F-Zero/Characters/F-Zero AX
Characters debuting in F-Zero AX
#31 Don Genie
- Anime Hair: It's just as ridiculous as friggin' Heihachi!
- Arms Dealer: His universal trading system illegally sells energy resources and weapons.
- Ascended Extra: Many believe he's based off of a bald crime boss Captain Falcon arrests in the SNES F-Zero comic.
- Asskicking Equals Authority: "Those who should be at the top get there. That's all there is to it."
- Badass Boast: He gets one on the more memorable ones.
Don Genie (on the key to his victory): "My own judgment. I've defeated more rivals than there are stars in the sky."
- Badass Cape: Well, he certainly tries his hardest to pull it off, doesn't he?
- Badass Grandpa: Not to the extent of Silver, but he is 65.
- Badass in a Nice Suit: That white suit of his doesn't look half-bad, and he's a competent racer.
- Bald of Evil: Though the back and sides are pretty grown out.
- Corrupt Corporate Executive
- Everything's Sparkly with Jewelry: He wears some huge gemstones.
- Fat Bastard:
- Villainous Glutton: Replace "food" with "money," and you have Don Genie.
- Fiction 500: He's so rich, that his wealth has worked as a "get out of jail free" card on multiple occasions.
- Greed: He's the series' bulbous representation of the concept.
- High-Class Glass: Wears a monocle over his right (scarred) eye.
- The Mafia: The name should've given it away. That, and his sinister theme music.
- Man in White
- Man of Wealth and Taste
- Mighty Glacier: His machine, the Fat Shark, has the highest body rating in the game, but has extremely low grip and acceleration. Don Genie's explanation is that he made sure it was durable to protect him from his many enemies (as a crime boss, he's not exactly popular).
- Lightning Bruiser: In addition to being the heaviest car, it also has one of the fastest top speeds, and its boost power is nothing to laugh about. Combine this with snaking and you have a total Game Breaker!
- Rich Bastard: A narcissistic Jerkass who considers everyone else (expect maybe Falcon, who has potential according to Don Genie) to be Muggles undeserving of his presence and affluence. If Don Genie has a heart, it must be stored away in a vault under his piles and piles of money.
- Self-Made Man: "Clawed" his way out of the slums and pulled down his competitors to become the jackass he is today.
- Smoking Is Cool: He seems to think so. Apparently, his smoking habits are so cool that the prize money won't even pay for his cigars.
- The Syndicate: Is believed to have ties to Black Shadow.
- Wicked Cultured
#32 Terry "Digi-Boy" Getter
- Adorkable: He's a Nerd of the highest degree; you cannot deny it. He's trying to apply science to romantic matters (there's a girl in his class named Sharon who he's trying to woo via a simulation; you never know, he might get her yet). If it were anyone else, it would be a tad bit creepy, but Digi-Boy somehow makes it oddly cute. He's practically a dead ringer for Steve Urkel from Family Matters.
- Artistic License Astronomy: Averted Trope. He takes a great deal of interest in the field, noting that it's the cornerstone of his scientific research.
- Awesomeness By Analysis: Through observing the races, Digi-Boy devised a formula that he's confident will result in a winning strategy. His Cosmic Dolphin was developed to see if such calculations are correct.
- Brainy Brunette: A rare male example.
- Child Prodigy: Unfortunately, humility is not his strong suit.
- Even Nerds Have Standards: Unfortunately, this is probably an aversion in his case. Of course, given all of the other stereotypes found within this series, Digi-Boy is probably meant to be an exaggeration of your standard nerd.
- Gadgeteer Genius: He claims that he can use any device skillfully and has even created more than a few contraptions of his own.
- In-Series Nickname
- Nerd Glasses
- Rollerblade Good
- Shout-Out: The Cosmic Dolphin becomes the Blue Marine when you turn it backwards.
- Sigil Spam: The smiley face on his shirt is the emblem of the Einstein Academy (implying that his odd getup is his school uniform), where the brightest minds in the galaxy mingle and sharpen their wits. Naturally, Digi-Boy is 1st in his class.
#33 Dai San Gen
- The Gambler: Their uncle. His good fortune paid off, as it is what won the trio the Pink Spider.
- Older Than They Look: They might have the look of pre-pubescent children, but their given age is 64. Their race, on average, lives to be at least 200.
- Scarf of Asskicking: Averted, especially in their GX video "Enter the Dai San Gen".
- Sibling Team:
- Two Guys and a Girl: San, the lone female of the group, would appear to be a Mediator for her brothers.
- Spell My Name with an "S": San is sometimes misspelled as Sen.
- Stereotypes of Chinese People: More like Chinese Aliens, anyway. They possess distinctly stereotypical Asian features, have thick accents indicative of an Engrishy Chinese-American, wear what appear to be Odangos on their heads, are named after a Mahjong winning hand, perform gymnastic maneuvers, and come from the planet Shinar (the culture and people are referred to as Chinut).
- Triplet Telepathy: Telepathy is a distinct trait from their home planet, and they are triplets.
- Twenty-Four-Hour Party People: They trek across the galaxy, crashing any nearby parties.
- We Are as Mayflies: As stated before, they live to be at least 200 years old.
#34 Spade
- Awesome but Impractical: While his machine is one of the coolest-looking, it's far from one of the best. And it's the hardest to unlock in GX... you need to beat every Story Mode stage on Hard.
- Badass Cape: More like Badass Sideskirt. Somehow, he makes it look damn classy.
- Brilliant but Lazy: Spade is known for his show-stopping presence on the track, performing dazzling, artful tricks in his Magic Seagull. However, he tends to lose interest easily, and will drop out of races frequently (as reflected by his poor track record).
- Cool Mask: His bio implies that he constantly wears his mask... to the point where no one, not even his friends at the circus, knows what he really looks like without it.
- Cordon Bleugh Chef: As seen in his ending, although he uses MAGIC to spice it up into a Chinese dish that looks edible.
- Doting Parent: He's overjoyed to learn that his 3-year-old son is beginning to look just like him.
- The Faceless: No one, not even his fellow circus mates, has seen his face behind the mask.
- Ghost in the Machine: It's implied that the sphere that resides where Spade's abdominal region should be is his real body (or soul/mind/consciousness/etc), and the rest of his form is some sort of puppet. His aforementioned ending appears to affirm this, as the sphere appears onscreen first before the rest of Spade's body teleports in.
- Master of Illusion: It comes with the territory, him being a circus magician and all.
- Magic and Powers: We know that his powers are supernatural in origin, but it's vague on what exactly those powers are.
- Noodle Person: He's only slightly wider than your typical CLAMP fare.
- Racing Stilettos: He's wearing some funky, elfish-looking shoes that have noticeable heels.
- Saw a Woman In Half: By his admission, this is his best trick.
- Shrouded in Myth: Little is known about Spade. Not even his companions know much about who he is. Heck, even Spade himself doesn't seem to fully understand his appearance or powers.
Mr. Zero: "Were you born like this?"
Spade: "You mean my body? When I was born I was enclosed in a globe."
- Stage Magician: His main profession besides racing is a magician at a circus.
- Technician Versus Performer: He's the performer. Anyone else is the technician.
- Third Eye: On his mask.
#35 Dai Goroh
- Bilingual Bonus: Like his father, Dai Goroh sports a kanji emblazoned on the front of his white t-shirt. Unlike his father, the kanji changes with each alternate color scheme of his.
- Bragging Theme Tune: And it gets right to the point, too: TOO FAST! YOU LOSE, I WIN!
- Child Prodigy: Discussed Trope. His bio states that he has more aptitude and potential as a pilot than his father and many are eager to see what kind of pilot he'll be when he matures. Unfortunately, this is cruelly subverted by his machine's actual performance.
- Cool Helmet
- Covert Pervert: His ending, where he cuts out a racy silhouette of a woman out of paper and makes a suggestive look in admiration.
- Generation Xerox: Copies a lot from his dad, including clothing style and rivalry with Captain Falcon.
- Goggles Do Nothing
- Gonk: He's anything but a cute little boy, which perhaps explains why he rides around in the Silver Rat. His ending, on the other hand, has Dai Goroh looking considerably more handsome.
- Hero Worshipper: For his father.
Dai Goroh (on what he treasures): "This Samurai Goroh plastic figure. I just got it!"
Dai Goroh (on who he respects the most): "My old man! He's the best thief in the whole world!"
Dai Goroh: "He's fat and he snores, but he's so good at what he does. He's the greatest!"
- I Know Kung-Fu: "Not just the martial arts! Soccer and baseball, too! But I'm not too good at math."
- Joke Character: If there's one thing the Silver Rat excels at, it's acceleration (no pun intended). 'Tis a shame that it has the lowest top speed in the game, horrible Body and Grip ratings (both D), and its A-ranked Boost eats up chunks of his energy meter.
- Kid Samurai
- Lovable Rogue
- Missing Mom: And no, Lisa Brilliant doesn't count, by the virtue of existing in a different timeline.
- Overlord, Jr.: He also dislikes Falcon and wants to defeat him for his dad. Just like Goroh, however, he isn't actually evil or bad.
- Pint-Sized Kid: He's actually shorter than the two-years-younger Digi-Boy, and this is factoring in the oversized wooden geta sandals he's wearing.
- Spell My Name with an "S": Expect to see Daigoroh a lot. Even the game flip-flops on this.
- Wearing a Flag on Your Head: Has the Japanese on his, just like his dad.
#36 Princia Ramode
- All Girls Want Bad Boys: The only plausible reason that she has eyes for Goroh, who is 28 years older than her.
Mr. Zero: "Any of the gentlemen racing take your fancy?"
Princia Ramode: "Samurai Goroh! I've never met anyone like him."
- Bare Your Midriff
- The Beautiful Elite: Subverted. It's the lifestyle she's used to, but she hates it because it's so uneventful.
Princia Ramode (on life at the palace): "Private tutors, and parties with my friends. Dull, dull, dull."
- Belly Dancer: She shows off her skills by partaking in it at the Settings screen and during her very trippy ending.
- Curiosity Is a Crapshoot: While her characteristic curiosity has led to mischief and a few tight spots in the past (mainly for her vassals), nothing truly awful has come of it. In fact, it's how she discovered F-Zero (and Goroh).
- The Ditz: Very naive (it's her upbringing), but 100% lovable, huggable and cute.
- Everything's Better with Princesses:
- Rebellious Princess: And for a good reason. Although she escaped from her home mainly to avoid her boring palace life and controlling father, Princia also realized that she needed to broaden her horizons so that when she ascends to the throne, she can be a benevolent and wise ruler for the people of her kingdom to depend on. She'd be a straight-up Princess Classic otherwise.
- Badass Princess: Largely averted.
- Fiction 500: She's a princess. What do you expect?
- Genki Girl
- Girlish Pigtails
- Goggles Do Nothing
- Human Aliens: The princess and heir to the throne of the Desert Kingdom of Magica, a planet whose society possesses highly advanced scientific knowledge.
- Impossible Hourglass Figure
- The Ingenue: Due to her upbringing, it wouldn't be a stretch to say that Princia is among the more virtuous characters. She does manage to be complex enough to avoid Purity Sueness.
- Innocent Fanservice Girl: She sure doesn't try to be sexy, but damn!
- Lady in Red: In a striking subversion of Princesses Prefer Pink.
- Lady of War: Subverted, and by her own admission, no less. Princia hardly considers herself to be graceful or even competent in her Spark Moon. She's really in it for the fun.
Princia Ramode: "I'm not the graceful type. I like the rough and tumble of a good fight."
- Modest Royalty: Does that look like a Pimped-Out Dress to you?
- Older Than They Look: She's 16. Granted, it doesn't account for much, but when you remember that Princia is just as tall and curvy as the other females, and Lily is two years younger...
- Princess Incognito: She's doing a terrible job of keeping a low profile. It's as if she wants her father to find her.
- Punny Name: Princia is a princess.
- Racing Stilettos
- Scarf of Asskicking: Maybe... It's really up to the player.
- Spoiled Sweet
- Unexplained Accent: She is given a British accent, for some reason...
#37 Lily Flyer
- Action Girl
- Bare Your Midriff: As seen in her official artwork, Lily pulls off an unusual variation of this by wearing a thick coat with only a camouflage-print bikini top underneath it.
- Child Soldiers: As a member of the Galactic Space Reserves, Lily has been training since she was young and has even been in action a few times.
- Collector of the Strange: Her hobby is collecting frog knick-knacks. When she's not endlessly training, that is.
- Goggles Do Nothing: Wears a pair of goggles on her head, but she's never seen pulling them down over her eyes... not even when she's racing.
- Good-Looking Privates
- Little Miss Badass: Certainly qualifies, considering that she's military-trained, has served as support in wars, and is competing in the F-Zero championship with what is essentially a modified tank at the age of 14.
- Modesty Towel: Her GX bonus video.
- Silver-Haired Pretty Girl
- Soundtrack Dissonance: For a 14-year-old girl, she sure is sporting one helluva ominous and badass militaristic theme music.
- Tall, X, And Handsome: Her ideal man. Two Out of Three Ain't Bad, right?
- Teens Are Short: She's not that much taller than Digi-Boy or Dai Goroh (8 and 10, respectively). On the other hand, fellow teens Leon and Princia (both 16) are of a stature comparable to the other adults.
- Token Mini-Moe: Quite easily the youngest female pilot in any continuity.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Fruit parfait. Unfortunately, the mess hall doesn't serve it often.
- Wise Beyond Their Years: She's a teenager, but her insight and maturity is more profound than a good portion of the cast.
#38 PJ
- Amusing Alien
- Berserk Button: Drunks and couples that can't keep their hands off of each other. While he doesn't go bonkers, it still goes above and beyond a simple pet peeve.
- Hypocrisy Nod: Having been suspended from Galaxy Cab (despite being its best driver) for the simple request of an increase in wages and a larger cab to accommodate his passengers (some of whom were up to 30' tall), PJ's involvement in F-Zero is a slight Take That, although by still wearing his cabbie uniform and driving the Groovy Taxi, he's still advertising for Galaxy Cab. PJ is aware of this.
- Little Yellow Man: Has the look, but personality-wise, he'd be one of The Greys.
- Sharp-Dressed Man
- Shout-Out: To the Crazy Taxi series, seeing as Sega helped develop GX and AX.
- The Taxi: He's a cab driver. His Machine is also called the Groovy Taxi.
- Watch It Stoned: His ending is in a deathmatch with Dr. Stewart's as to which one is the bigger hallucinogen. The psychedelic sound of his theme doesn't help in the slightest.
#39 QQQ
- Awesomeness By Analysis: It uses Falcon's racing data as the basis for its driving strategy.
- Cute Machines: YES. The fact that it's so modest and shy (it gets nervous when its fans are watching) makes it all the more endearing. Not to mention its ending.
- Do Androids Dream?
- Laser-Guided Amnesia: Ever since Phoenix found him and fixed him up, QQQ has been tormented by some unknown, inaccessible piece of data hidden in its A.I. In reality, QQQ is Phoenix's Time Machine, and will be unable to use its time-traversing navigation hardware until it is properly repaired.
- The Little Detecto: His primary function before being trashed was landmine detection and disposal due to his shock-resistant body.
- Mission Control: Subverted, as QQQ races alongside Phoenix.
- No Pronunciation Guide: Given that there's a series out there where guys with names like K' and K9999 are pronounced "Kay Dash" and "Kay Four-Nine", you never know.
- Robo Speak: Natch.
- Robot Buddy: To Phoenix.
- Shout-Out/Expy: Could be one to the Pit Droids.
#40 Phoenix
- Animal-Themed Superbeing: Of the "Mythical Monster Motif" variety.
- Badass: Just look at him and try to argue.
- Badass Cape
- By-The-Book Cop: Seems to be one. Then again, the Time Patrol probably couldn't afford to send in reckless Cowboy Cops.
- Call to Adventure/Dare to Be Badass: According to him, the Time Patrol recruits from every century. Even Mr. Zero could be a prospective member.
- Cool Helmet
- Gadgeteer Genius: He converted a discarded, military-grade satellite into the Rolling Turtle for QQQ.
- Knuckle-Cracking
- Time Police: He's a Highly Visible Detective from the future come to try and prevent a world-altering disaster (the Fandom is inclined to believe that Deathborn has something to do with it).
- Regardless, Phoenix doesn't even try to hide the fact that he hails from the 29th century, despite keeping a tightly-sealed lip about the nature of said timeline (with the exceptions of a cryptic remark about F-Zero existing in some form or another in the future, the fact that he received training from a racer from the 20th century, and plans to travel to the 32th century to hound a different criminal after finishing his current assignment).
- Unexplained Accent: His voice actor gives him a muddled accent that blurs the lines between British and Australian Accent. There is a small Running Gag among those knowledgeable of this involving turning Phoenix into a Quintessential British Gentleman, constantly reminding others of his nationality, and having him spew out lines like "Stunning race, chaps!", "Pip pip, cheerio!" and "Bolly!".
- Willfully Weak: His Rainbow Phoenix is obviously the most technically advanced Machine in the game. Phoenix has it running at 80% of its full potential to prevent him from having a glaring advantage over his competitors. Fridge Logic kicks in when you wonder why he'd risk losing when the fate of the world is apparently at stake, but Fridge Brilliance kicks back when a I Am Not Left-Handed "win at all costs" mentality would push Phoenix towards the brink of Knight Templardom.
- Wings Do Nothing: When boosting, the Rainbow Phoenix's wings will open to give off the illusion of flight, but they're just for show.