Is This a Zombie?/Characters
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Characters in Is This a Zombie?. Additions are appreciated.
Ayumu Aikawa
Voiced by: Takuma Terashima (Drama CD), Junji Majima (Anime) [Japanese] and Austin Tindle [English]
The protagonist of the series. An Ordinary High School Student killed by Kyoko before the start of the series and revived as a zombie by Eucliwood Hellscythe. Technically he is now under her servitude, but more often than not he's the one running the household.
- Accidental Marriage: With Maelstrom, after accidentally kissing her.
- Alliterative Name
- Amusing Injuries
- Ass Shove: Twice in the OVA, causing temporary Wimpification. He also gets one with a flower in the first ending theme and a bunch more in the Of the Dead's ending theme.
- Back Stabbed with Extreme Prejudice: How he died in his Backstory.
- He's been stabbed four times since becoming a Zombie, including once by Sera as part of his own Batman Gambit against Kyoko.
- Badass Cape/Frills of Justice
- Barehanded Blade Block: Pulls one against Kyoko.
- Butt Monkey: Not as severe as some examples, but Ayumu usually gets the short end of the stick at any given moment.
- Taken Up to Eleven at the end of Episode 1 of Of The Dead -- he was forced to fight a Squid Megalo in broad daylight to save Taeko, where most of his schoolmates can see... they quickly take shots of him and his exploits even made headlines across the internet. And as if that wasn't bad enough, the Mystletainn broke up after the fight, rendering him naked and unable to wipe out his schoolmates' memories!
- Chainsaw Good
- Covert Pervert
- Crossdresser: Both as a Masou-Shoujo and as a Kisugi sister parody. The former mode puts him in a pink frilly dress, and the latter mode (seen in the OVA) puts him in a unitard. Apart from those examples, episode 6 of season 2 has him crossdressing to advertise the tsundere cosplay cafe per popular demand.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Not exactly a moron per se, but Ayumu is mostly a servant to his ladies. But beware: given the chance, he can rip a Whale Megalo's head off, tear Kyoko to shreds with the Mystletainn, or punch the King of the Night out of immortality.
- Cursed with Awesome: Being a zombie grants him functional immortality, regeneration and Super Strength. Becoming a masou-shoujo gives him even more powers. However, he lacks a number of Required Secondary Powers, meaning his body will tear itself apart if he uses his super strength too much, and his masou-shoujo outfit is intensely humiliating (but thank God for that memory-wash ability taken from Haruna).
- In Of The Dead, he loses his Laser-Guided Amnesia ability since he broke Mystletainn.
- He actually popularize the outfit after the incident.
- In Of The Dead, he loses his Laser-Guided Amnesia ability since he broke Mystletainn.
- The Dead Can Dance: By proxy since becoming a zombie hasn't affected his ability to breakdance.
- Death by Origin Story
- Death Is Cheap: Naturally comes with his new lease of (undead) life.
- Detachment Combat
- Explosive Overclocking: Ayumu can push his body past its human limits. This tends to leave him crippled afterwards, however.
- Expy: Doesn't he look like Maebara Keiichi to you?
- Genre Savvy: During the Tsundere challenge.
- Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!: After blowing himself up, Ayumu blames himself for being too weak to protect Eu. Haruna (whom Ariel helped mind-dive into his subconscious) knocked some sense into him, convincing him to come back to life.
- Harem Hero: Type 2.
- Heroic BSOD: Episode 10 of the first season.
- Heroic Sacrifice: He always gets better (even from otherwise fatal injuries), but this is still played straight at the end of Episode 10, when he takes the time bomb the King of the Night placed on Haruna's head, allowing it to explode in midair, literally tearing himself apart. His Heroic BSOD at that moment also made his "death" a little bit longer. Haruna, Seraphim and Maelstrom reassemble him at the start of Episode 11, but it took Haruna's mind-dive to finally convince him to come back to life.
- Hidden Depths: He can breakdance.
- Imagine Spot: Once A Episode with Delusion Eu.
"This is the fantasy of our weak-hearted protagonist, Aikawa Ayumu."
- Knight in Shining Armor: Swears to stay by Eu's side even after she tearfully confesses to her horrifying secret.
- Magical Girl: Uh, guy.
- Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy: To Maelstrom, during their summary marriage ceremony (which was purely accidental, never mind that Maelstrom continues to insist that it's legal).
- Nice Guy: He allows three Pretty Freeloaders in his household despite two of them treating him like crap and the other doing nothing to help him.
- Nice Hat: As a masou-shoujo shounen.
- Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: He's a zombie masou-shoujo.
- Our Zombies Are Different: They look, act and think like normal people. Sunlight dries them out, and some can bodysurf via Demonic Possession.
- Real Men Wear Pink
- Rocket Punch: Ayumu is not above throwing his own severed arm at an enemy if things get desperate.
- Unitard Of Power/Sensual Spandex: During the Cat's Eye parody in the OVA. Of course, he gets them confused with leotards.
- Weaksauce Weakness: Direct sunlight.
- Whole Costume Reference: His jumpsuit during the Cat's Eye parody in the OVA.
- Would Hit a Girl: Scratch that -- he would chainsaw a girl if they messed with his friends.
- Yank the Dog's Chain: Via a Chekhov's Gag to Episode 1 of the first season, in Episode 1 of "Of The Dead".
- Zig-zagged: After the incident he becomes obscenely popular because of it.
- Speaking of which, he thought he'd finally be able to get over the incident after Mystletainn was fixed, but his classmates had him Dragged Into Drag again afterwards anyway, this time to advertise the tsundere cosplay cafe.
- Zig-zagged: After the incident he becomes obscenely popular because of it.
Eucliwood Hellscythe ("Eu")
Voiced by: Yukari Tamura (Drama CD), Midori Tsukimiya (Anime - Main), Kotono Mitsuishi, Mika Kanai, Tomoko Kaneda, Yuko Minaguchi, Satomi Koorogi, Sakura Tange, Yuki Matsuoka, Noriko Hidaka (Anime [Season 1 Delusion]), Fumi Hirano (OVA [Delusion)], Aya Hisakawa (Season 1 [Episode 0 Delusion]), Kikuko Inoue, Omi Minami, Kimiko Koyama, Mariko Kouda, Etsuko Kozakura, Chisa Yokoyama, Mayumi Iizuka, Sumi Shimamoto, Yui Horie (Anime [Season 2 Delusion]) [Japanese] and Cherami Leigh [English]
A necromancer and possibly the most powerful masou-shoujo ever, able to both kill and revive a person with her voice alone. As a result, she only speaks through writing words on a notepad, and constantly wears plate armor just to prevent her powers from going out of control.
- Awesome McCoolname
- Badass Adorable
- Berserk Button: Never treat death casually around her. Fortunately for everyone nearby, it just gets her annoyed (like Haruna, who got a slap). You'd know if she got really angry (just ask Kyoko).
- Big Eater
- Blessed with Suck
- Blood Magic: How she heals people.
- Blue Eyes
- Brought Down to Normal: For a few minutes so she could sing.
- But Now I Must Go: At the end of episode 9, she decides to leave her friends behind, believing that she was bringing them ever closer to harm. Ayumu ultimately convinces her to come back for them.
- The Comically Serious: Especially in Of the Dead's Delusion Eu skits.
- Cry Cute: Episode 4, while asking Ayumu if he can still accept her even after learning of her horrifying secret. He still does, and even swears to stay by her side whatever happens.
- Cute Mute: Invoked.
- Cuteness Proximity
- Different in Every Episode: Her "Delusion Eu" voices in the anime; for the Drama CD, Yukari Tamura does all the (imaginary) talking.
- Of The Dead's Delusion Eu segments, the real Eu actually talks to her Delusion counterparts.
- Emotionless Girl: Ayumu initially assumes she's this, but Seraphim correctly guesses she's simply hiding her emotions.
- After the events of Episodes 11 and 12, this is starting to slip a little. In the OVA she occasionally cracks jokes, albeit still in writing, and actually writes out "wwww", the Japanese equivalent of the Emoticon "LOL".
- Hair Decorations
- Evil Laugh: During the Cat's Eye parody in her usual fashion.
- Expy: Shares a little bit of Yuki Nagato, Saber (armored dress and appetite) and Rei Ayanami Expy.
- I Am a Monster: Tearfully calls herself one before Ayumu, on account of her powers. The guy thinks otherwise.
- Idol Singer: Steals the entire competition from Haruna, Seraphim and Sarasvati with her words' powers temporarily transferred to Ayumu via Ariel's machine. Then she's joined by Haruna due to said machine temporarily breaking down.
- If It's You It's Okay: One of the few main characters who haven't made fun of Ayumu for crossdressing.
- Kawaiiko: The Delusion Eus, especially in Of The Dead.
- Little Miss Snarker: Develops this trait in Of The Dead towards her Delusion counterparts.
- Magical Girl
- Ms. Fanservice: Primarily in Ayumu's Imagine Spots.
- Necromancer: Able to heal, kill and create zombies. Also has considerable respect in the underworld.
- Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: Necromancer knight/masou-shoujo.
- The Nth Doctor
- Power Incontinence: Potentially one of the worst cases on record. Unchecked, her magic would spill out through her words and feelings. Even when she dies, her magic will rage on.
- Power Limiter: She prevents her magic running wild by wearing her armor, not speaking, and controlling her emotions. Unfortunately, in episode 9 she lets her emotions get the better of her under duress, leading to some pretty nasty things happening such as her friends getting squashed by a giant kappa doll and Maelstrom nearly dying. And all because the King of the Night threatened her friends.
- Pretty Freeloader
- Rapunzel Hair
- Reality Warper: Capable of doing this by speaking and emotionally.
- School Swimsuit
- Shameless Fanservice Girl: Her reaction to her Stripperiffic bikini Ayumu accidentally put her on with his thoughts temporarily powered by her magic was "Stimulating".
- Sinister Scythe: She can transform her notepad into one.
- Sugar and Ice Girl: Always in control, because she has to be.
- Supernaturally Delicious and Nutritious: Her magic draws Megalo to it.
- Superpower Lottery: She is without a doubt the strongest character shown thus far, able to kill by speaking. This leads to...
- Story-Breaker Power: She could easily defeat everybody introduced thus far. The only problem is that she is against violence and doesn't like to hurt people. This especially doesn't help her when one of her old friends, Yoruno/The King of the Night, wanted to end his life at her hands, forcing him to harm her newfound family just to provoke her into ending his immortality-induced misery.
- Superpower Russian Roulette: But she can't control it by normal means.
- The Voiceless: Subverted. She can talk, but due to her Power Incontinence, she communicates through written notes instead.
- She speaks in episode 11 and in episode 12 she sings, though only because her powers are temporarily transferred to Ayumu so she can do so. Also with the help of Haruna. She does again in episode 7 in Of The Dead thanks to Haruna borrowing her mana.
- 24-Hour Armor
- Unitard Of Power/Sensual Spandex: During the Cat's Eye parody in the OVA. She says (or, more accurately, writes) that it's for "aesthetics".
- When She Smiles: At the end of Episode 4.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl
- Whole Costume Reference: Her jumpsuit during the Cat's Eye parody in the OVA.
- Weirdness Magnet: Sarasvati obviously sees her as this, otherwise she wouldn't put a hit on her in the first place.
- Words Can Break My Bones: The very reason she never speaks.
- Woman in White: Her idol attire.
- Zettai Ryouiki
Voiced by: Kaoru Mizuhara (Drama CD), Iori Nomizu (Anime) [Japanese] and Jād Saxton [English]
A self-described genius "masou-shoujo" from Villiers who fights Megalo, though her genius seems based in a whole different universe. Her weapon of choice is a pink chainsaw named Mystletainn, but she accidentally transferred most of her powers to Ayumu while trying to erase his memory. Now only he can wield Mystletainn against the Megalo while she regenerates her powers. In the meantime, she's squatting at his house and cooking fried egg in all its forms.
- A-Cup Angst: Is jealous of the fact that she has the smallest bust out of the gang. Heck, even Eu is bigger, if only slightly, than her.
- Attention Whore: At times.
- Awesomeness By Analysis: Able to correctly predict the questions on Ayumu's math exam by looking at his problems.
- Badass Adorable
- Bare Your Midriff: Her idol attire.
- Barrier Warrior
- Big Eater
- Brilliant but Lazy: She is intelligent, but usually doesn't make the effort because she's not interested. This may be why she has... weird ideas about certain things.
- Brought Down to Normal: Still has some of her magic, but Ayumu has her masou-shoujo abilities (as well as the ability to wield the Mystletainn).
- Chainsaw Good
- Clingy Jealous Girl: She gets jealous of Ayumu's marriage to Maelstrom, and asks him to kiss her in Episode 8. When he questions her as to why she wants a kiss, she responds by beating him up a little bit. Ramped Up to Eleven in Episode 9 of the second season after seeing him get too friendly with the buxom Nene.
- Cry Cute: Played for Laughs in Epsiode 9 of the second season at the sight of Ayumu getting too close to Nene for comfort.
- Cute Little Fang
- Dangerously-Short Skirt: Her tutu in chapter 5 of the manga.
- Do-It-Yourself Theme Tune: Her Japanese voice actress, Iori Nomizu, sang both opening themes, Ma-Ka-Se-Te Tonight ("Leave It to Magic Tonight") and *** Passionato.
- Empathic Weapon: Her Mystletainn, whose allegiance shifted to Ayumu after absorbing most of her powers. However, in Episode 11 it reaffirms Haruna's ownership of it, allowing her to transform full-time again and help Ayumu double-team the King of the Night.
- Hair Decorations
- Expy: Think of a more Tsundere, more fanservice-tastic Rita Mordio.
- Genki Girl
- Idiot Hair
- Idol Singer: And she took the world by storm.
- Insufferable Genius
- Lens Flare Censor: Flat-out abused by her, with her penchant for attempting to transform into a masou-shoujo -- a process which destroys her civilian clothes, leaving her naked once the magic wears off (which, thanks to losing most of her powers to Ayumu, now only lasts a few seconds).
- Little Miss Badass
- Magical Girl
- Ms. Fanservice
- Nice Hat: As a Masou Shoujo.
- One-Note Cook: Her fried eggs are incredible, although putting them in water bottles is going too far. When she tries something else, though...
- Gets hilariously subverted in Episode 8. Her boiled hijiki (seaweed) is a burnt black mess, but still manages to taste just as good as the eggs.
- Pretty Freeloader: Averted, since on occasion she does cook for Ayumu (usually fried eggs).
- Purple Eyes
- Shana Clone
- Shorter Means Smarter
- The Ace
- The Nicknamer: She's very bad at remembering names, so most of the time she refers to people either by a nickname ("Bayumu", "Yukinori"), or a title ("The Necromancer", "The Ninja").
- Tsundere: Type A. Also in the preview episode 5-7 she is a maid of the tsundere cafe.
- Victoria's Secret Compartment: Subverted due to her lack of chest.
- Zettai Ryouiki
Voiced by: Shizuka Itou (Drama CD), Youko Hikasa (Anime) [Japanese] and Morgan Garrett [English]
A beautiful, skilled vampire ninja obsessed with her sword technique. She came to ask for Eu's help in a secret war her clan is fighting, but after losing a fight against Ayumu decided to stick around his house instead. She can make sharp objects out of leaves.
- Actor Allusion: Her cat-ears experience. Amusingly enough, earlier in that same episode, Maelstrom pulls off the "Moe Moe~ KYUN!" stance while her classmates are trying to help her get Ayumu to reciprocate her love for him.
- The Ninja Maid scene that serves as the season's climax, though, does play this straight, minus the "Moe Moe~~ KYUN!" bit.
- Anti-Hero: Type III when she's introduced. She's probably Type II by the current point in the story.
- Arson, Murder, and Lifesaving
"You're a crossdressing piece of shit festering in a bag of rotten garbage, but I believe in your strength."
- Atomic F-Bomb: When she figures out Ayumu is the reason she and the rest of the girls at the indoor water park ended up wearing extremely Stripperiffic swimsuits, she yells "You piece of SHIT!!!!!!" as she smashes his face in with her foot.
- Awesome McCoolname
- Badass
- Bare Your Midriff
- Boobs of Steel: A highly-skilled swordswoman with an impressive E-Cup rack.
- Brick Joke: Orito guesses that she wears white panties. He was right.
- Calling Your Attacks: Slightly let down by her announcing the attack's a secret technique.
- Can Not Tell a Lie: She herself admitted it.
- Catch Phrase: Calling Ayumu "Kuso-mushi (Dung beetle)".
- Tsubamegaeshi Secret Sword Technique (Shiken: Tsubamegaeshi)
- How disgusting! (Kimochi warui) again to Ayumu, particularly after he transforms into a Masou-Shoujo.
- Chekhov's Gun/Chekhov's Skill: Her violin.
- Chekhov's Gift: Eu healed her using her blood and later it's shown to be the key in closing the gates to the Underworld.
- Chekhov's Army: Leads the Ninja Maid Orchestra in closing the gates of the underworld.
- Clint Squint
- Dame Swears-A-Lot: She really likes using the term "piece of shit" too much.
- Disney Death: In episode 10 she was impaled from behind by the King of the Night. Eu, who saw everything, pricks her own finger to supply blood for her, but Sera doesn't fully regain consciousness until she's brought back into Ayumu's house.
- Elegant Classical Musician
- Hair Decorations
- Expy: Think of a more criminally sexy, more badass, more foul-mouthed Mio Akiyama (with the same voice actress to boot). Also replace the bass with a violin.
- Family-Unfriendly Violence: Becomes a victim of the worst non-fatal in-series example of this in Episode 10 (never mind that deaths here are often bloody, her eventual Disney Death from a separate attack by Yoruno later on included, if not graphic). She reveals that her own comrades did this to her after Sarasvati had put a hit on her as punishment for abandoning her mission to assassinate Eu.
- Gag Boobs/Gainaxing
- Funbag Airbag: Come episode 5, after a hot energy charging session with Haruna.
- Glowing Eyes of Doom / Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Green Eyes
- Hot Chick with a Sword
- Idol Singer: Not by choice, but only to match up to Sarasvati.
- Kaleidoscope Eyes
- Red Eyes, Take Warning/Glowing Eyes of Doom: Her eyes glow red as a warning she's ready to kick ass (usually Ayumu's).
- Laser-Guided Karma: A positive example -- because she relented on her order to kill Eu, the latter resurrected her with some of her own blood after the King of the Night kills her.
- Lesbian Vampire: Comes across as this in Episode 5 by way of giving Haruna a mouth-to-mouth anesthetic before sucking some blood out of her. Come Episode 7, it is revealed that a heterosexual kiss is tantamount to a Shotgun Wedding in her culture.
- Lethal Chef: She helps Haruna cook at the start of Episode 4, which results in something that only Ayumu can barely stomach. She gets slightly better.
- Ms. Fanservice
- Musical Assassin: Uses her violin skills to close the gates of the underworld.
- Ninja
- Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: Vampire ninja maid.
- Ninja Maid
- Our Vampires Are Different: Able to grow bat-wings that let her fly and conjure weapons from leaves. Occasionally needs to drink blood, using her kiss as an anesthetic. Apart from that, indistinguishable from a normal human (and can even walk under direct sunlight).
- Perpetual Frowner
- Pretty Freeloader: Subverted, for she does clean the house.
- Sexy Backless Outfit: Her Stripperiffic idol outfit.
- She's Got Legs
- Squick: In-Universe -- her reaction to sharing Ayumu's bathwater.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo: Now with the voice actress to boot.
- To Be Lawful or Good: She was given orders to assassinate Eu in order to prevent more Megalo from appearing. Ayumu calls her out on it, forcing her to admit that she just doesn't have to heart do it anymore.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: The girly girl to Maelstrom's tomboy, and also the tomboy to Sarasvati's girly girl. The latter is basically because she uses tough language toward Ayumu and wears slacks (usually dark blue jeans, which she's often, if not always, wearing in promotional material) more often than Sarasvati (if Sarasvati even wears any pants at all).
- Tsundere: Particularly in later novels/Of The Dead, when her feelings for Ayumu start to emerge.
- Unitard Of Power/Sensual Spandex: During the Cat's Eye parody in the OVA.
- Vampires Are Sex Gods: Unintentionally, became an instant idol sensation when she confronted Sarasvati on stage.
- Vapor Wear: Her Stripperiffic idol outfit reveals that she isn't wearing any underwear.
- When She Smiles
- Whole Costume Reference: Her jumpsuit during the Cat's Eye parody in the OVA.
- Winged Humanoid
- Worthy Opponent: Despite her contempt for Ayumu, she nevertheless respects -- and even starts to somehow mellow out to him on account of -- his combat talent.
- You Have Failed Me...: Narrowly averted -- in episode 10 her comrades attack her for disobeying Sarasvati's orders to kill Eu.
Maelstrom (AKA Yuki Yoshida/Tomonori)
Voiced by: Mamiko Noto (Drama CD), Hisako Kanemoto (Anime) [Japanese] and Brittney Karbowski [English]
Another vampire ninja (from a faction which rivals Seraphim's) who fights Megalo with bowls of pork ramen. After accidentally kissing Ayumu, she finds herself married to him (becoming the fourth girl in Ayumu's harem) thanks to the traditions of her family, but seems okay with it. She also studies at Ayumu's school under the alias "Yuki Yoshida".
- Accidental Marriage/Accidental Kiss: With Ayumu.
- Alliterative Name: Her schoolname.
- Awesome McCoolname
- Covert Pervert
- Early-Bird Cameo: In Episode 1, she was among the students taking pictures of Ayumu in drag; in Episode 2, while warming up for PE; and in Episode 5, leaving a ramen shop as Kyoko, who apparently slit her throat the previous episode, walks by.
- Hair Decorations: Wears a shuriken as a hair clip.
- Friendly Neighborhood Vampire
- Gainaxing: Especially in season 2.
- Hidden Buxom: Played with.
- High-Pressure Emotion: Her head turns completely red when she's embarrassed.
- If It's You It's Okay: Other than the photo incident at the end of Episode 1, she's one of the few main characters who haven't made fun of Ayumu for crossdressing.
- Imagine Spot: Has some interesting fantasies about getting Ayumu's attention.
- Improbable Weapon User/Edible Ammunition: Ramen.
- Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy: To Ayumu, during their summary marriage ceremony (which was purely accidental, never mind that she claims it to be legit).
- Mon: Apparently has the Masous' ultimate weapon bonded to her. When she gets squashed by a giant kappa doll in episode 9, it triggers the invocation ritual, and it takes a Cooldown Hug to prevent things from getting apocalyptic.
- Musical Assassin: Assists Sera and Sarasvati in closing the gates of the underworld with a triangle.
- My Name Is Not Tomonori!: She doesn't take too kindly to her new, tomboyish-sounding nickname from Orito (an alternate reading of her civilian alias), but is fine with Ayumu using it (except for one moment of shock from nearly dying in episode 9), since she found his alternative - "Yuki-chan" - even more embarrassing.
- Ninja
- Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: Vampire ninja maid, who uses fire.
- Ninja Maid
- Ore Onna: Can be mistaken for a boy, depending on what she's wearing. She also addresses herself with "Ore", a male pronoun. This isn't exactly helping her case against her tomboyish nickname "Tomonori".
- Our Vampires Are Different
- Tomboy To Seraphim's Girly Girl: Although both are seen wearing pants (in Sera's case, this also includes jumpsuits, as seen in the OVA) in nearly every, if not every, episode, Maelstrom is definitely a Shorttank that is often mistaken for a boy depending on what she's wearing at the moment.
- Tsundere: Type B.
Sarasvati/Kirara Hoshikawa
Voiced by: Aya Gouda [Japanese] and Caitlin Glass [English]
Sera's superior, who goes undercover at Ayumu's school as "Kirara Hoshikawa" and has a part-time idol job as "Lovely Kira".
- Absolute Cleavage: Her Stripperiffic idol outfit bare this.
- A-Cup Angst: Well, she's actually pretty busty herself, but compared to Seraphim and Maelstrom...
- Anti-Hero: Type IV --> Type III.
- Ascended Extra: Come Of the Dead, she becomes a main character in her own right.
- Authority Equals Asskicking
- Awesome McCoolname
- Badass
- Bag of Holding: Her bag that she pulls out from nowhere on occasions.
- Bare Your Midriff: Her Stripperiffic idol outfit.
- Big Damn Heroes: In episode 10 saves Haruna and Sera from the King of the Night.
- Bunny Ears Lawyer
- Early-Bird Cameo: She is the one who gives Ayumu the X-Ray Vision glasses in Episode 7.
- Elegant Gothic Lolita: As an idol.
- Fetish: Ayumu's backside.
- Girly Girl To Seraphim's Tomboy: Compared to Sera, she rarely, if ever, uses tough language or wears pants. This could possibly be the only series where both the tomboy and girly girl in a given dynamic are Tall, Dark and Bishoujo.
- Glowing Eyes of Doom
- Hime Cut
- Hot Chick with a Sword
- Hypocritical Humor: She criticizes Seraphim for not following the vampire-ninja code to the letter. She herself is an Idol Singer, which is probably an even greater offense -- one she conveniently explains away as a mission requiring outside contact.
- Idol Singer: As "Lovely Kira".
- Large Ham
- Laser Blade
- Musical Assassin: Backs up Sera in closing the gates of the underworld.
- Ninja
- Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: Vampire ninja.
- Ninja Maid
- Highly-Visible Ninja
- Our Vampires Are Different
- Perpetual Frowner/Death Glare
- Rapunzel Hair
- Reasonable Authority Figure: She orders Seraphim to assassinate Eu to prevent her powers from attracting more Megalo, then puts a hit on Sera herself for disobeying her orders, but is nevertheless willing to save her and Haruna from the King of the Night and even helps the former (together with Maelstrom, herself from a rival clan) seal away the gates to the netherworld.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Serious Business
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- The Vamp: To her fans.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: She puts a contract out on Eu for being a Megalo magnet, and when Sera abandons the mission she puts a hit on her too.
- When She Smiles: Noted by Ayumu.
- You Have Failed Me...: Put a hit on Seraphim for abandoning her mission to assassinate Eu.
- Zettai Ryouiki
Voiced by: Noriko Shitaya [Japanese] and Lindsay Seidel [English]
An acquaintance of Orito. The only victim of the serial killer to escape, she spends time in hospital to recover from her injuries. In reality, she is the serial killer herself. Kyoko is a masou-shoujo in disguise who used to be a classmate of Haruna at Matelis.
- Ax Crazy
- Badass Cape
- Boxed Crook: In Episode 8 of the second season.
- Break the Haughty: She's not laughing mad and bragging about her powers anymore when Ayumu discovers she uses up souls of people she killed in order to regenerate, and repeatedly chainsaws away all but her last life, leaving her a crying mess begging for her life.
- Corrupt the Cutie
- Cute and Psycho
- Dark Magical Girl
- Demonic Possession: Turns out she was under the control of the King of the Night.
- Girlish Pigtails
- Hair of Gold
- Hot Chick with a Sword
- I Was Only Pretending to Like You: Played with -- while she initially claimed that she just used her innocent facade to lure Ayumu out and kill him again, her subsequent appearances reveal that she has since developed a genuine, albeit perverse, fascination for him.
- Averted in Episode 8 of Season 2, where she outright states that even she's confused by these feelings for him, after stabbing him yet again with her sword. She then tells him her punishment is to be forgotten by everyone, but he promises her he won't, no matter how much time passes.
- Lady of War: Despite being Ax Crazy
- Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: A Zombie-possessed Vampire Megalo Magical Girl Serial Killer.
- Not-So-Small Role: As evidenced by all the spoiler tags.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Ret-Gone: Her punishment is to be gradually forgotten by everyone, which, to even a crazed killer like her, is a Fate Worse Than Death. Ayumu promises to never forget her.
- Serial Killer
- Slasher Smile
- Swipe Your Blade Off
- Token Evil Teammate: It's hinted at the end of episode 7 of season 2 that she may help fight Chris.
- Villainous Crush: Later light novels reveal that she has developed a genuine liking for Ayumu, going so far as to break out of prison back in Villiers just to see him again..
- With Great Power Comes Great Insanity
- Wounded Gazelle Gambit: Plays herself up as a beleaguered girl until the graveyard meeting.
- Yandere: Subverted in Season 1 (she was only pretending to like him). Played straight in Season 2, when she genuinely falls for him, and tells him such, right after she stabs him yet again with her sword.
- Your Soul Is Mine: Attempts to gain immortality by killing people and offering their souls up for power. This also gives her a stack of extra lives as well as Megalo and Vampire powers.
Voiced by: Shinya Takahashi (Drama CD), Hiroyuki Yoshino (Anime) [Japanese] and Anthony Bowling [English]
Ayumu's only normal friend at school. Obsessed with girls, but lacks the approach to actually get a girlfriend.
- Ambiguously Bi: See the ending and his reactions after Ayumu gains popularity.
- Bromantic Foil: For Ayumu.
- Casanova Wannabe: Utterly fails when it comes to getting dates.
- Dramatic Irony: Master of it.
- Gratuitous English
- Goofy Print Underwear: Purple boxers with flowers in one of the OVA episodes.
- If You Ever Do Anything to Hurt Her...: To Ayumu, regarding Kyoko.
- Imagine Spot: Not as common as Ayumu's, but it still deserves mention.
- Large Ham
- Locked Out of the Loop: Ultimately subverted concerning Ayumu's Unwanted Harem during Episode 3. Continued to be played straight concerning Ayumu's new lease of (undead) life, the supernatural nature of his Pretty Freeloaders, and Kyoko's true nature -- although that one's probably for the better. Interestingly, in the first episode it's stated that Ayumu's more worried about the Unwanted Harem than the others.
- Megane
- Serious Business: He takes his Perviness very seriously.
- Ship Tease: with Kanami in Of The Dead.
- Straight Man: Sometimes, He is spectacularly and utterly wrong about the world around him. So far, he's completely unaware of this.
- The Nicknamer: "Tomonori", to Maelstrom/Yuki.
Taeko Hiramatsu
Voiced by: Rie Yamaguchi [Japanese] and Erica Harte [English]
Ayumu, and Maelstrom/Yuki'sclassmate, who holds unspoken affection for the former.
- All Love Is Unrequited: Holds some feelings for Ayumu, who doesn't notice.
- Do-It-Yourself Theme Tune: Her voice actress, Rie Yamaguchi, sang both ending themes, Kizuite Zombie-sama, Watashi wa Kurasumeito Desu ("Know that I'm Your Classmate, Mr. Zombie") and Koi no Begina Nan Desu (T_T) ("I'm a Love Beginner (T_T)").
- Girl Next Door
- Girlish Pigtails/Twin Tails
- Those Two Girls: With Kanami.
- Yamato Nadeshiko
Kanami Mihara
Voiced by: Mina [Japanese] and Emerick Jade [English]
Ayumi and Yuki's classmate and Taeko's best friend.
- Hair Decorations: Wears a hairclip on the right side of her hair
- Only Sane Man
- Ship Tease: Gets some with Orito in Of the Dead.
- Those Two Girls: With Taeko.
King of the Night (Yoru no Ou)
The only other zombie Eucliwood raised besides Ayumu. Had to be put down after his heart was stained with malice, but he's still active. He's the one pulling Kyoko's strings.
- Anti-Villain: He simply wants Eu, who still treats him as a friend, to end his misery, going so far as to harm her friends just to provoke her.
- Big Bad: For the first three light novel volumes and the first anime... sort of. He is responsible for everything that happened starting with Ayumu's death.
- Death Seeker
- Evil Counterpart: To Ayumu.
- Eyes of Gold
- Fallen Hero: As shown in a flashback in Episode 9 of Season 2, pre-zombification he was among Eucliwood's seven most loyal paladins (and a Knight in Shining Armor to boot).
- Famous Last Words
"If I die, make me a penguin. I like penguins. Forgive me, Eucliwood."
- Go Out with a Smile
- Grand Theft Me: Does this to Kyoko.
- Hannibal Lecture: Delivers a brutal one to Eu about how her powers can only cause death and misery to others, all to simply provoke her into ending his immortality-induced misery.
- He later delivers a rare remorseful example to Ayumu after being subjected to a Mystletainn Kick from him in episode 11.
"In time, you will understand the hardships of living an immortal life."
- Kick the Dog: A particularly fatal moment is in episode 10, in which he succeeds at what Sarasvati's subordinates had earlier failed to do when he ambushes and actually kills Seraphim. Good thing Eu was on hand to supply her blood to bring her back.
- No Name Given: He's just known as the King of The Night
- Only One Name: His alias, "Yoruno".
- Our Zombies Are Different: Has several powers Ayumu doesn't, but how he got them is unknown.
- Perpetual Smiler: With the voice to boot, considering his other famous role, Gin Ichimaru.
- Strike Me Down with All of Your Hatred: What he wanted Eu to do.
- Tragic Villain
- We Used to Be Friends: With Eu. They still are, even if Yoruno already wants to die and Eu is far too unwilling to end his misery.
- Who Wants to Live Forever?
Ariel (Dai-Sensei)
Voiced by: Ai Shimizu [Japanese] and Monica Rial [English]
The teacher of Matelis Magical Academy in Villiers, which Haruna and Kyoko belong to. She's very odd.
- Adult Child
- Badass Adorable: Oneshotted the giant doll that was giving Ayumu and the others problems from far away.
- Badass Teacher: Don't threaten her students.
- Badass Labcoat
- Berserk Button: Don't try to hurt her students in front of her.
- Beware the Nice Ones
- Bunny Ears Lawyer
- Cool Teacher: She's always there to support Haruna.
- Eyes of Gold
- Karma Houdini: If the fact that she's still teaching at Matelis even after nearly overthrowing Lilia Lilith in a coup led by her mentor Chris is any indicator.
- Locked Out of the Loop: Subverted. As of episode 9 it's known she's perfectly aware that Ayumu is a Masou-Shoujo.
- Perpetual Smiler
- Playing with Fire
- Rapunzel Pigtails
- Sensei-chan
- Trademark Favorite Food: Kyoto tofu.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Azure
- You Have Failed Me...: Administers a non-fatal example to Ayumu in episode 10 of season 2, though she soon proceeds to have Haruna, Eucliwood, and Seraphim try to restore his memories afterward.
Chris/Takeshi Kurusu
Voiced by: Hitomi Nabatame (as Chris) and Daisuke Kishio (as "Takeshi")[Japanese]
A pink-haired girl who often shows up drunken in the school infirmary. In reality, she was a masou-shoujo currently under the Queen's Curse following a failed coup she led (and Ariel concocted) against Queen Lilian Lilith a century before Ayumu's death and subsequent zombification, occasionally turning her into "Takeshi Kurusu", a middle-aged man who happens to be a teacher at Ayumu's class.
- Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: After revealing herself as Ayumu's enemy. He asks her, if she was the expert on magic, that Haruna mentioned, the one behind yesterday's Megalo attack, which he somehow ends up asking if she was the reason summer is hot.
- Big Bad: From the fourth volume onwards and Of the Dead.
- Bottle Fairy: This is also her only way to break free of being cursed into a man's body, if only for a while.
- In Episode 7 of of the Dead, her keyword for chanting spells is basically a reversed "Enjoy alcohol responsibly. Drink in moderation. Don't drink until you're twenty years of age."
- Early-Bird Cameo: Appears toward the end of episode 12. She has no lines.
- Elegant Gothic Lolita In White
- Gender Bender: Under the Queen's Curse, as a middle-aged man named "Takeshi Kurusu".
- Light Is Not Good
- Princess Curls
- A Pupil Of Mine Until She Turned To Evil
- Rose-Haired Girl
- Third Person Person
- Weaksauce Weakness: According to Kyoko, it's tummy rubs.
Voiced by: Itsuki Takizawa [Japanese]
One of Ayumu's classmates. In reality, he, like Eucliwood, is a denizen of the underworld and himself a Megalo who is very much in control of his own instincts.
- Bishonen
- Early-Bird Cameo: In episode 1, when he's chatting with some girls and later is snapping shots of an embarrassed Ayumu along with Maelstrom and dozens of other students.
- Gratuitous English: Oh so much.
- Hair of Gold
- In-Series Nickname: "Anderson"
- My Species Doth Protest Too Much
- Not-So-Small Role: He has a bigger role in later volumes, where he's revealed to have come from the underworld.
Naegleria Nebiros
Voiced by: Ami Koshimizu [Japanese]
A yaoi doujinshi and an old friend of Eucliwood. She is also the one who drafted the concoction Chris uses to temporarily transform her back to her old self, as well as a member of Eucliwood's seven paladins.
- Alliterative Name
- Awesome McCoolname
- Bottle Fairy
- Fiery Redhead
- Gag Boobs/Gainaxing
- Marshmallow Hell: Does this to Ayumu.
- In-Series Nickname: "Nene"
- Meaningful Name: Her surname comes from the alternate reading of "Naberius", the 24th demon of the Ars Goetia.
- Ms. Fanservice
- Retired Badass
- Yaoi Fangirl
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