Kingdom Hearts/Characters/Supporting Originals
This is a listing of the original characters in the supporting cast that appear in the Kingdom Hearts series. Visit here for the main characters index.
"Roxas! We will meet again. And then we can talk about everything. I may not know it's you, and you may not know it's me. But we will meet again. Someday soon. I promise!"—Voiced by: Iku Nakahara (Japanese), Brittany Snow/Meaghan Jette Martin (English)
A witch with the power to alter memories, which was exploited by Organization XIII to manipulate Sora. She is also Kairi's Nobody, born when Kairi's heart was freed from Sora's after he turned into a Heartless.
- The Atoner: After screwing up Sora's memories under the orders of Organization XIII, she spends an entire year setting them back together.
- Beware the Nice Ones: When the Riku Replica is about to kill Sora she shatters his memories completely leaving him comatose.
- Blonde to Xion's Brunette and Kairi's Redhead.
- Cute Witch
- Demoted to Extra: From COM to KH2, along with Axel.
- Damsel in Distress: Twice; born into the role as a prisoner of Marluxia in Chain of Memories, and then becomes a prisoner of DiZ once she stops obeying his orders in Kingdom Hearts II's prologue.
- Expy: A quiet, mysterious girl with incredible powers over memory and designed by Tetsuya Nomura... huh? You aren't talking about Ellone?
- Extreme Doormat: Through most of Chain of Memories and for some reason, 358/2 Days. But definitely not in Kingdom Hearts II.
- Fake Memories: What her powers revolve around.
- Hair of Gold & Baby Blues
- High Heel Face Turn: Not that she was ever evil, though.
- The Ingenue
- Japanese Pronouns: "Watashi"
- Leitmotif: "Naminé".
- Manipulative Witch: What Larxene calls her, which is humorously hypocritical.
- Miss Exposition: Her main role post Chain of Memories, particularly in coded.
- Mysterious Waif: In Chain of Memories.
- Nice Girl: She's even meek and soft-spoken to someone like Larxene!
- Original Generation
- The Other Darrin: Brittany Snow was replaced by Meaghan Jette Martin in Re:Chain of Memories and Re:coded.
- Remember The New Girl: Or so it seems...
- Rewriting Reality: Uses drawing to manipulate memories.
- She's Got Legs : ...Don't send Chris Hansen after me! She's perfectly legal! Japan!
- Shape Shifter: She like Diz can alter her appearance with the power of Darkness.
- Shrinking Violet: For the most part in Chain of Memories until she gains some confidence at the end.
- Stay In The Drawing Room: Though like Kairi, she still manages to get out and help during the final world of Kingdom Hearts II.
- Suspiciously Similar Substitute
- Theme Naming: Her part in the "girls related to Kairi" group is nami for wave.
- Took a Level in Badass: She gains a lot more confidence in Kingdom Hearts II, evaded capture from the Organization, and helped rescue Kairi. She and Kairi together even stood up to Saïx physically, and that's gotta count for something.
- Woman in White
Hayner, Pence, and Olette
A trio of kids from Twilight Town. They are all close friends and like to hang out, put off homework, and eat sea-salt ice cream together. A virtual Hayner, Pence, and Olette serve as Roxas's friends in DiZ's simulation of Twilight Town during the opening of Kingdom Hearts II to keep Roxas occupied while DiZ manipulates him.
- Big Fun: Pence
- Expy: Hayner's Personality, antagonism with Seifer, and dress style are all quite similar to a Zell from Final Fantasy VIII. Many a gamer thought he WAS Zell, until they were proven otherwise.
- Green Eyes: Olette
- Hot-Blooded: Hayner. He even attempted to take on Axel in a fist fight. Luckily for him Axel was busy.
- Japanese Pronouns: "Ore" for Hayner, "Boku" for Pence, and "Watashi" for Olette.
- Mythology Gag crossed with Shout-Out: "Dog Street", the brand on Pence's clothes, is a reference to both The Bouncer (Square's debut PlayStation 2 game) and the Disk Original Group software team within Square in the mid-80's.
- Neutral Female: Olette.
- Non-Action Guy: Pence.
- Platonic Life Partners: Pence and Olette.
- Shipper on Deck: Olette seems to be quite entranced with Kairi's story about her and Sora. She even calls it "romantic".
- Those Two Guys: A bit, even to Sora in the middle stages of Kingdom Hearts II.
- Two Guys and a Girl
DiZ / Ansem the Wise
"I'm afraid that any world you try to create... Any world of yours... would be an empire of ignorance. That is why you and your creation are destined to fall!"
An enigmatic figure who aids Riku and Naminé. Working against the Organization, he is willing to use rather questionable means to meet his goals. It turns out he's actually Ansem the Wise, the teacher of Xehanort, trying to atone for the atrocities done by Xehanort and Xemnas in his name, and for the aforementioned questionable actions he committed in the process.
- Anti-Hero: Everything he does is to aid the cause of good, but his obsessive desire for revenge causes him to take several less than heroic actions in doing so, which many others suffer for.
- The Atoner: Once he realizes the above.
- Bandaged Face
- Casting a Shadow: Obtained dark powers through his festering hatred when he was banished to the Realm of Nothingness, Unfortunately, like Riku, he lost them when his Kingdom Hearts Encoder exploded, leaving him trapped in the Realm of Darkness without the ability to open a dark portal.
- Clear My Name: His motivation.
- The Chessmaster
- Cool Old Guy
- Disney Death: The ending of Birth by Sleep shows that he survived his sacrifice and now waits for Sora to free him and Aqua from the Realm of Darkness.
- Easy Amnesia: He teetered on the edge of it for his entire exile to the realm of darkness by his disciples, but kept focus thanks to hatred. When he ends up there again after KHII, he quickly forgets almost everything but Sora, presumably because he doesn't have such hatred anymore.
- Eccentric Mentor: Not nearly as much these days, but he's still got a couple quirks.
- Evil Sounds Deep: Subverted. He has the world's greatest villain's voice, but he's actually an Anti-Hero.
- Emperor Scientist: As Ansem the Wise.
- Eyes of Gold
- Fun with Acronyms: Darkness in Zero.
- Gadgeteer Genius
- Good Is Not Nice
- Impersonation Paradox: After getting his identity stolen by Xehanort, he uses the disguise of Ansem, Seeker of Darkness in Chain of Memories as a disguise while he is in Castle Oblvion. Afterwards, Riku joins up with him in a Black Coat and Ansem, under the guise of DiZ, ask who he is; when he pulls down the hood and introduces himself as Ansem, The Real Ansem can only laugh about it and greets him with evident sarcasm which Riku fails to see.
- Japanese Pronouns: "Watashi"
- Jerkass: Regarding Roxas, though he does apologize for it in the end, shortly before his Heroic Sacrifice.
- Jerkass Woobie: The guy's been betrayed by the people who cared for most, trapped in the realm of nothingness for years, and in order to atone for the dark actions he took for revenge, seals himself into the realm of darkness for ANOTHER lonely banishment period. He's had it rough.
- Kick the Dog: His manipulation of Roxas, ordering the execution of Naminé, seeing Riku (and pretty much everyone else) as nothing but a tool for his own vengeance, and actively sabotaging King Mickey's attempts to contact Riku.
- Legacy Character
- Man in the Iron Mask: Played with. Xehanort stole his original name and banished him to the Realm of Nothingness. When he escaped, he decided to fulfill the "disguised face" part of the trope himself, and occasionally used magic to impersonate the guy impersonating him.
- Mask Power
- Red Right Hand
- Meaningful Name: DiZ is a corruption of the first three letters of Disney.
- It also stands for "Darkness in Zero".
- Non-Action Guy
- Royals Who Actually Do Something
- Redemption Equals Death ... Disney Death, that is.
- Shape Shifter
- Shut UP, Hannibal: The above quote is a response to Xemnas's motive rant.
- Stealth Mentor: To Riku.
- The Other Darrin: Corey Burton plays him whenever Christopher Lee is unavailable. So far, they're tied - Lee was in II and Days, Burton Re: Chain of Memories and Sleep.
- Too Many Belts
- Trademark Favorite Food: Sea-salt ice cream.
Master Eraqus
"Fear leads to obsession with power, and obsession beckons the darkness."
One of the few remaining Keyblade Masters in Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep, he lives in the Land of Departure as the teacher and father figure of Terra, Aqua, and Ventus. He is killed by Xehanort as part of the latter's plan to shroud the world in darkness.
- Actor Allusion: Eraqus's Knight Templar behavior and attitude towards darkness and light are very similar to how the Jedi in the Star Wars prequels are portrayed, particularly in how Terra desires greater power to protect his friends, and Eraqus warns that type of obsession and fear leads to darkness.
- All Your Powers Combined: His armor makes use of his students' elements, and changes combat styles depending on who you're fighting it with. Considering the armor's data is based on his fighting style, it's easy to infer that Eraqus himself has the same abilities.
- Alternate Company Equivalent: To Yen Sid. Look at his name.
- Black and White Morality: As said by Xehanort, he only thinks in absolutes: in his mind, Light Is Good and Dark Is Evil.
- Of course, Xehanort is the father of all Unreliable Narrators on the subject...
- Blow You Away: One of his attacks as a Bonus Boss is a massive tornado.
- Boss Remix: The Armor of the Master battle is backed by a more dramatic version of the Land of Departure battle theme.
- Bonus Boss: His armor makes a nasty one in the Final Mix.
- Cain and Abel: Master Xehanort was like a brother to him growing up. Guess which one Eraqus ends up being.
- Disney Death: Possibly. Blank Points hints that he may have escaped death by seeking refuge in Terra's heart. Terra only smirks.
- Don't Make Me Destroy You
- Everything's Better with Samurai: Way moreso than Terra. His armor, which appears in BBS Final Mix, has a very prominent samurai motif.
- Face Heel Turn: Not quite, though you do have to fight him as Terra. Instead, it's implied that he's become so absorbed in his Light-based philosophy and so torn between his emotional connections to Xehanort, Ventus and Terra and the situation at hand that he falls into Darkness by the time Terra battles him.
- Flash Float: Can do this as a Bonus Boss.
- Good Old Ways
- Good Scars, Evil Scars
- Gray Eyes
- Holy Hand Grenade
- Light Is Good: Or so he thinks.
- Light'Em Up
- Knight Templar
- Horrible Judge of Character: It's implied that the one that truly has the distorted view is Master Xehanort; even after Xehanort attacked and scarred him when Eraqus pointed out the severe moral issues in his plans, Eraqus still forgave and trusted him after several years of avoiding each other.
- Then during the Mark of Mastery exam when Xehanort sabotages the balls of light he dosen't for a second suspect that it was him, despite the fact he was sitting right next to him.
- I Did What I Had to Do: Which was try to kill Ven to save the universe.
- My God, What Have I Done?: After he fights Terra.
- It's All My Fault: He blames himself for not seeing Terra's fall into the darkness.
- Japanese Pronouns: "Watashi"
- Manly Tears
- Master Swordsman
- Magic Knight
- Mentor Occupational Hazard
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: His appearance is quite likely based on Final Fantasy creator Hironobu Sakaguchi.
- Old Master/The Obi-Wan
- Obi-Wan Moment
- Funny, considering how he's Luke Skywalker.
- Even more so considering this is exact same role in Jedi Academy
- Obi-Wan Moment
- Parental Substitute
- Playing with Fire: Notably his only magical attack not to be light elemental is fire.
- Power Glows
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Subverted; he turns out to be more of a Knight Templar.
- Retired Badass
- Reverse Shrapnel: One of his most powerful attacks is surrounding himself with magical light keyblades which spin around him and shoot lasers.
- Shield-Bash: As his Armor Data, he's fond of using the light shield on his back to trap you.
- Shoot the Dog: He tries to do this when he learns that Xehanort needs Ven to create the χ-blade. Terra catches him in the act and is not happy.
- Sibling Rivalry: It is mentioned in the Xehanort reports that Master Xehanort and Eraqus viewed each other as brothers, which goes a long way towards explaining why it takes so long for anyone to suspect Xehanort is up to no good. Still, it's also mentioned that Xehanort began turning his intellect down darker paths once their master chose Eraqus as his successor instead of Xehanort...
- Storm of Blades: Another one of his more brutal desperation attacks is to shoot a bunch of light magic Keyblades at you.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist
- What Is One Man's Life in Comparison?: Kill Ven to prevent the χ-blade from being forged, or risk the destruction of the universe? It's not a pleasant choice.
- You Are Not Ready, Terra.
- ↑ If you must know, it's Selphie, who coincidentally is in the series as a resident of Destiny Islands.