< Devil Survivor

Devil Survivor/Characters

Devil Survivor's cast:

The Hero

Voiced by: Takahiro Mizushima (drama CD)

A Blue-haired seventeen-year-old who always wears a distinctive set of headphones. His given name, surname and nickname are decided by the player, as is his stat development and how he ultimately handles the chaos around him.

  • The Antichrist - Depending on your choices.
  • Anti-Villain - In the King of Demons ending, where he fights to save humanity from annihilation by leading the demons against God. He becomes a Noble Demon who mankind sides with against God and his Angels during Naoya's Good 8th Day.
  • Aside Glance: His smiling portrait appears to be looking at the player, and he usually switches to it upon making certain dialogue choices, as if to tell the player, "Nice one."
  • Badass
    • Badass Adorable: Due to the art style, he looks like one in Amane's and Naoya's endings.
  • Bishonen - Even lampshaded by one of the minor bosses, Kudlak in an attempt to piss him/the player off (specifically, he gets referred to as a girl). However, seeing as he calls Atsuro a lady and Yuzu and Midori men if you challenge him with the respective characters, it's more likely an attempt to provoke the MC into killing him so that he can come back stronger.
  • Cain and Abel - Abel to his cousin Naoya's Cain but subverted in that Naoya doesn't want to hurt him unless you choose to take certain routes. It turns out to be quite literal, as he is Abel's reincarnation. Sort of..
  • Chaste Hero - You can definitely play him out to be this. For example, when Kaido asks him if Yuzu is his girlfriend, you have one of three options; if you choose "She's just a friend.", Kaido calls you out on it.

Kaido: Are you that friggin' dense?

Naoya: ...Your thought process never ceases to amaze me.

  • Cute Little Fangs - Sometimes portrayed with them in fanart particularly if the fans are portraying him as the King of Bel.
  • Dark Messiah - In the Law and Chaos routes.
    • Subverted in both of the 8th days; in the Law route, he becomes an actual Messiah and would rather try to coax a sinner into atoning rather than outright killing them. In the Chaos route, he also becomes something of a Messiah as he can choose not to kill any humans and protect them from the angels--the people in turn will side with him and unite to fight against angels.
  • Expy - There's another MegaTen hero with blue hair and weird headphones out there.
    • More recently, he looks like the new protagonist for the new Digimon PSP game, except with goggles.
  • Genre Savvy - The Hero has two responses - Obfuscating Stupidity or being able to almost always figure out what's going on before Atsuro and Yuzu understand it.
  • Headphones Equal Isolation - Subverted, since he tends toward Magnetic Hero. Can be played more or less straight by player choices, however.
  • Heroic Mime - At least he gets a lot of lines, even if you choose everything he says.
    • If the Hero is your only party member on the field, all in game conversations will begin and end with him. This includes things that Atsuro would typically do like threatening thugs, reassuring civilians, but he also gains some neat one-liners.
  • Hypocrite - If you previously fought Keisuke to stop his twisted idea of justice (read: he was killing anyone that he thought was unjust) or you stopped Honda from escaping the blockade, the MC can become this if the Messiah or Escape endings are chosen; as the Messiah, he judges sinners (most likely by killing them), and in the Escape ending, he and his friends flee the lockdown.
    • Subverted in Amane's 8th Day. You begin to save those who are considered irredeemable when you realized the Angels wanted them to die choosing it as a better option. You even make up with Naoya enough for Okuninushi to decide to leave Japan in your hands and believes that you are the Messiah.
  • I Am Who? - Abel
  • Magnetic Hero - Yuzu has a huge crush on him, Midori has been known to trigger Yuzu's jealous outbursts, Amane seems to trust the Hero at first glance, and Haru opens up to him easily (and even "invites" him to hit on her). As for guys, Atsuro sticks with him in every ending path and Kaido trusts him enough to tell him about his love for Mari and even plot to rule the world with him.
  • The Messiah - Depending on your choices
  • Noble Demon - You become this in Naoya's 8th day in Overclocked if you choose to spare the humans who are helping the Angel rebels.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity - "What's 0 + 2?"
    • Also, if you pick a specific response during Naoya's ending, he'll call the MC out on it.
  • Reincarnation - Sort of, along with many others, apparently.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning - Never shown in-game. However, he (along with every other character) sports these on the boxart for Overclocked. Fanon also tends to portray him with red eyes when drawing him as the King of Bel, despite not having them even in the King of Demons ending.
  • Stealth Pun - He is Abel. He defeats the Bels. Therefore, he is a Bel. A Bel.
  • The Stoic. The default setting for the Hero, more or less. The other characters come to depend on his integrity and strength.
  • Worthy Opponent: Metatron sees him as this in the King of Demons ending.
  • Villain Protagonist: - In the 8th day of Naoya's route, you have the choice to actually kill other humans. Doing this will turn you against many of the characters, including some potential party members. Of course, Subverted if you choose to kill only angels.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair

Yuzu Tanikawa

Voiced by: Ayako Kawasumi (JP), Minori Chihara (drama CD), Melissa Fahn (EN)

The hero's childhood friend, and The Chick of the Three Amigos. Really not too happy about being caught in the lockdown, and desperately wants to escape. Atsuro calls her 'Yoohoo'; she hates that nickname, but she can't seem to escape that either. Outside of a level of internet-savvy expected from teenagers, she is not very good with computers, allowing Atsuro to explain lots of things for 'her' benefit.

Atsuro Kihara

Voiced by: Atsushi Abe (JP), Spike Spencer (EN)

One of the hero's friends from school, and a computer whiz. Considers himself Naoya's apprentice, and loves all things technological... and explaining them in simple terms for Yuzu's sake. Gets all starry-eyed when excited. While he thinks that the best way to deal with the crisis is figure out how to completely control all the demons, he'll support his friend no matter what he decides.

  • A Friend in Need - Sticks with the hero even after he decides to Rage Against the Heavens and become the demon overlord. He's very reluctant and nervous about it, but in the end he vows to always be by his side.
  • Badass
  • Crazy Jealous Guy - At the end of Naoya's 8th Day, Naoya sends one last message and implies to Atsuro that his "dream" is about to end with the return of the Hero from the Demon World. Given how he acts desperate to Yuzu when she wonders what that dream is about, it's heavily implied Atsuro has feelings for Yuzu.
    • And THEN you realize this implication is coming from Naoya of all people...
    • Of course he's only acting 'crazy' because Yuzu is asking him what he's dreaming about and he doesn't want her to know.
  • Eyes of Gold - Look closer in the opening. He has them.
    • Also visible in-game when he gets particularly excited, making it look like he's got gold stars in his eyes.
  • Hurting Hero - He's just as scared as Yuzu, as he admits several times; he just hides it better, often using humor or gentle teasing as a crutch.
  • The Lancer - Will support the hero, no matter what path he takes.
  • Mr. Exposition - Particularly when dealing with Yuzu.
  • Nice Hat - It lets him invoke Peek-a-Bangs without actual hair.
  • The Nicknamer - Likes to call Yuzu by her nickname: Yoohoo. Inverted as well; many people like to come up with nicknames for him, particularly "Otakuro." And later, Jerktsuro in Overclocked. Geez, the guy gets assaulted with nicknames.
    • He's even got one from the fanbase, who have affectionately dubbed him "Atsubro" due to the fact that he never ditches the protagonist in any scenario.
  • Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant - Has a disturbing tendency to speculate about Nightmare and Paranoia-fueling concepts. Or discover their existence.
  • Not So Different - After learning that Honda's superiors want to research demons for their own uses, is unnerved by the potential abuses. Later on, however, he becomes smitten with the idea of finding a way to completely control all demons and harness their powers for everyone's benefit...
  • Otaku - Yuzu even calls him 'Otakuro' at one point, to his dismay.
  • Reed Richards Is Useless - Averted. If you get his ending Atsuro is able to use Naoya's technology to safely control demons, resulting in Japan becoming a super power and gaining a permanent seat in the U.N Security Council.
  • Take a Third Option: Even if Haru dies, you can still follow Atsuro's route to gain control of demonkind without fighting the Bels.
  • Utopia Justifies the Means - Over time, he grows steadily convinced that the best way to end the lockdown is hack the server and take complete control of demonkind, using their powers to improve everyone's lives. However, he sticks by you no matter what you decide, unlike others...
  • Techno Babble - Normally averted; he describes things in layman's terms for Yuzu's sake.


Voiced by: Kisho Tanigawa (JP), Hiroshi Kamiya (drama CD), Kyle Hebert (EN)

The hero's twenty-four year old cousin and brother figure, and a genius programmer. Gave the hero and his friends their COMPs shortly before the plot hit Toyko; his motives for doing so are shrouded in mystery.

  • Aloof Older Brother
  • Badass
  • Biblical Bad Guy - Cain
  • Big Damn Heroes - In the 8th day of Amane's route, the heroes are fighting an uphill battle where the final boss keeps resurrecting, with added strength each time. Then, once his attacks have gotten all but devastatingly powerful, Naoya shows up and sets up a barrier that not only prevents the boss's resurrection, but weakens his attacks as well.
  • Bishonen - Shares this trait with the MC. It's even lampshaded early on in the game, when a text description outright calls him handsome.
  • Cain and Abel - Cain to his cousin's Abel, but it's subverted in that he doesn't actually want to kill him. Played straight if you decide to take certain routes, where he will fight you. In fact, the original Cain, and unlike the MC, he remembers all of it.
  • Defeat Means Friendship: In Atsuro's route.
  • Deadpan Snarker - In his own route, if you answer a certain question wrong, he asks you if it was a pitiful attempt at humour. In Atsuro's route, he gets annoyed with Atsuro's eagerness.

Atsuro: Oooh, what about me, Naoya!? What should I do...!?
Naoya: ...You can start by putting a lid on it.

  • Defrosting Ice King: - Strangely enough in Amane's 8th Day with Okuninushi describing it as a 'small droplet of water in thousand year old ice' after he comes to your aid against Okuninushi.
  • Devil in Plain Sight
  • Expy - Disregarding looks, this is actually the second time the Megami Tensei series had a young genius programmer who developed the demon summoning program using the same exact logic[1]...since 1986.
  • Evil Albino - Well, maybe more of a morally ambiguous albino, but yeah.
  • Fate Worse Than Death - Every time he reincarnates, he remembers everything from every single past life, including the one where he killed his brother Abel out of jealousy. He is thus unable to escape his sin. The sad thing is that Cain could break this cycle by using the time to reflect on- and repent for- his sin, but he's far too consumed by revenge to do so.
  • Get Back Here Boss - Naoya + Devil Speed + Phantasma + Enemy respawn points + Naoya respawning those respawn points if you destroy them = a discouraging beginning to Atsuro's route.
  • Goggles Do Nothing - He has a noticeable pair of glasses that he never wears. They're most likely reading or computer glasses.
  • Graceful Loser - After defeating him in Atsuro's route, he, quote, "concedes defeat", admits that he underestimated the group and agrees to help them with the server. Although, admittedly, it could've been partially due to the fact that he knew that the group was being assisted by angels.
  • Handsome Devil - Before demons attack the trio, the protagonist spots Naoya across the street, and the in-game text blatantly describes his face as handsome. Not that the fangirls complain.
  • Heel Face Turn - In Atsuro's route, he abandons puts his own ambitions on hold to help the hero.
    • Also applies to Amane's 8th day route, where he helps the main characters defeat the final boss.
  • Hello, Insert Name Here - Partial example; since they're cousins, he shares his surname with the hero.
  • Heel Realization: It takes a while, but the protagonist actually moves his heart a little when he manages to get through to Naoya that he doesn't hate him for killing him in their past life. This prompts Naoya to aid them in the final battle of Amane's route.
  • Hidden Agenda Villain - ...If "villain" is the proper term.
  • Hypocrite - Rags on about not relying on others, but his entire plan depends on the MC. Will not be happy if called on it.
  • Idiot Hair - It's pretty small, but it's prominent enough to be visible on his battle sprite.
  • Impossibly Cool Clothes - Check out that Badass Long Robe, complete with Matrix Raining Code pattern. Think that's handmade?
    • I'd assume that's a sort of haori, seeing as he has a sort of Japanese casual vibe with those tall platform sandals, er geta. (Must say, since Tokyo is in pretty bad shape, he must be a master at maneuvering in them.)
  • Insufferable Genius
    • Crazy Prepared: There is not a thing that Naoya does that isn't some sort of Batman Gambit, though he doesn't do all that well if you don't play into his hand.
  • Matrix Raining Code - His cloak thing.
  • The Mentor - To Atsuro, and during the first day, he was sort of a Stealth Mentor to the group, getting them used to their COM Ps.
  • Name's the Same - Shares a name with the most generally accepted of the Canon Name of the Persona 1 protagonist.
  • Nay Theist - He knows God exists. He also hates His guts. For good reasons.
  • Obviously Evil - Let's see... Slasher Smile, Red Eyes, Take Warning, and so on. Subverted in that he's better described as "chaotic" than "evil."
  • Peek-a-Bangs - His angry and surprised/OhCrap sprites have this.
  • Pet the Dog - He comes to his cousin's aid in Amane's 8th Day, proving to Okuninushi that Naoya cares about the Hero and proves to him that the Hero is indeed the Messiah.
  • The Punishment - He's really turned that immortality into the exact opposite of what God intended he should use it for.
  • Rage Against the Heavens - "God's no friend of mine." It was changed to "I follow no god" in Overclocked.
    • However it seems as long as God just leaves the world alone he'll give up his desire for vengeance as seen in Yuzu's 8th Day where God abandons humanity.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning
  • Reincarnation - He's the reincarnation of Cain, with fully-intact memories of every single reincarnation he's had for the thousands of years since he killed Abel.
  • Strike Me Down with All of Your Hatred - Attempts to invoke this in Amane's route, where he asks the MC whether he hates Naoya and wants to kill him. However, how successful he is depends on how you decide to reply.
  • Troll - He's more subtle than most...unless you chose Atsuro's path. Of course, it doesn't help that he's voiced by the same guy who does another very well-known troll...
    • It gets better. His entire plan revolves around getting you (Abel) to become a demon lord and challenge God, and since he's Cain........he's ultimately trolling YHVH!
  • Villainous Breakdown - He goes completely and utterly batshit insane when you fight him in Amane's route. He goes on to reveal that he's Cain, and he tells the MC to hate him and kill him. And when you beat him? After saying a few things, he ends it off by laughing before warping outta there.

Naoya: Huahahaha...! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!

Amane Kuzuryu

Voiced by: Mamiko Noto (JP), Yui Kano (drama CD), Laura Bailey (EN)

Sixteen years old and the chosen maiden of the Shomonkai, a religion devoted to 'overcoming God's ordeal'. Highly charismatic, with an undeniable presence, yet bearing an air of mystery around her as well. Takes an interest in the hero and his friends.

Amane: ...Cain ran away.

Keisuke Takagi

Voiced by: Yuuki Kaji (JP), Makoto Naruse (drama CD)

An old friend of Atsuro's from middle school who always used to stand up for others, but has become reserved and a bit timid. His Character Development largely hinges on the hero's choices after he goes Well-Intentioned Extremist. Will he realize the error of his ways and become The Atoner, or will his Knight Templar streak lead to tragedy?

  • The Atoner - But only if convinced that he made a huge mistake.
  • Badass: In his backstory it was revealed he went through insane amounts of physical abuse at the hands of bullies to protect another kid, then withstood even more when that kid joined in, and he refused to be a coward about it. How badly it crushed his hope for humanity is another story entirely.
  • Berserk Button: He's protective of Midori as is, and will fight for her life; if you attack her after she's helped you, may God have mercy on you... because Yama certainly won't.
  • Beware the Nice Ones
  • Break the Cutie - Technically, he was broken before you even met him... And then he snaps.
  • Bully Hunter - Was one of these when Atsuro knew him in middle school. It ended up backfiring on him one day.
  • Captain Ersatz - Pretty much agreed to be Light with a demon instead of a magic notebook.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death - If you don't keep Kaido from tracking him down, Pazuzu grabs him by the neck and fries him alive, turning him into a charred corpse right in front of your party before tossing him aside like garbage.
  • Et Tu, Brute? - Keisuke's swing towards withdrawn cynicism after middle school is because somebody he saved from bullying in high school joined in when the bullies turned their attention to him.
  • Fragile Speedster - Of the main characters, he has the highest Agi growth...and the lowest Vit growth. However, this trait makes him useful if you're taking on a certain boss using a certain strategy.
  • Freak-Out - Proving that it might actually be scarier when you don't have Scary Shiny Glasses hiding the murderous rage in your eyes.
  • Heel Realization - ...Maybe.
  • Karma Houdini - Averted; if you talk him down without a fight, Midori picks up the Conflict Ball and forces a confrontation that's arguably far worse than if you just beat up Yama.
  • Knight in Sour Armor - More obvious after his Knight Templar stint. Assuming, of course, he lives past that point.
  • Knight Templar
  • Megane
  • Not Himself - Atsuro doesn't understand why he's suddenly become so withdrawn and timid.
  • Not Quite the Right Thing: It's very easy to get him killed if you're not careful; you have to watch a couple of optional scenes, give Mari's bag to Kaido to distract him and give yourself some time to talk some sense into Keisuke, then choose the right dialogue options during the fight. If you fail either of the first two, Kaido will kill him before you can do anything, and if you mess up the last, Midori throws a temper tantrum.
  • Not So Different - In using Yama to kill the people he judges responsible for making the lockdown worse, he's acting no different from those using demon tamers as scapegoats... or the bastards using force to get what they want.
    • Kaido even calls it on him, hard... right before killing him.
  • Redemption Equals Life - Literally. You either redeem him, making him stop his crusade, or Kaido kills him.
  • Shrinking Violet - Comes off like this at first, to Atsuro's shock.
  • Silly Rabbit, Idealism Is for Kids - Tries gently convincing Midori of this, growing a bit more forceful when she refuses to listen. To the point of where he actually scoffs at her when they catch him about to execute some crooked cops that they'd just met the day before, and she realizes they were hardly hampered by losing their COMPs.
  • Utopia Justifies the Means - Even if Yama's judgment eventually turns against him, at least he can make the world a better, safer place before then.

Tadashi Nikaido

Voiced by: Yasuhiro Mamiya (JP), Kentaro Ito (drama CD), Travis Willingham (EN)

The nineteen-year-old leader of the Shibuya Daemons, a charismatic gang known for its vast information network. Goes by the nickname 'Kaido'. Pursues power for his own personal reasons.

Midori 'Dolly' Komaki

Voiced by: Mariya Ise (JP), Kana Asumi (drama CD), Erin Fitzgerald (EN)

A fifteen-year-old cosplayer who is known as the camgirl 'Dolly'. Due to the lockdown, she is stuck wearing one of her cosplay outfits. Extremely peppy and optimistic, her outlook on life borders on childishly simplistic.

Midori: Prepare for Magical Punishment!

Yoshino Harusawa

Voiced by: Junko Minagawa (JP), Amanda Winn-Lee (EN)

Twenty-year-old vocalist for the indie rock band 'D-Va' who goes by the stage name 'Haru'. While the band is currently on hiatus, Haru still performs solo. Very close to her mentor and fellow member, Aya. Also suicidally depressed, believing she's the one responsible for summoning the demons in the first place.

  • Badass Damsel - You can't help but cheer for her, especially when she commits to completing Aya's song to save everyone.
  • Broken Bird
  • Cutting Off the Branches - Failing to save Haru's life results in almost all of the branches being cut off. And the one that remains is not a good one.
  • Death Seeker - Keeping this woman alive is goddamned hard, and she really does not help matters herself in the slightest. Her attempt at Suicide by Cop is just the tip of the iceberg.
  • Damsel in Distress - The target of multiple Escort Missions, and unlike the other named characters who are in such missions, she never joins as a party member. The fact she's suicidally depressed and the target of every demon in a twenty kilometer radius doesn't much help her survivability.
  • Eyes of Gold
  • Guide Dang It - Easily the hardest major character to keep alive. Which sucks, because her ending is easily the most idealistic of the bunch.
  • Idol Singer
  • Impossibly Cool Clothes: That dress needs to be arrested for violating the law of gravity.
  • Save This Person Save the World: If you can't save Haru, you can't save the world, unless you Take a Third Option and use Atsuro's route.
  • Stepford Smiler
  • Suicide by Cop - On the fourth day, unless you talk her out of it.
  • The Tease: Flirts with the main character quite a bit. Even moreso if you respond in kind.
  • Theme Tune Cameo: Haru may sometimes be found preforming "Reset", the game's main theme.
  • Vapor Wear - A shirt that looks like it should be causing a wardrobe malfunction every time she so much as turns her head, and which very obviously has nothing underneath it... I have no problems with this.
    • It's not a shirt - that thing's her dress. Trivia: Compare the Japanese to the North American boxart and you'll discover that her dress got a little bowdlerized 'cause it was showing perhaps a tad too much sideboob.
  • The Power of Rock - it's later revealed that the first song she ever composed is the key to getting rid of the demons in Tokyo.

Eiji 'Gin' Kamiya

Voiced by: Katsuyuki Konishi (JP), Josh Gilman (EN)

Runs the bar 'Eiji' in Omotesando. He acts as Haru's guardian, and is close friends with her and Aya. Is investigating certain things on his own as well...

  • Badass
  • Big Brother Mentor - Towards Haru, mainly, though he can grow into this for the hero and his friends as well.
  • Chick Magnet - Yuzu thinks rather highly of him. Haru trusts him implicitly, and Aya was his lover. Shoji even admits she finds him to be very hot and kickass.

Shoji: He was smokin' hot.

  • Distress Ball - An odd male example; when you tell him of the Shomonkai's offer to meet him at a specified time and date to discuss Aya's disappearance, he charges blindly forward on his own despite it being an obvious set-up.
  • Ex-Delinquent - Describes himself as an adult Tadashi who changed his ways after falling in love with Aya.
  • Escort Mission: At one point, you have to save/defend him from an ambush set up by Azuma.
  • Guide Dang It - Unlocking his ending path is possibly the most difficult of the lot.
    • Not really. It's just a matter of talking with him and Haru whenever they're available to talk. Provided Haru is alive and kicking till the end that is...
  • No Pronunciation Guide - Lack of voice acting in the original DS version caused some western fans to pronounce "Gin" as the Japanese word for silver, rather than like the drink as intended.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname - Everyone calls him 'Gin' instead of his real name, which he uses for his bar instead.


Former lead singer of D-Va, Haru's mentor, and Gin's lover. Currently studying music overseas. At least, that's what Gin told Haru to keep her from worrying. Actually, she disappeared six months ago...

  • Chekhov MIA
  • Love Redeems - Her relationship with Eiji turned him from a self-absorbed deliquent to a mature Big Brother Mentor.
  • Meaningful Name - She's Haru's teacher. Haru is often seen performing the game's main theme, Reset. The artist of Reset is named Aya Ishihara.
  • The Power of Rock - Her songs prove key to the demon summoning program and potentially getting rid of them.
  • Posthumous Character - She's been dead and/or "absorbed into the demon world" since before the game began.

Mari Mochizuki

Voiced by: Shiho Kawaragi (JP), Kimberly Brooks (EN)

Another old friend of Atsuro's; she tutored him back when he was in middle school. Since then, she's achieved her dream of becoming an elementary school nurse. Has a calming influence on others, due to her kindly and compassionate nature.

Yasuyuki Honda

Voiced by; Kirk Thornton (EN)

An office worker who was caught inside the lockdown and is desperate to escape for pressing personal reasons. Normally quite calm and collected; though said personal reasons cause him considerable stress, he keeps it to himself.

  • Badass
    • Determinator - This man wanted to escape the lockdown so bad he was willing to attempt taking on demons, angels, and the SDF, as he was NOT going to be barred from being by his hospitalized son's side.
  • Corrupt Corporate Executive - Implied to be working for some, as the entire reason he was caught in the lockdown was because he was sent to steal a COMP. Honda treats this as 'just doing my job', so it's unclear where he stands...
  • Dead Little Sister - His son, in the Escape ending. Discovering this sends him on a rocket spiral to insanity.
  • Deal with the Devil - In the final battle with Belberith, Belberith gives him a contract with Baphomet. Baphomet fully restores his living party members' HP and MP after his every battle.
  • Despair Event Horizon - Discovering that his son is dead in the Escape ending.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare - Starts out an ordinary Salaryman, steals a COMP and begins to use its power to defend himself and smack down ordinary humans, and becomes a villain in Yuzu's ending.
  • I Did What I Had to Do - Took the COMP-stealing job to pay medical expenses; later justifies siccing his demons on normal humans by stating "They attacked first. They deserve it."
  • Ill Boy - His son, who's about to undergo an operation while his only family's trapped in the Yamanote loop.
  • Slasher Smile - In the Escape ending, following his breakdown.
    • He actually does this the first time he meets Kaido before insanity. Creeeeeepyyyyy...
  • The Stoic - Starts out as one; gradually gets worn down by stress and strain over the course of the lockdown.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: In the final battle with Belberith on Yuzu's 8th day, after both Baphomet and Honda are defeated, Belberith kills him. If Honda is bypassed altogether, Belberith absorbs Honda into his body when he reaches 1 HP, healing him to half health.

Misaki Izuna

Voiced by: Karen Strassman (EN)

A member of the Japan Special Defense Forces who is absolutely dedicated to ensuring the lockdown is a complete success. After all, she's well aware that there are worse options out there...

  • Badass
    • Determinator - She will follow her orders no matter what, and she became a Demon Tamer and entered the lockdown willingly, knowing she just signed her death warrant in the faint hope of possibly ending the demon invasion by doing so, knowing and not giving a damn she could die, just as long as she fulfills her duty in the process.
  • Boobs of Steel: She's a Self Defense Force captain and she can beat out YooHooYuzu for largest bust.
  • Dark-Skinned Redhead
  • Fiery Redhead
  • Good-Looking Privates
  • Hot Amazon
  • My Country, Right or Wrong - She really wants to prevent the Final Option from being used, but recognizes it may be necessary.


Voiced by: Dave B. Mitchell (EN)

An important figure in the Shomonkai. Tall, dark, and mysterious. Also helped cause Aya's disappearance, has designs on Haru, happens to be selling COMPs on the side for a tidy profit... And isn't as smart or untouchable as he thinks he is.


Voiced by: Tara Platt (EN)

An Intrepid Reporter investigating the 'Tokyo Lockdown' on her own, hoping to uncover the truth behind what's going on. Can be a good source of information, due to this.

  • Christmas Cake - Considers herself one.
  • Genre Savvy - VERY MUCH SO. Seriously, this woman figures out most of what's going on without needing to be given hints by any of the supernatural players in this drama, nor anyone from the outside.
  • Hot Scoop
  • Intrepid Reporter - She claims to be made of win herself.
  • Lost Forever - Talking to her on the 8th Days whenever you have the chance does NOT produce anything productive. You literally skip time with her, and skipping time in the 8th Days may cause you to lose additional plot-important events or lose characters from joining back into the group when you had the chance to speak with them instead of her. However, talking with her gives some funny lines.
  • Miss Exposition


Voiced by; Hiroki Takahashi (drama CD), Vic Mignogna (EN)

A Casanova that pops up from time to time to provide helpful amounts of exposition when he feels like it. He has some history with Naoya and is incredibly knowledgeable on the history of the demonic world and the Throne of Bel. His name is unknown ("???"), so he is identified by his dialogue boxes as "Gigolo". His true identity is Loki, the trickster god from Norse Mythology and the Big Bad in the original novel (Megami Tensei) that started the franchise.

  • Doppelganger Spin
  • Enigmatic Minion
  • For the Evulz - Yes, destroying Beldr needed to be done to save the world. Doesn't change the fact that Loki only told you how to do it because he felt like screwing over Beldr. Again.
    • He does it again in Naoya's 8th Day, where he'll tell Honda that he can bring his son back to life if he helps him kill the Overlord.
  • No Name Given
  • The Trickster
  • Troll - He tells the main characters how to beat Beldr For the Lulz and lies to Honda in Naoya's 8th Day, should you choose to do the optional event. And he must've done something to Naoya and any of his other past lives since Naoya is openly hostile with him.
  • Wild Card

Black Frost

A demon that Midori helped to understand The Power of Love. Unlike all demons, this Jack Frost is a friendly one. Following justice, Jack Frost turned into a Black Frost to aid his demon friends.

Yuzu: I-I don't think trying hard had anything to do with its color change...

Gin: Okay, first of all... This guy ain't a samurai.

  • Took Two Levels In Badass - He takes TWO of those levels: Not only he becomes a Black Frost, but if the player follows Naoya's Route in Overclocked, Black Frost somehow ends up becoming the Hero's second-in-command as the Overlord.
  • Verbal Tic: Adds "hee-ho" in almost every sentence he says. Sometimes it's just "[insert verb here]-ho". It's a hee-Frost thing, ho.


An angel that is possessing Amane willingly and is sealing away Jezebel to prevent her from devouring Amane's soul. He desires for the Hero to become the Messiah in order to end the lockdown and guide mankind to salvation.

  • AngelicPosession: - With consent from his host Amane.
  • Knight Templar: Subverted! He is the only angel in the game (and nearly the entire series) who wants to save all humans. Even those that are considered irredeemable. For this the other Angels think he's soft.
  • Meaningful Name: Mercy of God/Compassion of God. Fitting for a Angel who wanted mercy to be shown to mankind and wants to help humanity.
  • Only Sane Man: The only Angel who doesn't see mankind as being irredeemable and doesn't act Holier Than Thou.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: Is keeping Jezebel sealed within Amane to prevent her from devouring Amane's soul, though it's a losing battle and she'll eventually be freed.
  • Token Good Teammate: Amongst the Heavenly Host.

Bel Demons

Powerful Demons that contain either the essence or are pieces of King of Bel. They now wage war against each other except for Belberith, Jezebel, and Belzaboul in order to claim the Throne of Bel. The current Demons in the war for the Throne of Bel are Beldr, Belial, Jezebel, Belzaboul, Belberith, and the Protagonist(Abel). Another Bel, but not fighting for the Throne, is Babel, which serves the King of Bel and will fight against the one who becomes victorious to prove they are worthy of being King of Bel.

  • Achilles' Heel: Beldr is a stand-in for Baldr. Beldr's made a contract with the very planet, so everything on it has agreed not to harm him, meaning he's invincible. Well, there is one thing that didn't enter the contract... devil's fuge, i.e. mistletoe.
    • And before you get any ideas, he nulls everything but devil's fuge. Even Almighty, which can pierce any other protection.
  • Back from the Dead: Each Bel does this for the Boss Rush. Not to mention Beldr and Belial will appear in the Overlord 8th Days after being summoned by the Protagonist against Metatron. Beldr also returned from the dead on the 3rd Day.
  • Barrier Change Boss: The final boss Babel; luckily, the weaknesses are automatically given and you should be ab;e to kill it quickly before it changes the second time. Ironically, that's the only annoying part, as you will most likely be using non elemental spells (though bringing Elec Dance to abuse the first weakness it picks up isn't a bad idea).
  • Biblical Bad Guy: All of them except for Beldr, the protagonist, and Babel.
  • Biological Mashup: All the Bels defeated by Belberith make up his body and their hatred for God fused with his.
  • Boss Rush: In Amane and Naoya's routes all the former Bels return after being summoned by Babel.
  • Co-Dragons: Jezebel, Azuma, and Belzaboul are this for Belberith. Belzaboul is also The Dragon for his true master Lucifer.
  • Demonic Possession: Jezebel does this to Amane.
  • Disc One Final Boss: The invincible Beldr's sudden arrival means that the game's plot just really went into overdrive.
  • Dual Boss: Beldr and Belial in the Boss Rush. Azuma and Belzaboul plus Honda and Belberith are one in Yuzu's 8th Day.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: Belberith cannot understand why you would become the Messiah and servant of God.
  • Elemental Powers: Each of them has at least one elemental spell.
  • Face Full of Alien Wingwong: Belzaboul's strategy mostly consists of planting his spawn in your bodies, which burst out and become full grown flies. Meaning Belzaboul is a giant demonic Bot Fly.
  • Fallen Hero: Beldr was once a benevolent god, but is now determined to spread sorrow on Earth until everything cries since he was trapped in underworld when a hag refused to weep for him.
  • Graceful Loser: When you go down the Overlord route Belberith is most pleased with the idea of fusing with you since you will continue the war against God. Subverted with the other routes where he is less than pleased with you defeating him and doing something like becoming The Messiah.
  • Humans Are Cthulhu: When defeated, Belial comments how humans have much higher ability to harness the power of Bel than demons do.
  • Lethal Lava Land: Jezebel's stage inside Amane's soul, until you do enough damage to set Amane free.
  • Life Drain: Beldr does this with his Vampire Mist skill.
  • Nigh Invulnerability: Beldr.
  • One-Winged Angel: Babel transforms into a demonic tower after you defeat the first form.
  • Rage Against the Heavens: As they contain the hatred for God that the originally King of Bel had. They all want this to some degree. Especially Belberith who is made up of many Bels and thus has their hatred of God as well. Also subverted depending on which path the Protagonist takes.
  • Rule of Symbolism: There are Seven Days in the Lockdown and there are Seven Bels in the game.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: Remiel is keeping Jezebel sealed inside Amane. However, it's a losing battle and she'll eventually gain the upper hand.
  • Shows Damage: Babel's first form starts to shiver and convulse once its HP drop below about a third.
  • Spell My Name with an "S": Invoked with a few of the demons to make sure that there's a "bel" in there somewhere. One presumes that this game's incarnations of Baal, Bael, Belphegor, and Pabilsbag were also subject to this treatment.
  • Taken for Granite: Beldr's Stone+ passive skill can inflict this.
  • There Can Be Only One: The party gets embroiled in the contest between the Bels for the Throne of Bel. The winner gets God-like power, and it turns out that the Protagonist is in the running.
  • This Cannot Be!: Beldr's death quote.
  • Undying Loyalty: Although it does want the Protagonist to become Overlord, Babel is loyal to him once it is defeated and follows his will obediently. It will even return to the Demon World along with all demons or become a tool that he can use as the Messiah without question.

Let's Survive.

  1. In that the program is replicating the process of a summoning ritual)
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