Kingdom Hearts/Characters/Supporting Final Fantasy
This is a listing of the supporting cast originating from Final Fantasy and other Square-Enix titles that appear in the Kingdom Hearts series. Visit here for the main characters index.
For the Final Fantasy characters, the same characterization tropes generally apply as in their original games.
Aerith Gainsborough
Voiced by: Maaya Sakamoto (Japanese), Mandy Moore/Mena Suvari (English)
A resident of Radiant Garden prior to its destruction, she ends up in Traverse Town instead. In Kingdom Hearts II, she (like most of Traverse Town's residents) moves back to Hollow Bastion and assists in its rebuilding.
- Cordon Bleugh Chef: She's one of these in the manga adaptations.
- Demoted to Extra: She and Cid don't take part in fights, despite them being playable characters in FFVII.
- Glamour Failure: In Chain of Memories, she's the only one who seems to be aware that she and the others are constructs of Sora's memory.
- The Heart: Of the Hollow Bastion Restoration Committee.
- Lethal Chef: In the manga adapatations. She makes her own homemade beverages and refreshments, but always adds the wrong ingredients.
- Japanese Pronouns: "Watashi".
- The Medic: Heals Yuffie during the Heartless invasion, and teaches Sora the highest level of Cure in the first game.
- The Other Darrin: Played by Mandy Moore in the first game. She was replaced with Mena Suvari for Kingdom Hearts II.
- Princess Curls
- Ship Tease: With Cloud, like in the original game.
- Spared by the Adaptation
"This is my story. And you're not a part of it."—Voiced by: Hideo Ishikawa (Japanese), Matt McKenzie (English)
A warrior summoned by Hades to kill Hercules in KH2, he refuses and joins with Sora instead. He serves as Sora's partner in Olympus Coliseum in the game.
- Badass: Heh, it wouldn't be Auron if he wasn't badass. One scene of his battle with Hercules has him swing his katana with one hand, and Herc has to use both hands to hold him off. Granted he's tired from all the fighting up that point, but still.
- Like A Badass Out Of Hades: Literally! Auron verbally subverts a type 2 situation (getting a job) and then fights his way out. Done like a pro.
- Badass Longcoat
- Back-to-Back Badasses: His Limit with Sora begins with the two of them standing like this.
- Back from the Dead: Well, kind of.
- Brainwashed: Hades forces Auron into servitude by stealing Auron's willpower and imprisoning it into a statue of his likeness. Auron is then made to fight Hercules in a deathmatch. Luckily, Sora & co. save the day, and Hades gets utterly screwed.
- Deadpan Snarker: "No wonder no one wants to die."
- Did You Just Flip Off Cthulhu?: Does this to Hades.
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: Still has that scar over his (missing) eye.
- Japanese Pronouns: "Ore".
- Katanas Are Just Better: Huge katanas, that is.
- Mythology Gag: Just about everything he does references FFX.
- Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner: "No wonder no one wants to die," he said to Hades when he was bragging about being the "Lord of the Dead". No one could hope for a more badass intro.
- The Stoic
- Tall, Dark and Snarky: It's Auron.
- You Shall Not Pass: Does this to Cereberus. Subverted when Sora returns and the two kick Hell Hound rear in a Back-to-Back Badasses moment.
Cid Highwind
Voiced by: Kazuhiro Yamaji (Japanese), Chris Edgerly (English)
The owner of the Traverse Town accessory shop and a Gummi Ship expert. He saved Leon and the others during the destruction of Radiant Garden. He returns to Hollow Bastion with his fellow Final Fantasy characters in KH2, and is responsible for the Claymore security system.
- Ace Pilot
- Bowdlerization: His ever-present cigarette from VII is replaced with a stick here.
- Demoted to Extra: Cid and Aerith don't take part in fights, despite them being playable characters in FFVII.
- Goggles Do Nothing
- Grumpy Old Man
- Japanese Pronouns: "Ore-Sama".
- Magic Versus Science: He has a semi-friendly rivalry with Merlin over this (their personalities don't help). They're forced to work together when the MCP takes over the network.
- Team Dad: He saved the crew when Radiant Garden fell when they where children.
- The Engineer/The Smart Guy: He's an expert in Gummi ships and knows his way around computers to boot - he's the guy who sets up the security system for the town in KHII.
- Oral Fixation Fixation: A toothpick to replace his cigarettes.
Cloud Strife
"I'm looking for someone. Hades promised to help. I tried to exploit the power of darkness, but it backfired. I fell into darkness, and couldn't find the light."—Voiced by: Takahiro Sakurai (Japanese), Steve Burton (English)
A brooding swordsman who is busy trying to work out his dark past. He first appears as a hired thug for Hades as part of one of his many attempts on Hercules's life, but joins the rest of the Hollow Bastion gang by the end of the first game.
- Anime Hair: It's a staple. Was toned down in II to match his appearance in Advent Children.
- Badass Cape: In the first game, due to Cloud being heavily inspired by Vincent Valentine.
- Back-to-Back Badasses: With Leon before The War Sequence. Their snark-fest doubles as a playful jab to the Fandom rivalry between Cloud and Squall.
- BFS: Wouldn't be Cloud without one.
- Bonus Boss: Via Coliseum cups.
- Celebrity Voice Actor: Voiced by Steve Burton, that dude from General Hospital.
- Good Wings, Evil Wings: A single black bat wing that appears when he uses his his version of Omnislash, mirroring Sephiroth's constantly-present wing.
- Guest Star Party Member: Just before The War Sequence, the player fights alongside each of four Final Fantasy characters briefly.
- Hired Gun: Was this for Hades in the first game for a short time. He was hired by him to kill Hercules, and then Sora, in the Olympus Coliseum. He broke his contract with Hades when he pulled an You Have Failed Me... card on him after his failed fight with Sora, whether it's by losing to him, or refusing to finish him off after beating him.
- Japanese Pronouns: "Ore".
- Mythology Gag: He uses his various Limit Breaks from FFVII, like Braver and Omnislash.
- Only I Can Kill Him: His relationship here with Sephiroth, it seems.
- Ship Tease: With Aerith. Also with Tifa in the second game, depending on your interpretation of what Tifa actually is in that game.
- The Stoic: Even more so than he was in his original game.
Leon / Squall Leonhart
"We may never meet again, but we'll never forget each other."
A resident of Radiant Garden, he changed his name to Leon after its destruction. He leads the Hallow Bastion Restoration Committee in an effort to return his home to its former glory, if not something better.
- Animal Motifs: His lion motif is as omnipresent as ever; in addition to his name and his clothes, he provides Sora with the Simba summonstone and the Lionheart and Sleeping Lion keychains.
- Back-to-Back Badasses: See Cloud's entry above.
- Big Brother Mentor: For Sora.
- Bonus Boss: Appears in a few Coliseum matches.
- Character Development: He's quite gruff and taciturn in the first Kingdom Hearts game, but notably more relaxed in the second. Getting back to Radiant Garden presumably helped. This reflects his Character Development in FFVIII.
- Cool Gunblade
- Defrosting Ice King
- Estrogen Brigade Bait: May in fact be sexier than his VIII self, depending on the viewer. Must be the belts. And the extra seven or eight years. And the new name. And the longer hair.
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: The kind that stick for all of time.
- Guest Star Party Member
- Heads I Win, Tails You Lose: When Sora fights him during their first encounter in Traverse Town, either Leon wins and Sora passes out, or Sora wins... and passes out from the effort.
- Improbable Weapon User: He fights with his famous Gunblade.
- Japanese Pronouns: "Ore".
- Laser Blade: His Gunblade can turn into one. It's an 'effin big one too, no doubt a Shout-Out to his Blasting Zone Limit Break.It's also the inspiration for the Bladecharge command style.
- The Leader: Of the Restoration Committee.
- Mythology Gag: As mentioned above, when you get his HP low enough, he uses a version of Blasting Zone just like in FFVIII, His spin attack is also reminiscent of his Fated Circle and his jump slash is much like Rough Divide as well.
- Leon being from Radiant Garden may be a reference to Squall being from Balamb Garden in Final Fantasy VIII.
- Both of his character designs include a stylized pair of red wings on the back of his jacket, a visual reference to the white angel wings on the back of Rinoa's jacket in FFVIII. In addition, the red Griever insignia (a lion-headed cross) on the sleeve of his jacket may be a callout to the red cross on Seifer's FFVIII Badass Longcoat.
- The Other Darrin: David Boreanaz in the first game, later replaced with Doug Erholtz.
- Pet the Dog: In the first Kingdom Hearts, he expresses concern over the lost Dalmatian puppies (literal dogs), and later gets Geppetto and Pinocchio a house when they arrive in Traverse Town.
- Playing with Fire: His only long-range attack (unless you count the Laser Blade) is a fire spell.
- Pretty in Mink: His appearance in II restores the trademark fur collar.
- Running Gag: Aerith constantly offers him her homemade beverages, and he constantly refuses, aware of its flaws.
- That Man Is Dead: Refuses to call himself by his real name of Squall because of his guilt over what happened to Hollow Bastion.
- Yuffie slips in the first game, causing him to remind her that Squall is no more.
- Shell-Shocked Veteran: In the first game it's clear that he suffers from the memories of Hollow Bastion's destruction at the hands of the Heartless. In the second game, he's lightened up while helping to rebuild it (see Character Development above).
- The Stoic --> Sugar and Ice Personality
- Supporting Leader: He is the leader of the Hollow Bastion Restoration Committee.
- Tall, Dark and Handsome
- Team Dad
- Too Many Belts: He wears them on his arms!
- "Wake-Up Call" Boss: In the first game.
Little fairy-type creatures that can be found in at least one place in every world to sell and/or synthesize items for the main character.
- Black Cloak: Not even Moogles are safe from this in the series. The one in Days who stays with Organization XIII has one.
- Call Back: The Days Moogle makes a reference to one of Xemnas's first lines. See No Name Given below.
- The Cameo: In regards to the Final Fantasy series more so than any other FF cameo by virtue of every single game containing a Moogle, even when there are different, only one, or no non-KH characters owned by Square-Enix.
- Hologram: Aside from in the KH-original worlds, all the Moogle shops are done via hologram.
- Mythology Gag: Most Moogles are named after Moogles that have been named in the Final Fantasy series.
- No Name Given: The Days Moogle.
"My name is of no importance."
- Original Generation: The Days Moogle is original, unless it's secretly one of the other Moogles. Most, if not all, Moogle merchants are named after Moogles in the Final Fantasy series.
- Protagonist-Centered Morality: The one in Days has this for Roxas. He doesn't really care about Xemnas's Kingdom Hearts or anything, just the fact that Roxas was the only one who ever gave him business. That's why he accompanies Roxas out of the Castle That Never Was.
- Ridiculously Cute Critter
- Verbal Tic: They have one, kupo.
Seifer Almasy
"I don't feel like cooperating with destiny."
Head of the so-called Twilight Town Disciplinary Committee. He is really just a bully who likes to pick on Hayner, Pence, and Olette.
- Bare Your Midriff
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: Although he's more of a jerk than a legit villain, just like his original appearance. Oddly, his scar is still a mirror image of Squall's despite the fact that they have no connection in this universe.
- Japanese Pronouns: "Ore".
- Jerk Jock
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Starts to shape up to one at the end; he gave his trophy to Sora when he saved his life from the Nobodies and Saïx. When he refused, he instead gave it to Goofy.
- Nice Hat: 'Cuz he's funky fresh, yo.
- Terrible Trio: Him, alongside Fuu(jin) and Rai(jin). Vivi is their lackey and only puts up with them because he admires Seifer's strength.
- Totally Radical: "Owning lamers".
- This has led to Fridge Brilliance for some, as the only time he speaks like that is in the digital Twilight Town, the creation of a computer program.
- Worthy Opponent: Towards Sora.
Fuu and Rai
Fuu: Rio Natsuki (Japanese), Jillian Bowen (English)
Rai: Kazuya Nakai (Japanese), Brandon Adams (English)
Seifer's henchmen.
- Ambiguously Brown: Rai.
- Mythology Gag: They share voice actors with their Expys from Final Fantasy X Lulu and Wakka.
- Peek-a-Bangs: Fuu.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Fuu.
- Religious and Mythological Theme Naming
- Sleeves Are for Wimps
- Those Two Guys
- Verbal Tic: BOTH EXAMPLES, y'know?
- White-Haired Pretty Girl: Fuu.
Setzer Gabbiani
"My life is a chip in your pile. Time to ante up."
An inhabitant of Twilight Town, he's the Struggle champion in the digital town but is just another competitor in the real world.
- Adaptational Attractiveness
- Badass Cape/Badass Longcoat: Square-Enix combines two of their favorite costume tropes at last. Setzer wears his trademark coat around his neck with his arms out of the sleeves, treating it more like a cape.
- Bragging Rights Reward: The Champion Belt you win for beating him gives 20% resistance to Fire, Ice, Lightning, but you won't be encountering enemies that use those attacks for some time. It's actually better to lose to him and get the Medal, which gives a minor attack boost so it'll be useful immediately.
- The Fighting Narcissist
- Flanderization: His showy-ness and arrogance is played up big time.
- Creator Backlash: And Square-Enix jabs at this in Dissidia Final Fantasy where Setzer and Shadow appear as in-game tutors -- Shadow tells Setzer not to bribe opponents to win, and Setzer protests he would never do such a thing.
- Then again, the only time we actually see him is in the computer simulation... so much like Seifer, the real one wouldn't quite be like that.
- Miles Gloriosus: For all his boasting and showing off, Setzer is a very poor Struggle fighter.
- Hair Flip: When entering a battle.
- Spin Attack
- White-Haired Pretty Boy
Tidus, Wakka, and Selphie
Voiced by:
Tidus: Masakazu Morita (Japanese), Shaun Fleming (English)
Wakka: Kazuya Nakai (Japanese), Dee Bradley Baker (English)
Selphie: Mayuko Aoki (Japanese), Molly Marlette (English)
Three kids who live on Destiny Islands. They're friends of Sora, Riku, and Kairi.
- Cat Smile: Selphie (though you may or may not notice it).
- Fashionable Asymmetry: Tidus, though it's barely noticeable next to his original version.
- Fighting with Chucks: Selphie (technically a jump-rope, but the similarity is there).
- I Know Madden Kombat: Wakka.
- Joshikousei: Selphie in II.
- Kansai Regional Accent: Selphie has a rather noticeable one in the Japanese version.[1]
- Three Amigos
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Selphie's the girly girl to Kairi's tomboy. Most evident in the first game, though it's still somewhat easy to spot in the second (Selphie's white-and-pink school bag covered in plushies vs. Kairi's simple brown school bag, for instance).
- Two Guys and a Girl: Once more.
- Variable-Length Chain: Selphie's jump-rope.
- Wolfpack Boss: If you fight them as a team
- Wooden Katanas Are Even Better: Tidus.
Tifa Lockhart
Voiced by: Ayumi Ito (Japanese), Rachael Leigh Cook (English)
A young woman who constantly searches for Cloud. Word of God has evoked the possibility of her being the materialization of Cloud's light, just like Sephiroth would be the materialization of his darkness.
- Action Girl: But of course!
- Bare-Fisted Monk
- Bonus Boss: Hades Paradox Cup.
- Boobs of Steel
- Charles Atlas Superpower
- Enemy Without: Inverted, if the below is true.
- Guest Star Party Member
- I Will Find You: Searching for Cloud is basically all she does in the game (well, that and beating up Heartless).
- Japanese Pronouns: "Watashi".
- Ki Attacks
- Lampshade Hanging: She hangs one hell of a lampshade about both Cloud's and Sora's Anime Hair:
Tifa: "Hey, you! [to Sora] I'm looking for somebody. Have any of you seen a guy with spiky hair?"
Sora: (points to his own)
Tifa: (chuckles) Spikier.
- Mythology Gag: In FFVII, Aerith died while Tifa remained alive. In this game, it is ambiguous as to whether Tifa is a physical person.
- Power Fist
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
Voiced by:Ikue Ohtani (Japanese), Melissa Disney (English)
A young resident of Twilight Town who admires Seifer and strives to be like him. His "simulation" version is one of the first hints that there is something wrong in Roxas's Twilight Town when he gains uncharacteristic Badass skills during the Struggle tournament.
- Adorkable:It's VIVI! There would be riots on the street any other way.
- Anti Role Model: Vivi looks up to Seifer, but he's not what you call a proper "role model".
- Butt Monkey: Seifer and co. makes him their personal gopher, very reminiscent of how Puck treated him at the start of Final Fantasy IX.
- Executive Meddling: Tetsuya Nomura was hesitant to include characters he himself did not design because he was not yet a character designer, the other developers convinced him to include a character and he chose Vivi (from Final Fantasy IX, a game which Nomura had no input on).
- Hero Worshipper: To Seifer, unfortunately.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: He's Pikachu in Japan.
- Japanese Pronouns: "Boku".
- Nice Hat
"I see you all are still in top form!"
Another former resident of Radiant Garden who appears in Traverse Town. She is closely in league with Leon.
- Action Girl
- Bare Your Midriff: Her first outfit.
- Bonus Boss: Appears in a few Coliseum matches.
- Fuuma Shuriken
- Genki Girl
- Guest Star Party Member
- Japanese Pronouns: "Atashi".
- The Medic: She is extremely pesky in battle because she can heal her partners with Clear Tranquil.
- Odd Friendship: With Leon - which, unsurprisingly enough, led to a lot of Shipping from the fans. Others would rather see Leon as a Big Brother Mentor to her.
- Playing Tennis With the Boss: Her shuriken attacks can be reflected back at her by smacking them with the Keyblade. Not required to beat her, but doing so makes her much easier to handle.
- Smoke Out: In II, she's picked up the ability to vanish in a puff of smoke.
- The Other Darrin: Christy Carlson Romano is replaced with Mae Whitman in KH2.
- Ninja
Yuna, Rikku, and Paine
A trio of fairies obsessed with collecting treasure. They are originally sent by Maleficent to spy on the heroes, but later switch sides.
- Bowdlerise: Compared to their original X-2 incarnations, their outfits aren't nearly as revealing.
- Fairy
- Fun Size
- Heel Face Turn: Sort of. They're still just on their own side.
- Hired Guns
- Megumi Toyoguchi: Paine, in a reprise from Final Fantasy X-2
- Punch Clock Villain: They work for money, not for evil.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Paine.
- Tara Strong: Rikku. Yet another reprise.
- Winged Humanoid
Voiced by: Kenichi Suzumura (Japanese), Rick Gomez (English)
A hero-in-training who shows up in Olympus Coliseum during Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep.
- Anime Hair
- Blue Eyes
- Casting a Shadow: When Hades curses him he has a lot of pesky Darkness skills.
- Heroes Prefer Swords: As do Heroes in training!
- Leitmotif: "A Date with Fate", a rather bouncy remake of Crisis Core's main theme.
- Japanese Pronouns: "Ore".
- Mythology Gag: Asks Aqua out on a date, much like he asks Aerith in Crisis Core. Also, Zack is frequently seen performing squats, a hobby of his from the aforementioned game.
- Nice Guy
- Non-Standard Character Design: He's the odd man out compared to the other Final Fantasy characters due to taking on elements of the Hercules artstyle.
- Spirited Competitor
- Teleport Spam: His very Omnislash flavored Heroes Pride attack.
2: So...this is what it's like to be on the receiving end of an Omnislash.
- What Happened to the Mouse?: In the game's ending, Zack mysteriously disappears when a single black feather drops near him. Given the series's Anachronic Order, no mention of him is made during the ten-year interim. Fan speculation is running rampant, with many believing Sephiroth was somehow involved.
- Would Hit a Girl: Fights Aqua in the Coliseum, though he's not really pleased about hitting her.
Neku Sakuraba
Voiced by: Kouki Uchiyama (Japanese), Jesse David Corti (English[2])
The protagonist of Square-Enix's title The World Ends With You, A young boy who always has his headphones on, behaving like he rejects everyone. he appears in Kingdom Hearts 3D. He appears before Sora in Traverse Town and casually partners with him to survive the deadly Reaper's Game.
- Aerith and Bob: As a guy with two Japanese names (as opposed to, say, Sora, Kairi or Riku), he certainly stands out. Lampshaded; Sora seems to find his name rather strange.
- Blue Eyes
- Collared by Fashion
- Deadpan Snarker
- Emo Teen
- Expy: Of Sora and by extension Sion, luckily his sharper eyes and hair color helps set him apart.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Roxas and Ven (in the Japanese version, anyway). His voice takes on more of the former than the latter however, if only for his significantly more angsty attitude.
- Japanese Pronouns: "Ore".
- Punny Name: Neku sounds similar to "neko" (Japanese for "cat"), and he's confirmed to have a cat dream eater.
- Psychic Powers
- Redheaded Hero: More like "that orangeish you get when Asians bleach their hair", but the point stands.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Sora's red to Neku's blue
- Shonen Hair
- Sleeves Are for Wimps
- The Unexpected: The first Square-Enix character outside the Final Fantasy series to make a guest appearance in Kingdom Hearts.
- Your Days Are Numbered
Shiki Misaki
Voiced by: Anna Hachimine (Japanese)
One of the main supporting characters of Square-Enix's title The World Ends With You, She always carries a black stuffed cat wherever she goes. she appears in Kingdom Hearts 3D. Riku saves her from an onslaught of Dream Eaters after she was separated from her partner Neku.
- Bare Your Midriff
- Brown Eyes
- The Chick
- Combat Stilettos
- Dangerously-Short Skirt
- Expy: Hey, it's Kairi wearing a hat! Oh wait, false alarm.
- Girls Love Stuffed Animals
- Impossible Hourglass Figure: Just look at it.
- Japanese Pronouns: "Atashi".
- Marionette Master
- Nice Hat
- The Nicknamer: Calls Riku "Mr. Knight"
Yoshiya "Joshua" Kiryu
"You're not giving up, are you Neku? Give up on the world, and you give up on yourself."—Voiced by: Ryohei Kimura (Japanese), Aaron Spann (English)
One of the main supporting characters of Square-Enix's title The World Ends With You, he appears in Kingdom Hearts 3D. He encounters Riku and Sora alongside Beat. It seems he knows about the realm of dreams in detail.
- Agent Peacock: Arguably, he's even prettier than Shiki.
- Bishounen
- Expy: In the Kingdom Hearts fanbase, people saw him as a Riku counterpart (compared to Neku=Sora and Shiki=Kairi). In the anime fanbase, he's an expy of Kaworu Nagisa and Aru Akise.
- Japanese Pronouns: "Boku".
- Mythology Gag: Part of the above quote is lifted straight from TWEWY.
- Mr. Exposition / Expospeak: Seems to take this role towards Sora and Riku.
- Purple Eyes
- Sharp-Dressed Man
- Smug Smiler
- The Lancer
- Winged Humanoid
- White-Haired Pretty Boy
Daisukenojo "Beat" Bito
Voiced by: Subaru Kimura (Japanese)
One of the main supporting characters of Square-Enix's title The World Ends With You, he appears in Kingdom Hearts 3D. He encounters Riku and Sora alongside Joshua.He is wandering Traverse Town, looking for his partner Rhyme.
- Big Brother Instinct
- Blue Eyes
- Boisterous Bruiser
- Bruiser with a Soft Center
- Expy: A more gangsterized version of Twilight Town's Seifer. Blame the hat.
- Everything's Better With Skulls And Chains
- Hot-Blooded
- Japanese Pronouns: "Ore".
- Large Ham
- Nice Hat
- Sleeves Are for Wimps
- The Big Guy
Raimu "Rhyme" Bito
"My memories, they'll come back as soon as there's a chance."—Voiced by: Ayana Taketatsu(Japanese)
One of the main supporting characters of Square-Enix's title The World Ends With You, she appears in Kingdom Hearts 3D. Because she has lost her memories, she doesn't know why she's in Traverse Town.
- Blue Eyes
- Cheerful Child
- Hair of Gold
- Japanese Pronouns: "Boku". This also makes her a Bokukko
- Nice Girl
- Nice Hat
- Shorttank
- The Cutie
- The Smart Guy
- Wistful Amnesia: Even though she's lost her memories, she believes that they'll come back eventually.