Mucha Lucha

¡Mucha Lucha! (roughly translated to "A Lot of Wrestling") was a Flash-animated show that ran on Kids' WB! from 2002 through 2005. Running for 52 episodes (and being retitled ¡Mucha Lucha!: Gigante in its third and final season), the show focused on the young Luchadores (masked wrestlers) who are students at the FOREMOST, WORLD RENOWNED, INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF LUCHA!!!!. Most prominent of the students are the main trio, consisting of Rikochet, who aims to become Luchadore Supreme, and his two friends, The Flea and Buena Girl.
Tropes used in Mucha Lucha include:
- Action Santa
- Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: "Honor... family... tradition... AND DONUTS!"
- Beware the Nice Ones: Snow Pea.
- Big Eater: The Flea
- Bill, Bill, Junk, Bill: The Flea, constantly.
- Calling Your Attacks
- Camp Gay: Senor Hasbeena.
- More like Ambiguously Gay.
- Catch Phrase: Buena Girl's "That's not buena."
- Rikochet's "Ay, basura."
- Chain Letter
- The Chosen One: In the movie, turns out Rikochet is the Chosen One that must defeat the evil El Maléfico to save the Earth. Somewhat averted in that they only win by he, Buena Girl, and the Flea working together. He doesn't even get the finishing blow.
- Cloudcuckoolander: The Flea
- The Collector
- Cross-Dressing Voices: Candi Milo as The Flea.
- Disappeared Dad: Rikochet's father, Lone Star, is evidently a professional Luchadore, so he's rarely home.
- Disco Dan: Senor Hasbeena, whose career peaked at the height of roller-lucha.
- The Dog Was the Mastermind: In the movie, the Big Bad turned out to be a random girl that appeared at the beginning.
- Elemental Powers
- An Ice Person: Zero Kelvin
- Playing with Fire: Pierre Del Fuego
- Shock and Awe: Megawatt and Electricity.
- Expy: El Rey (the actual one, not Ricochet's talking action figure) is intended to be one for El Santo. Rey Dinamico is intended to be one for Rey Mysterio Jr. (also doubles as a Lawyer-Friendly Cameo).
- Evil Twin: In the first episode of season 3, Rikochet is framed for many misdeeds by an evil leprechaun named Rick O'Shay, who wants to destroy his reputation in order to salvage his own. "It wasn't me! It was Rick...O...Shay!"
- The Faceless: Rikochet when he can't find his mask.
- Feud Episode: Happens to Rikochet and Buena Girl in "Doomien".
- Finishing Move
- Freudian Trio: Rikochet as the Ego, Buena Girl as the Superego, The Flea as the Id.
- Funny Afro: Zero Kelvin.
- Fun with Flushing: Ricochet, Buena Girl and the Flea fight a masked toilet twice in the series. Also, The Flea swims in a toilet at one point.
- Good Angel, Bad Angel: Buena Girl and The Flea appear as Rikochet's angel and devil, respectively, in "Honor Thy Lucha". At the end, The Flea is convinced by two devils to melt the ice caps.
- A later subversion has The Flea with a devil and an angel, but in this dilemma (in which The Flea has an unfair advantage because Rikochet is in very bad shape), the angel actually agrees with the devil.
- Gosh Hornet: In the camp episode, when Buena Girl shoots a beehive during archery practice and they attack her.
- Grandparental Obliviousness
- Averted in The Movie, when Rikochet's grandfather knows how to defeat El Maléfico and save the Earth, and that Rikochet is The Chosen One.
- Gratuitous Spanish
- Hair-Trigger Temper: Cindy Slam (most of the time).
- Humongous Mecha: The donut shop turns into one. Seriously.
- Loads and Loads of Characters
- Lucha Libre School
- Masked Luchador: Almost everyone, if not actually everyone.
- There are a couple of wrestlers that don't wear mask (the bullies that look like they came from WWE).
- Some
inanimate objects get in the the act, too. Remember the Evil Masked Toilet?- And animals.
- Make My Monster Grow: Some wrestliers finishing moves involve increasing their size. In The Movie, the Big Bad does this after they beat him the first time. The trio follows suit for an epic battle.
- Nightmare Dreams
- Organ Autonomy
- The Other Darrin: Carlos Alazaraqui was replaced by Jason Marsden as Rikochet's voice actor in season 3, and the difference is not lost on Buena Girl.
- Our Founder
- The Pig Pen: The Flea. His costume is really white, but his lifestyle and possibly his power relies on him being dirty.
- Pokémon-Speak: Snow Pea.
- Prophecies Are Always Right: Rikochet, Buena Girl, and the Flea all had prophecies told to their parents before they were born. Rikochet was predicted to defeat El Maléfico and save the Earth, Buena Girl was predicted to love the Code of Masked Wrestling and help defeat El Maléfico, and Flea was predicated to be extremely fond of Doughnuts. All three were true, though given Flea's parents owned a doughnut shop, his makes sense.
- Pro Wrestling Is Real
- Saving Christmas
- Sealed Evil in a Can: El Maléfico was sealed away in the bowels of the Earth for 100,000 years. Flea sets him loose by reading a sentence from the Code of Masked Wrestling backwards. In the end, he gets put back in his can.
- Serious Business: Lucha Libre has saved the world on at least one occasion, and most characters live their lives around it. The degree to which it is taken seriously is only a slight exaggeration.
- Mucha Lucha, Mucha Lucha! It's a way of life!
- Honor! Family! Tradition! And donuts! (yes, the donuts are also Serious Business)
- Shout-Out: Many. One notable one was to Edgar Allan Poe's "The Tell-Tale Heart", surprisingly, in the episode featuring Rey Dinamico coming to Buena Girl's birthday party.
- Sleep Cute: Buena Girl sleeping on Rikochet's shoulder in "Big Worm".
- Soapbox Sadie: Buena Girl at times. Her fervent devotion can get annoying.
- Stable Time Loop: Señor Hasbeena caused that bright flash which made him lose a match.
- Team Pet: Masked Dog. A masked dog.
- Third Person Person: The Flea.
- Three Amigos
- Token Evil Teammate: The Flea. He once performed a brief Face Heel Turn with no changes to his style whatsoever.
- Tsundere: It is shown Cindy Slam is this in the Dare to Lucha episode, Headmistress too.
- The Un-Reveal: Buena Girl's face in "Not So Buena Girl".
- Useless Spleen: The Flea thinks his spleen is useless. Until he doesn't.
- The Voiceless: French Twist, except in one episode.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: Zero Kelvin and Pierre Del Fuego
- Vocal Evolution
- Voluntary Shapeshifting: It seems like it's just to illustrate the move at first, but later on in the first season it's revealed they actually do this in real time.
- Where the hell is the FOREMOST, WORLD RENOWNED, INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF LUCHA!!!!?: It's never outwardly stated, but there are some clues to its location.
- Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Megawatt is afraid of heights
- With Catlike Tread
- Your Worst Nightmare: "Field of Screams".
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