< Eternal Sonata
Eternal Sonata/Characters
Tropes all characters have in common
- Anime Hair
- Costume Porn
- Impossibly Cool Clothes
- Older Than They Look: Due to the graphics, everyone in the main party looks anywhere from twelve to seventeen, even Frederic, who IRL died at 38. Notable exceptions are Legato and Tuba. And, of course, Beat, March and Salsa, who are all kids and therefore really are as young as they look.
- Rummage Sale Reject: Even the royals.
Main characters
- Voice Actors: Hiro Shimono (Japanese), Sam Riegel (English)

- Bash Brothers: With Beat.
- Bishonen
- Blue Eyes
- Cool Big Bro: To Beat, March and Salsa at certain times. Other times....
- Friend to All Children: At least in the Play Station 3 version.
- Grey-Haired Pretty Boy
- The Hero: Of the initial Five-Man Band.
- Heroes Prefer Swords
- Jack of All Stats
- Jerkass: Some of his actions are really grating, especially since he's the only one in the whole party who acts like this.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: More pronounced when he mocks Fréderic, and blows off atoning for his various crimes, forcing the responsibility on to Beat and co. to go and hang out with Polka.
- Just Like Robin Hood
- Lightning Bruiser: One of the faster members of the party, and definitely one of the strongest.
- Playing with Fire:
- Sam Riegel: His English VA.
- Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: Manly Man to Beat's Sensative Guy.
- Supporting Protagonist: To Polka. Though most of the time, he's the onscreen avatar, for some reason.
- Voice Actors: Aya Hirano (Japanese), Erin Fitzgerald (English)

- All of the Other Reindeer
- Apologises a Lot: Both in battle and out.
- Aya Hirano
- Blue Eyes
- The Chick: Of the initial Five-Man Band. After a few more people join, she shares this role with Claves and to an extent Beat.
- Combat Medic: Later on, she can become this.
- Flower Motifs: Four-leaf clovers.
- Girlish Pigtails
- Hair Decorations: Her ribbons and bandanna.
- Hair of Gold
- The Heart
- Heroic Sacrifice: In fact, she has to do it again and again and again until Chopin comes along.
- Ill Girl: It's established very early on that she probably won't live to see her twenties.
- Innocent Flower Girl
- The Medic
- The Messiah
- Messianic Archetype
- Parasol of Pain
- Plucky Girl: Usually, though the game makes it apparent that she isn't always that plucky.
- The Pollyanna: Subverted in that she keeps up the act for the sake of the rest of the party. The weight of her condition does bring her down, but she only really angsts about it when she's alone with her mother.
- Rapunzel Hair
- Red Mage: Subverted, as while she can use magic and heal proficiently, she doesn't do quite enough damage to fully take this trope until much later.
- Soap Opera Disease
- Squishy Wizard
- Stepford Smiler: Acts happy-go-lucky around the party, but is shown to be rather frustrated with her lot in life when she's alone with her mom.
- Yamato Nadeshiko
Frederic Francois Chopin
- Voice Actors: Mitsuaki Madono (Japanese), Patrick Seitz (English)

- Badass: The man is terminally ill, yet he can kick ass using a conductor's wand!
- Beethoven Was an Alien Spy
- Big Good: At least until the end of the game.
- Bishonen
- Brown Eyes
- Final Boss
- Historical Beauty Update: And how!
- Ill Man
- Improbable Weapon User: Of all things, a CONDUCTOR'S BATON.
- Jack of All Stats: Not quite as strong or as fast as Allegretto, but has a better magic score and all-around good stats across the board.
- Nice Hat
- Older Than They Look: He's thirty-nine. He looks about twenty. Keep in mind that, due to his various illnesses, the Real Life Chopin was actually Younger Than They Look.
- Patrick Seitz: Really Playing Against Type here.
- Sharp-Dressed Man
- The Smart Guy: Of the initial Five-Man Band. After more people join, he shares this role with March.
- Soap Opera Disease
- Superpower Lottery: Most of his attacks classify as Light'Em Up, Casting a Shadow, Shock and Awe and Playing with Fire.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
- Your Mind Makes It Real
- Voice Actors: Yumiko Kobayashi (Japanese), Mona Marshall (English)

- Badass Adorable
- Bash Brothers: With Allegretto.
- Beware the Nice Ones: He may be a nice kid and all, but don't get on his bad side if you know what's good for you. Tuba learned this the hard way.
- Brainy Brunette
- Camera Fiend
- Cheerful Child
- Child Prodigy
- Drop the Hammer: Uses his gun as a hammer for melee combat.
- First-Person Snapshooter
- Glass Cannon
- Heroes Want Redheads: Beat for Salsa, eventually.
- Impossibly Cool Weapon
- The Lancer: In the initial Five-Man Band. Later, he still retains this role, but he also kind of turns into The Chick.
- Mona Marshall: Beat's English VA.
- More Dakka: Subverted, even though he can still shoot a good amount of times at a distance during his turn.
- Nice Hat
- Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: The Sensative Guy to Allegretto's Manly Man.
- Tagalong Kid
- Wholesome Crossdresser: In the Play Station 3 version, one of his secret outfits is... a schoolgirl uniform?
- Voice Actors: Houko Kuwashima (Japanese), Megan Hollingshead (English)

- Absolute Cleavage
- Action Girl
- The Archer
- Bare Your Midriff
- The Big Girl: In the initial Five-Man Band set-up. Later, she retains this role, but also shares it with fellow Mighty Glacier Jazz.
- Boobs of Steel
- Combat Medic
- Cool Big Sis: Very much so, to Allegretto and Polka.
- Everyone Loves Blondes
- Friend to All Living Things
- The Medic: To a certain degree.
- Mighty Glacier: A case of Shown Their Work. It takes a lot of strength to be a competent archer. Though quite a few of her weapons have a side-effect of increasing her movement speed in battle...
- Ms. Fanservice: Just look at her picture and the list of tropes that support it.
- Nature Hero
- Power Blonde
- Red Mage: She can heal and fight at both close range and long distance pretty well too.
- Stripperific
- Team Pet: Her pet bunny Arco.
Agogo Forest
- Voice Actors: Mika Kanai (Japanese), Lisa Ortiz (English)

- Badass Adorable
- Bash Sisters: With March.
- Belligerent Sexual Tension: A mild case with Beat.
- Bratty Half-Pint
- Child Prodigy
- Cute Bruiser
- Fiery Redhead
- Fragile Speedster: After reaching Level 35 or so, give her the Werewolf Choker accessory. Watch as every other turn, the turn indicator states: 'Now in turn: Salsa. Next in turn: Salsa.'
- Nice Hat: Which she wears with much pride.
- Plucky Girl
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Red to March's blue.
- Rings of Death
- Super Speed: One of the fastest members in your party along with March and Falsetto.
- Tagalong Kid
- Tomboy
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Tomboy to March's Girly Girl.
- Tsundere: Type A, towards Beat.
- Unusual Ears: Both she and her sister have pointed ears. It's heavily implied that both are Not Quite Human, though exactly what they are is never stated specifically (perhaps some sort of elves?).
- Voice Actors: Chiwa Saito (Japanese), Lisa Ortiz (English)

- Badass Adorable
- Bash Sisters: With Salsa.
- Cheerful Child
- Child Prodigy
- Cute Bruiser
- Fragile Speedster: Not quite as fast as Salsa, but still crazy quick.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Blue to Salsa's red.
- Rings of Death
- Shy Blue-Haired Girl
- Super Speed: One of the fastest members in your party along with Salsa and Falsetto.
- Tagalong Kid
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Girly Girl to Salsa's Tomboy.
- Unusual Ears: Both she and her sister have pointed ears. It's heavily implied that both are Not Quite Human, though exactly what they are is never stated specifically (perhaps some sort of elves?).
- Yamato Nadeshiko
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
- Voice Actors: Joji Nakata (Japanese), D. C. Douglas (English)

- Badass
- Bishonen
- Chick Magnet
- D. C. Douglas: His English VA.
- Dub Name Change: From Jiruba (Jitterbug) to Jazz. In both cases, why would a game about Frederic Chopin have a character named Jitterbug or Jazz considering the fact that Chopin never lived to hear Jazz music when it was created later on? Rule of Cool and Musical Theme Naming, that's all.
- Elemental Powers: Playing with Fire, Blow You Away, Shock and Awe, Dark Is Edgy, Dishing Out Dirt... Screw it, let's just say that Jazz won the jackpot at the Superpower Lottery and be done with it.
- Genius Bruiser: Smart enough to lead the rebel army, but strong enough to take down lesser enemies in one hit.
- Heroes Prefer Swords
- Made of Iron
- Mighty Glacier
- Rebel Leader
- The Stoic
- Stone Wall
- Super Strength: He's the hardest hitter in your party.
- Supporting Leader
- Tall, Dark and Handsome
- Would Hit a Girl: He actually slaps Falsetto in one scene, but he hugs her soon afterwards.
- Voice Actors: Mie Sonozaki (Japanese), Tara Platt (English)

- Action Girl
- Back from the Dead
- Becoming the Mask: She was a spy for Forte, but fell in love with Jazz.
- Fashionable Asymmetry: The single glove and legging.
- Final Speech: A particularly long speech in this case.
- Flower Motifs: Roses, if you couldn't tell by her picture.
- Fragile Speedster
- Hartman Hips
- Hot Chick with a Sword
- Lady of War
- Magic Knight
- Magikarp Power: Starts quite weak, particularly compared to the rest of the party at this period, and after she is revived, she's at the exact same level she left at, meaning there's probably a difference of about 30-40 levels between her and the rest of your party. However, she has some of the best stat growths in the game, and at high levels, is pretty damn powerful.
- Mini-Dress of Power
- The Mole
- Ms. Fanservice
- Rose-Haired Girl
- Something About a Rose
- Stocking Filler
- Tara Platt: Her English VA.
- Violet Eyes
- Voice Actors: Tomoe Hanba (Japanese), Julie Ann Taylor (English)

- Action Girl
- An Ice Person
- Big Damn Heroes: At the end of Chapter 5, she bursts into the Aria Temple to help the party fight Rondo.
- Defrosting Ice Queen
- Elegant Gothic Lolita
- Fragile Speedster
- Glass Cannon
- Good Old Fisticuffs
- Green Eyes
- Hartman Hips
- Magic Knight
- She's Got Legs:
- Shock and Awe
- Tomboy
- Unlucky Childhood Friend
- White-Haired Pretty Girl
- Wolverine Claws
Prince Crescendo
- Voice Actors: Katsuyuki Konishi (Japanese), Cam Clarke (English)

- Badass Pacifist: At least when you use him in the Play Station 3 version.
- Bishounen
- Brown Eyes
- Cam Clarke: Seems to channel Kratos Aurion sometimes too.
- Guest Star Party Member: In the Play Station 3 Bonus Dungeon, and later near the end of the game.
- Hair of Gold
- Made of Iron
- Magic Knight
- Mighty Glacier
- The Pollyanna
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Works with Jazz and is willing to work with the party to stop Waltz.
- Royals Who Actually Do Something: Even if his plans aren't really that great.
- Stone Wall
- The White Prince
Princess Serenade
- Voice Actors: Fumiko Orikasa (Japanese), Stephanie Sheh (English)

- Becoming the Mask: She's a spy for Forte, and it's heavily implied that she has feelings for Crescendo.
- The Big Girl: Surprisingly enough, she hits pretty hard in battle.
- Blue Eyes
- Combat Medic
- Everything's Better with Princesses: She's the princess of Forte... even though they're ruled by a count.
- Guest Star Party Member: In the Play Station 3 version. She comes back near the end of the game.
- Hair of Gold
- Idiot Hair: She isn't an idiot herself, but amusingly enough, it sticks up through her tiny little crown.
- The Medic
- The Mole
- Pimped-Out Dress
- Red Mage: She can heal and fight pretty well with a variety of attacks and spells, especially later on.
- Royals Who Actually Do Something: In the Bonus Dungeon and then in the last few dungeons of the game.
- Squishy Wizard: But not too squishy. While her HP is only just above Polka's at comparable levels, her defense is second only to that of her fiancée Crescendo, and her Noble White robe adds a further 160 points to her defense.
- Stephanie Sheh: Is basically a less haughty and more level-headed Natalia.
- Super Speed: Noble White, an armor that only be equipped to her, increases her speed stat by 20%. Even unaugmented, at the highest levels, her speed stat is the highest, exceeding even that of other characters that are known for speed, including Falsetto and Salsa.
- White Magician Girl: She looks the part and has a move that heals herself... Subverted in that she's a lot stronger than she looks.
- Winter Royal Lady: While she's in Baroque.
- Woman in White
Count Waltz
- Voice Actors: Liam O'Brien (English)

- Big Bad
- Bishounen
- Blond Guys Are Evil
- Evil Teen Genius: The mastermind of the whole mineral powder operation is only 16 years old.
- Jerkass: Turning his whole country into a bunch of mindless slaves certainly counts towards his evil street cred.
- Large Ham
- Nice Crown
- Nietzsche Wannabe: Outlined in his speech in the Double Reed Tower in the Play Station 3 version. "...all human begins are fragile. Especially those who lack power. They die quite easily. And when you die, it's over. There's just no meaning to it. .... That's why I must have power. Enough absolute power to carve my existence into the very fabric of this world."
- Purple Is Powerful: He wears an outfit and crown featuring royal purple as the central color.
- Royal Brat
- Violet Eyes

- Battle Butler: This is taken to LITERAL extremes when you fight Count Waltz and him after he transforms.
- Beleaguered Assistant: To Waltz.
- Cool Old Guy: To an extent.
- The Dragon: He literally becomes one after he transforms right before you fight him and Count Waltz.
- Evil Chancellor: Subverted in that while he works for the Big Bad, he's the only reasonable member of the Five-Bad Band.
- Only Sane Man: Of the bad guys: notably, he's the only one who isn't Ax Crazy.
- Token Good Teammate: To an extent. He's still loyal to Waltz, but he doesn't seem quite as utterly evil as the rest of the bad guys.

- Acrofatic: Is surprisingly fast for his build. You'd better be sufficiently leveled, or he'll wipe the floor with you the first time you fight him.
- Ax Crazy
- Bald of Evil: Except for that kickin' mohawk.
- The Brute
- Carry a Big Stick
- Eyepatch of Power
- Fat Bastard
- General Ripper: The first thing he does when the party gets to Forte is attack them. Why? Because OBVIOUSLY they're part of La Résistance!
- Jerkass: He has no trouble smacking a small child like Beat down to the ground just because he can. Unfortunately for him, Beat isn't as weak as he looks, and manages to pay him back for this later on.
- Would Hurt a Child
- Voice Actors: Johnny Yong Bosch (English)

- Ax Crazy: If there's a rain and he's wet, he's going to try to kill you.
- Bishounen
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: Is completely and utterly insane, yet he's also one of Waltz's right hand men.
- Cruel and Unusual Death: He gets eaten by a giant puffball. But only in the Play Station 3 version.
- Curb Stomp Battle: The first time you meet him, things go poorly.
- The Evil Genius Bruiser: Maybe? He might be a Mad Scientist, but really this is only because he's the odd man out of the Five-Bad Band. Either way, he's still a force to be reckoned with in battle.
- High-Class Glass: In the Play Station 3 Updated Rerelease of the game, it earns him the mean nickname "three-eyed freak" from Salsa. Even March uses it, which is unusual, given her Blue Oni status to Salsa's Red Oni. Naturally, it really tees Fugue off. "Little girl, I hope you aren't referring to me."
- Hopeless Boss Fight: The first battle against him. It's a level 8 Polka and Frederic against him, and he can basically kill them both in one hit. GEE, I WONDER IF YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO WIN.
- Jerkass
- Katanas Are Just Better: There's no analogue for Japan (surprisingly enough), but he's got a katana. And given the nature of the world, it's unlikely Chopin ever saw one, so... yeah. He's an anomaly. Rule of Cool. That is all.
- Large Ham
- Lightning Bruiser
- The Sociopath: Heck, he'll kill two innocent bystanders just because he's wet.

- An Ice Person: But with an attack called Hell Eruption... Which is also somehow an ice move.
- Ax Crazy: Though she comes off as a bit more conniving than purely insane.
- Back from the Dead: In the Bonus Dungeon.
- Bonus Boss
- Dual-Wielding
- The Dark Chick:
- Evil Counterpart: To Claves.
- Fashionable Asymmetry: Single pauldron and kneeguard.
- Fragile Speedster: At least compared to the other members of the Quirky Miniboss Squad. She's much faster than the rest of your party (save for Falsetto), and uses her extra turns to dish out damage to make up for the fact that she doesn't hit that hard.
- Hair Decorations: Even the evil ones.
- Jerkass: She DID kill Claves after all.
- Mini-Dress of Power
- Playing with Fire: She has fire power in the Bonus Dungeon.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: They're kind of red-violet, but still.
- Rose-Haired Girl
- Something About a Rose
- You Have Failed Me...: Basically, her reason for killing Claves.
- Zettai Ryouiki
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