< Foot 2 rue

Foot 2 rue/Characters

As You Know, Foot 2 rue has it's very own Street Football World Cup. This means new teams every year. As the season progresses, each team will have a new member compared to the five members only rule. As well as the new teams, there are also the adults who may or may not provide advice to the Rifflers. Some celebrity characters like Nico would only appear for two episodes.

The Rifflers

or the alternative...

  • Official Couple: Two actually. Tag and Eloise and Jeremy and Samira
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Subverted. Despite their nickname being the Bleus de Port Marie, Rifflers have personality traits which associate them with the red or blue oni depending on what day they have.
    • Gabriel is the blue oni whilst Jeremy is the red oni.
    • The girls aren't getting away with this. Samira was the blue oni in Season 2 despite having the red oni look but she is now the red oni as of Season 3 whilst Eloise was the red oni in Season 2 but turned into the blue oni in Season 3
    • Don't think the twins are getting away with it that easy. Tek is the red oni whilst No is the blue oni. However Tek is the blue oni whilst No is the red oni
    • The only one who has a combination of both is Tag.
  • Royal Brat: With the exception of Gabriel and Jeremy, the enite Riffler-tachi are royal brats but they don't know it.
    • Tag's old man was a famous revolutionary in Argentina and his mom was a lawyer. After he was released from prison, Pablo was already rich, surprising Tag.
    • Eloise was born with a silver spoon in her mouth since her family are already the richest family in Port Marie with a few connections to Brooklyn and Rio De Janerio.
    • Samira's dad was a millionaire footballer. With 6-8 kids to boot and the job promotion to PSG he looked like he was in heaven until the PSG fans were kicking the living crap out of him. The thought of anyone mentioning it sends Samira off the rails because when she went to one of her dad's matches, he got beaten up really bad and it cost him his career which is why Samira like to keep her dad's legacy alive.
    • Tek and No's dad was a famous athlete in Algeria.
  • Six-Student Clique: Although they all don't go to the same school, they seem to fit this.
    • The Head: Sebastien Echevarne (Tag is really the head but has a Jock-ish appearance)
    • The Muscle: Samira Boudouce (This could be Eloise's role but Samira is a Tsundere.)
    • The Quirk: Tek and No Zaim (They might be smart but they're not Gab's level.)
    • The Pretty One: Eloise Riffler (Usually against her will)
    • The Smart One: Gabriel Daula (He wears glasses and eventually gets a scolarship to the best hig school in Paris. (Lucky guy.)
    • The Wild One: Jeremy Webert (Since he's more impulsive)
  • Nakama: All seven of them.

Sebastian "Tag" Arias Oler (Formerly Tagano)

The action guy of the show.

Sebastian Arais Oler AKA: Sebastian Tagano AKA: Tag is the leader(as well as the captain) of the Rifflers thus making him the main character. He is a fan of football and hopes to be one. Tag is considered the coolest kid in school but he can be a bit of a bully and is prone to be jealous. Despite this, Tag is clever, charismatic and has fangirls chasing after him.

Tag was born in Argentina to Pablo Arias Echevarne and Sophia Oler. By the time he was born, Argentina was already a communist state. Not long after, Sophia passed away so Pablo took baby Sebastian to France. Tag's childhood wasn't easy. He got into trouble a lot and was the Riffler institute's school bully because he wanted a friend. Tag is very picky at choosing his friends but only accepts them in his group because of their passion for football.

At the end of Season 4(or 5 as promised), He and Eloise are engaged to be married. They're also expecting their first child.

Voiced by: Herbert Grulla (Fra), David Gasman (Eng) David Garbolino (Ita), Hector Gomez (Mex)

"So, Tony. I thought you were ready?"

  • The Ace: In his own right. He's smart, athletic, charismatic etc.
  • Achilles in His Tent: Sometimes he threatens to leave the team.
  • All Girls Want Bad Boys: Tag averted this as possible. He might've been a bastard but he would do anything to make sure Eloise was happy.
  • Anime Hair
  • Badass
  • Big Man on Campus: Ever since Season 2, he's been the biggest celebrity icon in Port Marie.
  • Bishonen: He had fangirls coming his way despite being 14 . By the tme he's 16, he already had a haircut and he looks like Rocket.
  • Brilliant but Lazy: Subverted. Tag is smart than he appears.
  • Chick Magnet: He is tall, dark and handsome. How many times has Eloise came on to him (Whilst they were still dating), is beyond this troper but he's sure this will continue in Season 4.
  • Deadpan Snarker: He know's he's messing with you. That, he gets from his father.
  • Distaff Counterpart: Him and Samira
  • Drill Sergeant Nasty: In one episode, he forces his crew to do training via martial arts. It was justified since their opponents were the Chinese team.
  • Fan Service: A rare male example. Add bonus points for his hellraiser past as a kid, shirtless scenes and team dad tendencies.
  • Grumpy Bear: If the Rifflers find something wrong with Tag's mood swings and bad temper, no matter how serious it is, they always put the blame on Eloise.
  • Henpecked Husband: Eloise's favourite passtime in Season 2 was trying to correct Tag. And they're not even married.
  • The Hero: By Default. He's even the player character in the video games.
  • Hey, It's That Guy!: In the Mexican dub, we have Rikochet and Itachi.
  • Jerkass: When he was a kid, especially to Gabriel.
  • Latin Lover: He might be Eloise's boyfriend but Tag didn't even know he was Latino.
  • Married to the Job: The major part of Tag's personaltiy which is a turn off for Eloise.
    • Subverted since they have the same job so much their relationship is open much to Gab's dismay.
  • Meaningful Name: His nickname is also a name for a graffiti marking. His real name, Sebastian means heroic, as he is the hero of the series.
    • His name in the Italian dub, Lucifero (Lucifer in English) means devil and Tag was quite a little devil when he was a kid.
  • Missing Mom: Tag is the only one of his Nakama whose mother is dead. Poor Eva was murdered and the Argentine government passed it off as a car crash.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Depending on who his counterpart is.
    • If it's Gabriel, he's the red oni. If he's with Jeremy, he's the blue oni. If he's with the twins, he could be a bit of both. If he's with Samira, he's the blue oni and if he's with Eloise, he's the red oni.
  • Le Parkour: He eventually hangs out with much older Traceurs after Eloise ditches him at the last minute.
  • Screw the Rules, I Have Connections: His links to Shark and the others, allows Tag to get anything he wants.
  • Serious Business: How he usally sees football matches.
  • Shirtless Scene: If you wonder why Eloise dates him.
    • Word of God has said that by the time Street Football: New Generation starts airing, Tag will be 16 so there will be more shirtless scenes from him. Fangirls, if your name isn't Eloise Riffler, you got another thing coming.
  • Spexico: His father is from Argentina.
  • Team Dad: He's protective of Tek and No and often refers to Eloise as if she's his wife.(And it will happen.)
  • Took a Level in Badass:Season 4 has Tag as an international manager. Eat your heart out Sven Goran Eriksson.
  • Training from Hell: He sometimes does this to himself and even his own crew.
  • Tsundere: He is to Jeremy and Eloise on some occasions.
    • He's also hostile towards authority and the upper class.(Since they were responsible for the death of his mother.)

Eloise Riffler

That's The Hero's girl.

Since she was a baby, Eloise has been surrounded by the finest things in life. Sadly for her, her parents don't pay any attention to her. She literally has fanboys drooling over her for her fanservice points, which she inherited from her mother. Despite this, Eloise doesn't want to be seen as a rich jerk.(This is why Tag resented her.)

Eloise's grandfather owns the Riffler institute. Because of this, she has free access anytime she likes.

At the end of Season 4, she and Tag are engaged to be married. She's also pregnant with their firstborn child.

Voiced by: Christelle Reboul (Fra), Jodi Forrest(Eng), Joanne Papandrea (Ita), Gaby Ugarte (Mex)

"Come on! Can't we celebrate our victory?"

Jeremy Webert

Voiced by: Yann Le Madic (Fra), Luke Sandri (Ita), Irwin Daayan (Mex)

"Well I can. We turned those Road Runners into road kill"

  • Arrogant Kung Fu Guy: He claims to be good at it and he makes several references to Jackie Chan and the Karate Kid whilst failing to chop a block with his hand. Even his mentor resembles Mr Miyagi.
  • Big Eater: One of Jeremy's worst habits.
  • Big Man on Campus: Ever since he joined the Rifflers, Jeremy is trying to big himself up.
  • Brilliant but Lazy: Jeremy did study for a test only for the Rifflers to realise that he was trying to overthrow Tag.
  • Bunny Ears Lawyer: Think Pasila Kyosti and Feliciano rolled into one.
  • Butt Monkey: Used To be until Season 3 where more Butt Monkey gags involve Eloise.
  • Casanova Wannabe: Poor Samira must think twice before dating a guy like Jeremy.
  • Catch Phrase: Tak Tak Tak.
  • Caught with Your Pants Down: Let's call it a towel shall we?
  • Chick Magnet: He wants to be one really bad but aren't we forgetting that Samira's the only chick he's attracted to?
  • Dance Battler
  • Deadpan Snarker
  • Education Mama: Possibly one of the reasons he ran away from home
    • To be fair, Jeremy ran away from home because his mother wouldn't let him see his father.
  • Fiery Redhead: Averted. Jeremy's probably to clueless how to be a Tsundere except when Samira's involved.
  • Hey, It's That Guy!: Is Ulrich competing with Tag for leadership?
  • Idiot Hero: Despite being The Lancer, Jeremy could even star in his own Shonen manga comic.
  • Jerk Jock: He's even worse than Tag.
  • The Lancer: He isn't very happy about this. In Season 3, Jeremy seems to be Tag's right hand man. Whenever Tag goes Awol, Jeremy's more than happy to take his place and agreeing with him.
  • Large Ham: He often claims to be 10 times better than Tag.However, Tag will never let Jeremy forget that he's number one.
  • Official Couple: Him and Samira. As soon as the foot massage scene kicked in it was love at first sight (At least in Samira's point of view).
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: He claims to be the blue oni, but he's too lazy so he's everybody's red oni, except the twins.
  • Talking to Himself: Him to the Tek No Bros (Mexican dub only)
  • Team Dad: He is often this to Tek and No. Out of the twins, Tek seems to get along with him.
  • Walking Techbane: He had a habit of breaking computers especilly in Season 2.

Samira Boudouce

Smart, athletic. Is there anything she hasn't got?

Voiced by: Alicia Fleury (Fra)

We crushed them! I can't beleive we beat the Road Runners 5-0!"

  • The Ace: Smart and athletic. If Tag was abscent for some reason, she automatically fills the roll of The Hero.
  • Berserk Button: Hit on Jeremy infront of her and she will threaten you.
    • Go on; I dare you to say anything racist or sexist I dare you.
  • The Big Guy: More so in Season 3.
  • Big Man on Campus: Beside the Rifflers, Samira has friends outside her own team such as Atsuko, Prenda and Manuella.
  • Chekhov's Gun: Anything involving Samira has got to be a Chekhov's gun.
  • The Chick: She was this is Season 2 because she was more friendly. In Season 4, it gets worse when she becomes a victim of Ms Pradet's sabotage attempts.
  • Deadpan Snarker
  • Distaff Counterpart: She is Tag's counterpart in terms of personality.
  • Fan Service
  • Gentle Giant: She becomes this in Season 4.
    • Gabriel, who was the oldest (As well as the tallest since his birthday was mentioned) left for Paris and Samira seems to be the 2nd oldest and the tallest (Although she's the same height as Tag).
  • The Lancer: If Tag's not around, she becomes this to Eloise, who's The Hero.
  • Otaku: She loves manga and anime much to Eloise's dismay.
  • Puppy Dog Eyes: For some reason, she has bigger eyes than the rest of her friends.
  • Single-Issue Psychology: Samira must've seen her father get beat up in a race attack when she moved to France. This has left her traumatized. if somebody mentions it without knowing it, she would threaten to kill them.
  • Serious Business: Other than football, Samira is also a fan of Manga and Anime. Even insulting Japanese culture would force Samira to start saying to your face that you just said the wrong thing at the wrong time.
  • Tall Dark and Bishojo
  • Team Mom: To Jeremy and the twins. It's not bad having younger siblings. Just ask Momo and he'll tell you the info.
    • Some of the older kids like Tag and Eloise take her advice.
    • As of Season 4, Samira is the oldest member of the Rifflers.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: Samira is actually the tomboy.
  • Tsundere: A Type B in Season 2 but a Type A in season 3. Samira is the easily angered one(Although not on Tag's level) and Takeshi had to learn the hard way.
  • Who's Laughing Now?: After getting in trouble for something Yacine did again, Samira finally has enough which includes berating him much to the surprise of Tag, Eloise, Jeremy and No. The real kicker is, everyone thought that Samira was the easy going one who never gets mad at the littlest thing.

Tek and No Zaim

Voiced by: Paschale Chemin(Fra) Irwin Daayan(Mex)

Gabriel N Daula

Voiced by: Athur Pestel(Fra) Victor Urgarte(Mex) Mirabelle Kirkland(Eng)

Yacine Boudouce

Voiced by: Paschale Chemin(Fra)


Parents of the Rifflers

Pablo Arias Echervane

Count Riffler

Madame Riffler

Mr Zaim

Mr and Mrs N Daula

The Meninos Of Brazil

The Meninos


Voiced by: Matthew Gezcy(Eng)

  • Defeat Means Friendship: After the finals in Season 1, Zangezinho is still friends with the Rifflers, mainly Tag and Eloise due to the love triangle.
  • Nice Guy:In comparission to what Tag thought, Zangezinho is a nice guy who doesen't mean any harm.
  • Those Two Guys: Him and Sinead.




  • The Big Guy: Miguelinho played as a goalkeeper once against the Chinese team.



The Dolphins of Oceania

The Dolphins of Kiribati






The Ninjas of Tokyo

The Ninjas of Tokyo



  • The Big Guy: And they used him as a sumo wrestler instead of a badass samurai
  • Dumb Muscle: Subverted. Bunji might look it but he's smarter than he appears.





Atsuko Nogushi

The Sharks Of The Port

The Sharks

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