F-Zero/Characters/F-Zero: GP Legend
Characters debuting in F-Zero: GP Legend/F-Zero: Falcon Densetsu
#00 Ryu Suzaku/Rick Wheeler
- Because Destiny Says So/Locked Out of the Loop: Jody and Dr. Stewart's big reveal before the Grand Finale counts as this. See The Chosen One below.
- Becoming the Mask: As Captain Falcon II. His voice is noticeably deeper, and he has the same professional air of detachment as his predecessor.
- The Chosen One: He's The Savior, the one person who can tip the perpetual deadlock between Good (Captain Falcon) and Evil (Black Shadow) in Falcon's favor.
- Cop Boyfriend: To Misaki, although this is a subversion, as she isn't a female Amateur Sleuth, and he doesn't have a Stay in the Kitchen mentality.
- Cowboy Cop: Before his run-in with Zoda.
- Determinator: You'd better believe it.
- Dude in Distress/Badass in Distress: He's capture-prone, but when he escapes, he'll repay you in full.
- Human Popsicle
- Hurting Hero: If he's not kicking ass, he's lamenting over the life he once had.
- Jack of All Stats: An odd example of a possible Game Breaker being one; all of the Dragon Bird's stats are graded B.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Meaningful Name/Fridge Brilliance: His first name Ryu means dragon. His last name is Suzaku, the vermillion bird and one of The Four Gods. Put them together and you get the name of his car, the Dragon Bird. He also goes on to inherit the mantle of Captain Falcon.
- Mid-Season Upgrade: When he, Jack and Lucy need to access a warp gate to save Jody from Zoda, Falcon helps Ryu/Rick reconfigure the Dragon Bird into order to use the Boost Fire technique. Even better, a hard-rock rendition of Big Blue's "Decide In The Eyes" is blaring in the background.
- Naive Newcomer: At first.
- Power Glows: As seen in Eleventh-Hour Superpower above, the Dragon Bird radiates a golden hue when at full power.
- He also draws on some Heroic Willpower while Black Shadow has him trapped in a stasis tube (thanks to the cries of Misaki/Miss Killer), causing him to create a Battle Aura, bust out of his confinement, and call on the Dragon Bird.
- Rebel Relaxation: Every once in a while, you'll see him doing this.
- Redheaded Hero: Unfortunately, his explosive temper and his proclivity towards rushing head-first into danger without a viable plan of attack (especially if Zoda is involved) tends to screw him over. His allies usually have to call him out on this (sometimes with the desired effect); Jody even delivered an Armor-Piercing Slap on one occasion.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: To Captain Falcon. As Captain Falcon's successor, he mellows out considerably and becomes to Blue Oni to Clank.
- Star-Crossed Lovers: With Misaki/Miss Killer. The two face a colossal mountains of trials, but eventually earn a bright future together--in one of the sweetest moments of the anime, he even gets to pop the question to a joyfully tearful Misaki.
- Supercop: Of the Badass Normal variety. His expertise as a cop stems from the tricks and strategies he picked up as a circuit champion. Unfortunately, his run-in with Zoda has him up the creek without a paddle, and with a giant stick up his ass.
- Troubled but Cute: Initially being the only Living Relic of his era, Ryu/Rick has to cope with Survivor Guilt somewhat often, ocassionally making him stand-offish. As time progresses, his disposition improves.
- The Watson
- Wholesome Crossdresser: See Jack's entry.
- You Are Not Alone: Late in the series, Jody reminds him that the Mobile Task Force has his back in the battle against Dark Million.
#31 Lucy Liberty
- Amy Birnbaum
- The Apprentice: Is learning under the tutelage of Dr. Clash. They share a very sweet father/daughter relationship.
- Ascended Fangirl: Not to Draq levels, but she's still a few tiers above the rest.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Miss Killer learned this lesson the hard way...
- The Chick: Naturally, this leads to a Designated Girl Fight with Miss Killer at one point.
- The Cutie: To an extent.
- Dark-Skinned Redhead
- Genki Girl: To a degree, although she surprisingly mixes this with Shrinking Violet when some dolt tries to break her or presses one too many of her buttons.
- Hair Decorations: Perhaps to Enforced Trope the fact that she's the youngest member of the Mobile Task Force (not the newest though; that dubious honor goes to Ryu/Rick).
- Nana Mizuki
#32 Miss Killer/Misaki Haruka
- Anti-Villain (Type I): Evil? Yes. But she's far more noble than her cohorts. She slides towards Type II as the series goes on, culminating with a Heel Realization and a Heel Face Turn.
- The Baroness: Arguably shares the position of Dragon with Zoda, and is ultimately more capable and more devoted to serving Black Shadow.
- Beauty Is Bad: She is not above assuming the guise of a weak, defenseless girl to get what she desires. Definitely a Manipulative Bitch. Inverted as Misaki, where she's shown to be docile and virtuous.
- Bowdlerization: In the dub of GP Legend, Miss Killer is renamed "Luna Ryder". This is an arguable case of Woolseyism, as she drives the Moon Shadow, but it's also a case of Never Say "Die", which is par for the course with 4Kids.
- Brainwashed and Crazy: And when she finally breaks free of it, she is horrified. Cue Black Shadow's Slasher Smile and freezing her in carbonite.
- Broken Bird: Couple together her distressed reaction to the "death" of her boyfriend and her brainwashing, and you get the recipe for one character that needs a hug. No worries though, she gets better.
- Dark Action Girl
- Dark Chick
- Dating Catwoman/Fatal Attraction: With Ryu/Rick.Later subverted when it's revealed that she's his actual girlfriend.
- Evil Sounds Deep: Whereas Misaki Haruka is cheery, her Miss Killer persona uses a deeper, more sultry tone.
- Femme Fatale
- Human Popsicle
- Mad Love/Psycho Supporter/Undying Loyalty: Towards Black Shadow. He milks it for all it's worth.
- Never a Self-Made Woman: Averted. She already had a successful life before being involved with Ryu/Rick, and while it was a missed opportunity that Misaki didn't form a Battle Couple with her husband (Mrs. Captain Falcon would be awesome to see), you have to remember that Misaki's action merits were a byproduct of Black Shadow's manipulation. Her real self (as seen briefly through flashbacks) was a demure, but capable woman who had no reservations about waiting for her beloved to return home. Hence, Misaki has no qualms taking up Bart's job as a bartender.
- My God, What Have I Done?: This trope hits like her like a semi when she finally breaks free of Black Shadow's brainwashing.
- Reverse Mole: When her brainwashing wears off, Misaki temporarily acts as this (staying in character as Miss Killer) until her ruse is discovered by Black Shadow.
- She's Got Legs: Climax's design for her adds a slit up her pants to showcase her legs in full.
- Shiny Midnight Black: With some violet hues thrown into the mix.
- Taking You with Me: Upon discovering Ryu/Rick's fate in the present time, Misaki storms Zoda's hideout, gun-in-hand.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- Tears of Joy: In what is probably the sweetest moment of the anime, she cries these as Ryu/Rick finally proposes to her.
- Tears of Remorse: The poor girl.
- Yamato Nadeshiko: Her true personality is this.
- Yandere: She comes across as this towards Ryu/Rick and Black Shadow-sama. Upon reverting to her original personality, she loses the "yan" and the affection for Black Shadow.
#33 Lisa Brilliant
- Action Girl: She's Samurai Goroh's wife for a reason, y'know.
- Bare Your Midriff
- Beauty Mark: Sports one on the right side of her face, near her chin.
- Cool Helmet
- Eyes of Gold
- Family Feud: As Goroh's wife and the older sister to Antonio Guster, she's usually caught in the middle of their hostility. She always sides with Goroh though, mainly because she trusts Guster no more than her hubby does.
- Femme Fatale
- Goggles Do Nothing
- The Gunslinger: Perhaps to compliment her spouse, Lisa is seen brandishing a gun on several occasions. She does use a katana at least once though.
- Humongous Mecha: Calls upon her gang's Cool Starship (which transforms into this) to attack some of the other racers during the rapidly-escalating Cat Fight sequence of Episode 21.
- Lady in Red: When we're first introduced to her, Lisa is clad in a crimson, curve-clinging mini-dress with a low hemline. The reaction given by Jack (and the viewers) is perfectly acceptable.
- Lisa Ortiz: In the dub. Yep, we're looking at a case of The Danza here.
- Lovable Rogue: Ahem.
- Mayumi Asano: This role is right up her alley.
- Rapunzel Hair
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- Tiny Guy, Huge Girl: She's at least One Head Taller than Goroh, if not more.
- You Gotta Have Green Hair: Verging on teal/aquamarine.
Clank Hughes
- Awesomeness By Analysis
- Child Prodigy: His post-Time Skip self would appear to be the teenage equivalent of this trope.
- Gadgeteer Genius: With shades of Mr. Fixit.
- Expy: After the Time Skip, Clank seems to take after Ryu/Rick, with a more brash disposition (although he was something of a Bratty Half-Pint in his youth) and similar clothing. He even inherits the Dragon Bird and mimics Ryu/Rick in the final shot of the anime: a recreation of the anime's pilot episode.
- Goggles Do Something Unusual: That scouter-like device he wears isn't just for show.
- He Is All Grown Up: In six years (2207), Clank grows up to be a stud.
- Human Aliens: Comes from the planet Forno.
- Kid Sidekick: Although he isn't an official member of the Mobile Task Force, he serves this role.
- Parental Abandonment: His father is dead (not!), and Mrs. Hughes has never been mentioned in the series.
- Robot Buddy: In F-Zero Climax, Clank inherits the Dragon Bird and retools it into the Dragon Bird EX. Since he's of a young age (approximately 11), his robotic aide Tech helps him pilot.
- Spell My Name with an "S": Since "l" and "r" are (more or less) same consonant in Japanese, expect to see his name spelled as the oddly-fitting "Crank" at times.
- Tagalong Kid: He usually is this to Ryu/Rick, Jody or Captain Falcon.
- Tragic Keepsake: Captain Falcon's helmet is initially treated as such. The cast shed Manly Tears. So did we.
- You Killed My Father: Holds Captain Falcon responsible for the death of his father, Roy Hughes. In reality, Roy sacrificed himself in order to give Falcon enough time to escape. His brain is preserved inside of Mighty Gazelle.
Death Soldier
Robotic foot soldiers for Dark Million.
- Mooks: One of Black Shadow's goons.
- Mecha-Mooks to be precise.
- Player Mooks: And he can be unlocked for use by the player.
- Mecha-Mooks to be precise.
- Palette Swap: Their vehicles are copies of the Death Anchor with slightly different stats.
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