Looking for Group/Characters
Looking For Group is a fantasy Web Comic by Ryan Sohmer and Lar DeSouza, the creative team behind Least I Could Do and Blind Ferret Entertainment animation studio. It borrows from classic D&D conventions and World of Warcraft to tell an original story.
Warning, Spoilers ahead
Main Group
- Five-Man Band:
- The Hero: Cale
- The Lancer/The Dragon: Richard
- The Smart Guy: Krunch
- The Big Guy: Pella
- The Chick/The Medic: Benny
- Team Pet: Sooba/the Archmage Bunny
- Badass Crew
Cale'Anon Vatay
Cale is an elven hunter and the central figure of the group. Cale is seen as noble and virtuous to the point of naivete, while in the LFG universe elves are Exclusively Evil.
After an seemingly accidental meeting with the less morally upstanding Richard, and additional company, he has since found his beliefs in the moral code challenged. He lost a measure of his innocence when he released Kethenecia from its anchor, as it required that he kill what he believed to be a small boy. Cale has proven an excellent fighter, skilled with both his twin swords and archery, as well as being physically fit - he is able to run without stopping for two days. He has also proven fast enough to snatch a crossbow bolt out of the air and strong enough to hurl it back at the attacker with deadly accuracy and force. As the series has progressed Cale has begun to gain more depth and grow used to Richard's gruesome sense of humor. He is fiercely loyal, breaking laws and risking death to protect his friends and allies.
In many ways Cale is very similar to D&D hero Drizzt Do'Urden, though Ryan Sohmer has stated that the parody was entirely unintentional. Cale's troubles and trials in this story are in preparation for his becoming "King", specifically of the ancient kingdom of Kethenecia, all put in place by the Archmage.
Cale became romantically involved with Benn'Joon after a near-death experience. In exploring Cale's backstory it is revealed that he lived in a fortress/monastery called "The Beacon of Hope" as a child, where he trained in isolation. After rescuing Shora from a troll assault, he marries her in secret as it is against the laws of his sect. Upon discovering their union, Cale's master framed Shora as being unfaithful in front of Cale in order to drive him from the monastery and out into the world.
- Anti-Hero: He tries to go against his evil heritage and be good (similarities to Drizz't Do'Urden are coincidental according to the author), despite being surrounded by amoral characters.
- He's an anti-hero ala Batman, moving outside the system to do what's RIGHT rather than what's LAWFUL. He doesn't believe in the end justifying the means but he does believe in sacrifice for the greater good. His transition from Lawful to Chaotic Good is the entire point of his character development. You can be right minded and an anti-hero if the world around you is dark enough.
- Badass Cape: Even Richard wants it.
- He even uses it to temporarily blind an enemy dwarf at one point.
- Badass Long Hair
- Battle Couple: With Benny.
- Battle Cry: "FOR GAMLON!!"
- Big Good: As leader of Kethenicia, he has effectively become this.
- Break the Cutie: We see a lot of this from Cale.
- Butt Monkey: Cale before he Took a Level in Badass.
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Dual-Wielding
- Embarrassing Nickname: Pinky
- Fighting For a Homeland
- Hair of Gold
- Ho Yay: With Richard. Cale set his arm on fire when Richard left.
- Long-Haired Pretty Boy
- Magnetic Hero
- Overused Copycat Character: An unintentional example. He's basically Drizz't Do'Urden in the beginning of the story, a character that Ryan Sohmer at the time had never heard of.
- Peek-a-Bangs
- Pointy Ears
- Punctuation Shaker
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- The Chosen One
- The Pawn: Cale may become this.
- Toxic Friend Influence: Cale may be beginning to feel this.
- Training from Hell: His training consisted of three other armed novices routinely and constantly beating Cale into unconsciousness and repeating the moment he came to. Interestingly, despite the fact that he blindfolded can beat up numerous trained fighters with his bare hands, as he was trained to, Cale prefers the dual-swords and bow over unarmed combat.
- Wide-Eyed Idealist: Cale at the beginning of the story.
- Wrong Genre Savvy: Has gotten him in quite a lot of trouble.
An undead warlock who willfully sows destruction without any provocation whatsoever, Richard is Cale's character foil and serves as the strip's comic relief. He is depicted as manipulative, both physically and magically powerful, exceedingly evil, and childish. Richard's magical ability is practically limitless, as he has only been bested magically once to date (by an entire company of battle mages, which he hates to no ends). In addition to his prodigious magical power, Richard was shown to be skilled enough in hand-to-hand combat to easily take out several trolls within seconds, and a bear (with his arms removed). He may also have some healing powers, though not much has been seen as of yet. Richard has been taken by surprise on occasion by warriors. Richard is very sensitive about his less-than-threatening name and reacts aggressively to Cale's nickname for him - "Dick." His companions often react mildly to his frequently psychopathic activities.
His titles include Chief Warlock of the Brothers of Darkness, Lord of the Thirteen Hells, Master of the Bones, Emperor of the Black, Lord of the Undead, Lord of the Dance (nominated by himself on a whim), Mistress of Magma (gained by killing the former holder of the title), and mayor of a little village up the coast. It was later revealed that Richard's village does exist, and is populated with undead beings just as violent and physically powerful as Richard. The aforementioned village was also later revealed to be the source of Richard's power.
During a court trial held in an empty area Richard had been banished to by the Sisters, the judge referred to Richard's mortal self as "Lord Ashendale."
Due to being undead, Richard can sustain normally serious injuries without dying or experiencing much, if any, pain. A running gag in the series, in fact, is Richard being impaled by a sharp object. He is surprisingly lightweight, as evidenced by Cale's ability to carry him on his back long distances, easily shoot him into the air using an arrow, and fly him on a kite.
He used to travel with an imp named Hctib Elttil, which ran away when it grew tired of being abused. Richard claims to have once drained the soul of a monk, which tasted like chocolate. Richard has stated that he has been "alive" for hundreds of years. During this time he had forgotten most of his previous life, though some memories are now returning and apparently changing him.
It is implied there may be some additional motivation within him, aside from senseless killing. The Phares, elemental spirits whom Richard channeled when saving a village, noted that they saw another presence behind the darkness. While on trial he stated that, like Cale, he was on a path he was compelled to follow, later stating that for the first time in hundreds of years he had a goal. Later, when being shown visions in the portal, his is of a little boy looking after some flowers. The boy, "Lord Richard," is called in to dinner - when questioned by Cale, Richard dismisses it. After being captured by the Legion and sent on a mission with Hctib, he reveals that he is slowly regaining his mortality, as are the undead villagers he commands.
Richard has admitted to murdering his father, as he reminisces on the first page.
It has since been revealed that Richard's meeting with Cale was no accident, and that the warlock was charged with protecting Cale.
- Anti-Hero: Type V;Even this is something of a stretch, though he does show a hidden good side...occasionally.
- Exclusively Evil: Richard belongs to such a race.
- Amusing Injuries: Inflicted to and/or by Richard.
- ...And Show It to You
Richard: The look on your face when a toddler rips out your heart and shows it to you; priceless.
- An Ice Person
- Animate Dead: One of Richard's abilities.
Richard: In case you weren't sure, the skeletons are on our side.
- Annoying Arrows: Richard has been shot at with arrows by just about everyone with a bow, including Cale. Repeatedly. He has also been pinned to a ship's mast with arrows, been shot in the back with arrows, and had an arrow through his head when being "tortured." Seeing as how he's already dead he usually just plucks them out on his own so long as they aren't stuck...but, y'know...annoying.
- Taken to the logical extreme when, since they're having a hard time removing an arrow from Richard, Cale just draws his bow and fires the arrow, with Richard STILL ATTACHED!
- An arrow actually hurting him is a sign that his powers need to be recharged.
- Aristocrats Are Evil
- Asskicking Equals Authority/You Kill It, You Bought It: Richards extensive titles are earned based on kills.
- Back from the Dead:
- Badass Long Robe
- Bald of Evil: Or at least mostly bald. Nobody knows for sure.
- Battle Cry: "FOR PONY!!"
- Black Cloak
- Brick Joke: Richard introduces himself by his numerous titles, and at the way end he mentions he's "mayor of a little town up the coast."
- Brought Down to Normal: Richard is losing his powers and becoming mortal again since he's no longer engaging in wanton murder and villainy which his brand of dark magic requires.
- Card-Carrying Villain
- Cool Mask
- Crazy Awesome: Richard is insanely potent in combat simply by virtue of his destructive power, but some of the weird, hilarious, technically impractical and completely ridiculous ways in which he utilizes it crosses him straight into this.
- Crosses the Line Twice: Richard is a frequent source of this.
- Dark and Troubled Past: Though he probably wouldn't consider it such.
- Deus Exit Machina: Richard is occasionally sidelined so the rest of the cast has to get along without his Story-Breaker Power.
- Do Not Call Me Dick: ...or Lord Ashendale.
- Embarrassing Nickname: Cale dubs Richard "Dick".
- Ensemble Darkhorse
- Evil Sorcerer
- Evil Tastes Good
- Eyes of Gold
- Face Heel Turn: It's an implied one, if you bring into account how seemingly peaceloving he was as a child.
- Facial Markings: Above and below his left eye. His bags may or may not count.
- Faking the Dead
- Fan Disservice: "So pleased you're experiencing new sights... Then again, new sights aren't always what they're cracked up to be."
- Some may argue that this counts.
- Fetish Fuel: Your Mileage May Vary, some (aka, most) may count his occasional show-of-skin as Fan Disservice.
- Fingerless Gloves
- Fireballs
- For the Evulz
- Friendly Enemy: Maybe.
- Glowing Eyes of Doom
- Glowing Eyelights of Undeath
- Heal It with Fire: Richard when Cale's neck is slashed.
- Heroic Comedic Sociopath: Richard, though he is stated to be leaning towards Neutral now and may become The Atoner.
- Ho Yay: With Cale. Cale set his own arm on fire when Richard left. Also, he flies Richard on a kite during a trip on a ship.
- Immortal Immaturity
- In the Hood
- Jack Bauer Interrogation Technique
- Karma Houdini: Even with the fandom.
- Kill It with Fire: What Richard does to many, many things.
- And People
- Kung Fu Wizard: He's great at physical combat, thanks to some chocolate monk soul.
- Laughably Evil
- Large Ham
- Lean and Mean
- Leaning on the Fourth Wall: His constant pop culture references do this.
- Long List: Richard's list of titles, and tropes compared to the other characters.
- And his list of decrees when he mistakenly assumes to be worshiped as a divine.
- Major Injury Underreaction: "So yeah, I'm a door now."
- Malevolent Masked Men
- More Than Meets the Eye: Richard's cozy little village up the coast turns out to be filled to the brim with undead citizens. Yup, even the children.
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: A subversion, though he may have taught others to fear the name.
- Necromancer
- Nigh Invulnerability: He can survive pretty much anything, even a heavy coating of molten lava.
- Not Quite Dead
- Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant
- Older Sidekick: To Cale. Much, much older.
- Omnicidal Maniac: Richard defines it. He even says he is in his Villain Song.
- Our Liches Are Different: He's nearly invulnerable, even surviving decapitation, and can possess gems. But there's no indication he can reform after complete destruction and may not be really undead
- Overly Long Gag: Richard's titles.
- Playing with Fire
- Power Crystal: He has one.
- Powered by a Forsaken Child: His powers are fueled by the ashes of innocent people he kills.
- Power Source: It seems to be a corpse.
- Psychopathic Manchild
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge
- Series Mascot
- Shoulders of Doom: And they're getting bigger.
- Sleeves Are for Wimps
- Soul Jar: He apparently has one, though it's debated what it is.
- Squishy Wizard: Richard is given the pet name 'Squishy' by Tim.
- Actually, subverted it that he is a Kung Fu Wizard.
- Story-Breaker Power: He's the resident Game Breaker, though it's generally curbed by the fact that he's incredibly unhelpful and not there when he's needed.
- The Caligula: Though the citizens of his town are pretty used to it, and are thus incredibly jaded towards dangerous situations. This is, of course, because they are already dead.
- The Dark Arts
- The Man They Couldn't Decapitate
- The Reveal: He's not dead.
- The Soulless: He's mentioned not having one.
- The Undead: He is this, he can make this, and he controls an army of them.
- It turns out that he gradually reverts back to being living if he doesn't keep up his slaughter of innocents. He even applies makeup to hide it.
- There Is No Kill Like Overkill
- Token Evil Teammate: he's the page image.
- Too Kinky to Torture: Richard took to singing during his torture sessions. And pointed out that there was still room for an axe by his thigh. Needless to say, this really creeped out the torturer. He was just being helpful.
- Town with a Dark Secret: Richard's village, to the surprise of no one but the unlucky saps trying to "save" it.
- Undeath Always Ends: Slowly regains his mortality if he doesn't perform evil deeds.
- Villain Song: Richard gets one of these, "Slaughter Your World", in one of the animations, with the added bonus of it being taken from a Disney song with the lyrics modified.
- More than one song, actually.
- What Is This Thing You Call Love?
- Worst Aid: Fire isn't very good for treating neck injuries, Richard.
- Subverted; If he hadn't cauterized the wound Cale would have bled to death/suffocated/drowned in his own blood. Given Richard's apparent lack of healing magic it was actually a very resourceful thing to do.
- Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: Richard might also be considered one, if you take into account the implications of his forgotten past and how genuinely sad he seems about it.
- Your Soul Is Mine: He can eat them.
Benny is a priestess that Richard and Cale met while seeking a healer. Her exact race is unknown to most. It was earlier stated by her ex-husband, Rojave, that she is a half-breed.
Benny was presumably born in the dungeons of Legara until being rescued by a fellow prisoner, Krunch. "Adopted" by Krunch, she was raised among the Bloodrage Clan and frequently called his "green kid," or "Gid." Later in life, Benny returned to Legara to study as a priestess. This is where she met, and fell in love with, a young man named Sayl. When Sayl's father, the Thief Guild's leader Rojave, discovered their plan to leave Legara for a simple life in the country, he attempted to stop them by using his authority to marry Benny himself. Sayl challenged his father for her hand, and was decapitated in the fight by Rojave, who formalized his marriage to Benny as punishment to her for Sayl's death. Benny then made a deal with Temmet Aelloon to get out of Legara in exchange for her seeking out the legendary Sword of Truth. At some point, just before Benny met Cale and Richard, Aelloon's patience with her search wore out.
Recently, returning to Legara once again, Benny confronted Rojave. After initially being beaten in combat and, just before being killed by him, Rojave was taken out by Benny's friends. She resurrected Rojave while telling the group her story, only to immediately kill him when he was fully healed. Benny and Cale became closer after the defeat of the Northern Tribes by the Legarans, and eventually become lovers.
Benny is a talented priestess; she is able to resurrect others after death, heal both minor and serious wounds, and create powerful magical shields in combat. She is also a highly skilled warrior trained by the Bloodrage Clan. She usually takes a pragmatic cynical view of the world.
Her name is presumably a play on the title of the 1993 film Benny and Joon.
- Absolute Cleavage
- Action Girl
- Action Girlfriend
- Awesome but Impractical: Benny's outfit.
- Badass Family: She was raised by a clan of Minotaurs called the Bloodrage.
- Bare Your Midriff
- Barrier Warrior: She can create powerful red forcefields when she's not kicking ass.
- Battle Couple: With Cale.
- Beastess
- Black Bra and Panties
- Cute Little Fangs
- Cute Monster Girl
- Deadpan Snarker
- Does Not Like Shoes: She goes barefoot, although it's hard to tell because her outfit reaches to the ground.
- Fan Service
- Fetish Fuel
- Green-Skinned Space Babe: But without the space.
- Halfbreed
- Healing Hands
- Hot Witch: More like Hot Healer.
- Hybrid Monster
- Impossibly Cool Clothes: How does she keep that thing on??
- Impossibly Low Neckline: More like, Absolutely No Neckline
- Most Common Superpower
- Power Crystal: In her staff.
- Pointy Ears
- Progressively Prettier: Compare Benny's appearance from her first apparition, to later ones.
- Punctuation Shaker
- Raised By Minotaurs
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Showgirl Skirt: Has been known to wear them.
- Sleeves Are for Wimps
- Stripperiffic
- The Chief's Niece: She had the chance to be the chief's daughter, but he turned down the position and gave it to his brother.
- The Medic
- The Only One Allowed to Defeat You: Benny heals her ex-husband back from certain death, brought on by her team protecting her from him because she wants to smash his head in herself. He manages three words right before she does it.
- The Ugly Guy's Hot Daughter: Probably adopted, but you still wouldn't expect her to introduce Krunch as her father. Not that he's ugly, but he is a walking, talking cow.
- Three Fingered Hands
- Underboobs
- Woman Scorned / What the Hell, Hero?: Considering the other insanity and carnage the group has caused, her act of killing Rojave can be seen as either completly justified, or crossing lines unexpectedly. On the one hand, he accidently killed his own son, her lover, in a duel over her hand and blamed the tragic outcome on Benny. On the other, he was already defeated, having suffered a painful death once already, unarmed and surrounded, making a second death unnesscesary and potentially cruel. Those three words he got out before she caved his newly-reformed skull in? Those were his crying tears for his son.
Rojave: "Sayl... My son..." KRUNCH
- You Killed My Father: While she doesn't want revenge for it, she does blame Cale for Krunch's death. She recognizes, however, that it isn't fair, and that they'll talk after she returns from a journey to Krunch's library, but that she does need some time away from Cale.
Krunch Bloodrage
Krunch is the elder son of the Bloodrage clan's chief. His younger brother, Ray'd Bool, is the Bloodrage's battle leader and current chief. Krunch has admitted to being the scholar of the two brothers.
Krunch had previously been captured by the Legarans and placed in their dungeons before meeting the group. It was there that he met Benn'Joon. With her in tow, he escaped the dungeons and returned to his people, "adopting" Benny as his daughter. Krunch quarreled frequently with his father, a staunch believer in "empirical" expansion, and left the tribe sometime in the past for reasons unexplained. They later reconciled, with Krunch was still wary of his father's ambition. Although he possesses great strength and battle prowess, Krunch has shown himself to be highly intelligent.
Krunch has taken a fairly neutral side in the "good/evil" debate that is, essentially, Cale and Richard's relationship. While Cale believes strongly in good, and Richard equally strongly in evil, Krunch believes that people do what they must to survive and everything is, in essence, relative. Due to his secular nature, and the fact that he is generally able to give logical reasoning to his beliefs, Cale often looks to him for truth and advice. Krunch suffers from aquaphobia, and will only travel by boat or ship so long as he is thoroughly strapped to the deck. After discovering Legara's plans to invade the Northern Territories, and his own father's accidental duplicity in that (the Legarans tricked him into attacking his neighbors), Krunch worked as the chief mediator in getting the tribes back and working together to resist the Legarans.
Upon the death of his father, Krunch "went into a rage the likes of which I've never seen before," according to Ray'd's recounting - tearing apart several of the attacking Black Dwarves.
- A Load of Bull
- Awesome McCoolname
- Barefoot Cartoon Animal: Though, he does have hooves.
- Drop the Hammer
- Enslaved Minotaurs: In the past, Krunch's people were enslaved and used for hard labor. Krunch himself was once enslaved in a prison.
- Fantastic Racism: Krunch's people were once subject to this.
- Genius Bruiser
- Half-Dressed Cartoon Animal
- Killed Off for Real
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: Krunch Bloodrage
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge
- Sacrificial Lion
- Slave Race: Or, at least, used to be.
- Three Fingered Hands
- Top-Heavy Guy: He comes from a race of these.
- When All You Have Is a Hammer
- Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Krunch does not like water.
Pella of Clan Breem is a dwarven fighter from old Kethenecia, as well as the youngest child and only daughter of the Commander of the Kethenecian Royal Guard. After the death of her brothers in the war against the Vullii, Pella was given the choice of which path to follow: the axe (a warrior) or the lute (a bard). After a moment of consideration, Pella decided she liked the feel of both.
Sometime later, when Cale and friends were sent to bring Kethenecia to the present, Pella was assigned to guide them to the city catacombs under the orders of the Archmage. She aided the heroes in holding off the Vullii and releasing the city from its temporal anchor, later deciding to travel with the Group to the present. Pella has since stayed with the party ostensibly as she "has nowhere else to go." Sometime later she learned that her clan, Clan Breem, had been corrupted, renamed The Black Dwarves and was serving the King of Legara as his Builders.
It has been revealed that she is actually an agent of both the Guardian and the Archmage of Kethenecia, who foresaw Cale's coming and his purpose in the city's future. Pella was secretly recruited by the Archmage to be Cale's bodyguard so she may protect Cale from his enemies, himself, and his friends.
An exceptional fighter as well as an enthusiastic singer, Pella is known to sing love songs to her enemies while dismembering and/or killing them. Her fondness for violence and her dry, somewhat brutal wit earned her Richard's affection almost immediately. Later on, to force Toyk and the gnomes to abandon Mechastone and follow Cale to Kethenecia, Pella blew up Mechastone's Geared Tower killing the gnome sentries in the process, feeling it was for the greater good. Though the gnomes never found out who blew the tower, Cale figured it out and later confronted her about it, telling Pella he had expected much better of her and that if she ever attempted to murder any other allies for "the greater good," he would stop her.
Presumably, Pella was the crafter of Ray'd's mechanical arm. This would mean that, not only does she possess the expected blacksmith ability of a dwarf, but the mechanical ingenuity of a gnome. She at one time needed to borrow the furnace of a blacksmith to forge armor to rescue Cale from Legara's dungeon, further proving her skill as a blacksmith.
- Amazonian Beauty
- Action Girl
- Badass Adorable
- Badass Family: Her father was a war leader.
- Boisterous Bruiser: She cuts people's hands off to break the ice... and it works.
- For Richard, anyway.
- Also likes to sing happy cheerful songs while dismembering her enemies.
- Boobs of Steel: Surely, showing that amount of cleavage while working at a forge must have ... unfortunate consequences.
- Braids of Barbarism
- Cute Bruiser
- Fandom Rivalry: As a general rule, Richard fans hate her
- Fiery Redhead
- Girl with Psycho Weapon
- Hartman Hips: While the armor usually covers them, they are definitely there.
- Hot Chick With An Axe
- Murderous Thighs: The Trope Namer.
- Our Dwarves Are All the Same: No they aren't; they are evil black leather-clad, pierced punks. With sideburns. And that's when they aren't big-boobed beauties.
- Perpetual Smiler: Very, very rarely does the smile leave her face.
- Take a Third Option: When Pella was asked if she wanted to pursue being a bard or a warrior (presented with an axe and a lute and asked to pick one), she said, "I rather be liking the feel of them both".
- The Blacksmith: The series also adheres to the tradition that smithing is to be expected from dwarves.
- Ultimate Blacksmith: She built a mechanical arm, far above our own technology, in the middle of the mountains, seemingly without our technology, and without any proper components.
Cale's pet panther, but appears to be more loyal to Richard. Is a strong fighter and appears to be quite intelligent.
You think you know me...
- Inner Monologue
- Odd Friendship: With Richard.
- Panthera Awesome
- Team Pet
The Archmage
The Archmage of Kethenecia is an old man, and a seer. Of questionable morals, he intended the city of Kethenecia to survive the millennia by shifting it into the future when the final attack of an alliance of many races was at Kethenecia's gates. By the man's own words, he cared nothing about the survival of Kethenecia's citizens because he had already foreseen that the nation would fall, the city would burn, and its people be slaughtered. He ordered the general of the Kethenecian homeguard to have his men slaughter all foreign soldiers and mercenaries in a surprise attack, as he was certain that the foreign parts of the Kethenecian army would turn against the homeguard and ally themselves with the advancing enemy army, because many of the foreign soldiers came from countries that had been conquered by the Vulii and their allies in the interim.
The Archmage gave Cale the task to go down to the catacombs and "loosen the anchor." Unfortunately, as Cale found out, the "anchor" was in the form of a small child, and the Archmage's order translated into killing the boy. It was later revealed, after Cale had 'killed' the boy and left, that the young boy was actually the Archmage himself in a magical disguise.
The Archmage later traveled forward to the present date, witnessing what he sees as a new age for Kethenecia. It has recently been revealed that Richard's bunny is actually the Archmage in disguise. It has been revealed that Richard may already know (and perhaps has known all along) who his bunny really is.
- All-Encompassing Mantle
- Ancient Keeper
- The Archmage
- Bald of Evil: Maybe not evil. Maybe.
- Because Destiny Says So
- Embarrassing Nickname: Fellbunny/Archbunny
- Ensemble Darkhorse: As the Fellbunny, well before anyone knew it was him.
- Everythings Better With Bunnies
- Fan Nickname: Felbunny/Archbunny
- Gambit Roulette: Turns out that many events that take place are for the purpose of molding Cale into the future king of Kethenecia, all put into place by this guy.
- More like a Batman Gambit, given that the decimation of the Blood Rage was never meant to happen according to his wisdom.
- I Did What I Had to Do
- More Than Meets the Eye: The rabbit is the Archmage.
- Mysterious Employer
- Prophecies Are Always Right: A firm believer in this.
- Prophet Eyes: They glow when he see's things.
- Secret Test of Character
- Seers
- Shape Shifter
- The Chessmaster
- The Omniscient
- Threshold Guardians
- Time Lord
- You Can't Fight Fate: Also a firm believer of this.
Other Kethenecians
- The Alliance / The Kingdom
- Dragon Rider: Ride on sand dragons to break through the Legaran forces.
The Commander
- Badass Normal
- Commanding Coolness
- Friendly Enemy: With Chief Bloodrage.
- Defector From Decadence
- Heel Face Turn
- Odd Friendship: With Chief Bloodrage.
- The Strategist
- Worthy Opponent: With Chief Bloodrage.
- Enemy Mine: Join up with the other northern forces.
- I Surrender, Suckers: The way they "surrender". But less subtle.
- Artificial Limbs: His metal arm.
- Punctuation Shaker
- Punny Name
- You Killed My Father: Towards the Commander
- Functional Magic
- Non-Standard Character Design: Amongst the minotaurs. His pointy snout and horn placement makes him look more like a Wildkin.
- You Killed His Father: He agrees with Ray'd to delay their rescue of the Commander from Aelloon during a scouting trip.
- Butt Monkey
- Enemy Mine: Join up with the other northern forces.
- Mini-Mecha: Typically use these in battle to make up for their small size.
- Deadpan Snarker: Probably not unjustified, given the Fantastic Racism and Butt Monkey status of his people...
- The Engineer
Sisters and Sons
- Crystal Dragon Jesus
- Enemy Mine: Join up with the other northern forces.
- Functional Magic
Captain Tah'vraay
- Action Girl
- Black Sheep: Is said to have a very poor grasp of magic.
- Hot Mom: Heavily implied as Benny's mother here. Later benny figured it out. And confirmed.
- Pirate Girl
- Enemy Mine: Join up with the other northern forces.
- Tactical Withdrawal: How he and his troops managed to survive the War of the North.
- The Ditz
- Dumb Muscle
- Fat Idiot
- Inner Monologue: Parodied.
Guardians of the Way
- Heel Face Turn: Try to stop the others from getting through the portal at first.
- Threshold Guardians
- Action Girl
- Back from the Dead
- Animate Dead
- Badass Army
- Brought Down to Normal: Maikos reveals the villagers are losing their undead power as Richard becomes more human.
- Enfant Terrible: That undead toddler.
- Let's Get Dangerous
- More Than Meets the Eye
- Butt Monkey
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: At least in his initial appearance. Later on he keeps his more visibly badass appearance, as do the other villagers.
- The Dragon: For Richard.
- Heel Face Turn: First intend to eat Cale after their Not So Harmless moment.
- Let's Get Dangerous: After their Heel Face Turn.
- Not So Harmless
- To Serve Man
Sand dragons
- Elemental Powers
- Heel Face Turn: In its first appearance, it nearly wiped out an innocent town with a horde of Elementals in a misguided attempt to protect nature. Its since reformed and now assists Cale and co.
The Legion of Legara
- Our Dragons Are Different: Use white dragons as mounts during battle.
- Dragon Rider
- The Empire
- Kill It with Fire
- There Is No Kill Like Overkill
- The Usual Adversaries: Legion
Tavor, King of Legara
- Badass Grandpa: As King.
- Beard of Evil: As King of Legara.
- Big Bad: He's the King of Legara.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Elven Popsicle: (Apparently) defeated when Cale use the power of the Sword to seal him in a block of flames and ice.
- Evil Counterpart: To Cale.
- Healing Factor: A metal fist shoved into his chest isn't enough to kill him.
- Hero-Killer
- Klingon Promotion: How he became King...completely unintentionally.
- Off with His Head: After being frozen solid, Richard destroy his head in order to steal his crown.
- Skunk Stripe
General Aelloon
- Bald of Evil
- Beard of Evil
- Big Bad/Dragon-in-Chief: Is the main antagonist, but he considers himself a servant of the King of Legara.
- Dragon Ascendant: He won the civil war following Tavor's death, and is now King of Legara.
- Calling the Old Man Out
- Dangerously Genre Savvy: Often played straight, but subverted here; he doesn't realize the Kethenecians' plan after all.
Black dwarves
- Our Dwarves Are All the Same: Subverted.
Other characters
The Demon Court
Hctib Elttil
- Chekhov's Gunman
- Motor Mouth
- Sdrawkcab Name
- Small Annoying Creature
- Sole Survivor: Among the demon court.
Chief Bloodrage
- Friendly Enemy: With the Commander.
- Killed Off for Real
- Odd Friendship: With the Commander
- Verbal Tic: Heh.
- Worthy Opponent: With the Commander
- Killed Off for Real
- Unlucky Childhood Friend: Not because of Cale. He loved her.
- Killed Off for Real: Are recruited by the Sisters for the War of the North, but are all defeated.
- The Worf Effect: Aside from a few Legion dragons, they're never shown succeeding in killing anything and are ultimately defeated in all the battles they join.