< Koihime Musou

Koihime Musou/Characters

All principal heroines in Koihime Musou are expies of the (male) generals from the original Romance of the Three Kingdoms epic and the former's names are derived from the latter's by reading the original Chinese characters in their names as kanji. Additionally, each sport a true, "private" name usually reserved for close friends, alongside a courtesy name.

Characters of the Shoku (Shu) Kingdom

Ryuubi (Private name: Touka; Courtesy name: Gentoku; Expy: Liu Bei)

  • The Chosen One - After hearing Kada's explanation of the "Dragon Sword" (see the Chekhov's Gun entry in the main page), everyone has come to the conclusion that Ryuubi, with the sword she now has, is the only one with a chance of slaying Ukitsu. She actually delivers in the final battle when she stabs Ukitsu, killing him.
  • Damsel in Distress - Twice in the Shin Koihime anime. On both occassions, she's attacked by the same group of bandits, both cases being rescued by Kannu and company. The second nearly enters Attempted Rape territory.
    • Happens yet again in Otome Tairan when she tries to help Gien, only to get into trouble herself, and resulting in another Attempted Rape incident.
  • Gainaxing - Purposely done in episode 8.
  • Fallen Princess - A flashback in the Shin Koihime anime reveals how Ryuubi's identity and sword were stolen by the fake Ryuubi
  • Hilariously Abusive Childhood - Ryuubi's mother threw her into a nearby river whenever she thought about how Ryuubi lost the family heirloom
  • Hollywood Pudgy - While she doesn't look any visibly heavier since the Shin Koihime anime, Ryuubi freaks-out over Chouhi saying how soft her lap feels in Otome Tairan. She decides to try dieting and exercising to lose the extra weight, but due to poor self-control and physical weakness, her efforts don't go as planned. After attempting to starve herself, she just can't take it anymore and finally gives in. Although the unhealthy dieting and exercising ceases, Ryuubi continues to worry about her weight. Also fits as Truth in Television
  • Hypocritical Humor - After getting ambushed by bandits, Ryuubi states she's smart enough not to be a Damsel in Distress again. Seconds later, she's back into the role
  • It Was a Gift - In Otome Tairan, Ryuubi gets a new sword, one Forged by the Gods, specifically the Dragon God from Shin Koihime to replace her Ancestral Weapon that was fried by lightning
  • Robinsonade - Played with in the Shin Koihime OVA: flashbacks showed her going on a trip, and apparently she disappeared without a trace. She ended up on what she presumed was a Deserted Island, but it turned out to be the same island resort the rest of the cast went to (she was rescued by the Nanban Barbarians who lived there; apparently they never ventured far enough from their home to the "resort" area until the Giant Octo-Payapaya incident)
  • Stealth Clothes - when she's raiding the pantry after her failed diet

Kannu (Private name: Aisha; Courtesy name: Unchou; Expy: Guan Yu)

  • Barehanded Blade Block - Kannu pulls one off in episode 11 of season one
  • Berserk Button - don't mess with Kazuto
  • Big Brother Instinct - Kannu's unnamed brother was shown as her selfless protector, going so far as to save her life at the cost of his own. It was probably by having such an admirable older brother, that Kannu developed her own big sister instinct when the time came.
  • Boob Bite - Kannu has this done to her, courtesy of a sleeping Chouhi
  • Celibate Heroine - Kannu's primarily focused on her goal of saving a war-torn Ancient China. She is also portrayed as an easily embarrassed Clingy Jealous Girl and flustered at even the slightest intimate comment or gesture (which makes her usually aggressive Unwanted Harem in the anime all the more entertaining). The exception to this portrayal is in the last two episodes of season one.
  • Demoted to Extra - Was originally the main heroine in the first game and animated series, but beginning with Shin Koihime she played second fiddle to Ryuubi. Worse, by the third game, Kannu's relegated to a supporting character of other spotlight heroines.
  • Drill Sergeant Nasty - She becomes this way towards Kazuto in the first game after several battles, supposedly to keep him in shape and top form, but this may actually be a sign of her being a Type-B Tsundere.
  • Dude, Where's My Respect? - Kannu may be a well-known bandit hunter, but when it comes time for food and shelter she has to do odd jobs like cooking, cleaning, and even working in a Meido cafe to make money
  • Funbag Airbag - In the OVA, when Koumei tries to buy some bread at the school canteen, she gets shoved back by the crowd and plows face-first into Kannu's chest
  • Hot Amazon - Infamous as the beautiful, legendary "Black-Haired Bandit Killer", but as a Running Gag, anyone who meets her in person ends up thinking she's not as stunningly beautiful as the "legendary warrior" she's rumored to be, or don't believe she's the real deal at all. Also a case of subverted Informed Attractiveness.
    • In the Shin Koihime anime, the gag's taken further when only her long, black hair gets complimented
  • Mugging the Monster - Bandits think Kannu's an easy mark. They find out the hard way she's a combat veteran (first game)/famous bandit-hunter (anime).
  • Slipknot Ponytail - In Otome Tairan epsiode 11, after she and Chouryou have an intense fight.
  • Tall, Dark and Bishoujo

Chouhi (Private name: Rinrin; Courtesy name: Yokutoku; Expy: Zhang Fei)

Chouun (Private name: Sei; Courtesy name: Shiryuu; Expy: Zhao Yun)

  • Animal Motif: The Butterfly when she in her Paper-Thin Disguise
  • Chivalrous Pervert - Lampshaded by her statement, "What's wrong with my knees?"; nothing's wrong...well, not that any of the fanboys mind...
  • Death Glare - She'll give one to whosoever dares to even look at her Trademark Favorite Food. Somewhat flanderized progressively throughout the anime
  • Drill Sergeant Nasty - Her lectures and scoldings are the ones that Bachou and Chouhi are most afraid of, moreso than Kannu's. In the game, Sei's unit is likened to a modern commando outfit which would imply a certain increase in training standards as well.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse - According to the polls on the developer BaseSon's website, Chouun ranks first by a large margin, while Ryoufu stands at a distant second and Kannu even further behind at third. Everyone else is left in the dust
  • Foe-Tossing Charge - Gets to pull one off in the first season finale
  • Mysterious Protector, Paper-Thin Disguise - Played with; unfortunately, it doesn't work out too well
  • Put on a Bus - During mid-season of the first anime, but subverted once the bus pulls into the station for the finale. The same thing happens again in Shin Koihime, with Butterfly Mask attempting to steal the show for the final scene (it doesn't really work.)
  • See You in Hell - Said to Kannu before facing off against an overwhelming force of bandits on a very narrow cliff; fortunately, they get out of it
  • Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
  • The Tease
  • The Trickster - More apparent in the games, but she does love sowing a small amount of chaos just for her own amusement or to make a point.
  • Witty Banter - Chouun's just too good at it

Bachou (Private name: Sui; Courtesy name: Mouki; Expy: Ma Chao)

  • Heavy Sleeper - Whatever Chouun's "retribution" was to Bachou, she was completely unaware of it in season one. In the Shin Koihime anime, Batai groped her and drew on her face without her stirring
  • I Ate What?? - It's implied Bachou might've added something extra to the fish for dinner...
  • Living Lie Detector - Apparently, being exceptionally skilled allows Bachou to tell if a person is lying by merely looking at their fighting stance
  • Mushroom Samba - Gets a trip from eating a psychedelic mushroom in the mountains. She's got an interesting way of eating them, too
  • Rape Is Love - To a degree in the first game: Kazuto is either forceful towards her, or tricks her into these situations (like in their Furo Scene where he uses a bath foam laced with a potent aphrodesiac) during her H-scenes. She thus tends to view him as a Chivalrous Pervert and even calls him out on it; yet she's still attracted to him.
  • What an Idiot! - In the final episode of Otome Tairan when Bachou sees Chouhi carrying the huge bento box when everyone begins to set their final battle plan in motion, she immediately accuses Batai of stowing away in the said box again, while the latter is standing right next to her!
  • You Killed My Father - Bachou tries to kill Sousou at one point for this. Ultimately subverted when it's revealed her father died falling off his horse

Shokatsuryou (Private name: Shuri; Courtesy name: Koumei; Expy: Zhuge Liang)

  • Chekhov's Gun - Koumei talks about how lightning often strikes metal in episode nine of Shin Koihime
  • Covert Pervert - Koumei secretly "researches" certain carnal arts in the visual novels to please Kazuto; she manages to rope in Hōtō in Shin Koihime. The anime uses this but for no apparent reason, other than to simply invoke the trope.
  • Determinator - So much that even Chouhi's impressed
  • In-Series Nickname - In the visual novels, due to her tendency to stutter "Hwawa~" when she's nervous, she's earned the nickname of being the "Hwawa Strategist"
  • Judgment of Solomon - In Otome Tairan, Chouhi and Moukaku are engaged in a tug-of-war over the ownership of the Nanban elephant, Paya-paya, declaring that Moukaku won even though she let go because she noticed that the animal was suffering.
  • Only Sane Girl
  • The Strategist - Unsurprisingly, given who she's an expy of
  • Why Did It Have To Be Heights

Kouchuu (Private name: Shion; Courtesy name: Kanshou; Expy: Huang Zhong)

Gengan (Private name: Kikyo; Courtesy name: N/A; Expy: Yan Yan)

  • Bunny Ears Lawyer - Despite being a district lord, Gengan doen't seem like someone to be taken seriously. Lampshaded by the girls in Otome Tairan, yet Gengan simply laughs it off
  • Japanese Pronouns - Uses "washi"; odd considering it's usually reserved for old men and historically it's unknown how old Yan Yan was when he first appeared in the novel

Gien (Private name: En'ya; Courtesy name: Buncho; Expy: Wei Yan)

  • Insult Misfire - Played with in the following dialogue in Otome Tairan:

Gien: Shut up, you flat-chested midget!
Chouhi: What?! Apologize to Shuri!

Batai (Private name: Tanpopo; Courtesy name: N/A; Expy: Ma Dai)

Houtou (Private name: Hinari; Courtesy name: Shigen; Expy: Pang Tong)

Characters of the Gi (Wei) Kingdom

Sousou (Private name: Karin; Courtesy name: Motoku; Expy: Cao Cao)

Kakoton (Private name: Shunran; Courtesy name: Genjo; Expy: Xiahou Dun)

  • Corner of Woe - Enters into it when she wasn't chosen to sing in the Shin Koihime anime
    • Her non-selection was apparently justified that she's apparently Hollywood Tone Deaf as shown in the ED in the final episode (she's singing her heart out, whereas Kakouen and Kousonsan couldn't stand it and tried drowning it all out with alcohol).
  • Eyepatch of Power - Only in the visual novels and in the 3rd OVA

Kakouen (Private name: Shuuran; Courtesy name: Myosai; Expy: Xiahou Yuan)

  • Demoted to Extra - Played with: Kakouen's left behind during the Hot Springs Episode and feels left out; she strikes a symbolic sitting position in the commercial break picture. In the picnic scene of the season one finale, it's her sister Kakoton's turn to get left behind
  • Incest Subtext - Implied in the visual novels

Jun'iku (Private name: Keifa; Courtesy name: Bunjaku; Expy: Xun Yu)

  • Biting the Handkerchief - In response to Sousou showing apparent affection to other women, rather than her
  • Extreme Doormat
  • I Kiss Your Foot
  • Insult Backfire - In the Shin Koihime anime, Keifa insults Enjutsu by saying all she does is eat honey and sing, comparing her to a cricket. Enjutsu takes the whole thing as a sign of people talking about how great she is

Kyocho (Private name: Kii; Courtesy name: Chuukou; Expy: Xu Chu)

  • Hidden Eyes - Part of her "battle transformation"
  • Hyperspace Flail - Lampshaded in the anime whenever she brings it out, people stare in shock and verbally wonder where the hell she pulls out the damn weapon.
    • And if you look closely, you'll notice it's actually a kendama.
  • Standing in the Hall - As punishment for eating during class in the OVA

Kakuka (Private name: Rin; Courtesy name: Houkou; Expy: Guo Jia)

Teiiku (Private name: Fuu; Courtesy name: Chuutoku; Expy: Cheng Yu)

  • Bunny Ears Lawyer: Despite her lethargic demeanor and eccentricities, Teiiku is highly insightful and perceptive as a strategist.

Gakushin (Private name: Nagi; Courtesy name: Bunken; Expy: Yue Jin)

Riten (Private name: Mao; Courtesy name: Mansei; Expy: Li Dian)

  • Wrench Wench - At least by appearance (it's not known exactly what she works on); made hotter by her breasts (which is HUGE for her build) and her Stripperiffic outfit
    • Her ingenuity's revealed in the anime: one of her inventions is a rifle that fires projectiles using "hot springs technology"
    • In Otome Tairan she builds a robot duplicate of Toutaku that somehow fools Ryofu. And at the end of the season, she builds another based on Sousou, which Kakoton ends up cuddling.

Ukin (Private name: Sawa; Courtesy name: Bunsoku; Expy: Yu Jin)

  • The Chick: This is basically Ukin's role when with her two friends Riten and Gakushin.
  • Otaku: She has shades of this in the anime.

Ten'i (Private name: Ruru; Courtesy name: N/A; Expy: Dian Wei)

  • Team Chef and Supreme Chef: In the anime its shown that she's an excellent cook and Sou Sou's go to girl for talking about recipes.

Characters of the Go (Wu) Kingdom

Sonsaku (Private name: Sheren; Courtesy name: Hakufu; Expy: Sun Ce)

Sonken (Private name: Renfa; Courtesy name: Zhongmou; Expy: Sun Quan)

Sonshoukou (Private name: Shaoren; Courtesy name: N/A; Expy: Sun Shangxiang)

Shuuyu (Private name: Meirin; Courtesy name: Kokin; Expy: Zhou Yu)

Kannei (Private name: Shishun; Courtesy name: Koha; Expy: Gan Ning)

  • Hot-Blooded - The most outwardly passionate and aggressive member of the Go faction.
  • Proud Warrior Race Girl- As Koumei learned in the anime, question Kannei's loyalty to the Son Clan or her honor as a warrior at your own peril.

Rikuson (Private name: Non; Courtesy name: Hakugen; Expy: Lu Xun)

Daikyou (Private name: N/A; Courtesy name: N/A; Expy: Da Qiao)

Shoukyou (Private name: N/A; Courtesy name: N/A; Expy: Xiao Qiao)

Shuutai (Private name: Minmei; Courtesy name: Youhei; Expy: Zhou Tai)

Kougai (Private name: Sai; Courtesy name: Koufuku; Expy: Huang Gai)

Ryomou (Private name: Ashe; Courtesy name: Shimei; Expy: Lu Meng)

  • Blind Without'Em - Ryomou's farsighted with her right eye, thus wears a unique monocle. It's a case of this trope because without it, she resorts to squinting, which may lead to a case of misinterpreting her as ill-tempered
  • Bodyguard Crush - Towards Sonken

Characters of the To Faction

Toutaku (Private name: Yue; Courtesy name: Chuei; Expy: Dong Zhuo)

  • Death Faked for You - Two instances: in the first visual novel, where she winds up becoming a Meido in service for Kazuto; in Otome Tairan, using the severed head of Riten-crafted Toutaku-lookalike puppet. In both cases, it's because many lords still want Toutaku's head, regardless of whether she wasn't part of the conspiracy or not.
    • Actually, Toutaku wanted to atone for the crimes brought against her, going as far as to declare committing Seppuku in Otome Tairan even if she's given no punishment. The use of the puppet was partly a means to avert that, while the other part was utilizing Toutaku's Queen Incognito tendencies to declare her to be someone else.
  • Frame-Up / Clear My Name - In Otome Tairan, as part of Choujou's and Ukitsu's conspiracy plans, she is taken prisoner, and her kingdom is turned into a dystopian tyrrany while the enslaved subjects are led to believe she's behind all of it. She finally escapes her prison in episode 10, and will try to clear herself and liberate her kingdom starting next episode.
  • Puppy Dog Eyes - Seems to be Toutaku's special technique...it's unbeatable by normal means
    • Especially amusing since she's Dong Zhuo's expy, who historically was cruel, tyrannical ruler. Admittingly, her "special technique" is still quite evil
  • Queen Incognito - In her first appearance

Kaku (Private name: Ei; Courtesy name: Bunwa; Expy: Jia Xu)

  • The Jinx - Ei has very bad luck personally but once a month it extends to everyone around her, especially if you have had looked into her eyes that day. This drops on the Shu generals without warning. Hilarity Ensues.
  • Sand in My Eyes - When she discovers that Kayuu is alive after she helps Toutaku and Kaku escape from the capital
  • Tsundere - Type A to Kazuto

Kayuu (Private name: N/A; Courtesy name: N/A; Expy: Hua Xiong)

  • Back From the Dead - Somewhat subverted: in Otome Tairan she went MIA after a last ditch battle and was presumed dead (she later revealed that she was eventually captured by the enemy, but was treated well due to her fighting prowess, and because of that she then easily escaped), but turned out to be lurking around In the Hood for a while before making a Big Damn Heroes comeback later on
  • Demoted to Extra - Just like the character she is based on, she always dies in each scenario in the first two games. The only time she ever survives is if the player achieves 100% of the endings or if her faction is allied with the player's faction in Shin Koihime. But the worse part? She is the only female character in the series that doesn't get have a sex scene! Poor girl.
  • Killed Off for Real - In the first visual novel.
  • Late Arrival Spoiler - In a next episode preview of season one, Kayuu claims the right to announce the episode title because she's going to "die early". In case you didn't know, Hua Xiong did die early in the original epic.
  • Put on a Bus - She only makes one small cameo in the third game.
  • White-Haired Pretty Girl

Ryoufu (Private name: Ren; Courtesy name: Hosen; Expy: Lu Bu)

  • Arranged Marriage - Ryoufu wants to set one up for her Big Friendly Dog Chouchou.
  • The Big Guy - Her stat pentagon in the artbook has her strength at the highest possible level but in other areas, she is weak or average.
  • Completely Missing the Point - Never try to argue with, or point something out to Ryofu; she just won't get it.
  • Cuteness Proximity - She loves animals and shows her softer side in regards to her pets.
    • Other characters are also subject to Cuteness Proximity when close to her. The first visual novel suggests that she is aware of this and consciously exploits it to get food.
  • Dark-Skinned Redhead
  • Emotionless Girl - Ryoufu's the exact polar opposite of her loud-mouthed, antagonistic character she's based on. Lampshaded by Kazuto, who believes it may be a side effect of the Gender Flip.
  • Idiot Hair - Sports two ahoges, which is further exaggerated in her Super-Deformed appearance
  • Tyke Bomb - She does not remember where she came from, only that she wandered around China fighting as a soldier before eventually finding her way into Toutaku's army.

Chouryou (Private name: Shia; Courtesy name: Bun'en; Expy: Zhang Liao)

  • Badass Decay - In season one she was a Blood Knight who could take on multiple opponents. Then in season three she could only fight a single opponent, Kannu, to a standstill. And rather than fighting for the joy of battle as previously implied, she admitted fighting for the sake of showing off her own power. She also seems to have become a Fan Girl for Kannu, possibly even developing a romantic interest in her.
    • In the first OVA she was a powerful delinquent who could even fight unarmed. And in the second OVA her delinquent persona was entirely thrown out the window.
    • Not the case for the game as her cheerful and Kannu's fangirl personality is her default personality.
  • Blood Knight - Chouryou tends to really enjoy a prolonged fight and gets pissed if she can't finish it properly.
  • Boisterous Bruiser - Being The Idiot From Osaka qualifies her as one
  • Chronic Backstabbing Disorder - Basically joins anyone who defeats her. In the visual novel, defects to Sousou from Toutaku, then defects to Hongou.
  • Clothing Damage - In Otome Tairan, after she and Kannu have an intense battle, her Sarashi gets ripped.
  • Drunken Master - Although she doesn't really rely on alcohol, Chouryou certainly invokes the image in her first appearance
  • The Idiot From Osaka - Less of an idiot, but Chouryou does enjoy drinking, fighting and speaking with a Kansai Regional Accent
  • Sarashi - She comes with them included, even when she's dressed as a Meido. In the OVA, she wears it under her jacket (and it even serves as her only upper garment when she carries her jacket slung over her shoulder)
  • Screw the Money, I Have Rules - Chouryou defects against the debt collectors that hire her, because they're simply swindlers and she has her honor
  • Spikes of Villainy - Her hairband, though she isn't entirely evil...just doing her job
  • Stalker with a Crush - In the visual novel towards Kannu after being defeated by her, though in Chouryou's case, there was little, if any, "real" stalking. There's just loads of audacity and obsessing on her part; she even modeled her weapon as a black version of Kannu's own.
    • She eventually does this as well in Otome Tairan, and is last seen trying to feed Kannu before being interrupted by Ryuubi.
  • Strangled by the Red String - In the Shin Koihime OVA Chouryou appears to be in a romantic relationship with Kayuu, which is out of nowhere as the two had barely even appeared on screen together before, much less even had a casual conversation prior to this. Not to mention in the main series Chouryou was last seen having developed an infatuation for Kannu.
    • the Chouryou/Kayuu pairing is subverted, depending on which sub of the second OVA is watched
  • To Be a Master - Chouryou has stated that she fights to prove that she is the strongest warrior
  • Turncoat - In the visual novels: for the first game, she starts out in Toutaku's faction, then joined Sousou after being defeated by them, and then joined and stayed with Kazuto's faction after being defeated by Kannu. The same applies to Shin Koihime, but her true allegiance lies with Gi.
  • Worthy Opponent - As much as she enjoys fights, Chouryou's only interested in the fair ones or ones that provide a challenge.

Chinkyuu (Private name: Nenene; Courtesy name: Koudai; Expy: Chen Gong)

Characters of the En Faction

Enshou (Private name: Reiha; Courtesy name: Honsho; Expy: Yuan Shao)

  • Banana Peel - A whole bunch of them in the OVA
  • Noblewoman's Laugh
  • Oh Crap - In the OVA, when Enshou wins the student council president election, she realizes she has to be kissed by Principal Chousen

Bunshuu (Private name: Iishe; Courtesy name: N/A; Expy: Wen Chou)

  • BFS
  • Brutal Honesty - She occassionaly spews out embarrassing facts about Enshou without thinking
  • Les Yay - Very blatant with Ganryou in the visual novel.

Ganryou (Private name: Toshi; Courtesy name: N/A; Expy: Yan Liang)

  • Drop the Hammer - her weapon of choice although she is also skilled at unarmed combat.
  • Hollywood Pudgy - She's constantly conscious of her figure
  • Les Yay - Very blatant with Bunshuu in the visual novel.
  • Only Sane Man - Especially in the first game, she is the long suffering brake on Enshou's insane arrogance and Bunshuu's carefree attitude.

Enjutsu (Private name: Miu; Courtesy name: Kouro; Expy: Yuan Shu)

  • Royal Brat - At her first introduction, when she's so uncaring about her citizens and is only concerned about the perks of royalty. Eventually subverted after she's spooked by a ghost (largely, as she still exhibits bratty tendencies, but not to the same extent as before).

Choukun (Private name: Nanano; Courtesy name: N/A; Expy: Zhang Xun)

The Chou Sisters aka leaders of the Yellow Turban Rebels

Choukaku (Private name: Tenhou; Courtesy name: N/A; Expy: Zhang Jiao)

Chouhou (Private name: Chiihou; Courtesy name: N/A; Expy: Zhang Bao)

Chouryou (Private name: Renhou; Courtesy name: N/A; Expy: Zhang Liang)

The Nanban Barbarians

Moukaku (Private name: Mii; Courtesy name: N/A; Expy: Meng Huo)




Other Characters

Kazuto Hongo

Kousonsan (Private name: Pairen; Courtesy name: Hakukei; Expy: Gongsun Zan)

Chousen (Private name: N/A; Courtesy name: N/A; Expy: Diao Chan)

  • Berserk Button - Whatever you do, don't tell him he's not pretty; he doesn't take that very well
  • Chekhov's Gunman - In the first game, he turns out to have a major role in the universe Kazuto ended up in, and also has a lot involvement with Ukitsu and Saji
  • Hard Gay
  • Nightmare Fuel (His very concept. *shudders*)
  • Norio Wakamoto (My God...)

Kada Genka (Private name: N/A; Courtesy name: N/A; Expy: Hua Tuo)

  • Catch Phrase - "BE HEALTHY!"/"GENKI NI NARE!!"
  • Combat Medic - While he's primarily a doctor, he does kick some ass in the final battle of Otome Tairan
  • Hot-Blooded
  • Nobuyuki Hiyama - There's a reason why Kada is a walking Shout-Out to Gai.
  • The One Guy - During the Shin Koihime anime finale, and again in the Otome Tairan finale
  • This Is Sparta - Kada insists the name of the guild he's affiliated with be called out in the loudest and most dramatic fashion every time. Lampshaded in the following dialogue:

Koumei: Kada? Of The Way of the Five Grains?
Kada: NO!
Girls: Eh?

Girls: Oh.

Kada: It's very important to give it appropriate emphasis.

Koumei: I-I'll remember that...

Kannu: So, Shuri, what is the Way... I mean, THE WAY OF FIVE GRAINS!! all about?

  • This Trope Is Bleep - In the Shin Koihime anime, Kada diagnoses Sousou's illness, which turns out to be constipation. He initially recommends surgery, but Sousou refuses; when he describes an alternative treatment through use of acupuncture needles, it contains rather gratuitous connotations, thus a great number of words are censored. Whatever they were, Sousou was definitely not amused
  • What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome? - Kata's acupuncture treatment of Chouhi acquires all the flair and drama of a Goldion Hammer deployment

Himiko (Private name: N/A; Courtesy name: N/A; Expy: Himiko/Pimiko)

Riri (Private name: N/A; Courtesy name: N/A; Expy: Xu)

  • Canon Foreigner - Debatable since Huang Zhong, of whom Kouchuu is an expy of, did have a son who died young while serving Shoku

Saji (Private name: N/A; Courtesy name: N/A; Expy: Zuo Ci)

Ukitsu (Private name: N/A; Courtesy name: N/A; Expy: Yu Ji)

Choujou (Private name: N/A; Courtesy name: N/A; Expy: Zhang Rang)

  • Evil Laugh
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: after Toutaku escapes from him, he gets turned into a mouse by Ukitsu.
    • Not quite; he still had a use, as Ukitsu's spy, letting Ukitsu learn of the heroines' plan of attack.

Shibaki (Private name: N/A; Courtesy name: Suikyou; Expy: Sima Hui)

Kashin (Private name: N/A; Courtesy name: Suikou; Expy: He Jin)

  • Catgirl - In Otome Tairan, Kashin's suddenly growing cat ears by means to usurp her from her position. Apparently, it turns her into such a ridiculous, cute form it causes the loss of respect from her subordinates, and it doesn't help when she seeks the help of Kannu and her comrades, she ends up getting laughed at. It Gets Worse: Kashin HATES cats, and if she isn't cured soon, she'll eventually turn into one completely

Gotsutotsukotsu (Private name: N/A; Courtesy name: N/A; Expy: King Wutugu)

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