More Dakka

More Dakka is a form of Spam Attack with bullets—the art of solving problems by firing as many rounds at them as possible. Improbable Aiming Skills are all very well and good, but sometimes you just need to throw a wall of bullets at the target—perhaps your foe can Dodge the Bullet, or you're up against a whole army of Mooks at once. Modern automatic weapons can achieve the rates of fire required for more dakka all by themselves, but using a whole bunch of slower-firing guns works too. More dakka can even work against targets where conventional attacks are normally ineffective—even if each shot only does Scratch Damage, it will succumb to a Death of a Thousand Cuts eventually.
Gatling Good and Guns Akimbo are common ways of achieving more dakka, and you can expect to see gratuitous camera shots devoted to torrents of shell casings produced by the volume of fire. Unfortunately, more dakka has a good chance of accomplishing little or nothing, in the case of A-Team Firing or if the shooters are graduates of the Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy. The Gunslinger may specialize in more dakka.
A Sub-Trope of Spam Attack. Contrast Improbable Aiming Skills, when a character uses amazing accuracy instead of volume of fire.
Not to be confused with Baka, as there is very definitely such a thing as "Enuff Baka".
No real life examples, please; we don't care how big your horde of weapons is.
Anime and Manga
- The Gundam series frequently features massive volumes of fire, usually from multiple Gatling Good rotary cannons.
- In all versions of Ghost in the Shell, Section 9 and other gun-using entities frequently use lots of automatic fire. Both the Major and Batou often use submachine guns or assault rifles on full-auto, and the Tachikoma Spider Tanks are mounted with tri-barreled gatling guns. Heavy automatic fire is usually needed due to fighting armored or cyborg opponents. All the bullets flying also makes it harder for the faster enemies to avoid being hit.
- In one episode of Code Geass R2, Cornelia straps an arsenal of guns onto a hijacked Knightmare Frame to destroy the Siegfried.
- The Millennium Earl in D.Gray-man will sometimes send hordes of low-level Akuma after the heroes. Since each Akuma is a living (sort of) machine gun, this naturally results in More Dakka.
- Karen in Soul Link loves to use as much as dakka as possible. Near the end, most of the enemies she's fighting having a Healing Factor working in their favor, but enough dakka will finish them off, so she can fare well.
- Although absent from the anime, the Trigun manga features a certain group who are Masters of Dakka. This is demonstrated when their premier fighter Livio the Double Fang is introduced, whose dual Punishers can shoot forwards, backwards, left and right at the same time. There's so much dakka in the fight between him and Nicholas that you can barely see what's happening.
- In Yozakura Quartet, Kotoha Isone is a girl that can summon anything by emphasizing the name of the object. Being a gun nut with a focus on German WW 2 hardware, this leads to her using anything from machine guns to Flak 88 anti-aircraft cannons..
- Gokudera's Flame Arrow has many types of modes or bullets, depending on what combination of Flames Gokudera uses. one set of bullets turns his cannon-like weapon into a machine gun. Apparently, it took him a while to hit Gamma with any of these rounds of bullets.
- In Super Dimension Fortress Macross/Robotech, there is the Daedalus Attack. The Daedalus, one of the "arms" of the SDF-1, is shoved through the hull of an enemy cruiser while every mecha on board is moved to its bow. Once in position, the forward bay is opened, and all the drones fire everything they have inside the enemy ship.
- This is done many times in Hellsing. Alucard wields pistols that can apparently fire more than their own weight in bullets without reloading.
- "Target" Kevin's twelve barreled shotgun in Gun Blaze West. The protagonists later find that he has several more twelve barrelled shotguns and dual wield them to demolish a building.
- Chao of Mahou Sensei Negima uses magic to fire a wall of bullets at her opponent without a gun. Haruna apparently followed this philosophy when designing Sayo's robot body. Then later on, she makes a gatling gun for Sayo.
- FLCL Episode 5 takes this to extreme levels, starting off with a simple duel with toy guns (and one real sniper weapon), then taking it into a duel with actual guns between Haruko and Amarao (backed up by dozens of agents), and culminating in the creation of a Humongous Mecha hand, with a hand on the end of each finger, and a different type of gun in each of these hands. Even the episode's Japanese name, Bura-bure (in the English dub, it was called Brittle Bullet) is onomatopoeic of gunfire.
- Cisqua from Elemental Gelade is armed with tons of artillery, including missile launchers and machine guns, and usually relies on ridiculous rapid-fire to fight.
- Nearly all of the characters in Black Lagoon are fans of this trope, but the Church of Violence takes this to a new level.
- Briareos from Appleseed engages a swarm of drones while wielding two large guns in his landmate's hands as well as a third, more conventionally-sized rifle in his own hands. The point of the Hecatonchires chassis is to be able to simultaneously juggle multiple weapon systems engaged with multiple targets at once.
- Rurouni Kenshin uses this when Kanryuusai, an illegal arms/drugs dealer decides to bring a machine gun to a swordfight. Kenshin can barely outrun the hail of bullets, but Aoshi gets his kneecaps shot and has to watch his loyal minions make a Heroic Sacrifice to buy Kenshin enough time to get his sword back.
- S-Cry-ed has Hannish Lightning, at least in the manga, whose Alter is a gun. Then lots of guns. Then when he hits top rank, his entire BODY is guns. Attached to guns. Quite possibly firing guns which shoot you as they hurtle towards you. As Asuka Tachibana commented, "I've got the balls, Akira's got the rod, and Hannish ain't shooting blanks!"
- One episode of City Hunter has Kaori causing destruction and mayhem in a storage complex over an orphanage. With Big Guns, Grenades, and Rocket Launchers. Never mind that she missed all the bad guys.
- Hoshimura Makina in Shikabane Hime totes around a brace of MAC-11/9mm machine pistols.
- Arnage of Huckebein from Magical Record Lyrical Nanoha Force. In the first battle we see her in, she was targetted by approximately twenty five million energy bullets. She responded by activating her Divider, which comprised of a pair of gatling guns strapped together and a multiple rocket launcher. She then proceeded to counter the entire Beam Spam barrage with a combination of More Dakka and Macross Missile Massacre.
- The "multiple-fire rifle" from Lone Wolf and Cub definitely counts. Since the setting is in the Edo period, the other gunsmiths aren't able to make more than matchlock rifles with excessive decoration, one character pushes gun technology by making a man-portable volley gun. It's a BFG with several barrels that fire at once, creating a shotgun-like spread weapon. The main character makes use of the gun several times, each time to devastating effect.
- Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann contains examples of this, most notably Attenborough's creation of a weapon that fires on every point in space time. The series CMoA page claims this is enough dakka, but is proven wrong as the movie adaptations contains even more dakka.
- Aureolus Izzard from A Certain Magical Index uses his Reality Warper powers to make his gun turn into dozens of gun barrels and unleashes Bullet Hell on Touma.
- The |Black Rock Shooter winter 2011-2012 anime is an excuse to show off how much dakka a girl can pack.
Comic Books
- War Machine has recently been adding more and more guns to his armor. For an illustration of the result, check out the picture for the There Is No Kill Like Overkill trope. In fact, Rhodey's armor now has the capability to magnetically lock any piece of machinery to itself, meaning he can repurpose any weapon he finds from downed enemies or destroyed vehicles.
- Fables came up with a fine mix of modern-day weaponry and Fable tactics: Take one flying ship (powered by flying carpets), load with all the guns that can fit and set up a chain of ammo depots around the world that can be accessed instantly by teleportation, and rain a never-ending solid wall of hot lead on the enemy armies for hours and hours.
- X-Force (New series) #14. The team is in an alternate post-Apocalyptic future and surrounded. Insane Future Deadpool's response is more handgun dakka.
- Superman: At Earth's End has a prime example of More Dakka in the form of the Expunger, a gun that consists, essentially, of multiple Vulcan cannons strapped together.
- The Punisher. Frank Castle has used an M60 medium machine gun numerous times, frequently firing hundreds of rounds out of it to slaughter his enemies. During the "Welcome Back Frank" storyline, Frank stalks a hitman hired to kill him. He notes the man is a Gunslinger who outdrew three out of four state troopers, and dodged the bullet of the fourth. Frank guns him down with a submachine gun, and notes that dodging a bullet doesn't mean you can dodge thirty of them.
- Sin City uses this a lot. When Marv is finally captured, the corrupt cops pour bullets into him from submachine guns. Another great example is the ending to The Big Fat Kill, when Dwight and the prostitutes turn an alley into a killbox, pumping hundreds of rounds into the antagonists trapped down there.
- Cable frequently carries multiple large firearms, often with an excessive number of nonsensically placed magazines. He usually fires a lot of bullets out of them.
- The Matrix likes this one. There's the memorable scene when Neo fires a minigun from a helicopter to kill three Agents, complete with gratuitous Slow Motion shots devoted to the shell casings falling from the gun. In the sequels, there's the huge machine guns mounted on Zion's resident Humongous Mecha and ships with turrets mounting dual machine guns. The Merovingian's mooks also used this trope unsuccessfully in Reloaded against Neo, who doesn't need to Dodge the Bullet anymore, so it makes no difference how many there are.
- John Rambo loves full-auto fire, starting after the first film. In Rambo, the fourth film, he uses a .50 caliber machine gun to kill the driver of the truck it's mounted on. A thirteen-round burst at a range of two or three feet was certainly gratuitous.
- The Predator series.
- Predator. In an early scene, the commandos cut down a good portion of the surrounding jungle with automatic fire from assault rifles, the famous "Old Painless" handheld minigun, and grenade launchers.
- Predator 2. When the Predator attacks the Jamaicans in the Columbian drug lord's apartment they unload a huge amount of firepower at him.
- Predators. In a nod to the first film, the Nikolai Huskie Russkie uses a handheld minigun similar to Blain's "Old Painless." He successfully kills a number of Predator hounds by shooting them a lot.
- Commando features multiple scenes with far more automatic fire than was absolutely necessary.
- It's a staple of the Terminator films to have at least one scene worshipping this trope, but undoubtedly the best and most memorable is the T800's minigun rampage against the police at the Cyberdyne building in T2.
- Hot Shots: Part Deux, parodies the need for dakka in Rambo, Commando, and other action movies from The Eighties. There's a scene where Charlie Sheen kills people just by throwing bullets at them. Part of that scene even has a "kill counter" that points out when the scene's kill count has surpassed that of other films, finally declaring the film to be "The Bloodiest Movie Ever". If that weren't enough, there's also Sheen standing in the last little bit of the boat with a couple hundred pounds of brass enveloping his legs as he decimates the Iraqi navy.
- The climactic battle of The Rundown is absolutely loaded with Dakka flying in all directions. It makes the movie.
- The visit to Udre Belicoff's in the Hitman film culminates in said arms dealer failing to kill 47 with twin light machine guns.
- The Gauntlet. This Clint Eastwood film had very decent Dakka for its time, including ballistic demolition of a house by way of massive firearm barrage and driving a DIY armored bus through a literal rain of bullets.
- The Fifth Element had the villain showing off how his shiny new gun has homing dakka. He still isn't able to kill the heroine with it.
- The federal agents in The Rocketeer are largely portrayed as incompetent bullies, but what they lack in ability, they make up for in enthusiasm. Much to the dismay of the heroes, who get caught up between the feds and the bad guy's Implacable Man.
- The "Death Blossom" attack of The Last Starfighter.
- Standard procedure in Alien S. Especially during the ambush scene, complete with machine guns and automatic firing while yelling incoherently.
- A scene in Maniac Cop 2 has the eponymous Ax Crazy Officer Matt Cordell sneak into the police station, shoot everyone in the target range and afterward abandon his gun for a much, much bigger one before going upstairs into the offices and shooting everyone, crashing through several walls (both solid and glass) in the process.
- In RoboCop, the title character's replacement/rival product is a walking metal armory, made to simply obliterate all lawbreakers.
- The Godfather: Sonny Corelone may have been a tough son-of-a-bitch, but it's hard to believe that they really needed to shoot him about three hundred times with five or so Tommy Guns from all directions in order to kill him.
- The Mobile Infantry in Starship Troopers have Bottomless Magazines in their epic futuristic assault rifles, except where the plot demands. Yhe troops in the original novel have even more dakka.
- The Enterprise in the new Star Trek movie has a lot more dakka than its original series counterpart, in the form of lots of fast-firing point defense turrets, which complement the multiple phaser banks and rapid-firing photon torpedo launchers nicely.
- The Wild Bunch is a classic example with the climactic battle with the Bunch using a heavy machine gun, an example of the modern times they have no place in, to make one final stand for some semblance of honor like the old days.
- The eponymous vehicle in The War Wagon is equipped with a Gatling Gun, to complement the rifles of the escorting cowboys, in a Wild West attempt at More Dakka.
- Der Clown? Payday: The three main villains seem to carry their machine guns wherever they go, always with the finger on the trigger, and use them almost wherever they please since they've got Bottomless Magazines anyway. It's also hard to believe that a German Sondereinsatzkommando (SWAT) would fire their submachine guns at full auto.
- In Ultraviolet, the heroine uses extradimensional space/folding technology to almost achieve enuff dakka.
- Waterworld: The hellgunner on the Deacon's barge.
- V for Vendetta. The villain brings a squad of Mooks with submachine guns along to hunt for V. The mooks even form a semicircular firing squad and open fire in unison, led by their leader's heavy revolver. It is Not Enuff Dakka.
- Troma's War: At the time, the record holder for most bullets fired in a single movie.
- One of the Graboids in Tremors makes the fatal decision to bust into the basement of the local gun nut. The firearms enthusiast, assisted by his wife, summarily proceeds to unleash his entire private arsenal on the thing.
- The Expendables is a George Lucas Throwback to over-the-top 80's action movies, and 90% of the All-Star Cast already have doctorates in Dakkanomics. For this movie, More Dakka isn't just required, it's expected.
- RED (film) loves this trope. A notable example is when a hit squad shows up at Frank's house in the wee small hours of the morning. A line of men marches toward the house with automatic weapons going full blast, the bullets tearing the house to bits. This goes on for quite some time.
- The Korean animated movie Aachi and Ssipak cannot go a single fight scene without a ridiculous number of bullets flying in every direction, even if there are only two unarmed targets.
- Sherlock Holmes 2: A Game of Shadows: Not only is there more shooting than the first movie, there's a Gatling Good gun at some point. Watson also picks up an early LMG and uses it.
- The chief tactic of the British in Zulu.
- Matt LeBlanc's Airstream trailer is machine-gunned into scrap in the 2000 Charlie's Angels movie.
- The Shadowrun story anthology Into The Shadows has a number of examples of this trope. The best is probably in "It's All Done With Mirrors", when a junkyard is attacked with "more ordnance.. ..than was used in all fifty-seven James Bond movies combined."
- Reason in Snow Crash, a 3mm Gatling Railgun powered by a thermonuclear reactor with a rate of fire sufficient to reduce boatloads of pirates to a fine red mist before they can blink and rip giant, gaping, molten holes through aircraft carriers.
- In the Dark Tower novel The Drawing Of The Three, when Balazar, a major drug lord in New York, and his cronies take on Roland (the Gunslinger) and Eddie, this trope is in effect.
- While the Vickers in Cryptonomicon doesn't have a fantastic rate of fire, it does have the ability to continuously fire a nonstop stream of bullets capable of tearing apart a detachment of German soldiers and mowing the grass just for the hell of it.
- The weaponry of the Armored Combat Suits in John Ringo's Legacy of the Aldenata series. Rapid-fire grav-railguns that have a muzzle velocity so high that if the round doesn't hit something, it'll end up in orbit. There's also the Grim Reaper suits, which apply that principle to mortar grenades and shotguns. And the Posleen, who are a race built around More Dakka.
- The War Against the Chtorr. The AM-280 rifle with EV-helmet and Laser Sight, firing hyper-velocity 18-grain needles at up to 3000 rounds per minute. Necessary as the unusual biology of the Chtorran worms makes them effectively Immune to Bullets; even though the protagonist empties a couple of magazines into a rampaging Chtorran he still doesn't kill it.
- The Honor Harrington books feature tribarrels, the largest of the major types of hand weapons. They seem to be essentially high-tech miniguns. Plus, military doctrine when it comes down to actually firing boils down to "put as many missiles into space as is humanly possible."
- Biggles once put in something called a zone call on a patch of woodland where a German attack force was hiding out. The result was every single weapon within ten miles firing on that one little wood.
- In Matthew Reilly's book Scarecrow, the bounty hunting group IG-88 use electrically powered guns that supposedly fire at 10000rpm. That is 167 rounds every second, at least five times more than the average assault rifle's magazine capacity. His third novel featured the (real) G11, referred to throughout as a 'supermachine gun'. The above example, from a later book, is referred to as a 'hypermachine gun'.
- 1632 series:
- The M60 machine gun that Frank Jackson "appropriated" when leaving Vietnam made quite an impression on the armies fighting the Americans and Swedes.
- The "lots of non-automatic guns firing" variant is employed by a Danish navy captain in bringing down Hans Richter's aircraft in 1633.
- This trope is the reason that the "flying artillery" and mitrailleuse (both based on Real Life weapons) are employed by the army and navy, respectively, in an application of rapid fire within the tech base of the time.
- Robert Rankin's Armageddon II: The B-Movie made a Running Gag out of every armed person turning up with "a rotary machine gun, like the one Blain had in Predator." He also added a minigun to Hollow Chocolate Bunnies of the Apocalypse for no adequately explained reason.
- Sergeant Patrick Harper's signature weapon is a naval volley gun, a gun with seven barrels firing pistol bullets simultaneously that was originally designed for use in naval battles to clear enemies out of ships' rigging, but the weapon's kick was too strong for most men to handle. Good thing Harper's a Gentle Giant. Naturally, Sharpe gets to use the thing a few times himself.
- Being unabashedly in the action story genre, most of John Ringo's Paladin of Shadows series makes heavy use of this trope, including a paean to Rule of Cool with several characters running and gunning with M60E machine guns, in Unto the Breach.
- Subverted in Max Brooks' The Zombie Survival Guide. In the chapter on Weapons and Combat Techniques, Brooks reminds the reader that "you are going for a head shot: one bullet, precisely placed. As the machine gun is designed for saturation fire, it may take hundreds, even thousands of rounds for one, randomly lethal shot."
- Carried over in World War Z where one of the many blunders made during the Battle of Yonkers was using automatic weapons in place of precision shooting.
- In John Ringo and David Weber's Prince Roger series, Rastar Komas Ta'Norton is a native of the planet Marduk. He has four arms, and consequently, four hands, each of which can hold and fire a pistol. At the same time. He does this while riding, well, a dinosaur. He can also do this with swords.
- In the Mack Maloney series Wingman, the main character retrofits his plane, the world's last F-16, to carry 6 six-barrel M61-A1 Vulcans.
- Thanks to his massive size, "Try Again" Bragg of Dan Abnett's Gaunt's Ghosts series of Warhammer 40,000 novels can carry around immense chainguns and the like, which is just as well due to the poor aim that earned him his nickname.
- In one episode of the Bandy Papers novels, then-disgraced WWI fighter pilot Bart Bandy joined a Canadian Bicycle Infantry Company on the Western Front during the last German offensive, which broke through the trenches and deeper into France. Every man of the company carried a Lewis Gun,, a light air-cooled machine gun, allowing the unit to stop an attacking German infantry battalion in its tracks with massed firepower.
Live Action TV
- If there is one show on TV that takes the concept of more dakka and runs with it, it has to be MythBusters. ANY episode involving firearms, explosives, incineration, or destruction in any form (and a few that don't) will be cranked up to as big and loud and damaging as possible (and possibly continue to be cranked up).
- An M134 minigun has been used twice on the show: once by Jamie to test the myth behind the phrase "easy as shooting fish in a barrel" (Adam: "Was that easy?" Jamie: "Yeah, pretty easy."), and once by Kari to test if it's possible to saw a tree in half with automatic fire (it is).
- The History Channel gives us Lock And Load with R. Lee Ermey, which is made of this.
- One episode of CSI: Miami revolved around the bad guys stealing a gun that shot so many rounds at once so quickly that it was called the "Vaporizer Gun". It's shown in action in the opening stinger.
- The defense mechanism of the eponymous ship in the new Battlestar Galactica is to simply open fire in flak mode with all of its many hundreds of point-defence guns and main batteries in all directions simultaneously, creating a 360-degree blizzard of fire around the ship which is quite effective at obliterating anything that comes near it. Another battlestar, the Pegasus, has even more dakka, armed with frontal batteries capable of putting enormous holes in Cylon basestars.
- The Galactica is on the receiving end in the final battle, when they jump right next to the Cylon colony-world and immediately find themselves being hammered from three sides by quad-barreled rapid-firing cannons.
- In the Underbelly: A Tale of Two Cities episode "Business as Usual", Ray Chuck Bennett plans to kill the Kane brothers. He does it by purchasing three machine guns and pumping a full magazine of dakka from each into Les Kane. This was too much for even veteran mobster Bob Trimbolie.
- In "The Best of Both Worlds", we see that the Enterprise-D can, indeed, boast impressive dakka. If only someone besides Worf pulled the trigger.
- "The Way of the Warrior" had Deep Space Nine show off the preparations Starfleet had made for the Dominion: dozens of torpedo launchers and phaser banks pop out and engage a Klingon battle fleet, pounding them with a combination of Beam Spam and Macross Missile Massacre.
- Super Sentai and Power Rangers have made it a regular feature for the Megazord, the Rangers' most often used giant robot, to gain More Dakka via combining with newer robots.
- On the Deadliest Warrior episode "Mafia vs. Yakuza", the Tommy gun completely obliterates a dummy restaurant with at least five slugs in each of the five dummies—and then they replay it in slow motion. More Dakka indeed.
- In Stargate SG-1, this is one of the key advantages of human projectile weapons over Goa'uld energy weapons.
- Until Dangerously Genre Savvy Anubis equipped his Kull Warriors with rapid-fire staff weapons. Then the humans switched to slower firing weapons that worked on the otherwise invincible warriors.
- The humans also use this trope when they construct their own starships. Rather than arm them with energy weapons (that comes later since they don't know how at first), they have automatic railguns. These are used to great effect on Stargate Atlantis during the Wraith attack at the end of Season One.
- The Numb3rs episode "Arm in Arms" involved a stolen shipment of guns with a frighteningly high firing rate and muzzle velocity — from which Otto calculated that the guns would overheat and explode if they were used for more than short bursts.
- In the Winter Olympics Special on Top Gear, Jeremy Clarkson substituted an MP5 for the usual rifle in the biathlon.
- Sons of Guns lives off this trope. They once linked three M-16s together to fire simultaneously.
- They also built a rig to mount and fire four MG-42s at once. The client who asked for this originally wanted it to use .50 caliber Browning M2s, but changed his mind when it was calculated that a minute's ammo alone would cost thousands of dollars.
- Deconstructed on a season 3 episode of Burn Notice where a guy attacks Michael and Sam with a MAC-10, a submachine gun that is the Real Life embodiment of More Dakka (Michael's voice-over rightfully calls it one of the most inaccurate guns on the planet). They dive behind cover and wait for the guy's full-auto Dakka to burn through the clip in about five seconds, then capture him when he tries to reload.
Tabletop Games
- The Trope Namer (and greatest example in all of fiction) of this trope is Warhammer 40,000's Orks, who like their guns to be big and loud and don't really care much about accuracy. This gives them a tremendous enthusiasm for dakka. The phrase "more dakka" itself is from a weapon upgrade in Codex Orks, "Kustom Job: More Dakka". "Enuff dakka", like "enuff choppa", is the preserve of the Ork gods, but something every Mekboy aspires to one day create.
- While fantasy Warhammer Fantasy Battle never will quite reach the level of its offspring IN SPACE, the Empire and Dwarf armies feature "Organ Guns," a kind of medieval gatling gun apparently inspired by some of da Vinci's sketches. The Skaven, however, skip straight to an all but modern version, referred to as the Ratling Gun. It has an unfortunate habit of blowing up, however. When most armies' artillery misfires, a bad roll will result in loss of the artillery piece and it's crew.
- Among all the automatic weaponry in BattleTech, there's the Ultra Autocannon which can be set to fire two bursts instead of one, the Federated Suns' Rotary Autocannon which can fire up to six, and the LB-X Autocannon which is a rapid-fire shotgun scaled up for a mech. The Clan Hyper-Assault Gauss is More Dakka applied to gauss weaponry. And in the Battletech RPG, the Clans also have manportable Gauss submachine guns. P90 railguns. Proven Alien-Killing Design + Railgun Power = MORE DAKKA.
- Shadowrun has the Vindicator minigun, loved by street samurai for the insane amount of Dakka. Usually vehicle mounted, but particularly strong trolls can use them on foot. The game is full of automatic weapons and fun ways to kill people with them.
- Feng Shui understands the need for dakka. The Autofire rules give you increased damage at the cost of an AV penalty for every three three-round bursts you throw out, and the biggest automatic weapons give you a reduced Outcome needed to put down mooks, with the biggest of the bunch being the Buro Hellharrower from the corebook and the cyber-mounted Minigun from "Gorilla Warfare," the Jammer sourcebook. Plus there are many Gun Schticks that address those in need of More Dakka, among them Both Guns Blazing and Carnival of Carnage from the main book, 10,000 Bullets and Bullet Storm from "Golden Comeback," and Who Wants Some from "Gorilla Warfare."
- GURPS: Ultratech has the Grav Heavy Needler, a rifle sized weapon that fires 100 explosive armor piercing rounds per second with superscience stabilizers that give it extreme accuracy and zero recoil. Its average damage causes instant death for a normal human hit by a single round from up to a mile and a half away. A group of soldiers carrying these have almost begun the approach towards beginning to have enuff dakka.
- DP 9's Gundam-inspired setting Jovian Chronicles has multiple examples of this. Notable examples in the personal scale are the Gauss Shotgun, which fires a rapid burst to get the multi shot effect, and a squad automatic weapon that is more than capable of cutting down an armored man with single shot, has among the highest rates of fire for a man portable weapon in game, carries hundreds of rounds of ammo, and tosses in an underslung grenade launcher for kicks. In the vehicle scale, rapid fire mass drivers are a common weapon. Even the mecha mounted sniper rifles are capable of sending out a hail of projectiles.
- Classic Traveller. Book 4 Mercenary introduced the VRF (Very Rapid Fire) Gauss Gun, an artillery weapon that fired at a rate of 4,000 rounds per minute. The ammunition bay held 30,000 rounds.
- New Horizon does allow for this kind of weapon.... but it's prohibitively expensive.
- Duel Masters: Almost every creature in the Fire Civilization.
- Zoids has Gunbluster and Brastle Tiger. At first glance, [dead link] Brastle Tiger looks underarmed with only one gun on it's chest visible. Upon opening up it's armor, every damn part of it [dead link] is a thermic laser that also is designed to melt its targets. On the other hand, Gunbluster is just mobile gun battery with twenty different types of guns.
- The line of Transformers for the Dark of the Moon film seems to encourage this with Mech Tech Weapons. The gimmick of the line is transformable guns, becoming bigger guns or melee weapons. Each figure has 5mm ports on their bodies and vehicle modes for the arming of additional weapons. Voyager Class figures take it a step further, with their guns having 5mm ports in addition to having ports on their bodies. One could have a gun covered in more guns wielded by a robot covered in even more guns.
Video Games
- Terraria has the Minishark, a "half shark, half minigun, totally awesome" automatic weapon.Which can then be upgraded to a Megashark, an even faster and more damaging weapon.And you can combine it with Meteor Shot bullets that pierce through targets or Crystal Shot bullets that explode into shrapnel on contact.
- Then its magic version, the Crystal Storm, fires a stream of bouncing magic projectiles.And one particular accessory and enough Mana potions make it so that you can fire it indefinitely.
- Since the update that allows reforging equipment, they can gain attributes that modify their stats.A "Mystical" magic weapon or "Unreal" ranged weapon hits hard at an insanely fast speed.
- A good few hours into Dungeon Siege, your standard click-to-attack fantasy game, with swords, staffs, bows, etc., you get a minigun.
- The Terran Republic weapons in PlanetSide are built around this trope. Their heavy assault gun is a miniature chaingun, and their rifle's tracers look like lasers because they fire so damn fast. And they have a 5 man armored truck with 4 20mm guns on it.
- The legendary clockwork pistol, Red Dragon, from Fable II is essentially this trope personified. It shoots as fast as you can spam the fire button and reloads all six shots in 0.75 sec. And ammunition is unlimited in the game.
- All Ratchet and Clank games feature a weak, rapid-firing basic weapon, which usually upgrades to a less weak, extremely rapid-firing weapon. The fully-upgraded Heavy Lancer in the second game fired so fast it was almost a continuous stream of bullets, and the fourth game takes it still further with the ability to add "speed mods" to guns, greatly increasing their dakka output. If even more dakka was needed, the second game onward added weapons that pop out mini-turrets.
- In the Warhammer 40,000 game Dawn of War, the Orks get upgrades called "More Dakka", which increases the damage output of their ranged weapons, and "Even More Dakka" as a secondary upgrade.
- The Ninja gun from LunarKnights is a rapid-fire, solar-powered Guns Akimbo just perfect for taking out a small army of weak Mooks charging at you. Progression through its ranks gifts it with More Dakka.
- Touhou comes close to having enuff dakka. This and Little Miss Badasses are the point of the games. The genre it's in is called "Bullet Hell" for a reason. See for yourself.
- Once you have the Chicago Typewriter in Resident Evil 4, the game is all about this.
- Resident Evil 5 lets any weapon have infinite ammo once its been fully upgraded, including 4 machine guns. If that's not enough dakka, chapter 2-3 puts Chris and Sheva in a Humvee with a heavy machine gun and a minigun. If THAT isn't enough, Chris can get another minigun with infinite ammo strapped to his back. More dakka indeed.
- The Heavy and his Gatling gun Sasha from Team Fortress 2 are a perfect example. His vast ammunition supply goes down a lot faster than you'd expect. Right down to his closing quote in the 'Meet the Heavy' video: "Some people think they can outsmart me. Maybe... *sniff* maybe. I've yet to meet one who can outsmart boolet."
- When you POOT an Engineer's Dispenser next to a Heavy, you can have More Dakka with infinite ammo as the Heavy becomes a human sentry gun.
- While the Engineer himself only uses a shotgun, his Sentries follow this pattern and Improbable Aiming Skills. At level two they get dual gatling guns. Level three adds a rocket launcher. All have perfect aim (it's an automated gun turret, after all). Add in the fact that Engies like to group their building together in one place, and you get a Sentry Nest that can stop most offenses dead in their tracks.
- The Cyclone from Perfect Dark has a secondary mode that fires approximately 2000 rounds per minute and empties the weapon's 50-round magazine in under a second. You can even get two of them without using cheats.
- There's also the RC-P120, with a high rate of fire and a 120-round magazine.
- The Reaper, aka "corridor-clearer". It takes a second to start up and it's extremely inaccurate but its firing rate is insane. You can use its rotating firing head as a melee weapon.
- Goldeneye 007 gave us the RC-P90, which held 80 rounds, and spat metal through anything. Its distinctive noise is enough to get any veteran multiplayer nervous. O
- In the final area of the second-to-last mission, the Caverns, black-suited Janus troopers show up wielding two of these puppies, which you can then use to blast anything that moves. And that's not all — the M-16 equivalent in the game, the AR-33, can also be doubled up (provided you know which monitors to blow) for twice the dakka.
- Counter-Strike also has the P90, as well as the FN Minimi Para. Both are capable of high rates of fire.
- Day Of Defeat has the German MG-42. So much dakka the barrel can overheat, which is actually how it is real life.
- The entire purpose of Wolfenstein 3D's Gatling gun, which fired a minimum of two shots with every press of the button. Then again, most people probably didn't tap the fire button (or even release it) until all enemies (save the episode bosses) understood what it meant to be on the RECEIVING end of more dakka, or they ran out of ammo. The most extreme were the end bosses, of which most would have Guns Akimbo chaingun, and was capped off by Mecha Hitler's Quad-Gatling Gun Power Armor.
- The Venom from Return to Castle Wolfenstein as well (the bodies even explode after receiving a certain amount of dakka).
- Doom's Chaingun and its imitators.
- The original design of the BFG9000 was the More Dakka principle applied to the plasma gun, itself having a higher rate of fire and higher damage than the chaingun. The BFG was changed to the single room-clearing blast because the number of projectiles released could not be rendered fast enough on even the most powerful processors of the day. And it supposedly made the screen look "like Christmas."
- Duke Nukem 3D, known for being a very Dakka-riffic game, has the Devastator, combining More Dakka and Stuff Blowing Up, with rapid-firing stinger missiles. Really only practical against bosses, though, but then it's REALLY useful.
- The Devastator doesn't appear until the late game, though. But while you wait to find one, have fun with the Ripper chaingun cannon. Triple-barrel belt-fed fun.
- Even Duke's pistol acts like it's on 3-round burst mode.
- And then came DukePlus and the ability to wield two of them. You've got what equals to a quite more damaging Ripper with a magazine capacity of 24 shots very early in the game. It doesn't have to be said that without the "improved AI" option disabled, even very late levels on Harder Than Hard become a cakewalk.
- The Russian PPSh-41 submachine gun in Call of Duty 2; 71 round magazine plus the highest rate of fire of any weapon in the game equals a whole lotta Dakka. Yes, this really existed.
- Speaking of Call of Duty, in CoD4, the mission "Heat." You know the part (Hint: It's not the beginning of said mission). There's also the Mk19 during the helicopter portions of "Shock And Awe." It's not as fast, but it's dakka with grenades.
- In CoD4 multiplayer you can get the perk Double-tap, which increases rate of fire by 50% on automatic weapons. Very silly results with already fast firing weapons such as the M249 and P90.
- Modern Warfare 2 features a HMMWV-mounted mini gun during the first mission and, later, guns akimbo. For multiplayer kill streaks, you get the afore mentioned C-130 gunship, sentry Gatling guns, even a nuke if you're really good at killing without dying.
- Black Ops also has the Death Machine, a handheld minigun that can be received as a supply drop in a care package.
- Army of Two allows Tyson and Rios to spend their hard-earned cash upgrading their weapons. As an added bonus, upgrading the dakkaness of their weapons — referred to in-game as "Aggro" — naturally results in drawing more fire from enemy troops, which is the entire point of the Aggro system.
- The Time Splitters series is notorious for mass dakka, especially since every gun has an 'akimbo' version, even the minigun. And then you can couple that with a couple other players supporting your team from turrets in assault matches.
- One example is the Monkey Gun, which fires all of the (64) shots in its magazine at once. Once you press the fire button, it will not stop firing until it runs out of bullets. I guarantee you that you will kill the person you are aiming for (and riddle his corpse with bullets) unless you really suck at aiming.
- Quake has the Super Nailgun (called the Perforator in the manual) which holds a magazine of 200 nails and cycles quad barrels. Unfortunately, its insane firing rate means burning through ammo fairly quickly.
- The (aptly named) Street Sweeper, from the Quake II mod "Weapons of Destruction". It's a chain cannon that fires shotgun shells. Especially fun to play on unlimited ammo servers. For even more craziness, the game featured incendiary and explosive shotgun shells... which could be loaded into the Streetsweeper.
- And Quake II had the hyperblaster, a very high-tier weapon with a rate of fire rivaling that of Sasha.
- And a 1800 RPM chaingun.
- Resistance: Fall of Man had the Bullseye, which had an acceptable amount of dakka for an assault rifle, but Resistance 2 finally got around to adding the Wraith minigun.
- Unreal Tournament 2004 isn't terribly dakka-happy, with even the minigun having a depressingly slow rate of fire. A few mods aim to address this; one in particular on a grounded "small" enemy and fills it full of lead.
- Even the Catacombs 3D games — where your only weapon were magic missiles fired from your hand — had a go at this with the "Zapper" powerup, which when used would release a quick torrent of the missiles. If you really knew how to play, it was almost worthless, since there was no limit to how fast you could fire normally and with practice you could reach a similar rate of fire manually.
- Heretic has the Hellstaff, and to a lesser extent the Dragon Claw. They fire fast, that's their only advantage.
- After using the Tome of Power (that enhances a weapon's power for a short time), these weapons actually lose their dakka abilities, in exchange for area-effect powers (releasing a spread of iron balls and a shower of hellfire upon impact, respectively). Most of the other weapons do gain plenty of dakka when powered up, though.
- And then there's the Firemace, with also unleashes a decent amount of dakka normally. And like the other rapid-fire weapons, it's powered-up version trades speed for power.
- The Dark Forces Saga games feature the Imperial repeater gun. Guess what it does. A lower-level substitute was the secondary mode of the Stormtrooper blaster rifle, which was even less accurate than the primary fire. Now plug that thing into the weapon supercharger...
- The plasma rifle from the original game fires almost as fast as the repeater, but each shot is a blazing ball of blue death that can one-hit-kill any standard enemy. Try it with the weapon supercharge powerup... it's unbelievable.
- And to add insult to injury, that fucker came with a secondary missile launcher, so when Dakka wasn't enough (and when is it ever?) you could break out "da boomboom!"
- A weapon supercharge with the fusion cutter weapon meant that you now had a powerful weapon with an already decent rate of fire that could now spit out a constant stream of highly damaging energy bursts, or simply keep all four barrels pumping and spreading the damage around to deserving Imperial forces. Also, while it would normally be one of the slowest-firing guns normally, it was possible to get rapid-fire, invisible, undodgeable, high-explosive energy bursts by using the concussion rifle plugged into the weapon supercharger. Most levels where it was available also came with plenty of energy powerups from enemies on the receiving end of all that dakka.
- The cover art for the game Eat Lead: The Return of Matt Hazard has a lot of dakka, as opposed to the actual game itself. Though the dual submachineguns are very useful for this.
- Vulcan Raven, of Metal Gear Solid, carries around an M61-A1 Vulcan 20mm rotary cannon from a fighter jet. I repeat, carries around a gatling gun from a fighter jet. With its refrigerator-sized power supply strapped to his back. That's about as dakka as one man on foot gets.
- The Boss's weapon of choice in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater is an assault rifle called The Patriot. Her method of using it is simply to hold down the trigger until whatever she points it at is dead. The weapon never overheats and has a Bottomless Magazines. You eventually get your hands on it... somehow... and can use it in much the same manner — although, unlike her, you can't use it to deflect incoming bullets and must wield it with two hands, while The Boss herself wields it one-handed. Which is impressive because of the gun isn't much larger than a pistol. During an exposition break, a team member comments that the recoil would break a normal person's arm.
- In a New Game+ the sheer level of having TWO Patriots in a fight actually makes the bullets EXPLODE upon hitting each other in the air.
- Command & Conquer Commandos may get even more dakka. In Tiberium Wars, the GDI Commando carries a submachinegun-sized 40mm automatic railgun. ine gun that destroys tanks, while China has Gatling tanks, minigunners, Overlord Tanks (and Helix-2 helicopters) which Gatling guns can be mounted on, and Emperor Tanks which come with building-sized Gatling cannons.
- In Yuri's Revenge, Yuri's army comes equipped with Gatling turrets that spin faster the longer they fire. To sum up: Time + Dakka = MUCH MORE DAKKA.
- Generals, being more of a modern warfare simulator, is more low-key on this, but the Chinese Gatling Tank has far more dakka than the rest of the vehicles, except for the GLA quadruple machine gun, which can be upgraded for even more dakka.
- Red Alert 3 is, amazingly enough, fairly low-key on the dakka, with the Allies being the main offenders in the form of the Hydrofoil and Apollo. However, an honorable mention must go to the Soviet's Sickle, which comes with three independently targeting machine guns. Granted, it can only bring two to bear on any one target, but the third will happily shoot at anything that crosses its field of fire.
- One of the Humongous Mecha in Robot Alchemic Drive, which transforms into a tank and carries the most weapons of the three 'bots you control, has an ultimate attack called "Fire All Ordnance." It does Exactly What It Says on the Tin.
- Metal Wolf Chaos can be entirely boiled down to slapping More Dakka on to a (not quite so) Humongous Mecha, piloted by an extremely Hot-Blooded president, who is entirely willing to use his plentiful supply of Dakka to spread his BURNING AMERICAN JUSTICE!
- The HEAVY MASHINE GUN from Metal Slug. By far the most common weapon found in the series. The eponymous tank's Vulcan Cannon also counts when it comes to obliterate everything in your path.
- Then there's the Double Machine Guns from MS 5, all of the various vehicles and animals the character's can use, Allen O'Neill and his huge machine gun, gatling rebels...
- The Alt Eisen in Super Robot Wars Compact 2/Impact/Original Generation has Shoulders of Doom containing what are giant rapid-fire claymore mines. Now that's Dakka.
- The Alt one-ups this with it's "Trump Card" attack. It's pilot, Kyosuke, unleashes the mech's entire arsenal in a series of precision timed attacks. Given that the Alt is specifically designed destroy heavily armored units and to punch through enemy lines, you can imagine how much this messes up whoever is on the receiving end (assuming they even survive it).
- Then it get's plain crazy when Kyosuke teams up with his girlfriend Excellen in their "Rampage Ghost" combo attack.
- Also, the Jiyaki GUN-Oh in Endless Frontier: A robot with Gatling guns in the arms, gatling guns on the shoulders, and two gatling guns per leg. And then some.
- The Alt one-ups this with it's "Trump Card" attack. It's pilot, Kyosuke, unleashes the mech's entire arsenal in a series of precision timed attacks. Given that the Alt is specifically designed destroy heavily armored units and to punch through enemy lines, you can imagine how much this messes up whoever is on the receiving end (assuming they even survive it).
- Serious Sam has various guns dedicated to this. The First Encounter and The Second Encounter had a Tommygun, a minigun and a quad-barrelled lasergun, not discounting the fact that the twin revolvers and rocket launcher cycled faster than most competing games' versions. Serious Sam II dropped the Tommygun and lasergun, putting in twin Uzis. Near the end of the game, The War Sequences have been escalated so impressively far that the combined output of the mook swarm on the enemy's side is a very real danger.
- BFE pays homage to this trope with the achievement "Wall of Bullets", for killing 20 enemies with a minigun without ever taking your finger off the trigger.
- In Battlefield: Bad Company 2,continuous fire from the UH-60 mounted minigun can destroy walls and other thin covers. Combined with the "Destruction 2.0" feature you can destroy buildings with your minigun. It has unlimited ammo so there's just no excuse for not firing.
- The Minigun in the Grand Theft Auto games after Vice City, and the M16 in GTA III. So much dakka they can destroy a car just by spraying it a little bit!
- Exclusive to the M16 in GTA III is the ability to double your dakka with the adrenaline pill! Normally, the adrenaline pill is supposed to enhance melee attacks and slow down everything in the game, including the firing rate of guns (but not your ability to look around)... but the M16 has a firing rate of 1 bullet per frame, which somehow isn't affected by the game slowing down, and therefore... MORE DAKKA (at least until your magazine runs out).
- That's more than the firing rate of most belt-fed machine guns. Understandably, it was Nerfed in subsequent games.
- Exclusive to the M16 in GTA III is the ability to double your dakka with the adrenaline pill! Normally, the adrenaline pill is supposed to enhance melee attacks and slow down everything in the game, including the firing rate of guns (but not your ability to look around)... but the M16 has a firing rate of 1 bullet per frame, which somehow isn't affected by the game slowing down, and therefore... MORE DAKKA (at least until your magazine runs out).
- The Anime Fighting Game BlazBlue has Noel Vermillion, a shy officer of the setting's military police armed with dual heavy calibre pistols which she can chain together combos of bullet spamming goodness, with seemingly Bottomless Magazines. Then her Distortion Drive Fenrir has her transform her pistols into a handheld minigun and then a Magitek Crossbow. Her Aerial Version has her simply leap into the air and rain shells down on the enemy, finishing up a freaking RPG!
- The Real-Time Strategy game Total Annihilation has a fun variant of this trope- in the expansion, you can build (at an exorbitant cost) Gatling artillery capable of firing clear across most maps at a rate of fire that makes the spherical projectiles... each one of which explodes with enough force to flatten multiple buildings... look more like a blinking line than discrete projectiles. If your enemy gets one of these built, you can kiss your base goodbye.
- Its spiritual sequel Supreme Commander also featured such a weapon, though its ridiculous build time means it sees little use outside of just-for-fun single player games.
- Supreme Commander also had lots of conventional examples, too: the Cybrans are all about high rates of fire with their turrets and tanks, crowning in the Scathis, but in Forged Alliance, the UEF Ravager heavy turret mounts a plasma Gatling gun. The Aeon, however, really got in on the act, with the Blaze, Restorer, and especially the Torrent Missile Cruiser, which rapid-fires missile salvoes nonstop until it has to reload. They also picked up the Salvation, which is essentially a rapid-fire artillery shotgun. And it is awesome.
- Streets of Rage 2: You'd think at least one street thug would have a gun. But no, only the final boss has a gun. Er, assault rifle. And he loves to shoot up the place (or use a ridiculously overpowered rifle butt.) He doesn't even mind shooting his own goons as long as he gets a chance to nail you.
- And then there was the first game, where the second player's police assist was a giant gatling gun that would rain bullets over the entire screen.
- Mega Man X Command Mission: The version of X's Ultimate Armour in this game rejects the "dash through the enemy" Nova Strike of the sidescroller titles in favour of letting him open up on the enemy with a good amount of firepower.
- In Mega Man Battle Network, certain power-ups give MegaMan the "vulcan" ability, which frankly means rapidfire. Geo and Omega-Xis, from Mega Man Star Force, do this automatically - the difference between weapons is largely the attack power, rate of fire, and rate of charge.
- Barret Wallace from Final Fantasy VII seems fond of this one. His Limit Break Ungar Max involves him ripping the enemy to shreds with a seemingly endless supply of bullets.
- The X-ATM092 mecha-spider in Final Fantasy VIII is taken out by Quistis wielding the landing craft's autocannon.
- Irvine's Shot Limit Break is also this as the concept is to have him launched as many bullets he has and can within a time limit. It's possible to chain up 60 Quick Shots or more in a single attack. The same concept is applied to Final Fantasy X-2's Happy Trigger ability for gunners, except without ammo limitation and shorter time limit.
- This is also the main method of attack for Vanille's Eidolon Hecatoncheir while in Gestalt Mode.
- This Trope Page is brought to you by a man riding THE GREATEST ATTACK EVER!
- The X-ATM092 mecha-spider in Final Fantasy VIII is taken out by Quistis wielding the landing craft's autocannon.
- In The Guardian Legend, the dakka output of the eponymous character's default cannon is directly proportional to the number of energy chips she is holding.
- Mechwarrior has "gunboating", a term for when you take a nice mech and load it up with as many machine guns (normally used only for anti-infantry and anti-light-vehicle purposes in the setting) as possible (creating a "gunboat"). In the early Mechwarrior titles (Mechwarrior 2), doing this gave you a disproportionate amount of firepower and would turn the game's strategy into "whoever fires first wins". Consider a medium-sized person carrying a machine gun on each arm, and two additional shoulder-mounted machine guns that can all be fired by pulling one trigger. Now say that person is now a medium-sized mecha, and multiply the number of machine guns by 3.
- This is enabled by the fact that the Autocannons (which are devastating in the novels) have a relatively slow reload rate to offset their heavy punch, while the MGs can fire an uninterrupted stream while also putting off absolutely no heat. Let's not get into their huge magazines. About the only flaw with the design was the relative lack of range-being nearly the shortest-ranged weapons in the game, the assumption was a machinegun-boat would never make it past the longer-ranged fire of a Mech armed with heavier guns.
- The smaller lighter Autocannons can compensate weight with distance and damage (While MGs have to get close, even the smallest caliber light autocannon can pick you off from a distance), the Clan Hell Horse's rotary Autocannons for the bigger calibers may pack a lot of dakka but is prone to jamming and has range issues.
- This is enabled by the fact that the Autocannons (which are devastating in the novels) have a relatively slow reload rate to offset their heavy punch, while the MGs can fire an uninterrupted stream while also putting off absolutely no heat. Let's not get into their huge magazines. About the only flaw with the design was the relative lack of range-being nearly the shortest-ranged weapons in the game, the assumption was a machinegun-boat would never make it past the longer-ranged fire of a Mech armed with heavier guns.
- Parasite Eve 2 features the M249 Light Machine Gun, one of the game's many unlockable items. Possesses the slowest reload time of all of the weapons available to Aya, but is strong, can hold 200 bullets, and awesomely high dakka output.
- The Fallout series has miniguns and Gatling laser cannons. That's self-explanatory. Duel-wielding SMGs is also a good way to put out damage early on if one has enough ammo.
- In the intro movie of the second game, a squad of Enclave troopers are pumping out hundreds of bullets with a minigun during a raid. As their target is a group of wide-eyed, sheltered vault-dwellers attempting to step outside for the first time in their lives to behold the new world , this is very much overkill.
- Fallout 3 has a unique MIRV-style mini-nuke launcher. More Dakka with miniature nuclear warheads. There Is No Kill Like Overkill.
- And thanks to New Vegas and the wonders of Modding, the Mini-Nuke CHAINGUN. Ladies and gentlemen, I believe we have achieved a new level of Dakka.
- Then somebody combined the above two and made the Gatling MIRV. Not enuff dakka, but it will do for now.
- Fallout 3 has this standardized for all characters through the V(ault-Tec).A(ssisted).T(argeting).S(ystem)., in which you may use your Action Points to shoot or melee attack faster than you would ever be capable outside it, as well as slowing time down for the duration of your attack(s) and reduce damage taken during V.A.T.S. attacks by 90%. However, your chance of hitting with it will always be percentage-based, even if you are at point-blank range from your target.
- And then the add-on Broken Steel presents you... the Heavy Incinerator wielded by the Enclave Hellfire Troopers. That's right, a rapid-fire incendiary mortar. You do not'want to be on the receiving end of this weapon, especially not with an entire army wielding these in Adams AFB. Combine it with VATS and you have a sniper-accurate heavy weapon.
- Fallout Tactics features a Gauss Gatling gun in addition to the usual miniguns. Possibly the most powerful weapon in the game, short of .50 caliber Browning M2 machine guns (for those strong enough to carry one and a decent load of ammo).
- Fallout 2 and now Fallout: New Vegas Gun Runner's Arsenal have a weapon that is a sniper rifle version of more dakka. It's the Bozar, a high power weapon that was originally designed to be the best sniper rifle in game. It was accidentally coded as a burst fire weapon with the power of a sniper weapon per bullet. It quickly became a fan favorite. You can also launch mini-nukes with it due to an exploit in Fallout: New Vegas. Also, when using this exploit, you can shoot mini-nukes from the Minigun or the Gatling Laser (which fires faster).
- In the original Homeworld, the Multi-gun Corvette has six rapid-tracking, rapid-fire mass drivers, and the Drone Frigate can spawn two dozen floating rapid-fire mass drivers.
- The Kadeshi ion beam frigates spray the enemy with 6 ion cannon beams simultaneously while dancing through a barrel roll. Cap 12 of them and watch the energy Dakka on a Taiidan capital ship later.
- The hyperspace inhibitor guarded by several tens of ion cannon frigates may count as improvised moar dakka too.
- And in the sequel Cataclysm we get a frigate, which can shred enemy fighterwings with multiple ionbeams.
- 3DO's Battle Tanx has an unintended inclusion of Dakka. The sound tank's weapon is normally a large humming "wave" extending about 30 feet in front of the tank delivering gradual damage, but through some sort of error, in Global Assault's multiplayer mode it will sometimes fire ridiculous amount of large yellow rockets instead. If you turn the turret fast enough you can create literal WAVES of rockets resembling an oscilloscope of flaming exploding death. Clearly, Mekboys need to stop trying to intentionally create more dakka, after all, the most epic human inventions like penicillin, Silly Putty, cheese, and sticky notes also came about accidentally.
- Additionally, in War Jetz they decided to do follow this trope to the letter. Not only do most planes have standard aircraft dakka, but one has it hand over fist. Because the Germans' bomber has no alternative weapon, its alt-fire AND regular bomb use button both result in their plane belching the same souped up iron bombs, and with shot upgrades, scatterbombs. That's right, a flying, arcing, dakka shotgun mortar firing 150 kg scatterbombs. You can even mangle enemy aircraft once the ironbomb becomes a scatterbomb by slowing up on the approach, flying up, then accelerating as you go down, and while climbing back up, spamming bomb+ alt-fire around the 10° mark to create a cloud of exploding death. (but not fiery) The main gun is a slow-firing howitzer, so once the second upgrade is picked up there is no more point to it.
- MDK2 charachter Kurt is equipped with a chaingun in the arm of his COIL suit with unlimited ammunition, as well as an enhanced chaingun with a faster rate of fire. Max is a robotic dog with four, gun wielding arms. He has a single unlimited ammunition machinegun pistol, and can carry 3 more machinegun pistols. He later discovers chaingun weapon pickups, enabling him to wield four chainguns with continuous fire. That's a lot of DAKKA!
- Makai Kingdom already gives you Gatling Guns and a Humongous Mecha with Gatling Guns Akimbo, then goes Up to Eleven and gives you a More Dakka attack with a single-shot rifle.
- The original Kingdom Hearts allowed you to mount up to a dozen weapons on your Gummi Ship. For a Disney game, that is a lot of dakka.
- Let's let Awkward Zombie explain it for us.
- And how about Xigbar's final move, which has him teleport all around the place while shooting at you ?
- The sequel turned it Up to Eleven with its Gummi Ship missions. Most of which involved mass swarms of enemies who could cover the entire screen in bullets. The player was, naturally, given more dakka to compensate, including cannons that fired split streams of dakka in a multitude of directions and the option to bring along two wing ships for even more dakka.
- Alpha Protocol has the Bullet Storm special ability for Dual-Wielding SMGs, which allows you to "rain an unholy amount of lead" on your enemies.
- Specifically, your magazines are endless for the duration of the ability. For the next few seconds, you are a God of War. You then have to spend a second or so reloading, but still. God of War.
- Ace Combat gives every plane a gun, and all modern fighter aircraft guns are based on the principle of More Dakka to begin with, but the A-10A stands out as it uses the GAU-8 Avenger mentioned below. In game its "point of aim" pipper appears below the nose (instead of on the nose), allowing it to perform strafing runs at slighter angles than Fighters or Multirole planes could and thus giving the pilot more time to pull up. Better yet, it works just fine (when you can connect) against planes too! And in Ace Combat 6? Infinite ammo (also available on lower difficulties in earlier games).
- All "Attacker" planes in games since Ace Combat 5 have the gun angled slightly downwards for ground attack. The A-10's is better than others though.
- Also, most Neucom planes in Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere have a pulse laser that fires even faster.
- Mass Effect gives us the talents Overkill (code name for "forget overheating, keep the trigger down and watch stuff die") and Marksman (as above, plus roughly doubles your rate of fire). Mass Effect 2 has the M-76 Revenant Light Machine Gun.
- Mass Effect 3 brought back Marksman as one of Ashley Williams' unique talents, as well as giving it to certain multiplayer classes. Combine this with the Revenant still being available and she can lay down an absolute wall of fire. Several other weapons, like the Phaeston and the DLC-only Geth Plasma SMG are also built on the spray and pray model, with the latter actually firing faster the longer you hold down the trigger.
- In Mass Effect 3, Shepard calls for this explicitly. Originally s/he thinks that s/he's just having the Normandy bomb a Reaper base but then finds out the base itself is a Reaper. S/he calls for EDI to network the Normandy's weapon systems to the entire Quarian fleet.
- Most heavy weapons in 2 operate on the 'slow firing big boom' model. Perhaps recognising a gap in the arsenal, 3 added the Geth Spitfire, essentially a plasma-firing minigun with the fire rate to match.
- Saints Row the Third. If you purchase all the respect rewards, you gain infinite ammo and no need to reload for all weapons. You can also get upgrades for weapons, culminating in better ammo. If you get all this for a certain SMG, you can endlessly spam absolute walls of fiery flaming on fire death at anyone you please. Causes justified Critical Existence Failure for most unfortunate victims of your flaming fiery on fire death. taken Up To Eelven when you (and your unfortunate victims) realize you can spam this flaming wall of leady death from cars and motorcycles. But is it enuff? Stupid question! No!
- Shadow the Hedgehog has the Chain Gun, which has an insane firing rate, is one of the most powerful weapons aside from the one-hit KO secret weapon, and provides 40 shots with every one you pick up, higher than any other weapon. You also sometimes get vehicles with their own built-in weapons, some of which have pretty good firing rates and all of which never run out of ammo.
- The Ingram from Max Payne provides a hefty quantity of DAKKA. Can be duel-wielded for even MOAR DAKKA. They do suffer from limited stopping power and reduced accuracy, but the ability to fill a 5-foot cube with bullets compensates for this nicely. There's also the rapid-fire Commando, an earlier version of the M4, and the Jackhammer, which is a fully-automatic shotgun.
- Armored Core has two flavors of Dakka: The first is the machine guns. Usually lightweight, carries a lot of bullets, standard issue.May or may not be dual-wielded For Massive Damage (that depends on which game you're playing). The second is the chainguns. Folded Gatling guns that require you to kneel (unless in a quadruped or tanks) before firing. But otherwise also carries a lot of ammo and is at least 3-5 times as destructive as a machinegun. Combining the two isn't very hard to do. There is one little catch though. This being Armored Core, in which every bullet fired costs you something, wasting ammo is a surefire way to racking up debts in missions.
- Unless you are playing in Arena mode, where the ammo is free. Mounting two Gatling guns on a mecha gives you enough firepower to obliterate every opponent and it's a good strategy to make your way in the top tier easier.
- Armored Core 4 jacks the Dakka scale Up to Eleven with hand-held, dual-wieldable chain guns. Miniguns akimbo, but easy to achieve if your AC could handle the weight (read: If you have a tank or quadruped that isn't already carrying back-mounted grenade cannons). You could always combine the two if your AC could definitely handle the weight.
- And thats not all. There are missile systems that launch several drones to orbit around your enemy and shoot him. And then there are Exceed Orbit drones, which pop out of your mech and fire at the enemy. All in all, every upgrade has the option of adding more simultaneous dakka on top of your machine guns akimbo.
- Special mention must go to the "FINGER" Quadruple-Barreled machine gun, which in turn is taken to its logical conclusion by Rim Fire, a Raven who is brave/crazy enough to actually dual wield these things.
- Mega Man Volnutt's machine gun super in Tatsunoko vs. Capcom is his machine gun arm with the switch shifted to a long stream of more dakka.
- While the "Anima Mortar" A-Gear airframe in Ace Online is limited to double barrels at most, its signature ability, Siege Mode, adds to its Continuous Fire. This makes it shoot even faster. Endgame A-Gears have enough quickfire bonuses to their weapons of choice to launch ordinance as fast as a Gatling gun. At level 92, the rate of fire triples.
- The British artillery commander from Company of Heroes is gifted the 'Victor Target' ability. This promptly fires all 25 pounder howitzers and 105mm Priest Self Propelled Guns simultaneously at the target regardless of range. People have been kicked from a game because of lag incurred from watching the results of 3 priests and 7 25 pounders firing in one use of the V-target.
- Due to Lara's signature weapons being dual Pistols, the dual Uzis function as this for her character, and were shown almost as much as the pistols in earlier artwork for the series.
- In Sengoku Basara, Nouhime can whip out a minigun from under her dress, using it to juggle enemies in the air. The gun can be upgraded to include a second barrel. Now that's Dakka right there.
- Her later-game Expy, Magoichi Saica, does this with a machine gun resembling an AK, and her Limit Break involves her spamming all of her weapons Guns Akimbo style, including pistols, shotguns, and machine guns, before finally finishing it up with a massive spread of missiles from her rocket launcher. Given how many hits she could score with these weapons, in a game where anyone without a unique model was little more than a speed bump, her attack could range from merely devastating into There Is No Kill Like Overkill. Bonus points for being able to charge her super attack frighteningly quick by, you guessed it, attacking with her machine gun.
- Dynasty Warriors 7 introduces Gatling guns as useable weapons and the weapon of choice for Guo Huai, who has a Musou Attack in which he impales an enemy upon the bayonet before juggling the enemy with bullets.
- One of Fulgore's (The Robot) fatalities in Killer Instinct is revealing a gun hidden inside his body. Then another. Then another. Then some more. Then another. Then, he fires.
- The Assault Rifle set from City of Heroes and City of Villains culminates with More Dakka, going from one shot, to three shots, to six seconds of gunfire, hitting up to ten enemies at least 17 times (complete with spent brass scattering as you fire). Since Mooks can get a toned-down version of the power as early as level 5, and Mastermind minions can earn it as well, this can result in a lot of Dakka.
- With a backup, for the Assault Rifle set, of being able to hose the same batch of targets down with a flamethrower if any of them are still standing.
- Devil May Cry has the accurate variety. Despite the fact that Dante wields dual pistols, which a) don't have rapid fire capabilities and b) should only have 7-9 bullets per round of ammo, he still manages to bring the Dakka with his magic-enabled Bottomless Magazines and Gunslinger abilities. One of the most notable abilities being Rain Storm, where Dante dives towards the ground while showering bullets downward — the initial recoil actually pushes him upward for a short distance. A second being the 4-introduced Honeycomb Fire, which causes normal mooks in the general area in front of Dante to have about as much holes in them as an actual honeycomb does. A third being the 3-exclusive Wild Stomp, where Dante stomps on a grounded "small" enemy and fills it full of lead.
- There's the Gatling gun at the end of most campaigns in Left 4 Dead. Dakka on hordes of zombies simply can't be missed. Same goes for the heavy machine gun in the second game.
- Some of Left 4 Dead 2's campaigns may have an M60 machine gun available. 150 rounds, gibs infected in one shot, and it's hands down the weapon that kills Tanks the fastest. And then there's Gib Fest, a mutation that gives all Survivors one of these babies with infinite ammo.
- The shotgun is a ridiculously overpowered implement of the gods, a zombie-harvesting monster that ejects a roaring, room-purging fountain of death. To stand next to someone using the shotgun when you are holding any other weapon is to feel shame.
- This flash game has no strategy beyond "need more dakka." And dear lord is it satisfying.
- Iji has several guns like this, though most of them fire "Nano" or "Plasma".
- Cave Story has the Machine Gun, the first weapon upgrade you can get, that on level 3 fires bullets rapidly and powerfully enough to lift the main character up into the air indefinitely. And that's BEFORE you get the upgrade specifically designed to make it fire FASTER.
- In an early Xenosaga Cutscene Kos-Mos has three triple-barreled chainguns on each arm. Most publicity shots you see of her will have her wielding 'em.
- Starting with Renegade, the Jak and Daxter games have demonstrated the awesome power of Dakka with at least one gun. Renegade has the Vulcan Fury, which tends to be Awesome but Impractical because you keep shooting targets long after they've sustained terminal damage, until you stop shooting them and they just flop to the ground. Jak 3 turned it Up to Eleven with the Needle Laser, which spams tiny electric-blue darts (which don't work like lasers do) that seek out your targets (and sometimes spin around in the air if you've dakka'd out too many); the Beam Reflexor, which has a comparatively low rate of fire until you consider that the beams ricochet around several times, permitting you to kill people around corners; and (the greatest of them all for sheer Awesome but Impractical) the Gyro Burster, which creates a spinning Attack Drone that spams out ammunition almost nonstop until it shuts down, with a really very satisfying sound. And then Jak X gave us machine guns (which come with absurd amounts of dakka), turrets (which come with absurd amounts of dakka), and an Attack Drone. When you hit full Dark Eco for your car, the turret takes a retrograde step in the dakka stakes (but hey, seeker missiles are pretty cool too), but the drone and machine gun get even worse for whoever's in their sights, complete with a metallic edge on the machine gun sound effect that makes it sound almost as satisfying as the Gyro Burster. Naughty Dog Software certainly like their dakka.
- In The Lost Frontier the starting weapon on your plane is a machine gun. That can be fitted with a maximum of like five barrels, which is pretty good when you're loading it onto something that has to be able to fly. (And the Vulcan Fury is back, with rebounding bullets. Fun for the whole family!)
- And then there's the Vulcan Cannon weapon for planes, which sprays a cloud of bullets in whatever direction you point it. Loaded onto the Gunship, which has five weapon mounts per wing, and you have the most dakka the series has seen so far.
- In The Lost Frontier the starting weapon on your plane is a machine gun. That can be fitted with a maximum of like five barrels, which is pretty good when you're loading it onto something that has to be able to fly. (And the Vulcan Fury is back, with rebounding bullets. Fun for the whole family!)
- The Wraith cannon in Resistance 2 is capable of firing 1200 bullets per minute. When in a firefight with another Wraith user, it's almost a given that you use its secondary fire — a shield — if you want to survive.
- The first game has the Hailstorm, a US designed heavy weapon that can fire the entire 200 round magazine in about 6 seconds of sustained fire. Unfortunately, ammo is relatively rare, and the secondary fire tends to be more useful (fires the entire magazine as a magnetically contained sphere that shoots off at enemies like some kind of demented turret).
- The Vengeance-Class Frigate in Star Wars: Empire At War: Forces of Corruption. Its primary weapon is quad tri-barrel, rapid-fire mass drivers. Has no shields, but thick armour, and the mass driver's can bypass enemy shields. And cloak.
- Each 'sword' is in fact an artifact weapon with abilities that range from freezing the target in place to reversing causality (The attack always kills the target. Because the weapon works so that the heart is punctured, THEN the blow lands. So you can't dodge, as you've already been hit before you are hit) to tearing a hole in space-time and wiping the target (and possibly the world) out of reality.
- The side-scroller shoot-em-up Jets N Guns has plenty of this. The most Dakka you can get comes from a weapon that consists of seven rotary chainguns, mounted together in a circle. You can use up to five of those at the same time.
- A more lighthearted example from Plants vs. Zombies. One of the mainstays of your vegetable defenses is the Repeater, which fires two peas at once. However, later in the game you can purchase an upgrade for your Repeater which allows you to upgrade them into Gatling Peas, which fire four peas at once. Might not seem like much, but it has the highest rate of fire in the game. Put it behind a Torchwood and you get flaming Dakka, able to take down an unarmored zombie in a single volley.
- In the DS version, one game mode allows you to temporarily encourage your normal Pea Shooters by shouting in the mic, causing them to briefly unleash a load of peas that puts even the Gatling Pea to shame.
- In the Flash game Endless Zombie Rampage, the best shotgun in the game is best described as a MG42 that fires shotgun shells. But there's also a Minigun for your classic More Dakka pleasure.
- Speaking of Newgrounds, zombies, and Dakka, the Boxhead games get a mention for the upgrades that get added as you crank up the kills. when you get the quad-ammo, quad-speed, longest range, that SMG becomes DAKKA DEALER, and don't even get me started on the upgraded shottie...
- Also you should try playing the game hacked Endless Zombie Rampage and use the Pancor Jackhammer auto shotgun just hold the button down trust me.
- As the trailer for the new tri-Ace RPG Resonance of Fate (Japanese title: End of Eternity) shows, the premise appears to be "JRPG + More Dakka." Sounds like a winning combination, if you ask me.
- The arcade game Heavy Barrel saw the players collecting keys and opening up chests — some of which contained the components to the eponymous Heavy Barrel. It was a massive weapon that fired a massively destructive cone of energy that would instantly kill infantry and do serious damage to everything else. Best of all the weapon had unlimited shots for a limited duration.
- Beyond the Grave in Gungrave embodies this with his two massive handguns and a coffin that has a rocket launcher and a minigun in it. One of the old magazine ads for it said "Unlimited Ammo, because reloading takes too long."
- Grave's Lv. 3 Area demolition shot in the second game (Executioner's Blood). When his standard burst/bullet dance isn't enough...
- Halo 3. "Press B to detach turret."
- You can do this in Spore, too... And be rewarded for it. Want more military power? Just take a basic shape and cover it with guns. The only downside is that while it'll be a factory of firepower, it'll be so slow it'd be moving backwards if it was any slower.
- Dungeon Fighter Online's Gunner class is practically made of this trope. One of the final skills for the Ranger involves firing a stream of bullets so fast that you can juggle enemies on top of the bullet stream, then jumping and firing bullets all around you while upside down and airborne.
- In the Humongous Mecha TPS Exteel guns have infinite ammo, but they build up heat. When heat builds up to critical levels, the gun shuts off until it is completely cool again. Generally speaking, the more damage the gun does the more heat it builds up. The starter guns do about as much damage as a handful of spitballs, but you have to really work to overheat them. On the other extreme is the two-handed cannon, the Red Eye-S, which can only be fired about three times in succession before it has to be switched out for a different weapon. Since the game includes no character collision, you and as many friends as you like can stand in the same spot and unleash all the dakka you want. Briefly.
- The Godfather has Tommygun users that will tear you a new one very often. Fortunately, you can take the Tommyguns away after you kill their users. Usually with a Boom! Headshot!. All of the upgrades to your weapons will increase the rate of fire, to the point that the level 3 shotgun "Street Sweeper" is effectively an autoshotgun. Still, beware A-Team Firing.
- A bug in the strategy game Empire Earth meant that you could customize your artillery units' rate-of-fire way higher than normal, to the point that they fired a solid arc of shells with no gaps in between. Being on the receiving end of that lead hose is not very pleasant.
- Any gun from Vladov in Borderlands are manufactured to fit this trope in particular.
- Vladov: You don't need to be a better shot, you just need to shoot more bullets!
- In the new downloadbale content pack there is a gun called "The Chopper" that fires its entire 536 round magazine with ONE PRESS OF ITS TRIGGER. That is the definition of Dakka right there.
- The true heroes of the dakka-wars in Borderlands are the machine pistols. With the right skillset and weapon, you can fire 30 or 40 rounds per second. You will spend as much times, if not more, reloading between sprays. Some types of shotguns, especially Vladof "Sweepers" can also deliver this effect.
- Doom RL has a trait which decreases firing time and another which increases the number of bullets per volley from rapidfire weapons, which combined with the no-reloading trait and a well-modified weapon can produce a quite respectable amount of dakka.
- I think the HK droids have the right idea in the deleted scenes of Knights of the Old Republic II...
"Mocking Statement: Fully armed? One can never be armed enough".
- Dakka is the specialty of Minmatar ships in EVE Online — their ships equip projectile weapons (compare to Amarr lasers and Caldari missiles), and as many of them as possible: either fast, short range autocannons or slower but heavy hitting artillery, and they put out some of the largest raw damage numbers in the game. Caldari and Gallente can use high tech rail guns and blasters but the Gallente blaster ships are the only ones that come out close (the other Gallente specialty, drones, is another trope.)
- You can fit projectile turrets onto ships of other races, too, assuming you have the skills to do so. Only Minmatar ships get bonuses to projectile turrets (and hence the most dakka), but they still have their uses on other ships; they use no capacitor energy, for instance, letting you apply that energy towards defenses or maneuverability. They can also deal all types of damage using different kinds of ammo.
- Autocannon-armed ships will combine More Dakka with A-Team Firing; most weapons systems are meant to be fired at an "optimal" range, where a hit is almost guaranteed, but autocannons' optimal range is so absurdly short that Minmatar pilots will prefer to fight within their "falloff" range - the range at which a weapon has a fifty/fifty chance of hitting its target.
- Wild ARMs: Alter Code F had a special cartridge for Rudy to fire called Gatling Raid, which would empty all of his remaining normal attack bullets against the enemy in one massive burst of gunfire. When all of Rudy's ARM upgrades are given to bullet capacity, granting him 18 bullets in one magazine, Gatling Raid becomes a contender for most powerful attack in the game, able to deal six digits of damage to certain foes.
- The default combat strategy in Aquaria. Not as much as some examples on this page, but very effective since it's homing dakka. Subverted by the Kelp Forest boss, whose 360-degree ring of bullets turns against her when you bounce it back. And the first form of the Final Boss, who has an attack that sprays shots all over the place and rarely scores a hit.
- In both StarCraft and StarCraft II, certain Terran units (Marine, Marauder) may use a "Stimpack," which increases their fire rate at the cost of health.
- A very good tactic when playing Crimsonland.
- In Syndicate having your four agents fire four miniguns at once is a reasonable amount of dakka. Still, if you persuade half the town people to follow you, lead them to a supply of weapons, then aim at a point and fire any weapon, ALL of them will fire in that direction — and they have unlimited ammo. Meaning an enemy agent can get caught in a salvo of fifteen miniguns, twenty shotguns, a couple rocket launchers and a flamethrower on top of that, all shooting continuously.
- The average player's warship in Naval Ops (AKA Warship Gunner) games can have any combination of 35mm CIWS, multibarreled miniguns similar to the Phalanx, 40mm quad-barrel machine guns, 12.7 cm rapid-fire High Angle flak cannons, or rapid-firing Pulse Laser AA guns, and that's just air-defense dakka. Other "traditional" dakka includes Gatling cannons ranging from 40mm to 406mm and 57mm High-Velocity guns that upgrade to 280mm Advanced Gun Systems. The game brings it's own special brand of dakka when auto reload systems can reload 80 cm Main Guns, vastly larger than any fitted to a real warship, in about a third a second, or apply the same technology plus the games interpretation of AEGIS to submarine torpedoes. A quad tubed 80 cm guided torpedo setup with AEGIS can lock onto 9 different targets and send 4 torpedoes, one for each tube, to each target. The next volley will be loaded before it finishes locking on again. Similar effects can be done with missiles. Gun dakka, torpedo dakka, missile dakka, still not enough dakka.
- Half-Life never really had an example of this trope, except for the expansion pack Opposing Force. The M249 PARA LMG had a 50 round clip, insanely powerful shots... It put the toughest enemies in the game to true shame, and could wipe out the final boss in less than one whole clip. More Dakka indeed.
- In Modern Warfare 2 in multiplayer, use the Vector (slightly faster)/P90(more ammo), Bling, and attach faster fire and akimbo as the gun's attachments. Now run into a room full of enemies, and open fire. Sure, this eats up ammo like nobody's business, but DAMN is it fun!
- In the Xbox Live Arcade game Monday Night Combat the Gunner class has a chain-gun as his primary weapon. Upgrading his class skill all the way adds a SECOND chain-gun on top of the first one. More Dakka indeed.
- In Just Cause 2, the player can upgrade his weapons using weapons parts found in the world. Doing so increases the weapon's damage, accuracy, magazine size, AND rate of fire. Even when upgraded to the max, there is still not enuff dakka.
- Garry's Mod. The turret tool. Crank up the shots per second to maximum. Set spread to as wide as you prefer. Bind 'Fire' for all to one of the numpad keys. Attach a dozen or two to an item with a broad, flat surface, like a metal panel from a shipping container. Pick up panel with gravgun. Fire. If your CPU and GPU don't start chugging, you have not utilized all possible dakka.
- Hellgate:London — The Bulletspammer is a marksman build that relies on a pair of rocket gatling pistols, for a base firing rate of 1200 rounds per minute. The Multishot skill briefly multiplies all fired rounds by 3 for a total of 3600 rounds per minute. The Rapid Firing skill only reaches a maximum Ro F multiplier of 235%, but can be done sooner, more often, with a damage bonus and in massive, room-clearing spreads. Rebounder skill improves the chance that stray rounds find another target, as do Ravagers which allow a single round to find up to two other targets.
- Front Mission 3: Have Ryogo in his default wanzer. Equip with a high-activation comp. Watch the ROFUP 1's and Zoom1's stack up.
- In Evolved, the player can elect to build a wanzer embodying this, first with dual machine guns, and later with dual shoulder mounted Gatling guns. It's possible to have four automatic weapons on a Wanzer for the largest volume of fire, though the amount of recoil suffered in the process, and the Overheating problem incurred by full-auto weapons, makes this Awesome but Impractical.
- Invoked in Enter the Matrix; a NPC says that automatic weapons are especially effective against agents, as the sheer number of bullets are difficult to dodge.
- Vehicles in the Lost Planet series' (called Vital Suits) have detachable weapons. The most common is a Gatling Gun. After taking a gun, you may carry it on foot. However, the real use for this is doing the reverse, i.e., attaching the gatling cannons to both sides of the VS. The result is an Awesome Yet Practical barrage that can mow through every enemy in the game (and is a very viable strategy for online multiplayer). The same thing can be done with any other weapons, like Giant Missile Launchers, Sniper Rifles, Rocket Pods or even Lasers. Couple that with Multi-Seater VS' and you get a giant mobile fortress of More Dakka (although those tend to have only one detachable gun and a smaller machine gun).
- This is the role of the Gatling turret in Guns of Icarus. It has a short range and doesn't deal much damage, but it can spam lots and lots of bullets, which makes it useful for taking out large groups of weak enemies.
- As it turns out near the end of Red Dead Redemption, this is John Marston's only weakness: two dozen guys with semi-automatic rifles firing at him all at once.
- The machine-gunners' strategy in Alien Hallway is to spray as many bullets as they can into as many aliens as they can.
- Jax from Mortal Kombat frequently has this, sometimes as a gun for a special move and sometimes in his bionic arms for a Fatality.
- The weapons of Kid Icarus: Uprising, most notably the blades and claws.
- E.Y.E.: Divine Cybermancy has More Dakka in several flavors. The BK13 dual pistols have a setting for fully automatic fire, which quickly empties both magazines. The Sulfatum minigun fires a solid wall of lead with a 500 round drum magazine. The penultimate example of dakka is the HS010 submachine gun, which carries a 100 round magazine. In its standard fire mode, it fires far faster than the fastest gun in most other games. And it has a fire mode that triples the fire rate. When you do that, the already abysmal accuracy drops to the point where the gun could barely hit the broad side of an aircraft carrier, and recoil causes your screen to spaz out. Good thing you can buy an implant to remove recoil entirely when activated.
Web Comics
- The mice during the demon's invasion in Furmentation call in for more dakka when their mommoths...are dwarfed by what appears to be a Charizard.
- Riff from Sluggy Freelance is a big believer in having more dakka. His opinion on a truck full of shotguns, grenades, laser cannons, and stake-firing Gatling guns? "Party favors."
- Schlock Mercenary has "The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries" which includes such rules as:
- Maxim 34: If you're leaving scorch marks, you need a bigger gun.
- Maxim 37: There is no 'overkill'. There is only 'open fire' and 'I need to reload'.
- Maxim 60: Any weapon's rate of fire is inversely proportional to the number of available targets.
- Schlock Mercenary also has such things as this little gem. The note says it all:
Note: The rotating barrel assembly on the Strohl Munitions Short-barrel handcannon may give the user a wicked pinch if the weapon is held incorrectly. This makes it an unpopular selection for many military forces. Also, it can be configured to send anywhere between five hundred and five thousand projectiles per minute downrange with great accuracy, making it an exceedingly unpopular selection for the enemies of many military forces.
- Ranger from Eight Bit Theater manages to achieve this by firing three arrows from one bow. While quad-wielding. This broke Sarda's brain.
- Vulcan Raven's take on the subject in good old The Last Days of Foxhound:
Raven: Subtlety is a thing for philosophy, not combat. If you're going to kill somebody, you might as well kill them a whole lot.
- Freak Angels: One character has a steam-powered gatling gun that fires massive metal arrows.
- "More Ammunition Than God" in the Bob and George Mega Man subcomic Jailhouse Blues. Obtained from
Obviously Compensating for SomethingArtillery Man. - Very useful against Zombies as shown in this page from the comic Dead Winter.
- Shauna from Legostar Galactica wields a minigun in this strip. It even goes "Dakka dakka dakka dakka"
- The Whiteboard: During the Zombie Apocalypse storyline in 2010, Doc and Roger roll out in the APC from Alien, with 50,000 rounds of .50cal ammo for the turret guns. It's not specified, but given their propensity towards spam attacks, it's doubtful much (if any) of that was left by the time they were done ripping up the zombie hordes.
- Regular paintball guns also get this kind of attention, though much of what's portrayed in the strip would be completely illegal on any reputable paintball field on the planet.
- Jericho Jive [dead link] definitely has more Brakka.
- In Homestuck, Lord English's pool cue cane can transform into a "super deudly" sniper rifle with which he proceeds to go BRAKABRAKABRAKABRAKABRAKABRAKA on poor Hussie.
Web Original
- The Salvation War appears on the surface to follow this trope, with how much hell ends up being rained down on Hell in the first book. The second book however reveals that the key element of dakka, ammo, has actually run precariously low by the end of the first book, and there's no "magic" quick-fix for rapidly rebuilding the ammo stocks any time soon.
- Michael-lan mentions this trope by name:
Michael-Lan almost snorted with laughter. "If this was human work, you'd be dead. The favorite expressions of humans where killing is concerned are 'if some is good, more is better', 'nothing succeeds like excess' and 'more dakka'. If humans wanted to kill you, you wouldn't just be dead, your body parts would be strewn over half the Eternal City. This wasn't human work, this was somebody else."
- The FTO rely on this in the Kate Modern episode "Answers", spraying bullets everywhere while yelling "We will bring down the Order!" They still manage to screw up.
- More Dakka is Serious Business.
- Along similar lines, this parody motivational poster. "Brute Force: If it doesn't work, you're just not using enough."
- This pic illustrates this trope when combined with an Incredibly Lame Pun and a Morally-Ambiguous Ducktorate.
- It has been stated in some sources that Rei follows this philosophy. Also, Marikos loves chainguns.
- If you want to know just how much dakka you can put into a single gun, this picture must come pretty close.
- Sniper from the Global Guardians PBEM Universe is a Punisher-style vigilante who uses gym-bags full of guns. He thinks of himself as a hero; most of the heroes see him as a villain.
- Dead Fantasy has Yuna unleashing a storm of bullets that even the most hardened Bullet Hell veteran would be unable to dodge after Tifa provides the team with some handy Haste magic.
- From the pages of Deviant ART, we get the NED. More Dakka indeed.
- In one episode of Dragon Ball Abridged, Vegeta screams "Dakka, dakka, dakka!" while doing a Beam Spam attack.
- Things Mr. Welch Is No Longer Allowed to Do In An RPG
58: Expended ammunition is not a business expense.
Western Animation
- In an episode of Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Carl, after being harassed by a murderous family of robotic cloudcuckoolanders, asks them to play "Count the Bullets". Then he whips out the minigun.
- In The Simpsons episode "The Cartridge Family" (which generally pokes fun at America's gun culture — both sides of, no less) we see an NRA meeting where Moe explains how "with a few minor adjustments you can turn a regular gun into five guns!". None of them are automatic, though. Moe has his regular shotgun in the centre, with four others around the barrel of said shotgun, held in place by pieces of metal. There are four strings that run from the shotgun's trigger to the four other guns. Moe really doesn't like people staying in the bar too late.
- Many Transformers, especially the god Primus from Cybertron. He's a robot that transforms into a planet the size of Saturn. In robot mode he's equipped with shoulder-mounted cannons, shoulder-mounted missile pods, wrist mounted twin barrel guns, and huge gun racks for legs with missile launchers, more missile pods, cannons, and such goodies. And did we mention he's the size of SATURN? Other people feel proud because they have 40mm cannons. He has 40Mm cannons! That's Megameters, or 1,000,000 meters. If you give him four space-exploring spaceships, and he'll merge them into the Ark, which in itself is a Mother-Of-All BFG's with the power to close a universe-eating black hole!
- Rhinox and his Chainguns of Doom.
- As befitting an intergalactic arms dealer, Animated Swindle understands the need for moar dakka. In addition to his arm-mounted gun, he's got two over-the-shoulder guns, a gatling gun in his chest, and his hands both change into two twin-barreled guns.
- Transformers Prime brings us Skyquake, who's primary weapon is a Transformer-sized laser gatling cannon.
- The Star Wars: Clone Wars miniseries has two main elements: incredibly awesome feats by the Jedi (and Grievous), and dakka. Unlike the movies, every single weapon is on full automatic at all times, and the most common tactic for both Republic and Confederacy is to place their army in front the opposing army and fire repeatedly until one side stops moving. Even the red shirts use BFGs, like a chest-mounted quad-barreled anti-ship cannon (a similar type is later seen mounted into the Millennium Falcon for point defense). Reaches its peak in the fourth episode, the Republic battle tanks possessing so much dakka that they mow through whole city blocks in mere seconds.
- In Star Wars: The Clone Wars series this trope is one of the main reasons the Separatists have any victories at all.
- In Ben 10 Alien Force an "engineer" for the Forever Knights designed a "space ship" that's just a cockpit and frame with every alien weapon they owned stuck onto it.
- Toward the end of season four of Teen Titans, the Titans are defending the tower and Raven from a resurrected Slade and his flaming demonic army from hell, and as a finishing blow Cyborg brings out a version of his Sonic Canon that seems to be bigger than he is and proceeds to wipe out the entire army, which the Titans together had been unable to beat until then, in one shot (which also drains all of the electricity from Titans Tower and most of Cyborg's own battery). (Well, he almost wipes the army out...)
- An episode of Storm Hawks features Snipe constructing a new flagship with a lot of blasters. In true More Dakka spirit, he is never satisfied, and constantly demands that more be added. This is lampshaded several times, when his subordinates point out that it is now too heavy to fly.
- In another episode, Piper convinces a band of scavengers to help her, and they do so by building a new ship out of whatever they can find — the end result is a couple of engines and mostly weapons bolted together.
- Used hilariously in one episode of Metalocalypse, where Dethklok took a trip to the Amazon. In order to make a clearing to drop the gigantic boat that would be transporting the band, Dethklok has the Klokateers destroy a gigantic portion of the forest using several high-caliber Vulcan cannons and rapid-fire rocket launchers, tearing apart the local wildlife and Crozier's soldiers. The boat landed waaaay off target.
- Aeon Flux was introduced in her first short on Liquid Television producing a notable amount of dakka—also featuring close-ups of the weapon and ejected shell casings.
- Being a supervillain, Gru from Despicable Me understands the importance of dakka. Watch a beautiful demonstration here.
- Robot Chicken:
- A sketch advertising the NRA to kids has a father take his son hunting. The kid takes a disturbing like of the sport and proceeds to blow the shit out of everything, including using grenades and "Ol' Painless", a gatling gun.
- Another sketch has a man beset by a werewolf, which he shoots. The werewolf tells him he should have used silver, but the man picks up a gatling gun and blasts the wolfman to mush. It doesn't end up working - he should have, in fact, used the silver bullets.
And that's still not enuff dakka.