages to convince her that her lust for revenge is meaningless.
  • I Am Legion: She has the combined personalities of everyone she's absorbed.
  • Kill All Humans: Her goal, due to humans polluting the waterways that slimes depend on.
  • Making a Splash: Although she's the Knight of Water, she's unlike the rest of the Knights in that she doesn't use the signature buffing technique associated with her element (Serene Mind). Her use of water is limited to using her own liquid body for battle.
  • Mind Hive: Her profile reveals that she has the minds of thousands of other slimes and monsters she has fused with over the years inside her, kept in check by Erubetie's iron will.
  • Nuclear Weapons Taboo: Subverted. She can turn herself into a nuclear fusion bomb.
  • Spell My Name with an "S": Erubetie? Elbetty? Elvetie? Almost all her attacks' names are based on locations, so it's likely that the correct name is Elvetie, since (h)Elvetie a way of spelling Switzerland's local archaic name - specifically, it's Gaulish.
  • Taking You with Me: She was going to pull this in the second battle, Luka manage to convince her otherwise.
  • Theme Naming: Her attacks are named after mythical locations: Heaven's Prison, Divine Gale, Xanadu Stroke etc.

The Four Elemental Spirits

The four spirits that lent their power to the hero Heinrich 500 years ago, allowing him to defeat the eighth Monster Lord. Luka also seeks out their assistance in a similar manner.

The Spirits in general:

  • Elemental Embodiment: Of the four classical elements.
  • Puzzle Boss: Barring Gnome, each Spirit requires you to perform a scripted task instead of whittling down their HP. Justified as they are testing Luka's capabilities or trying to teach him a new technique.


The wind spirit, and the first to lend her power to Luka. Her Level 1 ability helps Luka protect himself from things like vines, tentacles, and anything that can easily be blown away or chopped up by wind. Additionally, magical attacks or attacks that rely on aromas can be blown away by the wind. Her level 2 ability allows Luka to evade almost any attack altogether, as well as increasing his normal attacks' hit rate to 100%. Finally, her Level 3 ability allows Luka to use two normal attacks per turn instead of one, and her summoning cost is lowered from 2 SP to 1 SP. The special technique Lightning Sword Flash (an upgraded version of Thunder Thrust) can be powered up by channeling it with Sylph. When Luka awakens to his Fallen Angel Powers and regains Sylph, Sylph's powers improve his Fallen Angel Dance skill. When the seal of elements is lifted, Sylph's abilities revert to Level 3 and also empower his Flash Kill attack.

  • Blow You Away: Of course, as she is the spirit of wind. Contrasts Alma Elma, the wind-attribute Heavenly Knight.
  • Butt Monkey: Constantly abused by the other spirits, and occasionally Alice too.
  • Disc One Nuke: Her ability trivializes almost every fight for the remainder of chapter one. Even the Chimera Dryad becomes unable to lay a single attack on Luka while Sylph is active (with the exception of her one-hit-kill attack, which can be avoided simply by defending).
  • The Ditz: Can come off as this quite often. In truth, she's not so much ditzy as she is childish.
  • Flash Step: Her enhanced abilities allow Luka to dodge like this, and the upgraded Thunder Thrust technique with Sylph's power acts in a similar manner.
  • Idiot Hair: Sports a VERY prominent ahoge.
  • Team Mom: In a way. At the very least, she seems to be the only of the spirits who enjoys having the others around. She goes to the extent of trying to put together a picnic with the other three, only to be set on fire by Salamander.


The earth spirit, and the second to lend her power to Luka. Her Level 1 ability helps Luka to more easily break out of enemies' holds. Her Level 2 ability cuts the damage Luka takes by a third, as well as increasing his chance to land a critical hit. Finally, her Level 3 ability increase Luka's critical hit chance to 100%, and reduces Gnome's summoning cost from 2 SP to 1 SP. The special technique Earth Rumbling Decapitation (an upgraded version of Demon Skull Beheading) can be powered up by channeling it with Gnome. When Luka awakens to his Fallen Angel powers and regains Gnome, they revert to Level 2 strength, and reach Level 3 and empower his Heavenly Demon Revival attack once the seal on the elements is lifted.

  • Creepy Doll: Her mud dolls, at least one of which she is almost always seen holding (in her physical form, at least). Doubles in creepiness, she has them rape Luka if he fails her trial.
  • Dishing Out Dirt: Naturally, as the earth spirit. Contrasts Tamamo, the earth-attribute Heavenly Knight.
  • Emotionless Girl
  • The Stoic: Doesn't say anything, and doesn't do anything besides occasionally punching Sylph.
  • The Voiceless: Her profile states that she prefers other methods of communication because she's bad at expressing herself.


The water spirit, and the third to lend her power to Luka. Her Level 1 ability (almost useless, as Luka is unable to control her powers at first) shaves off a tiny amount of the damage Luka takes (roughly 10%). Her level 2 ability allows Luka to easily dodge enemy attacks (at a nearly 100% rate), while reducing damage from attacks that do land, as well as increasing his offensive capabilities (though preventing critical hits from occurring) at the cost of 1 SP per turn. Finally, her Level 3 ability changes her SP cost to a one-time cost of 4 SP, rather than consuming 1 SP every turn (though the dodge rate is reduced). The special technique Serene Demon Sword (an upgraded version of Demon Decapitation) can be powered up by channeling it with Undine, at the cost of ending her summoning. When Luka awakens to his Fallen Angel powers and regains Undine, Undine's powers improve his Serene Mind state (and retains the SP cost of 2) and also power up his Daystar counterattack when the seal on the elements is lifted.


The fire spirit, and the last to lend her power to Luka. Her Level 1 ability allows Luka to increase his offensive capability, at the cost of temporarily being unable to recover his HP; however, the damage increase is negligible, due to Luka not being able to properly harness Salamander's powers. After her Level 2 upgrade, summoning her will further increase Luka's offensive capabilities as well as max out his SP, though his SP will drop back down to 0 when her power leaves. Finally, her Level 3 ability no longer prevents Luka from recovering HP, and does not drain his SP when her summoning ends. The special technique Vaporizing Rebellion Sword (an upgraded version of Death Sword Chaos Star) can be powered up by channeling it with Salamander. When Luka awakens to his Fallen Angel powers and regains Salamander, her powers revert to Level 2 strength. Once the seal on the elements is lifted, these return to Level 3 strength and also empower his Ninefold Rakshasa attack.

  • Fiery Redhead: Averted as far as we've seen, despite her encyclopedia entry claiming such (as well as literally having a fiery red head). She's quite calm, and doesn't get much more fired up even when in battle.
  • Game Breaker: Her level 3 version is quite simply this- instantly fully recharges your SP AND boosts your damage for no drawback? On the other hand, you NEED it for the couple of battles you get it for.
  • Hotblooded Sideburns: As to be expected of the spirit of fire.
  • Limit Break: Her enhanced powers can come off as this. A final burst of SP and enhanced offense will let you finish off enemies easily, but when her power runs out, you're reduced to 0 SP and most likely heavily injured due to not being able to recover HP with her active. Suffice to say, it's VERY important to finish off your enemies while she's still active.
  • The Obi-Wan: To Granberia, though Salamander is the weaker of the two nowadays. The two apparently were together for a majority of Granberia's early life.
  • Playing with Fire: Only natural for the fire spirit. Contrasts Granberia, the fire-attribute Heavenly Knight (who also happens to be Salamander's former student).

Minor Villains

The Four Bandits

Four monster bandits who terrorise the lands around Iliasburg. Well, they would, if not for the fact that they are all children. The band is comprised of a goblin, a lamia, a vampire and a dragon.

  • Harmless Villain
  • Hypnotic Eyes: The Vampire can defeat Luka with these, but like the Goblin Girl she telegraphs the attack so obviously that she actually has to ask you to look into her eyes.
  • Hero Worshipper: To the Four Heavenly Knights.
  • Not So Harmless: The Dragon Pup is the only one who is actually dangerous due to her fire breath. But since she surrenders right after you hit her with Demon Decapitation once, it's easy to avoid this.
  • Poke the Poodle: Their actions essentially amounted to harmless pranks.
  • Super Strength: The Goblin Girl actually has the strength to KO Luka with one hit, but she telegraphs her attack so obviously that you can really only get hit by it if you deliberately let her.

Harpy Queen

The queen of the harpies who are abducting men from Happiness Village.

  • I Let You Win: Her profile states that she wasn't fighting against Luka with her full power due to doubts about her plan.
  • Tenchi Solution: When she reaches a compromise with Happiness Village, this is the result - each man is allowed to keep a human wife and at least one harpy partner.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: Encouraged her followers to kidnap human men from nearby villages, but only because Ilias' prohibition meant they were in danger of extinction otherwise.


A necromancer obsessed with zombies and the dead. Chrome is the mastermind behind the haunted mansion sidequest, taking up residence in the abandoned house and raising many zombies from its sprawling graveyard.

  • Easily Forgiven: Downplayed. When Luka fights her, he claims that Chrome is too evil and must be sealed, she run away before that can be done. When Luka tells Alice that Chrome is the one behind whole haunted house incident, Alice angily beat a crap out of her, it's so brutal that Luka end up holding Alice back, and lets Chrome escape with promise that she will never perform experiment with corpses again.
  • Frankenstein's Monster: Her prized creation is Frederika, a massive female zombie whose main body is based on the last daughter of the house. Over the years Chrome added parts from other zombies onto her in order to "improve" her creation.
  • Grave Robbing: How she obtains her raw materials.
  • Horny Devils: It has been stated in-game that she is a succubus, even if she acts nothing like one.
  • Mad Scientist: One who combines both magic and science in her work.
  • Mad Scientist Laboratory: The crypts beneath the mansion.
  • Necromancer: She creates zombies at first, and later summons ghosts when Alice bans her use of zombies. At the end of the game, she considers dropping all arts that exploit the dead, and instead becoming a puppeteer.
  • No Pronunciation Guide: Rather than pronouncing it "kroam", her name is intended to be pronounced "ku-ro-me". This becomes apparent when her foil, Shirome, appears.
  • Older Than They Look: Despite her apparent youthfulness, Chrome is actually a hundred years older than Alice.


The main villain of the Witch Hunt sidequest, Lily was the illegitimate daughter of the village chief. After being shunned her entire life, Lily took her revenge by murdering her father and brothers with forbidden magic and subjecting her village to brutal witch hunts.


The current leader of the anti-monster terrorist group Ilias Creutz. Lazarus is officially seen only briefly in the first chapter, but has a hidden conversation in Sabasa that proves to be very revealing.

  • Ax Crazy: Subverted. Lazarus is actually very mellow and calm about his various bombings.
  • Awesomeness By Analysis: Immediately discerns Luka's fighting style simply by looking at his shoes.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: He was part of Luka's father's expedition to kill the Monster Lord. The Monster Lord surrendered herself to Luka's father and Lazarus, sacrificing herself to ensure peace between monsters and humans. Alice, however, upon witnessing her mother's death, ends up killing multiple people, convincing the human expedition that coexistence is impossible. Luka's father eventually met his end at Lazarus's hands after he found out that he was secretly sabotaging them, his faith shaken from the atrocities they have committed.
  • Death Seeker: For accidentally killing his best friend Marcellus, he tries to provoke Luka into killing him.
  • Fallen Hero
  • Jumped Off the Slippery Slope
  • Knight Templar
  • Mad Bomber: However, he's consistently ineffective at it, with no monsters dying to his bombs. An Alternate Character Interpretation is that he's subconsciously using bombs that he knows are too weak to kill monsters, in honor of Marcellus' memory.
  • Not So Different: When Luka lambasts him for using violence to uphold Ilias's laws, Lazarus counters by asking Luka how many monsters he himself has trampled over in pursuit of his goal of co-operation.
  • Redemption Equals Death: He requests for Salamander's power to hold off the forces attacking Gold Port in Chapter 3. Using such power without a contract results in him seriously injuring himself, a fact that he had known beforehand.
  • Shell-Shocked Veteran: He's an old man whose quest to kill the Monster Lord never ended, particularly after the death of his best friends and supposedly Luka's father at the hands of a monster.
  • Taken for Granite: Turned to stone by Alice so that Luka wouldn't kill him outright. It later wears off in Chapter 3 just in time for him to see Gold Port under siege.

The Canaan Sisters

A trio of carnivorous alraunes who hire themselves out as mercenaries to the plant side during the Plansect Village conflict.

Yamata no Orochi

A legendary monster that lives in the mountains near Yamatai. The Orochi used to be sealed but has since awoken and begun demanding sacrifices in exchange for leaving the village alone.

  • Cool Crown: Eight of them, in fact.
  • Multiple Head Case: Fitting her myth, she has eight heads (and torsos).
  • Non-Malicious Monster: The Orochi's sacrifices aren't actually killed, but spend an entire year being molested by her. This hilariously leads to dozens of men volunteering to be the sacrifice every year.
  • Orochi


The ruler of Lady Village, so-called because male adventurers who travel there never return. Cassandra and nearly all the other villagers are actually monsters in disguise who rape and devour any men who enter the village.

  • Blob Monster: An unconventional one, being made out of digestive organs.
  • Hypocrite: She has the audacity to beg for her life after claiming that only the strong deserve to survive.
  • I Am a Humanitarian: And proud of it too.
  • Karmic Death: She is eventually killed by Alice, who points out that her own belief in survival of the fittest means she was weak and therefore deserved to die.
  • Killed Off for Real: One of the only monsters so far to be killed outright rather than simply sealed.
  • Offing the Offspring: Devours her own daughter Emily after she fails to defeat Luka.
  • The Ojou: Her disguise until she unmasks herself.
  • The Social Darwinist: Cassandra believes wholeheartedly in the survival of the fittest and that strong monsters should rule over weak humans.

Alice the Eighth

The eighth Monster Lord, known as "Black Alice" due to being a cruel and sadistic monster who despises humans. She was defeated by the great human hero Heinrich 500 years prior to Luka's adventure. Somehow still alive.

  • Abstract Apotheosis: Possibly. Her ascension as the Goddess of Chaos most likely elevated her as the embodiment of Chaos, much like Ilias or Alice I embodies Holy magic and Dark magic respectively.
  • A-Cup Angst: Downplayed, but she does at least acknowledge her relatively small bust size in her attacks, where most major characters tend to be more impressive in this regard. Ends up being somewhat subverted though, as most of her other forms have a far bigger chest, down to her Goddess of Chaos form dwarfing most other characters.
  • Alice Allusion: Looks very much like that Alice.
  • Big Bad: One of them. Considering her appearance in Paradox as the cause of Chaos itself, she could be this for the entire series.
  • Bishonen Line: She starts looking perfectly like a human, at least on the outside. But the more she taps into the power of the White Rabbit, she ends up looking more and more horrific, to the point of becoming a literal wall of flesh by the end. In her appearance in Paradox, however, she gains full control of her chaos powers and goes back to being human-like, just with added wings and tentacles.
    • Her regular form is arguably one too compared to the other Monster Lords. She is the strongest Monster Lord in all of history (not counting Alice I), yet her body contains absolutely no non-human features at first glance.
  • Blondes Are Evil: The only blond Monster Lord so far, and the evilest one.
  • Broken Bird: According to Lilith & Lilim, Black Alice used to be a much better person (or at least, not as bad) until the hero Heinrich "destroyed her love".
  • Complete Monster: Unlike the others Big Bads of the game, Black Alice has no redeeming features. At least not anymore. She willingly works with a mass-murderer of her own race, just to get a chance to take over the world for once.
  • Creepy Child: She looks and acts the part, at least. Of course, she's actually hundreds of years old.
  • Cute Witch: Pretends to be one in Paradox.
  • Dating Catwoman: Monster Girl Quest Paradox suggests that she had a romantic relationship with Heinrich, her supposed slayer.
  • The Dragon: Demoted to this after she begins working with Ilias.
  • Elemental Powers: Her final form gains the use of all four artificial Spirits, and can even cancel Luka's own if he tries to keep more than one Spirit active. Knowing how to counter each Spirit becomes vital to avoid instant death.
  • Generation Xerox: Monster Girl Quest Paradox suggests that she was just like her descendant Alice XVI, accompanying a human hero around the world.
  • God of Evil: Ends being even eviler than Ilias, once she gets to fully absorb her.
  • Hijacked by Ganon: Both a victim and a perpetrator of this. While she was built up as the final villain at the end of the original, her role is quickly taken over back by Ilias, who was a force recognized as the main villain way before Black Alice was introduced. In Paradox meanwhile, despite all the new threats introduced, it turns out that the true source of the Chaos was Black Alice herself. Not a Black Alice mind you, the Black Alice from the original timeline.
  • Humanoid Abomination: Despite looking like a little girl, this is just a disguise and every part of her body seems to hide a predatory organ or tentacles.
  • Leitmotif: The battle theme of her Final Form comes back in the trailer of the Part 2 of Monster Girl Quest Paradox.
  • Little Miss Almighty: A step up from the below trope, her Goddess of Chaos form not only dwarfs Ilias (and possibly Ilias' Final Form) in power but also embodies Chaos, which is the primordial void responsible for the creation of all of existence. Although she does look much more womanly and shapely than before.
  • Little Miss Badass: Being one of the strongest Monster Lords of all time while looking like the protagonist of Alice in Wonderland certainly gives her the qualifications of one.
  • Monster Lord: The eighth, and by far the worst of them.
  • Multiversal Conqueror: After having very quickly destroyed the original timeline, she seems interested in taking over all the timelines created by her ascension.
  • One-Winged Angel: Induced by the use of White Rabbit, and each form goes through different extensions of this trope.
  • Physical God: Becomes the chaos equivalent to Ilias' light.
  • Sequential Boss: Her final fight goes through 3 different forms, with no save points in between in the translation. Each form also has a wide variety of One Hit Kill attacks.
  • The Starscream: Cooperates with Promestein so that she can overthrow and consume Ilias, become the ultimate dark lord, and conquer the world.
  • Terrible Trio: She, Ilias, and Promestein are the three main antagonists of the series.
  • Trick Boss: Set up to be the final boss of the game - even the Evaluation Meetings imply that. Her defeat results in Ilias' release and empowerment.
  • Winged Humanoid: Becomes this once she obtain full control of her chaos powers; one angel wing and one demon wing.

The Chimeras

Fearsome monsters that appear to be made from parts taken from many different creatures. They are mysterious beings and even Alice has no idea where they come from. Eventually revealed to be the creations of Promestein, who developed them as weapons to use in Ilias's plan to wipe the slate clean.

Chimeras in general:

  • Artificial Monsters
  • Attack! Attack! Attack!: Chimeras will attack anything on sight, regardless of whether they are human or monsters.
  • Body Horror: The most basic Chimera has mismatched horns and eyes, multiple tongues, mismatched front and back legs, and a single wing. Other chimeras, especially the failed experiments, take this even further.
  • Emotionless Girl: None of the generic chimeras ever display emotion.
  • Implacable Man
  • Mix-and-Match Critters: All of them by definition. The basic Chimera Beast resembles a griffin in having both feline and avian parts, but also has a reptilian tail and two horns belonging to another two different animals.
  • Out of the Inferno: The Chimera Dryad is barely fazed by Alice's Omega Fire attack.

Giganto Weapon

An ancient Chimera created a thousand years ago during the Monster Wars. Although she has lost some of her power since then, she is still a fearsome opponent. The Four Knights reactivate her to fight against Luka, but cannot control her, causing her to go on a rampage.


A Next Doll created by Promestein. Made to be a counter to Granberia, she possesses incredible strength to match and overpower Granberia's own.


A Next Doll created by Promestein. Made to be a counter to Alma Elma, she has incredible speed and agility to outmaneuver even the Queen Succubus' attacks, and her emotional responses dialed down to nothing to render her immune to pleasure-inducing attacks.

  • Fragile Speedster: With emphasis on both the "Fragile" and the "Speedster". She's even faster than Alma Elma, but this speed was obtained by giving her almost no armor. Once Alma Elma lands a hit, she's unable to fight any longer.
  • Won't Work On Me: Completely immune to pleasure, to counter Alma Elma.


A Next Doll created by Promestein. Made to be a counter to Tamamo.

  • Dishing Out Dirt: She can enhance her strength and durability with the power of the earth.
  • Lightning Bruiser: To an even greater extent than Tamamo.
  • Unwitting Pawn: To Promestein, who sent her against Tamamo while knowing that the latter was actually one of the Six Ancestors. Tamamo pities her for this.


A Next Doll created by Promestein. Made to be a counter to Erubeite, she has the ability to rapidly vibrate and damage slime cells, turning them into liquid that is uncontrollable by Erubetie.

  • Armor-Piercing Attack: It's mentioned that her vibrating blades are also effective at cutting through armor.
  • Making A Splash: Subverted, she's the only Next Doll who doesn't use the same element as her target.
  • Vibroweapon: Her specialty, allowing her to injure slimes.


A Next Doll created by Promestein. Rather than being made to counter anyone, she is designed to breed the next generation of Next Dolls.

Side Characters


Luka's father, who died when Luka was a child. He's also the founder of the terrorist group Ilias Kreutz along with Lazarus, and was eventually killed by a monster. Or so Luka thought. In actuality after getting cold feet and warning monsters about their attacks ahead of time he is killed by Lazarus.

  • The Atoner: Began warning Ilias Kreutz's targets about their attacks ahead of time.
  • Badass Normal: Depending on whether or not he was baptised, but even so he and his followers fought their way across the world and made it to Helgondo without Garuda. AND without the Spirits. Sylph explicitly says her last master was Heinrich... meaning Marcellus and his buddies had nothing but their own natural abilities to rely on. Which by extension means they had to be frighteningly powerful in their own right to get that far. Granted, two had enough monster blood to use some magic (they were a cleric and a wizard respectively), but still!
  • Fallen Hero
  • Heel Face Turn: Towards the end of his life, he began to help monsters again, letting them escape Ilias Kreuz's attacks.
  • Knight Templar: He founded Ilias Kruetz.
  • Posthumous Character

Heinrich Hein

A legendary Hero from 500 years ago. Heinrich successfully defeated the eighth Monster Lord, a feat which no Hero has managed to repeat. As such, he is Luka's idol.

  • And I Must Scream: He was sealed into the Sealed Sinners Prison by Ilias for 500 years.
  • Chekhov's Gunman: Heinrich is mentioned twice during the first chapter, but far more important information about him is revealed during the second.
  • Generation Xerox: Luka's journey parallels Heinrich's in many ways. Monster Girl Quest Paradox suggests that this extends to being accompanied by the Monster Lord of their time.
  • Posthumous Character
  • Shrouded in Myth: The circumstances surrounding Heinrich's journey have become very distorted through the ages. For instance, his Weapon of Choice was the Angel Halo rather than Ilias's Goddess Sword.
  • Weak But Skilled: Compared to Luka. He lacks Luka's angelic physique, but is a more skilled swordsman and summoner. He's capable of dodging attacks while charging up Quadruple Giga, something Luka can't do.

Amira the Unfortunate Lamia

A reverse lamia with human legs and a snake's torso. Amira often appears in towns and cities to offer helpful advice on where to go next... when she isn't hanging lampshades on something, or breaking the fourth wall, or telling Blatant Lies about herself.

King of Sabasa

The King of Sabasa and father of Sara. A grizzled old man who looks more like a warrior than a ruler. Turns out to be a distant descendant of the Sphinx.


The princess of Sabasa. When she runs away from the castle in order to attempt the pyramid's trial, she is assumed to have been kidnapped, and Luka is sent to "rescue" her. Turns out to be a distant descendant of the Sphinx.

  • Badass Princess: Though she doesn't seem like anything special when compared to Luka, she's easily more capable than any other human we've seen.
  • Bi The Way: Seems to be bisexual, having a serious crush on Granberia, but also being wiling to give Luka a blowjob and potentially marry him.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: After being (temporarily) turned into a monster in Part 2.
  • Everything's Better with Princesses
  • Half-Human Hybrid: Her bloodline is crossed with that of a powerful Sphinx, which is how she becomes so powerful when she was turned into a monster in Part 2.
  • Princess Incognito: Doesn't try to hide it; Luka just doesn't realize until it's blatantly stated.
  • Save the Princess: The pyramid sidequest starts out like this, but it soon becomes apparent that she was never abducted in the first place. Given that she probably would have died without Luka's help, this trope is brought back into effect just as quickly. She gets kidnapped for real in Part 2.


A mysterious woman Luka meets in Goldport. She later turns out to be the granddaughter of the legendary Pirate Queen Selene. She turns out to actually be the ghost of Selene herself, who was too filled with regret from opening the Box of Calamity to move on to the next life.

  • Artifact of Doom: The Box of Calamity, a sealed box that contains three powerful fly demons. Selene opened the box, and it's Selena's goal to seal them up again. Except Selena is actually Selene herself attempting to fix her own mistake.
  • Nice Hat
  • Pirate Girl
  • Our Ghosts Are Different: She came back in order to fix her mistake of releasing the Beelzebubs. Her ghost body looks completely human and is entirely solid, as shown when she has sex with Luka in one potential ending

Six Ancestors

The very first monsters created by Alice 1, by infusing her dark energy into animals. They in turn gave rise to all the monsters today. Little is revealed about them in the game, but they are major characters in Monster Girl Quest Paradox

The Ancestors in general:

  • Famous Ancestor
  • Sealed Good in a Can: All of them sealed themselves away using the Six Ancestors' Great Seal, as part of the treaty with Ilias. Only Tamamo left her seal, to instruct future Monster Lords after the tyranny of Black Alice.


The ancestor of succubi, who became known as the Great Whore of Babylon for her debauchery. She was the monster most hated by Ilias. She is the main villain of the anime.

  • Dream Weaver: She pulls Luka into a dream in which various monsters rape him. When this fails to break him, she begins raping him herself. She mentions that each time he ejaculates, the energy from his semen will go to her. Additionally, she claims that Luka will never die in the dream, so she can rape him all she wants.
  • Evil Is Sexy
  • Power Tattoo: Tattoos of various colors cover her body.
  • Red Baron: "Great Whore of Babylon".
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: She has bright red eyes and is the villain in her first appearance.
  • Stripperific: She literally only wears white ribbons/bandages.
  • Winged Humanoid: She has three pairs, each pair a different color.
  • The Worf Effect: Despite supposedly being the ultimate succubus, Luka manages to fight back and defeat her after she's made him orgasm. This should be impossible according to both lore and gameplay.

Beast Ancestor

See Tamamo under the Heavenly Knights section.

  1. A cutesy way of saying "Look, look, look!" in Japanese.
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